Project Fashion Female Winners! Final Poll!



  • Cheaper - Heavens Tear
    Cheaper - Heavens Tear Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Also... so you're saying this was one of "the best ideas"?

    I didn't pick them.

    BTW i just saw yours. The one with the cape is my favorite. Very nice :)
    omg im posting stuff.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I agree with TeresaSyri, and I feel that this selection (most of it) is an outrage, no originality of ideas as u see here...



    and this competition design hmmm...


    I think is ridiculous that in the thread of the contest the pwi staff says that they want original work and they accept stuff like this!!!

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Fiendishkit - Heavens Tear
    Fiendishkit - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Uh.....Gm's....there's a huge problem. XD You can vote again & again with your alts.............I think this poll may be a bit untruthful. xPPPP
  • Kadacsy - Sanctuary
    Kadacsy - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I vote D too... its different for sure and very original.
  • SamuiiYuki - Sanctuary
    SamuiiYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ancientart wrote: »
    LolZ.... dude, maybe you don't need to graduate from an art school to be a great artist but you should graduate from some sort of school if you want to learn how to spell correctly.

    As for that anime, never heard of it, but I can tell from your reply to Ayunna's post that you are really defensive, which means you prolly did cheat. If you didn't, you wouldn't have replied QQing the way you just did. She didn't say you stole. She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum. Learn to read... and WRITE O_O

    I appreciate if you stop doing "these stuff" too.. haha

    now2...everyone have right to protect their art. I also can understand why she is mad because all ppl already bugged her with that statement and not ayunna but those ppl who said she stole it. She didn't know burst angel and ppl keep saying it. Why you just don't open Google and look for burst angel?

    and i think it's just because she have red scarf then ppl said she stole from burst angel. Gee... look again more closely... it's original design
  • SamuiiYuki - Sanctuary
    SamuiiYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No where in that does it say "She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum." I think id be a little pissed to if someone was possibly pushing around the runors it was stolen.Your right it was overly deffensive, she could have just said somthing simple[/QUOTE]

    think if you are making something and many ppl said u steal it. Even u try ignore ppl or reply them they just keep saying it. Everyone have their limit?
  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Also I wanted to thank everyone who said they liked my entries, it means a lot. Honestly though, this'll probably be the only and last time I'll submit anything to PWE. I value my design work more than to just throw it away again. I entered in this contest not just because I was hoping to win, but because it was fun for me to design things that I really enjoyed. Sure I'm sure somebody could find similarities in my designs to something else... but I feel that I really put my best effort out there, tried to enter unique and different designs. Some that I entered weren't even in my natural vein of design, but I did them to show the variety I can accomplish.

    Your work was friggen awesome and very professional. The judges were on crack for not picking one of your designs.
    I agree with what others said, they just threw darts at a wall and landed on snake eyes.
    That or they'll come back later using one of the good concepts and claiming they made it, since they own it now. b:sad
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You know, the more I think on it the more I actually feel disgraced to be anywhere close to this line up...
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Lyonna_S - Sanctuary
    Lyonna_S - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ancientart wrote: »
    LolZ.... dude, maybe you don't need to graduate from an art school to be a great artist but you should graduate from some sort of school if you want to learn how to spell correctly.

    As for that anime, never heard of it, but I can tell from your reply to Ayunna's post that you are really defensive, which means you prolly did cheat. If you didn't, you wouldn't have replied QQing the way you just did. She didn't say you stole. She said she thought she read something about that clothing on the other forum. Learn to read... and WRITE O_O

    I appreciate if you stop doing "these stuff" too.. haha

    *cough* sigh... think i don't need to say anything again huh? even i say i don't steal it and it's original ppl will keep saying i steal it. It's not her (Ayunna) who said i do but someone in that site (Project Fashion Contest sample) said i do. I just got mad many ppl said its looks like i inspired/ taking from Burst angel, Final fantasy, Ragnarok the animation, Naruto, and some another anime that they also said but i forgot the name. I'm not a big fans of anime, the truth is i'm a gamer, and I was making an original design trying to make a metallic+gothic looks for a girl not trying to make a cosplay costume.

    Spell correctly? I'm sorry if i don't spell correctly but I'm not an English but i tried to speak everything on my head and make u guys understand it...

    write O_O won't work since ppl only will ask me again with another question or make a statement "See? hahaha u steal it now u can't answer it!" like i used to do in game. So i have to explain it.

    i think I'm a bit rude to defense my art but i really love art and i don't want anyone hurt it especially mine.It's just very tormenting if ppl saying something that u make original as stolen art.

    anyway...this is my very first design of the Huntress metallica before i turn it into a fashion design mode.

    see if u found that characters in any anime

    O_O pm me on game or whateva u know u can talk to me if u need me for something...just dont yell/command/mock me everything will be ok
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    okies um.....
    me has no fashion sense....and never really saw what humans see in bits of cloth (probably because humans don't has useful and nice fur, feather, etc)
    but me think that mayhaps whoever be choosing the line up be using some sort of...random lotto instead of based on talent.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    *cough* sigh... think i don't need to say anything again huh? even i say i don't steal it and it's original ppl will keep saying i steal it. It's not her (Ayunna) who said i do but someone in that site (Project Fashion Contest sample) said i do. I just got mad many ppl said its looks like i inspired/ taking from Burst angel, Final fantasy, Ragnarok the animation, Naruto, and some another anime that they also said but i forgot the name. I'm not a big fans of anime, the truth is i'm a gamer, and I was making an original design trying to make a metallic+gothic looks for a girl not trying to make a cosplay costume.[...]

    anyway...this is my very first design of the Huntress metallica before i turn it into a fashion design mode.

    see if u found that characters in any anime

    I gotta say, that is a really beautiful design lol. Not exactly my style, but it's definitely not bad. I did the same as you with one of my designs I submitted. I used a very old design I made years ago and don't really want anymore, modified it and submitted it.

    I think what it really comes down to is that every design will always look similar to something else pre-existing... it's just how it is. I'm inspired by other artists too and so is everyone else. It's what helps and inspires us to grow. Nothing wrong with using elements of designs you really like. Thing is sometimes people will accuse me too of taking an idea from some artist I've never even heard of before. Believe it or not, sometimes we all think of something similar without even realizing the other is there.

    Though I still think that kimono one... ugh. You know... I'm kinda glad mine wasn't picked... Though what would really **** me off is if they did later on use one of my designs without giving me due credit >_>. They can have the copyright I already gave it to them the second I submitted it. I just want credit for thinking it up if they do use it...

    You know, the more I think on it the more I actually feel disgraced to be anywhere close to this line up...

    And, don't feel that way Kyna. lol... yours is one of the only designs I think was fairly chosen. Even if they didn't pick the one you liked most. :/ Personally I really liked that greek sorta... warrior one you did, myself. but I'd settle for the pirate outfit. XD Though by the looks of things... we're gonna get this ugly light armor looking ... thing...

    No justice in the world of PW lol....

    Your work was friggen awesome and very professional. The judges were on crack for not picking one of your designs.
    I agree with what others said, they just threw darts at a wall and landed on snake eyes.
    That or they'll come back later using one of the good concepts and claiming they made it, since they own it now. b:sad

    And, thank you very much ^^! Though what you said about their picking methods... it certainly seems that way lol. :/ I wanna know exactly which group of people of their company voted for and picked these...
  • Ayunna - Sanctuary
    Ayunna - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    *cough* sigh... think i don't need to say anything again huh? even i say i don't steal it and it's original ppl will keep saying i steal it. It's not her (Ayunna) who said i do but someone in that site (Project Fashion Contest sample) said i do. I just got mad many ppl said its looks like i inspired/ taking from Burst angel, Final fantasy, Ragnarok the animation, Naruto, and some another anime that they also said but i forgot the name. I'm not a big fans of anime, the truth is i'm a gamer, and I was making an original design trying to make a metallic+gothic looks for a girl not trying to make a cosplay costume.

    Spell correctly? I'm sorry if i don't spell correctly but I'm not an English but i tried to speak everything on my head and make u guys understand it...

    write O_O won't work since ppl only will ask me again with another question or make a statement "See? hahaha u steal it now u can't answer it!" like i used to do in game. So i have to explain it.

    i think I'm a bit rude to defense my art but i really love art and i don't want anyone hurt it especially mine.It's just very tormenting if ppl saying something that u make original as stolen art.

    anyway...this is my very first design of the Huntress metallica before i turn it into a fashion design mode.

    see if u found that characters in any anime

    I'm sorry if I offended you, Lyonna. That was not my intention. I was only bringing it up because I was hoping someone would let me know if they had read the same thing I did. I did not know which anime, nor do I think it's important to google it to see if it's stolen or not. I honestly don't care. XD I was just giving my honest opinion just like everyone else on this thread has done. I finally voted for "D" simply because it's nothing like the other sets in the game, and although it does indeed look like armor, I kind of think it was a brave move on the artist's side to do something that wasn't part of the rules. Sure, it shows a lot of skin, but c'mon now... nothing people can submit can be much worse than the bikini set that already exists in the game, am I right? :) And for the record, that link you posted was a very nice drawing, Lyonna.
  • Liba - Heavens Tear
    Liba - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I quite like design C, I don;t know why- i always seem to like diffrent things. Maybe because of the straps for the veno tails... lol.
    But serioustly- what happened to the fashions from the preview? Honestly. The tideborn inspired dress was AMAZING. the little water trail coming from it- i would love that D:

    And why has A got so many votes? We just had something like, identical to that added to the game- serioustly.
    Also, whats with all the ********? D: really?
    Haters gunna love this ^
    Liba- 9x Sage veno, TheEmpire
    X_xMoonx_X - 7x Future demon cleric
    _Nix_x - 7x Sin :)
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    do you know what i find funny

    whenever we make a thread with a poll in it about say "do you want anniversary packs gone" its is deemed as invalid because people can mess with the poll to add more votes onto an answer through various ways...

    buuut when pwe do a poll ohh its legit none of the above counts anymore, even tho people can still mess with the poles

    aaand ontop of that, HALF of the entries picked were pointed out to be fakes and steals, violation of the rules.

    and what are you going to do about it PWE, turn a blind eye?

    do i really have to keep going on about how corrupt this company is..
  • Kirstiein - Sanctuary
    Kirstiein - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Are pwi ppl blind or something cause eww on all of them. Cant you just let me have jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts. That would refect my actual style in real life, and I am always myself in the game. And I would like to reflect myself on my main char atleast. But I guess that is too much to ask b:cry.

    -Kirstiein the awesome cleric!
  • Ayunna - Sanctuary
    Ayunna - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I feel like making my own damn poll and adding the stuff that SHOULD have won... hehe. Only problem with doing that is:
    1. It wouldn't change the results of this crappy contest.
    2. PWI would probably lock the poll anyhow.
    3. I'm too lazy to look through that 50-something page post with the actually awesome clothing designs in it to find all the ones I loved all over again.
    Blah... If I was in charge of this entire contest, oh man, it would have resulted much differently.
    For one, I would have had a team of 4 people (yes... FOUR!) working in pairs to look through half of the entries. (1,000 each I suppose). Each day, the goal would be to check AT LEAST 100 emails/pictures.
    The definite **** ones would be immediately deleted so I can save space. The ones I liked would be put in a folder I would title "Good Ones" (You like that? lol)
    I would think out of each day (100 emails), about 10 would be chosen that were actually good. This means by the end of the 10 days (1,000 each, 2 pairs checking) They would have roughly 200 possible winners. THEN! I would take that same team, and TOGETHER they would narrow the results. FINALLY, the team would choose about 20-50 finalists, and those photos would be printed or emailed to the ACTUAL CLOTHING DESIGNERS for PWI. I would let the designers choose 5 finalists and the hell with it.

    Did I think about this too much? Probably. :)
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    aaand ontop of that, HALF of the entries picked were pointed out to be fakes and steals, violation of the rules.

    and what are you going to do about it PWE, turn a blind eye?

    do i really have to keep going on about how corrupt this company is..

    The two entries in question were disqualified and replaced.
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thought I'd mention some entries I really liked. I thought for sure some of these would've made it in >_>; I wouldn't have been so heartbroken if really really GOOD designs had been finalists above mine, such as these. It's the fact they chose some... well... poorly designed unoriginal ideas that threw me off. Anyway, here are the ones I would've definitely voted for next to Kyna's pirate or other designs:

    I saw these and my jaw dropped. Loved the victorian dresses, so totally a weakness of mine hahahaha:

    Even tho these are really detailed for a game entry, they rock:

    My favourite of Kyna's:

    There are elements of this design that I really love, like the top and hairstyle. Not a fan of having so much thong showing lol, but other than that...:

    And this one just stuck out in my mind ever since I saw it lol. I liked the light colors and creativity in the different design. Sure it's anime-ish, but I liked it at least:

    There were so many entries I wanted to see here... :/
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i still say the judges had a bonfire with the designs and then played roulette to see who won b:chuckle
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • Ayunna - Sanctuary
    Ayunna - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thought I'd mention some entries I really liked. I thought for sure some of these would've made it in >_>; I wouldn't have been so heartbroken if really really GOOD designs had been finalists above mine, such as these. It's the fact they chose some... well... poorly designed unoriginal ideas that threw me off. Anyway, here are the ones I would've definitely voted for next to Kyna's pirate or other designs:

    I saw these and my jaw dropped. Loved the victorian dresses, so totally a weakness of mine hahahaha:

    Even tho these are really detailed for a game entry, they rock:

    My favourite of Kyna's:

    There are elements of this design that I really love, like the top and hairstyle. Not a fan of having so much thong showing lol, but other than that...:

    And this one just stuck out in my mind ever since I saw it lol. I liked the light colors and creativity in the different design. Sure it's anime-ish, but I liked it at least:

    There were so many entries I wanted to see here... :/

    Hehe... That one made by Kyna was my favorite from all her entries so it made me sad they picked her pirate one over that (Not that the pirate one is bad, I just liked the other better). As for my thong-lol design, my designs initially STARTED as covered up designs like this one:
    and this one:

    But I was later told half way through the contest by my best friend IRL that if I was entering to win, I should make sluttier outfits since most girls like to show off.... haha. I guess I was mislead! However, in my defense, that thong one was my final entry before I ran out of time (but never ideas :D).

    As for that last link you posted, the goddess one... omg I loved that one. :( It's another I was hoping to be a finalist.

    *Pout* There should be a new pole after the contest with the actual GOOD entries and have people choose something they would like to actually BUY in the boutique XD **** the prize. I just wanted a nice set to add to the game. Is that so much to ask?
  • yumcake
    yumcake Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I am not mad i dont win, but i think my entry was better then some of the winner lol. I was expecting to lose to something owesome but oh well.
    Like other people i saw nice entry on forum were r they? :P Anyway here what i send in:

    What a waste of time. I wont be entering any future "design contest" lol.
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    *Pout* There should be a new pole after the contest with the actual GOOD entries and have people choose something they would like to actually BUY in the boutique XD **** the prize. I just wanted a nice set to add to the game. Is that so much to ask?

    Chances are, that this whole poll and win 10,000 zen thing, was just a way to make people submit more entries. I'm wondering how much the judges actually tried when picking the top, or if they really did just throw darts at designs.
    But in the end, the devs now have 2000+ designs that they can use to create in-game clothing. This is why they allowed the 10,000 zen prize, chances are they will make that back and then some, by selling the designs they got from this contest in the cash shop.b:shutup

    EDIT: something that im still wondering about, they were able to replace the two plagiarized works in less then 24 hours, which indicates to me that they had runner-ups. Yet, I don't see any "runner-ups" or "honorable mentions" section. Just curious as to why there isn't one, all contests (except the calender contests?) have had honorable mentions. Is there any specific reason for not posting any honorable mentions?
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hehe... That one made by Kyna was my favorite from all her entries so it made me sad they picked her pirate one over that (Not that the pirate one is bad, I just liked the other better). As for my thong-lol design, my designs initially STARTED as covered up designs like this one:
    and this one:

    But I was later told half way through the contest by my best friend IRL that if I was entering to win, I should make sluttier outfits since most girls like to show off.... haha. I guess I was mislead! However, in my defense, that thong one was my final entry before I ran out of time (but never ideas :D).

    As for that last link you posted, the goddess one... omg I loved that one. :( It's another I was hoping to be a finalist.

    *Pout* There should be a new pole after the contest with the actual GOOD entries and have people choose something they would like to actually BUY in the boutique XD **** the prize. I just wanted a nice set to add to the game. Is that so much to ask?

    Oh cute! I like those a lot!

    And your friend isn't entirely wrong lol. I mean... look at the outfits we have already. Many of them have a lot of sex appeal. Not only do guys like that stuff but girls like dressing up that way (not just in a game but RL too lol). Though it's also true that lots of women love covering up and letting it remain to the imagination lol. So really I guess either way is a good way to go. Though I'd probably opt more for playful yet conservative, myself.
  • Ayunna - Sanctuary
    Ayunna - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oh cute! I like those a lot!

    And your friend isn't entirely wrong lol. I mean... look at the outfits we have already. Many of them have a lot of sex appeal. Not only do guys like that stuff but girls like dressing up that way (not just in a game but RL too lol). Though it's also true that lots of women love covering up and letting it remain to the imagination lol. So really I guess either way is a good way to go. Though I'd probably opt more for playful yet conservative, myself.

    Thankies :)

    As for your comment, you're right. That's why when she told me that, I was like "oh... ohhh yeah.. I'm designing for the general public! Not for myself! >_<" In real life, I'm the conservative type. I rarely wear shorts, let alone thongs. However, this is a game. And most girls dream of having flocks of men think they are totally awesome and beautiful. If they don't get enough attention, sadly, they turn to "revealing" their body with the clothing they choose.
    Even though I'm not like that, I'm still in the category of wanting sexually appealing clothing myself simply because I like reminding myself I did a good job creating a FEMALE character haha. And I'm married in the game O_O But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy looking at my character's model flaunting herself around a bit. XD Tee hee. This is another reason I'm voting "D".
    I know someone is gonna complain about my thoughts eventually. I can't please everyone I guess. :)
  • TenjoSayuri - Sanctuary
    TenjoSayuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I Vote EEEEE!!!!
  • neji19
    neji19 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I agree, I have to spend my vote on E. I could see my female characters wearing it lol.
  • TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear
    TeresaSyri - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I just found results of a contest held on the Japanese PW through following a link from another forum thread in the screenshots section. I have to say, I would've been honored to be chosen next to all of these. Hell I would've liked to see more actual artistic quality and ability shown in the entries shown for PWI's contest results. Our contest results just... don't even compare to Japan's.
  • Lyonna_S - Sanctuary
    Lyonna_S - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I gotta say, that is a really beautiful design lol. Not exactly my style, but it's definitely not bad. I did the same as you with one of my designs I submitted. I used a very old design I made years ago and don't really want anymore, modified it and submitted it.

    I think what it really comes down to is that every design will always look similar to something else pre-existing... it's just how it is. I'm inspired by other artists too and so is everyone else. It's what helps and inspires us to grow. Nothing wrong with using elements of designs you really like. Thing is sometimes people will accuse me too of taking an idea from some artist I've never even heard of before. Believe it or not, sometimes we all think of something similar without even realizing the other is there.

    I should say yeah, u right. I used to think about a kimono fighter girls and a musical set but i didn't made it on the dead line but then i saw someone made and its almost the same like what I'm thinking. i was like "O.o wow... " coz i even didn't know who is that.

    and last i say thanks for understanding what i'm trying to say :D it's hard enough for me to talk in English that is not my main language and sometime when ppl say this and that not commonly used in my country i have to search it at dictionary >.>

    and honestly,i think u can know which stolen art and which is original because an artist will have their own style and if they keep their style on the art, guess its must be original even it might inspired from somewhere. For me, stolen art = 99% looks alike no difference and they put their name as credit on it.

    and again thanks for everyone who understand me.
    I'm sorry if I offended you, Lyonna. That was not my intention. I was only bringing it up because I was hoping someone would let me know if they had read the same thing I did. I did not know which anime, nor do I think it's important to google it to see if it's stolen or not. I honestly don't care. XD I was just giving my honest opinion just like everyone else on this thread has done. I finally voted for "D" simply because it's nothing like the other sets in the game, and although it does indeed look like armor, I kind of think it was a brave move on the artist's side to do something that wasn't part of the rules. Sure, it shows a lot of skin, but c'mon now... nothing people can submit can be much worse than the bikini set that already exists in the game, am I right? :) And for the record, that link you posted was a very nice drawing, Lyonna.

    I'm also say sorry coz i'm kinda rude replying but >.> well, human emotion,i hold to not giving any reply to those fire since my drawing posted as sample... and for D i won't said it's bad but she do make great details even it looks like a heavy armor, just maybe some ppl think it's just too open for their characters. it's called art, can't force everyone to like it...Like it or not up to your taste.

    O_O pm me on game or whateva u know u can talk to me if u need me for something...just dont yell/command/mock me everything will be ok
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    seriously.. the only two i actually like are C and E , mostly E because its the one i can actually se my char wearing
    i mean rly.. D just looks plain wrong
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • lycaondarkwolf
    lycaondarkwolf Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    A : remind me about Dead or Alive?
    B : remind me about Pirate of Carrebian
    C : remind me about Avatars
    D : remind me about Soul Calibur
    E : Uhm...remind me fashion contest design sample? >.> got no idea..burst angel? the red scarf only -__-
    seriously.. the only two i actually like are C and E , mostly E because its the one i can actually se my char wearing
    i mean rly.. D just looks plain wrong

    is ok if D win, i just can see **** veno or any other female char with male players or even female that really want to show her sexy butt running around almost naked like that b:dirty weee~ *happy more* b:dirty
This discussion has been closed.