Love in PW??



  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you talk as if everyone on the internet is fake, and out to get you :|. there is a degree of reality online, and its one of the most common ways to hook up lately. i dont think its much youre cold, its more refusal to accept reality lol. not everyone is an internet pred
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you talk as if everyone on the internet is fake, and out to get you :|. there is a degree of reality online, and its one of the most common ways to hook up lately. i dont think its much youre cold, its more refusal to accept reality lol. not everyone is an internet pred

    Not really :) I have a lot of great time with them in the game. I just have had bad experience with internet relationships and I have tried to meet some IRL friends in real life too. Meeting with them was rather awkward... Used to be so friendly and free with each other, but meeting them in real life was like a meeting a stranger who knows a lot about you.
    Yea... I simply hate that awkward feeling.
  • Scoped - Lost City
    Scoped - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    PW marriage is only just alright if your in love irl but other than that its the most rtarded thing about this game. Love on a game lol. GET OUT
  • Budika - Sanctuary
    Budika - Sanctuary Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Responding to the OP and some others as well...

    OK Love can be found anywhere... It's not something only here or there or whatever. People before the internet found love writing/reading letters/books etc. Long distance relationships can work..
    Do they work for everyone? No, depends on alot of factors.

    Is finding love/falling in love on a Game/Internet/Letters lame? No

    While it may be lame for you it's not a blanked statement that it's lame.

    Is this the best way to find love? Not necessarily, due to the fact this is RPG people can actually Role Play (I know that's odd to some, but if your Role Playing and a guy playing a girl then you act like a girl flirting etc. and if a Girl is RP'ing a male then she'll act like a guy) So, in a RP game it's more complex to actually build a trusting relationship that can be taken outside the game.

    But can a relationship be made? Sure most start typing then Vent/TS/VoIP/Phone then meeting in person it's not that big a deal... Just follow the basic rule meet in a public place your first few times its safer that way.
  • Angelictj - Lost City
    Angelictj - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    IF, and I mean IF, you and the other player live close to one another to actually see each other outside of game..there is really no point at trying to be "romantic" in a video game.

    lol a waste of time imo. Besides, I have a real girlfriend to be romantic with.
  • Opaline - Dreamweaver
    Opaline - Dreamweaver Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Personally, I always get a little creeped out when a guy starts coming on to me in game.
    I don't mind playful flirtation, but when they start taking things too seriously (like asking for phone numbers and real life meetings), I immediately put the brakes on.

    I realize that some people treat these online games like an alternate social life and come here for purpose of finding true relationships that can cross over into the real world. Well that's fine. But I'm here to play the game. If I wanted an online dating service I'd go somewhere more effective like
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    First off a pet does have conditions of love you need to feed it and take good care of it for it even to show affection to you. Second i bet if you beat the **** out that pet or are cruel to it it'll leave and find a better owner. Some pets even leave when the owner treats it well because it likes another person's family conditions. That's the first condition the pet requires you need to be caring, second requirement you need to be responsible. Second humans are not pets. We have lots of complicated emotions and conditions. There is no such thing as unconditional love you have to have some conditions even in your attractions. Some people don't want a cheater, some people don't want a liar, your still setting conditions. My list is a list to determine if you are in love or if you are infatuated. Love is not boring and my list isn't either. Just because the love isn't unconditional doesn't mean it isn't strong. I have conditions too, If a man put his hands on me I'm gone. Condition 1. Don't hit me. It shows my partner i have some self esteem and care about myself. You have to have conditions in a relationship if you're ever going to get what you need out of it. Sad to say but many people have failed marriages, relationships etc because what they think is love is actually infatuation. If you choose to live in a fantasy that's fine but don't think it doesn't come with consequences when real life sets in.

    And I am a parent of three boys just so you know. In reality you can't love your children unconditionally. You set conditions for them every parent does this. It's called rules and regulations. If you don't you create children with some major problems and it's very unloving to have children and let them run a muck. All of us grow up under our parents guidelines and conditions. We dont follow the conditions of the house it comes with consequences. I love my kids all the way til they are adults, but what if they did drugs or started to steal from me. Then they violate my conditions I'll have to act upon that. If love is so unconditional then i would accept everything they do and who they are. In the end you just end up hurting yourself and the other person.

    Also people often mistake a child's innocence for unconditional love. That is not true. From birth a child is adapting and learning about his or her environment and there fore what they are taught they see as normal. Until they are introduced to something else. For example a child who grows up in a abusive home thinks it's normal for his dad to hit him. Until he goes to another environment and finds that it is not normal. The children stay out of fear, that isn't love it's forced. Many times it makes the child scared and confused as to what they should do. Children often feel helpless and when they can't change their environment in order to cope they accept it. In they're hearts resentment and pain start to build. If you gave this child a way out he'd take it. He may love his parents but under the conditions that they dont mistreat him.

    What builds strong love is strong ties, when your able to work your hardships out, being truthful to each other, being loyal, having faith, being self sacrificing, unselfish, humble, and most off all these things build up with time over years. The more you exercise these things the stronger you love becomes. A person without these personality traits you're going to find having a relationship with them is very difficullt. You might find me boring but any couple together could tell you that the list is true their mate makes them a better person. Life has improved, that person has become someone they need not someone they want. You'll find yourself giving more to that person than anyone in your life. Don't take my list and twist it, it's based on real life and makes love very simple. If you look at love through a fantasy, you will find lots of complications.
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wanted to add separately to this. Online people actually think about what they write a head of time that is true. ^ ^ There are people who do the same. People face to face can be very cunning, just as well as people online. As I said before it's about getting to know that person, and exercising caution. Making friends online isn't such a bad thing. Meeting in real life, or maybe you never meet at all but the friendship is still there. I find it strange that you believe in unconditional love with a pet, but you don't acknowledge another person's feelings towards you over the internet as real.
  • Hisoki - Heavens Tear
    Hisoki - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i have to agree with Aoe on this.

    love is not unconditional.
    if you think you have unconditional love to someone then you should ask youself those questions on that list.
    i dont love unconditionaly. if i did i would become insane someday.
    i wouldnt want my gf to love me unconditionaly either since that would make me feel that there is something wrong. if she didnt tell me if i did something wrong i would feel she didnt really love me.
    for example. if i hit her (which i would never do, this is just an example) and she still stayed with me then its not out of love. that is out of fear.

    i grew up in an abusive family. my dad used to hit me everyday and my mom didnt care. when i was a baby and had to go to sleep my mom would put me near a window and let th sun shine into my eyes so i would keep them closed.
    as a child i thought my family was normal. this was what every parent did to their children. i never questioned it untill i began visiting friends and saw how their families were. i liked being at a friends house more than at home. when i confronted my dad about it he got mad, and i was in bed for days. is this unconditional love? of course it is not.

    there is no such thing as unconditional love for eachother. every single person sets up rules for how they want to be treated.

    let me ask you, how come there is so many people getting divorced irl if love is unconditional?
    even old people has rules, and it is those rules that makes their love for eachother even stronger.

    if you want the best discription about love then read the bible. now i do not want to offend anyone about religion or anything but there a line in the bible that discripes love better than can now adays.
    for those people who doesnt wanna look it up here it is:

    "Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous , it does not brag, does not get prideful, does not behave indecently, does not look for it's own interests, does not become provoked, it does not keep account of injury, does not get happy when things are bad but gets happy with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. In the end love never fails"

    even that writen right there is NOT unconditional. read through it, you miht learn something.

    that is all i have to say. if someone disagrees with me then give me a good reason/example for unconditional love. i know you wont find it.
  • morningstar921
    morningstar921 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    IF, and I mean IF, you and the other player live close to one another to actually see each other outside of game..there is really no point at trying to be "romantic" in a video game.

    lol a waste of time imo. Besides, I have a real girlfriend to be romantic with.

    So true.

    A level headed person will keep things in perspective. Real life is real life. This game is A GAME.(Yes there are a few that actually meet and hit it off, but that is rare)

    I am not trying to offend anyone. I do realize there are many lonely people out there. Just keep it in perspective.

    I have had many men (could be boys, who knows) tell me they love me after only knowing them a few days/weeks in game. This is the #1 red flag for me. Desperate!!!!!!!! Immature!!!!!! Somethings wrong!!!!!!!!

    My favorite saying is........what happens on PW, stays on Pw. I don't mix real life with online/game life.

    I even had one guy hint that he "hopes" something happens to by r/l boyfriend so I will hook up with him. Poof.....done. That was the wrong thing to say to me. Kinda creepy.

    Take some things into consideration.

    #1. We all like attention, to flirt and to feel liked. But if you hook up with this person (whom you met because he/she playes 6, 8, 10 or 12 hours aday)
    are you going to really be happy with someone who has no life (ie..job, college, friends, fun)
    #2. From my experience (and I have ALOT of it). Men (and I assume woman) that you meet online can say whatever they want. You don't see thier bad side (ie. anger issues, possessiveness, bitchiness, laziness, ect...). Just as in the courting stage...Everyone is on thier best behavior, but thier bad behavior can stay hidden till it is to late. (Meaning, you just spent alot of money to travel to meet this person.
    #3. Everyone is single, everyone is thin and pretty/handsome, everyone is exactly who they say they are. (LOL yeah right, just like everyone in prison says they are innocent). Think about it!!!! If this person is sooo pretty/handsome, so outgoing and has such a neat life. Why are they looking for love on a computer? They should have no time to even play with all the dates they have. Oh and btw....yeah you seen thier picture....anyone can send a picture of thier favorite niece or friend or whoever.
    #4. There are alot of older (40, 50, 60) men who are pretending to be who they are not, cause they get thier jollies getting young girls to get them off.
    (and I suppose this could be true for older woman, though I personally have never seen it)

    Again, I am NOT trying to offend anyone. I am just alittle concerned and if I helped even 1, this post was worth it.
  • Caleene - Sanctuary
    Caleene - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I debated to myself about posting here or not. Guess which side won?

    As someone said earlier, for long distance relationships you rely on personality. All you have is text and, for a game, just an avatar they made. My character is nothing like me since I was lazy and just wanted to enter the game already and have fun. I don't roleplay on these types of games because my posts aren't exactly short.

    Back to topic, some people may feel that long distance relationship is bad or good. Either side is right. I don't get on these games to find a significant other since I like to slice and dice and have been like that ever since I was introduced to video games. It's a hobby of mine and I wasn't in no rush to find someone the past years like some. Notice I said some and not all.

    When I met my in game husband, he wasn't like other guys. I can see your gears turning and I can see why. Those types of guys are rare. (This is also his first MMORPG) We both stayed up till 9 AM Central time since we wanted to talk to each other. Hell, he even took me up in the air to watch the sunset, which I found hilarious. He knows that it was silly but he did it anyway. We both know our personalities and we certainly don't love each other for our avatar looks. If we did, that would be pretty messed up since mine looks nothing like me and his is a tiger barbarian, haha.

    He didn't ask for my picture so far either and I didn't either to him. Only time that he asked for a picture was of my trench coat. He didn't ask "Well, what about you?" After crushes in middle school, I learned that those weren't even close to what I've felt for him at all. I'll spare you the corny details but he also feels the same way towards me. In fact, we're both our firsts. When we have fights - two so far -, we talked it out and everything was fine.

    We don't ask much of each other at all, which is good since we both can't stand obsessive behavior. I joke around with faction members and he's fine with it since he knows I'm joking around. It's the same when he's joking around too.

    So, you could say, we balance each other in a corny sort of way - which we know. We have a lot of nacho cheese too but you need to provide the chips :P

    Edit: morningstar921's post above me has very good points. I know those and many others. Do I have magical powers to tell if my in game husband is like one of those? No, but I do trust him and if he betrays my trust about it, he knows that I will leave him. Trust is another big important thing in a relationship.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I chose not to read the entire thread instead i will post a quick story.

    Two friends of mine met playing online video games. (They did not live close to each other) They are now married and have a son that is 3 years old now.

    They are happy...the end.

  • SecretSin - Dreamweaver
    SecretSin - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I met my Husband in a game a while back . we met irl after 5months of gaming with each other. Was together irl for over a yr. we been married now for lil over 6 months. we fell in love the day we met. i cant see how people say you cant find love online. i proved them Im very happy with him never once will i regret it. And funny thing is... we still play mmos together.
    SecretSin - Veno
    Exclusive - BM

    My Lifes A Secret......My Sin Is Loving You....
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Due to recent events, I have changed my mind... It is possible to find love in Perfect World. That is all.
  • Xenaaah - Heavens Tear
    Xenaaah - Heavens Tear Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I luv hot pockets! b:pleased
  • Nightfaii - Harshlands
    Nightfaii - Harshlands Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I've seen a lot of ppl hook up on mmo's. Sometimes it worked out for them well.
    As for me, I have only kept it in game only. <3 Boxy!
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    well there was a venomancer that i flew around and we were best friends then my game download got crashed......well but we were just friends
  • Shotay - Lost City
    Shotay - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    LOL, 10 characters
  • _azazel_ - Lost City
    _azazel_ - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hope all your e-vorces aren't too messy b:laughb:bye
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    love in pw is for guys with a small 8=> b:chuckle