TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I have a great Idea for Nefarious b:chuckle

    After hearing what Evga said, and she liked green or pink color...

    Why not loose all your lands, and pick a color from the start? b:cute

    Because each time looking at the Red map... It's getting booring P:

    ^.^ You wont loose much.. and you can always win the map back again.


    i have a great idea too.... work for it b:bye

    btw gratz to regi, outlaw and leg on land this week :/ see you next week- good fight <3
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You gonna throw it, or have an archer alt do that? :P

    BTW , I saw some very interesting moves on BM forums posted by you as in really hardcore stuff that not many could pull off . I'll have to log on sanc and ask ya more tips sometimes . You'll be willing to share them with your old ex-guildie aya-chan wouldn't ya ? b:cute
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • InfamousRox - Sanctuary
    InfamousRox - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    0.0 i wish reg got pink hehe then i'll be pushing for us not to attack them so they can keep that lovely color :P i know some people in reg will love it b:chuckle

    I knew you loved pink b:dirty

    I loooovvvveee pinkkkkkk b:cute
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Wow this weekends TW were amazing.

    I gotta say massive thanks to RedRaidrs. I been doing TW along time now and that was the single greatest TW I have ever been in. 2 hours and 45 Mins of non stop end to end fighting.

    I was utterly knackered after that TW, I thought you had got us as well with 17 minutes to go with our crystal at 400k HP.

    You guys have got my respect, you carried yourselves with honor and fought till the death.

    My fellow Outlaws I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you right now. That has been the longest TW I have experienced in along time and you hung on in there. Glad to see we are back on the map.

    We all look forward to next weekends TW's, also Grats to Regicide and Legendary.

    LOL now I have to go and make a TW video for you tube from almost 3 hours of footage - LOL can't say that happens too often.

    Hope you all have a great week PWI sanctuary

    Outlaw's been lurking in the background waiting to strike!
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Bearish - Sanctuary
    Bearish - Sanctuary Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    now for the million dollar question.... whose side is outlaw with?b:shocked
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    now for the million dollar question.... whose side is outlaw with?b:shocked

    ermmm, thier own side? they never help any other factions, so must be on thier own
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • acidburntjew6
    acidburntjew6 Posts: 1
    edited May 2010
    a small expert from milyens new plan for nef

    "I do not care for lands. In fact I believe it is time to put the members before the TW."

    Milyen says
    "Whiner you're one of the people with a lousy TW attendance and even **** gear. You really have no reason to even comment here at all."

    lolz gotta love them
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    a small expert from milyens new plan for nef

    you mean exsert? Also this is old news, a nef member posted in on several forums, just changed name from thread to me, so any member can look and see who first leaked it, nef can say they will give lands, but atm they cant seem to stop anyone anyway, regi beat them 1 v 1 twice yesterday, and lg won aswell.
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You mean excerpt?
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you mean exsert? Also this is old news, a nef member posted in on several forums, just changed name from thread to me, so any member can look and see who first leaked it, nef can say they will give lands, but atm they cant seem to stop anyone anyway, regi beat them 1 v 1 twice yesterday, and lg won aswell.
    You mean excerpt?

    I lol'ed when saw johnnyph's correction. rolf'ed when i saw lloyd's correction

    As for the TW's this weekend, all I can say is, Nefarious members must love their mamas more b:laugh
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Linchen - Sanctuary
    Linchen - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i hope an area has gone.

    my biggest respect for Nefarious owning the map for a long time.

    my personal future view.

    Its time to make the map colored.
    some of Nefs hardcore TWler r gone , i think Nef wont be able to stand tripple attacks anylonger and will loose terretories each weekend now.
    Nef will still be a strong faction with loads of income but nef-warrior need to learn now, how to live without any bigger tw-payment.
    that means some of the only.....paid player will leave, trust me thats no bigger loss.
    it will be an advantage coz u get pps back they will work for Nef as faction not only for freaking payment.
    Nef will try to hold all important Pot-terretories, to save some little advantage.
    be sure all Regicide will try is to get these lands and make pots available for all.
    same chances for everyone! but maybe i am wrong and Nefs will sell Ironguards and other stuff for decent prices now -)
    i am sure Regicide wont be able to make successful tripple defences, but i dont care about,
    i lived without land enjoying fights with Nefs and so i will enjoy all other TWs.
    i really hope no one will try to make some strategic alliances to protect lands before we can free Pot-lands -)

    hehe all above is only what i wish for sanctuary to make it more interesting for all factions.

    off topic

    thats what smelling cats do.
    a small expert from milyens new plan for nef

    "I do not care for lands. In fact I believe it is time to put the members before the TW."

    Milyen says
    "Whiner you're one of the people with a lousy TW attendance and even **** gear. You really have no reason to even comment here at all."

    lolz gotta love them

    oh man, lv 1 char to be anonymous....pffff neeb. if u have something to say.....say it with ur own name
    learn to work for ur wins without neebish spies.
  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You have no pride whatsoever over the winning. The battle of which faction is the strongest has settled months ago. I'm not surprised to see nef being wiped off the maps, just like the case of Legendary.
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    oyamajio wrote: »
    You have no pride whatsoever over the winning. The battle of which faction is the strongest has settled months ago. I'm not surprised to see nef being wiped off the maps, just like the case of Legendary.

    The battle for who is strongest is an on-going thing. It doesn't end. I highly doubt a cowardly alt poster is fairly qualified to determine who is the strongest, it's an arbitrary thing to judge.

    The post from nef forums irritates me. It's full of hypocrisy, stupidity, greed, and ignorance.

    All I get from it is that Nef thinks they are the first faction to be targeted by the server, to be picked on for being in a position that they themselves so badly wanted and in all fairness, worked so hard to earn. But they aren't. What happened when Outlaw was having troubles? Devoured. What happened when Legendary hit their climax? Targeted by all and spared by none.

    Legendary had to defend all those difficult 3v1 attacks at irritating times too. Except the difference is we never had the total experience, gear level, player level, or player activity that Nefarious has had. I mean come on, back then we had to hold off two other factions and Nef; I can't see how it is any different than Nef having to hold off 2 other factions plus Regicide. Well I can see a difference, Nefarious was/is a strategic war machine, and Regicide hasn't really progressed to that stage yet.

    I guess we have to wait and see what the future holds. Nefarious has always held it together and bounced back up after situations much like these. Should the map become more colorful, it would be awesome. Ideally factions would remain focused on keeping other factions from becoming another Nef. It sounds like Nef hopes to power themselves up even further during their hiatus, in which case the server will hopefully be ready for a full force return.

    Another thing I've been getting out of that post is that Nef hopes that land holding factions will eventually turn on each other creating mini pseudo faction collapses. Inter-faction dramas pave the way for Nef or another Nef-like faction to take over. I'd hope that faction diplomacy could take over, creating a balance. Nef desires Stairway to Heaven back just so they can completely manipulate the TW apoths. I find it refreshing to have Regicide willing to supply others with these meds at no cost.

    Oh... lol@Makeda's kill the infidels comment. Lyk, srsly?!

    /endwallspam b:shutup
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BTW , I saw some very interesting moves on BM forums posted by you as in really hardcore stuff that not many could pull off . I'll have to log on sanc and ask ya more tips sometimes . You'll be willing to share them with your old ex-guildie aya-chan wouldn't ya ? b:cute

    No problem, main thing is gonna be resetting your skill bar to take advantage of some. The ones over .5 sec channel are easy to do, it's the .2 channel that require special set-up. Usually on 6 AM - NOON PST time frame, though on weekeds like CoA, I switch sleep around to hit the special event.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you mean exsert? Also this is old news, a nef member posted in on several forums, just changed name from thread to me, so any member can look and see who first leaked it, nef can say they will give lands, but atm they cant seem to stop anyone anyway, regi beat them 1 v 1 twice yesterday, and lg won aswell.

    I'm sure you know this by now but many non-nef can access nef's private forum so you can't assume that every alt posting is a nef's alt. Even those that say they're nef alt, what make you think they aren't lying being nef's alt to make nef look bad?

    off topic

    thats what smelling cats do.

    oh man, lv 1 char to be anonymous....pffff neeb. if u have something to say.....say it with ur own name (I agree Linch)
    learn to work for ur wins without neebish spies. (I recently was told that couple of regi members can access nef's private forum and copy/pasted everything in Milyen's recent post onto Regi forum. So "neebish spies" should also be direct to these people, don't you think Linch? b:chuckle)

    Anyway...continue on with the good old battlefront drama thread :)
  • JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary
    JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm sure you know this by now but many non-nef can access nef's private forum so you can't assume that every alt posting is a nef's alt. Even those that say they're nef alt, what make you think they aren't lying being nef's alt to make nef look bad?

    Anyway...continue on with the good old battlefront drama thread :)

    they never said they were a nef alt, one of the names of who repsonded was the person who leaked it in the first place, prob a discontented nef, simple looking would determine who is leaking, but yes, had this person not leaked it, many others could have got the info easily. Im just waiting to see if nef really believes they will be giving up land, or whether its simply just taken away by others, like the lands so far, yes they could beat rr/outlaw/lg/enel to get 1 back per week, but if they cant beat regi for land, or lose 2-3 a week, they will slowly lose out, and nef's money hungry people who dont actually care for nef will leave. Nef may become weaker, but overall they will become a better faction.

    I may hate nef for what they did to me, but i still respect the people who deserve to be there, I hope nef does once again return to being a somewhat credible faction, rather than a collection of money players, that have little skill. Maybe just maybe one day, they will return to sas's winning way, of only accepted skilled players.
    Sage BM, hated by many,and i hate you all aswell b:cute
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ...those that say they're nef alt, what make you think they aren't lying being nef's alt to make nef look bad?

    Nef doesn't need people pretending to be in Nef to make them look bad. They have plenty of actual Nef members to do that for them. No alt is going to sway someone's opinion.

    As was already pointed out a few posts earlier, declaring Nef to be more about its members and not tw, and then harshly criticizing one of Nef's oldest members is a perfect example of how Nef is already perceived in the way that it is. A faction should always be about its members! What kind of nonsense statement was that in the first place? People don't even realize that as soon as you join Nef you are a tool that is constantly evaluated for its worth to them. Tools are disposable. But apparently getting a stupid little bit of coin every week for fighting for them is worth being viewed as such.

    Loyal members attacked for their thoughts. Do they deserve that? How can you have any sense of pride fighting alongside people like that?
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    <---will go to tw without coin payment, only the pleasure of killing people in tw b:laugh

    edit: 500 post b:victory
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Being in a small faction before for the longest time, then went to regi and now nef...I can tell you that every big faction got their share of bad people and things. Not one faction is perfect but Nef being put as "evil and bad" just because their drama are more exposed to the public. To me, everyone is a soldier/tool when you join a big TW faction and only in small factions that you aren't a soldier/tool to the faction. It's just a matter of how the leader and officers treat those soldiers/tools (some treat them nice to motivate their fighting spirit, some treat them like military style, some pretend to be nice to use them easier).

    Loyal members attacked for their thoughts. Do they deserve that?

    I agree with you on this and I think those comments could be put in a nicer way but everyone got their way of viewing things and communicate with other people. One can view that as attacked or just voicing what they really think and being blunt about their opinions. Some people can be really good at pretend of being nice to you but as soon as you're no longer have any use...the attitude will totally change and I got a good experience of that.

    Also off topic: Who looking forward to Heroes of Three Kingdoms here? Why perfect world delayed on the release of Heroes of Three Kingdoms againb:cry. I was so looking forward to that game and now have to wait till end of summerb:angry
  • Linchen - Sanctuary
    Linchen - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    <---will go to tw without coin payment, only the pleasure of killing people in tw b:laugh

    edit: 500 post b:victory

    well the Evga-merchandisingcompany-empire should earn enough haha
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Some people can be really good at pretend of being nice to you but as soon as you're no longer have any use...the attitude will totally change and I got a good experience of that.

    If you're referring to Regicide, and/or it's members, then I'd like to formally apologize on behalf of them if you've been wronged. I like to see the good in people, despite what greater evils may accompany them. I've always respected your character, and to be honest I wish I could have been more helpful as I felt the slight dissatisfaction, though I wasn't sure what could be done.

    Anyways, long story short, =P I can see you're still striving to be the best you can be and putting your best food forward, which is admirable. Hope to see you on the battlefield at your best, and good luck. But that doesn't mean I'll be holding back and not trying my best to kill you, haha. P:

    (P.S. If you weren't referring to us, ignore the above, and forgive me for being paranoid lol, but I care, and have always cared what people think, love honest feedback)
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    too bad I stun and run when I see bm and barb dan :p....but I got served this past weekend where skif and giiana stun locked me and fist me to death mean >.<
  • Ephemerai - Sanctuary
    Ephemerai - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    too bad I stun and run when I see bm and barb dan :p....but I got served this past weekend where skif and giiana stun locked me and fist me to death mean >.<

    Saru go SQUISH! D=
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Being in a small faction before for the longest time, then went to regi and now nef...I can tell you that every big faction got their share of bad people and things. Not one faction is perfect but Nef being put as "evil and bad" just because their drama are more exposed to the public. To me, everyone is a soldier/tool when you join a big TW faction and only in small factions that you aren't a soldier/tool to the faction. It's just a matter of how the leader and officers treat those soldiers/tools (some treat them nice to motivate their fighting spirit, some treat them like military style, some pretend to be nice to use them easier).
    its not that their EXPOSED to the public >.> its that those pple are the ones that are outspoken and exposing.

    and drama isnt what mades a faction evil or bad... its the public actions that individuals present to the outside world.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    leg has their old color, but outlaw and regi's are reversed lol
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Saru go SQUISH! D=

    its not that their EXPOSED to the public >.> its that those pple are the ones that are outspoken and exposing (and those non-nef that got forum access to nef's private forum).

    and drama isnt what mades a faction evil or bad... its the public actions that individuals present to the outside world.

    very true and my guild mates from small faction and I had our fair share of bad experiences with Leg, Regi, Nef, Steel, NWO, etc but rarely being point out in public because the focus/spot light is not on them. Many of these factions got labeled as evil/bad at some point of time but slowly die out as the public focus on the new evil/bad faction. I guess right now is nefb:surrender
  • InfamousRox - Sanctuary
    InfamousRox - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Evga you can donate your tw money to me thanks b:kiss

    Also Its not regis fault members of nef give them copies of nefs private forums =( you should speak with your members about it not hate regi sarugami <3

    anyway rawr to all
  • Linchen - Sanctuary
    Linchen - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm sure you know this by now but many non-nef can access nef's private forum so you can't assume that every alt posting is a nef's alt. Even those that say they're nef alt, what make you think they aren't lying being nef's alt to make nef look bad?

    Anyway...continue on with the good old battlefront drama thread :)

    no bad feelings m8 ,
    u was long nuff in regi that u know there is no regichar that got access to nef-private forums. so obviously its from one of ur members.
    i also heard a lot about some pps taking regicide dkp-system to nef as they left,
    but i dont care about and i dont blame anyone for eventually stolen it.
    i just said that (this boy) needs to work for his wins.

    maybe the message was a bit easy to misunderstand but nvm , i hope is getting clear now.

    i hope that stops qq and whining
  • Sarugami - Sanctuary
    Sarugami - Sanctuary Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    no it certainly not regi fault ;) and i'll just leave it at that. I guess same can be apply for it's not my fault if the someone gave me answers so I can cheat in a test. Or it's not my fault if someone give me money stolen from bank and I knew about it.

    Problem about you telling me to talk to my members, who do I talk to? xD I'm sure you won't tell me the name(s) of those gave you that info. Also I'm just voicing my opinions and the experiences I went through roxy...only thing I hate is dam PWI for making me can't stop playing it >.> (that is until better games come out :p).

    no bad feelings m8 ,
    u was long nuff in regi that u know there is no regichar that got access to nef-private forums. so obviously its from one of ur members.
    i also heard a lot about some pps taking regicide dkp-system to nef as they left,
    but i dont care about and i dont blame anyone for eventually stolen it.
    i just said that (this boy) needs to work for his wins.

    maybe the message was a bit easy to misunderstand but nvm , i hope is getting clear now.

    i hope that stops qq and whining

    Yes i was in regi long enough to know till the point when I left regi and it's been a while. I can't say it's still the same regi I joined long ago, at least for me anyway. Also the dkp system was not from regi originally as I explained it to one of the officer in regi before. If I'm not wrong, Legendary got dkp system also and when Regi implemented their version of DKP, it was based off Legendary. Also I'm sure that DKP system was from WoW so you can't really say the system belong to anyone particularly except for the person who made it in WoW originally. Nef's dkp system was based off my post of Regi's DKP system but it's not the same just like Regi's dkp system is not the same as Legendary. Last time I checked posting what I know and learned so other can see is not a crime ;). Also, no where in my post I was QQ or whining...just posting my point of view. No bad feeling here either Linch and I'm just going off from what I heard from some regi members when I posted reply to your previous post.
  • Ephemerai - Sanctuary
    Ephemerai - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    WTB> chicken salad.
