DQ Drops NPC-Price Dropped 20%



  • XXSairaXx - Archosaur
    XXSairaXx - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Grawrrr I'm gonna beat up them devs. >:O
  • Nyano - Sanctuary
    Nyano - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ok, I am writing this and NOT reading the other posts(though I'm sure this is mentioned somewhere in one of the many pages), but here are my thoughts on the whole lower price issue;

    1- Maybe the lower price will encourage people to actually DO THE QUEST! (Ever set an event for a game? It's time consuming and when no one does it, you've wasted that time)

    2- If money is harder to come by, maybe people will wise up and drop their own shop prices. (hopes and dreams, right?b:surrender)

    3- Maybe.. just maybe.. if prices do drop to more affordable rates, (I am NEVER paying 3k+ for a mat I can get for free b:irritated *cough*pig iron...) then more profits will come in for all the players with stuff to sell.

    How my mind worked upon hearing "20% price cut";
    Lower dq = less coin for everyone. Player "A" drops a common price item from 5k to 3k to match the lower income of the common player and sees that it sells faster !! Player "B" hears the insane income of player "A" and follows suit-> Lower price fad is a hit and people love it.

    Ever think positive of the GMs? Maybe they did this to get us to be fair with prices for once. I mean come on, it works for gold too..

    Less coin-> gold price drops, (remember that word?b:question) now more people can afford gold and the gold buyers order more because they just sold out.

    Selling things faster means being able to stock more of it and know you wont have left overs. Everyone wins from this, but no one seems to see it like that. The GMs get paid, we can afford everything (this WILL take time to set in) and we are all happy.

    On a final note- I stock 40-60 rough shards for cs questers. I buy the shabby shards for 530c. For the efforts of dealing with the lag, i tack on 50c. That's it. Meaning- when you see rough shards for 1750-1900c (COME ON, PEOPLE!! Really?) Know that Nya is close with a rough set for 1725.Yes, I sell out in a few hours, and I don't make much profit after a night, but I can afford a wine cut and/or my cs the next day. DON'T BE GREEDY!!! Things work out just fine being fair.
  • SyMei - Dreamweaver
    SyMei - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I polled, "I don't care."

    Like I said, I only buy things I want, if I want in-game coins... I'll farm them.
  • Mik_scorpius - Heavens Tear
    Mik_scorpius - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    oyamajio wrote: »
    LOL trust me, it's a lot and a lot less painful as a merchant.

    You won't believe it until you see it. Period.

    Certainly, marchandizing is far more profitable and painless - however, someone has to produce the coin!

    Now, most coin come from either TW or DQ items.

    TW is highlevel, and more or less has become a selective group that won't really change - none of the average players will ever have a chance in that direction. Also, it has become more or less a monopole by now - on Heavens Tear only 2 huge factions control the entire map. Further - the coins gotten from TW makes them able to buy better gear and stay stronger, meaning it's even harder to remove them.

    This makes the DQ items the only other real option to produce coin for the game. Without DQ items, noone but the ones who controlled the TW territories would have a chance ingame.

    So dear GM's - please inform your superiors of this, since you can't be blamed for this; but you can deliver the message:

    If DQ items drop in value, TW Factions will take over control of practically all money production. This will eventually lead to all non-TW people being forced to leave or buy gold to buy coins (at prices that continue to rise - and if someone gains a monopole at coins, it will certainly rise above the roof). Conclusion: Should DQ items lower in price at a too high rate, it will force people without money to quit since they can't afford to keep their character playing.

    Regarding gold: To lower the price of gold, please either change the price of the Perfect Hammer, or remove Chest of Coins from game entirely. As long as it exists it will always make the gold prices remain high! Also - stop all those anni packs, corals and tiger packs!

    As someone mentioned before: There is a difference from making a profit while keeping the game enjoyable, to milking people and ruining the game.

    In the real world the economy is more or less the way this is developing - only a select elite has access to the money, and thus has the power to keep hold of it. This elite also has the power to make sure noone else will ever get hold of anything that could threaten them.
    In PWI this has begun happening too - however, unlike the real world, you can quit PWI.

    So dear GM's, please take these considerations to your superiors, and make the game fun and challenging for ALL players - this is a Free To Play game, not a Pay To Play game!
    PWI will continue - in one way or the other. I'm just glad I found a balanced server now that I enjoy - naming is illegal, but PM's are welcome.

    Only reason I log in still is also just to say hi to friends.

  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If the devs are looking to create a coin sink, they need to remove the ten million bank notes from the perfect token best luck. That is the only true thing that threw the economy out of balance, although the chest of coins had a minor effect compared to the ten million bank notes. Now non-cash shoppers have a harder time in this game with nerfed in-game coin income of dq items.

    I've said a similar thing already several times in this thread, as well as in other threads. Every jumps over the post & ignores it. For some reason this simple truth goes on ignored & thus the problem never gets fixed.
  • Darkspeed - Sanctuary
    Darkspeed - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    that's a good point... but while I used to do DQ, i was constantly grieved for being in a grind area that herc venos favored because they dropped the dq's I needed. I stopped doing dq because it got rather boring. And now you don't even need to do them to level. People can level so quickly off of BH, CS, MQ, WQ... or heck most just hyper.

    Most of us that sell the dqs to npc are those that choose not to merchant. I for one can't keep my pc on like that constantly. 3 days is the most and even then, with prices jumping and people wanting to either keep their money or not interested in what i have to sell, sales are rather limited. Last time i had my catshop up, it took me 3 days to sell even 2 TT mats. Yes they were cheap. I bought them for an extremely cheap price and resold them for a bit higher.

    Thing is, I hate having to let my pc hold a shop when I'd rather be grinding to either level pets or level me. DQs are one added bonus for the grinding. Why take that away from the people who actually made coins like that?

    Their not taking it away, their just lowing the price by 20%, thats really not that much

    But, if having a cat shop is really a problem, just sell em to buyers & sellers, instead of NPC'ing them!
    Make a little effort & shop around till u find a good cat shop trader!
    That's what I do before NPC'ing them every day!
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Their not taking it away, their just lowing the price by 20%, thats really not that much

    But, if having a cat shop is really a problem, just sell em to buyers & sellers, instead of NPC'ing them!
    Make a little effort & shop around till u find a good cat shop trader!
    That's what I do before NPC'ing them every day!

    For those of us that have NPC'ed them for so long 20% is a lot...

    And most people never buy the DQs I npc. Only ones I've ever seen anyone buy is the dq20s. Once and a while the 41s. But almost never 91s.
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Aradorn - Harshlands
    Aradorn - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Keep destroying the game GM's, you doing a good job.
  • _Icefireguy_ - Lost City
    _Icefireguy_ - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It seems no one wants to work for anything anymore.

    When I had joined the other server, selling dq items even wasn't a way to get buy, from as low as level 20, I had made a lot of gold selling and buying stuff through a cat stall and farming mats and herbs to sell.

    And 20% drop really isn't that bad when you think about it. Your barely losing 1k at most.
  • frosty0908
    frosty0908 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I have only just started playing here within the last 2-3 weeks and I loved the game in that time I have made a lvl 50 Barbarian my main income is DQ items I am not intrested in merchanting I did not join to worry or struggle with money I can do that in my normal life.

    I now have 100k on hand and its the usual amount I seem to settle on with DQ items purley funding my repair bills and pots. Then quest coin and any other is goin on skills I have 3 pages of skills I can take and 0 SP to get any of them cant afford the coin either.

    Game is hard and your making it harder with this I wont quit playing but my enjoyment level will decrease.
  • kerenta
    kerenta Posts: 44
    edited May 2010
    NO. DQ = my main source of income. I spend lots of coins on daily quests (CS, teleporting to dungeons for BH, etc). After that, I go to grind back the lost money plus put some coins in bank for new gear (takes hours). It's already freaking hard to earn enough coins for decent gear, thanks to the horribly high prices (sanctuary). They should INCREASE the price of DQ, not lower them. =/ But at least change it back to "normal".
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Keep destroying the game GM's, you doing a good job.

    Not the GMs... they are just the customer service reps. Its the Devs that cause this ****.
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Certainly, marchandizing is far more profitable and painless - however, someone has to produce the coin!
    No they don't.

    Coin is just a representation of value. We're forced to use it because cat shops and AH are set up to allow trades using only coin. If nobody obtained new coin, all that would happen is that prices for player-to-player transactions would reflect the ever-decreasing amount of coin in the economy. We'd have slow deflation as coin got used up to buy skills, pay for repairs, for lunar squad mode, etc. But player-to-player trades create value without consuming coin (aside from AH fees).

    The economy works better if we have slow inflation, meaning more coin is produced than removed via the coin sinks. But it's not necessary. If all coin were removed from the game, people would still make player-to-player trades. They'd just resort to a bartering system.

    PWI's economy is a weird hybrid of real world economics and game economics. Because managing a real economy is hard, most games use a purely source/sink model. Coin is created by killing stuff for loot, then destroyed by buying stuff from NPCs. The real world economy doesn't work like that. Individuals don't create nor destroy money, it just circulates. (The government can create or destroy money, but if they're responsible, they try to to keep the money supply proportional to the size of the economy. When they don't, you get stuff like what happened to the German Mark after WWI, and what's happening in Greece right now.) PWI is a combination of the two. It has sources and sinks, and it has the best player-economy I've encountered in an MMORPG. So while producing coin via grinding does affect the economy, it is not necessary.

    The big problem I see with this change is that combined with the mirage decompose nerf, instances have pretty much become a waste of time. I liked doing instances. You couldn't fly or run away and lose aggro if you got in trouble. You had to stand and fight or die, so it was very important to plan ahead, pay attention, and optimize your tactics. Now there's almost no point. You'll make more coin per hour grinding than doing an instance. Roughly half the game (the important half for me) has been relegated to a vehicle for doing BH (which everyone wines) and a once per character's life FB.
  • Linwiz - Lost City
    Linwiz - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Here you know what, I have an idea, why don't we all boycott PWI, just dont log in or buy any Zen until something is changed (like 1000x everything b:laugh ) because with this, they have screwed everyone
  • DawnRazor - Lost City
    DawnRazor - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Second this. This is exactly the point I was trying to make on my previous post. More barrier for new intakes or new players. Without new players, pwi is just losing in the long run....

    You can't keep milking from your old players, 'cos there are more people retiring than new ones coming to this game..

    Why does it concern current community? It concerns us because this is MMO, without people, there is no point on playing....

    This scenario is exactly as it was on the Codemasters RF onlijne server about 3 years ago just before they shut it permanently. GM in game support became non existent, constant promotions for cash shoppers, ruined economy etc then bang, server is closing bye bye everyone, and all the QQing cash shoppers who had spent a fortune over 2 years lost the lot rofl. When the day comes that the same happens on PWI there's gonna be a lot of sad people thinking damm I threw $5k down the toilet lol. And ironically after talking it up on server they then become the major fails. Hope they learn from their mistakes.
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Their not taking it away, their just lowing the price by 20%, thats really not that much
    And 20% drop really isn't that bad when you think about it. Your barely losing 1k at most.

    1k coin loss per DQ isn't that much. 1% crit rate also isn't that much. -3% channeling also isn't that much. -36% channeling is a lot. 30% crit rate is a lot. Finish the last example for me please.
    It seems no one wants to work for anything anymore.

    When I had joined the other server, selling dq items even wasn't a way to get buy, from as low as level 20, I had made a lot of gold selling and buying stuff through a cat stall and farming mats and herbs to sell.

    Actually, grinding for DQ items takes more work than merchanting and farming mats/herbs. You don't usually use HP/MP to farm mats/herbs and you can AFK while merchanting. But yes, DQs items isn't really a way to get by, there are more efficient ways to make money.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    No they don't.

    Coin is just a representation of value. We're forced to use it because cat shops and AH are set up to allow trades using only coin. If nobody obtained new coin, all that would happen is that prices for player-to-player transactions would reflect the ever-decreasing amount of coin in the economy. We'd have slow deflation as coin got used up to buy skills, pay for repairs, for lunar squad mode, etc. But player-to-player trades create value without consuming coin (aside from AH fees).

    The economy works better if we have slow inflation, meaning more coin is produced than removed via the coin sinks. But it's not necessary. If all coin were removed from the game, people would still make player-to-player trades. They'd just resort to a bartering system.

    PWI's economy is a weird hybrid of real world economics and game economics. Because managing a real economy is hard, most games use a purely source/sink model. Coin is created by killing stuff for loot, then destroyed by buying stuff from NPCs. The real world economy doesn't work like that. Individuals don't create nor destroy money, it just circulates. (The government can create or destroy money, but if they're responsible, they try to to keep the money supply proportional to the size of the economy. When it doesn't, you get stuff like what happened to the German Mark after WWI, and what's happening in Greece right now.) PWI is a combination of the two. It has sources and sinks, and it has the best player-economy I've encountered in an MMORPG. So while producing coin via grinding does affect the economy, it is not necessary.

    However you have to take into account, many of the buyers gather their income from these "sources" instead of from circulation, especially newer players. You could perceive a source/sink (if equal) as just another person money circulates through.

    Now we go into the economics of what causes a recession (or worse yet a depression). When people arent recieving as much money, they are less likely to spend the money which they have. The "rainy day" savings effect starts to build. If people know they can keep getting tons of money, they dont tend to reserve it as much as when they are in a lower paying (or non-paying) situation.

    What governs an economy isnt so much how much money is in the system, but rather how fast that money is changing hands. Person A buys from Person B, who uses the money to buy from person C, and so on. If the money cycles quicker, its as if each of the people in the trail have made money & bought that which they desire all in rapid succession. Meanwhile, when people tend to bank or save their money, the money stays stagnant. And recession sets in. These are the economies which hurt the middlemen the most. This is when everyone seeks deals, and buying direct from a supplier and cutting out the middle man to save a few bucks becomes more ideal. The idea of spending a bit extra for convenience becomes less desireable.

    So if you're going to start quoting economics, you have to go beyond the basics a bit.
  • Kaneharo - Dreamweaver
    Kaneharo - Dreamweaver Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This scenario is exactly as it was on the C*********s R* o*****e server about 3 years ago just before they shut it permanently. GM in game support became non existent, constant promotions for cash shoppers, ruined economy etc then bang, server is closing bye bye everyone, and all the QQing cash shoppers who had spent a fortune over 2 years lost the lot rofl. When the day comes that the same happens on PWI there's gonna be a lot of sad people thinking **** I threw $5k down the toilet lol. And ironically after talking it up on server they then become the major fails. Hope they learn from their mistakes.
    Well, looks like my move to a different game is rapidly coming around sooner and sooner. The game seemed to be going so well a while back, too. But once again, the greedy Developers, like most stereotypical Eastern mmo developers(not meant to be a racist remark,) are merely catering to their own whims, so they can line their houses in currency, then drive to work in their cars that run on the fresh blood of orphans, lost puppies, babies and clubbed seals. Truthfully, saying that people are losing interest in this game is a rather large understatement.
    ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Pew Pew Pew!
    Quotes of Awesomeness:
    "that word, "solo". i don't think it means what you think it means." - LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
  • Quuenia - Heavens Tear
    Quuenia - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I have a question regarding to this.
    I had no time to check everything on forums and all the replys here (sorry if it's been asked and answered..at work now and ...well you knowb:cute) All i saw on the official post is: "dq items price lowered with 20%" (more or less) but...what's the reason? I mean the real reason for this not speculations that maybe is for coins sink...or for investing more dollars on cash shop.
    As far as i saw till now they always have "official" answers like "it's for your own good..we do this for you to be able to get rich and be happy" lol (at least this is what i saw on the "decreasing number of mirages issue"...a kinda pathetic answer to be honest, mister GM).
    I really want to understand what good thing they think they do to us with this. Idk if a gm/moderator ...whatever answered officially to this, but with such a huge player base...i think it will be decent for them to give a real answer for why they do certain things, not just "we decrease dq prices...have a good evening".it's about respect towards players to do things with A REASON (and a real one not..blah blah...the company loves you be grateful for what we do for you)
    Or am i too noob and this is how things work in this game...if it's like this ...sawwrrryyy... i still have a lot to learn by the look of it lol...Thanks in advance for any answers you might give and sorry for the wall of text b:thanksb:bye
  • FurryPawZ - Heavens Tear
    FurryPawZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    "We understand there are a lot of complaints about the new issue. We will discuss the issues with the developers to see if we can come to a happy resolution."

    Waiting to see what they do b:surrender
  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This scenario is exactly as it was on the Codemasters RF onlijne server about 3 years ago just before they shut it permanently. GM in game support became non existent, constant promotions for cash shoppers, ruined economy etc then bang, server is closing bye bye everyone, and all the QQing cash shoppers who had spent a fortune over 2 years lost the lot rofl. When the day comes that the same happens on PWI there's gonna be a lot of sad people thinking damm I threw $5k down the toilet lol. And ironically after talking it up on server they then become the major fails. Hope they learn from their mistakes.

    That's why you shouldn't pay and play the game as if it's your life or in hope that it's going to last many years. We don't know how many years. We never know when the company is going to shut down. It's only a magnetic storage and when it's shut down or erased, your life is gone. The time, efforts and money you put into the game will totally be wasted. Games are designed for fun, but when you begin to take it too seriously, that's when the problems come.
  • Kaneharo - Dreamweaver
    Kaneharo - Dreamweaver Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    "We understand there are a lot of complaints about the new issue. We will discuss the issues with the developers to see if we can come to a happy resolution."

    Waiting to see what they do b:surrender
    I'll wait as well. i begin to wonder if there should be laws against the treatment of a MMO's players' monetary and physical well being. I mean, surely, there are some lines being crossed to where there are many of us either having to, or putting in money on our own to either keep up with our friends, or try to be the best, or in the case of some, look the best.
    ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Pew Pew Pew!
    Quotes of Awesomeness:
    "that word, "solo". i don't think it means what you think it means." - LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'll wait as well. i begin to wonder if there should be laws against the treatment of a MMO's players' monetary and physical well being. I mean, surely, there are some lines being crossed to where there are many of us either having to, or putting in money on our own to either keep up with our friends, or try to be the best, or in the case of some, look the best.

    Or even in some cases, just to get by and enjoy the game...

    I enjoy the game and grinding and all of that. Its nice that I >get< drops. I can finally start buying things I need with in game coins and not have to worry about charging zen to get something I want. (like refines).

    But now that they are nerfing the npc price, its going to take some of that luxury away.

    Its starting to feel like its going to go back to pay to play any day now....
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Quuenia - Heavens Tear
    Quuenia - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Lol thanks for the quick reply about a gm's answer...

    well i assume that they get certain patches and updates from chinese server and they should apply them here even if this community has almost nothing in common with what's generally happening in MMOS in asian countries.

    I remeber playing another kinda old game that was played all together by western and eastern players (as i saw ..you can't play this version of pwi (international) in china) and the eastern players were the masters of hacking, exploiting glitches etc...lol...They were making some gooooood real money from doing this..and in time, the measures against in-game-glitches made the western community to quit (it was almost unplayable)...the chinese masters in hacking had nobody to povide them money..so they quitted also and the game died after half year. it's just an example of how hackers can kill a game when devs are...uhmmm how to call them....incapable of dealing with problemsb:surrender

    they should try to filter a bit the patches made in china and to make the game playable for everyone....in here i bet the hackers community is like 10% of what they have there..and a veno making 500k/night afk grinding is ....NOTHING compared to the milions they make there afk-glitching lol

    oh well back to work..thanks for reply:)
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ok, now its sure. They want to destroy PWI.
    Dont expect me to play another game from your company btw, when ill stop playing, ill completely change company of MMORPGs.

    I dont like your politic here. U did everything to exploit -yes- EXPLOIT cash shoppers.

    and now finally u want this MMORPG to die.

    Good job pwi, really, good job.

    BTW, reducing coins introduced freely by the game is a good thing to try to balance the economy. BUT REDUCING DQ ITEMS WILL JUST AFFECT LOW LEVEL NON CASH SHOPPERS PLAYERS!

    its just like... "This State needs more money, instead of increasing the taxes over territories owned, we will increase the price of bread and water" b:shocked

    WTF are u some kind of... i dont really know how to call you -.-
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear
    GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    "We understand there are a lot of complaints about the new issue. We will discuss the issues with the developers to see if we can come to a happy resolution."

    As most people already know the DQ price was lowered by the Dev's because of people haxing the Instances for them on the Chinese version . Now afaik that isnt a problem in this version, so there is no reason for the -20% to be carried over to here.

    Im sure you already know yourself that drops after a certain level are nerfed beyond belief in this game, thus reducing the players chance to grind coin ingame.
    Keeping this change will lower that even further and send out a clear signal that finally PWI doesnt care about any player and all it wants to do is force people to charge as much $ as possible.

    PWI - The Best FREE to play Game -

    If that ^^ still holds true STOP removing peoples ingame means to make coin.

    May is shaping up to be an exciting month for Perfect World International

    DQ Drop Nerfs
    Skills that should have been ingame months ago
    Cashshop Culti Change
    KS Events

    So where exactly is the exciting stuff ?

    Where's the endgame content this game desperatly needs ? Where's the X amount of bug fixes ? Where's the finishing Lunar etc ? etc etc etc etc
  • Aradorn - Harshlands
    Aradorn - Harshlands Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    im not a CSer, but i did put some money in this game in order to keep a bit track.
    but now they basically saying, u put ur money, we dont care anymore.
    besides killing the PVP in this game (cause now who will grind when DQ is lowerd) u killing the entire game.
    yeah with that note i dont think im gonna play anymore.. GOOD JOB !!
  • noxnox
    noxnox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If PWI implements the decreasement of the DQ item selling prize, I will have to think about another game. I put some real money into the game just to get a few special features. But I really enjoy grinding and making money with DQ items, so PWI will kill the fun out of the game for me. Special thanks to the developers of this idea.
  • _azure_ - Sanctuary
    _azure_ - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'll make it this simple, it doesn't really matter who's to blame. The gm's can point fingers at the devs or vice versa, either way I've never seen a single dev trying to defend themselves for their actions.

    Honestly this looks like their further trying to kill PWI and with their stupidity mind you, so blame whoever you like. I already quit this game a week or so ago because their really are other games out there that actually give a damn about it's player base, where there are constant quests and setting up stalls to make cash even rarely exists.

    I'd rather play a game that charges u a small fee at the end of the month cuz at least they do everything to satisfy their player base and hey what exactly is ever 'free' nowadays? PWI back then may have been free to play, but in the end you somehow end up paying with ur hard earned cash on what I could now possibly call a 'completely worthless game with even worthless devs and management that know jack about the demands of it's playerbase'

    It just proves they only care about the money in your wallet. Furthermore if you think it's going to be any different for any of their other games that PWI staff have made, seriously don't waste your time, it'll be the same repeated process over and over.

    What would I do? Just quit any of their games altogether. Watch their player base drop to zero in every game they've got and then watch them try to get players bk, good luck with that.
  • Elstraya - Heavens Tear
    Elstraya - Heavens Tear Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    20% reduction in NPC price for DQs really sucks to the point that it may kill this game for me.

    They are pushing people to lvl like crazy (3x BH, Hyper Stones, 2x exp events etc) but people cannot afford the high level gear or skills. Farming DQs was pretty much the only way to cover my repair and charm costs, I am not gonna spend a fortune on a credit card just to play this game.

    If they drop DQ price by 20% they should make up for it in some way like increase equip, books, stamps drop rate by 20%.

    Also its sooo lame how this whole DQ price drop is happening just because the fail developers cannot be bothered to stop hackers who were glitching to farm DQs to resell. This is such a bad way to fix the problem.

    I hope the GMs listen to the players like they did with the horns issue b:worried
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