[Dreamweaver] Placid recruiting



  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so like its okay to post the info here? lols
    Age:18 1/2
    How often do you play: about 3/4 times a week
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: no ;D
    Why do you want to join Placid?weeeellll ive been invited to join just starting out factions which is annoying cus like they dont help (b:angry) and dont talk (even more b:angry). Placid seems like a really nice faction that can help and is talkative b:dirty
    Any other info you feel will support your application: uhmm maybee.... i know what im doing in the game andddd lvl up semi-fast

    Ok your App. has been transfered to the guild forums, one of us will get to you in a couple of daysb:victory
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ok your App. has been transfered to the guild forums, one of us will get to you in a couple of days
    okay thx, i will probably be on soon so i will try to pm one of you b:pleased
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    FYI for any applicants.

    You are more than welcome to contact any and all of us in-game, as a matter of fact we appreciate that. That said, please post your application here as well. Once your application is moved to our private forum, there is a 3 day voting period for members to discuss applications, so please be patient.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Level:lv6, just joined this server
    How often do you play:Atleast several times a week
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving:Nope, still pretty nubby in this game
    Timezone/region:GMT+1 From Denmark
    Why do you want to join Placid? Hmmm I want to join a faction that seems active, and prefferably has a vent b:victory
    Any other info you feel will support your application:
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    I'll move your application to our private forums - you'll hear from us in a couple of days. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of us in-game if you have any questions, or if you just want to chat b:laugh
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Mmm, fresh meat. b:dirty
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Level:14 at the moment.
    Age:17(18, December 6th)
    How often do you play:Once a day/every two days.
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving:None, have been waiting for a faction to join.
    Timezone/region:United Kingdom(GMT)
    Why do you want to join Placid? Seems like a good guild, and has a good member base.
    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    Mature, friendly and have a mic for vent.
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for the application, eGee! I'll move it over to our forum right now. Feel free to hit us up in game if you have questions or wanna chat - and you'll hear an answer in a couple of days :)
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Mmm, fresh meat. b:dirty

    Be nice to the new people. At least let them settle in before you go chewing on their ankles...
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    I'll move your application to our private forums - you'll hear from us in a couple of days. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of us in-game if you have any questions, or if you just want to chat b:laugh
    Thank you b:pleased
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Be nice to the new people. At least let them settle in before you go chewing on their ankles...
    Omnomnomnom. b:surrender
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Omnomnomnom. b:surrender

    *Puts on metal ancleprotectors* b:chuckle
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    *Puts on metal ancleprotectors* b:chuckle
    My weakness, metal!
    Have you been tipped off?! b:puzzled
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    We are lvl 3 now.So more incentive for EVERYONE to join Placid!
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Oh, why not. I like your recruitment post.

    IGN: Solanum

    Class: Venomancer

    Level: 40

    Age: 29

    Sex: F

    How often do you play: A few days a week? I am in the middle of having some Real Life, I would be happy to discuss it in game.

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: Paramour, IronSkull, Origin. Paramour was swallowed by IronSkull. Left IronSkull because I didn't quite fit in. Currently in Origin, but it only has 9 members and I'm one of the highest levels. I like it and them a lot, but it's not giving me what I need. I am regularly the only one on.

    Timezone/region: USA, East Coast. I am, however, an insomniac.

    Why do you want to join Placid? I like your recruitment notice and the way you've conducted yourselves in the thread.

    Any other info you feel will support your application: I am new to PWI but not new to MMOs. I am very comfortable with finding information myself as well as doing my best on my own and not asking my guild to carry me. I do not like guild hopping and would like to find a permanent home, so I'd like to talk with someone before I join.

    p.s. I picked a funny time to app, as I'm having friends in from out of town for a week. I will be around, but not as much as usual. Hoping I catch someone.
  • Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hi Solanum, your application has been placed in our guild forum, so you'll hear from us soon. Feel free to poke anyone you see around for a chat - our members are generally a friendly bunch and should be able to help you with any questions you might have (or at least point you in the direction of someone that can help you). Don't worry about not being on all the time - We do understand that people have lives outside of the game - I will be away for a week beginning Saturday myself - it's that time of the year!

    Look forward to hearing from you (PS if you are on much later than this sort of time, you're better off trying to talk to one of the other listed people as I'm in the GMT timezone and need my beauty sleep b:surrender)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    IGN: Micrathene
    Class: Cleric
    Level: 21
    Age: 49
    Sex: M

    How often do you play: Heavily on weekends; sporadically during the week (though a bit of insomnia leads me to farm, etc. at odd hours) ^_^

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: None

    Timezone/region: US East Coast / EST

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    Your recruitment posting and thread interested me, as it seems more supportive of a mature person with a RL who also enjoys gaming. I've soloed so far, but needless to say, an arcane (mostly) cleric can only progress so far without a good team. Ad hoc squadding is just not cutting it for me.

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    While new to PWI and MMOs in general, I've been doing "old school" RPGs for many years; as such, I tend to think strategically, plan ahead and keep a cool(er) head. I am most interested in a supporting role and finding a good "home" to develop my skills and hopefully contribute.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    IGN: Unonie
    Class: archer
    Level: 11
    Age: 17
    Sex: M

    How often do you play: heavily all around =) because im curently job less =(

    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: dont rember the name i do knwo i came from origins a while back im leavig my at the moment just because there arnt anoth people to have fun with =(

    Timezone/region: US West Coast

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    Your recruitment posting and thread interested me, as it seems more supportive of a mature person with a RL who also enjoys gaming. Also with you puttting time to make this and relpy fast to every one makes me think a very active guild which i like.

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    I have lots of experience with games liek this and im very much of a team player
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Unonie and Micrathene, I've moved your applications to our private forums. You'll have an answer in a couple of days. In the meantime, feel free to contact any of us if you have questions - and some of us might PM you with questions as well :D
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ty that was fast =) ill be on in a few minutes if ya want to ask me soem questions
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Woohoo, our bumping pays off!
    Looking forward to seeing all you guys in game. :3 Feel free to message me if needed.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    IGN: Serasana (currently my main character)
    Class: Wizard
    Level: 33
    Age: 24
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: Usually a few hours everyday.
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: I'm new to perfect world as I've only been playing for about two to three weeks now, so none.
    Timezone/region: GMT/England

    Why do you want to join Placid?
    Based on past experiences, my favourite memories in games have been when you're with friends/guildies. So basically I'm looking for a nice, friendly group :) I'd like to learn more about Perfect World and eventually get to the point where I can help other people.

    Any other info you feel will support your application:
    Although I've only been playing Perfect World a short while, I've had a fair amount of experience with other MMOs. I've currently got a lvl33 wizard, 21 venomancer and a few others around level 10 (I was testing out the classes to try and get a feel of their playstyles). Traditionally I'm used to play tanking or healing classes so who knows? I may end up levelling up my cleric (although he was the first character I made, he's been neglected since).

    I spoke to Ophida last night about the guild and everything sounds pretty much ideal. To conclude, I'd say I'm looking for a group of people mainly just to have fun! Hope to hear from you soon, thanks for your time :)
  • Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Glad you decided to apply :D I've forwarded your application to our forum ^^
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    if this keeps up theres like 15+ people on at all times by tomorow b:victory

    edit: lol maybe more ;D
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I went to your forum and posted a new thread for my application. Hope thats okay XD

    Didn't think to post it here XD
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I went to your forum and posted a new thread for my application. Hope thats okay XD

    Didn't think to post it here XD

    FYI Fixix - your application has been moved into the private section of our forum for voting. I would expect a couple of guild members to try and contact you in game over the next day or two for some additional information.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I PM'd my app to Ophida, hopefully I'll get in :)
  • Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I had 2 applications via pm b:surprised Both have been up in the forums a day or so now, so we'll be in touch soon. As usual, please feel free to contact any of us should you have any questions b:heart
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    IGN: FoamPeanuts
    Class: Barb
    Level: 21
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: I can get on everyday.
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: I've been in one guild, but only because I thought I was squading with someone...
    Timezone/region: -5gmt/Usa.
    Why do you want to join Placid? I need a guild and it seems fun. =D
    Any other info you feel will support your application: Umm... I'm fun!
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    IGN: FoamPeanuts
    Class: Barb
    Level: 21
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    How often do you play: I can get on everyday.
    Previous factions (if any) + reasons for leaving: I've been in one guild, but only because I thought I was squading with someone...
    Timezone/region: -5gmt/Usa.
    Why do you want to join Placid? I need a guild and it seems fun. =D
    Any other info you feel will support your application: Umm... I'm fun!
    Your application has been forwarded to our guild forums. b:victory
    Maho_, Venomancer | NomNom, Barbarian


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