Best pvp Clan
none of em are really good i was 60 and 4 lvl 90s couldnt kill me i chased one archer from orchid temp to dreamweaver port theres only a select few who are any good but with that pathetic list id have to say RH and column if hes still in RQ0
But if u have a better list feel free to say who to add. Not too many guilds really go full pk too many people are scared of kos. I kinda miss the original Pg a lil bit atleast when they were annoying ppl it was more interesting. But if everyone would just pk there would be no need for politics and things would be more fun.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Boojangles - Lost City wrote: »But if u have a better list feel free to say who to add. Not too many guilds really go full pk too many people are scared of kos. I kinda miss the original Pg a lil bit atleast when they were annoying ppl it was more interesting. But if everyone would just pk there would be no need for politics and things would be more fun.
Now that's some logic I like.. b:victoryPosition: Professional Forum Troll
Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.
ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug0 -
Boojangles - Lost City wrote: »But if u have a better list feel free to say who to add. Not too many guilds really go full pk too many people are scared of kos. I kinda miss the original Pg a lil bit atleast when they were annoying ppl it was more interesting. But if everyone would just pk there would be no need for politics and things would be more fun.
I don't think this server would last very long if cq went out and pked everyone. I don't think most people could handle it. there has to be some form of restraint for most people.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
DateRaep b:bye b:angry b:laugh0
If your looking for a guild check this out.
I see that other has 29 votes. Any idea what other faction this could be?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank You Forsakenx0 -
Ethree - Lost City wrote: »Obviously CQ is the best pvp guild there is. We have herbs flowers and mobs on kos. The flowers and herbs get pwned badly. Sobbie leads the charge on the kos of the mobs and it isnt pretty. Oh and a hint for those who wanna delcare kos on herbs and flowers. If you ultay right when the flower is about to die you get better drops b:bye
It's true. I got taken out by a CQ member just for staring at a high level tulip I couldn't even farm.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.
Faction History in Order:
RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.0 -
SB has no allies?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank You Forsakenx0 -
so how can i join redhawk?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
A good moderator should:
- Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
- Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
- Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool0 -
Tell him you are intrested and joinen, and that I sent you.
Thank You Forsakenx0 -
If people put a vote in the slot named "other" they should say who they voted for. so far RH RQ and SB are the only full blown pk guilds that are still alive... E-Pker might contend when it grows. RH and SB have the least amount of politics so id say its a close call bettween us 2. From what I know of SB, its kind of the same build as RH.The biggest difference might be the fact that SB has no allies[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Great idea posted it on the first page.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank You Forsakenx0 -
Everyone knows that RQ just ganks ppl and teams up on them and shortbus cant fight a decent fight if the other person is afk. The best pking clan that I have run into is far.Spoons you will forever be missed in this community0
Never heard of them.
Why would you even say that?
Are you in the faction?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank You Forsakenx0 -
Well we still need time for growth to become in contention for the best. But we are fast recruiting some big names and building an interesting alliance. We feature such pkers as Runordie, Elinaaa, and ThePope.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.
Faction History in Order:
RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.0 -
Redhawk is so scary you have NO idea.
Everyday I think, "Oh my days I hope I don't get ganked by RH today! DDDD:!"
Then I wake up, and kill them while doing World Quest. b:victoryNo hiding in room 32 NPC.
b:bye0 -
Boojangles - Lost City wrote: »If people put a vote in the slot named "other" they should say who they voted for. so far RH RQ and SB are the only full blown pk guilds that are still alive... E-Pker might contend when it grows. RH and SB have the least amount of politics so id say its a close call bettween us 2. From what I know of SB, its kind of the same build as RH.The biggest difference might be the fact that SB has no allies
I think the Red map speaks for itself.Dizzy - Lost City wrote: »Well we still need time for growth to become in contention for the best. But we are fast recruiting some big names and building an interesting alliance. We feature such pkers as Runordie, Elinaaa, and ThePope.
Last time I checked they cant PK anyone their own level.
They have to go into the level 30 zones to pick off the lowbies.
Elinaaa totally wrong chatted her radio backup "help! I'm being pk'ed" when she attempted someone 8x. Its hilarious actually. I seriously thought about popping into the area to 3 shot her, but I thought the other guy was donig well enough to send her running to the safe-zone.0 -
Why is CQ not included in this poll? Cuz they dont random PK lvl 30 whites they dont qualify?0
JohntheFlash - Lost City wrote: »Why is CQ not included in this poll? Cuz they dont random PK lvl 30 whites they dont qualify?
Swine Flu got CQ b:spitPosition: Professional Forum Troll
Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.
ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug0 -
Piliener - Lost City wrote: »Everyone knows that RQ just ganks ppl and teams up on them and shortbus cant fight a decent fight if the other person is afk. The best pking clan that I have run into is far.
For the record shortbus Kos' Afk people its bad for the environment b:cute0 -
angellicdeity wrote: »
Last time I checked they cant PK anyone their own level.
They have to go into the level 30 zones to pick off the lowbies.
We're under new management. Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot less of NoAngel's pking helpless 30s soon (except Elinaaa will probably never stop, so you guys will always have some fun with that).
And I have to say, pking the afkers for the benefit of the environment is a noble cause indeed b:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.
Faction History in Order:
RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.0 -
i have heard great things about RageQuit. so ill have to go with them[SIGPIC]b:angry[/SIGPIC]0
ok lets just sort things out a bit.
PK Guild = Guild that pks
Best PK Guild must = the guild that pks the hardest.
first of all dont even inclued CQ because they kos people who pk meaning they arent a pk guild.
looking at the server, in my eye, the top 3 hardest pking guilds are RH RQ and SB. Why, u ask? ill tell u
ill start with my faction first. Redhawk has been around since the start and has outlived many of the guilds who kos'd it and or has deemed it to be a fail faction. It is currently the most KOS'd guild on the server because it attacks whoever it wants whenever. White names red names Higher lvl factions lower lvl factions. In the Eyes of RH if you arent a friend then ur free game. RH holds members who dont care if they die or get camped, so it wont disband over something like that. RH is prolly the smaller of the 3 guilds because of it being in a constant state of war. it also has the lowest recruitment lvl. RH is dangerous because of its vindictive attitude and never ending KOS
Rage Quit has also been around form the beggining of the server and a good about of its members were in the beta testing. it is the biggest of the 3 guilds and has the highest lvls. This is another guild that has outlived many of its enemies. Although they do not pk as much they still do a good amount of ganking. From what it looks like a good amount of members will attack players of equal level and like RH lower weaker players shall be punished as well. RQ has a decent amount of TW experience, but since its original leader isnt around its hard to say what the future may hold for them other than pk fests. RQ is dangerous because of its high lvls and numbers
ShortBus is prabably smaller than RH but that has not been confirmed. They like RQ and RH dont really who they kill. From what i know they have an allied list that is prabably small. The original leader is no longer present but they remain to be what seems to be a stable pking force. It has decent lvls in it and i have yet to see any white SB members so that means they have to pk hard. They are the newest Guild of the three but seem to be doing well agains the kos they must have from pking so much. SB dangerous because its smaller and harder to find if ur gunna kos
Biggest= RQ then RH then SB
Oldest= RH&RQ then SB
most active in pk= RH&SB then RQ
Most KOS = RH then RQ then SB
Most stable = seems to be a Tie
Highest lvl average = RQ then SB then RH[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Um, I heard SB disbanded, or at least lost a lot of it's members.0
yea, a lot of sb's left for spectral. truth in it's hard to track sb's T.T, tried pking for revenge a few times but could never find them xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty0 -
THEY CANNOT BE KILLEDb:shocked...they are all blue named >.>0 -
Boojangles - Lost City wrote: »ok lets just sort things out a bit.
PK Guild = Guild that pks
Best PK Guild must = the guild that pks the hardest.
first of all dont even inclued CQ because they kos people who pk meaning they arent a pk guild.
looking at the server, in my eye, the top 3 hardest pking guilds are RH RQ and SB. Why, u ask? ill tell u
ill start with my faction first. Redhawk has been around since the start and has outlived many of the guilds who kos'd it and or has deemed it to be a fail faction. It is currently the most KOS'd guild on the server because it attacks whoever it wants whenever. White names red names Higher lvl factions lower lvl factions. In the Eyes of RH if you arent a friend then ur free game. RH holds members who dont care if they die or get camped, so it wont disband over something like that. RH is prolly the smaller of the 3 guilds because of it being in a constant state of war. it also has the lowest recruitment lvl. RH is dangerous because of its vindictive attitude and never ending KOS
Rage Quit has also been around form the beggining of the server and a good about of its members were in the beta testing. it is the biggest of the 3 guilds and has the highest lvls. This is another guild that has outlived many of its enemies. Although they do not pk as much they still do a good amount of ganking. From what it looks like a good amount of members will attack players of equal level and like RH lower weaker players shall be punished as well. RQ has a decent amount of TW experience, but since its original leader isnt around its hard to say what the future may hold for them other than pk fests. RQ is dangerous because of its high lvls and numbers
ShortBus is prabably smaller than RH but that has not been confirmed. They like RQ and RH dont really who they kill. From what i know they have an allied list that is prabably small. The original leader is no longer present but they remain to be what seems to be a stable pking force. It has decent lvls in it and i have yet to see any white SB members so that means they have to pk hard. They are the newest Guild of the three but seem to be doing well agains the kos they must have from pking so much. SB dangerous because its smaller and harder to find if ur gunna kos
Biggest= RQ then RH then SB
Oldest= RH&RQ then SB
most active in pk= RH&SB then RQ
Most KOS = RH then RQ then SB
Most stable = seems to be a Tie
Highest lvl average = RQ then SB then RH
I do give redhawk some credit, even though i kill you guys whenever i see you around. You don't have the levels or numbers we do for support, but you're still around.
As far as RQ being less active in pvp...people have been gearing up and leveling. We're trying to find that good balance between mindless pk and mindless grind.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Yea i heard you guys were doing alot of HH runs now[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Like YM said, we try to find a good mix. Even though we are lvling up and getting gear, I still see 19 RQ on the PK ladder, and only 2 RH. (One of which comes from RQ.) b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!
9x Cleric
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