Top five guilds



  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1. Kylin/Zulu
    2. Kylin/Zulu
    3. Crimson
    4. Kingdom
    5. Evoke

    i guess this list will be finalized next week when kd atacks crimson, but i think crimson will win
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Thailer - Harshlands
    Thailer - Harshlands Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And for the 2010 TW draft Kylin selects:

    1. Ligeia
    2. Taboo
    3. Mallizi ( contract in work)
    4. TBA
    5. TBA
    6. Free Agency Seraphail
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    to be honest you dont know if crimson will win.
    if you keep getting lucky with TW at same time as evoke..then yes
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i guess this list will be finalized next week when kd atacks crimson, but i think crimson will win

    I would hope they can.....even more people left KD, so we should be pushing 25 members next week for TW.
  • Tiphreth - Harshlands
    Tiphreth - Harshlands Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And for the 2010 TW draft Kylin selects:

    1. Ligeia
    2. Taboo
    3. Mallizi ( contract in work)
    4. TBA
    5. TBA
    6. Free Agency Seraphail

    Ligeia is in another guild already, Mali is coming to it eventually. Taboo too, like it or not.
  • Os_city - Harshlands
    Os_city - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    "Ligeia is in another guild already, Mali is coming to it eventually. Taboo too, like it or not."

    If this is true im sorry to hear it and i realy hope kd can bring some members to att on crimson next week ty
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    its one thing to not be the best, its a completely different thing to not even attempt to change for the better or accept help. b:bye
    I'm perfectly content to let them think they're great. I realized that I don't really care if they improve.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Bloop - Harshlands
    Bloop - Harshlands Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm perfectly content to let them think they're great. I realized that I don't really care if they improve.

    They've been going downhill ever since they decided to KOS 2 people over an HH60 weapon. b:laugh
    60 / 250.
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    How is there ANY QQ or feeling sorry for ourselves?

    God you people are stupid. I'm highly amazed that you manage to use a computer at all with the kind of intelligence your posts and responses show. You miss the point of people's posts time and time again and just try to spin things to fit whatever you already planned as your oh-so-witty response in your head.

    I need to stay away from the forums or the stupid is going to rub off on me.

    You fail to grasp the points in my post, yet you speak about stupid people b:shocked
    how about you leave KD, uninstall PW and cancel your internet account..
    we don't want you spreading stupidity across the internet..
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    All you said in your post was that we were QQing and that other guilds had been there so why are we QQing. My first sentence responds to that point and the rest of it is about the forums in general.

    I don't see how that's "not understanding the point of your post" when all your post said was "stop QQing lawl."
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    All you said in your post was that we were QQing and that other guilds had been there so why are we QQing. My first sentence responds to that point and the rest of it is about the forums in general.

    I don't see how that's "not understanding the point of your post" when all your post said was "stop QQing lawl."

    How about stop complaining and make the best of it?

    All i see is you, taboo and some other KD members saying that TW isn't fun and that you cant get the members to fight off crimson+evoke.

    So what? KD have been getting tons of tw money for how long?
    you sound like the kid that has his candy taken away.
    like i said before, take your losses and rebuild
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And once again you completely miss the point of our posts.

    The only thing I have posted in this thread is that CRIMSON IS NOT GETTING STRONGER. I am not QQing about KD dying and I am not QQing about losing land. Someone from Crimson posted saying that they're getting better which is just a grossly misinformed statement and I felt the need to correct it. Should have just kept my mouth shut, though, since everyone on this forum has the maturity and intelligence of a third grader.
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And once again you completely miss the point of our posts.

    The only thing I have posted in this thread is that CRIMSON IS NOT GETTING STRONGER. I am not QQing about KD dying and I am not QQing about losing land. Someone from Crimson posted saying that they're getting better which is just a grossly misinformed statement and I felt the need to correct it. Should have just kept my mouth shut, though, since everyone on this forum has the maturity and intelligence of a third grader.

    b:shocked mimimi, you should rage more

    there you go with your CSed lvl 102 char, now go use that CC to lvl 103 b:sad
  • _Saika_ - Archosaur
    _Saika_ - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:shocked mimimi, you should rage more

    there you go with your CSed lvl 102 char, now go use that CC to lvl 103 b:sad

    ... just wow! @some ppl...
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lololol I think it's a well known fact that I don't CS and I am just a no lifer.

    I was 94 before BHs, 97 before FC, and 101 before hypers. So please, kiss my ****.

    And yes, that was my whole point. KD is getting weaker and Crimson wasn't getting stronger. They are however NOW getting strong with an influx of members but I don't know if that will help their TW strategy any.
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lololol I think it's a well known fact that I don't CS and I am just a no lifer.

    I was 94 before BHs, 97 before FC, and 101 before hypers. So please, kiss my ****.

    And yes, that was my whole point. KD is getting weaker and Crimson wasn't getting stronger. They are however NOW getting strong with an influx of members but I don't know if that will help their TW strategy any.

    lol no lifer is even worse, how about some sunlight?

    and btw Crimson is getting stronger, and btw it was the same with KD a while ago. but then its ofcourse different. anyway i dont give a **** lol. have fun in KD while it lasts. i guess you can go to KY or zulu when KD is without lands, since you're lvl 102.
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What if I have some horrible condition that makes sunlight like poison to me? :o Or skin cancer? You just wished death on me! b:laugh

    I wouldn't be caught dead in KY or Zulu. Post on your main next time, coward. b:cute
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What if I have some horrible condition that makes sunlight like poison to me? :o Or skin cancer? You just wished death on me! b:laugh

    I wouldn't be caught dead in KY or Zulu. Post on your main next time, coward. b:cute

    like you would know my lvl 39 main b:chuckle
    never got it higher on pwi, couldn't bear to level another char after PW CH, MY and MS
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Seriously Taboo, point is we ARE getting better whether you see that or not. You don't see our members, you don't know how we are run. If you wanna keep bashing Crimson cuz of "how we aren't improving", all I can say is wow, pity. Makes you look more and more greedy and ignorant once you start these little temper tantrums.
    No one's asking you to run Crimson or how it should be run, so let us be, and worry about your own faction.

    they not saying you arent better, they are saying you cannot state whereas you are better or not based on TWing against KD which is basically dead.
  • TrueJustice - Harshlands
    TrueJustice - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I genuinely hope you fail at each and every one. If by some stroke of unfavorable luck you manage to take a piece of land, I hope you realize that you did nothing to earn it.

    Wow KD let crimson win and they sent their best people to Evoke war... and your crystal was down to like 300k hp.... while ours was at 12mil hp. Evoke is not as old as KD and we don't have your TW experience, so what? -.-
    We are getting better with every tw and gain more experience + get stronger players.
    Cry more kingdoms b:victory
    Seems like changing to rpk didn't help KD much.
    Your TWs are a joke, you are unorganized and never improve, or change your strategy.
    I bet kingdom's first TWs were super pro and none of you did mistakes, gz.
    And I doubt you had to fight super rich and overpowered factions, back then.

    Some people here live only for TW and care so much about the silly lands... which is kinda sad.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Wow KD let crimson win and they sent their best people to Evoke war... and your crystal was down to like 300k hp.... while ours was at 12mil hp. Evoke is not as old as KD and we don't have your TW experience, so what? -.-
    We are getting better with every tw and gain more experience + get stronger players.
    Cry more kingdoms b:victory
    Seems like changing to rpk didn't help KD much.

    I bet kingdom's first TWs were super pro and none of you did mistakes, gz.
    And I doubt you had to fight super rich and overpowered factions, back then.

    Some people here live only for TW and care so much about the silly lands... which is kinda sad.

    KD ***** pretty hard with their first tw's, which were PVE. They did so great because ICON was a great leader b:sadb:chuckle
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    They did so great because ICON was a great leader b:sadb:chuckle

    I lol'd

    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I lol'd


    Im glad to please.
    But seriously,
    Icon > Mikey X.X
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Some people here live only for TW and care so much about the silly lands... which is kinda sad.
    The people who only care about land left Kingdom months ago. People who want land don't generally stay in a guild which loses two lands per week with no tangible hope of ever regaining them.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lig im going to KoS your guild if you dont stop trying to steal my members.

    Pyroki is mine!

    You aren't getting my chi machine!!!!!!1!
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Im glad to please.
    But seriously,
    Icon > Mikey X.X

    Icon lead a pve faction on a pvp server. Kingdom was about to die when pvp TWs started and if over9000 and Sense-members wouldn't have joined the underdog Kingdom back then, they would have been off the map already. During the time that Kingdom was strong, RayVer basically wasn't leading the faction. Rules weren't changed when needed and the people that carried Kingdom got bored and left for Zulu. Michael got lead of a dying guild, you don't have to blame him for mistakes he didn't make. He was actually the one pushing forward to change that RayVer refused to make.

    Icon's faction-rules were only working as long as people didn't hit 100 and got bored with them. RayVer refused to change them. Michael changed them too late.

    Not saying no-rpk doesn't work, but for Kingdom it didn't cause a vast amount of people wanted the change.
    Kylin is a good example of how it can work, I don't know why though since I've never been in Kylin and I would be bored too easy. (Especially in the days when there weren't a lot of 100's around to pve with)

    anyhow, back to your original message. Icon lead a completely different guild than Michael and I don't pointing fingers to Michael does any good. Afterall it was the unwillingness to change from Icons ways that doomed Kingdom.
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And this is why KD cannot rebound like KY, or even like crimson to a much lesser extent....Im so sick of hearing all this stupid rage and crying about kingdom. Literally no one on the server outside of the guild likes KD so its impossible to recruit, plus all the people that would be interested in fun wars and not just about how many lands we own, are alread in Kylin. Kingdom has had a much harder time than any other faction in the history of HL, dont even compare it to what happened to KY or Crimson. For a while this conclusion was inevitable, im actually kind of surprised how long we were able to hold off crimson/evoke with less and less people every week, with worse and worse gear.

    As KD Spokesmen of the year i would like to sincerely end this post with big ol' , **** you zulu. b:pleased
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Kingdom has had a much harder time than any other faction in the history of HL

    I'll take an unusual step here and respond to this.

    As an original member of Crimson, we PvE'd the hell out of the early days, then decided to go and gang **** Kylin when it was decided that they had been soaking up free land that (we believed) they did nothing to deserve. Every week was a week of Crimson and QQme ****ing Kylin at butters/etc. (forcing them to withdraw into the SZ of DWP or GV) while Kingdom took the happy train picking off lowbie guilds and using Kylin as the TW meatshield. If you would like to insist that Kylin was never at the risk of being torn apart by the extreme KoS back then, you are either a completely ignorant fool or a narrow-minded, stubborn idiot. Even when Crimson disbanded due to internal reasons, Kylin got the smallest slice/crumbs of the cake while Kingdom grew fat.

    Unlike Kingdom, however, Kylin has always stayed strong and locked firmly down together. I can go through any of my old Crimson vs Kylin TW videos and spot out all the names of the Kylins I use to **** with my nix, then press "g" and still see that name in faction. I cannot, however, do the same with Kingdom. Kylin has been through hell and back and thus have, in my opinion, earned the spot they have currently hold. Kingdom has not. You don't deserve the right to cry over a lack of cake.

  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    cake b:dirty chocolate cake and wargasms b:dirtyb:dirty
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Kingdom has had a much harder time than any other faction in the history of HL, dont even compare it to what happened to KY or Crimson.

    I'm sorry,but director kicking everyone and trying to recover from that beats anything this server has to offer.
    Sig made by Scarlet