Only the Snowman featured this year! Living Snowmen NOT ingame!



  • Gandora - Harshlands
    Gandora - Harshlands Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    But ppl need to keep in mind, these forums are OUR voice. No 1 ever got change by sitting there and being silent and watching things happen. Change always happens b/c someone stands up and says something and tries to get something done. If you are satisfied with the substandard events or lack thereof and everything else, then sit by and watch. But don't gripe about the rest of us who want this game back to what we know it can be. A year ago this was the BEST game on the internet. F2P OR P2P.. I just want that back.

    This is why I'm complaining so much. Normally I accept what the GMs do (sale after sale), but I'm hoping that maybe with enough complaints we can get back the one great xmas event we had.

    If this fails, well I dont expect much of anything after Xmas, as I recall there were only two somewhat ok events after this. Then we have to wait till Xmas again.

    So Im simply hoping we can change the GMs minds and implement what we missed out on. I dont mind if we had to wait till January instead of December for the amazing event. I just dont want the GMs to brush this aside and bombard us with more sales, and another failed event in the future.

    P.S. Didnt want to double post. Was looking at the Xmas stuff we missed and saw this interesting image.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Thank them for what? :/

    Seriously, some people act like PW is their parent or something. ^^ I'm not "obliged" to play a poor quality half assed game when there is potentially far better competition out there on the market.

    PW should be grateful I'm actually still here "complaining" and giving them a chance to improve, rather than just shrugging and moving on without a word like the vast majority do.

    PW is NOT a privilage...PW is a product. Anyone who purchases zen or gold, even through the AH, is contributing to their income and is a paying customer. And if the product starts to become bad better believe I'm gonna complain as much as I damn like. If they want me to spend my own money...they better make it worth it.

    If you want to spam QQ at everyone like little children, and pay large sums of your own money to a large business and pretend you're being given cookies and pats on the head...suit yourselves. :l
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You are right, lets all go anti cash shop, play the game for free and see how long it stays "free to play". Point blank, they want players to keep playing they need to do what it takes (within reason) to make the player base happy.

    As someone else stated, for those of us who was here last year, this is all a big let down. As we know how great this game CAN be. And we know WHAT we are missing out on.

    You are right, as I said to the prior post, lets all go free to play and go anti cash shop. I bet you their obligations then change, and so will yours when the game you LIKE to play for free is no longer free. Really, ...

    Everyone gripes at the GM's, but honestly they are just public relations and damage control. They are the pawns in this chess game tossed out to take all the damage meanwhile protecting the (king (game owner/devs)from having to deal with us all. I've said it before and will say it again, tideborn is not/was NOT for us. It was for them to get back players they've lost and entice new ones to join.

    The GM's are appreciated. I feel for them as they I know feel helpless as to not be able to change things they know would make a huge difference.

    But ppl need to keep in mind, these forums are OUR voice. No 1 ever got change by sitting there and being silent and watching things happen. Change always happens b/c someone stands up and says something and tries to get something done. If you are satisfied with the substandard events or lack thereof and everything else, then sit by and watch. But don't gripe about the rest of us who want this game back to what we know it can be. A year ago this was the BEST game on the internet. F2P OR P2P.. I just want that back.
    This is why I'm complaining so much. Normally I accept what the GMs do (sale after sale), but I'm hoping that maybe with enough complaints we can get back the one great xmas event we had.

    If this fails, well I dont expect much of anything after Xmas, as I recall there were only two somewhat ok events after this. Then we have to wait till Xmas again.

    So Im simply hoping we can change the GMs minds and implement what we missed out on. I dont mind if we had to wait till January instead of December for the amazing event. I just dont want the GMs to brush this aside and bombard us with more sales, and another failed event in the future.

    P.S. Didnt want to double post. Was looking at the Xmas stuff we missed and saw this interesting image.
    Thank them for what? :/

    Seriously, some people act like PW is their parent or something. ^^ I'm not "obliged" to play a poor quality half assed game when there is potentially far better competition out there on the market.

    PW should be grateful I'm actually still here "complaining" and giving them a chance to improve, rather than just shrugging and moving on without a word like the vast majority do.

    PW is NOT a privilage...PW is a product. Anyone who purchases zen or gold, even through the AH, is contributing to their income and is a paying customer. And if the product starts to become bad better believe I'm gonna complain as much as I damn like. If they want me to spend my own money...they better make it worth it.

    If you want to spam QQ at everyone like little children, and pay large sums of your own money to a large business and pretend you're being given cookies and pats on the head...suit yourselves. :l

    Some people actually get it! b:thanks Thank you so much! Maybe the GMs will decide to listen... or maybe they wont. We will see. (But if they pull another move like the annipacks, that is really going to irk me =P)
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Some people actually get it! b:thanks Thank you so much! Maybe the GMs will decide to listen... or maybe they wont. We will see. (But if they pull another move like the annipacks, that is really going to irk me =P)

    1) NOT the GM's

    2) With the expansion they hprob had a hard enough time getting the coding for the snowmen

    3) (not applying this to just you) But ppl acting like they are owned something when the expansion just came out.

    You cannot have everything....for the love ppl are killin me with all of this

    If an Event is not announced, do not assume it is there! I have told ppl in WC time and time again but they still buying and selling the cards...their bad, not the GM's.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    1) NOT the GM's

    2) With the expansion they hprob had a hard enough time getting the coding for the snowmen

    3) (not applying this to just you) But ppl acting like they are owned something when the expansion just came out.

    You cannot have everything....for the love ppl are killin me with all of this

    If an Event is not announced, do not assume it is there! I have told ppl in WC time and time again but they still buying and selling the cards...their bad, not the GM's.

    ooh Rose getting feisty xD but it is hard for me to believe that PWE never received the codes needed to implement the event, seeing as they had the codes from last year, but with all the new stuff, it is very possible that they wouldnt work... maybe if there were announcements every once in a while, or maybe a very simple lottery style event just to give out some free x-mas gear it would have been better? (the announcement thing would be my fav)

    still love ya though rose b:kiss
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ooh Rose getting feisty xD but it is hard for me to believe that PWE never received the codes needed to implement the event, seeing as they had the codes from last year, but with all the new stuff, it is very possible that they wouldnt work... maybe if there were announcements every once in a while, or maybe a very simple lottery style event just to give out some free x-mas gear it would have been better? (the announcement thing would be my fav)

    still love ya though rose b:kiss


    Keep in mind though that with the expansion, a **** ton of coading was changed meaning that (most likely) there needed to be some type of re-coding for the implementation of the event.

    Obviously they got to some and not all...with the size of the expansion I understand.

    Had they never come out with teh Snowmen in the first place, I am not sure there would be that much QQ...but the simple fact is ppl want more then what they are given.

    I personally...could care less about the snowmen and the potential for the Christmas event...I am VERY pleased with the expansion and it was well worth the wait, even if some events are "given up."

    <3 my Psychic
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    1) NOT the GM's

    2) With the expansion they hprob had a hard enough time getting the coding for the snowmen

    The Code is in the programming. All they do is enter in the activation. We saw this last year, its not like the entire base code of the game changed with the expansion. Not to mention, its already been pointed out before: They had 1 year to prepare themselves for this expansion. They knew it was coming, they were slowly putting it in patches. They went through an extensive "bug test" to make sure things were clear.

    Either they were drunk, or they just pretend to work, whatever the case may be, Christmas comes at the SAME TIME every year. Its not like its a BIG SURPRISE "ZOMG, IM HERE!" type of ordeal. Nope, they shouldve planned this out. Terrible management, and terrible planning.

    3) (not applying this to just you) But ppl acting like they are owned something when the expansion just came out.

    They do. They owe me a lot, because I keep their families fed and gas in their cars. Im their customer and they are my product. The expansion wasnt for me. LOL. It was to bring in old players who lost hope in the company and bring in new players, because they have competition out there to fight with now. Then they turn around and slap a huge sale on their current customers (note, CUSTOMERS), and say, "well, our job is done xD we getz BIG BONUS!!!"

    You cannot have everything....for the love ppl are killin me with all of this

    If an Event is not announced, do not assume it is there! I have told ppl in WC time and time again but they still buying and selling the cards...their bad, not the GM's.
    Sorry, but if there isnt an event, then why put the NPC's there? Hmm? why not just slap down the snowmen and falling snow? They make excuses like "we werent planning on doing a christmas event this year" to cover up the fact that they FAIL at proper product management and customer support.

    Im telling ya, the only GM I have any appreciation for is spoons. That guy deserves a frikken medal. b:kiss
  • The_Forgoten - Lost City
    The_Forgoten - Lost City Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Greetings everyone,

    The reason why there was not a "full fledged" Christmas event this year is primarily due to the recent release of the Rising Tide expansion.

    As something of a consolation, we thought our players would at least appreciate some snow as well as snowmen.

    We assure you that there are some seasonal as well as other in-game events that are currently scheduled and slated to appear in the near future.

    We hope everyone has a great holiday, and I assure you that 2010 is going to be an amazing year for PWI players. :)

    Ok, if you can add normal snowmen, why not living ones? You already have the quest in...

    I sure hope you don't mean the "OMG OMG SALE!!!!!!!!!!" **** like you have been giving us since last year. That is why I didn't play over the summer. I came back to test out Rising Tide and that was a bust, imo. Luckily a game I am interested in is releasing soon (Global Agenda) and I will quit PWI again unless we get SOMETHING other then a sale; I'm sure many others will do the same.

    My first colorful post b:chuckle
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If an Event is not announced, do not assume it is there! I have told ppl in WC time and time again but they still buying and selling the cards...their bad, not the GM's.

    Thats nice and all for you, but what about the people who dont give a care about the new race and all the pretty shiny new things the TB can wear/do?

    People were looking forward to a nice Christmas event. Your just putting it lightly to not offend the company that they failed miserably once again at satisfying their customers.

    And RR, I have seen you many times QQ about the AnyTime Packs. Come on....
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ok, if you can add normal snowmen, why not living ones? You already have the quest in...

    I sure hope you don't mean the "OMG OMG SALE!!!!!!!!!!" **** like you have been giving us since last year. That is why I didn't play over the summer. I came back to test out Rising Tide and that was a bust, imo. Luckily a game I am interested in is releasing soon (Global Agenda) and I will quit PWI again unless we get SOMETHING other then a sale; I'm sure many others will do the same.

    My first colorful post b:chuckle

    This from xarfox is nothing new. He comes out once in awhile when things go to hell in a hand basket and he gives promises of wondrous things to come in the future. And makes up excuses for the company slacking off.

    I hear other versions got the expansion and holiday events too. Is that true, and if it is, why is our version slacking and why do we, as customers, have to pay into it?

    I paid several thousand into this game over the course of this past year. I love this game, and I support it's advancement, but when I feel like Im getting screwed from behind, I get awfully grumpy. And some fake, half-witted comment from some noob behind a computer answering tickets isnt gonna work.

    Do we ever hear an apology? "Im sorry, we screwed up"? No......more excuses.....
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    1) NOT the GM's

    2) With the expansion they hprob had a hard enough time getting the coding for the snowmen

    3) (not applying this to just you) But ppl acting like they are owned something when the expansion just came out.

    You cannot have everything....for the love ppl are killin me with all of this

    If an Event is not announced, do not assume it is there! I have told ppl in WC time and time again but they still buying and selling the cards...their bad, not the GM's.

    Keep in mind though that with the expansion, a **** ton of coading was changed meaning that (most likely) there needed to be some type of re-coding for the implementation of the event.

    Obviously they got to some and not all...with the size of the expansion I understand.

    Had they never come out with teh Snowmen in the first place, I am not sure there would be that much QQ...but the simple fact is ppl want more then what they are given.

    I personally...could care less about the snowmen and the potential for the Christmas event...I am VERY pleased with the expansion and it was well worth the wait, even if some events are "given up."

    <3 my Psychic

    Ok we've known the rising tide expansion was coming for months. They've known Christmas was coming all year long. Honestly, you give them way less credit than they deserve. Its not like oops suddenly OMG what is this new holiday.. Christmas? Its always Dec. 25th and has always been Dec. 25th. So stating that they were just simply too busy with the RT expansion to give a damn about giving the players a much needed FREE event really speaks in bounds to me.

    I would rather have seen the RT expansion happen in the middle of January or the end of it for a Christmas event that works.

    Honestly, blaming the players for expecting an event to work that gives them quests? Put the blame where it really lies, thats with the company that produced the event in the first place with a half hearted attempt.

    Its not like we are complaining that the event was late, or that we needed a bigger better event. We are just simply stating the one they gave us should have worked in its entirety. Would you like to be given a new car only to find out it had no engine, transmission or drive shaft?

    It was a bait and switch tactic. They gave us something, that wasn't what it was supposed to be or appeared to be.

    As I said before, lets roll back to January of last year, and start playing all over. Then the game was truly something everyone was proud of. The forums was full of help, advice and ppl complaining about other people... NOT the PWI company.
  • Panthalassa - Dreamweaver
    Panthalassa - Dreamweaver Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There are so many bugs that popped up with the expansion, and all you want to do is QQ about some silly little event? b:sweat
    Also Known As: Sora_Kaiyou

    I got tired of my avatar not showing up. b:sad
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Im telling ya, the only GM I have any appreciation for is spoons. That guy deserves a frikken medal. b:kiss

    They never put the Christmas Tree kinda need that for the quest. They also did state it/clarify it here on the forums before this sticky went up. Some of us have/had been trying to spread the word. I find it hard to believe it was poor management on their part or even poor planning. They DO NOT have to give an event. It is a Bonus.

    You do not have to pay and supposedly help feed them (failed logic but your opinion and ill go with it). They owe you CHOOSE to play the game, they do not make you. And I love how you assume these GM;s are making a killing when they are just vehicles of the company. Write to teh CEO and Financial Officer. In fact, you can view their Quarterly Earnings Report. Hell, they had a LIVE FEED. Look at the ladder that it takes to get to the job of the GM's. I can promise you they are not in the top salary bracket.

    Would you have rather had the Christmas event or the Expansion? Because I am sure all resources went to the Expansion...ijs. And with that the coding changes, I hope you know that. They added MANY things over the months before the Expansion. They even stated in a previous post before hand that they did not even know if the Snowmen would be coded in time. like Spoons because he is the most visible to everyone. Spoons does a fantastic job at regulating the forums and such. It is not easy and actually a pain in the rear if you have ever done it. However, this is not to say that the other GM's are not working just as hard. Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not there. Unless you wish to see Ghosts and Shadows.

    About the Anni-Packs --> I did have an issue with those for the first 2 times. But if you have read my posts for the other times, I have been nothing but neutral. (1) Because I like the tokens, (2) it is not affected my game play and (3) No one has to buy, look, sell, open them if they do not want too. It was the second time around that got many people because the price of Gold. However, it is something that has been around for months now and you just adapt and ignore if it bothers you.

    * My main point is this: I would have liked an Event yes, but it just seems unreasonable for people to complain about it when the Expansion was just released. They did not even have to have the Snowmen. ANd yet, they at least gave the payers something that they could get done and do. And yet....nothing ever seems good enough for anyone. <-- That is what bothers me the most....
    There are so many bugs that popped up with the expansion, and all you want to do is QQ about some silly little event? b:sweat

    ^ 100% Agreed!!
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There are so many bugs that popped up with the expansion, and all you want to do is QQ about some silly little event? b:sweat

    Honestly, have u even read the posts? This isn't about the event at all. Most posts are about the fact that as customers we are getting the shaft.

    For the record QQ looks like nothing more than 2 Q's side by side. If the event is so silly, then I guess you'd like to take all of our places in the cash shop? You can now spend the money every single cash shopper spends?.... I didn't think so.

    As paying customers and financial supporters of this game, we have a right to voice our opinions on how we are treated. We are having excuses slammed down our throats to choke on with promises that aren't happening.

    Do you think for one second if we didn't actually care about this game we'd even bother to post? CRYING.. I think not. Concerned about something many of us has poured 100's of dollars into as an investment of entertainment, you bet.

    Unless you have something constructive to add to the situation, you have no right to call us anything .. other than concerned players. Some of us want to protect our investments.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As I don't celebrate anything that even remotely looks like fakemas... I don't mind that all we got was some snowmen to kill. I have a nice little stash of chi stones, some dice tickets i'll sell later, an **** of celestones of each type that I can turn into Mirage stones at my leisure to sell and had fun laughing at all the idiots QQing that Archers have an advantage killing snowmen.

    Seriously. Your all a bunch of children QQing because YOU expected something and didn't get it. YOU worked yourself up into thinking something would happen. YOU thought you DESERVED something. And YOU think your holiday is celebrated around the world by everyone (you would be wrong, in that thought).

    Quit your pathetic spoiled brat whining and stfu. YOU don't own PWI. YOU don't determine what events will happen because YOU want them. YOU have no say at all in what a company does for events or doesn't do for events.

    Get over yourself, YOUr not that important.


    P.s. Oh and OneHottShot. I have spent THOUSANDS on this game, not hundreds. So should a person who only spends hundreds think they deserve more than a person that has spent thousands? Guess what.. once you send them your money and gotten stuff out of the CS, they have provided the service to you that they needed to provide. They don't even have to keep the game running. They can shut the servers down TODAY and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else could do or say about it.
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    They never put the Christmas Tree kinda need that for the quest. They also did state it/clarify it here on the forums before this sticky went up. Some of us have/had been trying to spread the word. I find it hard to believe it was poor management on their part or even poor planning. They DO NOT have to give an event. It is a Bonus.

    You do not have to pay and supposedly help feed them (failed logic but your opinion and ill go with it). They owe you CHOOSE to play the game, they do not make you. And I love how you assume these GM;s are making a killing when they are just vehicles of the company. Write to teh CEO and Financial Officer. In fact, you can view their Quarterly Earnings Report. Hell, they had a LIVE FEED. Look at the ladder that it takes to get to the job of the GM's. I can promise you they are not in the top salary bracket.

    Would you have rather had the Christmas event or the Expansion? Because I am sure all resources went to the Expansion...ijs. And with that the coding changes, I hope you know that. They added MANY things over the months before the Expansion. They even stated in a previous post before hand that they did not even know if the Snowmen would be coded in time. like Spoons because he is the most visible to everyone. Spoons does a fantastic job at regulating the forums and such. It is not easy and actually a pain in the rear if you have ever done it. However, this is not to say that the other GM's are not working just as hard. Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not there. Unless you wish to see Ghosts and Shadows.

    About the Anni-Packs --> I did have an issue with those for the first 2 times. But if you have read my posts for the other times, I have been nothing but neutral. (1) Because I like the tokens, (2) it is not affected my game play and (3) No one has to buy, look, sell, open them if they do not want too. It was the second time around that got many people because the price of Gold. However, it is something that has been around for months now and you just adapt and ignore if it bothers you.

    * My main point is this: I would have liked an Event yes, but it just seems unreasonable for people to complain about it when the Expansion was just released. They did not even have to have the Snowmen. ANd yet, they at least gave the payers something that they could get done and do. And yet....nothing ever seems good enough for anyone. <-- That is what bothers me the most....

    ^ 100% Agreed!!

    Let me break it down for you.

    I work.

    I get paid.

    I put my money from my pay into this game.

    They work.

    They get paid by my money.

    They feed their families and put gas in their cars, and play with swords at the company and dress up their offices in sets (Ive seen their company photos over the holidays)

    This isnt a charity. This is a business. It may be free to play for some, but it isnt for me. My money is an investment into this game, and I, for one, and disappointed in the management of this game.

    And yes, I have seen you QQ about the AnyTime Packs since the last 3 or 4 releases, RR. I honestly dont feel like sifting through the thousands of pages, but know you did.

    Im not trying to embarrass you or put you down, but I just wish for once, you would stop being so damn nice all the time and act like the comapany is a saint. They let us down, yet again, and it deserves to be focused on and dealt with the community, not given some half assed excuse that 'we were preoccupied with the expansion all year long' and then cover up their tracks by slapping these damn packs down again.

    And FYI, a MOD had to go and hunt down a GM, and pry some answers from him regarding the lack of 'event'
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Please continue this discussion in a civil manner or I will be forced to lock this topic due to flamesb:victory Thank you, happy holidays!
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As I don't celebrate anything that even remotely looks like fakemas... I don't mind that all we got was some snowmen to kill. I have a nice little stash of chi stones, some dice tickets i'll sell later, an **** of celestones of each type that I can turn into Mirage stones at my leisure to sell and had fun laughing at all the idiots QQing that Archers have an advantage killing snowmen.

    Seriously. Your all a bunch of children QQing because YOU expected something and didn't get it. YOU worked yourself up into thinking something would happen. YOU thought you DESERVED something. And YOU think your holiday is celebrated around the world by everyone (you would be wrong, in that thought).

    Quit your pathetic spoiled brat whining and stfu. YOU don't own PWI. YOU don't determine what events will happen because YOU want them. YOU have no say at all in what a company does for events or doesn't do for events.

    Get over yourself, YOUr not that important.


    FYI, I do own a portion of PWE. I bought stock.

    My money goes into a product, I want the product to meet my expectations.

    You apparently have no idea about product management, customer service/support, and financial relations.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well you are right. But what will you do when the ppl who financially support this game move on? Are you willing to Pay to play here? And if so, how much?

    And when you PAY to play, are you willing to accept the standard that they have shown us so far?

    Better yet, imagine you had to pay 20.00 a month to play here. Is the game up to your standard of play if you had to pay? If you answered NO to that... then you likely might understand where some of the rest of us are coming from.

    I didn't ask for the expansion.. which I might remind you they didn't even get it OUT ON THE RIGHT DATE. They (for whatever reason) had to push the date back form the original. I'd rather had a kickin christmas event, and the expansion later. Either way, arguing with you isn't helping. I'm merely voicing my opinion here so that the proper ppl can see it.

    They never put the Christmas Tree kinda need that for the quest. They also did state it/clarify it here on the forums before this sticky went up. Some of us have/had been trying to spread the word. I find it hard to believe it was poor management on their part or even poor planning. They DO NOT have to give an event. It is a Bonus.

    You do not have to pay and supposedly help feed them (failed logic but your opinion and ill go with it). They owe you CHOOSE to play the game, they do not make you. And I love how you assume these GM;s are making a killing when they are just vehicles of the company. Write to teh CEO and Financial Officer. In fact, you can view their Quarterly Earnings Report. Hell, they had a LIVE FEED. Look at the ladder that it takes to get to the job of the GM's. I can promise you they are not in the top salary bracket.

    Would you have rather had the Christmas event or the Expansion? Because I am sure all resources went to the Expansion...ijs. And with that the coding changes, I hope you know that. They added MANY things over the months before the Expansion. They even stated in a previous post before hand that they did not even know if the Snowmen would be coded in time. like Spoons because he is the most visible to everyone. Spoons does a fantastic job at regulating the forums and such. It is not easy and actually a pain in the rear if you have ever done it. However, this is not to say that the other GM's are not working just as hard. Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not there. Unless you wish to see Ghosts and Shadows.

    About the Anni-Packs --> I did have an issue with those for the first 2 times. But if you have read my posts for the other times, I have been nothing but neutral. (1) Because I like the tokens, (2) it is not affected my game play and (3) No one has to buy, look, sell, open them if they do not want too. It was the second time around that got many people because the price of Gold. However, it is something that has been around for months now and you just adapt and ignore if it bothers you.

    * My main point is this: I would have liked an Event yes, but it just seems unreasonable for people to complain about it when the Expansion was just released. They did not even have to have the Snowmen. ANd yet, they at least gave the payers something that they could get done and do. And yet....nothing ever seems good enough for anyone. <-- That is what bothers me the most....

    ^ 100% Agreed!!
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Please continue this discussion in a civil manner or I will be forced to lock this topic due to flamesb:victory Thank you, happy holidays!

    I love you spoons but this bothers me more than anything. GM's mods can come on the forums to tell us to shut it or get it, but you didn't comment on anything we've said. There was no explanation, no genuine apology that so many are upset. No reasoning as to why we got half done events.

    I am not trying to irritate you, but why is there no comment to the thread subject itself?
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    FYI, I do own a portion of PWE. I bought stock.

    So shove that back where it came from.

    My money goes into a product, I want the product to meet my expectations.

    You apparently have no idea about product management, customer service/support, and financial relations.

    As I run my own business, you would be wrong dumbass. YOU assume too much. Lets state the facts again.. because YOU are to slow to be able to figure them out, even though I posted them clearly.

    YOU don't determine what PWI does or does not do.
    YOU expected something, even though it was never stated by PWI that it would happen.
    YOU are whining about it because it didn't happen as YOU thought it should.
    YOU think because you own stock that YOU somehow have a say in the company (sorry cupcake, but unless your shares are significant, your nothing and your voice has no effect on what decisions their board of directors decides to take.
    Oh and Chesh.. I own stock as well. Like I said, I have spent THOUSANDS on this game. So don't make assumptions when you don't have enough Information to be able to come to a correct conclusion. It just makes you look stupider than you already are.

  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As I run my own business, you would be wrong dumbass. YOU assume too much. Lets state the facts again.. because YOU are to slow to be able to figure them out, even though I posted them clearly.

    YOU don't determine what PWI does or does not do.
    YOU expected something, even though it was never stated by PWI that it would happen.
    YOU are whining about it because it didn't happen as YOU thought it should.
    YOU think because you own stock that YOU somehow have a say in the company (sorry cupcake, but unless your shares are significant, your nothing and your voice has no effect on what decisions their board of directors decides to take.
    Oh and Chesh.. I own stock as well. Like I said, I have spent THOUSANDS on this game. So don't make assumptions when you don't have enough Information to be able to come to a correct conclusion. It just makes you look stupider than you already are.


    Your flaming is uncalled for. There is no need for immature name calling. Please edit your post before our voices are forced to be kept quiet due to flaming.

    Oh, and I just noticed its you, Saitada. Mr. Knowitall himself.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Your flaming is uncalled for. There is no need for immature name calling. Please edit your post before our voices are forced to be kept quiet due to flaming.

    No I won't edit my post, I think YOU and the others here that are QQing about an event they made assumptions about before it was even known that there would be an event or not, are just a bunch of pathetic crying little babies. Spoiled and demanding your toys because you THINK you have a right to them.

    YOU don't have any right to tell a company how to run themselves (even owning stock, your input at best is minuscule unless your a major stockholder) or what they should do.

    Sorry, but that isn't how things work in the business world. My customers don't tell me how to run my business. If they don't like the way I run it, they can leave and not come back.

    Don't let the door hit you in the **** on your way out Cesh.

    Your QQing won't be missed either.

  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As I run my own business, you would be wrong dumbass. YOU assume too much. Lets state the facts again.. because YOU are to slow to be able to figure them out, even though I posted them clearly.

    this is the flaming spoons was referring to. You do not have to call ppl names to get your point across. You have an extensive vocabulary, please use it; as I know you are capable.

    YOU don't determine what PWI does or does not do.

    You think if we didn't all quit playing this minute all kinds of bells and alarms wouldn't go off? We DO determine what they do. Just not on as big of a scale as we'd all like.

    YOU expected something, even though it was never stated by PWI that it would happen.

    So what you are saying is, because they say they will do things, we shouldn't take them at their word.(anni packs) Or because they did something in the past that was nice, we should never expect it again?

    YOU are whining about it because it didn't happen as YOU thought it should.

    I rather think all of us are voicing our concerns about a game we have come to love. We don't want to see it end/fold up/be done. Therefore we are trying to implement some kind of change.. even just a little.

    YOU think because you own stock that YOU somehow have a say in the company (sorry cupcake, but unless your shares are significant, your nothing and your voice has no effect on what decisions their board of directors decides to take.

    Actually, even the smallest shareholder has a say. Just not as much as they'd like. But you tend to think everyone but Saitada is insignificant.

    Oh and Chesh.. I own stock as well. Like I said, I have spent THOUSANDS on this game. So don't make assumptions when you don't have enough Information to be able to come to a correct conclusion.

    Hmm... I thought I remembered you saying in a previous post you'd never spent a cent on this game.. maybe it was some1 else.

    It just makes you look stupider than you already are.

    And again, if you are going to use your extensive vocabulary to demean someone, at least do it in the proper grammar text. Stupider is not a word. More stupid would be correct form.


    10 characters
  • Ceshiari - Sanctuary
    Ceshiari - Sanctuary Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    10 characters

    Owned. GJ b:victory
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This is what I mean when I talk about flaming.

    Asking for a GM response to something (in this case, something Xarfox already posted about) on one hand, and then turning around and flaming on the other hand.

    I have to lock these threads, it's not about me telling people to "shut it or get it", but I do expect forum rules to be followed if I am expected to answer.

    A little mutual respect for your peers goes a long way, when we flame threads and get them locked, it's not me who is locking it, it's the person who chose to ignore my previous warnings b:victory
This discussion has been closed.