


  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well... all I can say, to Signako, _River, Honesty, Fliiick, and especially Yunahh is... QFT.


    I misunderstood what QFT was.

    But w/e. I prefer to watch Sticky making fun of us for long posts xD

    Long post FTL xD
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    I misunderstood what QFT was.

    But w/e. I prefer to watch Sticky making fun of us for long posts xD

    Long post FTL xD

    a certain mod likes to stalk me and remove my posts b:chuckle
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol actually I edited my own post xD cause I had to ask someone what QFT was.
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • ryhan
    ryhan Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If you noticed my post count, Its fairly low. If you didn't know, yea I know quite a few people there. Or that "were" there.
    Why do you assume we bash on people we don't know? Why the F**** *** *** ***** would you bash on someone/people you don't even know? Obviously whoeves bashing knows something about who their flaming about.
    Also. I'm not bashing dumbass. I'm stating things. Don't quote my **** when you don't know who your talkin about.

    *** Slapchop FtW***

    Here are your exact words:

    Evo? what? what happened? It's still there?
    Holdon...I'm still laughing my **** off at Yunah's post.
    I left when I was pretty much bored to death. lol
    Good thing I went guild hopping when I did.
    I watched and helped Evo grow from its original leaders Julz/Adam. Now its time to watch it fall.

    1) If you don't think the words you used are insulting or abrasive in any way, and you call me a dumb-****...well...lol...nevermind, my defense speaks for itself. I wasn't assuming anything, what you said is what you said lol...no assuming needed.

    2) I didn't misquote jack...what I pointed out was your EXACT words..verbatim. When I said people were bashing Evo, I was talking about other people too, and yes, you included. If I said "I hope Caesar fails"...that is, in a way, bashing them.

    3) I wasn't flaming anything or anyone, I was asking general questions and never pointed fingers at anyone.

    4) I want to get my things right: When you say you are "stating things"...did you imply that statements are words of truth and should be regarded as FACT (lol)?? Whether or not they hold truth in YOUR OPINION is a different story. The Evolution that you remember isn't the Evolution now. Same with other guilds (Radiance, Caesar, RoC, etc. etc.). You need to remember that guilds, just like anything else in life, has it's moments of flourishing and fading. Leaders quit and assign new ones, things change, people come and go, the tides rise and fall..........If Caesar's leader stepped down, and a complete, total jerk took over, does it grant just cause to wish their entire guild fails? Of course not!!

    5) I don't respect people who trash talk and get hard on the internet. It just tells me and everyone else how much play they bring to the table...which isn't much.

    6) I really should get back to work now...lol XD

    I worked really hard to be a hard **** in real life...and people can do it on the internet effortlessly...I'm kinda pissed off... XD
  • draug
    draug Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hmmm figured this thread would have died by now, but I guess not. Rytania my ingame name is Draugluin. see the nickname.. draug. Thats what everyone calls me. I don't hide behind alts. As for being mad about people leaving without giving reasons.. are you serious? Are you actually that dense? We had been giving our reasons. cowboyi had just gotten done giving a massive explanation in faction chat before leaving. maybe if you actually paid attention to faction chat instead of turning it off all the time you would have noticed.
  • Anders - Lost City
    Anders - Lost City Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bump to test my sig
  • Yunahh - Heavens Tear
    Yunahh - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LoL @ Hypocrites.

    Shush now please. :D
    I be on my Seeker now.
    ign; Amairah
  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bump to test my sig

    Awesome sig.
    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson Enrage.omgforum.net
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Awesome sig.

    Better then the **** u use b:cute
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Better then the **** u use b:cute

    10 char
  • Lyxxx - Heavens Tear
    Lyxxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    bump to test my sig

    When u figure it out could u please make me one b:chuckle
  • Hari - Heavens Tear
    Hari - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ryhan wrote: »
    1) If you don't think the words you used are insulting or abrasive in any way, and you call me a dumb-****...well...lol...nevermind, my defense speaks for itself. I wasn't assuming anything, what you said is what you said lol...no assuming needed.

    2) I didn't misquote jack...what I pointed out was your EXACT words..verbatim. When I said people were bashing Evo, I was talking about other people too, and yes, you included. If I said "I hope Caesar fails"...that is, in a way, bashing them.

    4) I want to get my things right: When you say you are "stating things"...did you imply that statements are words of truth and should be regarded as FACT (lol)?? Whether or not they hold truth in YOUR OPINION is a different story. The Evolution that you remember isn't the Evolution now. Same with other guilds (Radiance, Caesar, RoC, etc. etc.). You need to remember that guilds, just like anything else in life, has it's moments of flourishing and fading. Leaders quit and assign new ones, things change, people come and go, the tides rise and fall..........If Caesar's leader stepped down, and a complete, total jerk took over, does it grant just cause to wish their entire guild fails? Of course not!!

    While I realize I'm not Celric, it kinda makes me laugh that you completely misread what he said, and then got angry about it because you have selective sight apparently.

    @1 - He never said he wasn't bashing people. He said he wasn't bashing PEOPLE HE DIDN'T KNOW. I suppose you never knew him while he was in Evo, but I and may others did, and still know him after we've all left. And he certainly knew the Evo leadership, as that hasn't really changed, at all.

    @2 - Look up. You never knew him, so you're by definition "quoting his **** when you don't know who your talkin about".

    @4 - "The Evolution that you remember isn't the Evolution now."
    ...You're right. It's worse. Celric knew the good people in Evo, and they all left, while the bad ones remained. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Evolution is worse when it's leader says "good thing all the bad apples are gone now" to all the nicest people in the guild leaving.
    HT clerics at their finest:

    hari: can you do mdef debuffs? makes the fight go faster
    naughty_x: waste, I do more damage without them
    hari: ...you do more damage in 2 seconds than reducing mdef by 35% for 4 casters does in 20 seconds?
    naughty_x: is waste, i do more damage

    hari: 3-3 BH goes a lot faster with a sin
    naughty_x: no, only a difference of like 3 minutes
    hari: ...we've been in here a lot longer than 3 minutes already
    naughty_x: your opinion
  • ryhan
    ryhan Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    While I realize I'm not Celric, it kinda makes me laugh that you completely misread what he said, and then got angry about it because you have selective sight apparently.

    @1 - He never said he wasn't bashing people. He said he wasn't bashing PEOPLE HE DIDN'T KNOW. I suppose you never knew him while he was in Evo, but I and may others did, and still know him after we've all left. And he certainly knew the Evo leadership, as that hasn't really changed, at all.

    @2 - Look up. You never knew him, so you're by definition "quoting his **** when you don't know who your talkin about".

    @4 - "The Evolution that you remember isn't the Evolution now."
    ...You're right. It's worse. Celric knew the good people in Evo, and they all left, while the bad ones remained. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Evolution is worse when it's leader says "good thing all the bad apples are gone now" to all the nicest people in the guild leaving.

    RE @1 - There was absolutely nothing that was misread or even taken out of context in the slightest. He said: “Evo? what? what happened? It's still there?” Let’s examine the obvious implications and syntax behind that statement. He was implying that he was *surprised* that Evolution was still on the map. The only way someone could be surprised that another guild was still on the map is that if they thought that guild to be failing. When you bash or even slightly remark the demise of a guild, yes children, you are in a way, bashing EVERY one of their members who are a part of that guild. Doesn’t matter if you know then or not. Saying that “Evolution? It’s still there?” is MUCH different than saying “Enrage? It’s still there?”

    RE @2 - You’re absolutely right. I don’t know Celric, and I have neither claimed, implied, nor encouraged the notion that I do. On the converse side of that issue, he doesn’t know me or the people that are in Evo NOW (at least, the vast majority of them I’m sure). I’m not talking about people that were in evolution like what…6 months ago+ when he was a member? A faction doesn’t make or label the people…the people make and put a label on the faction. I thought you guys were smarter than this? This is the reason why I’m not bashing him or the guild he belongs to.

    RE @4 – Again, I’m sure he doesn’t know the vast majority of the people who are CURRENTLY in Evolution…not people that were in Evolution before I (or most of us) even started playing this damn game...which was like mid-December of 2008 (lol). You say things to undermine and underestimate people’s intellect. You said word-for-word: “It doesn't take a genius to figure out Evolution is worse when it's leader says ‘good thing all the bad apples are gone now’ to all the nicest people in the guild leaving”. My rebuttal to that is: How do I know what leaders of Evo said when I was still rockin’ my level 1 wooden sword? Are the members of Evolution supposed to know the bad things that happened eons ago in a guild that we weren’t a part of? You say that I am stupid on the grounds that I hold no prior knowledge of past drama, past leadership, past experiences, etc, etc in Evolution? Do you really find that to be a good, accurate, ecumenical statement??? We can only take the words of others, as there is no proof to cite specific events in the past. Hence, it’s all back and forth, he said-she said stuff.

    I’ll do one better for you: Let’s say that EVERY SINGLE one of the leaders was in the wrong and did bad things…just for the sake of argument. Are ALL of those SAME leaders still there? No. Are ALL of those SAME people still there? No. Let’s say ALL of those leaders were still there (even though they aren’t). Don’t they deserve to right their wrongs? Don’t they deserve to make apologies, amends, and suitable reparations? Don’t they deserve another chance to make things right?

    I can’t tell or discuss to anyone about what Evolution was like or what happened in the PAST…I can only discuss what Evolution is NOW or what we are CURRENTLY striving to accomplish. Look at the very name of our guild: Evolution. We constantly evolve; It’s all in the name.

    Don’t hate on me because the logic of certain people is flawed and their arguments have failed them. Speaking without thinking is like shooting a gun without aiming…best of luck trying to hit anything. :/
  • ryhan
    ryhan Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    LoL @ Hypocrites.

    Shush now please. :D

    From what I remember of you, Yunahh, I took you for an intelligent, level-headed type of person. People who have these traits usually don't say anything so drastic or inflammatory about another person without citing specific examples or instances. Was I the hypocrite you are referring to? If yes, please share why? b:puzzled
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ryhan wrote: »
    From what I remember of you, Yunahh, I took you for an intelligent, level-headed type of person.

    what a comedian... intelligent... lol b:chuckle
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hari - Heavens Tear
    Hari - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I thought you got this part... but I guess you didn't. Just about everyone I've mentioned in any of my posts, who either left Evo or think it shouldn't still exist, isn't talking about something that happened 6 months ago.

    We're talking about the CURRENT leadership. As Yunahh put it, "the leader and the leader's woman". Those two people were leaders when Celric was there, and they are still there now. Celric's comment about Evo was basically him being amazed Evo was still alive because it's had such bad leadership for MONTHS. It was only the players in Evo that kept the guild alive, and then half of them left.

    And for the record... Pepper said the comment about the bad apples like, 3 weeks ago, when Yunahh, Paul, me, and so many others left. Hardly when you were holding a wooden sword. You were in the guild, if you did't see what was publicly broadcast on WC then, well... you shouldn't really be commenting on it b:shutup
    HT clerics at their finest:

    hari: can you do mdef debuffs? makes the fight go faster
    naughty_x: waste, I do more damage without them
    hari: ...you do more damage in 2 seconds than reducing mdef by 35% for 4 casters does in 20 seconds?
    naughty_x: is waste, i do more damage

    hari: 3-3 BH goes a lot faster with a sin
    naughty_x: no, only a difference of like 3 minutes
    hari: ...we've been in here a lot longer than 3 minutes already
    naughty_x: your opinion
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ryhan wrote: »
    Are ALL of those SAME leaders still there? No.

    Actually yes ALL of the bad leaders who have been responsible for the steady degneration of the guild, the secrets, the lies, the bad treatment, the stuff going on behind the guilds back, and more are ALL still there and still leading.

    Hell even the ones I left because of 6 months ago are still leading for the same problems and issues that are STILL going on now.

    That pretty right there says pretty much that the bad leadership isnt changing and has stayed the same if 6 months later the same BS and treatment is still going on by the same people.

    The good leaders Julz and Adam are the ones who left an that was like 8 months ago. The guild has just steadily declined since then and hasnt shown improvement.

    Hari said it best: "It was only the players in Evo that kept the guild alive"

    If not for the hard work of some VERY dedicated players who stayed there long past the time they should have and put up with more stuff than I could even dream about, Evo would have been a forgetten memory long time ago.

    Even now by your posts, its still the members of evo fighting to make it a good place, fighting to stick up for it, trying to make it your home, basically being the glue that holds it togther. Not the leaders. And in 3 months from now when you see start to see more and more little things that dont add up, more and more bad decisions being made, more and more shady actions, more and more of select people getting "benefits" you will come back here and understand everything that is being said.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • ryhan
    ryhan Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well Cat, although we all have our opinions, maybe in time your words will speak of truth. Then again, maybe not. Who knows what's yet to come for the future of Evolution? I'm trying to be optimistic about things and hold no bias to Evolution just because I'm a current member. I want to say thank you to all that posted and shared your thoughts with me. Positive or negative. Pleasant or unpleasant. Optimistic or pessimistic. Fact or fiction. Reality or distortions. All doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you shared YOUR opinions, thoughts, experiences, interpretations, etc etc. And for that, you have my sincere thanks!

    Maybe I should just twist one up and burn one down...I wanna get something accomplished! XD

    For my last words, I want to post a little song from Dance Dance Rev called...WOOKIE WOOKIE by MachoMan:
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ryhan wrote: »
    Well Cat, although we all have our opinions, maybe in time your words will speak of truth. Then again, maybe not. Who knows what's yet to come for the future of Evolution? I'm trying to be optimistic about things and hold no bias to Evolution just because I'm a current member. I want to say thank you to all that posted and shared your thoughts with me. Positive or negative. Pleasant or unpleasant. Optimistic or pessimistic. Fact or fiction. Reality or distortions. All doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you shared YOUR opinions, thoughts, experiences, interpretations, etc etc. And for that, you have my sincere thanks!

    Maybe I should just twist one up and burn one down...I wanna get something accomplished! XD

    For my last words, I want to post a little song from Dance Dance Rev called...WOOKIE WOOKIE by MachoMan:

    b:cry that song still hurts my eardrums
  • Chansore - Heavens Tear
    Chansore - Heavens Tear Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ryhan wrote: »
    Well Cat, although we all have our opinions, maybe in time your words will speak of truth. Then again, maybe not. Who knows what's yet to come for the future of Evolution? I'm trying to be optimistic about things and hold no bias to Evolution just because I'm a current member. I want to say thank you to all that posted and shared your thoughts with me. Positive or negative. Pleasant or unpleasant. Optimistic or pessimistic. Fact or fiction. Reality or distortions. All doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you shared YOUR opinions, thoughts, experiences, interpretations, etc etc. And for that, you have my sincere thanks!

    Maybe I should just twist one up and burn one down...I wanna get something accomplished! XD

    For my last words, I want to post a little song from Dance Dance Rev called...WOOKIE WOOKIE by MachoMan:

    Please Please Please never ever post another link!!!!b:surrender
    Founder of United Lions Liberation Front
    not to be confused with the
    ..Liberators Movement for Lions
    or.....Lions United Front
    or........United Lions Front for Liberation of all Lions

    Retired b:bye but still trolllinnnnnn
  • Eleckzar - Heavens Tear
    Eleckzar - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Rytania...dude....just ditch it ok?
    We all know what evolution has become into.
    Your essays arent convincing anyone, other than maybe yourself.

    Posting back to back POV stories on the forums might not make you a evolution executor btw >.>
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Posting back to back POV stories on the forums might not make you a evolution executor btw >.>

    LOL it for sure WON'T make you an executor b:chuckle we all know how some people got there though.... but that's a story left for another day b:laughb:chuckle
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • NaturalSin - Heavens Tear
    NaturalSin - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    note after I was done: IT'S LONG...CANT HELP IT and SRY.

    Well...as seeing how many of my friends have come on here and discussed why Evo fell apart may as well enter in a bit of info why I left and my POV of Evo in the past few months.

    Evolution treated me well...the TT's, the friends, the TW's. They gave me the experience needed to help me thrive in this game as well as to have fun in the game. Evo made me have fun playing the game especially with all the good people in it. The thing is that they do in fact have a clique in the faction, but although there was favoritism in the guild it wasn't like they only focused on themselves.

    When I entered, Evo was thriving and looked to soon be accomplished. The only thing that always concerned a bunch of us was that RoC was going to f*** us up. They did. As soon as we lost our 1st, 2nd, 3rd matches against RoC including one that our friends in Legion helped our attack in...things were not looking good. The biggest hit of that time...around Jan-Feb were the Evo-Ultra deals as well as the Evo-Legion deals of swapping land. No one liked it-yet they did it. This caused a **** load of tension in Evo and we lost 45-50 members in a couple of days.

    Evo then rebuilded and we gained more than 1/2 members lossed. We participated in Tw's to try and get better, but we weren't at all ready for Enrage and they took 1 land, then another, and then Evo's pride and joy, Etherblade. We didn't look too bad though we always defended except the one in Walled (against SentinelS). There was another I believe but i cant remember. The highlight and best TW's came from Triad. Evo started it...then Evo ended it. Triad then got Enforced and thus began the hunt on Rad lands and Enrage rivalry.

    Evo was getting better but what also hurt us was that our tops weren't there. Neifer, DJ, Phat, Winter; but we pushed w/o them. When your tops in the guild arent playing-IMO sucks and always maked me feel sick like it was just there to make the guild list look good.

    Anywhoo...Legion joined in April(yes i believe that was when) and I personally felt really happy about it. Why? All my friends were in Evo-hehe Zero, Ulfric, Zelena. It was a high time for Evo and I thought it was make or break with them. This could either work and Evo could begin competing in a month...or it could fail and in a day Evo would collapse.

    Now...enough of some of the history. Evolution screwed up. Mastema and Dr.Pepper get into a huge argument in GC. Dr.Pepper blows up in front of everybody, Mastema accuses Lush [HOORAY FOR NAME DROPPING!] of using guild funds for a herc. Our executor leaves followed by Mastema being banished. THis has always been a problem with the leaders of Evo...They always blow up and do irrational things. For a bit there wasn't any drama, rumors on this site were asking why isn't Evo attacking? Why are they content? The members weren't but the officers were. I'm not going fully into it but I can assure that the reason they didn't attack was ****ty and leadership shouldve been passed for a day or 2 and perhaps a certain executor shouldn't have gotten what was asked. After this catalyzed Evo's downfall. hey hey...congrats to Pep and lush though!

    ANyway...My RL friend who was in Evo told me that he could see what was happening. It was pre-meditated ever since Krush was kicked. Most of us saw...it is not easy to express your opinion...if you just throw it in their faces. They do listen (I know that as a fact from Vader) but it'll take time.

    Then another event happens later...According to what was told, Dr.P was talking about how he felt cornered and didnt know what to do and was stressed. Our friend Lypi offered to help if he needed it. Dr.P took it as if he was trying to take leadership. Lypi is one hell of a friend, and helped more than anyone in the f**king guild. More rumors circle round in Evo. I log in and boom....30-40 members gone including my friends in Legion. I heard Dr.P blew up in the Legion Vent. My friends were talking about leaving...I made the action and my friends followed after.

    Of course it was hard leaving...despite the rumors and accusations Evo had lots of good people in it that I didn't want to say goodbye to. I didnt even give a **** about the corrupt stuff and politics. The leaders were still nice to me as I was to them. I didn't think of it as backstabbing. I left because I was so turned off by it. Evo ran full circle to what had happened a few months when I entered it...I wasn't about to go through it again and many thought the same. Hey DA...wanna still call a bunch of us traitors? And still wanna kill everyone who left? Lypi was compared to Hitler FFS.

    There wasn't bad blood of those who left? BS there was...and it happened for a while(havent been on in 2 weeks bad comp =\).

    SORRY FOR THIS BEING SUPER LONG. CONSIDER IT MY EXPLANATION TO EVO. I never really gave one to them. I don't hate anyone...I'm disturbed at some of them. Can't even recognize most of Evolution anymore...Too new.
    Hopefully they can correct their mistakes...may be too late for that though.
    I do wanna say thanks to the officers...even though they made some crappy irrational actions they were still nice to many of us. Pep, Lush, Wookie, Magik, ty for that and I didn't leave cuz of them. We all had our reasons.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    note after I was done: IT'S LONG...CANT HELP IT and SRY.

    Well...as seeing how many of my friends have come on here and discussed why Evo fell apart may as well enter in a bit of info why I left and my POV of Evo in the past few months.

    Evolution treated me well...the TT's, the friends, the TW's. They gave me the experience needed to help me thrive in this game as well as to have fun in the game. Evo made me have fun playing the game especially with all the good people in it. The thing is that they do in fact have a clique in the faction, but although there was favoritism in the guild it wasn't like they only focused on themselves.

    When I entered, Evo was thriving and looked to soon be accomplished. The only thing that always concerned a bunch of us was that RoC was going to f*** us up. They did. As soon as we lost our 1st, 2nd, 3rd matches against RoC including one that our friends in Legion helped our attack in...things were not looking good. The biggest hit of that time...around Jan-Feb were the Evo-Ultra deals as well as the Evo-Legion deals of swapping land. No one liked it-yet they did it. This caused a **** load of tension in Evo and we lost 45-50 members in a couple of days.

    Evo then rebuilded and we gained more than 1/2 members lossed. We participated in Tw's to try and get better, but we weren't at all ready for Enrage and they took 1 land, then another, and then Evo's pride and joy, Etherblade. We didn't look too bad though we always defended except the one in Walled (against SentinelS). There was another I believe but i cant remember. The highlight and best TW's came from Triad. Evo started it...then Evo ended it. Triad then got Enforced and thus began the hunt on Rad lands and Enrage rivalry.

    Evo was getting better but what also hurt us was that our tops weren't there. Neifer, DJ, Phat, Winter; but we pushed w/o them. When your tops in the guild arent playing-IMO sucks and always maked me feel sick like it was just there to make the guild list look good.

    Anywhoo...Legion joined in April(yes i believe that was when) and I personally felt really happy about it. Why? All my friends were in Evo-hehe Zero, Ulfric, Zelena. It was a high time for Evo and I thought it was make or break with them. This could either work and Evo could begin competing in a month...or it could fail and in a day Evo would collapse.

    Now...enough of some of the history. Evolution screwed up. Mastema and Dr.Pepper get into a huge argument in GC. Dr.Pepper blows up in front of everybody, Mastema accuses Lush [HOORAY FOR NAME DROPPING!] of using guild funds for a herc. Our executor leaves followed by Mastema being banished. THis has always been a problem with the leaders of Evo...They always blow up and do irrational things. For a bit there wasn't any drama, rumors on this site were asking why isn't Evo attacking? Why are they content? The members weren't but the officers were. I'm not going fully into it but I can assure that the reason they didn't attack was ****ty and leadership shouldve been passed for a day or 2 and perhaps a certain executor shouldn't have gotten what was asked. After this catalyzed Evo's downfall. hey hey...congrats to Pep and lush though!

    ANyway...My RL friend who was in Evo told me that he could see what was happening. It was pre-meditated ever since Krush was kicked. Most of us saw...it is not easy to express your opinion...if you just throw it in their faces. They do listen (I know that as a fact from Vader) but it'll take time.

    Then another event happens later...According to what was told, Dr.P was talking about how he felt cornered and didnt know what to do and was stressed. Our friend Lypi offered to help if he needed it. Dr.P took it as if he was trying to take leadership. Lypi is one hell of a friend, and helped more than anyone in the f**king guild. More rumors circle round in Evo. I log in and boom....30-40 members gone including my friends in Legion. I heard Dr.P blew up in the Legion Vent. My friends were talking about leaving...I made the action and my friends followed after.

    Of course it was hard leaving...despite the rumors and accusations Evo had lots of good people in it that I didn't want to say goodbye to. I didnt even give a **** about the corrupt stuff and politics. The leaders were still nice to me as I was to them. I didn't think of it as backstabbing. I left because I was so turned off by it. Evo ran full circle to what had happened a few months when I entered it...I wasn't about to go through it again and many thought the same. Hey DA...wanna still call a bunch of us traitors? And still wanna kill everyone who left?

    There wasn't bad blood of those who left? BS there was...and it happened for a while(havent been on in 2 weeks bad comp =\).

    SORRY FOR THIS BEING SUPER LONG. CONSIDER IT MY EXPLANATION TO EVO. I never really gave one to them. I don't hate anyone...I'm disturbed at some of them. Can't even recognize most of Evolution anymore...Too new.
    Hopefully they can correct their mistakes...may be too late for that though.
    I do wanna say thanks to the officers...even though they made some crappy irrational actions they were still nice to many of us. Pep, Lush, Wookie, Magik, ty for that and I didn't leave cuz of them. We all had our reasons.

    jesus dude.... wall of text... please stop b:cry
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • NaturalSin - Heavens Tear
    NaturalSin - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    jesus dude.... wall of text... please stop b:cry

    lol did you have to quote the long text? I'm dizzy myself of just looking at its length. But it explains a little bit more of what happened. Not all detail but in a nutshell. A very long nutshell.b:chuckle

    *passes out*
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Okay... since I have yet to see ANY officer (current) from Evo posting.... Especially their fearless leader...

    from the words of Richard B Riddick....

    "where's your God now?"
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • NaturalSin - Heavens Tear
    NaturalSin - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Okay... since I have yet to see ANY officer (current) from Evo posting.... Especially their fearless leader...

    from the words of Richard B Riddick....

    "where's your God now?"

    lol GodsCharm? He left Evo and went to Partywipe.
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol I mean DrPepper.... since he can do no wrong in his guildies eyes
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Nubble - Heavens Tear
    Nubble - Heavens Tear Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    now this all make sense that SarahKerigan called me an scammer while i was selling allclass snowhare for220k and he called me scammer and in the end pet was sold for 300k hes from fkin evo most tard person ever... :) lalala
  • Lenablade - Heavens Tear
    Lenablade - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Sorry Sticky for the wall of text hun plz forgives I give ya a tequila after this

    Talk about half an hour reading session shoulda said make a hot drink when you started this thread er whats your name um hang on let me go look thats it Rytania ... All ya doing Rytania by making your "post" is leaving Evo open for flaming. So all the flaming here against Evo you can only blame yourself for it! I unlike you was one of the ORIGINAL Evos. I was there from day one so sit back and shut ya trap.

    Anyone that knows me,knows Id give the shirt off my "pixelated back" to help out anyone in and out of Evo. One of the more flirticious laid back members and hated drama fullstop I would help lighten the mood when drama started to ensue.

    When Evolution first started alot of us came over from PWMY Oracle. We were a close knit group who were based on helping each other and anyone else who came along. Like Yunahh had said previously were werent really a TW guild but we done it and we trained damn hard under Julz and Adam. I will be the first to admit that I was wrong in letting Julz and Adam down by letting em leave the guild but in the end it was their choice.

    All the drama in the "Evo Family" pushed me away I was there to chill not to listen on people talking about this person or that person but the last straw came when my dude KrusH of all ppl who also was an Original Evo who busted his **** over n over for ppl in that guild,whose gears were often on breaking point every each time he tanked something for Evo members ...got kicked for having a damn opinion wth is up with that?Now for a guild that was meant to be a close "knit family" why was one of the best damn tanks Evo had was kicked??? And dont give me this "he was acting weird" bs.

    Word of the wise Evo - buck up your ideas dont hide nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING from your guildies anymore,dont treat ex guildies like **** either coz in the end you guys are the ones who are left looking bad. So what if people leave the guild dont get on their back about it dont call em out in WC thats just childish to start off with and the Evo I once knew would never result to pathetic insults in WC. Down on me all you like Evos ... but from an original Evo that was there from day one and knows exactly what Evo originally stood for ya all need to wake the f*** up.Get off your ego trips and get back to the way it was or ya all gonna fall hard oh wait its already happening ... your best damn players {granted Im not one of em} either left coz they were either kicked for having an opinion,or something based on a "rumor" left coz the drama was utter bs and too many damn secrets.

    I had alot of respect for the Leader and in some respects still do ... but Pep dude please please just give up the land and return Evolution back to the original Spectre ways. You had a hell of alot of respect not only from your guildies but from others as well. Now you & Lush are the original Spectres left in what was meant to be our family haven from word go. Wish you all the luck suga coz ya gonna need it.
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