New Item: Perfect Horn UPDATE



  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well after reading every post up to this Page (@__@ it burns), I'm just glad this PWI killing machine is being removed from the Boutique soon enough, yet not stopping the hoarders will basically yield the same result, except for a more limited time >_>

    Atm, I'm not even playing the game cuz my University filters it, but from what I've gathered and seen as a result of the accursed Perfect(ly corrupt) Horn(of pure destruction) is the cake taker off all unnecessary **** in CS (proud to be a player who doesn't spent a cent though ;]). Seeing the same thing being repeated almost every post, even after the update, and hearing of players quitting due to this abomination was a truly saddening and shameful, that the same game company could unleash something that caters to those mentally unstable WC'ers who would be more than happy to abuse this item in the worst ways, knowing it can't be filtered from the private chat windows.

    Also seeing the proof of how easily it ruins the GAME, but easily pleases the Horn Users (who most likely don't know how easily a squad can fail in a challenging instance and/or doing special bosses with all the raw sewage filling the chat window xD). Ruining communication in this game practically makes it less playable than a single player game. I wont plead for it to be filterable, as the majority if posters have already done, I'm just expressing my thoughts after reading this epic thread of pure complaint and chaos.

    Kinda interesting though, how so many in-game who have done more than break the original TOS agreement countless times and have even made themselves known, in this thread even, have not received any form of warnings or bans, while other persons who have had their accounts **** and users who try to access ingame via a public proxy are insta-banned with little or no sensibly good reasons. Guess they're looking at non-profit, petty infringements more than what actually gives them money at any cost. b:chuckleb:surrender

    Off Topic: I was quite intrigued to see how many ppl care about the true game itself and not just what you can buy from the Boutique. It's great to see how real families can play this game together and see the things which can bring them together in PWI, despite the negative portion of the society who make themselves known, but "were" ignorable. And the truth revealed with how the company hierarchy scheme in terms of the GMs, Mods, Devs and Advertisers showed me who's "innocent" in the entire setup. (Though it's not something that's hard to figure out, I was uninterested until this disaster :P)

    P.S.: Dont forget to demote/fire the person who thought of this nightmare b:thanks
    P.S.S.:This thread has some of the longest replies I've seen in a long time :o
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm not going to quote a bunch of posts because... that would make this post go from "post" to "an entire page's worth of words."

    FoxRunning, I am in agreement with Aadi. While some of your concerns are valid concerns, a lot of your concerns seem quite petty, and quite based on the idea that this game is marketed to parents like you, with children like yours, who grow up in an area like the one you live in.

    You complained about the images on the forums, and how they were so awful for a child to see, and how you grounded X and Y from doing Z and A because of these images. And you know what I have to say to this? Suck it up. This game isn't aimed at people specifically like you and specifically like your children. It's not even aimed at children at all, it's aimed to a teenage-to-adult market that are presumed to be mostly male. Your children don't even fit into the equation of who they're actually trying to sell the game to, and are just a welcome bonus.

    This proves that you think far too much from a concerned parent's point of view rather than looking at it from the company's point of view. You assumed and still seem to assume that PWE gives a damn about a kid under the age of fourteen or fifteen and that, therefore, things need to change. You are going to continue to be sorely disappointed with all these petty "It isn't good for children" concerns if you continue to think like this, and while I agree with the idea "to each their own" you push the boundaries too far. This game does not consist of players who are under fifteen, and who were all brought up in the same area you were, and suffer from the same problems as you do, and they aren't all your kids. You need to realise this because maybe then you will stop asking for changes that - in the real world - would affect the company drastically in the terms of who they are trying to grab the attention of, and even some of their current players.

    Bottom line: this game is aimed at a teenage-to-adult market and therefore you need to stop complaining on behalf of your kids for changes such as the pictures. Your kids aren't the target market of this game, they aren't the people who bring in the most money, they aren't a reason to change the game or it's artwork. At all. Stop thinking that they're so special that they are.

    Some of your concerns are far more valid, and I would agree with them if only you didn't get so pretentious. You act like you know, exactly and to the point, what is happening inside the office of PWE, like you know exactly how many staff they need to run the amount of games they have going, like you know exactly what the moderators and GMs do, etc. etc.
    Chill the **** out. You don't know all of those details and you can't run around making demands as if you do. It ruins your valid concerns completely and makes you look like nothing more than a whiny, concerned parent who has nothing better to do than complain about this game and yet carries on playing it anyway.

    Rethink the way you bring up your problems and issues, and the way you address them to other people. Some of your concerns and demands are beyond ridiculous and you clearly haven't even tried to think about them from any perspective other than you're own; this is foolish. Other concerns you have are far more valid, and I agree with, but the way you deal with them sucks balls; this also makes you look foolish and makes people less inclined to agree with you, simply on the basis of how you demand these things are dealt with.
  • Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I don't care if the horns stay or leave, just when they stay, I'd do 2 changes :

    1) Make it so that I can block the horn chat and ignore it when I want, so that it doesn't pop up in my private chat all the time. Or show it only on world chat, not in other chats.

    2) Make it more expensive to buy, so that immature noobs couldn't use them to spam.

    That is all.
  • Denarra - Heavens Tear
    Denarra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm not going to quote a bunch of posts because... that would make this post go from "post" to "an entire page's worth of words."

    FoxRunning, I am in agreement with Aadi. While some of your concerns are valid concerns, a lot of your concerns seem quite petty, and quite based on the idea that this game is marketed to parents like you, with children like yours, who grow up in an area like the one you live in.

    You complained about the images on the forums, and how they were so awful for a child to see, and how you grounded X and Y from doing Z and A because of these images. And you know what I have to say to this? Suck it up. This game isn't aimed at people specifically like you and specifically like your children. It's not even aimed at children at all, it's aimed to a teenage-to-adult market that are presumed to be mostly male. Your children don't even fit into the equation of who they're actually trying to sell the game to, and are just a welcome bonus.

    This proves that you think far too much from a concerned parent's point of view rather than looking at it from the company's point of view. You assumed and still seem to assume that PWE gives a damn about a kid under the age of fourteen or fifteen and that, therefore, things need to change. You are going to continue to be sorely disappointed with all these petty "It isn't good for children" concerns if you continue to think like this, and while I agree with the idea "to each their own" you push the boundaries too far. This game does not consist of players who are under fifteen, and who were all brought up in the same area you were, and suffer from the same problems as you do, and they aren't all your kids. You need to realise this because maybe then you will stop asking for changes that - in the real world - would affect the company drastically in the terms of who they are trying to grab the attention of, and even some of their current players.

    Bottom line: this game is aimed at a teenage-to-adult market and therefore you need to stop complaining on behalf of your kids for changes such as the pictures. Your kids aren't the target market of this game, they aren't the people who bring in the most money, they aren't a reason to change the game or it's artwork. At all. Stop thinking that they're so special that they are.

    Some of your concerns are far more valid, and I would agree with them if only you didn't get so pretentious. You act like you know, exactly and to the point, what is happening inside the office of PWE, like you know exactly how many staff they need to run the amount of games they have going, like you know exactly what the moderators and GMs do, etc. etc.
    Chill the **** out. You don't know all of those details and you can't run around making demands as if you do. It ruins your valid concerns completely and makes you look like nothing more than a whiny, concerned parent who has nothing better to do than complain about this game and yet carries on playing it anyway.

    Rethink the way you bring up your problems and issues, and the way you address them to other people. Some of your concerns and demands are beyond ridiculous and you clearly haven't even tried to think about them from any perspective other than you're own; this is foolish. Other concerns you have are far more valid, and I agree with, but the way you deal with them sucks balls; this also makes you look foolish and makes people less inclined to agree with you, simply on the basis of how you demand these things are dealt with.

    Ok, thats it. Do not (I'll say it again in case you misunderstood) do not talk to my mom that way. I don't know where you get the audacity to talk to others that way but its so rude.

    With regards to the images: this game is aimed at a mostly male market? So they put up disgusting pictures of women? I have to say, that doesn't reflect very well on them. (and btw... when she says children meaning us, her kids, we are all teenagers)

    She thinks far too much from a concerned parent's point if view does she? Well, what the heck is she supposed to think from? She is a parent! And her concerns aren't "petty". Those things aren't good for children! What is today's world wanting their children to grow up to be? She doesn't ask for drastic changes. She has put up with a lot of disgusting you know what with this game. i.e. much of the fashion, some artwork form before the rising tide came out, etc. etc. But we've been able to fairly well block all the trash but this stupid horn was the last straw.

    I could go on about your other, well lets call them claims, about my mom but I have better things to do than argue with an idiot.

    I will say one more thing though... and this is to everyone who has been giving my mom a load of you know what. If you can't talk to her like a civilized human being, keep your mouth shut!!! My mom doesn't need anymore of this. She has a right to voice her opinion without all of you jumping on her for every little thing she says.

    I can't make you leave her alone, but I am trusting that you'll have the decency to listen to me. I know that a bit much for me to expect, considering the way you've all been treating her, but just please, please stop being so nasty to her.
  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^---Oh Snap!!!b:shockedb:shutupb:surrender
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • saphire1960
    saphire1960 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok, thats it. Do not (I'll say it again in case you misunderstood) do not talk to my mom that way. I don't know where you get the audacity to talk to others that way but its so rude.

    With regards to the images: this game is aimed at a mostly male market? So they put up disgusting pictures of women? I have to say, that doesn't reflect very well on them. (and btw... when she says children meaning us, her kids, we are all teenagers)

    She thinks far too much from a concerned parent's point if view does she? Well, what the heck is she supposed to think from? She is a parent! And her concerns aren't "petty". Those things aren't good for children! What is today's world wanting their children to grow up to be? She doesn't ask for drastic changes. She has put up with a lot of disgusting you know what with this game. i.e. much of the fashion, some artwork form before the rising tide came out, etc. etc. But we've been able to fairly well block all the trash but this stupid horn was the last straw.

    I could go on about your other, well lets call them claims, about my mom but I have better things to do than argue with an idiot.

    I will say one more thing though... and this is to everyone who has been giving my mom a load of you know what. If you can't talk to her like a civilized human being, keep your mouth shut!!! My mom doesn't need anymore of this. She has a right to voice her opinion without all of you jumping on her for every little thing she says.

    I can't make you leave her alone, but I am trusting that you'll have the decency to listen to me. I know that a bit much for me to expect, considering the way you've all been treating her, but just please, please stop being so nasty to her.

    ok this is just stupid you are basically demanding this game change from the way it has always been basically the graphics are too adult? simple solution dont play this game.
    Race: Elf
    Class: Bard
    Name: (you will see)
  • Denarra - Heavens Tear
    Denarra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I am not demanding anything. I am defending my mother.
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WALLS!!! OF!! TEXT!!!!!!

    Omg... what has this horneh thread turned into?!o,o
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I don't care if the horns stay or leave, just when they stay, I'd do 2 changes :

    1) Make it so that I can block the horn chat and ignore it when I want, so that it doesn't pop up in my private chat all the time. Or show it only on world chat, not in other chats.

    2) Make it more expensive to buy, so that immature noobs couldn't use them to spam.

    That is all.

    I would do similar, but choose one or the other.

    1) Make it blockable, but unblockable in General Chat

    2) Leave it as is, but make it cost 50silver per use. If they are allowed to interupt us, make them pay for such a privilege.
  • Denarra - Heavens Tear
    Denarra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    WALLS!!! OF!! TEXT!!!!!!

    Omg... what has this horneh thread turned into?!o,o

    I don't know. All I'm trying to do is keep people from being so nasty to my mom.
  • Shayisha - Heavens Tear
    Shayisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    <snip>.... Those things aren't good for children! What is today's world wanting their children to grow up to be?


    Independent thinkers....

    ETA: What your family considers disgusting pictures really aren't to the majority of the real world. The fact that you find them disgusting has me concerned for your upbringing. See how that works?

    We all have our own views on what is and isn't right for OUR children. But please, do not, force them on others.
    The other Shay's --> Shaylis 66 Wiz ~ Shaylista 46 Veno ~ Shaylari 31 Psy
  • Denarra - Heavens Tear
    Denarra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ...whose minds are full of trash.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    -snip- Woah, chill out.

    Firstly, I guess you didn't really read my post. Cause you know, if you had, you would have realised I said multiple times that some of your mother's concerns were valid points.

    The only person getting antsy here is you. I was being little more than honest, and sharing my opinion. I've read multiple posts from FoxRunning before, and some of her demands - and yes, that's what they were - went beyond the point of ridiculousness. Children are not the target market of this game. Also, when I read the word "children" I do not picture a teenager. You know, they're more well known as "teenagers" or "young adults" and I don't think I'm the only person around here who reads the word "child" as somebody younger than the age of, oh, fourteen or fifteen.

    You find the images disgusting? That's your problem. I really don't care for them, and I do this awesome little thing called ignore them. They don't affect my gameplay, I can block them on the websites and they're not even around for more than six seconds on loading screens in game. If you don't like them, that's your issue, but for the majority of the players they aren't a problem, and these images also market the game to it's target audience - meaning the company isn't about to change them because you and your one family doesn't like them. I said the same in my post to your mother, equally civilised and equally honest.

    Again, chill the **** out. You're the first person here to lose their temper at anybody, so take your own advice before you try and force it down the throat of others.

    There are worse things, outside of this game in the real world that children are going to deal with. Your comments about what we want our children to grow up to be are null and void because one MMORPG isn't going to change the god damn world and you people need to stop acting like it is. Seriously, that's the tone I get from you people. "OH NO, NAKED WOMAN ON PERFECT WORLD INTERNATIONAL MY CHILD'S MIND IS SULLIED FOREVER AND EVER!!!!! QQQQQQQQQ!!!!"

    Get a grip, please. I see more naked women in the real world walking around town every day, in outfits so small and low cut they might as well just go out in their underwear in the first place.

    I'm going to leave it at that. As I have already said, multiple times, and you seemed to have completely skipped over this: some of your mother's complaints are very valid. And I would be more inclined to agree with her if she didn't run around claiming to know exactly what went on behind the scenes - which is very much how she comes across - because that's BS.

    Now then! Back on topic to the horns, yeah? God forbid somebody else loses their temper with me and tells me to be civilised. =3
    ...whose minds are full of trash.

    BTW, who's being uncivilised now?
    You know, you're claiming independent thinkers have minds full of trash. Congrats, you've just offended a lot of people. And look increasingly narrowminded and paranoid. Man the real world is gonna suck balls for you.
  • Skimi - Dreamweaver
    Skimi - Dreamweaver Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i met 13 years old on game the other and he was crying about viruses he got on his pc from dling ****. i find kids to be more pervert and twisted minded than adults and horns doesn't change anything.
  • HurrDurrDerp - Heavens Tear
    HurrDurrDerp - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    dling ****

    im 12 years old and what is this??
  • Foxyline - Dreamweaver
    Foxyline - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i hate this stupid horns >.>
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    im 12 years old and what is this??
    you have no need to know till you're at least 18.
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Personally, for their ORIGINAL purpose, Horns were a great idea. But when various people make level 1 characters, take them Arch, and then spam when they log on such things as...

    xxxxxxxx: H
    xxxxxxxx: E
    xxxxxxxx: L
    xxxxxxxx: L
    xxxxxxxx: L
    xxxxxxxx: O gets old REALLY if you do that...please, I'm begging you...STOP.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Jishika - Sanctuary
    Jishika - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I rarley speak about cash shop things but this one is really annoying as many has said here, it's better to put the price higher or you can only use it maybe 5 times per day maybe? A limit use can be fair enough right? b:victory
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i'm very glad to see my daughter speaking out for herself-you all having been so positive that i was 'forcing' them to not play this week. and yes, she is upset- she has missed playing this game this last week, during vacation (though she and her brothers found other things to play, went out to ride when it was warm,and so on). and yes, she has been upset, both with the way some speak to me (she has never really read the forums before, so she hasnt seen the bad stuff before), and because she is afraid that even after the horn is taken out, the leftover ones will still pollute the airways. she is new to posting here, and i hope will be speaking out for herself.

    i share that concern and fear.

    Firstly, I guess you didn't really read my post. Cause you know, if you had, you would have realised I said multiple times that some of your mother's concerns were valid points.

    The only person getting antsy here is you. I was being little more than honest, and sharing my opinion. I've read multiple posts from FoxRunning before, and some of her demands - and yes, that's what they were - went beyond the point of ridiculousness. Children are not the target market of this game. Also, when I read the word "children" I do not picture a teenager. You know, they're more well known as "teenagers" or "young adults" and I don't think I'm the only person around here who reads the word "child" as somebody younger than the age of, oh, fourteen or fifteen.

    You find the images disgusting? That's your problem. I really don't care for them, and I do this awesome little thing called ignore them. They don't affect my gameplay, I can block them on the websites and they're not even around for more than six seconds on loading screens in game. If you don't like them, that's your issue, but for the majority of the players they aren't a problem, and these images also market the game to it's target audience - meaning the company isn't about to change them because you and your one family doesn't like them. I said the same in my post to your mother, equally civilised and equally honest.

    Again, chill the **** out. You're the first person here to lose their temper at anybody, so take your own advice before you try and force it down the throat of others.

    There are worse things, outside of this game in the real world that children are going to deal with. Your comments about what we want our children to grow up to be are null and void because one MMORPG isn't going to change the god damn world and you people need to stop acting like it is. Seriously, that's the tone I get from you people. "OH NO, NAKED WOMAN ON PERFECT WORLD INTERNATIONAL MY CHILD'S MIND IS SULLIED FOREVER AND EVER!!!!! QQQQQQQQQ!!!!"

    Get a grip, please. I see more naked women in the real world walking around town every day, in outfits so small and low cut they might as well just go out in their underwear in the first place.

    I'm going to leave it at that. As I have already said, multiple times, and you seemed to have completely skipped over this: some of your mother's complaints are very valid. And I would be more inclined to agree with her if she didn't run around claiming to know exactly what went on behind the scenes - which is very much how she comes across - because that's BS.

    Now then! Back on topic to the horns, yeah? God forbid somebody else loses their temper with me and tells me to be civilised. =3

    BTW, who's being uncivilised now?
    You know, you're claiming independent thinkers have minds full of trash. Congrats, you've just offended a lot of people. And look increasingly narrowminded and paranoid. Man the real world is gonna suck balls for you.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i'm very glad to see my daughter speaking out for herself-you all having been so positive that i was 'forcing' them to not play this week. and yes, she is upset- she has missed playing this game this last week, during vacation (though she and her brothers found other things to play, went out to ride when it was warm,and so on). and yes, she has been upset, both with the way some speak to me (she has never really read the forums before, so she hasnt seen the bad stuff before), and because she is afraid that even after the horn is taken out, the leftover ones will still pollute the airways. she is new to posting here, and i hope will be speaking out for herself.

    i share that concern and fear.

    Nowhere did I claim that you were forcing your children not to play, only that you came across this way.

    Don't get me wrong, I find it noble that she speaks out for herself as well as in your defence, but then again, I disagree greatly with the things she said. Telling me to calm down and not speak to you in a certain tone, she had clearly overlooked the real tone of my post and misread it completely. She then later went on to practically imply that parents who teach their children to think out the box and have an open mind have minds "full of trash."

    Good for her, she's speaking out for herself. She seems to be insulting a lot of people in doing so, by her own tone, and being very hypocritical when she tells people not to speak to somebody in an uncivilised manner yet seems to be unable to do so herself. Not really the best outlook for any post, whether spoken in defence of somebody else or not - even more so when they apparently misread the entire tone of that post and overlooked everything that was actually said.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    she is also only 15, **very new** to this kind of writing, and hopefully will polish up as she goes along. but i totally agree that most of the people abusing the horn do have minds full of trash....the filthy language and verbal pictures are one of the things parents here all objecting to. here, with Denarra, you have a child who agrees.

    Nowhere did I claim that you were forcing your children not to play, only that you came across this way.

    Don't get me wrong, I find it noble that she speaks out for herself as well as in your defence, but then again, I disagree greatly with the things she said. Telling me to calm down and not speak to you in a certain tone, she had clearly overlooked the real tone of my post and misread it completely. She then later went on to practically imply that parents who teach their children to think out the box and have an open mind have minds "full of trash."

    Good for her, she's speaking out for herself. She seems to be insulting a lot of people in doing so, by her own tone, and being very hypocritical when she tells people not to speak to somebody in an uncivilised manner yet seems to be unable to do so herself. Not really the best outlook for any post, whether spoken in defence of somebody else or not - even more so when they apparently misread the entire tone of that post and overlooked everything that was actually said.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Prowler - Heavens Tear
    Prowler - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok, thats it. Do not (I'll say it again in case you misunderstood) do not talk to my mom that way. I don't know where you get the audacity to talk to others that way but its so rude.

    Up to this point of the thread, I did not see a point in commenting. However, your post amused me considerably. This isn't your schoolyard where you can play big by telling others "do not" (and saying it again in case they misunderstood). At this point, you are coming across as nothing but a snotty, spoilt brat with an attitude problem, who thinks that the world must step back and docilely take your chastisement.

    I'd suggest you leave the game before you offend too many people, and become the target for a series of insults from the entire community, grown-ups and children alike, who participate in this game.

    With regards to the images: this game is aimed at a mostly male market? So they put up disgusting pictures of women? I have to say, that doesn't reflect very well on them. (and btw... when she says children meaning us, her kids, we are all teenagers)

    Quite aesthetically pleasing, to be honest. If they are "disgusting" by your way of thinking, one wonders who has chained you to the screen and forced you to play / view the images?

    Where I come from, kids are allowed to watch television, usually, and I have seen considerably more provocative visuals on "family viewing" channels.

    She thinks far too much from a concerned parent's point if view does she? Well, what the heck is she supposed to think from? She is a parent! And her concerns aren't "petty". Those things aren't good for children!

    I'm sorry, I will not have you pontificate on what is good for my children, I question your qualification to make such a statement.

    What is today's world wanting their children to grow up to be?

    Normal, mentally capable of distinguishing what they are uncomfortable with from what they are comfortable with and stepping away from the uncomfortable, and specially having the decency to respect that others may perceive things differently than themselves: THAT is what I want my children going up to be.

    She doesn't ask for drastic changes. She has put up with a lot of disgusting you know what with this game. i.e. much of the fashion, some artwork form before the rising tide came out, etc. etc. But we've been able to fairly well block all the trash but this stupid horn was the last straw.

    So you'll be leaving now?
    I could go on about your other, well lets call them claims, about my mom but I have better things to do than argue with an idiot.

    Ahhh, I begin to see what model examples of well-brought-up, well-spoken children the rest of us lesser beings should be wanting their children to grow up to be.
    I will say one more thing though... and this is to everyone who has been giving my mom a load of you know what. If you can't talk to her like a civilized human being, keep your mouth shut!!!

    One must admire the assertiveness, coupled with the delusion that your command, in red no less, has any value beyond the momentary amusement one expresses towards a misbehaving loudmouth child.

    Side-note: Does this young person remind anyone of an infamous prophylactic advertisement, of a child in a supermarket with the dad?

    My mom doesn't need anymore of this. She has a right to voice her opinion without all of you jumping on her for every little thing she says.

    I can't make you leave her alone, but I am trusting that you'll have the decency to listen to me. I know that a bit much for me to expect, considering the way you've all been treating her, but just please, please stop being so nasty to her.

    Thanks, that was a good breather. Now, back to the concerns of the real universe.
    Prowler (Venomancer) on Heaven's Tear

    Former Leader of QuestSeek: International level 3 faction.
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok im even happier i left this game now
    Because these horns sound like PWEs biggest scam yet
    what was wrong with the good old word chat o yeah you made the small mistake off putting them in the packs and everyone got acces to them and instead off removing them from the boutique agent
    you made an item which 90% off the games population would hate just so you would make more money
    Im proud off you PWE, you just keep impressing me in how to get people who play your games hate you
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    It's getting annoying when you have to blacklist all these people because of the horn to be honest. You have the World Chat to buy, sell, or say anything you want. If people are on squad chat or faction chat, that means they don't want to know what the other people are saying or see random questions or statements being asked or made. Specially that some people 'abuse' the use of it and spam. I can't report spam on PWi because there is no option for that, there is only 'Report Hacking' which is not the case. Please please please either make an option or another tab for it like FC and SC or just remove it because its pointless otherwise.

    Thanks for taking our answers into consideration.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i'm very glad to see my daughter speaking out for herself-you all having been so positive that i was 'forcing' them to not play this week. and yes, she is upset- she has missed playing this game this last week, during vacation (though she and her brothers found other things to play, went out to ride when it was warm,and so on). and yes, she has been upset, both with the way some speak to me (she has never really read the forums before, so she hasnt seen the bad stuff before), and because she is afraid that even after the horn is taken out, the leftover ones will still pollute the airways. she is new to posting here, and i hope will be speaking out for herself.

    i share that concern and fear.

    I'm not being rude here but let me just say this. Please don't make a huge deal of it like that. The horn is not a good idea, I agree to that. However, if you're complaining that the airways in PWi are being polluted because of the horn ONLY, I disagree. If you think this is not suitable for her, perhaps you should not let her play at all. And what do you mean by 'bad stuff'? Please, don't tell me that a 15 year old hasn't seen any bad things in her life if you're talking from the 'dirty' perspective. I'm pretty sure you and her have seen worse things irl.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    we live in NE Kansas, where people are more 'normal', and dont think in terms of the latest fashions.....for one thing, it would be really stupid to go out working on your farm wearing high heels and skimpy outifts. you would get stuck in the dirt, and burn your buns on the tractor/atv seat! so, no, our kids dont see what a NYC or Malibu kid would....but that is one reason why we live where we do. so ingame they ignore the thongbacks and such...its in the transition screens that we find disgusting art. but they have learned self control and busy themselves with things while the game is opening. but if the horn comes back, blaring its filth with no way to turn it off, then we will be in trouble.

    I'm not being rude here but let me just say this. Please don't make a huge deal of it like that. The horn is not a good idea, I agree to that. However, if you're complaining that the airways in PWi are being polluted because of the horn ONLY, I disagree. If you think this is not suitable for her, perhaps you should not let her play at all. And what do you mean by 'bad stuff'? Please, don't tell me that a 15 year old hasn't seen any bad things in her life if you're talking from the 'dirty' perspective. I'm pretty sure you and her have seen worse things irl.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • EvAxx - Sanctuary
    EvAxx - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    So they ARE DOING something right. Just make the horns a colored trumpet and I'm sure 99% of the PWI population would be satisfied; the remaining 1% are just sad because they can't annoying the **** out of the rest. IMO having a chat filter would be the best possible thing to do but it's too much work huh..
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    we live in NE Kansas, where people are more 'normal', and dont think in terms of the latest fashions.....for one thing, it would be really stupid to go out working on your farm wearing high heels and skimpy outifts. you would get stuck in the dirt, and burn your buns on the tractor/atv seat! so, no, our kids dont see what a NYC or Malibu kid would....but that is one reason why we live where we do. so ingame they ignore the thongbacks and such...its in the transition screens that we find disgusting art. but they have learned self control and busy themselves with things while the game is opening. but if the horn comes back, blaring its filth with no way to turn it off, then we will be in trouble.

    Are you trying to tell me that your kids have never seen these characters that pop up when the game is opening? Please don't tell me they have seen nothing because you live in Kansas. Even if they don't buy the fash in PWi, they probably have seen it on someone else. You're not going to just keep covering their eyes everytime a person wearing something that has cleavage. They need to grow up and if they know its wrong then they should deal with it, y'know. Yes, you are their mom, but you can't keep controlling them forever and 'protecting' them. This world is not as nice as you're making it seem to them. So if you are going to keep doing that, they will not be successful in life because they wouldn't know how to deal with things when it comes to what 'the NYC or Malibu kids see' because I'm telling you one day they will see what you're trying to hide.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    we live in NE Kansas, where people are more 'normal', and dont think in terms of the latest fashions.....for one thing, it would be really stupid to go out working on your farm wearing high heels and skimpy outifts. you would get stuck in the dirt, and burn your buns on the tractor/atv seat! so, no, our kids dont see what a NYC or Malibu kid would....but that is one reason why we live where we do. so ingame they ignore the thongbacks and such...its in the transition screens that we find disgusting art. but they have learned self control and busy themselves with things while the game is opening. but if the horn comes back, blaring its filth with no way to turn it off, then we will be in trouble.

    normal = what majority of the world is. more people live in large cities than on farms.

    someone give this woman a reality check please.
This discussion has been closed.