Project Fashion Female Winners! Final Poll!



  • SireniaAlice - Sanctuary
    SireniaAlice - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    is ok if D win, i just can see **** veno or any other female char with male players or even female that really want to show her sexy butt running around almost naked like that b:dirty weee~ *happy more* b:dirty

    I'm not gonna wear that to make u happy, silly. and for female char with male players u make me thinking about...uhm...****?

    geez...just vote E if u have no choices...D scared me in gameplay with bad boy/horny man around.
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    As a real life fashion freak... (yes, I do have Seventeen, Allure, Vogue, etc. subscriptions b:chuckle) Here are my opinions!

    A.) Ewww.. Just.. No... Not those colors together... Please... Its way too revealing in my opinion and would have been nicer without the huge stockings... Don't make me start about the shoes. Though I give credit to the belt/sash thing, that part is cute to be honest
    B.) I LOVE THE BOOTS. Its so adorable, soft looking, just amazing. I'd love to pair that off with other fashion I have in-game b:chuckle Reminds me, I have similar boots in real life... xD The sash is a little too short for my liking but its cute, and the top is... Well detailed, have to say its a nice outfit.
    C.) No... Just no..... Its literally a body suit, eww just barf... I like the shoes... Only... I hate the design and the colors together the way on the outfit. No.
    D.) O___O is that even fashion?! It looks more like armor! b:shocked And I thought A was revealing... This is worse! I'd definitely say no... Disgrace to women kind....
    E.) I'm kind of so-so on this one... The top is okay and cute, I just think the pants (?) are kind of... Similar to other fashion in the boutique? But otherwise, not too bad.

    And with that, I voted for B b:chuckle
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    As a real life fashion freak... (yes, I do have Seventeen, Allure, Vogue, etc. subscriptions b:chuckle) Here are my opinions!

    A.) Ewww.. Just.. No... Not those colors together... Please... Its way too revealing in my opinion and would have been nicer without the huge stockings... Don't make me start about the shoes. Though I give credit to the belt/sash thing, that part is cute to be honest
    B.) I LOVE THE BOOTS. Its so adorable, soft looking, just amazing. I'd love to pair that off with other fashion I have in-game b:chuckle Reminds me, I have similar boots in real life... xD The sash is a little too short for my liking but its cute, and the top is... Well detailed, have to say its a nice outfit.
    C.) No... Just no..... Its literally a body suit, eww just barf... I like the shoes... Only... I hate the design and the colors together the way on the outfit. No.
    D.) O___O is that even fashion?! It looks more like armor! b:shocked And I thought A was revealing... This is worse! I'd definitely say no... Disgrace to women kind....
    E.) I'm kind of so-so on this one... The top is okay and cute, I just think the pants (?) are kind of... Similar to other fashion in the boutique? But otherwise, not too bad.

    And with that, I voted for B b:chuckle

    I respect your opinions and actually share them. I just fail to see now your subscriptions to fashion magazines gives you a better opinion? XD

    Personally I think designing for a game is completely different from mainstream fashion, but that's me.
  • lycaondarkwolf
    lycaondarkwolf Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm not gonna wear that to make u happy, silly. and for female char with male players u make me thinking about...uhm...****?

    geez...just vote E if u have no choices...D scared me in gameplay with bad boy/horny man around.

    Noes! I'm not a **** >.> i'm just a perv who wanna see it! Don't attack me b:sad

    My poll to E anyway... just wana real fashion not armor and anyway bikini is way so smexy already b:dirty . Gluck to u all!

    and lmfao..again, the female one have fun vote between E and D unlike the male who already have epic winners.
  • maidenofthewind
    maidenofthewind Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Aw come on, I'm sure there was alot more fashion that trumped those. I personally think a page/forum thread should be devoted just to looking at the entries....ok I know there were a lot, but you said that it was narrowed down to 300 maybe even the top 100 or something would suffice...maybe give out some honorable mentions like on ESO's design contest....Just give us a chance to see what we missed out on. Please?

    BTW, heres some of my own design entries....they range from ...not so great to cool enough to be pw fashion(in my humble opinion)XD

    Its on a blog page, so any feedback would be ok too
  • WindMaiden - Sanctuary
    WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Aw come on, I'm sure there was alot more fashion that trumped those. I personally think a page/forum thread should be devoted just to looking at the entries....ok I know there were a lot, but you said that it was narrowed down to 300 maybe even the top 100 or something would suffice...maybe give out some honorable mentions like on ESO's design contest....Just give us a chance to see what we missed out on. Please?

    BTW, heres some of my own design entries....they range from ...not so great to cool enough to be pw fashion(in my humble opinion)XD

    Its on a blog page, so any feedback would be ok too
    Just wanted to let everyone know that the post above is indeed me....just forgot to put my main characters avatar up lol....
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    O_O i just thoguht, what if D won and they made a matching set for the MEN! b:shocked
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I personally think a page/forum thread should be devoted just to looking at the entries....ok I know there were a lot, but you said that it was narrowed down to 300 maybe even the top 100 or something would suffice...maybe give out some honorable mentions like on ESO's design contest....Just give us a chance to see what we missed out on. Please?

    BTW, heres some of my own design entries....they range from ...not so great to cool enough to be pw fashion(in my humble opinion)XD

    Its on a blog page, so any feedback would be ok too

    I'll see about adding some of the entries to the Fan Art section on the homepage. Don't forget that you guys can go ahead and submit stuff from here as well:
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Did I ever mention that I hate public voting on top of the fact that the line up for this is absolutely horrible?

    :/ I would really like to know on what basis it was that these were selected. ESPECIALLY A. Whoever voted for that... GM or otherwise needs to be run over in game with a bad panda mount and then backed over again and pooped on >.< it's horribly drawn, horribly thought out, and super stereotypical.

    I did see the Japanese one and it seems that their judges were more concerned with the actual quality of the works than with how many people would QQ that their works didn't get considered. Before this contest I saw all SORTS of crying about how th have no artistic talent so if the judges sacrificed quality to please the no-talent wanna-be fashion designers, then see the bad panda mount comment above and multiply it by ten.

    I can't even take this contest seriously.

    So much so that I'm giving away my contest prize to a friend of mine because I feel that I was selected by chance and I don't deserve even the runner up prize. If I get something I want to have earned with skill.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • honeyyyy
    honeyyyy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This is a shame.. I was so hopping for a plain pair of jeans ._. I coulda sworn I saw some awesome jean-included outfits on the entry forum >_>'' Going with E though cause I'm likin the hair..(:
  • SireniaAlice - Sanctuary
    SireniaAlice - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Did I ever mention that I hate public voting on top of the fact that the line up for this is absolutely horrible?

    So much so that I'm giving away my contest prize to a friend of mine because I feel that I was selected by chance and I don't deserve even the runner up prize. If I get something I want to have earned with skill.

    not really... i voted on E because i can imagine the full looks not cropped like in design. i think she posted the picture here.

    that i think not bad... and she proofed her originality make me think she is worthy to mad when someone said she steal / inspired to something that she don't even know. I would love to get the hair or shoes anyway.

    And i think, judges are not looking at quality only and i heard they also looking at how much fashion details u gave. If you just give a piece of dress you won't win. Even the dress is just really really awesome. They mention it somewhere...i forgot. It also made me think why many entries not win / unserviceable... might be because too much details, having some part that impossible to be made, clearly stolen from other place, or just because didn't post much details, or maybe like what i said before, just giving a piece of dresses.
  • SireniaAlice - Sanctuary
    SireniaAlice - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    O_O i just thoguht, what if D won and they made a matching set for the MEN! b:shocked

    even if E win it's already matching with the male winners... Huntress vs Monster armed? She gonna hunt the monster armed man....
  • Sylredrae - Sanctuary
    Sylredrae - Sanctuary Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    E got my vote. Looks cool yet not to ridiculous proportions like D, and it fits my taste. If I had the gold tospare I'd have my veno wear it.^^
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Aliceaelin - Sanctuary
    Aliceaelin - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I just can see **** veno or any other female char with male players or even female that really want to show her sexy butt running around almost naked like that
    geez...just vote E if u have no choices...D scared me in gameplay with bad boy/horny man around.

    What are you talking about? Fight is just about the grand prize!
    'Any of the finalists could have their fashion put in the game. So when voting, don't think so much about whether it would sell in the boutique or whether it would be too hard to create in-game'.
    I saw these and my jaw dropped. Loved the victorian dresses, so totally a weakness of mine hahahaha:
    I don't feel like complete loser, if so many people like it. Thank you so much! b:kiss
  • TideVeno - Raging Tide
    TideVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i vote E cause its minor sex appeal..and it looks pretty cool (please try to make it were these fashions dont disapear in water) b:victory

    i think we got enough sex appeal on this damn game (if you agree please copy this sentence and put it into your posts)
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    What are you talking about? Fight is just about the grand prize!
    'Any of the finalists could have their fashion put in the game. So when voting, don't think so much about whether it would sell in the boutique or whether it would be too hard to create in-game'.

    I don't feel like complete loser, if so many people like it. Thank you so much! b:kiss

    Actually, anyone who entered could see their fashion in-game. Hence my whole conspiracy theory posted somewhere in this thread.
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Actually, anyone who entered could see their fashion in-game. Hence my whole conspiracy theory posted somewhere in this thread.

    I think your conspiracy theory is correct lol.... what else could it possibly be?
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    So, will we ever see an honorable mentions section? And if so, can we vote on those too for the fun of it? :D
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • Roxiann - Heavens Tear
    Roxiann - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'll see about adding some of the entries to the Fan Art section on the homepage. Don't forget that you guys can go ahead and submit stuff from here as well:

    And can I request mine not be included? I think I've had enough with this contest. It was a nice idea, and I think everyone had fun particapating. Also everyone has their difference in opinions, even though the designs aren't my taste, some of them were done very well. Either way, I had my fun, the contest is over and I'm not interested in any continuance of this contest.

    On another note, I think i'll use my vote for E. The more I think about it, out of the 5 this one might have the best turn out in the game.
    Lvl 7x Cleric
    Lvl 3x Veno
    Lvl 3X Archer

    Its just a game ^^
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And can I request mine not be included? I think I've had enough with this contest. It was a nice idea, and I think everyone had fun particapating. Also everyone has their difference in opinions, even though the designs aren't my taste, some of them were done very well. Either way, I had my fun, the contest is over and I'm not interested in any continuance of this contest.

    On another note, I think i'll use my vote for E. The more I think about it, out of the 5 this one might have the best turn out in the game.

    no you can not, by sending it in you gave all rights to it to pwe. They can do whatever they like with it now
  • haku
    haku Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Congrats to the finalists, but I have to be honest: I too feel that there are a lot of other designs that are leagues above some of the designs in the line-up. Kyna, TeresaSyri, and Aliceaelin are some of the designers I can name who have some wonderful, wonderful designs. There are tons of others too in the sea of entries that I unfortunately can't fish out very clearly from my memory :P Not saying that there's no worthy design in the line-up, but I just don't see how certain ones made it up there, especially when there's so much talent to choose from.

    From both the male and female finalists, it seems that PWE want to go for anime/game-ish designs. I personally would prefer something that's not anime/game-ish, kinda feel like we have a tad too much of that already, but oh well. Also, bare-midriff is totally in :D

    My favs of the 5 finalists are B and C...but it seems my tastes are not the same as the majority, since those 2 currently have the lowest votes :/

    I think D is a very intricate design, and it's very interesting that it seems to look good even when the colours are mis-matched. I'm a fan of somewhat mis-matched colours, so I'm a tad frustrated that a lot of the outfits currently in PWI have to be matched with same/similar/neutral colours to look good. If only...the body-armour...dress..thing part of D has more surface area than the surface area of the gloves. The ****-ness of the outfit just killed it for me.

    I can see why people find E familiar-looking. The style is very close to current popular styles in anime and games: lots of belts and buckles; a skirt-thingie that look like it's more for decoration/coolness than for practical functions; the outfit is held together in ways/has components that are (as a lot of game cos-players know) under real-life physics, impractical for everyday movement, much less for combat; solid, bold colours, etc. But I can understand why Lyonna_S was so offended when people accused him/her of stealing the design. I would be royally pissed too if people called any of my designs rip-offs of someone else. E has similar style to Burst Angel, and a few similar parts here and there, but I don't see why people would think E is a copy of Burst Angel.

    /my two cents.
  • Lyonna_S - Sanctuary
    Lyonna_S - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    haku wrote: »

    I can see why people find E familiar-looking. The style is very close to current popular styles in anime and games: lots of belts and buckles; a skirt-thingie that look like it's more for decoration/coolness than for practical functions; the outfit is held together in ways/has components that are (as a lot of game cos-players know) under real-life physics, impractical for everyday movement, much less for combat; solid, bold colours, etc. But I can understand why Lyonna_S was so offended when people accused him/her of stealing the design. I would be royally pissed too if people called any of my designs rip-offs of someone else. E has similar style to Burst Angel, and a few similar parts here and there, but I don't see why people would think E is a copy of Burst Angel.

    /my two cents.

    her >.>

    lol...thanks for that comment... I also think because i made a red scarf that make ppl think about another stuff they used to see. should be blue or white dyed on example before -__-'

    but but i love red T__T

    and uhm..I finally googled the burst angel but i still only see the red scarf that looks similar like my design +i don't make a scarf like that O_o mine is not long /separated with the clothes, i was thinking its a high collar but looks like a scarf. I think the girl with white hair and red eyes face also looks like my character's looking >.>? but i make my character's face naughty gothic looks D:

    for metallic style with a lot of buckles i don't see it on the pic >.> i kinda saw an... sexy cowgirls style on the character of burst angel and kinda futuristic? O_O

    i made it not futuristic but it was like about... middle age where gun is just invented o.o? idk how to say it. but it's not in the future fashion.

    and yeah, i make it like an adventure fashion so ppl can move freely not limited with a tight trouser or a heavy skirt or a high heels or a tight clothing so it's like...combat fashion?

    and again thanks for good comments and votes on my entry. I really appreciate it.

    O_O pm me on game or whateva u know u can talk to me if u need me for something...just dont yell/command/mock me everything will be ok
  • _kitkat_ - Dreamweaver
    _kitkat_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think D looks kinda . . . whats the word. . . lady of the nightish lol. I think I will vote E. b:cute
  • DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver
    DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I voted for E, it's the one I would most likely buy and I really like the fact that it would look good in a lot of dye colors b:cute
  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I vote B for Bananas.
  • __Fluffy__ - Heavens Tear
    __Fluffy__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I vote B... not for bananas, but for... hmmm how should i say it? for how well it was thought out. This person put a lot of effort into designing it and it is very proffesional. Too bad its not getting too many votes -.-'
    [SIGPIC]C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\Animated siggy.gif[/SIGPIC]
    Grey signature made by ForsakenX. Thanks!!
    Blue signature made by me! :D
  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I vote B... not for bananas, but for... hmmm how should i say it? for how well it was thought out. This person put a lot of effort into designing it and it is very proffesional. Too bad its not getting too many votes -.-'

    The first time I looked at B I had so many double takes.. It is really done so well. Almost already looks like a fashion on sale, would make the dev's(I mean GM'sb:chuckle) work load a bit easier since it's practically finished.
  • SinCityChick - Dreamweaver
    SinCityChick - Dreamweaver Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But E is better...XD

    I happen to like the Anime-ish style that a lot of people draw in now. Makes a very aesthetically pleasing picture, even if a bit disproportionate... ^^
    For those times when *facepalm* and *headdesk* just aren't enough, I present...*brickhead*...painful, effective, and guaranteed to make you forget why you hit yourself in the first place.

    SkyLight (faction)
    Andracil (teh BEST MOD EVER!)
  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But E is better...XD

    I happen to like the Anime-ish style that a lot of people draw in now. Makes a very aesthetically pleasing picture, even if a bit disproportionate... ^^

    Yes.. don't reason why E would be better, Just give us an insight on how you like your pictures and be peppy about it. (Haven't been here the whole thread, and I don't feel like looking through it all now for your post).
  • SinCityChick - Dreamweaver
    SinCityChick - Dreamweaver Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Yes.. don't reason why E would be better, Just give us an insight on how you like your pictures and be peppy about it. (Haven't been here the whole thread, and I don't feel like looking through it all now for your post).

    Ummm...isn't every single post in here someone's opinion? Don't bash me for making mine known...and dun bash da style.
    For those times when *facepalm* and *headdesk* just aren't enough, I present...*brickhead*...painful, effective, and guaranteed to make you forget why you hit yourself in the first place.

    SkyLight (faction)
    Andracil (teh BEST MOD EVER!)
This discussion has been closed.