Lost City RedHawks
Kristoph - Lost City wrote: »BlueSapphire - Lost City wrote: »I for 1 have never been pkBows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »
when i say that i hope your not saying you've never been pked by any of us? if you are its probably true cuz you always run away.
Actually if you had BOTHER to read the full post you would have seen that was a mis-quote, the forum screwed up.
What I said in my original post was…That I have never been pk’d by any RH member, that’s not because I run away. You really need to buy some mirrors. Believe me, where I am sitting you are not that scary.0 -
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »um yea next time you see her let her throw on her plume sheild... watch that 3 hit turn into a 14 hit... you cant brag about killing a cleric or even an archer with a low amount of hits if the sheild isnt up b:bye
Yeah, because plume shell saves you against magic attacks.
Game basics, idiot.Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0 -
Kristoph - Lost City wrote: »...
Yeah, because plume shell saves you against magic attacks.
Game basics, idiot.
stfu with your insults, you say little boy. b:bye0 -
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »stfu with your insults, you say little boy. b:bye
Wow, please look at what you said. The guy in question is a MAGE (magic attack) vs a EP. You said his 3 hits will turn into 14 hits because of PLUME SHELL, which blocks PHYSICAL damage, not magic damage0 -
darkwhispers wrote: »Wow, please look at what you said. The guy in question is a MAGE (magic attack) vs a EP. You said his 3 hits will turn into 14 hits because of PLUME SHELL, which blocks PHYSICAL damage, not magic damage
excuse me for not knowing alot about cleric skills being that i'm not a cleric neither have a bothered to interview one. b:bye0 -
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »excuse me for not knowing alot about cleric skills being that i'm not a cleric neither have a bothered to interview one. b:byeWondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.0
Here comes the information why Hashishin kills RH members all the time. Your members killed our lvl 30-60 members in your random pk actions, I talked to Boo to stop that, but he started with this Savelist Jokes and after we talked in guild about that, our leader just let all of us kill RH. Its no KoS, RH is just on the list of guilds we can kill. Its the other way round like your savelist.
If you pk one of our members you need to deal with, that others will come to fight back and perhaps the guilds you atack in RPK not only have lvl 30-60.
have a nice day
Tika (Hashishin Director)0 -
SoultheWolf - Lost City wrote: »This question is mainly for all the members on the Lost City server.
I'm a member of the PvP guild RedHawks, and though I know I'd be a target when I joined I still have to ask: What did RedHawk ever do to make other guilds so mad at them? There are so many guildes such as Conquer, Integrity, Reaction, Hashishin, ect. that will kill any RH member on sight. I've tried asking them before but they always just say "Sorry KOS" or "You're RH I kill RH" so I never get an answer to my question. So what made all you guys so mad at us? Or are you just killing because we're KOS? Not everyone in RH and other guilds are pkers, like I'm not one unless you attack me first. So why continue to kill if they don't fight back or if they are white? I can see if that white person attacked one of your guildmembers first or if the person has hours on them, but if they are just questing and are innocent why attack them?
I also have a few friends in other guilds, like two friends in Integrity, and as long as they are present with me I'm safe, but the instance they aren't I'm getting pked by their guild, even if the person attacking me knows I'm the other person's friend.
P.S. Please don't put rude comments on here, I've only asked because I haven't been able to get an answer by asking. Thanks to all thoughs who kindly replied.
b:victory REDHAWKS RULE!!! b:victory
Erm its quite simple.
Johnnieboy, the biggest "special" trumpet spender is in your guild. You guys have random PKed etc.. If you're a nice person join a guild that represents what you like.Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
Llama - Lost City wrote: »Erm its quite simple.
Johnnieboy, the biggest "special" trumpet spender is in your guild. You guys have random PKed etc.. If you're a nice person join a guild that represents what you like.
If you don't like being PK'd in the name of KoS just stay guildless for a while.
Most of the guilds don't RPK guildless players since they see such people as a future asset to their guild.
It's a PvP server, dying is nothing but a free warp to the safe zone. If you get attacked by a random white named person just let him/her turn red on you, they will usually spend the next 2 hours afk in some safezone. If they come back, try to kill them because either they've got dolls that they will be loosing if dead or they can drop their items. Its fun none the less.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Uninstalled Perfect World 4/21/2009, good bye.0 -
independence wrote: »Now, i remember the main point of the first post was to ask people why they kos redhawk.. so far only one person have answered.. everybody else have been trying to explain what kos is..
Now, try stick to the question instead of trying to teach us about kos and pk..
RedHawk 4 life
Honestly does it have to be any more plain? Hmm okay for the three year old. RH is responsible for irratation in peoples activity. Exsample: You kill a CQ while he's on WQ or attack him or her while their hangin out. Hmm lemme see do you honestly think CQ is gonna lay off? Most of the time ive witnessed RH goones travling in packs or are at that lvl to handle themselves enough. NOW there is a reason why the words "KoS" or "Kosing" has been slipped into a game like this. Guilds will not tolerate death of their members. RH wouldnt why should others?
Think about that if your mind isnt so narrow to think and emitt words that you yourself just spilled out in ignorance. KOS is more of a punishment in my sense somthing you get when you have pressed the wrong buttons or just ****ed with the wrong people at the wrong damn time. WTH would you call it if you attacked a group of people who were in the same faction and they all got ganked by one or most likely more of your RH members, an they so fit to come after you personally in a group or when they see you....Kill them on site right?
This is a pvp server so just like pking flys so shall KoSing, and it will fly even higher. As a leader you wouldn't tolerate your members getting killed. Who would? Its not leadership.
An most likely the odds are enough that with your "random pk" you've nailed peoples friends...comrades or others enough to get people triggerhappy enough to want to deal with you where it will hurt (hence you postiin your question). KoS Is the remedy. When your seen you will be killed. This prevents the possibility of you pking..this prevents the idea and plan.
Of course..no one can ultimately stop you because you die..and revive..its a game of course you do. But as I said..and here are my outlines on this.
Why are you "killed on site" ?
A fickle question asked by someone and...it's either to be a thorn on one's side or they were completely and utterly stupid to ask this.
Reason of Kos:
1. People will come after for the simple fact you killed them randomly or a friend. Why not randomly pk u? (pvp server duh?)White or Red
2. Leaders who pull KoS on any faction is because as a LEADER you wouldnt tolerate your guildies getting killed multiple times from anyone! let alone be attacked. An to ensure that you will support your members you will put this into action (KoS) and make it fair for anyone in his/her guild to unload on whoever harms his/her "people's" and grant them the same power to kill at will as RH would.(Level the playing field. Pvp is countered with KoS to supress its activity on faction members) pvp server=Kos ability=ability to specifically target one or more factions= pvp server ^^
So since ive pitched in my two cents..and I rather think that its pretty plain and specific...for every action..is a reaction. RH kills, RH gets killed. White or Red. **** or straight. **** or not..it's gonna happen.
3. You **** people off why not kill you too? ^^ is it not fair?0 -
Governator - Lost City wrote: »Governator - Lost City wrote: »Governator - Lost City wrote: »Governator - Lost City wrote: »Governator - Lost City wrote: »17 pages is too much attention for this guild tbh.
No, seriously.MOAR PLANS b:angry
Because we can.0 -
"Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
Requesting mod / Admin to lock this thread.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Uninstalled Perfect World 4/21/2009, good bye.0 -
Honestly does it have to be any more plain? Hmm okay for the three year old. RH is responsible for irratation in peoples activity. Exsample: You kill a CQ while he's on WQ or attack him or her while their hangin out. Hmm lemme see do you honestly think CQ is gonna lay off? Most of the time ive witnessed RH goones travling in packs or are at that lvl to handle themselves enough. NOW there is a reason why the words "KoS" or "Kosing" has been slipped into a game like this. Guilds will not tolerate death of their members. RH wouldnt why should others?
Think about that if your mind isnt so narrow to think and emitt words that you yourself just spilled out in ignorance. KOS is more of a punishment in my sense somthing you get when you have pressed the wrong buttons or just ****ed with the wrong people at the wrong damn time. WTH would you call it if you attacked a group of people who were in the same faction and they all got ganked by one or most likely more of your RH members, an they so fit to come after you personally in a group or when they see you....Kill them on site right?
This is a pvp server so just like pking flys so shall KoSing, and it will fly even higher. As a leader you wouldn't tolerate your members getting killed. Who would? Its not leadership.
An most likely the odds are enough that with your "random pk" you've nailed peoples friends...comrades or others enough to get people triggerhappy enough to want to deal with you where it will hurt (hence you postiin your question). KoS Is the remedy. When your seen you will be killed. This prevents the possibility of you pking..this prevents the idea and plan.
Of course..no one can ultimately stop you because you die..and revive..its a game of course you do. But as I said..and here are my outlines on this.
Why are you "killed on site" ?
A fickle question asked by someone and...it's either to be a thorn on one's side or they were completely and utterly stupid to ask this.
Reason of Kos:
1. People will come after for the simple fact you killed them randomly or a friend. Why not randomly pk u? (pvp server duh?)White or Red
2. Leaders who pull KoS on any faction is because as a LEADER you wouldnt tolerate your guildies getting killed multiple times from anyone! let alone be attacked. An to ensure that you will support your members you will put this into action (KoS) and make it fair for anyone in his/her guild to unload on whoever harms his/her "people's" and grant them the same power to kill at will as RH would.(Level the playing field. Pvp is countered with KoS to supress its activity on faction members) pvp server=Kos ability=ability to specifically target one or more factions= pvp server ^^
So since ive pitched in my two cents..and I rather think that its pretty plain and specific...for every action..is a reaction. RH kills, RH gets killed. White or Red. **** or straight. **** or not..it's gonna happen.
3. You **** people off why not kill you too? ^^ is it not fair?
did u seriously just quote that and then tell us what kos is.... Ok we know what kos is what it comes from and why it MIGHT be here. if thats not YOUR reason for comming after RH everything u have just said is useless. We arent looking for people to speculate. Just we/ i kos u because and then something like ur guild stole my chest. Please no more stories of what kos is. like 10 people said the same thing 10 different ways; do u guys even read past posts?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
evilsquirrel wrote: »Here comes the information why Hashishin kills RH members all the time. Your members killed our lvl 30-60 members in your random pk actions, I talked to Boo to stop that, but he started with this Savelist Jokes and after we talked in guild about that, our leader just let all of us kill RH. Its no KoS, RH is just on the list of guilds we can kill. Its the other way round like your savelist.
If you pk one of our members you need to deal with, that others will come to fight back and perhaps the guilds you atack in RPK not only have lvl 30-60.
have a nice day
Tika (Hashishin Director)
wow lol i heard that before but im glad to see that in your own words you really are mad we didnt safe list you. ill let everyone know right now RH safe list is competitive i dont care if u believe it or not its a fact. Thats why i couldnt just throw Hash up there ppl kinda gotta earn it. But its all cool no hard feelings we kill u we expect u to fight back. kos is something different even tho alot of people do not realize this. KOS is going way out of your way to ruin some one. BTW we only do this to people who claim kos on us. everyone else is random pk. so if we gank ya no hard feelings. If the words KOS come out of ur mouth my guildies will prolly respond by comming after u more. Imo i think what HASH did was what others should do. stop QQ and come fight. i mean we are RH its kinda what we r here for we dont actually gve a dam if we die.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
BULLLKAKA I was there when he not only asked BUT BEGGED to be taken off of KOS with us. THEN later when he started pking us again, he said was because we made him look bad. I can start having screenshots posted for you if like. And I seem to recall, anytime I see a RH member they tend to run into town. OR before BLT disbanned ran for there aid. Also sad your guild is still flaming this thread away and thumping there chest. Enjoy the TW for 1 week cause this week it goes BYE BYE.
And this weeks TW took you how long to defeat BLT when no one was there? hmm 50 mins? Learning a strait my ****. You guys where place holding it for BLT till you found out they disbanned then you more then likely nuked the gem. Sad really. Redhawk has been a sorry excuse for a guild over 2 games so far. yes I knew your sad guild in Rohan also. Where you never got out of the gate and got owned.
Your guild Lies. your Guild cheats, your guild uses Glitches, your guild smells funny. DO we need any reason to have you on KOS other then your back stabbing low life scum?
As the human torch says" FLAME ON! b:angry"
wow this whole post is full of shiit lol. anyone who knows me knows better than to listen to that. BTW RH did come from a different game and some of us did play Rohan... but we didnt set up RH there so who ever that was wasnt us. Unless maybe renagade members which i doubt.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ya go RedHawks b:victoryb:victoryb:victory0
I agree with the idea to close this thread.
Oh wait, I can![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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