


  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lol@this thread..Rq invasion much???

    Spirea left guild cos Mezzy bullied her (lol im actually being serious here) Everyone gets bullied about something in CQ its part of what makes the guild fun. We cant troll the server the way RQ does since we are the "nice" guild so we troll each other instead. Guess Spirea jus cudnt handle it anymore. Funny thing is many people did praise spirea, most agreed, despite her afk that one time which she became known for, she was one of the best mages in gv and was extremely good at staying alive in pvp.

    A few examples..
    Midnight sucks for being a str build baddie with <8k max pattck,
    Pnut is a QQing biitch, "My heiro D:"
    Mezzy cries whenever u tell her to herc tank/lure something famous qoute: "im lagging",
    TigerLily is the pve carebear ea who cant kill anything despite having highest damage and 3rd highest hp in guild,
    Envy is always dying...dying...dying..dead...survived o.O,
    Shizo= original emo wr who quit at 85 but still logs on everyday for 10 hrs o.O (vent channel says"girls under 15 or gtfo")
    Elayne can tank any and everything because mage>all jus needs to drop a rock, now where's my roar?? rumour has it hes still leveling at 101(has over 45%)
    Persephone rl BR b:chuckle Envy says worst Marshall on the server (might be trueb:avoid)
    Miss_Tika super emo failure mage, reason why she fails? jus because. Most common phrase "*%$
    Official Guild History

  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok so I almost got random PK'd by Jossie (red named unsurprisingly) who was from "no faction" b:chuckle until she magically got accepted in Conqueror and I was like wow, how cool is that? Even CQ has their BS but props to the ones who manage to keep a leash onto most of the members cuz god knows **** would go down if Conqueror started random pking everyone like RQ b:chuckle

    At least RQ doesn't pretend. Period.
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lol@this thread..Rq invasion much???

    Spirea left guild cos Mezzy bullied her (lol im actually being serious here) Everyone gets bullied about something in CQ its part of what makes the guild fun. We cant troll the server the way RQ does since we are the "nice" guild so we troll each other instead. Guess Spirea jus cudnt handle it anymore. Funny thing is many people did praise spirea, most agreed, despite her afk that one time which she became known for, she was one of the best mages in gv and was extremely good at staying alive in pvp.

    A few examples..
    Midnight sucks for being a str build baddie with <8k max pattck,
    Pnut is a QQing biitch, "My heiro D:"
    Mezzy cries whenever u tell her to herc tank/lure something famous qoute: "im lagging",
    TigerLily is the pve carebear ea who cant kill anything despite having highest damage and 3rd highest hp in guild,
    Envy is always dying...dying...dying..dead...survived o.O,
    Shizo= original emo wr who quit at 85 but still logs on everyday for 10 hrs o.O (vent channel says"girls under 15 or gtfo")
    Elayne can tank any and everything because mage>all jus needs to drop a rock, now where's my roar?? rumour has it hes still leveling at 101(has over 45%)
    Persephone rl BR b:chuckle Envy says worst Marshall on the server (might be trueb:avoid)
    Miss_Tika super emo failure mage, reason why she fails? jus because. Most common phrase "*%$

    LOL i believe that for sure about Miss_Tika i remember when i was in ReturneR with her and we had a pk thing with redhawk she would always say "*%$ but like more colorful when someone downed her. She did make things interesting to read in guild chat.
  • renrii
    renrii Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lol@this thread..Rq invasion much???

    Spirea left guild cos Mezzy bullied her (lol im actually being serious here) Everyone gets bullied about something in CQ its part of what makes the guild fun. We cant troll the server the way RQ does since we are the "nice" guild so we troll each other instead. Guess Spirea jus cudnt handle it anymore. Funny thing is many people did praise spirea, most agreed, despite her afk that one time which she became known for, she was one of the best mages in gv and was extremely good at staying alive in pvp.

    A few examples..
    Midnight sucks for going strengh build purely for his helm,
    Pnut is a QQing biitch<--- agreed
    Mezzy Is Pro :3,
    TigerLilyNo comment never see her outside safe
    Envy Fail EA getting accounts banned left and right and some arent even his =/o.O,
    Shizo= 2nd biggest **** besides xkairi dot dot dot
    Elayne Is a creeper IRL baddie who gets one shotted by a level 89 WB
    Persephonenever seen outside save nor have i even spoken to him so no cooment but hes CQ instabaddie eye em oh
    Miss_Tika fails cuz shes a super baddie puts on earth barrier while a mage is triple sparking
    Fixed for you la
  • Ethree - Lost City
    Ethree - Lost City Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    A few examples..
    Midnight pro
    Pnut QQ but good at it
    Mezzy apples
    TigerLily pro carebear
    Envy E b:cute N b:cute V b:cute Y b:cute
    Shizo= hes quit 437 times
    Elayne machine he is not real
    Persephone stepsaphone
    Miss_Tika emo but bad at it

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] tx Haiz too pro
  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Mezzy bullied her

    Midnight has probably been in over 90% of total HH runs since the server started
    Pnut is a fan of truly exceptional QQ
    Mezzy caught an STD from midnight and lost the ability to jump (proofz in the cq forum, which apparently everyone and their mother has access to)
    TigerLily owns the position of CQ's Top Carebear (previously owned by Mezzy)
    Envy owns the position of CQ's Worst Carebear
    Shizo Caught the curse of the CQ GX Warriors and went inactive/quit. Dropmachine and Lyssic are other listed victims
    Elayne will be the first to hit level 105. Any day now.
    Miss_Tika is the King/Queen(?) of Shemales. It is said that those who've looked up her fairy dress spend more on therapy than Yoshiki did on his weapon.

    Ok so I almost got random PK'd by Jossie (red named unsurprisingly) who was from "no faction" b:chuckle until she magically got accepted in Conqueror and I was like wow, how cool is that? Even CQ has their BS but props to the ones who manage to keep a leash onto most of the members cuz god knows **** would go down if Conqueror started random pking everyone like RQ b:chuckle

    At least RQ doesn't pretend. Period.

  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No, it just means they're full of **** too calling themselves nice guild and whatever. Anyhow I can clearly tell you take online MMO gossip very srsly so I'm sorry if I offended you by stating the truth.

    P.S. Caps lock ftw!
  • Pepper - Lost City
    Pepper - Lost City Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok so I almost got random PK'd by Jossie (red named unsurprisingly) who was from "no faction" b:chuckle until she magically got accepted in Conqueror and I was like wow, how cool is that? Even CQ has their BS but props to the ones who manage to keep a leash onto most of the members cuz god knows **** would go down if Conqueror started random pking everyone like RQ b:chuckle

    At least RQ doesn't pretend. Period.

    QQ 1. "almost" do not count
    QQ 2. Jossie was always in CQ she left for like 2 min and came back, guess she got u in those 2 min b:chuckle

    Metal raging Perfect Worlds since 2007
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    QQ 1. "almost" do not count
    QQ 2. Jossie was always in CQ she left for like 2 min and came back, guess she got u in those 2 min b:chuckle

    1. 55hp counts especially if I have to waste a doll over it.
    2. Yeah I know, that's the point.
  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No, it just means they're full of **** too calling themselves nice guild and whatever. Anyhow I can clearly tell you take online MMO gossip very srsly so I'm sorry if I offended you by stating the truth.

    P.S. Caps lock ftw!

    Actually it means that you "almost" got killed and formed an opinion despite the fact that in conqueror's history we've only ever booted like 2 people for random pking. We've heard all the whining, yet people like you seem to have a superhuman inability to provide proof, or type "/Elayne ____ is random pking me! I'm uploading screenshots to tinypic now". So either we're the masters of covering things up and telekinetically broke all your printscreen buttons over the internet, or you're FULL OF SHI-

    I think it's the latter b:quiet

    P.S. MMO gossip is serious business. Skyannie recently retired as our P.R guy so we're still looking for someone else who can produce walls of text with insanely good grammar, spelling, etc.
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    P.S. MMO gossip is serious business. Skyannie recently retired as our P.R guy so we're still looking for someone else who can produce walls of text with insanely good grammar, spelling, etc.

    lol Is this supposed to be a pot shot at my typing style? Anyhow you can say I'm full of **** or whatever, I know what happened. I'll be sure to provide screenshots next time b:sweat
  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol Is this supposed to be a pot shot at my typing style? Anyhow you can say I'm full of **** or whatever, I know what happened. I'll be sure to provide screenshots next time b:sweat

    That is a rare case tbh, people who random pk after leaving aren't usually allowed back. But since she wasnt in guild when it happened, I dont know whether Daikoku would do something about it.

    Still, you can support those who fight our "evil propoganda." Prove that someone in cq rpks and you'll become an internet superhero for doing what no one has managed to do since the start of the server.
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'll do my best to become a hero for all to look upon with admiration b:victory
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'll do my best to become a hero for all to look upon with admiration b:victory

    Tbh, I don't think anyone cares.
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Tbh, I don't think anyone cares.

    This was a joke...just to clarify. I was hoping my sarcasm would jump out at anybody who read it.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok so I almost got random PK'd by Jossie (red named unsurprisingly) who was from "no faction" b:chuckle until she magically got accepted in Conqueror and I was like wow, how cool is that? Even CQ has their BS but props to the ones who manage to keep a leash onto most of the members cuz god knows **** would go down if Conqueror started random pking everyone like RQ b:chuckle

    At least RQ doesn't pretend. Period.

    I meant this one...
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Maybe so maybe not. Not your call or mine anyhow-for anyone else. For me, it matters so it might for other people. And that's what I left it at.

    It confuses people when you reply to something that isn't related to the quote above it.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    renrii wrote: »
    Fixed for you la

    Glad that im one of the top **** without cyber experience ^__^

    Renrii: A f4g who lost his balls while trolling on the forums, since he is using a lolbr name >_>"

    Forgot to add that im the first and apparently only (laziest) lvl 100 (hell) wr while 70000053 pieces of my body = Me = 1 Person lvled me b:bye
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.