Lost City RedHawks



  • Boojangles - Lost City
    Boojangles - Lost City Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well Boo only if it were true that you have control over your guild, granted putting things to a vote is great but dont come to someone and ask for a cease fire and then have your guildees vote, do the voting before hand. And as for Dixie and roughly another 30 or so players are no longer in YaKuZa. We are a PKK guild I have told my members several times only to attk rednames. and YaKuZa isnt going to disband or disolve and were definatly not getting weaker, if anything your helping us get stronger by fueling the hate ppl have for RH. So I just ask keep it up, I love it that my members are getting stronger and taking out more of yall more often now. b:laughb:victory

    Well... few things wrong with that. Weather u knew this or not your guildie came to me and asked for a ceasefire. I personaly couldnt give any less of a dam about it, So when this came to me i said ok lets have a ceasefire. Then i asked the RedHawks and most were cool with it so we had that red name only rule. But yea Dixie went aroud killing EVERYONE from RH so that didnt last long. She actually killed me while i had a white name. Part of the reason she got me was because i left her alone thinking she as an officer knew the deal. i was wrong she fcked up and i died as result.

    So yea dont go and pin that whole thing on us. We did have a vote to end kos with u guys yet another time. This time it came from one of mine who said they had many friends in YAK i said i dont care lets vote i think it came back as yes and we tried again. Im sure u guys got hit a few times but remember RH have adamant pkers and sometimes word traveled slow. We got hit too but such was expected. I agree that may be my fault that some were ill informed but to say they do not listen to me when i give orders would be a false statement. Im not going into the whole thing but there were **** ups on both sides. Either u knew nothing of this or fail to admit it, either way thats old news.

    However i will say thank u for actually being one of the first people to answer the topic of the post in full. I Believe this is what Wolfy wanted to hear. Hopefully more people who KOS us will have something to say other than a general speculation of Revenge.

    To answer one such question i believe one guild put us on kos because they thought RH and RQ were allies or safe-listed. Thoes reasons may or may not have changed.
  • Susie_Q - Lost City
    Susie_Q - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Never really cared to pk RH until maybe a week or so ago. If u have some adamant Pkrs take them to task. Their actions reflect upon you and the entire guild has to face the consequences. Dixie isnt un YaKuZa anymore but you still have people in RH instigating things.

    I had been pkd by your people so many times and now I have caught up to their levels and the tables have turned.
    I have been pkd by so many random pkrs but have almost never heard any of them talk trash like some of you do and thats why I will kill one of yours for everyone of ours that you kill. Besides there are people in RH who glitch bosses.

    P.S: johnnieboy accused me of using potions in a fight while he was spamming apoc items like crazy. LMAO
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Um... aren't potions allowed in PK?

    I thought it was only duel ettiquette that didn't allow pots (apoc or npc alike) to be used...

    I don't PK, so forgive my noobness in the matter if I'm wrong. I'd just find it funny if a PKer is complaining because someone used pots. lol
  • RedBull - Lost City
    RedBull - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    uhhh, why do we all pk RedHawk? well... for starters your all just sht that should quit now, you have nothing to play for....
    You get killed by people lower lvl then you while you are outnumbering them and then you whine about it saying things like "you used a pot" or "I missed alot"... lol wtf??? b:angry really? If you kill them, you brag about how you killed someone lower lvl then you... wow, good job, maybe eventually you can take on 50+'s but nah, you need to work your way up before that...
    Besides having members that need to **** in order to get anywhere in the game, you guys just plainly suck, cant kill sht, and you are sht.....

    And no Booj, you dont have any control on your members whatsoever and the day that Ganja comes to you and askes to be taken off KOS is the day i quit. First off, asking you anything would be more degrading then eating ****, and why would we want to be off your KOS, all we get from you is stuff since you cant do anything.

    well, i think i've said enough......b:pleased

    YAKUZA FOREVER!! b:victory

    RedHawk, just quit... really, or do better, try killing someone your lvl, not 30 below...... cyaz..b:bye
  • Landmaster - Lost City
    Landmaster - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    RH needs, for starters to if they are going to pk get some stronger people... and second boo you have no control over your guild your guild leader do something bout it and third YaKuZa rocks forever, and we will always be there to slowly and painfully grind your head into the ground b:victory
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Um... aren't potions allowed in PK?

    I thought it was only duel ettiquette that didn't allow pots (apoc or npc alike) to be used...

    I don't PK, so forgive my noobness in the matter if I'm wrong. I'd just find it funny if a PKer is complaining because someone used pots. lol

    Yes you can use pots in pk..anything goes. There's anti stun pots, damage reduction pots etc.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    davedr wrote: »
    First of let me start to bore you RHs with some history.
    As soon as I got to lvl 30 yours was the first guild to pk me that too with a full squad of people 20 or more lvls above me. With the kind of initiation that I got to pk, I still never really bothered coz its a pvp server after all even though it was a little upsetting.
    Now let me categorically describe to you why I kill any of u when I see you and I believe these are the exact reasons why everybody pks you on sight.(I personally make sure that I pk at least one of you before i go to bed)

    1.You are on a pvp server.
    2.You openly declare to be a pk guild.
    3.You camp at lowbie sites pkin lowbies mercilessly.
    4.You have people who allegedly use cheats/hacks/glitches. Ihave screens to prove it.
    5.You ask for ceasefire several times. We agree to it. 5 mins later u attack us. You ask again and as our officers are discussing it, you attack our members again.
    6.You have members who abuse and also those who racially abuse.
    7.You bark but have no bite to back it.
    8.Most importantly you have run people out of patience.

    Now let me give u some suggestions as to what to do to get out of the hole that you have dug for yourself.

    2.Leave the guild.
    3.Apologize publicly and swear not to do it again.(We wont believe you anyway considering the past.)

    Until then my guild and I will kill you.
    P.S: I put all this in points to make it easier for your little minds to read and comprehend.
    ok dumbs. read the forums. don't put your two cents in if your just going to be a dumbass. and second we can spank you guild **** hard.
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    davedr wrote: »
    First of let me start to bore you RHs with some history.
    As soon as I got to lvl 30 yours was the first guild to pk me that too with a full squad of people 20 or more lvls above me. With the kind of initiation that I got to pk, I still never really bothered coz its a pvp server after all even though it was a little upsetting.
    Now let me categorically describe to you why I kill any of u when I see you and I believe these are the exact reasons why everybody pks you on sight.(I personally make sure that I pk at least one of you before i go to bed)

    1.You are on a pvp server.
    2.You openly declare to be a pk guild.
    3.You camp at lowbie sites pkin lowbies mercilessly.
    4.You have people who allegedly use cheats/hacks/glitches. Ihave screens to prove it.
    5.You ask for ceasefire several times. We agree to it. 5 mins later u attack us. You ask again and as our officers are discussing it, you attack our members again.
    6.You have members who abuse and also those who racially abuse.
    7.You bark but have no bite to back it.
    8.Most importantly you have run people out of patience.

    Now let me give u some suggestions as to what to do to get out of the hole that you have dug for yourself.

    2.Leave the guild.
    3.Apologize publicly and swear not to do it again.(We wont believe you anyway considering the past.)

    Until then my guild and I will kill you.
    P.S: I put all this in points to make it easier for your little minds to read and comprehend.

    most of those things on that list seems liek stuff that CQ does (espeacially the camping and the cheats and hacks)
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Not everyone in RH and other guilds are pkers, like I'm not one unless you attack me first. So why continue to kill if they don't fight back or if they are white? I can see if that white person attacked one of your guildmembers first or if the person has hours on them, but if they are just questing and are innocent why attack them?
    I also have a few friends in other guilds, like two friends in Integrity, and as long as they are present with me I'm safe, but the instance they aren't I'm getting pked by their guild, even if the person attacking me knows I'm the other person's friend.

    Well since your affliated with RH you die, it doesnt matter if your white, red, pink, questing, afk, your in RH and if you get spotted by someone in KOS, you die, thats the whole point of KOS.
  • Susie_Q - Lost City
    Susie_Q - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Talking about lameness let me narrate an incident that happened a few days ago.

    I was on my WQ and I was flying by ether blade I see a RH 7x Barb, a 65+ BM and a 6x Archer fighting 4 or 5 people from a lesser known guild called Menace who were putting up a decent fight.
    I just couldnt let such an opportunity pass and I jumped in and I dont need to tell you what happened. As usual RH start yelling making a lot of noise and abusing coz all else failed.LOL. Then they invited me to squad and asked me why was I helping Menace. LMAO. One of them even said "I have given your name to our guild.. you are dead...." ROFL. Anyway I was asked to broker peace and I did. Hell I even returned some realgar one of the RH dropped.

    Some people never learn.. even the hard way. BTW the only person I have seen in RH who keeps his word is Sinep.

    P.S: Did I mention that the 4-5 people from Menace were all 50 and below?
    Now ask yourself why you shouldnt be on everyones KoS.
  • Susie_Q - Lost City
    Susie_Q - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ok dumbs. read the forums. don't put your two cents in if your just going to be a dumbass. and second we can spank you guild **** hard.

    Is this arrogance or naievity? You member asks why your guild is on so many kos lists and when people even bother to reply you start talking trash. Is that a requirement to join RH?
  • Boojangles - Lost City
    Boojangles - Lost City Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow i wish i would have seen this post earlier. I woulda def killed all thoes yakuza i saw today. Everytime i look at this post all ic r people flaming. As far as RH only going after People lvl 30 why dont u ask CQ if i dont attack them everytime i see them. So far all i see are people talking **** based on the fact that they dont like us. Let me remind you that this is irrelevant information. RH does not give a dam if u like us or not just answer the question wolfy posted nothing else.

    IF u dont start the sentence with we KOS u because then just dont speak. Further more If any of u feel the need to fight some one in RH ill be more than happy to let to clear up any Rumors about me running from High lvls or QQing. Feel free to send me a pm in game i could care less what lvl ur lvl 30 - 101 u all come through.... and thats how RH rolls. Even if i dont kill u im not going to hide in safe and i sure as hell wont back down.

    Since Yakuza thinks they r special or something i think i might remind u guys what happend in the swamps 2 nights ago. Yep thats right 3 vs 7 where u guys got owned atleast 5 times before anyone of us died (and that was the cleric) and u kept pulling more and more in. The only reason u guys got anywhere was because CQ showed up. Your leader was there im sure She told u what went down. the only thing that saves u is the fact that we didnt start taping till CQ came. U better hope we didnt get footage of 15 people trying to kill me and failing for 7 minutes.

    On a final note to that person who was not paying attention i didnt say Ganja came to me for peace i said one of ur members did. And yea about that boss we "Glitched" Iron man was cool about it so i guess u can stop spreading rumors now.

    Now that thats all settled lets get back to the Topic.
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Talking about lameness let me narrate an incident that happened a few days ago.

    I was on my WQ and I was flying by ether blade I see a RH 7x Barb, a 65+ BM and a 6x Archer fighting 4 or 5 people from a lesser known guild called Menace who were putting up a decent fight.
    I just couldnt let such an opportunity pass and I jumped in and I dont need to tell you what happened. As usual RH start yelling making a lot of noise and abusing coz all else failed.LOL. Then they invited me to squad and asked me why was I helping Menace. LMAO. One of them even said "I have given your name to our guild.. you are dead...." ROFL. Anyway I was asked to broker peace and I did. Hell I even returned some realgar one of the RH dropped.

    Some people never learn.. even the hard way. BTW the only person I have seen in RH who keeps his word is Sinep.

    P.S: Did I mention that the 4-5 people from Menace were all 50 and below?
    Now ask yourself why you shouldnt be on everyones KoS.

    ok first of all... all of them wasnt 5x, there was a 6x barb there, a 6x veno, an archer, 2 clerics, and 2 bm... so what we were all 6x, strength can be in numbers, incase you didnt know. and dont assume some ones lvl if you didnt look at the gears they have on ok? i look at ppls gears b4 i fight them. and when you was there didnt you say they were all 40x? now all of a sudden it is 50x? and the thing you said about sinep being the only one who keeps his word in RH is sinep... um yea sinep does but so do 100 other ppl in RH, you dont know us well enough to say such ignorant things. like i always tell ppl "you dont know what RedHawk is unless your actually apart of us"
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Moving this out of general and into the lost city forum

    edit: this is kind of a crazy thread, haha
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hawk wrote: »
    Moving this out of general and into the lost city forum

    edit: this is kind of a crazy thread, haha

    you see? even the MOD is down with the Hawks b:laugh
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Is this arrogance or naievity? You member asks why your guild is on so many kos lists and when people even bother to reply you start talking trash. Is that a requirement to join RH?

    i could say the same to you sweety. is it arrogance or naievity that you are posting on this forum.
    i am surprised that this thread made it to 14 pages. ok we know what kos is and we understand the meaning of kos. NOW shut the hell up. this thread got way off of topic the it sicken's me that people are flinging trash at other people in here. it was a mistake for one of are members to post in this forum. but its a mistake for all you noobs and arrogant retoads to take a simple question and slanderize on it.

    and the only reason half these people are on cause they dislike RedHawks.
    let me just say this. RedHawks DOES NOT hate other factions. their for we don't Kos anyone. yes maybe the new members try to bite off more then they can chew and attack higher lvl players, tell me this who hasn't. thats no reason to kos people. and when faction starts waring with another faction their is no reason to Kos. so stop complaining and stop your childish slandering.
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hawk wrote: »
    Moving this out of general and into the lost city forum

    edit: this is kind of a crazy thread, haha
    thank you hawk
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • Susie_Q - Lost City
    Susie_Q - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LMAO. You asked for reasons why you are being KoSd. And you are being given reasons whereas you dont even need a reason for PK for a pvp server.
    Stop whining and move to a PvE server. I think Boo you are a weak leader. Period.
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LMAO. You asked for reasons why you are being KoSd. And you are being given reasons whereas you dont even need a reason for PK for a pvp server.
    Stop whining and move to a PvE server. I think Boo you are a weak leader. Period.

    little girl... you still dont understand the reason for this post, this isnt a QQ post. this is a post that is simply asking simple reasons and simple people like you shouldnt even post here.
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LMAO. You asked for reasons why you are being KoSd. And you are being given reasons whereas you dont even need a reason for PK for a pvp server.
    Stop whining and move to a PvE server. I think Boo you are a weak leader. Period.

    wow more slander. you need to grow up little girl. still you don't understand the thread. grow up little girl, grow up.
    oh, and we already know its a pk server but pking and kos has two different meanings.
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • ch2h5oh
    ch2h5oh Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Tea and crumpets anyone?
    Uninstalled Perfect World 4/21/2009, good bye.
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ch2h5oh wrote: »
    Tea and crumpets anyone?

    oh thank you. don't mind if i do.
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I do it because I think most of their core members are pathetic and a lot of their guild are too full of themselves. No matter how many times you kill angryteddy, he'll always call you bad. People like Elinaaa and SoAsian (if he's still in there; haven't seen him at all recently) don't even need explanations. Then there's the hypocrites like Morgannia who keep crying when you kill them, but talk **** when they're the one doing it to lower levels themselves.

    That and RH has always been a nice source of income for me, lol.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • BlueSapphire - Lost City
    BlueSapphire - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well at least BlueSapphire posts using her ingame avatar, as for the anonimous litle winers they sure can talk allot BS, why not show who you are in game? what could it be.........b:shocked?

    Seriously ppl, why all the hate? Either your 12 years old, or your life is so empty you have to channel your feelings so much towards a game....

    Still going a litle off topic, BlueSapphire,dont know if you didnt put your reading glasses on or if your inteligence was so insulted it abandoned you alltogether, but what I did say was that we didnt turn down a fight because we are out leveld or out numbered, that doesnt mean we dont call for help in-guild when needed.

    Personally I've never seen booj QQ (like you guys are doing right now), neither is he the type of asking for truce, think theres allot o fairy tales outhere............ well by the amount of unidentified flamers in this thread theres certainly alott of fairies ..

    Maybe I did misinterpret what you said in your original post and if I did then I am sorry (either that or it could have been a blonde moment b:chuckle ).

    But I don’t know how often you go pking with booj but on the occasions I have been around he is usually in safe zone and mouthing/crying (whatever you choose to call it.). He isn’t the only Red Hawk to do this either. Im not saying all of RH are cry babies.

    BTW I wasn’t crying in my post I was just stating why I thought your guild are kos’d.

    I for 1 have never been pk’d by any RH although I have killed a couple, booj included for pking lower members of my guild.
    If I ever am, I still wouldn’t cry about it even though I am probably 1 of the biggest care bear on the server.
    It is after all a PK server.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I for 1 have never been pk
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow they need to fix their forum, it can't even handle some symbols, lol.
    I for 1 have never been pkd by any RH although I have killed a couple, booj included for pking lower members of my guild.
    If I ever am, I still wouldn’t cry about it even though I am probably 1 of the biggest care bear on the server.
    RH doesn't PK people at lv65+. I've never even ran into any of them since that level while questing/grinding. Only times I run into them it's at hidden orchid or tusk, lol.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Susie_Q - Lost City
    Susie_Q - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow more slander. you need to grow up little girl. still you don't understand the thread. grow up little girl, grow up.
    oh, and we already know its a pk server but pking and kos has two different meanings.

    Dont talk till you amount to something Shidoshi. Please elaborate on PK and KoS being different? Your leader himself declares KoS on so many guilds. Eitherway we are at different wavelengths or you are just not smart enough.
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ch2h5oh wrote: »
    Tea and crumpets anyone?

    Lets have a tea party!
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow they need to fix their forum, it can't even handle some symbols, lol.

    RH doesn't PK people at lv65+. I've never even ran into any of them since that level while questing/grinding. Only times I run into them it's at hidden orchid or tusk, lol.

    lol? RH have plenty of high lvl pkers
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I for 1 have never been pk

    when i say that i hope your not saying you've never been pked by any of us? if you are its probably true cuz you always run away.
This discussion has been closed.