Lyndura's Blademaster Guide



  • heyyourhot
    heyyourhot Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    nicee guide :)b:laugh
  • NinnXx - Heavens Tear
    NinnXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Which weapon path is the best for low lvl (till 4x) PvE? Or maybe which combination, too.
    Ty for advice ^^
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hey Lyndura sorry for being completely off topic but could you answer a quick question?

    I read in another topic about beserk effect that you said it doubles base physical attack, 20% atk speed, and increases damage taken by 50%.
    Just wondering if you've seen this effect in action, and by double base physical attack do you mean it doubles the numbers that show when we look at character stats with "c"? Thanks for the help
  • ishukwe
    ishukwe Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    redx4oe wrote: »
    Ok Great guide....
    Question at lvl 29 u get your weapons skill but if ur gonna be forced to change weapons all the time will u need to add skills all over the place to accommodate for them also.
    Understand that quest etc gives weapon rewards but aren't u allowed to choose?
    hey man i am new to mmo games and my charecter is in harshville i am level 5
    blademaster and i dont even have a clue how to leanr skill how to do mission how to transport to other cities how to buy a genei it tyo hard for me so do you plaes have a good tips or informetion that could help me
  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Very Awesome guide indeed b:victory Thanks to this, I know how make my BM multipath effectively (Axe/Hammer and PoleArmb:chuckle). Thanks a million for your great work and time!!b:thanksb:thanks

    EDIT: After reading a lot in this BM section, I'll add swords to his weapon list as well, but only lvl 1 of each skill though...
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • st0rmbr1nga
    st0rmbr1nga Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi, i'm a level 50 bm and i just finish reading your guide! I realized that the only skills i bought were the basic ones (those you dont recommand)! Like Melee lvl 8, Strike vl 7 etc... but i didnt buy yet the roar or any axes skills execpt the axe mastery (lvl 6)! What could i do to save my bm of a total disaster? My stats are exactly what they should be for a axe/hammer...
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Start to level your other skills. With BH's nowadays you could feed some exp to your genie(and get yourself a good one xD) to hold yourself at level. Why?? Well you need to strengthen your Axe/other skills a bit. Just enough so you are happy. (By feeding your exp to genie you will stay at same level but gain spirit.)

    If you don't care about that then just start leveling your axe/other skills from here on out. There's nothing you can do about skills you already leveled. Just look to your future and plan with what you have. Pick and choose carefully.

  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Start to level your other skills. With BH's nowadays you could feed some exp to your genie(and get yourself a good one xD) to hold yourself at level. Why?? Well you need to strengthen your Axe/other skills a bit. Just enough so you are happy. (By feeding your exp to genie you will stay at same level but gain spirit.)

    I've heard many people mention this but it makes NO SENSE to me. Sure, if you feed your exp and save up spirit, you'll have a higher spirit to level ratio. But in the end, you are gaining spirit at the same rate and preventing yourself from other higher rates of gaining spirit such as rebirth or spirit cult or higher level mobs. You will gain the same amount of spirit in 1 week, if not less, if you don't level up. The only difference is that at the end of that week, you'll be a level 50 with 2 mil spirit instead of a lvl 55 with 2 mil spirit. Leveling up at his level does nothing to cripple how much spirits he can gain. The only time that it make sense to feed your exp is when you are on the cutoff levels of Rebirths such as 70 or 85. You feed exp then because leveling will make gaining spirit harder for you without the access of easy Rebirths. Feeding exp on a random level just so that you can say you have more spirit at XX level is... defying all logic.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I should read the stickies more often.

    It's okay that it doesn't make sense to you.

    Some people want to level as fast as they can.

    Some people want to be as strong as possible for there level.

    By feeding exp to your genie you get a few things as I already stated.

    Now, I have an alt I hardly play. By feeding his exp to genies, I've effectively halted his leveling. I get cheap Crazy Stone(easy exp/spirit) and I have a ridiculous easy BH (easy exp/spirit) to run. And I have a **** load of quests that I just ignore.

    I log into him for maybe an hour every few days/weeks. I do CS and run a couple BH's. Feed exp to genie. Level skills.

    My alt is a cleric. What does this allow me to do? It allows me to be able to play easier when I decide to grind. Why?? My IB is maxed for level. My plumeshot/Great Cyclone are maxed. I have my buffs/maxed. I have my seals..etc..etc...

    Most clerics at my level have to sacrifice some skills for others. More attack?? More healing?? revive?

    Same concept applies to a BM if they want to do it. ( Although its not needed for either class)

    With all that being said. I went and actually decided to level my cleric the other day. Maybe I shouldn't have. But heck I already have 2 gold genies. And on my way to a 3rd. ( crosses fingers. Looking good so far.)

    P.S. - I don't have time for rebirths. This method worked out great for me and its cheap/easy exp.

  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    long time without asking/posting here b:shutup

    well i already start my multipath destiny, i just got Glacial Spike for RBs ^^...what i wanna know is if i should wait till i max all my axe skills (HF lvl 7 atm) and the common skills before i start lvling the other paths, i dont have to much spirit since once that i have like 300K spirit+ i lvl up my skills...also thinking about me as an axe user that is going multipath what skills of pole (besides glacias spike n meteor rush) sword and fist should i focus on?

    note im not going to be able to use my lvl 60 fist till i hit 90 or i reset some vit points, right now i have like 75 vit.b:victory

    thnx in advance for the help n tips b:thanks
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well leveling skills is really at this point about what your going to be getting out of them.

    In my opinion for axes don't stop leveling HF, highland cleave, get a good level of fissure for slow and aoe.

    For fists all you need is to get shadowless kick at this point. Level 1 is enough.

    For spear, farstrike, meteor rush. I wouldn't worry about Glacial Spike. A maxed out HF is better in my opinion. You might want to think about the sword ultimate for the debuff. That way you're more balanced.

    For general skill's Roar of the Pride priority. Get your aoe's up a little as you see fit. Max out your sprint and get your other one too.

    Your mastery's for your mulitpaths is also important to level.

    You won't have enough spirit to master everything. But look at the increases in damage and such to help make your decisions.

  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well leveling skills is really at this point about what your going to be getting out of them.

    In my opinion for axes don't stop leveling HF, highland cleave, get a good level of fissure for slow and aoe.

    For fists all you need is to get shadowless kick at this point. Level 1 is enough.

    For spear, farstrike, meteor rush. I wouldn't worry about Glacial Spike. A maxed out HF is better in my opinion. You might want to think about the sword ultimate for the debuff. That way you're more balanced.

    For general skill's Roar of the Pride priority. Get your aoe's up a little as you see fit. Max out your sprint and get your other one too.

    Your mastery's for your mulitpaths is also important to level.

    You won't have enough spirit to master everything. But look at the increases in damage and such to help make your decisions.

    thnx for the info ^^
    ok atm HF lvl 7 is maxed at my lvl. High cleave lvl9.Fisure lvl8. Drake bash lvl9,Roar of pride lvl10, i have the 2 sprints. Sutra lvl9 Drake Sweap and fan of flames r lvl 5.i got glacial spike lvl 1 the 23% reduce of mag and phy def. its a good combo for RBs i dont have enough spirit for the lvl79 skills and i do have a TT sword but i think i just have enough spirit for Myriad...the lack of spirit is awefull, n i dont have enough dex to get my lvl 60 fist yet i need to reset, but thank you for the tip i guess that ill lvling first my axe skills then ill get Myriad n the pole skills, what about the other 3 swords skills?

    ty for the info ^^
  • GrimStorm - Dreamweaver
    GrimStorm - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I just started a few days with my BM... Honestly I didnt read this thread only until now... i been pretty much doing

    str, dex, vit, mag
    3, 1, 1, 0

    I dont know why i put 2 mag at between levels 6-9, I must of thought i had my cleric or something. Anyway, i want to be a dual sword user... not sure if im heading the right direction or not... any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I just started a few days with my BM... Honestly I didnt read this thread only until now... i been pretty much doing

    str, dex, vit, mag
    3, 1, 1, 0

    I dont know why i put 2 mag at between levels 6-9, I must of thought i had my cleric or something. Anyway, i want to be a dual sword user... not sure if im heading the right direction or not... any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    If you want to use dual swords you will need to add more dex

    IE: To use the Twins (TT80 swords) at lvl 80 you will need 127 dex.

    You could go 5 str 3 dex 2 spare points per 2 levels (will give you 120 base dex by level 80) . The 2 spare points can be either added to str,dex, or vit depending on how you build your char and what + you have on your gears

    Alot of BM will use the two spare for vit until its around 50-70 then cap it, leaving the 2 to be used for either str or dex
  • hfiuza
    hfiuza Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hi im a BM lvl 88 and thinking going Sage, my stats are whitout armor, Vit 150, Str 247, Dex 55 and Mag 3, whid armor Vit 159, Str 276, Dex 82 and Mag 8.

    My Hp is 5972 Phy Def 7179 (10085 with Buff), Phy attack 2673-5077, Crit hit 7%, Acuracy 860, Evasion 1139.

    I have armor TT80 complete set including helmet +3, have a Zuriel Blade Max for fly, a pantera for mount and two pets a baby Elysium Foul and a babby tabby plumdrop,one for sky one for land lolll, a sky deamosn pearl for necklace +8 Str +5% Hp +255 Phy Def, a Mogwai Belt lvl 86 +5 Str +6 Dex +5 Mag, a Cloack of valor 3* +70 Hp +4 Dex, a Ring Captains Badge with 4255 Rep, a Singing Star ring 1* with +70 Hp +3 Vit Max Endurance +25%, my Axe is a Shinroaches +11 Dex and going to Haunted Axes.

    My genie is Discipline with 50/80 with tree of protection, holy path and true emptiness.

    I have a lot of misses and think my Hp is too low, and the TT 90 is to expensive but i will try it, would like some recomendations plz

    Thanks for all your help

    Blademasters are Great
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hfiuza wrote: »
    hi im a BM lvl 88 and thinking going Sage, my stats are whitout armor, Vit 150, Str 247, Dex 55 and Mag 3, whid armor Vit 159, Str 276, Dex 82 and Mag 8.

    My Hp is 5972 Phy Def 7179 (10085 with Buff), Phy attack 2673-5077, Crit hit 7%, Acuracy 860, Evasion 1139.

    I have armor TT80 complete set including helmet +3, have a Zuriel Blade Max for fly, a pantera for mount and two pets a baby Elysium Foul and a babby tabby plumdrop,one for sky one for land lolll, a sky deamosn pearl for necklace +8 Str +5% Hp +255 Phy Def, a Mogwai Belt lvl 86 +5 Str +6 Dex +5 Mag, a Cloack of valor 3* +70 Hp +4 Dex, a Ring Captains Badge with 4255 Rep, a Singing Star ring 1* with +70 Hp +3 Vit Max Endurance +25%, my Axe is a Shinroaches +11 Dex and going to Haunted Axes.

    My genie is Discipline with 50/80 with tree of protection, holy path and true emptiness.

    I have a lot of misses and think my Hp is too low, and the TT 90 is to expensive but i will try it, would like some recomendations plz

    Thanks for all your help

    Blademasters are Great

    so whats ur point?
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hfiuza wrote: »
    hi im a BM lvl 88 and thinking going Sage, my stats are whitout armor, Vit 150, Str 247, Dex 55 and Mag 3, whid armor Vit 159, Str 276, Dex 82 and Mag 8.

    My Hp is 5972 Phy Def 7179 (10085 with Buff), Phy attack 2673-5077, Crit hit 7%, Acuracy 860, Evasion 1139.

    I have armor TT80 complete set including helmet +3, have a Zuriel Blade Max for fly, a pantera for mount and two pets a baby Elysium Foul and a babby tabby plumdrop,one for sky one for land lolll, a sky deamosn pearl for necklace +8 Str +5% Hp +255 Phy Def, a Mogwai Belt lvl 86 +5 Str +6 Dex +5 Mag, a Cloack of valor 3* +70 Hp +4 Dex, a Ring Captains Badge with 4255 Rep, a Singing Star ring 1* with +70 Hp +3 Vit Max Endurance +25%, my Axe is a Shinroaches +11 Dex and going to Haunted Axes.

    My genie is Discipline with 50/80 with tree of protection, holy path and true emptiness.

    I have a lot of misses and think my Hp is too low, and the TT 90 is to expensive but i will try it, would like some recomendations plz

    Thanks for all your help

    Blademasters are Great

    ditch most of that vit shove it inot dex missing issue fixed + multipath now

    get 90 green +4 or more it hp solved

    add ring of mastadons strength or misty forest ring for more acc and HP

    get 90 axes get 90 of the other paths up skills ask specific questions if you want to know more

    why would you go sage? as a main axe bm you get almost no benifit from the sage path ony path that should consider it is pure pole....and a pure weapon bm at 90? your choice your playstyle but imo there is far less to be gained from sage than from demon for a bm
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hfiuza wrote: »
    hi im a BM lvl 88 and thinking going Sage, my stats are whitout armor, Vit 150, Str 247, Dex 55 and Mag 3, whid armor Vit 159, Str 276, Dex 82 and Mag 8.

    My Hp is 5972 Phy Def 7179 (10085 with Buff), Phy attack 2673-5077, Crit hit 7%, Acuracy 860, Evasion 1139.

    I have armor TT80 complete set including helmet +3, have a Zuriel Blade Max for fly, a pantera for mount and two pets a baby Elysium Foul and a babby tabby plumdrop,one for sky one for land lolll, a sky deamosn pearl for necklace +8 Str +5% Hp +255 Phy Def, a Mogwai Belt lvl 86 +5 Str +6 Dex +5 Mag, a Cloack of valor 3* +70 Hp +4 Dex, a Ring Captains Badge with 4255 Rep, a Singing Star ring 1* with +70 Hp +3 Vit Max Endurance +25%, my Axe is a Shinroaches +11 Dex and going to Haunted Axes.

    My genie is Discipline with 50/80 with tree of protection, holy path and true emptiness.

    I have a lot of misses and think my Hp is too low, and the TT 90 is to expensive but i will try it, would like some recomendations plz

    Thanks for all your help

    Blademasters are Great

    IDK about the baby Plumdrop, might want to consider replacing it with a baby turtle.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    IDK about the baby Plumdrop, might want to consider replacing it with a baby turtle.

    rofl b:chuckleb:chuckle

  • deadburstz
    deadburstz Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i'm a lvl 63 axe bm with stats. str 191, dex 98, vit 36[48 with eq] should i consider putting stat points to my vit? like 3str 2 vit per lvl?
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    deadburstz wrote: »
    i'm a lvl 63 axe bm with stats. str 191, dex 98, vit 36[48 with eq] should i consider putting stat points to my vit? like 3str 2 vit per lvl?

    Consider it? yes. I'd work on my dexterity first thoug if I were you buddy, or archers are gonna eat you in PvP.
  • deadburstz
    deadburstz Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sorry, but what do u mean work on my dex?
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    deadburstz wrote: »
    sorry, but what do u mean work on my dex?

    Well, basically your dexterity is pretty low. Even with a couple misty forest rings on in your 7x levels you won't have enough accuracy to hit archers very often or high dexterity BMs. Also your evasion will be too low to take full advantage of your level 59 skill Will of the Bodhisatva (Though the resistance to movement status effects is still pretty wicked). You'll hit clerics and other AA users just fine, and you probably won't be troubled too much with hitting barbarians, but anybody wearing Light Armor and with significant dexterity is going to cause you to see the "MISS" message pretty often. Not to mention that every 20 points of dexterity increases your critical hit percentage by 1%.

    Some people swear by high vitality and others by high dex. Very few have both as low as you do. You probably hit pretty hard though (when you hit).

    Strictly for PvE, you probably don't have to worry quite as much.

    I think maybe starting to put in 3str, 1dex, and 1vit would help. That's just my opinion though (I assume you use only axes).
  • PkDarkAdonis - Lost City
    PkDarkAdonis - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well, basically your dexterity is pretty low. Even with a couple misty forest rings on in your 7x levels you won't have enough accuracy to hit archers very often or high dexterity BMs. Also your evasion will be too low to take full advantage of your level 59 skill Will of the Bodhisatva (Though the resistance to movement status effects is still pretty wicked). You'll hit clerics and other AA users just fine, and you probably won't be troubled too much with hitting barbarians, but anybody wearing Light Armor and with significant dexterity is going to cause you to see the "MISS" message pretty often. Not to mention that every 20 points of dexterity increases your critical hit percentage by 1%.

    Some people swear by high vitality and others by high dex. Very few have both as low as you do. You probably hit pretty hard though (when you hit).

    Strictly for PvE, you probably don't have to worry quite as much.

    I think maybe starting to put in 3str, 1dex, and 1vit would help. That's just my opinion though (I assume you use only axes).

    well though kni seeems to have a point, i have more suggestions, if you are a supercarebear pve person go STR and VIT, but if you have any plan to pvp at all i would not raise vit any. i was a VIT bm (225) til lvl 90 and had to waste about 20gold in reset notes to reset that vit to 5 on the choice of pvp. face it if you are under lvl 90 BM with high vit and a charm pwn the other classes, but at lvl 90 wiz and archers are so OP anyways that alot of vit isnt going to help you much, axes also are useless at lvl 90 if you cant even hit an archer, and youll even miss clerics and barbs quite often, considering alot of lvl 90+ have lunar capes or what not, dex is the way to go, or hella acc pots. i use acc pots to fight archers and 190 DEX + acc pot = around 9k acc which still misses about 1 of 4 hits on a full dex lvl 90 archer. even if you do not cash shop with enough mirages you can +3 all your gear which compensates a little of that HP loss.

    also on a random note i suggest you get a genie with lvl10 true emptiness, Heavens Flame lvl10 + true emptiness = win.
  • numibago
    numibago Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Lolwut? 9k acc and you miss 1/4 times? O.o
    First i can tell you this, 5 vit will get you **** by mages and clerics anyway, as each vit point gives you more pdef and mdef, therefore unless you have very highly refined mdef ornaments, magic still going to hurt... Alot. And since you have 5 vit... Low HP. And with the anni packs so many clerics and mages got the sexy lunar rings with +3% crit... Which means they can crit if they time skills right... So dex build can be very good for the high crit rate, and high acc, blah blah... But you should never reduce your vit to ridiculous amounts like 5, imo. Sure, +12 your armor, you'll have high HP pool anyway, but how many people you know with +12 armor? lol.
    Imo, if you want to be axe bm, and can't cash shop, get a decent amount of vit, like 60-70 without gears, and everything else to dex and str.

    Also i can tell you this... I'm a vit bm with 1 misty ring, and 1 HH90 gold ring, 2.5k acc with 120 dex. I still manage to kill an archer, even with a couple of misses along the way. Also high vit with barb buff, 10k HP unbuffed. Only mages with highly refined weapons can beat that kind of HP pool. This is just my opinion, even though i have nothing against dex build provided you can +10 your armor, and at least +8 your mdef ornaments.
    This is the prophecy.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    numibago wrote: »
    Lolwut? 9k acc and you miss 1/4 times? O.o
    First i can tell you this, 5 vit will get you **** by mages and clerics anyway, as each vit point gives you more pdef and mdef, therefore unless you have very highly refined mdef ornaments, magic still going to hurt... Alot. And since you have 5 vit... Low HP. And with the anni packs so many clerics and mages got the sexy lunar rings with +3% crit... Which means they can crit if they time skills right... So dex build can be very good for the high crit rate, and high acc, blah blah... But you should never reduce your vit to ridiculous amounts like 5, imo. Sure, +12 your armor, you'll have high HP pool anyway, but how many people you know with +12 armor? lol.
    Imo, if you want to be axe bm, and can't cash shop, get a decent amount of vit, like 60-70 without gears, and everything else to dex and str.

    Also i can tell you this... I'm a vit bm with 1 misty ring, and 1 HH90 gold ring, 2.5k acc with 120 dex. I still manage to kill an archer, even with a couple of misses along the way. Also high vit with barb buff, 10k HP unbuffed. Only mages with highly refined weapons can beat that kind of HP pool. This is just my opinion, even though i have nothing against dex build provided you can +10 your armor, and at least +8 your mdef ornaments.

    The amount of hp vit give you is insignificant if you can refine your gears decently.
    As Adonis said, decently only has to be +3 or so. You can also shard for hp. Basically what you've said is that you hit like a barb (as hard and as often) and your hp is lower than theirs.....

    I have 30 base vit and about 90 with my outdated gears. I also plan to restat mine to 5 soon.

    lol what?
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    It all depends what you build your char to do. A STR/DEX build is awful for TW and risky against magic classes, but you will do good against archers and BMs/Barbs. (if you use fists, otherwise only in duels)
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You do not need high vit. You don't need high vit. What you need are the stats that allow you to play your character the way you want.

    I chose to cap my vit at 36 oh so long ago.

    Here is me.

    AdvanceZero Current Equipment/Build i am fully buffed...

    I also have a +5gx with perfect Garnet.

    This is pretty much my endgame gear. My goal next is to farm TT and get TT99 Gold Wrists. TT99 Gold Boots? It will take awhile unless I win the lottery.

  • FLPNMZTR - Dreamweaver
    FLPNMZTR - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    my stats with equipment : vit 72 str 195 dex 70

    any suggestions??
  • numibago
    numibago Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The amount of hp vit give you is insignificant if you can refine your gears decently.
    As Adonis said, decently only has to be +3 or so. You can also shard for hp. Basically what you've said is that you hit like a barb (as hard and as often) and your hp is lower than theirs.....

    I have 30 base vit and about 90 with my outdated gears. I also plan to restat mine to 5 soon.

    lol what?

    +3 decent refine if you have 5 VIT? You must be mad :)
    Do you know how much HP +3 give you? That's nowhere near decent if you go dex/str build, no wonder there's so many fail bms out there, that think they are archers, still don't hit hard enough, and get **** by any magic class. If you want to go dex you must have good, high refines. LordKazahana much, any decent mage **** him with his magical attack, i seen it in west, and mages laughing at him all the time in world chat... b:sweat
    Why? Cause VIT GIVES YOU PDEF AND MDEF! Yet, you prefer to be dex fails with low refines so any good class can **** you, and tell me i hit as weak as a barb. Lolz. Low refines+low vit you're just a glass canon. Which is ok... If you manage to hit someone before they **** you. Balanced stats give you enough dmg and vit to kill and survive. I can tell you i might not be able to kill a barb, but neither can you (and talking about 90+ pvp fights), and i can still manage to kill bms, archers (even with low acc, and seriously, 9k acc and missing archers...) venos, and mages if i can last long enough to get close.
    This is the prophecy.