[Dreamweaver] Placid recruiting



  • _Lady - Dreamweaver
    _Lady - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hi, not sure if you're accepting applications yet, but I'll leave this here for now : )

    IGN: _Lady
    Class: Blademaster
    Level: lvl 38
    Age: 22
    Sex: Female
    How often do you play: At least a few hours a day
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving:

    Galewind: I just found that I didn't gel with anyone there. Nothing against them or anything, I just felt like I didn't quite fit in.

    Fatality: The original leader left, made someone else leader, came back again, then made that someone else leader again in a short space of time. I was confused over who would stay leader, and knew the new leader didn't have time for the faction due to school/jobstuff.

    Timezone/region: GMT UK
    Why do you want to join Placid? Mostly for company really : ) and a bit of help when needed.
    Any other info you feel will support your application:

    _Lady: lvl 80 BM on Dreamweaver
    _Constantina: lvl 60 Cleric on Dreamweaver
    _Nomura: lvl 30 Wiz on Dreamweaver

    Lady_Emal: lvl 61 BM on Sanctuary (Retired)
  • suzumiko
    suzumiko Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    IGN: Nautilis

    Class: Venomancer

    Level: 58

    Age: 19

    Sex: Female

    How often do you play: About three times a week.

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving:
    Solarium -- Faction died/disbanded
    Feral -- Too Immature.
    Galaxy -- Disagreements with some members, Little -- if any! -- help.

    Timezone/region: EST

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    I've been waiting for the chance to be able to join such an organized and amazing faction.
    Placid has been more helpful to me even while I was in other factions, and I've never met
    a nicer group of people.

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    I know Elviron, as well as a few other people in the faction, such as ArashiNoHime and seanrb.
    Elviron has kept me informed about the guild's position on accepting applications. He's one reason
    why I'd love to join Placid.
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ophida hasn't had a chance to change the OP yet, but yes we are now accepting applications again.

    Both applications above me have been moved.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • _Damien - Dreamweaver
    _Damien - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    IGN: _Damien
    Class: Wizard
    Level: lvl 38
    Age: 22 (23 in December)
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: At least 5-6 hours a day (Or more :3)
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving:

    Galewind: I joined it with my wife _Lady although like her, I didn't seem to connect with any of its members. It was a nice faction but it wasn't for me.

    Fatality: Was a nice fun faction to begin with but there were complicated leadership issues.

    Timezone/region: GMT UK

    Why do you want to join Placid?: Like my wife _Lady I'm looking for some friendly people to play with online. I would like to be part of a good faction again. So I hope I'm given the chance with Placid.

    Any other info you feel will support your application: I've been playing PWI for over a year now and might be able to help newer members/players in the faction by passing on some wisdom I have gained in my time.
  • Bebisito - Dreamweaver
    Bebisito - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Moved your application, Damien. You should be hearing from us soon. :3
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hiya Damien, I'll move your application over.

    -edit Bebo beat me to it :D
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • imewi
    imewi Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    I'm willing to apply to your guilde, please see my info below.


    IGN: imewi
    Class: Blademaster
    Level: lvl 11 (began 2 days ago)
    Age: 32
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: from 2 to 10h a week.
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: N/A
    Timezone/region: GMT +1 (France)
    Why do you want to join Placid?: You seem like an active guild with a lot of friendly people to play with, what could i ask more ? :)
    Any other info you feel will support your application: N/A
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hi imewi, your application has been moved to our forums to be reviewed. In the mean time, one/some of us will try to get in touch with you ingame.
  • imewi
    imewi Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Thanks a lot, i will try to get in touch with a guild leader too when i connect :)
  • Treegirl - Dreamweaver
    Treegirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hey, I don't know if you guys are still recruiting new players or not, but I'd definately be honored to join a main faction on Dreamweaver. I just started playing again, and I do get tired of not having anyone to communicate with in-game.

    Here are my details, and I hope that I'm accepted. If not, oh well! Atleast I tried, huh? lol

    Character name: Treegirl
    Level: 19
    Class: Venomancer
    Name: Stephen
    Age: 24
    Occupation: Unemployed at the moment.
    Location: Ohio, USA
    About me: I'm an easy-going guy who games to relax, but I do enjoy the hardcore edge of it. When I dedicate myself to a game, I REALLY dedicate myself. I've got nothing but time on my hands, so leveling up on a consistant basis won't be a problem. I like having fun conversations with fun people. I'm non-confrontational and I get along with pretty much everyone. However, if someone is being a ****, I'll let my feelings be heard.
    MMO experience: EQ1, EQOA (PS2), FFXI (Xbox 360), WoW, PSU (Xbox 360)
    TeamSpeak/Ventrillo/CrossFire capabilities: Yes

    I'd also like to add that while help would be appreciated, I'm not someone who expects people to jump at my every whim. I'm a pretty self-reliant person and will only seek help when absolutely needed. However, I am a helpful person by nature. If anyone needed help with something (within reason, keep in mind I would be among the lower levels of the faction) (for now!), I would help without question.

    Sorry for the lengthy post, but I think that covered everything that you would need to know about Treegirl. Also, and I get this a lot, I'm not a female. I know the name is misleading, but I wanted a druid-type class and it was the only name I could think of.

    Thanks! ^_^
  • Bebisito - Dreamweaver
    Bebisito - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    We are indeed accepting new applications, Ophida just hasn't gotten around to updating the first page due to being busy irl. XD

    I have moved your application to our forum to be voted on. Feel free to contact anyone from Placid for any questions or concerns. People will try to message you, too, I'm sure. :3 Be afraaaaaaid.
  • Treegirl - Dreamweaver
    Treegirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Update: Level 26 now ^_^ Oh! And I got my Hellfire Drake. How cool is that thing? srsly?
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow good speed. BTW did you complete your level 19 cultivation quest and dungeon? Usually you would need help for the dungeon and if you still need it, more that willing to help.

    Tip: Dont forget to complete your cultivation quest (the yellow colored ones) since thats what lets you learn new skills.
  • nidayen83
    nidayen83 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Played this game for the first time last night and I really enjoyed it. I met a few of you in game and you all were quite nice and helpful. With that in mind, here's my application...lol.

    Character: Nidayen
    Class: Venomancer
    Level: 6
    Name: William
    Age: 26
    Occupation: currently in Pharmacy school and work at a Pharmacy
    Location: Mississippi, USA
    Previous MMOs: EQPC, EQoA, EQ2, WoW, FFXI, Vanguard, Warhammer, ****
    I have played caster classes in most every MMO except EQoA where I played as a tank, healer, and caster, heh.

    Play times: this semester is coming to a close so soon I'll be on daily.

    About Me: I love to laugh and watch my favorite cartoons: Family Guy, Futurama, etc... I'm quite laid back and enjoy the game as much as I can. Personally I'm a questaholic and once I'm high enough in level to be helpful, I really enjoy the big boss fights. I've been max level in every game I've played and intend to do so here (given the time it takes) and will be as active in the Faction and game as school/job allow.

    What I'm looking for: I'd really like to find a Faction that is active and willing to share their knowledge with a new player such as myself. I'm not looking for any kind of handout but help will be accepted and greatly appreciated when offered.

    Thanks for your time and I look forward to meeting more of you in-game.

    Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow.
  • cyberspud
    cyberspud Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey guys, got another new user trying to sign up.

    IGN: Cyberspud
    Class: Blademaster
    Level: 3 but improving once i've posted this
    Age: 20
    Sex: M
    How often do you play: Just started but I see myself playing quite often, throughout the week, outside of college ofcourse

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: N/A

    Timezone/region: GMT/ United Kingdom

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    From the looks of things this is a great guild that pretty much includes everything I'm looking for.

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    Obviously I'm a new gamer but I'm pretty self-sufficient when it comes to figuring out the game. I'm mainly applying to the guild for the social aspects. It's tough playing a new MMO on your lonesome, y'know? I'm not looking for any hand-outs or babysitting but thats not to say I'm gona immediately turn them down and they'd ofcourse be greatly appreciated. As for what I can offer, I'm more than happy to help out anyone else that needs it whether or not I'm such a great level. I'm ready get involved with the guild from the very moment I'm, hopefully, accepted.

    At the end of day; I'm a pretty laid back, fun loving guy thats here for a laugh and to become involved in the guild as pro-actively as possible. Thanks for your time spent reading this and I hope to hear from someone soon.

    P.S. I should be online for the next few hours but if I'm missed then I'll definitely be back soon.

  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hiya Spud :D

    I'll move your application to our voting forum, and feel free to contact anyone in game!
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Treegirl - Dreamweaver
    Treegirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Son, I didn't get in. But don't let that stop you if you get accepted. If, however, you don't, I'd love to start one with you ^_^. Also, no hard feelings, Placid.
  • Crawling - Dreamweaver
    Crawling - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Still interested in join Placid. b:dirty
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Crawling, I have moved your earlier Application to our private forums. Some of us will get in touch with you ingame...to.....BUG JOO

    Feel free to message me or any of the people mentioned on the first page of this thread.
  • Gyda - Dreamweaver
    Gyda - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm looking for a guild on Dreamweaver server. I'm usually on for about a hour a day or so, but would like to help others as much as possible.

    Character name: Gyda
    Level: 39
    Class: Wizzard
    Name: Kurt
    Age: 22
    Occupation: Student.
    Location: VA, US
    OG Expierience: Starcraft, World of WC, Halo.
    About me: I'm relatively quiet and cool tempered person, I enjoy helping others when possible. I don't mind helping others farm for materials and such. I am not easily frustrated and understanding. I've been playing off and on for around a month and am really enjoying myself, but am finding it harder to find reliable groups for FB quests. I'm also considering re-rolling an assassin with the coming expansion.

    Hope to hear from you soon. Otherwise I wish you all the best of luck, I appreciate your consideration.

  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hi Gyda - I've moved your application over to our forums for voting. Feel free to contact anyone in-game when you are online for a chat :)
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hi Gyda - I've moved your application over to our forums for voting. Feel free to contact anyone in-game when you are online for a chat :)
    ^ Please do this! We love to chat to people before inviting them - it gives you a chance to ask any questions that might not be answered in this thread, and generally for you to get to know some of us so you don't feel so isolated when you join b:kiss
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yesh Yesh!!! What she said ^^^

    And while youre at Ophi, could you edit the first page? It still says we're not accepting apps b:laugh
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    :D Bumpity bump bump
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Elenion - Dreamweaver
    Elenion - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Name: Elenion

    Class: Archer

    Level: 38

    Age: 19

    Sex: Male

    How often do you play: Varying from few times a week to just about every day.

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: 1. DragonS (Or however it's spelled): I joined this one with my best IRL friend months back when we played--when I came back a little while ago I had been kicked obviously. 2. Galaxy: I was invited to this one when I was wandering without a faction, and someone kindly asked me to join. Its' been a mess since I've joined it, and I even ended up leader somehow.. I just don't think it's going to work out. x_x

    Timezone/region: Northeastern US (EST/GMT-5:00)

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    I have a friend or two in the guild and I've heard very positive things about it so far. I've been looking for a friendly, helpful and just casual faction to join for a little while now. After attending a wedding a wedding between Nautilis and Elviron, I really liked the the crowd there and just had an urge to become a part of the group. o.o

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    I'll bring cookies? >o>
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    @ Elenion ~ your app has been moved to our forums for discussion. If you've looked through our thread, I'm sure you're well aware that we like to have a chit chat before we make a final decision. So please feel free to poke anyone in the guild that you see (and encourage them to make a chat room so you can talk to more people)! b:kiss
  • MasterXeno - Dreamweaver
    MasterXeno - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    IGN: MasterXeno
    Class: Wizard
    Level: 58
    Age: 16
    Sex: M

    How often do you play: I get on everyday to come hang out and chill. I usually do quest on my free time though.

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: Well all but the leader was helping me with my quest. Sadly the rest of the members couldn't do anything and were practically inactive. Also they were pretty mean and less talkative, not to mention immature.

    Timezone/region: USA, West Coast

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    Your recruitment posting and thread interested me, as it seems more supportive of a mature person with a RL who also enjoys gaming. This looks like a place where I can have fun at and be myself. Usually it would take me about a day or so just to search for a fun guild. I really think that this will make my game time in PWI more entertaining then it usually is. I also would like to talk to other great people and make more friends. While doing quest it could be a drag to have no one to talk too. This looks like a very fun guild. b:victory

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    I love play games whither I'm off the computer or not. I have a life around gaming. When I play I usually solo everything, but needless to say working in a team would make me more useful to someone in need.
    All for one and one for all, together the world will prosper. So pick up your weapons and rise up together and I will chant "For friends and for tomorrow. Never look back and continue forward through peace and love we will unite not as a team, but as one."
  • Bebisito - Dreamweaver
    Bebisito - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Xeno!
    Moved your application to our forums, where it will be voted on over a period of 48 hours. Try to contact some Placid members if you have any questions (some names are in the first post) and be prepared for some to contact you to get to know you a bit. :3
  • Bytte - Dreamweaver
    Bytte - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    IGN: Sqaw
    Class: Veno
    Level: 19(atm)
    Age: 24
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: a few hours a day, 3-5
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: none, new to PWI
    Timezone/region: US east coast
    Why do you want to join Placid? Looking for a good faction with nice friendly and good people to play with and help.
    Any other info you feel will support your application: im a good player, fast learner, friendly and willing to help out as much as I can with other players.

    Still kinda new to PWI so im still learning.

    Yeah, I know my forum ID don
    Thanks to Baalbak, i now have my enter key back, YaY .. Baalbak, you my new hero .. well till batman comes to life .. LONG LIVE GOTHAM CITY!!!
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Bytte, I have moved your application to our private forums for the reviewal process. During this time, one/some of us will get in touch with you to get to know you a bit better. Also if you have any doubts or just need to chat feel free to whisper me or any of the "goons" on the first page or for that matter any of our members.

    Take care and happy questing b:victory