Are Bms underappreciated?



  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yer blademasters r alright but i think they get off too easy. When in HH and bosses if they r not tanking they just leave their characters to attack while clerics need to be at the keyboard at all times incase someone dies. Veno's r 50/50, they can easily change from range to melee in 1 sec. But mages also have to click the attacks because they r ranged as well. Barbs need to make sure they hold agro and archers can do anything they want basically.

    Lol Had Clerics BB in TT then go afk, Veno's send pet in then afk, Barbs getting argo then going afk. Every class has lazy players.. thats the players fault not the classes.
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yer blademasters r alright but i think they get off too easy. When in HH and bosses if they r not tanking they just leave their characters to attack while clerics need to be at the keyboard at all times incase someone dies. Veno's r 50/50, they can easily change from range to melee in 1 sec. But mages also have to click the attacks because they r ranged as well. Barbs need to make sure they hold agro and archers can do anything they want basically.

    Well, being a phys. DD as its advantages; I can indeed go AFK on a boss I'm not tanking, but if I do I'm never gone long (less than a minute) and I only pull it off if I know I won't come back a dead team. Never know when the team's gonna need you to grab boss aggro, and fail teams have a knack to do it at the worse time possible.

    And I've seen a lot of clerics and wizards go AFK for a long while. I know some who'd set BB/DB up in zhen and would come back in an hour... often to a crashed team. Or would come back after a while to no more charm, because the zhen ended and their AOEs kept going on.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'm only a pure axe BM but I'm built to be useful to a squad. Plenty of HP to survive, maxed stuns and smack to quickly disable mob ganks, both myraid and shadowless learnt and frequently used, I will attempt to cancel at least half to three quarters of any harmful boss spells, enough self-heal ability to hold a boss long enough to save a squad in emergency, an extra zeal built to pull and alpha male.... and I don't think I've once in my life really been acknowledged or thanked for my contribution to the squad. Blamed or kicked for another barb/cleric? Plenty.

    The general opinion seems to be "BM's don't do much" and as a result, BM's who do actually do much are generally completely disregarded with the rest.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    My ingame husband is a BM and I've often seen people talk about how he's one of the best they know. He's stun crazy though. b:laugh

    Anyhow, he's tanked most of my BHs up until level 80 in which we just got lazy and find a barb. Sometimes, we even duoed our BHs. I wait until he has time to Gamma because I trust him the most as a BM. Granted, the BHs we did do with others, he ended up tanking a lot because the barb didn't bother to hold aggro from the wizards or archers so he just took the aggro.
  • Feyoin - Sanctuary
    Feyoin - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Frost Big room- barb having lag issues doesn't aggro in time mobs running to Cleric in BB >_>. Standing b/w BB and direction barb coming from, Roar, Alpha, aoes.

    Delta 9-1 Barb d/c >_> Will of Bod/dew of star run out AM run back stuns aoes...

    er... nothing really special just doing my part, should I really get an award or even a thank you for that? I mean it would be nice but do you thank a cleric for using IH or an archer that ST's and auto attacks a boss??

    That being said most of the time I'll end up tanking since somebody/thing went wrong. So I don't really think we deserve all the blame if there is a bad situation and people end up dying... so long as you were paying attention and actually tried to keep it together... standing in gamma spamming aoes on the eye while the barb died pulling doesn't count as paying attn and trying... running out trying to take as much agro/stalling while not dieing does, and if it doesn't work out well too bad.
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is from about two days ago.

    I was doing my BH runs with a squad that was comprised of Me (DD/Tanking), Two clerics (healing/atk), Wizzy (Didn't do **** but try to complain to me and order me around), Archer (she only yelled at me in whisper if i didn't arggo something off healers -.-).

    Now into the BH, at fushma. Pulled off the walkers, and had fushma coming behind me, clerics don't do ****, wizzy doesn't bother to help, archer stands there like an idiot. Charm tickes, and then fushma kills me. I get res'd. They start yelling at me, and saying other ****. I right click my character icon, go "Leave Squad". Then they all whisper me going "Why you leave?" "why you leave??".
    So basically, everyone wanted to blame me for the **** ups, yet the moment i left they all started to **** their pants.

    So a tip for all, Leave the squad if they are doing nothing but complaining. They will learn :)
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fists = highest DPS in game

    axes = aoes and amp

    swords = hard as hell hiting KB skill ok DPS and myriad (this is BB #2 for those realy dam tough bosses and mob jumps)

    spears = range bleed #2(bleed>bleed>rush>far>drake>spirit holds aggro on runners) a AOE KB and a ok debuff

    a bm that dosent use these right will fail one that does is the best 3rd squad member there is for fb TT FCC or rebirth...or well anything really

    and yes sanc is vit axe land where 99% of bms are made of failb:sad
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fists = highest DPS in game

    axes = aoes and amp

    swords = hard as hell hiting KB skill ok DPS and myriad (this is BB #2 for those realy dam tough bosses and mob jumps)

    spears = range bleed #2(bleed>bleed>rush>far>drake>spirit holds aggro on runners) a AOE KB and a ok debuff

    a bm that dosent use these right will fail one that does is the best 3rd squad member there is for fb TT FCC or rebirth...or well anything really

    and yes sanc is vit axe land where 99% of bms are made of failb:sad

    ahem... we are not made of fail.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ahem... we are not made of fail.

    i disagree
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yer blademasters r alright but i think they get off too easy. When in HH and bosses if they r not tanking they just leave their characters to attack while clerics need to be at the keyboard at all times incase someone dies. Veno's r 50/50, they can easily change from range to melee in 1 sec. But mages also have to click the attacks because they r ranged as well. Barbs need to make sure they hold agro and archers can do anything they want basically.

    Eh venos are probably the easiest class to play. Yes bms can just auto attack on bosses but other DD classes can just afk bosses too, not bm specific. I've seen plenty of barbs just have a tanking macro that they use while they afk on bosses to go eat a sandwich :P
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i disagree

    and what gives you the right to judge other BMs mr lvl 74
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    and what gives you the right to judge other BMs mr lvl 74

    b:chuckle learning my class

    level means nothing nowdays if with tripple bh oracles WQ and crazy stone

    honestly i COULD be at 80 in a week with rebirth and the above mentioned dailies

    but i still havent gotten all i can out of the 7x level area so im frezzing and enjoying it

    remember this is a server where 9x's are mono weapon and have dex genies

    and only 2 bm's in the entire server have decide claw (there is a neffie with striking dragons though)

    and this is at 9x the ones me meets on bh are 1% awsone and 99% either ignorant of the class, or leveling faster than they can manage and cant afford good weapons/armor for 3/4 paths, or willfully failing out of a desire to be "pure"
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    wats wrong with having one weapon? And level matters alot. A lvl 90 can kick my ****, but a lvl 70 couldnt. I for one am multipath. I have all weapons at least tt70 and have learned every skill. Different BMs are good at different things. Str BMs are good at grinding and tanking. Dex BMs are good at PvP. im not really sure wat mag BMs are good at, but i havent seen any >.>
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    wats wrong with having one weapon? And level matters alot. A lvl 90 can kick my ****, but a lvl 70 couldnt.
    I've been using all weapons since lvl 65 (fists main) and I've defeated every axe purists (and seldomly pole purist) that challenged to me a duel all at lvl 8x's in my 7x's. Levels can't offset the versatile advantage a multipath BM has unless the level difference is too big.

    And like you said, different BMs are good at different things. So why not be also all other "different BMs"? An axe purist can't keep an aggro from a boss when needed. A fist purist can't AoE during crucial moments (i.e. RB) or control kiters better than a Pole purist can. A sword purist, well, can't really answer demands from other party members in situational moments.

    What makes BMs different from other classes is that we can be jack of all trades. Using only a single weapon path is denying the only really unique characteristic of BMs.
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    maocchi wrote: »
    I've been using all weapons since lvl 65 (fists main) and I've defeated every axe purists (and seldomly pole purist) that challenged to me a duel all at lvl 8x's in my 7x's. Levels can't offset the versatile advantage a multipath BM has unless the level difference is too big.

    And like you said, different BMs are good at different things. So why not be also all other "different BMs"? An axe purist can't keep an aggro from a boss when needed. A fist purist can't AoE during crucial moments (i.e. RB) or control kiters better than a Pole purist can. A sword purist, well, can't really answer demands from other party members in situational moments.

    What makes BMs different from other classes is that we can be jack of all trades. Using only a single weapon path is denying the only really unique characteristic of BMs.

    lol u mustve fought the worst axe purists ever then, cause unless u have will of budvista (however u spell that >.>) they will keep you stunned until you die.
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Maybe. But keep in mind that axe purists build chi much slower than fist users. And keeping someone stunlocked requires massive amount of chi, not to mention mana (and not have any left over to Sutra in dire situations). Unless they use their genie or pots, which is frowned upon anyway in a duel, the only way they could save themselves is having 2 misty rings which you probably should if you are an axe purist.

    And it's pretty much common sense to open duel with WoB against another BM. If you aren't doing that you either don't know your own class or keeping Cloud Sprint at lvl1.
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    maocchi wrote: »
    Maybe. But keep in mind that axe purists build chi much slower than fist users. And keeping someone stunlocked requires massive amount of chi, not to mention mana (and not have any left over to Sutra in dire situations). Unless they use their genie or pots, which is frowned upon anyway in a duel, the only way they could save themselves is having 2 misty rings which you probably should if you are an axe purist.

    And it's pretty much common sense to open duel with WoB against another BM. If you aren't doing that you either don't know your own class or keeping Cloud Sprint at lvl1.

    Dual Mistys are a requirement, you can never have enough accuracy, oh those pesky archers <.<. and stun lockin isnt that hard considering you have 3 chi bars to start with.
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Dual Mistys are a requirement, you can never have enough accuracy, oh those pesky archers <.<. and stun lockin isnt that hard considering you have 3 chi bars to start with.

    I've never met a pure axe endgame bm that is successful at PvP. You're fine in the 8x level range because nobody has crazy gear yet. Once you hit 90+ and 100+ you're telling me that you're gonna get through their charm with a simple stunlock?
    Barbs have 20k+ hp
    Wiz have 10k+ pdef and will kite/seal you
    Clerics can put up plume shell and then sit back while you waste 3 bars of chi trying to kill them
    Archers gonna laugh at you with your **** acc, I have almost 4k Acc and I still miss a fair amount
    Venos will just kite you all day long while they send their pet at you
    Anti-stun pots last a very long time. Bottom line is that axe is so popular that everyone knows exactly how to fight against axe bms.
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've never met a pure axe endgame bm that is successful at PvP. You're fine in the 8x level range because nobody has crazy gear yet. Once you hit 90+ and 100+ you're telling me that you're gonna get through their charm with a simple stunlock?
    Barbs have 20k+ hp
    Wiz have 10k+ pdef and will kite/seal you
    Clerics can put up plume shell and then sit back while you waste 3 bars of chi trying to kill them
    Archers gonna laugh at you with your **** acc, I have almost 4k Acc and I still miss a fair amount
    Venos will just kite you all day long while they send their pet at you
    Anti-stun pots last a very long time. Bottom line is that axe is so popular that everyone knows exactly how to fight against axe bms.

    is exactly why I carry all 5 weapons with me at all times, hot keyd and ready to go
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    b:chuckle learning my class

    level means nothing nowdays if with tripple bh oracles WQ and crazy stone

    honestly i COULD be at 80 in a week with rebirth and the above mentioned dailies

    but i still havent gotten all i can out of the 7x level area so im frezzing and enjoying it

    remember this is a server where 9x's are mono weapon and have dex genies

    and only 2 bm's in the entire server have decide claw (there is a neffie with striking dragons though)

    and this is at 9x the ones me meets on bh are 1% awsone and 99% either ignorant of the class, or leveling faster than they can manage and cant afford good weapons/armor for 3/4 paths, or willfully failing out of a desire to be "pure"

    Only 2 bms in sanctuary have deicide? o.O. wow. we have a lot of deicide here and i think 1 striking dragon. Idk i do understand what you're saying, but I don't really see what there is to get out of the 70's, 90+ is when you start to be able to explore most of what the game has to offer
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well i play another BM character and i noticed that while I was in frost there is a room in which u can get a lot of exp, well while doing that room if the cleric dies because she/he gets aggro everyone blames the BM for not stunning or using alpha male to get the aggro. But if everyone survive they thank the barb for doing a good job. It has happened to me a lot in TTs too. If someone gets accidental aggro and are dies they blame the BM for not getting the aggro from the squishies and if BMs do get the aggro and die in the process no one says anything. And even if the BM dies 20 times during the run they still thank the barb for doing a good job. WTF!!!!

    google <mental help>, and choose from first 3 option.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Daizengar - Sanctuary
    Daizengar - Sanctuary Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Only 2 bms in sanctuary have deicide? o.O. wow. we have a lot of deicide here and i think 1 striking dragon. Idk i do understand what you're saying, but I don't really see what there is to get out of the 70's, 90+ is when you start to be able to explore most of what the game has to offer

    3 in Sanc have Deicide. 2 are in Nefarious, and the third is me(also has GX and Dance of Universe) :D
  • HeavensWing - Sanctuary
    HeavensWing - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Um Do I word this without being a jerk

    Ok here, suck it up. You get your Thanks sometimes and sometimes you don't. Does it matter? I say just take your ****, the share of drops, and exp and leave saying "Thanks everyone, good job."

    Whats wrong with that?
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • Daizengar - Sanctuary
    Daizengar - Sanctuary Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I've never encountered a situation where I felt unappreciated or whatever, but I suppose that depends largely on the quality of the BM.

    I've met some very fail BMs after all, while playing as my cleric or even my own BM.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    humans are hard to play and really weak with average gear. for endgame however, they shine brighter than the other races.

    think about a BM with 6.7 attacks/s and over 50% crit rate due to dragon bane.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    humans are hard to play and really weak with average gear. for endgame however, they shine brighter than the other races.

    think about a BM with 6.7 attacks/s and over 50% crit rate due to dragon bane.

    6.7 APS is impossible atm, 5.0 APS is the cap.
  • Deathonwheel - Dreamweaver
    Deathonwheel - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    no, because you'll die since you can't tank boss alone.

    i so could i fight monsters with red names and win so up yoursbms rule
  • Taeknight - Lost City
    Taeknight - Lost City Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    xD, BMs are really important

    For example Heavens Flame, i mean who else has this skill? u kidding me

    2nd, aoe stun for 6 sec ---- should know urself

    3rd, i am a lvl 89 bm and i can tank EVERYTHING that lvl 89 barb can, dun belive me? PM me ingame TaeKnight << Lost City

    And 4th, Ive done alot of HHs with Wizards healing<< ijs.
  • SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear
    SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If you play a BM and are under-appreciated, you're doing it wrong :)

    With that said, there is no class that is "more" or "less" valuable than any other. Each contributes unique skills and abilities that are beneficial to any smoothly-operating party.

    Here's a tactic I came up with to avoid the kind of slipup you mentioned, where the Barb rounds up the roomful of mobs in FF: Before the roundup, grab one mob using Earthflame, bring it right next to where BB is set, hit it a couple times, and keep it aggroed on you, using it as a stable stun target for when the incoming wave approaches. Most of the times a cleric dies in BB in Frostland or any zhen-style setup, it's because a BM tried to target a random mob in the group, and then due to lag or mis-click, end up running toward another mob, maybe at the back of the group further away from the cleric, when activating stun.
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Mages are the best. Period.

    If you dont have a dd, it wont matter how many bms u have, u'll still suck b:laugh