Beginner FAQ - Please read before posting!



  • mezusasaki
    mezusasaki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    can someone tell me what do you mean by that my wepon needs a open socket to upgrade.....? what a socket..? srry but im new and nooby so plz help out thx.
  • mezusasaki
    mezusasaki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    can you tell me what dos a open socket mean??? how to upgrade a wepon?????
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    When you find a weapon (FIND, not buy from merchants), it can have a socket. It clearly says so in the name.
  • nodin
    nodin Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i was flying and my wings r still there but in the tool bar where u can see the little figures to meditate and pick up treasure my option for wings is gone i cant fly i still have my wings in my inventory but i cant use them.
  • krille135
    krille135 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    How Do you get it started when i click on the logo it just comes up update.sets manual patch and other stuff but nothing where it says play!!! help plzzzzzz!!!!!! (lol im a noob) b:cry
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    nodin wrote: »
    i was flying and my wings r still there but in the tool bar where u can see the little figures to meditate and pick up treasure my option for wings is gone i cant fly i still have my wings in my inventory but i cant use them.

    Wings need to be in the slot they always were in.
    To get to flying botton again, use hotkey E to open emote menu, the option to go flying is in there (drag the fly botton back to the shortcut bar to be able to use it as normal again)

    Krille: first the game needs to update, and after that you can press start
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • mgear
    mgear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I need help trying to level up my genie???HELP!?!b:cry
  • chufyka
    chufyka Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hi there!
    If you need help with the venomancer Check out my video! It's will help.
    I maked this 'cus lot of player stuck at the taming quest! It WILL help you!
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    mgear wrote: »
    I need help trying to level up my genie???HELP!?!b:cry

    Everything you want to know about genies can be found here:
  • kingdamo
    kingdamo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    how do i start the bloody game, iv downloaded everything theirs jus sum optional updates to download but where the play button? i wanna join a server

    andracil wrote: »

    How do I find more quests?
    -First off, press Q to open your quest window. Now press the "Find Quest" button. Assuming you have quests to get, a pop'up will appear containing an NPC and coordinates. Now push the button shown here then enter the coordinates in there (make sure to use the format xxx yyy, with the space) and press enter. An arrow and a marker will appear indicating where to go.

    I ran out of quests, what do I do now?
    -At higher lvls (usually 35+), your quests won't suffice to get you to your next level. In that case, find monsters you can kill easily that give good exp, and kill those repeatedly for exp until you level. That's called grinding. Also, don't forget that water and air monsters give x1.5 exp compared to ground monsters.

    When do the races get the same quests?
    -Starting at lvl 20, all races get the same quests and move to Archosaur. There are a few exceptions, like Venomancers getting a quest no one else can get.

    How do Dungeons/FB's/Call to Duties/Tabs work?
    -Dungeons or FB's are instances in this game. This means only you and your squad can enter the one you're in, it's a private area. Every lvl that ends in 9 (excluding 9 and 49, there's one at 51 though), you get a quest to kill the bosses in a dungeon, and a Call to Duty or Tab along with that. Inside the dungeons are Pillars with boss names on them. Talk to them to use the Call to Duty and start a quest that will trigger for the entire squad. If you finish it, everyone will receive exp, spirit, reputation and a Blood item (The person with the tab doesn't get Blood though).

    I didn't get anything when I finished my Call to Duty quest, how come?
    -If your inventory is full, you won't get any reward. You may have noticed you need free inventory space when finishing a quest, Call to Duty works the same way. If your inventory is full, the quest can't finish. The quest will still attempt to finish though (because it has no ending NPC it attempts to autofinish), dropping your Blood on the floor, leaving you with no reward.
  • _SonicSpeed_ - Dreamweaver
    _SonicSpeed_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    kingdamo wrote: »
    how do i start the bloody game, iv downloaded everything theirs jus sum optional updates to download but where the play button? i wanna join a server

    To play the game you have to press the update button. Once it is done checking for updates, the button will then say start. I think the rest is easily figured out.
  • Sinsual - Sanctuary
    Sinsual - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    andracil wrote: »

    How do I learn skills?
    -You don't learn skills naturally by levelling up in this game, that just unlocks them. You still have to go the trainer of your class in town. The towns that have skill trainers for your class are the 6 big towns and some of the towns you visit before lvl 20. Note that Archosaur, Thousand Streams and Dreamweaver port have all trainers, not just one race.
    To learn skills, you need money and spirit, and, sometimes, the required level of the previous skill. Also, some skills require you to level up your Cultivation level. To do this, finish the Spiritual Cultivation quests, they start with an automatic pop-up to send you to an NPC who starts the actual quest. They're the yellow-named quests, you can't really miss them. Finish one and your Cultivation will go up, allowing you to learn more skills.

    How do I learn Pet Heal/Pet Revive/Tame Pet?
    -These are taught by the Pet Skill Trainer. Talk to her and select "Tame Pet" to see the list of available skills. Note that you have to complete the lvl 3 quest "Your pet" to get Pet heal and Pet revive, and the lvl 7 quest "Sacred Beast" to unlock Tame Pet.

    How do I teach my Pet skills?
    -For land and air monsters, visit Mrs.Zoologist in Southeast Archosaur, she sells skill books and upgrade skill books for your pet. Use them at any Pet NPC by selecting "Learn Pet Skill". For water monsters, visit Mr.Zoologist, underwater in East Archosaur.

    Maybe I'm just too stupid to get this or maybe it hasn't been spelled out fully.
    I, as you can see, have a level 3 Venomancer.
    I just got my pet. I have found that the pet trainer sells three different types of food, none of which actually remove the hunger status from my pet, which requires meat or fruit. I cannot find anywhere to purchase those.
    I received the two manuals for 'Pet Heal' and 'Pet Revive.' I've tried clicking on these, I've tried talking to the trainer, as it suggests in the description of the item. At no point have I actually been able to discuss these guides with the trainer or actually learn them. I have found no reference to this anywhere. I DID RECEIVE THE MANUALS - but what the heck do I do with them?!?
    It's upsetting that just 3 levels into playing the game I've already become so frustrated by it and the lack of help for beginners. I have played many other MMORPGS before and there is usually a comprehensive walk-through. I understand quests and combat. I do not understand if there is an equivalent to an Auction House or where it would be located. I do not understand learning skills and training for skills, etc. One player was attempting to help me. I had such difficulty resetting my display options (which caused the program to shut down about five times) that I could barely see what she was telling me, but I know she said that I needed upgrades. Every time I attempt to speak to either the Venomancer or the pet trainer, I have no options whatsoever.
    Please help me, before I vehemently chuck this game through a virtual wall.

  • lunar39
    lunar39 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    andracil wrote: »

    Where is <person/item/monster>?
    -Please check to find the information you need.

    What's the difference between PvP and PvE servers?
    -On PvP servers, you're forced into a permanent PK state at lvl 30, meaning you can attack anyone of that lvl and higher, but also be attacked by those people.
    On PvE servers, you can choose to turn this PK mode on. If you choose to do so, you must stay in it for at least 10 hours, and you can only attack other players in PK mode, and only be attacked by those players.

    How do I log out?
    -Click on the System button in the bottom right, then either select "Return to character selection" or "Return to desktop".

    umm... how do you get into the game? b:surrender
  • tammyjo
    tammyjo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    How do I get to the quest to tame the beast?
  • Dioica - Sanctuary
    Dioica - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Maybe I'm just too stupid to get this or maybe it hasn't been spelled out fully.
    I, as you can see, have a level 3 Venomancer.
    I just got my pet. I have found that the pet trainer sells three different types of food, none of which actually remove the hunger status from my pet, which requires meat or fruit. I cannot find anywhere to purchase those.

    I am not sure I understand. Have you tried right clicking on your water (or any other food?) Can you tell us which pet you have?
    I received the two manuals for 'Pet Heal' and 'Pet Revive.' I've tried clicking on these, I've tried talking to the trainer, as it suggests in the description of the item. At no point have I actually been able to discuss these guides with the trainer or actually learn them. I have found no reference to this anywhere. I DID RECEIVE THE MANUALS - but what the heck do I do with them?!?

    I believe you should be taking them to a pet trainer or manager and selecting one of her options. Maybe this option was "Learn Pet Skills"? Anyways, one of her options should help you out.
  • ne0satan
    ne0satan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    b:infuriatedive did set a pin on my safe support and now i forgot it how to get it backb:infuriated
  • sheppard44
    sheppard44 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i was playing then i got an on screen message saying that i had to re confirm my log in so i accepted, but everytime i try to log in it says i already am, but i cant get back to playing the game, how do i fix it?
  • gr8whitebuddha
    gr8whitebuddha Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I am not very sure of the best way to raise your genie. I have a blademaster the was provided a white/silver genie and cant really use it. Can anyone give me a rundown on the best way to raise your genie, especially ones that you cant currently use.
  • Sangodoc - Dreamweaver
    Sangodoc - Dreamweaver Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    sheppard44: On the login screen there is a checkbox called "force login" (or something like that). Make sure that's checked and it will force your old session closed so you can start playing again.

    gr8whitebuddha: To level up your genie you need to activate it (so it's flying around you) and then right-click on its statistics icon. That will open up the genie's stats window, so you can do "Infuse Exp." to give your genie some of your experience points to level it up, and then you can increase its stats, add affinities, etc...
  • odaznara
    odaznara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Is it possible to reset skills? b:sad
    if so, how?
  • stickhero
    stickhero Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    how do you get a pet please

  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Actually NO u cant reset a skill once u learn it u cant remove it and recover the exp and coins
    This issue has been suggeted many times maybe someday with some update
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • neryo
    neryo Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I'm a Venomancer and I just completed the spiritual cultivation quest but i really cant figure out how to actually turn into the fox. Is there a specific button? i figured it would be in my skills but its not there...
  • Zerrudo - Lost City
    Zerrudo - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    bad grammer
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    neryo wrote: »
    I'm a Venomancer and I just completed the spiritual cultivation quest but i really cant figure out how to actually turn into the fox. Is there a specific button? i figured it would be in my skills but its not there...

    You need to buy the Fox Form skill from your skill trainer. Then you can transform into a fox whenever you want.
  • Zerrudo - Lost City
    Zerrudo - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    why that when you have a aoe if you afk why would you get banned of punished?
  • ethorin
    ethorin Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    nyangel wrote: »
    Pick a server, and on the left hand of the little box, there's a bunch of buttons, one of them is start. Click it.

  • sulvain
    sulvain Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am a new player and this info really helped me out alot. Thanks for taking the time to help all of us new people. I have a feeling I'll be playing this mmo for sometime now. Again thank you
  • slowcooker
    slowcooker Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hi I got a quick question to ask:
    I am new to this game. And I missed the level 19 cultivation quest and jumped right into level 29 cultivation quest. Now the lvl 19 cultivation disappeared. What should I do?
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Impossible. You can't do the lvl 29 Culti without doing the lvl 19 Culti, meaning you did both. I'm guessing you meant the dungeon runs, which aren't the culti quests, and are completely optional.