Genie system "EPIC FAIL" big surprise



  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    genies were a huge disappointment for me. too complex with the skill requirements (i need points where to learn it? and i need what other points where else to make the skill worth using?), and never thouroughlly explained anywhere.

    the skills arent even impressive. and like others have mentioned.. it's worthless outside of pk. so i went and spent however many millions of spirit and 10 pct of my lvl's exp and what do i have to show for it? just some stupid 3rd lvl grouping animation of a genie. just a stupid fairy to float and fly around and clutter my screen.
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    As any one that has checked into the genie system has found out it is "useless" for anything but PvP, a huge cash sink(ingame gold and real life money). But I have come to expect such from the the Mental Giants at PWI.
    I am sure we all remember the last expansion and all the hype, quickly followed by the the truth that unless you hocked your house and your wife to pay for cash shop items to build up your gear, and were level 80 the new expansion was useless. Now we are given genies and "you can get them at at Level 1" failing to mention the fact, you at level 1 could no more afford to feed the damn thing , much less buy any equips for it.

    Next thing will be the cash shop item to feed your genie, and the stones or whatever to ensure that you get 10 points ever 10 levels. It's sad really when this game has so much promise of being something else other than a run of the mill Cash sucking WOW clone. PWI's greed and corruption is fast driving the player base away. Their inability or unwillingness to provide truthful information is turn the player base into jaded cynical and vindictive members of the gaming community.

    I for one am looking at the door, the misinformation, lack of information, rampant corruption and favortism have me looking to the exit. The only reason I am here now is because my friends are here and I will not leave them without the services of my class, which is needed in every aspect of the game. So before PWI's paid shills and fanboyzs start the flaming.........Don't blame me for pointing out the truth, If it stings and makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why, if you were doing the right thing it wouldn't hurt.

    OMG they just gave a new help.. stop complianing and enjoy
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Theotus - Heavens Tear
    Theotus - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    First off, saying that a free to play game should be held at the same standards as a pay to play is like saying a hobo should be able to afford a house like everyone else. That being said, PWI is doing an amazing job at both keeping costs at a minimum and rolling out some wonderful, and yes, sometimes buggy expansions. It's the nature of the beast. There is no real endgame quite yet because the game is still in development, meaning that there will, of course, be bugs in the system. Some of the features are not yet up to speed, but they are getting there. Game development costs a heck of a lot of money. The fact that PWE has found it in their hearts to let us all be part of the development process is something to be proud about, and not to lament. Ripping and reaming at the gm's and developers is entirely unfair to them. Everyone has qualms with this game, be it the new genies, or the fact that the banking system is still not completed. That doesn't give us all the right to complain. Being constructive and tactful is how you get people to listen to your words, not tearing their hard work down like you could easily do a better job. I personally feel that the genies have given this game more playability and depth. It's not all just about grinding and leveling. TW, PK, and duels are also a part of this game. That's how it is. You have to play the entire game to get all of the benefits of it. As for the money, it's entertainment. Expecting something for nothing is just rude and spoiled. You are willing to pay 16 dollars or so to watch a 2 hour movie, but are unwilling to spend a little money on a game that keeps you entertained for days, weeks, months, etc. I don't think that kind of money management makes much sense. They aren't forcing you to spend money. It's all by choice.
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Unless they put exp stones or SP increasing items in CS, I don't see how CS relates to the genie expansion as it is now o.o;
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    games good, GEENIES are good ( pvp and pve you dont know until you try cant math your way through experience ), GMs are good, expansion is good, upcoming mounts are good, forum events are good and pretty damn cool for all those who whine about "lag fest and fail events", hell you get treated better in this game then you do in real life.

    Everyone needs to let it be, the geenies are good stop complaining and put thought into it dont depend on others to tell you what you want to know. Figure it out on your own and the reward will be greater.

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Falcus - Heavens Tear
    Falcus - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Being the OP of this thread, I would just like to say to all the forum trolls that have flamed my Post. I noticed that the same people have posted repeatedly and judging from thier post counts , spend more time in the forums than in game.

    I would also like to point out that most took what I said and twisted it in a pale attempt to gain brownie points with staff. If we all just bend over and spread them, How are we to expect PWI to do whats right. If the player base becomes sheople and mindlessly accepts any lame excuse of expansion to the game, then you deserve what you get.

    I have not posted 100's of times in defense or slamming PWI, I just felt that if they are not called and alerted that the player base expects something more (PLOTS< STORYLINE< CONTENT) than lame toys that hinder and slow down the leveling process of the game. The fact some of you have never played a game with engaging content and are part of the P2P downward spiral of online gaming, is the point I am trying to get across.

    Funny how none of the fanboyz mentioned my statement that this game had alot of potential. If the staff at PWI would have the spinal fortitude to tell the developers that thier player base is not going for thier lame expansions and they need more engaging and useful addons. I know only those capable of indenpendant thought will grasp this concept. But as a game player from a time before P2P concept and it's **** son Free to play* (*cash shop dependant) were even thought of.

    Heaven forbid a game have engaging plot line and skills that must be earned through a player devoting time, now before you take this statement kiddies and warp it let me explain. The current system of crafting in PWI can be earned with cash shop purchases. I am not saying everyone does it , but that it is possiable. Now what if you couldn't buy mats , you had to actually earn those skills. Yes it can be done but it makes it a little less gratifying if some lazy clod living in his moms basement buys the mats and maxes his skills in a day.

    This is what I am talking about, The fact that game play is corrupted by the cash shop concept. A player is not rewarded by putting time and effort into learning a craft or skill they are looked down upon. I know that give me now mentality is rampent and that MMO's are not gonna change, as long as the player base allows them to move forward unabated.

    So flame on and stifle anyone asking the game to be more, It is quite clear that most are content to accept what ever is thrown at them and not call the game designers on lame content.

    To those that have stood beside me in this I welcome you, and hope that others will wake up one day and join us in trying to make PWI the best game ever. But how will they know what we want unless we speak up and tell them. Those that flame Us are not the future of the game they are the ones that fear creativity. After all, As many of the forum Trolls have pointed out it is a company and thus to survive must please it's customers. If we demand better they must to remain viable, listen.
  • SushiFishy - Heavens Tear
    SushiFishy - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wont be reading that a wall of text XD ...

    I love the Genies anyway .... adds something to the game play and specialy pvp.
    Yes , it costs a lot.... a lot of spirit, wich you will have plenty of at high lvl
    Other then that it doesnt cost much at all.... the gear you can get is something you dont realy need... its way over priced , but it doesnt add that much so you can do that whenever you do have enough coins to pay for it.
    Further more... you dont realy need a genie... nothing else in the game has changed... mobs didnt get stronger etc so why make a problem of the cost?
    you can still play the game without one like everyone did before there were genies.
    Its youre own choise if you want to spend money on this game, you CAN play it without paying a single dollar... some things just take a little longer to get.
    Pwi is a bussiness... they need money to keep things running... if they dont have money they cant keep the servers up or provide us with other services. .One fact in life is that everything costs money. Even breathing... all the polution in the air these days costs a lot of money to make b:chuckle
    There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Seems like every mmo has the "If you dont like it quit" fanbois.
    God forbid we find fault with part of the game or dare to voice it on a forum.

    At least they are better than the "QQ moar" crowd.

    Honestly if you dont have anything useful to say, just **** off and shutup. Im sure everyone is quite aware of their option to quit.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    All you've managed to do with your two posts on the forums is whine, troll and flame.

    This is where I say "Pot meet kettle, it's black!"

    Oh, and welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

    Being the OP of this thread, I would just like to say to all the forum trolls that have flamed my Post. I noticed that the same people have posted repeatedly and judging from thier post counts , spend more time in the forums than in game.

    I would also like to point out that most took what I said and twisted it in a pale attempt to gain brownie points with staff. If we all just bend over and spread them, How are we to expect PWI to do whats right. If the player base becomes sheople and mindlessly accepts any lame excuse of expansion to the game, then you deserve what you get.

    I have not posted 100's of times in defense or slamming PWI, I just felt that if they are not called and alerted that the player base expects something more (PLOTS< STORYLINE< CONTENT) than lame toys that hinder and slow down the leveling process of the game. The fact some of you have never played a game with engaging content and are part of the P2P downward spiral of online gaming, is the point I am trying to get across.

    Funny how none of the fanboyz mentioned my statement that this game had alot of potential. If the staff at PWI would have the spinal fortitude to tell the developers that thier player base is not going for thier lame expansions and they need more engaging and useful addons. I know only those capable of indenpendant thought will grasp this concept. But as a game player from a time before P2P concept and it's **** son Free to play* (*cash shop dependant) were even thought of.

    Heaven forbid a game have engaging plot line and skills that must be earned through a player devoting time, now before you take this statement kiddies and warp it let me explain. The current system of crafting in PWI can be earned with cash shop purchases. I am not saying everyone does it , but that it is possiable. Now what if you couldn't buy mats , you had to actually earn those skills. Yes it can be done but it makes it a little less gratifying if some lazy clod living in his moms basement buys the mats and maxes his skills in a day.

    This is what I am talking about, The fact that game play is corrupted by the cash shop concept. A player is not rewarded by putting time and effort into learning a craft or skill they are looked down upon. I know that give me now mentality is rampent and that MMO's are not gonna change, as long as the player base allows them to move forward unabated.

    So flame on and stifle anyone asking the game to be more, It is quite clear that most are content to accept what ever is thrown at them and not call the game designers on lame content.

    To those that have stood beside me in this I welcome you, and hope that others will wake up one day and join us in trying to make PWI the best game ever. But how will they know what we want unless we speak up and tell them. Those that flame Us are not the future of the game they are the ones that fear creativity. After all, As many of the forum Trolls have pointed out it is a company and thus to survive must please it's customers. If we demand better they must to remain viable, listen.
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The only people that hate genies seem to be on PVE servers.. Genies are not a care bears friend, the genie has the ability to balance pvp situations. If you dont pvp, then dont use it. Cuz YES, its a waste for PVE servers.

    This game is focused on PVP,, those of you on PVE servers are missing half the game already b:chuckle

    :O!!! maybe true
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here's something the OP should try... READING

    Being the OP of this thread, I would just like to say to all the forum trolls that have flamed my Post. I noticed that the same people have posted repeatedly and judging from thier post counts , spend more time in the forums than in game.

    I think I probably do lol, but I don't regret it anyhow... I mean it's just a game even at its core. If the forums entertains me more than the game, why should I play the game?

    I would also like to point out that most took what I said and twisted it in a pale attempt to gain brownie points with staff. If we all just bend over and spread them, How are we to expect PWI to do whats right. If the player base becomes sheople and mindlessly accepts any lame excuse of expansion to the game, then you deserve what you get.

    Sighs, brownie points? Your really like.. crazy dude. What if we were all talking in our own opinions about your post? Oh yea, we can't.. we have to agree with what you say and everything else is totally bogus and a conspiracy to bring you down and silence the individual like you so the PWI staff could do what is "wrong".

    I have not posted 100's of times in defense or slamming PWI, I just felt that if they are not called and alerted that the player base expects something more (PLOTS< STORYLINE< CONTENT) than lame toys that hinder and slow down the leveling process of the game. The fact some of you have never played a game with engaging content and are part of the P2P downward spiral of online gaming, is the point I am trying to get across.

    Basically, I call you a coward for not posting. If you have an opinion (and you being the OP). Should have flamed or at least said something. Dead man don't tell tales. Well back to your point, honestly, this game might actually go on downward spiral because that's usually the fate of most games. Even P2P. Heard of Diablo II? Yea, compared that to 1998, who plays that game now? I mean all games have a golden age, and a downward spiral. But in all, no matter how bad a game is. You can always use it as a way to chat with friends. I mean a game is only to entertain you right?

    Funny how none of the fanboyz mentioned my statement that this game had alot of potential. If the staff at PWI would have the spinal fortitude to tell the developers that thier player base is not going for thier lame expansions and they need more engaging and useful addons. I know only those capable of indenpendant thought will grasp this concept. But as a game player from a time before P2P concept and it's **** son Free to play* (*cash shop dependant) were even thought of.

    Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum. Don't QQ and whine about it here, noob. Or you will just get flamed like the above post. Honestly... duh???!!

    Heaven forbid a game have engaging plot line and skills that must be earned through a player devoting time, now before you take this statement kiddies and warp it let me explain. The current system of crafting in PWI can be earned with cash shop purchases. I am not saying everyone does it , but that it is possiable. Now what if you couldn't buy mats , you had to actually earn those skills. Yes it can be done but it makes it a little less gratifying if some lazy clod living in his moms basement buys the mats and maxes his skills in a day.

    Well, yea, I guess Cash Shop is a bit unfair. But does it actually break a game? I mean.. reality must hit every single game you come across. Reality = money. I wish Perfect World Online would be staffed by like over 1 billion employee who all love this game so much and work for no money. And the entire world doesn't rely on money. Everyone gets what they want, and that's all. All resources is nicely divided. Yea.... dream on kid. Please... the PWI staff did what they could to keep this game free for all. I mean... if you really want everyone to hard work earn those mats, I suggest you pay the PWI company all the money it needs to run this game. Remove the Botique Shop. And charge people a monthly membership. Most people will quit, but a few who like the experience without CS or have friends will stay. Besides, I don't think the Boutique Shop affects the economy so gravely. You haven't seen real Pay 2 Survive/Win games... try Conquer Online ... In that game you can buy everything with real money. Hell, you don't even have to kill mobs to level up since you could buy exp also!!!! Tell me that PWI's boutique shop blows and is really unfair. I dare you.. tell me now!!!

    This is what I am talking about, The fact that game play is corrupted by the cash shop concept. A player is not rewarded by putting time and effort into learning a craft or skill they are looked down upon. I know that give me now mentality is rampent and that MMO's are not gonna change, as long as the player base allows them to move forward unabated.

    WTF is skill and craft? It's a ****ING GAME .. YOU DIP****!!! Get it into your pee sized brainly skull. Oh yea... I have to work and put effort? Dude, you just ****ing click a stupid button and the game does it for you? Skill... well maybe a bit... But mostly it's just a way to pass the time and level up. It's a game that mostly depends on level. Level = how much time you spend on this game. It is not skill at all? Oh yea, you actually thought by being able to manufacture a Warsoul Weapon that you have skill? Wrong man.. you just have no life and wasted years of your life on this game thinking you had "skill". Guess what? Most people play this game for entertainment... I mean, it's a GAME!!!

    God!!!... go to type in Game. Get yourself re-educated.

    So flame on and stifle anyone asking the game to be more, It is quite clear that most are content to accept what ever is thrown at them and not call the game designers on lame content.

    Your the only one QQings and flaming. The truth is always out there. But your probably the reason one flaming and being a troll. You might not realize it, but if you actually read this quality of this dumb thread. YOu will realize how stupid and idiotic you are.

    To those that have stood beside me in this I welcome you, and hope that others will wake up one day and join us in trying to make PWI the best game ever. But how will they know what we want unless we speak up and tell them. Those that flame Us are not the future of the game they are the ones that fear creativity. After all, As many of the forum Trolls have pointed out it is a company and thus to survive must please it's customers. If we demand better they must to remain viable, listen.

    Guess what? I actually tried to stood besides you. I tired to honestly give a dam about you and support your idea. But it contradicts so many logic flaws that I have to disagree with it. Your selfish for thinking that everyone who doesn't support you is "flaming" and is a "troll". Your an idiot to not post your opinions and wait for this post. Your among many things so wrong with you. Anyhow, please its customers? The better term for this game would be to "Entertain its Users" The Boutique Shop was put in place so everyone can enjoy this game free of charge. Sure the way you put it also does have merit since you think it merely please its customers. For about 2% of my logic, I agree with you. But the other 98% strongly disagree with your skew logic that have no evidence to even bull****.

    Anyhow... You fail beyond belief... Noob.

    P.S. If I"m a troll, your the wanna-be troll.

    And oh yea, I urge you to post your opinion so I can flame about it and make you realize how wrong you are. Bring it.. beoach!!!
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • starman17
    starman17 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's still quite early, and people are just getting the hang of genies. I think you should give it some time before calling it an "Epic Fail", which is just a little sensationalistic.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wouldn't call them EPIC FAIL, myself, I actually find them useful for several situations. It's all about the skills you choose. Yeah, they seem expensive to maintain, but not really that big of deal. Buy some crappy NPC gear and decompose it. I decomposed a level 74 robe sleeves, and got about 7000 stamina for it. Which allows me to fire about 25-40 spells, depending on which ones I use. I know people that are statting genies for PvP, and have a different genie for PvE.

    I have one that's statted for debuffs, and boosts in PvE. Like the one that boosts HP regen and speed for several seconds with a 1 second cooldown. Or, the one that massively reduces accuracy, and a little reduction of casting speed. Or, my personal favorite, the Knockback. I love the guys for FB runs. Wandering add heads for a cleric? Not on my watch. BAM! Knockback. Then, I bust into Fox Form, and use the HP regen skill to keep my HP up while I deal with the annoying bugger.

    No, they aren't uber powerful. Did you really want them to be, honestly? Can you truthfully tell me that you wanted the genies to be game breakingly powerful? Then they'd be just like the phoenix + Flesh Ream everyone complains about. Which, on that note, you now have the ability to stop bleed. Is it massively effective? Actually, yes. Do some research. When I first saw how unpowerful they were, I went "WTF?!" just like the rest of you, and then I actually stopped, and took time to look up what actually was effective, and what wasn't.

    Also, I have all 4 genies, statted differently with their affinities. It's an EXP sink, yeah. Doesn't really matter. I can sit there at my nice comfortable level, and grind a mob to get tons of cash and Spirit, and max out not only my skills, but my Genies' as well. Hell, I'll probably make MORE money because of these guys.

    And my MAIN genie? She has only 10/40 lucky points ATM. Does it matter? Not really. As long as I get her up to 40 Mag to gain an extra skill slot, and 20 Dex, I can pump whatever else I get into Vit and Str.

    Try it out, first, that's all I'm saying. Genies have been out for what? 2 days now? You just got a new shiny toy, and you're complaining about it because it's not as shiny as you expected. Well, stop complaining about how unshiny it is, and discover the hidden features built into it you wouldn't notice at first glance.
  • Falcus - Heavens Tear
    Falcus - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    zephryx, dude I haven't laughed so hard in a while, I think you take your self a little to serious. Your 3rd grade grammer and attempts at sounding knowledgeable are classic.

    Good luck with that in the future, I am sure your life will be short, once you take that tude out into the real world.
  • Zerza - Harshlands
    Zerza - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    if you think genies fail its only because your to simple to figure them out.

    Notice 90% of those that say they fail are from PVE servers,, imagine the stagnation of gaming skills that would result from such a server b:bye

    This is why a majority of genie haters are from PVE servers,, their ability is stagnated from lack of use, and they fail as a player now.

    Zephyr,, the mods red type in your post made me laugh at how hard u fail.. I hope to hell you do better in RL then you have posting here b:thanks

    If the red type is your words,, then kudos to hell,, i cant agree more

    I've not spent a single dollar here,, and I have charms to pk and 2 mil in bank,, I think this game is great for free to play
  • Reinef - Heavens Tear
    Reinef - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Erm, as a cleric, my genie is NICE! Its healing spell is awesome, like having a mini back up cleric. I don't tick my MP charm so much now that I have it. And, the Phys debuff is nice to use with my plume shot. It's my fastest attack which happens to be physical. Speaking of speed, have you tried out Relentless Courage? Chanelling speed +9%? Soon to be more when I level it? Oh HELL yeeh, now I don't have to spend so many millions on -6% channeling. Don't HAVE to, but I prolly will anyway if the buff piles on top of eq bonus xD I haven't spent anything but time on my genie(s). I have more than 1 because I'm trying to raise a few 20/20 lucky genies =)

    Last point, they did JUST release. Bugs will be fixed, more information will surface, and we will find some excellent uses for our new little buddies.
  • Zerza - Harshlands
    Zerza - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have more than 1 because I'm trying to raise a few 20/20 lucky genies =)

    Seems you are ahead of most,, specializing genies seems to be key.. While many idiots cry about genies, some are realizing how useful they actually are.

    "o god my allergies,, and i still gotta grind even with my genie"
  • Reinef - Heavens Tear
    Reinef - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lmao. Speaking of grinding, if you're level 60+ the simple solution to leveling your genie is Justice Envoy >.> I just do it over n over so i can test genie luck and level my main genie. If you want to avoid splurging xp/sp you want for yourself, this is an excellent alternative.
  • trifleman
    trifleman Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    After reading through this post while autoflying world quest ive noticed everyones seems to have missed the most important downside of genies....they look like something my 5yr old daughter would play with b:chuckle
  • Reinef - Heavens Tear
    Reinef - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    trifleman wrote: »
    After reading through this post while autoflying world quest ive noticed everyones seems to have missed the most important downside of genies....they look like something my 5yr old daughter would play with b:chuckle

    This is true T_T I do kinda wish they looked more like something battle ready. They did come into being to help us in a fight right? >.>
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think ur missing an important note... GINIES R SO CUTE ><

    Anyway they do help for PVP and from what iv found in game they have 2 good sues which are helping classes like the archer and mage pvp ^^ and it makes HH bosses easier cause of debuffs and regens ^^

    I dont use the fairy skills much but when i do they can be quite potent at the right time and i dont use them enough to be a waste of money

    In fact in hh i find they can save me money ^^

    So thats my veiw i hope u all use them to there best as a new option in fights ^^

    Gd luck ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You guys just dont get it.
    The whole "If you dont like a genie dont get it thing"
    Genies are a big addition to the game and if you dont end up getting a genie, youre going to fall behind and have many disadvantages. There are probably going to be like new quests or something that are really really hard unless you have a genie.
    If you dont get it, youre disadvantaged.

    See? PW forces you to get a genie, otherwise you are going to fall behind and have a hard time playing. Now when you get the genie, youll have to pay money unless you are smart. And the amount of dumb people playing PW?
    =Alot of money.
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
    |Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    zephryx, dude I haven't laughed so hard in a while, I think you take your self a little to serious. Your 3rd grade grammer and attempts at sounding knowledgeable are classic.

    Good luck with that in the future, I am sure your life will be short, once you take that tude out into the real world.

    he used to bug me at first too but hes really not that bad lol

    + 1 to zephryx :P

    anyway I think this thread is getting past its prime, its becoming well known now that the geenie's are a positive addition, and im sure if we ask enough and give good enough ideas something can be implemented to gain spirit(cash shop), if it becomes a huge deal.

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Revolte - Heavens Tear
    Revolte - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You guys just dont get it.
    The whole "If you dont like a genie dont get it thing"
    Genies are a big addition to the game and if you dont end up getting a genie, youre going to fall behind and have many disadvantages.

    ive been saying that sense day one lol

    Super Duper Uber Booper
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    YAY! My thoughts exactly...

    if you think genies fail its only because your to simple to figure them out.

    Notice 90% of those that say they fail are from PVE servers,, imagine the stagnation of gaming skills that would result from such a server b:bye

    This is why a majority of genie haters are from PVE servers,, their ability is stagnated from lack of use, and they fail as a player now.

    Zephyr,, the mods red type in your post made me laugh at how hard u fail.. I hope to hell you do better in RL then you have posting here b:thanks

    If the red type is your words,, then kudos to hell,, i cant agree more

    I've not spent a single dollar here,, and I have charms to pk and 2 mil in bank,, I think this game is great for free to play
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think ur missing an important note... GINIES R SO CUTE ><

    Anyway they do help for....

    I just wanted to say many posts exist on this subject and you can't spell it right?
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I just wanted to say many posts exist on this subject and you can't spell it right?

    Typo ><

    Although my spelling is pretty bad ^^
    Sry about that xD
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Typo ><

    Although my spelling is pretty bad ^^
    Sry about that xD

    it's ok i'm just poking fun at ya ;)
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    it's ok i'm just poking fun at ya ;)

    hehe dw i didnt think u were trying to insult ^^

    Anyway i do agree with the fact that the genie is very much a pvp server bonus ^^

    although on pve maby people should think about directing there powers towards beating bosses ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    hehe dw i didnt think u were trying to insult ^^

    Anyway i do agree with the fact that the genie is very much a pvp server bonus ^^

    although on pve maby people should think about directing there powers towards beating bosses ^^

    Exactly! YOU WIN!

    This was the first thing i thought of. Genies to me are just extra pet skills...GREAT for BOSSES!