Genie system "EPIC FAIL" big surprise



  • Kamichiro - Sanctuary
    Kamichiro - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a problem... i have like 10 fayries and all of them have 0/0 lucky points ... some friends of mine had from the begining 0/10 (i refer at lvl 1...because i didn't grow them..don't wanna loose xp for nothing)
    So my question is...those kind suck? should i get another one with 0/10 from the start?

    And another thing... a friend has 2 different ginies one is lvl 19(he didn't knew if he should continue) and has 9/10 lucky points and the other is lvl 20 and it has only 1/10 lucky points...why?

    It's like the roulette XD 1 ginie from 1000 is good or what?...this is not rly fair.

    It seems we are gambling here with our money or what?....if i buy one with 3 mirages what is the chance to get a good one?(at least to have it with 0/10 luk points from the start)

    ....some1 enlighten me plsb:surrender

    So stiking to the thread ,for now, my mark will be 3/10 (the 3 is for it's aspect...)
    Lord grant me the Serenity to accept the things that i cannot change, the Courage to change the things i can and the Wisdom to hide the bodies of those **** i had to kill because they pisse me off.

  • KhaosShadow - Sanctuary
    KhaosShadow - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Genies make the game more interesting imo. Its another element to consider while playing. Its up to each player how much they want to use or spend on them. My genie has 4 skills. 4 more skills then I had to use before. Will I use them on every mob, no I wont. But I didn't use all 20+ of my skills on each and every mob before anyway. I do realize that they will make the biggest difference in pvp, but I don't pvp a lot and I have found my genie to be useful in pve and it has saved me $ already.
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    People expected them to be like veno pets that'll help with everything, thats why people are disapointed. It is not PWI's fault, it is the peoples high expectations that cause this disapointment.

    I never expected genies to help with everything. I expected them to cancel phoenix's bleed, and i got what i hoped for. I expected a few useful pvp skills, that would use occasionally, and i got what i hoped for.

    The CHI cost isnt much when you use those skills occasionally. If your 90+ you should be earning 4 tear of heaven per day from the old HT daily quest, allowing u to decompose an item to around 80 perfect stones per day, which is more then enough to sustain a genie.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    he's right, and you know it. this is really going to hurt the game, especially the new players, and those of us who depend on the AH for gear and weapons. the new ones will be dazzled by the pretty little flits, and think they are better than moves or pets, and level up the gnats, thereby retarding their own game progress by throwing away exp and spirit points. where will that leave them, the first time they face a mob that needs to be taken down with something more than a lv 1 move? smeared, thats what. and with enough frustrated newbies, they will leave, and the game loses new players and potential income.

    ....still think the flits are good for all players? think again...

    You should just quit while you're ahead then, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. It isn't like there aren't other players with clerics on your server.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Archville - Sanctuary
    Archville - Sanctuary Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So much yummy drama. <3

    On-topic: I don't like em' i don't hate em' they are just ok. Its a nice new add. Seen people complaining about how weak the Genies are but i bet you that people would complain if they were overpowered. There will ALWAYS have people who're gonna rant about something no matter how flawless it could be, expect haters sometime.

    Seriously, as one of the previous poster said. If you don't like em' don't use em' you won't be killed for not using one.
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    As any one that has checked into the genie system has found out it is "useless" for anything but PvP, a huge cash sink(ingame gold and real life money). But I have come to expect such from the the Mental Giants at PWI.
    I am sure we all remember the last expansion and all the hype, quickly followed by the the truth that unless you hocked your house and your wife to pay for cash shop items to build up your gear, and were level 80 the new expansion was useless. Now we are given genies and "you can get them at at Level 1" failing to mention the fact, you at level 1 could no more afford to feed the damn thing , much less buy any equips for it.

    Next thing will be the cash shop item to feed your genie, and the stones or whatever to ensure that you get 10 points ever 10 levels. It's sad really when this game has so much promise of being something else other than a run of the mill Cash sucking WOW clone. PWI's greed and corruption is fast driving the player base away. Their inability or unwillingness to provide truthful information is turn the player base into jaded cynical and vindictive members of the gaming community.

    I for one am looking at the door, the misinformation, lack of information, rampant corruption and favortism have me looking to the exit. The only reason I am here now is because my friends are here and I will not leave them without the services of my class, which is needed in every aspect of the game. So before PWI's paid shills and fanboyzs start the flaming.........Don't blame me for pointing out the truth, If it stings and makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why, if you were doing the right thing it wouldn't hurt.

    mmmm i say finaly a way to pk at even lvl .... u can stats out ur genie so that i think a barb could be able to kill bm FINALY pk was all wrong in this game if u ask me only way u could kill some1 was by hardcore ganging or thats how they killed me allot heheh , but damn genies make pking more interesting and a bit harder ... like the huge hp of barb can be turned into nothing and so on barb can finaly reflect spells and so on .... i thinik genie's are good for the pking part lol pve why would u need more pve is eas and can be done easy only pking was a part that needed to be fixed in my eyes so u can finaly SOLO PK 1 0N 1 hohoho b:laugh soo all go in pk mode for a change have some fun its just a game u wont die in rl xD but i quote to say :

    Some u kids never have enough do ya? spoiled?? this game is free as u can see u can get mallgold from grinding or not?? jezus lol find a new game if u cant take it make ur own game so u never get anoyed i bet u complain bout each patch pfff ppl like u make game fun dont u ??
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    he's right, and you know it. this is really going to hurt the game, especially the new players, and those of us who depend on the AH for gear and weapons. the new ones will be dazzled by the pretty little flits, and think they are better than moves or pets, and level up the gnats, thereby retarding their own game progress by throwing away exp and spirit points. where will that leave them, the first time they face a mob that needs to be taken down with something more than a lv 1 move? smeared, thats what. and with enough frustrated newbies, they will leave, and the game loses new players and potential income.

    ....still think the flits are good for all players? think again...

    maybe a bit true .... but look at tw situation of 2 clans owning all land ... so tw is practicly imposible or tryng to own some terretory these guilds get so rich and powerfull no1 will ever knock them off i dislike that more and would be my reason to give up ...
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    there's just no way to satisfy everyone is there?

    if there was a lvl restriction (to protect newer players from **** themselves over), newer players would QQ that this expansion doesnt include them enough (face it, someone would ***** about it)

    if the stamina cost was cheap, players would QQ that genies are too overpowered (more stuns/seals/paralyze? attack/defense lvl decrease? amplify damage? hello???)

    a huge cash sink? it only costs as much as you want it to cost, especially since you're on a pve server and dont have to fight players. did you need genies to grind to 7x? no? well you can make do without them to grind to 8x, 9x. this is like complaining that fashion is a cash sink.

    give the genies some time before you judge
  • eriyos
    eriyos Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    genie work fine as they are, i spend most 8,6k/day to get it 4k+ stamina and i just keep it there and wait for a pvp, and the most skill, i would belive they wont eat much more than 300-400 stamina at max skill, the only thing a bit dissappint is the time limit of genie debuff effect is either to long or to less, and the dex require is to high, so more or less, use em as DD or heal is much better than use em as debuff, even though their debuff are good, as for me, i got a Disipline and its start skill is wind force, pretty nice but 4,5 sec gone a bit to fast :p
  • ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver
    ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree, they aren't verry useful and from my standpoint not worth tons of exp, spirit. I didn't expect that they gonna be so good as veno pets but that they gonna suck so much for the amout of exp, spirit,...which they need, i also didnt think.
    I quess they should do more, to keep the game interesting with some 24h events, which everyone in every time zone can join them.
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So we basically get new skills and people complain....*sigh*

    I had tons of sp that i was sitting on so it wasnt hard leveling and getting a
    couple skills added. The stones should not be an issue since no one ever used em for anything else but attack charms and flying fuel. Does no one get armor drops anymore? Thats how i add stamina for mine. And the skills are so easy on the stamina you shouldnt be running out. I only had 280 perfect stones left and it filled up 200K + stamina, more then enough .
    Yes they are more pk oriented but duh thats where the money is in the game. You still want a functioning F2P game right? Seems the asian servers are enjoying genies...why cant we?
  • DollParts - Sanctuary
    DollParts - Sanctuary Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    my point of view might not be exactly the same as the OP.. however these genies could have been alot better, and alot more usefull, and alot more cheaper to maintain in the long run.
    The skills do not last very long and the energy does not regen fast enough to really counter other peoples attacks with it. You can boost the stats to increase these things, but its hardly does a dam thing.
    There is a healing regen skill that does increase hp and heal you to full.. that is prolly the only real useful thing i have seen on them.

    Also, these definitely are not worth it for pve that is for sure.
  • Foxygoth - Heavens Tear
    Foxygoth - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    how a cleric can not like genies i do not no..
    My cleric has the -20%metal def debuff and the +20% damage,,how is that fail?
    Works great pvp and pve and best off all cost just a bit of exp and sp,which is free to get if you spend time grinding instead of crying on forums.
    foxygoth-lvl92- arcane veno

    ElfyGoth-lvl 65-support cleric
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    how a cleric can not like genies i do not no..
    My cleric has the -20%metal def debuff and the +20% damage,,how is that fail?
    Works great pvp and pve and best off all cost just a bit of exp and sp,which is free to get if you spend time grinding instead of crying on forums.
    +1 for you Foxy b:victory
  • ptownballer
    ptownballer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I for one am really pissed at genies...i was about to ding to lvl 60(97.7% before daily) and went and got my genie... i wasnt paying attention and used MY EXP to lvl the stupid genie...which in turn took me down to 0% on my lvl. and i too have found the genines useless so far
  • DollParts - Sanctuary
    DollParts - Sanctuary Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    +1 for you Foxy b:victory

    umm are you on a personal mission to change everyones minds about genies? you seem to be on every single post that has been made about genies.
    are you getting payed for this? or are you just choosing to waste all your time? b:bye annoying.
  • Valshala - Harshlands
    Valshala - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    "WHHAAAA... QQ OMG Dees Jeeny's dunt maak mai tun oobar!!!"

    SHUT UP. Its a game. You dont like it? Play another. I personally LIKE my little glow bug following me around everywhere.
    Slavish devotion to rules is a sign one needs to get Laid! :P
  • Niraneth - Heavens Tear
    Niraneth - Heavens Tear Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    umm are you on a personal mission to change everyones minds about genies? you seem to be on every single post that has been made about genies.
    are you getting payed for this? or are you just choosing to waste all your time? b:bye annoying.

    Im enjoying my coffee and just replying to all the genie posts. I want to make sure my two sense is on all the many genie threads. I didnt really feel like leveling today and my genie is maxed with two skills i wanted. *sips coffee* Im glad im annoying you
  • Malena_Vazin - Lost City
    Malena_Vazin - Lost City Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    For however said the whole thing about people being scared to show their opinions and what not. Here is my opinion. Genies rock. 20% more damage done to my targets, yes please. reduce magic resistence by 30% HELL YEAH!

    Now as for the whole leveling them. I droped 20k spirit to get it to lvl 15. because i don't really care for any other skill right now except the ones I mentioned. I have now 150k spirit and all my most used spells are at lvl 10 (Save for SS). sure I still have more powerful spells to upgrade but as I don't plan on PKing till at least 80 my essential sutra combo mixed with Extreme poision is more effective than my ultimates.

    Now others will probably agree but i do not speak on their behalf. Mages and clerics are used to time constrains. to another class Essential sutra would seem to short. To a mage that 6 seconds is a blessing. Using extreme poision right before sutra would add up to about 80% more damge according to each individual spell or 20% more to your total combo. Does that sound right?, you would get about 4 sutra spells in the duration of the genie skill.

    ok I kind of trailed off but my point is, yes Genies are indeed useful and not at all a waste of spirit/EXP if used right.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Genies = free and not required.
    Free and not required = no need for you to use them.

    So if you don't like them then don't get one. It's that easy. Yea, I wasted about 4mil spirit total leveling two Genies and messed up real bad and was ready to rant off about them before I took the time needed to actually read what I need to do and fixed them.

    And you know what? I like them just fine. If you can't figure them out, then decompose it or something and shut up about it. People are readjusting their PvP tactics to counter against these anyway and in my opinion it just adds more fun to the challenge of figuring out your class.

    Bottom line is : they're not necessary, you don't have to pay real money for them, and they're something you can get if you want. Don't like them, don't use them.
  • Zerza - Harshlands
    Zerza - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    "WHHAAAA... QQ OMG Dees Jeeny's dunt maak mai tun oobar!!!"

    SHUT UP. Its a game. You dont like it? Play another. I personally LIKE my little glow bug following me around everywhere.


    Im really not sure what people were expecting with genies. Their meant to be one more element in a players arsenal, not the nuke b:shocked

    Anyone that doesn't like genies is either to lazy to research them or too ignorant.
  • Reivi - Sanctuary
    Reivi - Sanctuary Posts: 742 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    other game , same complaints

    Whatever game you play, be it F2P or P2P ..

    you get always the same complaints about "inovations"/"Extensions"

    And the same complaints about the cost/Xp/Level needed to attain it.

    Genies arent gonna make you king of the hill, Doesnt cost a thing to buy if you do circulate quest / grind and stock on some mirages stones ( we knew from a long time that they would be needed for the genies)

    The informations given by the GMs ??? the same information we get on any other game (Be it F2P or P2p) upon a new extension

    Dont expect to have all already cooked and predigested, learn, read, trials and errors are needed to learn to use the extension.

    We are the first in english, our trials and errors will be used by the ppl playing on other servers.

    So yes.. leveling a genie before you are in your 80's is awkward, but let ppl play and learn, ppl after their 80's will spent their SP , and replenish themselves to do other tries.

    And in 6 mounths , genies will be part of the game, a fact and nobody will expect the game without them.
    I look at all the trollers, and Pvpers.. and know they wouldnt have lasted 30sec on Camelot.

    Rules= Know your enemy (players and NPCs) gives you more chances to survive.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Im really not sure what people were expecting with genies. Their meant to be one more element in a players arsenal, not the nuke b:shocked

    Anyone that doesn't like genies is either to lazy to research them or too ignorant.

    My friend tried a full nuke Genie build... and guess what? A high leveled skill did only 500 damage to a LA Venomancer throughout the whole fight. Yea, every damage will help if you go around PvPing but face it - if you got a good build yourself, then the player will be dead anyways.

    Don't expect the genie to suddenly turn you superhuman. If you sucked before, then don't expect much of a change. These give you nice buffs I admit, but not much of a pew pew factor.

    Genies = not Veno pets. If they were to be that there would be no Veno class which equals many dissatisfied players. If you want a pet then go reroll as a Venomancer.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The only people that hate genies seem to be on PVE servers.. Genies are not a care bears friend, the genie has the ability to balance pvp situations. If you dont pvp, then dont use it. Cuz YES, its a waste for PVE servers.

    This game is focused on PVP,, those of you on PVE servers are missing half the game already b:chuckle

    That must be why there are 3 pve servers and 2 pvp ones.....
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Zerza - Harshlands
    Zerza - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That must be why there are 3 pve servers and 2 pvp ones.....

    Because theres more lovers then fighters in the world? b:surrender
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Because theres more lovers then fighters in the world? b:surrender

    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Otani - Dreamweaver
    Otani - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I might get one so I can have a pretty fluttery thing flying around...and wait for someone to write the inevitable "genie guide" before deciding to do anything with it.
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    As any one that has checked into the genie system has found out it is "useless" for anything but PvP, a huge cash sink(ingame gold and real life money). But I have come to expect such from the the Mental Giants at PWI.
    I am sure we all remember the last expansion and all the hype, quickly followed by the the truth that unless you hocked your house and your wife to pay for cash shop items to build up your gear, and were level 80 the new expansion was useless. Now we are given genies and "you can get them at at Level 1" failing to mention the fact, you at level 1 could no more afford to feed the damn thing , much less buy any equips for it.

    Next thing will be the cash shop item to feed your genie, and the stones or whatever to ensure that you get 10 points ever 10 levels. It's sad really when this game has so much promise of being something else other than a run of the mill Cash sucking WOW clone. PWI's greed and corruption is fast driving the player base away. Their inability or unwillingness to provide truthful information is turn the player base into jaded cynical and vindictive members of the gaming community.

    I for one am looking at the door, the misinformation, lack of information, rampant corruption and favortism have me looking to the exit. The only reason I am here now is because my friends are here and I will not leave them without the services of my class, which is needed in every aspect of the game. So before PWI's paid shills and fanboyzs start the flaming.........Don't blame me for pointing out the truth, If it stings and makes you uncomfortable, ask yourself why, if you were doing the right thing it wouldn't hurt.

    1. only useful for pvp, so? there are alot of things only usefull in pvp. dont bring up irrelevant points even though thats sort of what im doing but yeah

    2. feeding genies is practically free considering every stone you get from decomping armor can be used to feed them, and they dont drain over time. you get exactly what youre willing to pay for. no surprises there? i dont go out and pay 100k on pots and expect 100m worth of pots.

    3. you dont have to use the cash shop items, if you want the extra points then go for it. thats what cash shopping is about.

    4. perfect world is by no means losing any sort of player base. the game is growing and it is doing so quite freely

    5. if youre so bothered by it then just quit. in the time it takes you to decide to quit 2 new players will have taken your place, and your friend dont need you. for the same reason i dont need you

    6. one of the genies starts with a skill that lowers magical resistance by 30% for 4 seconds. being a cleric who neglects healing/support abilitys, that extra 30% magic decrease if used at an opportune time makes me even more likely to 1 hit someone. they are by no means useless
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I for one am really pissed at genies...i was about to ding to lvl 60(97.7% before daily) and went and got my genie... i wasnt paying attention and used MY EXP to lvl the stupid genie...which in turn took me down to 0% on my lvl. and i too have found the genines useless so far

    How is that the genie's fault. Thats just you being stupid.
  • Shadowreign - Harshlands
    Shadowreign - Harshlands Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    My friend tried a full nuke Genie build... and guess what? A high leveled skill did only 500 damage to a LA Venomancer throughout the whole fight. Yea, every damage will help if you go around PvPing but face it - if you got a good build yourself, then the player will be dead anyways.

    Don't expect the genie to suddenly turn you superhuman. If you sucked before, then don't expect much of a change. These give you nice buffs I admit, but not much of a pew pew factor.

    Genies = not Veno pets. If they were to be that there would be no Veno class which equals many dissatisfied players. If you want a pet then go reroll as a Venomancer.

    The Genie's have provided precisely what I expected them to, and I think they will make PvP that much more "interesting". Granted, the information as to how to get the most out of your Genie isn't written out for you to just "follow the steps", but that's part of the fun is being able to figure it out for yourself. It's neither the Dev's nor the GM's fault that those of you who are QQing have been spoon-fed everything and have no concept of actually having to work for something and thinking things out.