Project Fashion Female Winners! Final Poll!



  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ya.. E looks like Valentine off FFVII..
    D = alien vs predator
    and that other one looks like avatar..

    Original? Don't think so, come up with your own ideas else im not voting b:victory

    *cough* vincent? I'm a big fans of him but i don't think it looks like's way so different
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010 E if u have no choice... so the D didn't win and NO FEMALE running around half naked like that.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Are you serious? E is winning? lolz Didn't someone confirm on the EVENT: Project Fashion! forum that this clothing was taken from an existing anime? I personally like E the least from all 5 fashions. XD It's well drawn but the clothing itself just doesn't do it for me. I guess there really is no happy ending for this contest with what they have given us to work with. Really does seem like the more work people did, the less chance they were given to win. I'll keep that in mind next time. BTW, I loved your art the best Teresa. I really REALLY wanted that flame-y bell-bottom pant thing you made. I'm so disappointed. -_-
    It has nothing to do with the fact that your work looks professional, but the fact that your designs are very well thought up. I graduated from an art honors conservatory college a few years ago and I'm sure if PWI had chosen judges that knew anything about fashion or art concepts, I'm sure we wouldn't have these unprofessionally chosen finalists.

    I whole heartedly think PWI should have added those 20 finalists and let US choose the 5 we liked, and from that, they can pick one they like best to implement. Lol. Obviously we can't leave big decisions in their hands anymore. hehehe. XD
  • Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Are you serious? E is winning? lolz Didn't someone confirm on the EVENT: Project Fashion! forum that this clothing was taken from an existing anime? I personally like E the least from all 5 fashions. XD It's well drawn but the clothing itself just doesn't do it for me. I guess there really is no happy ending for this contest with what they have given us to work with. Really does seem like the more work people did, the less chance they were given to win. I'll keep that in mind next time. BTW, I loved your art the best Teresa. I really REALLY wanted that flame-y bell-bottom pant thing you made. I'm so disappointed. -_-
    It has nothing to do with the fact that your work looks professional, but the fact that your designs are very well thought up. I graduated from an art honors conservatory college a few years ago and I'm sure if PWI had chosen judges that knew anything about fashion or art concepts, I'm sure we wouldn't have these unprofessionally chosen finalists.

    I whole heartedly think PWI should have added those 20 finalists and let US choose the 5 we liked, and from that, they can pick one they like best to implement. Lol. Obviously we can't leave big decisions in their hands anymore. hehehe. XD

    excuse me...

    1. I don't even know burst angel or brust angel whatever it is...
    2. idk why and who are u but u looks like really want me disqualified
    3. the truth is...It's original design and the characters is my own design too
    4. you don't need to be graduated from art school to be a GREAT ARTIST coz GREAT ARTIST not always come from art school or need to be graduated from art school to judge an art..
    5. stop saying I'm stealing and make own made unreasonable reasons
    6. I appreciate if you stop doing these stuff. thanks.

    O_O pm me on game or whateva u know u can talk to me if u need me for something...just dont yell/command/mock me everything will be ok
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:cute E Looks Soooo cute and nice <333 Its just really lovely ^_^

    Everyone choose E b:chuckleb:thanks

    Would Love to wear that in PWI, It's just so lovely <3

    *crosses fingers* hope it wins ^_^
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    D... Probably everyone who voted for it was a guy, and a pervert one, what girl would like to run around PWI, in those ***** clothes? b:sadb:shutup

    It has good design etc etc.. But seriously.. lol

    A looks great too, original design ^^

    and just love E b:chuckle
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    umm... yuck b:cry

    Yes, the artists are great, the fashions are nice fashions but none are anything I would want any of my characters to wear. I realize that with so many entries that letting us have more choices to vote on would make things that much harder for those having to deal with it all, but when the previews were shown there were some in there that I liked. So, yeah I do wish we had more choices to choose from.

    Some variety. Maybe once whatever wins can be seen on a game character it will make it much better.

    b:surrender b:bye
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think A is the best, in my opion. Well, what can we do.. Gratz to the winners! :) great job. b:victoryb:victory
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'd have to agree with a lot of people and say that I'm a bit disappointed with the choices. Having seen a TON of fabulous designs in the contest's main thread, I was a bit surprised to see that none of the ones I really liked had made it in. There were a bunch that I could see my characters in, but with these...sad to say, I probably won't be buying them. : (

    The artist who designed B had a few other gorgeous designs as well...I was hoping to see one of those, though I do agree the pirate design is a nice change from the in-game pirate set. So, I personally hope that one wins. But with the votes against it...

    But good luck to the finalists, and congrats to whoever wins.b:victory
    Ah my god... I'm sorry but I feel defeated... And I'm honestly not impressed by majority of these. Like Kephras said on the male design finalist thread, "I can't believe I was beat by THAT". DX

    Some of my entries:

    Let me know when there are some real concept artists working on picking the finalists next time... -_- Cuz if this is it I'm not even going to waste my time next time. Give me my copyrights back to my designs since you obviously don't want em. lol >_<

    I'm going to support the pirate concept here, I really liked all her designs and I would feel happiest if she won. She put a lot more detail to hers and hell, we NEED a decent pirate outfit for this game. :) Her design is also workable for designers to model from I think. And there's detail in the texturing. Very beautiful work. I really hope it wins!

    I loved all your designs. They were beautifully done and well thought out. : ) I'm disappointed you didn't make the finals...
  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    D... Probably everyone who voted for it was a guy, and a pervert one, what girl would like to run around PWI, in those ***** clothes? b:sadb:shutup

    Actually, I voted for D and I'm a girl... I just don't like all the girly **** in this game <.< Good thing there are more different fashions nowadays, when I started this game I could only wear a skirt and it really bothered me -.-
    Anyways, I know that it won't win, because there aren't many people like me, who'd actually like to wear something like this in the game.
    E isn't bad either, I just don't like the design and I would never wear something like this, but it's well drawn and many people like it.

    Oh and I just wanted to say, what's wrong with you people? You say that something is stolen just because it reminds you of a character from another game or a movie? You say that people aren't creative enough when their work looks a bit like something else you've seen in your life? Come on, where should the people get their ideas from then? It's kinda impossible to come up with something REALLY original nowadays, because some noob can always find similarities with another design or whatever... God how I hate these people...

    Anyways, congrats to whoever wins, and those who didn't, get on with your life and stop whining on others, you're just jelaous. I understand that the winners could have been better, but there's no point in complaining.
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    excuse me...

    1. I don't even know burst angel or brust angel whatever it is...
    2. idk why and who are u but u looks like really want me disqualified
    3. the truth is...It's original design and the characters is my own design too
    4. you don't need to be graduated from art school to be a GREAT ARTIST coz GREAT ARTIST not always come from art school or need to be graduated from art school to judge an art..
    5. stop saying I'm stealing and make own made unreasonable reasons
    6. I appreciate if you stop doing these stuff. thanks.

    LolZ.... dude, maybe you don't need to graduate from an art school to be a great artist but you should graduate from some sort of school if you want to learn how to spell correctly.

    As for that anime, never heard of it, but I can tell from your reply to Ayunna's post that you are really defensive, which means you prolly did cheat. If you didn't, you wouldn't have replied QQing the way you just did. She didn't say you stole. She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum. Learn to read... and WRITE O_O

    I appreciate if you stop doing "these stuff" too.. haha
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I like D the best even though people are saying it's too... ahem. A is my second favorite, and E is my least favorite. Sadly it doesn't look like either of the 2 I like will win :(
    I wouldn't really wear any of the others. I wish there was a better selection. Im not happy with the results.
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ancientart wrote: »
    LolZ.... dude, maybe you don't need to graduate from an art school to be a great artist but you should graduate from some sort of school if you want to learn how to spell correctly.

    As for that anime, never heard of it, but I can tell from your reply to Ayunna's post that you are really defensive, which means you prolly did cheat. If you didn't, you wouldn't have replied QQing the way you just did. She didn't say you stole. She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum. Learn to read... and WRITE O_O

    I appreciate if you stop doing "these stuff" too.. haha

    If your going to correct things.
    This wasn't written it was typed.. o-o and they only had spelling errors.

    Also :
    ancientart wrote: »
    She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum.
    Are you serious? E is winning? lolz Didn't someone confirm on the EVENT: Project Fashion! forum that this clothing was taken from an existing anime?

    No where in that does it say "She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum." I think id be a little pissed to if someone was possibly pushing around the runors it was stolen.Your right it was overly deffensive, she could have just said somthing simple
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If your going to correct things
    This wasn't written it was typed.. o-o
    and they only had spelling errors

    Also :

    No where in that does it say "She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum." I think id be a little pissed to if someone was possibly pushing around the runors it was stolen.Your right it was overly deffensive, she could have just said somthing simple

    Could have sworn the "?" at the end of that sentence she typed made it a thought that could be wrong.

    For example: "That's a plane in the sky, right?" <--- This person THINKs it's a plane, but added the "?" because they wanted feedback and they were not sure if it was a plane or not. Hence, Ayu wasn't saying it was stolen, she was questioning or poking for more information about the outcome of that topic from the other forum.

    But again, It's a little odd how the artist knew exactly which anime this clothing came from even though the rest of us had no idea.
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    But again, It's a little odd how the artist knew exactly which anime this clothing came from even though the rest of us had no idea.

    True if someoen doesn't read it throughly they might slip and think Ayu mentioned the Anime.

    Btw..............xD nvm i think she went back and fixed herself on something her text arrangment has changed xD
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    True if someoen doesn't read it throughly they might slip and think Ayu mentioned the Anime.


    Yeah hehe.
    I'm a school teacher and this is what Im doing on my break. Can you believe it? Checking a forum for a game. Haha. I have to read papers all the time so I usually try to read thoroughly. That's why I decided to make a reply when I saw someone acting so defensive about a comment that wasn't even rude.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    A: look a chiapoa with a sash

    B another pirate set...already have 2 of those thanks

    C look a veno only ninja set

    D ....ya judges stuck entries on a dartboard downed shots spun in circles and thew 5 and w/e they hit was added...sadly one hit the fridge and their 12 year olds drawings got thrown in

    E look non veno ninja set

    seen a few of the "rejected" entries and honestly they're both more apealing and some are dam near professionaly done

    and you give us crayon drawingsb:angry
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm looking the burst angel stuff in google the pants could have been inspired by the anime.
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They pick the ideas they like best, fashion that might look good in game and is unique from others already in the game. The best artist doesn't win these kind of contests(to those bringing up art school and stuff), but the best ideas do.

    Voting D. There is nothing like it in the game. It's also looks kinda scary o.o. Bet I'll see a lot of archers wearing that

    I liked E a lot too but D just stands out the most.

    Seen some of the others that didn't make it, they are good but look too "normal" imo

    Edit: they might not pick pictures with watermark or name of the creator, if its all across the picture. just saying
    omg im posting stuff.
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They pick the ideas they like best, fashion that might look good in game and is unique from others already in the game. The best artist doesn't win these kind of contests(to those bringing up art school and stuff), but the best ideas do.

    Voting D. There is nothing like it in the game. It's also looks kinda scary o.o. Bet I'll see a lot of archers wearing that

    I liked E a lot too but D just stands out the most.

    Seen some of the others that didn't make it, they are good but look too "normal" imo

    lvl 70 female heavy armor
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They pick the ideas they like best, fashion that might look good in game and is unique from others already in the game.

    XD Maybe Lady Gaga should have entered then.
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    XD Maybe Lady Gaga should have entered then.

    LOL you're right. Bet they pick something from that
    omg im posting stuff.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    They pick the ideas they like best, fashion that might look good in game and is unique from others already in the game. The best artist doesn't win these kind of contests(to those bringing up art school and stuff), but the best ideas do.

    Edit: they might not pick pictures with watermark or name of the creator, if its all across the picture. just saying

    For one, I didn't enter in my entries with the watermarks across them. Anything I publish online I watermark to make it harder for people like those who stole designs and submitted them to this contest, to take them and claim them as their own work. The images I sent to PWE were 50% the original working size, without watermarks. >_> I'm not an idiot.

    Also... so you're saying this was one of "the best ideas"?


    that's the most stereotypical "sexy" japanese kimono inspired design I've seen. Look at almost any anime and I promise you there'll be a design nearly exactly like this. No offense to whoever the artist was. I'm just trying to prove a point. It doesn't take a genius to come up with a design like that.

    As for design E, I don't see why so many are flaming. I know it looks like a stereotypical anime ninja sort of design, but it doesn't mean she stole it. The only similarity it had to that other anime (whatever the name was) was the fact she's wearing a scarf lol. It does remind me a lot of another anime I've seen I just can't put my finger on it... but either way it doesn't make it stolen. As long as a design is at least 20% different from another, it is considered original by copyright law. So there's really nothing wrong there.

    Also I wanted to thank everyone who said they liked my entries, it means a lot. Honestly though, this'll probably be the only and last time I'll submit anything to PWE. I value my design work more than to just throw it away again. I entered in this contest not just because I was hoping to win, but because it was fun for me to design things that I really enjoyed. Sure I'm sure somebody could find similarities in my designs to something else... but I feel that I really put my best effort out there, tried to enter unique and different designs. Some that I entered weren't even in my natural vein of design, but I did them to show the variety I can accomplish.

    Losing this contest doesn't define my artistic ability lol. It's more like something I can laugh at... especially after seeing that ninja design on the male entries. It was completely ripped from a google search. >_>;; And they'll have a lawsuit on their hands if they don't replace entry D of the male entries soon lol...

    Anyhow I have commission work to do... If anyone would like to follow my work on deviantART, I've moved here to a new account:

    I've closed my horus-goddess gallery.
  • Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    O.o I made it to the finals? Really?

    Not with the set I would have hoped made it due to the fact that there is already a pirate set, seems to totally be working against me since a lot of people fail to see how the pirate set for females in game look nothing like a pirates. But oh well, I'm not looking to win this one since my best design, even in my opinion, didn't make it.

    A- ugh... really? Far too plain. Perhaps it was chosen because of the simplicity and room for the developers to modify if it were implimented, but still, there were far more entries that were better. Much better

    B- eh, it's mine >_> so whatever. Yes, it's a pirate but the design itself is still original so shove it >_<

    C- Not really my thing. The tail is really the only thing there that reminds me of Avatar and the mesh idea was kinda cool but otherwise I've no clue what to think of it x_x

    D- I think I'll just run around in my level 70 heavy set thank you ...

    E - Urm... cool? I suppose? But of all the others aside from mine, it stood out possibly the least. Not sure why it's winning.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    O.o I made it to the finals? Really?
    B- eh, it's mine >_> so whatever. Yes, it's a pirate but the design itself is still original so shove it >_<

    anyone of these ppl saying we already have a pirate for female is out of there minds. that clothing in cash shop might be called "pirate" but its not piratish more like idianish.
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Dunno really what I should vote for as my mainchar is a fem. Cleric and they suck in skirts and stuff which is drawn over their hips.
    But I think I'll choose B, because it looks like a REAL Pirate

    EDIT: Maybe replace the old Pirate Set with this one (Designer still shud get a reward) and get another fash design into the poll
    Everyone should have a Laures.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    -.-; the poles on these forums suck i can vote using every single alt i have.... LAME!
    Race: Elf
    Class: Bard
    Name: (you will see)
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ranked from best to worst?

    1. E
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. D
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    D... Probably everyone who voted for it was a guy, and a pervert one, what girl would like to run around PWI, in those ***** clothes? b:sadb:shutup

    It has good design etc etc.. But seriously.. lol

    A looks great too, original design ^^

    and just love E b:chuckle
    Why would a perverted guy want that over the already-in-game Classic Banquet Skirt or already-in-game bikinis or already-in-game no-leg-covering dresses (Icelace dress, FI)? The higher-level armors already looking like D are the main reason I'm planning out an outfit and putting coin into clothes, as it stands now.

    With the old D being a rip-off, I think either B or the Mafia set from another PW variant would be good.
    "adults on HT is an ancient myth used to scare away the kids from stealing their parents credit cards D:" - Santacruz
This discussion has been closed.