The History of HT (A Discussion)



  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Gen1 here. I started on Harshlands server and moved to HT.

    I rolled a barb here and have never looked back. It was fun being a lowbie and even some of the 5X's and 6X's seemed like gods to me back then. I remember my guildie was a 54 barb and he helped me with a mini-boss, the bird that flies above Stairway to Heaven. He one-shotted the adds and 2 or 3 shot the boss. I was in total awe.

    I stopped playing the barb seriously after I hit 91 so I could level my archer. Now I'm on to the veno to level her. It's kind of funny how when I was leveling the barb how people would squad to kill quest mobs and now it's not uncommon to see a 7x cleric in squad with a 2X of any class, helping with quest mobs.

    I made a lot of good friends back in those days, simply from questing with them. And now most of them aren't playing anymore.

    Same, I love being a Barb, but I can't see myself making an alt yet. There is so much to do still. I also agree on the friends old friends are gone......

    Its just not the same anymore.b:cry
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    you have me, your new best friendb:flower

  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Gen 1 here (oct 2008).

    I'm not sure I would want to go back to the days where doing WQ was a real ordeal, having to find every location on the map, from written notes. I remember having time do to my laundry, cook supper and what not during WQ and still, I wasn't finished. I must admit I'm a slow-poke legend tho, even today, even with Holy Path and maxed wings.

    From the start I was determined to build a successful FAC and was hated for refusing to get rez and later, refusing again to level it above 3. Back then, every cleric was someone's pocket-slave and I didn't like that: BMs QQ'ing about their ticking charms was a daily occurence, party wipes blamed on the cleric (I only acted as a second cleric back then), TT mats unfairly distributed, etc etc. There may be greedies nowadays but back then, there were also quite a few scammers, KSers and well, bullies. But in general, people were nice.

    I like how the game has evolved, I guess it suits any style. I still do my quests (tho I'm a bit behind), justice quests and general grinding. I only run BH's when I feel like it: I don't believe in power-levelling. Same thing with my lev 80 Psychic.

    The only thing I miss is the charms at 340K.
    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    First off, I don't want this thread to be locked, so keep your flames or whatnot elsewhere. It's a thread to discuss our beloved HT and to have random chats with other players within HT (mainly those who actually go on forums). :D

    To start off, as someone had stated in another thread in the General Discussion section, PWI is made up of 3 generations:

    Generation 1: The "old" players that have been in the game since the beginning and had to grind (or zhen & fish) for their current levels and rank/gear. They are the ones who got to experience PWI before it became cash shopped based to survive. You know this game since:

      6 classes - 2 human, 2 untamed, 2 elven
      Gold was in the 100k price range and when it hit 200k you'd shout at the GMs
      Zhenning & fishing was the way to level without quests
      PKing amongst factions still existed due to low cost of charms & guardian scrolls
      Getting to level 60 and having the TT60 weapon was awesome
      Twilight Temple mats are expensive
      Being level 80+ was god-like

    This would be my generation.

    I played PW a year or two before PWI came out, on the malaysian version (<--- isn't malaysian but it was the only global version at the time). Then a new fresh company came out called ''perfect world entertainment'' and announced their first release: Perfect World International, a few months before closed beta.

    I then proceeded to join the closed beta and spent most of my time flying and hanging around a bit until I met my first faction there (anybody remember Phoenix b:question).
    At that point I started levelling a bit with the 50 free gold we got in closed beta for charms, fashion, whatever (anybody else remember the Strider's Vestment being the hottest trend? b:laugh). Got myself to level 20 to wear my trial weapon and wear a strider's vestment, and then closed beta ended with their boss event.

    I still remember that event as the best PWE ever put out.
    It started at Pierced Heart Lake where they spawned several (20-30) fb19 scorpion bosses and as a finale a special mob, looking sort of like gargantakong and level 75 I think (almost nobody got past 20 in CB).

    The event then proceeded to Lost City where they spawned more fb19 bosses...
    ...only literally HUNDREDS of them, Lost was absolutely stuffed with scorpions, you could barely make out the players.

    And we killed them. The grand finale: Mantavip Scout (or whatever they renamed it to now). A huge level 75 boss in the middle of Lost. All us lvl 20's crapped their pants that moment.

    And we killed it.
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Personally, I'd love a new server that was limited to the Gen 1 stuff (plus charms, fashion, newer mounts, and tideborn)

    which means: old version FF, old version Lunar, TTs with more mobs, no blessings, no packs, no orbs over +5 through cash shop, no easy ways to get oracles, and not sure on yes/no for genies

    Yes, I'm Gen 1 regardless of the current fishy state. Originally hung out regularly with djkinetic, Niefer, Phatius, Wintercas, and a few others in the original Evolution group, though I did mostly miss their original fishing days since I was averaging about 7 levels behind the bulk of my friends which would make me a gen 1 phase 2 fisher... When we were able to get full parties for fishing regularly and I'd sit there 8-12 hrs a day on scroll just taking whoever joined the group and if anybody left for longer than to repair/clear inventory in sumor camp, or a <5m bathroom break, they were replaced with the next person hovering overhead waiting for a spot to open in the fishing group. I remember Wargasm in wc bragging about being the first to hit 50 then being shot down by a level 53 who didn't care enough to brag, then people bragging about Blessing hitting 70 a week or so later while Dwodin sat there quietly at level 77.

    The great days of pwi when people had to try so hard to get a cleric for the first dozen or so fb 69s that I got taken on my first 69 at level 42 and my second at 45 before I started actually grinding and leveling in earnest.

    I remember Pinokio laughing at me on Lypi for using pdef shards in my 90 gear because 1v1 with a cleric in a duel, I'd usually lose by 400 hp or so then after I was in about 6 serious pvp tws a dozen other clerics in those guilds swapping their gear to half pdef shards because I was such a ***** to kill. Then 6 months later, BAM! Anni packs, and 2/3 of my closest friends quit because the game had become so financially imbalanced, and I'm still sitting here, dredging along because so much of the fun of leveling and earning your gear was immediately sapped out of the game at exactly that point.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I remember Wargasm in wc bragging about being the first to hit 50 then being shot down by a level 53 who didn't care enough to brag, then people bragging about Blessing hitting 70 a week or so later while Dwodin sat there quietly at level 77.

    I remember that distinctly. I was on my cleric, defacto, in Anglers Village after collecting mats for my faction. We saw the WC and everyone in TS was like "what the ****, how do these people level so fast?"

    Funny...I don't know what anniversary packs are. I should totally stop posting on this board.
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Gen1.started as a cleric,deleted and moved to this archer.
    I stopped for quite some time because of a major exam.
    Ahh,I remember once where people actually WC'ed to see who was higher level.
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    I was in TE2 then Dragons, my 1st TW faction, thats the oldest guild on the server btw. Radiance was made during the 1st day of HT but a bit later that day XD

    At that time, only TE, Evo, Dragons, Rad and Elysium were on map.

    Debatable: QuestSeek was made early on day 1, we just never spammed WC or did any TW or PvP.

    I'm Gen-1, a year on MY-EN Oracle Server, then moved to PWI at Closed Beta to get away from PvP. Created my characters as soon as Open Beta started, so I could get the nice names I wanted:
    I got "Hunter" and "Slash" for instance, besides "Prowler" which has been my main on many MMOs.

    I think what I miss most is not generation-1 stuff, but the days before BH. Back then one could get squads for almost anything, even casual runs as opposed to objective-driven "projects". Now, look for a squad for almost anything, and the response from everyone seems to be "sorry, BH".

    My best memories would have to be of doing (non-simplified) Frost runs with just me and one other veno who was level 7x (Niall), and we'd be "borrowing" a cleric and archer to help us kill the flyers in the one corridor that had them then.

    Oh, and even before that, 6 or 7 hours bumbling through TT1-1 with a squad of 50s and 60s. The newest generation will never experience that, with the new 4 hour limit.

    This game kept me sane through a really difficult time in my life, and I owe PW for that. I'm here for the long haul and play nearly every day, though not often logged in on my main. Not happy with what the PW marketing and sales departments are turning the game into, but I guess this is how it will be.

    Hiya all you old-timers!

    Warm Regards
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Kossu - Heavens Tear
    Kossu - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    My best memories would have to be of doing (non-simplified) Frost runs with just me and one other veno who was level 7x (Niall), and we'd be "borrowing" a cleric and archer to help us kill the flyers in the one corridor that had them then.

    That actually DOES mean simplified frost runs... This means solo FF instead of squad FF (which was oddly built, since it needed 90+ to have even hope, when equips were at 85, but hey, theres warsoul at lvl 80 too...) I'm sure Lypi would be interested to comment on this.
  • Cannibuss - Heavens Tear
    Cannibuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ewwww its kossu :>

    I'm a little dysfunctional, Don't you know?
    If you push me, It might be bad
    Get a little emotional, Don't you know?
    You could fool around and make me mad

    Cannibuss can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Here are the ones that I remember.

    Something that starts with an 'A'. Arena?

    You forgot Caesar and Assault and Legion well you forgot the others that they mentioned too. Lets see you forgot Belial and ..............who was that one that got the yellow terf down in the bottom right corner around Caesar's hay day? There are lots and lots of others :P but I suppose you don't remember them.
  • Rocky - Heavens Tear
    Rocky - Heavens Tear Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited June 2010

  • ahhao
    ahhao Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Enlighten, Legion, Roadkill?
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited June 2010


    Thank you that was the one I was thinkin of

    and ahhao I had actually forgotten RoadKill xD novel me forgetting such a thing. :) thank you for reminding me.
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    TheCore got land once didnt they? and Ragnaroc got land for 1 week

  • Ihnamere - Heavens Tear
    Ihnamere - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Genesis ^.^
  • KingTank - Heavens Tear
    KingTank - Heavens Tear Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Here are the ones that I remember.

    Something that starts with an 'A'. Arena?

    Avengers b:victory
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ultra and Scarlet too.

    I do not miss the lack of autopath. One of the greatest patches ever when that was introduced. I do miss almost everything else though b:surrender
  • Rocky - Heavens Tear
    Rocky - Heavens Tear Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    10 char
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    10 char

    and Dungeons
  • Rocky - Heavens Tear
    Rocky - Heavens Tear Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    funny u say that, "dinosaur" had a land for sometime
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    funny u say that, "dinosaur" had a land for sometime

    dont forget that guild called Duck
  • Rocky - Heavens Tear
    Rocky - Heavens Tear Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    devastation too .. at some point
  • FrostFlower - Heavens Tear
    FrostFlower - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Generation 1 here. Started the game when it released and played CB.

  • Rivulet - Heavens Tear
    Rivulet - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I am the history of HT.
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    My Generation > All others.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • Celric - Heavens Tear
    Celric - Heavens Tear Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    hahaha I remember this!!!! Good ole redname too :)
    Year's have gone by.

    Got Rice?
  • Cannibuss - Heavens Tear
    Cannibuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    riv and frosty... lol fun times back in rad.

    I'm a little dysfunctional, Don't you know?
    If you push me, It might be bad
    Get a little emotional, Don't you know?
    You could fool around and make me mad

    Cannibuss can achieve invisibility and dismember opponents with no warning. By the time you see him, your eyes may no longer be connected to your face.
  • NaturalSin - Heavens Tear
    NaturalSin - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Gen 1: Started playing November 08'. Was in TCE where I grew up. RoC, Evo, Rad, TE were tops in the server. Genesis, Elysium, Roadkill were there too...may be a couple I miss but TCE just fought with Genesis.

    Saw TE fall apart while in TCE. Went to Evo around Jan. 09' after TCE fell apart...shortly I joinedEvo. RoC R***s Evo and 1/2 it's members lost. RoC tries to wipe out Evo while Evo is trying to hold on to land. I remember the Hong/Pepper feud. Joining Evo, Rad, or RoC was at 60+.

    RoC disbands to go to ****...Evo and Legion fight and Evo sees it as legion ruining their alliance. Triad beats avengers and grows larger every week. Legion joins Evo-Evo has epic battles losing 3 times in a row against Triad then finally wins one against them to regain misfortune. Evo then loses many of their members (including me) at this time due to internal ****. Radiance already lost many members and formed Tao with many going to Enrage. Enrage takes over Evo and cuts off Triad.

    Joined Tao in May 09' (Edya was very sweet) crashes in June...came back and joined Partywipe in July...quit shortly into August.

    I remember gold at it's lowest around 88K. GC's were at 250K (I remember the Charm packs being taken out in winter 09')...that's when it rose to 300-450K. Quit just before gold went to 120K. I remember grinding at Butterflies, fishies and zhenning at spiders. Frostland was annoying and somewhat difficult. I guess Lunar is hard still but seemed almost impossible back then. Being +3 or 4 to your armor was frikkin awesome!

    I remember my friends in TCE, Evo, Partywipe and Tao. Miss you all and hope you're all having fun. Miss vent and funny karaoke.
  • _evil_angel - Heavens Tear
    _evil_angel - Heavens Tear Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited June 2010