Rising Tide Hair Glitch - Send Customer Support a Ticket



  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009


    omg that is funny. i'm in tears. XD
  • xiani
    xiani Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned as I've not read all the pages in this thread, but from general observation it seems all the "americanized" hairstyles that were added in place of some of the original hairstyles are the ones affected. They've been reverted back to their originals instead.

    My Venomancer had the hairstyle of the above two screenshots. Long wavey hair turned into ugly up do with a do rag and "crown".

    My Archer had the curly banged hair pulled up into a puffball of hair in the back, which was turned into an ugly pulled back V forehead looking hairstyle that's been posted a few times as well.

    Sadly, I don't play much, so I don't have any screenshots. All I can do is show the after affect. I decided to update and try out the new expansion and found this horrible hair mess and want my old hairstyles back.

    Wouldn't this be much easier to fix by simply putting the "americanized" hairstyles back in place of the ones they originally replaced instead of answering tons of Tickets? Do that then see how many are still affected, and if so, then handle those by Tickets. Just seems like a much better option and easier job on the people having to handle the mass amount of Tickets.

    Sorry if it's already been a tried issue. Just logged in last night to this and I'm sort of lost on what to do since I don't have screenshots as "proof". =/
  • Neuraxis - Dreamweaver
    Neuraxis - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ohh I really do hope they're working on this bug. Since all of my male and female characters had the wavy hair, all of them were affected. Has anyone out there been relieved of this problem yet? Davitiel dosen't like having a golden radio broadcast antenna in his head.

    This is my main character Davitiel:



    Well, just sent a ticket, lets hope for the best.

    Here's my Archer alt Polymnia. Although her new hair brings out her cute face, she does not want to look like the top of a fancy chocolate cake.



    Thats the exact hair I had and it was changed to the same as his...i submitted a ticket but had no screenshots
  • Audiebaby - Dreamweaver
    Audiebaby - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My hairstyle is different from before the expansion. I don't have any pics of it but it was a wavy hairstyle. I just want my hair fixed cuz I don't like this short with beads thing I have going on right now and I'm not gonna buy a makeover scroll so that I can fix a problem you guys created.
  • Aereda - Sanctuary
    Aereda - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I think that they will not fix this "bug" at the moment. For example, the reward of the hallowen ornament, armor or weapon pack were able in tideborn update, but when we could obtain the packs of hallowen? Into 26-10-2009 and when could we change it for a reward? In 15-12-2009.

    If this bug were happening in tideborns, I think that now already it would be fixed.

    GM fix it, or give a scroll, I want to change my hairstyle for a new one or the old one.
  • KallenHapti - Sanctuary
    KallenHapti - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol i actually like some of the "new" hairstyles
    seems to me in general all curly hair got straight

    bdw i totally adore the pigtail tideborn hair too bad i can't use it on my veno :<
    there s a big graphical quality difference between the old and the new race
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Minimono - Sanctuary
    Minimono - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    my hairstyle changed, i've verified my update and i was looking through the hairstyle list in the Create (a new characters) and realise that the hairstyle no longer exist - its the shoulder length wavey hairstyle
  • Skimi - Dreamweaver
    Skimi - Dreamweaver Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My pc doesn't allow me to open my pics in paint and i have no idea how else to change it to jpeg format. How im supposed to send a ticket without pics?
  • Psiadon - Sanctuary
    Psiadon - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Two characters affected by the hair defect. The second character shared the first ones before hairstyle.

    Perfect Horn = imperfect implementation.
  • Tesaie - Sanctuary
    Tesaie - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My pc doesn't allow me to open my pics in paint and i have no idea how else to change it to jpeg format. How im supposed to send a ticket without pics?

    You chould try using another photo editing porgram like GIMP or Paint.net which are free to download from there site.
  • Master_Chess - Dreamweaver
    Master_Chess - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Maybe you should resize your you-know-whats down to a smaller size so people won't talk about them so much.
  • Aereda - Sanctuary
    Aereda - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If PWE is capable of doing a race as the tideborns (graphically), why they do not do the same thing but in the old races? The old races we seem to be forgotten. What I said before, if the hair bug were happening to the tideborns, now the bug would be fixed.

    Is it so dificult to improve the old races (graphically or gameplay)?

    PD: please fix the hair bug rapidly.
  • solidworks
    solidworks Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Seeing that the tide are better graphically, and since all the races are created by PWE, which do not improve graphically other races only it would mean lazy devolopers or people with no new ideas.

    If I'm not saying the truth why PWE have not improved the old races?

    This is what I think, my opinion.
  • Sweetangle - Lost City
    Sweetangle - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My hair is not right on __Aris__ Lost City.I tryed to make a tictet and it would not let me. What did i do wrongb:surrender
  • Avalaune - Heavens Tear
    Avalaune - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    I look like a housewife now, for crying out loud. D:
  • Tesaie - Sanctuary
    Tesaie - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    I look like a housewife now, for crying out loud. D:

    I now what you mean same thing happened to my veno had same hair after update have same ugly hair you do can't even play her now till they fix it >.<
  • Xotren - Dreamweaver
    Xotren - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yes I'm having same issue even when i used a the makeover scroll you get from one of the quests it still came out with the weird hair....
  • Vanessakitty - Dreamweaver
    Vanessakitty - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Omg i had the problem with like 4 of my characters. they all had the same hairstyle. when i logged in the day tideborn came out and saw my bunn'ys hair i was like WTF? happened to bunney's hair!!?!?!... she had the same hair style as the person who made this thread did poofy and wavy curls and cute! except they were white and. they turned into some straight white hair with a side bang.. i was SO ticked off..she was so CUTE with that hairstyle! b:cry
  • shelleb
    shelleb Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I had same my hair on veno is changed to ugly hair with rag and funky curly things in it

    please fix it back
    Shelle :p
  • theresa52
    theresa52 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    PLZ give us our HAIR BACK b:angry
  • Caoijmhe - Heavens Tear
    Caoijmhe - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ...any news on the hair-glitch? b:surrender
  • Duchess_xX - Harshlands
    Duchess_xX - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I would like updated info as well please on the status of this glitch

    I sent in a ticket with all the info and they sent me back a reply asking for all the info I provided before... i'm not sure what to do again
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    same here, bunch of idiots.
    Prolly their ticketing system is fked up too.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Tesaie - Sanctuary
    Tesaie - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    what i don't get after 17 pages on this thread no gm have give any feed back if there going put hair back or not if so when. I mean i have a make over scroll but i hate waste puting a diffent hair if there going put back old one. so i like answer if there going put back or not.
  • Gwtvix - Sanctuary
    Gwtvix - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Please hurry and fix the hair glitch. My husband refuses to do the marriage quest with me because he doesn't, "want to be seen associating with some homely chick with a doo rag on her head."


    I could really use that marriage quest xp...b:surrender
  • Dark_Princ - Harshlands
    Dark_Princ - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I have similar problem i when i play with my assassin all the other tideborn i are bald and the human elf and untamed i see dont look like the picture when you click on them,but when im on my Bm every thing is normal.So i dont know is this a bug or not?
  • Freyju - Dreamweaver
    Freyju - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I sent in a ticket before (it FINALLY went through) and have yet to have received any sort of a response.

    BEFORE and AFTER the Rising Tide update. :/

    As the other users above have said, it would be nice to hear some sort of an update on the issue - if the hairstyles have been removed permanantly then I'd hope that there would be some sort of a suitable replacement hairstyle and a makeup scroll given to the users' affected because in all honesty, my opinion of the other styles is quite low - they look rather similar to each other and my favorite styles have now been removed in this update leaving nothing much in comparison to the new Tideborn styles... which pretty much shafts the other races selections.

    I'm a female and my main is a Veno that is becoming a fashion addict... >_<;
  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I just noticed what they did to my cleric. I haven't logged in it for awhile and when I saw it, it was a mess. I haven't posted about it though and here I am, trying to get my old hair back. b:surrender

    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    yea seriously, it's been a week already. i hope they fix it with the maint tomorrow night.
  • EternalGlow - Dreamweaver
    EternalGlow - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Im so glad im not the only one :) ..
    My hair style also changed and I was so proud of my old one ...

    At least be happy you guys aren't bald, my friend from faction is now bald b:shocked
This discussion has been closed.