


  • Sulphor - Sanctuary
    Sulphor - Sanctuary Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You're playin' your first char: you're lvl 2. You're a noob. Deal w/ it. Noob, nub, newbie, new, new player; all the same. New player.
    You've got a lvl90+ and have started a new lvl2 character. You're not a noob, your'e jus' on a noob char. You're not new, but on a new char.

    *Vast* difference.
    As for takin' offense...noob isnae offensive, peopel jus' use it in a derogotory way. Doesnae mean the word is bad, jus' the intent behind it is. Like the OP said, if a lvl2 char does noob quests, at the beginnin' of the game, it doesnae mean they're doin' ''**** quests''....jus' means they're doin' quests designed for new characters.

    I can call you w/e I want and may it be offensive if that's what I intend. ''**** you, you're a stupid pillow!''. What does pillow mean, in this sense? Who cares; it's irrelevant. I'm usin' it as an offensive means to verbally assault you. Same is applied w/ 'noob'. Only reason people can even like the two at all is because it originally, once upon a time, meant ''no idea what you're doin'''. Fair enough then, but if you PvP and kill someone 20 lvls lower than you w/ no glowin' gear, it doesn't make them a noob in any sense of the word. It's the intent that matters, not the word.
    [email]edit@Ermosa....newb[/email] and n00b are the same things, jus' different spellin'. Very much the same way as 'own' and 'pwn'. Same as what I jus' said above applies; you're jus' puttin' a different meanin' and intent behind each one; doesnae mean that they're different. People use the words far too freely and for far too many reasons for it to have any solid, universal meanin'.
  • Thanassis - Heavens Tear
    Thanassis - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You can quote the "noob is not the same as newb" as much as you want, that doesn't turn it into ultimate truth. Most people I know don't care about how you spell it, the meaning is independent of the spelling.
    If you put meaning into the spelling and then are offended (but wouldnt be if spelled different), then that is YOUR problem. You ASSUME that a certain spelling is offensive (while another spelling is not). If you want to be sure, ask. (Of course just being offended is so much easier than trying to understand someone else point of view.)
    And if you really believe telling some very low level player that he/she is not in the right area for their noob quests is offensive, please go and fight against the ultimate noob guide too, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I cant believe this topic is up to 7 pages. Really? 7 pages to define the word "Noob"? b:laugh
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I cant believe this topic is up to 7 pages. Really? 7 pages to define the word "Noob"? b:laugh

    Yeah, really... if the offensive term in question were a racial slur, a religious slur, or a slur against someone's sexual orientation, the mods would have shut it down on post #1... but because it's just an offensive term that only appears in gaming, it's considered acceptable.
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, really... if the offensive term in question were a racial slur, a religious slur, or a slur against someone's sexual orientation, the mods would have shut it down on post #1... but because it's just an offensive term that only appears in gaming, it's considered acceptable.

    Ah and now the P.C. police are called to make sure that none offends the delicate sensibilities of the wittle baby noobs.
    Ok I get it, Some think "noob" is derogatory and because they do not own an urban dictionary we should all play nice and refrain from the word. In fact we should have a word that derogatorily refers to those who use the word "noob" so that we can then have a thread 7 pages long debating the use of that word.
    The thin skinned will be thinned skin no matter what word we use. If we ban the word "noob" and instead say "newbie" they will be offended by that.
    From now on I'm calling them "fish"... look it up... its prison argot.
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ah and now the P.C. police are called to make sure that none offends the delicate sensibilities of the wittle baby noobs.
    Ok I get it, Some think "noob" is derogatory and because they do not own an urban dictionary we should all play nice and refrain from the word. In fact we should have a word that derogatorily refers to those who use the word "noob" so that we can then have a thread 7 pages long debating the use of that word.
    The thin skinned will be thinned skin no matter what word we use. If we ban the word "noob" and instead say "newbie" they will be offended by that.
    From now on I'm calling them "fish"... look it up... its prison argot.

    That's actually quite similar to what has happened in real life regarding a certain series of ethnic slurs: the prevailing term was used in a derogatory sense so frequently that the word itself, despite originally being a simple descriptor, became considered offensive. When it was forbidden, it did nothing to change the attitude of the people who considered other ethnicities than their own to be inferior to them, so the new term was used in a derogatory fashion, until it, too, was associated with the derogatory connotations and put onto the list of forbidden words. This cycle has repeated over and over again, at various times, with various terms, for various groups.
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ah and now the P.C. police are called to make sure that none offends the delicate sensibilities of the wittle baby noobs.
    Ok I get it, Some think "noob" is derogatory and because they do not own an urban dictionary we should all play nice and refrain from the word. In fact we should have a word that derogatorily refers to those who use the word "noob" so that we can then have a thread 7 pages long debating the use of that word.
    The thin skinned will be thinned skin no matter what word we use. If we ban the word "noob" and instead say "newbie" they will be offended by that.
    From now on I'm calling them "fish"... look it up... its prison argot.


    Oh, and according to that, those who refer to others as "noobs" are usually such themselves.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wait, because i call someone a noob, im a noob? oh my gosh! nooooooo!!!!!
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wait, because i call someone a noob, im a noob? oh my gosh! nooooooo!!!!!

    Usually doesn't mean always, but if the shoe fits, wear it.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Daibar - Heavens Tear
    Daibar - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    English newb, or just noob?
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Usually doesn't mean always, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

    no, never were a shoe that fits, you always want a shoe a little bigger, its much more comfortable that way.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    no, never were a shoe that fits, you always want a shoe a little bigger, its much more comfortable that way.

    You don't want it TOO big, though... otherwise it slips around and causes blisters... although i suppose you could wear heavy socks to fix that problem.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    heavy socks are good for the winter
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Enoteca - Sanctuary
    Enoteca - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm going to steer away from this shoe talk we have going on :P

    I don't really get this topic. Alright in the OP's opinion noob is not an offensive term. Even if that was true, if you know people might take offense to it, why use it in the first place. Newb is just as many letters to type as noob, and is accepted amongst more players than noob.

    So if you do want to help out players of a lower lvl, then just use newb, or newbie (it's just 2 more letters), or refrain from using the word at all, and get on with it.

    Or if you're so enraged with the responses you get, and don't want to change, think that helping low level players out isn't worth changing your usage, then don't. Just stop helping them.
  • Ryukino - Sanctuary
    Ryukino - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    noob is basically calling a person annyoing and clueless

    newb means a beginner.

    plain and simple which would you prefer to be called?

    @ post above the person posted she was irritated that people were getting upset from a mistake she made i too once made the mistake and said whats with all the noob people in the faction and then a few quit and i got yelled at by my leader while they were saying i was being extremely offensive even after i explained my side of it they gave me a "warning" and i left of my own free will cause i dont wanna deal with that so i can understand why she would get irritated i mean she afterall did say "noob quests" or something like that so its not referring to the player people just need to brush off the whole comment i mean isnt the noob term used extremely loose anymore i mean i get people lower lvl then me and know less about the game calling me a noob and i just brush it off.
  • Jayde_videl - Heavens Tear
    Jayde_videl - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Although my low level characters have never been called a noob, a new veno I started on Sanctuary last week got called an "****" by a 30+ veno. Why? Because I got to an iron mine a split second before she did, which was positioned directly under her wave pacer and next to where I was standing. Well then I guess she should have clicked on it faster than me, eh? First come, first serve. I was annoyed by the "****" comment for a minute or so but it quickly passed.

    But back on topic, I never refer to anyone as noon or newb. I don't mind helping those who are wanting to learn but not for those who are intentionally being a jerk about figuring out what to do.
    Jayde_Videl - lvl 6x venomancer - Heavens Tear
    RainbowVidel - lvl 3x venomancer - Sanctuary
  • Kitse - Sanctuary
    Kitse - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    noob is basically calling a person annyoing and clueless
    newb means a beginner.
    plain and simple which would you prefer to be called?
    Basicaly correct, though some people see them as close to the same, and only newbie or lowbie are not offensive. being inoffensive and being politically correct are seperate but related and fuzzy grey areas and each person draws their own line where they are comfortable which is not where anyone else draws theirs. My line is between PC bullcrap and trying not to offend reasonable people. There will always be unreasonable people on both sides of this issue, I stand in the middle and do my best.
    @ post above the person posted she was irritated that people were getting upset from a mistake she made i too once made the mistake and said whats with all the noob people in the faction and then a few quit and i got yelled at by my leader while they were saying i was being extremely offensive even after i explained my side of it they gave me a "warning" and i left of my own free will cause i dont wanna deal with that so i can understand why she would get irritated i mean she afterall did say "noob quests" or something like that so its not referring to the player people just need to brush off the whole comment i mean isnt the noob term used extremely loose anymore i mean i get people lower lvl then me and know less about the game calling me a noob and i just brush it off.
    It seems to me that the leaders of that guild were much more on the PC "bullcrap" line then I have ever ran a guild (I have run many in my day). By what you are saying (which is nowhere near all the information, just a couple sentences from one person) I would have spoken with you alone about it and then spoken with the people who were offended about it, and spoken a bit about it in guild chat, but no warning would have been given to you, and the people leaving... well people leave guilds all the time some of the people leave for the stupidest reasons... lots of people are flaky fickle and just plain tempermental and will leave guilds or go off drop friends et cetra at the drop of a hat literally. Further incidents of this however would show a willingness to be offensive and break the rule of the guild and would be another matter entirely. Remember this is from a whole two sentences from you, had I been the GM in question I would have done a lot more finding out what went on before these actions.

    This is how I have run guilds for around 10 years and it has always made my guild a small but very tightly knit, cohesive, fun, and loyal guild. It's far from the only way, but it's my way and I know it works for carebear guilds even ones including PKer carebears.
  • Rockgantz - Heavens Tear
    Rockgantz - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I can understand people getting all bent out of shape about the "noob" thing. I read the first 10 posts and it perfectly explains it on both sides. At the same time if someone is actually being a jerk about it, it's obvious. I'm a noob/newb/newbie/lowbie etc to this game and I lub it! It's my first mmorpg to boot too and I don't ask for handouts. Just the occasional questions like "why can't we have killer chickens as pets?" or "where is this or that?" People should just enjoy this awesome free game!
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i use both noob and newb to their corresponding meanings, its not that hard people.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Ryukino - Sanctuary
    Ryukino - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Just the occasional questions like "why can't we have killer chickens as pets?"

    well if u are a veno u can have some fun killer pets like a frog or a bunny (one of my favorites) or a kitten and a dog (both my favorites too) so if you want pets like that.
  • Rockgantz - Heavens Tear
    Rockgantz - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I want a killer chicken pet named "Pojo" who spews flames! That would be kewl!
  • Morayine - Sanctuary
    Morayine - Sanctuary Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i used to be offended long time ago, i guess when you are an experienced player you know what you are worth, i often say in groups, "uh this or that cuss i m a noob". Its fine now, unless some idiot really uses it in combination with F****** Noob, then it is real bad.

    And what used to be a real heavy insult on my old game,(W..) = "ebay account player" , so many people bought characters high lvl total noobs on ebay.

    Ok to finish with a noob question, what does TT mean ?
    Couldnt find it in abbrev list ? Shouldnt it be in there ?

    Actually real good/nice/experienced fun players dont use that term else to describe themselves just for the fun when they do something stupid.

    When you find any1 that calls you a noob, you can rest assured that it is genuine noob. The real McCoy, the genuine article, so now you know b:pleased
    "There's a big difference knowing the Path, and Walking the Path"
  • Onewingarrow - Lost City
    Onewingarrow - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    An MMO ain't the same without noobs xD
    You Cannot Kill, What You Did Not Create.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok to finish with a noob question, what does TT mean ?
    Couldnt find it in abbrev list ? Shouldnt it be in there ?

    TT = Twilight Temple. Some people also still call it HH (= Holy Hall, the PW-MY-EN name for it). It's a Level 60+ dungeons that you get mats for 60+ weapons & 70+ armors. It has 3 chapters & 3 difficulty settings for each, with 1-1 being tailored to level 60s, all the way to 3-3 being level made for level 100+ and many levels in between.

    You're such a noob for not knowing that. (Totally joking, its just the thread b:pleased)
  • Dauthus - Sanctuary
    Dauthus - Sanctuary Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok to finish with a noob question, what does TT mean ?

    TT = Twilight Temple

    You get the mats for your green glowing TT weapon from there. They start at lvl 60, but most players I know start going on runs in their 50s so they can have the weapon by the time they can use it. There is also armor that can be made starting at lvl 70 if I remember correctly. The xp there isn't horrible either, which is a nice perk. lol
  • Gonzu - Heavens Tear
    Gonzu - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I thought that you had to be level 60 in order to enter TT and where do you exactly enter?
  • tekyo
    tekyo Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i am SO SICK of massively LOW LVL players taking offense to being called a noob.

    just now i ran into a veno outside of etherblade. she was speaking in general talk mode so i heard her say something which led me to believe she had not gotten pets yet, so i dropped down to offer some friendly advice, told her that her "noob quests" are localized to her birth region and thats where she should be. her boyfriend or whatever, some human class male, interjected with a major attitude, and went off on a rant that people will play the game however they like, im not more of a person just bcuz i am high lvl, and a bunch of other stuff like that, to which i responded something to the effect of "****** noobs" and i left.

    then he whispers me, accusing me of harassment, telling me he will report me for it, saying that i am hurting their enjoyment of the game by calling them noobs. my response to this was that under lvl 20 = automatic noob status. after a little more back and forth he reveals that the veno i was offering advice to was lvl 2... but GOD FORBID SOMEONE CALL THE MIGHTY AND EXPERIENCED LVL 2 A NOOB.. OH NOES b:shocked

    i mean really... even if you have a lvl 90+ character, soon as you make a new one and it is lvl 1.. YOU'RE A NOOB. that character is inextricably NOOB by simple definition of being massively LOW in lvl. if you're still doing the race-specific quests (1-19 chain) then you are a noob. why the hell do people take so much offense to being called what they are?

    You are a noob.

    Go back to school and learn how to communicate with strangers on a polite way.

    Noob is a offense word in most cases, just like **** or any other word. And in combination of which situation of enviroment it's used, it can be taken positive or negative.

    Which in this guy's case you spoke too, he could have been a 4 year old world of warcraft player who started a new beginning in perfect world with his girlfriend.

    In your case, you do not understand the meaning of "noob" and use it in any way you like or when you feel like it. Which will mean the reactions you will get are dependant on the situation or the person you talk to.

    ps. how does it feel to be called a noob? maybe this way you can think how that guy felt in front of his girlfriend?

    you sir, need to raise your empathy level.

    By reading this, your empathy level is risen by 1.
  • Ebini - Heavens Tear
    Ebini - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    but yeah it's annoying when noobs take offense to being called a noob
    all it means is new player..
    firstly briegg, thats just not quite right its actually Newb or newbie for the new one with no knowledge, and just starting, as mentioned in other posts.
    u can be insulting or u can b joking around it depends on the way its said as to how its taken like "rofl ur still such noobie noob" or "what a noob" b:chuckle but if u say it like "noob" straight out flat then go on to "nub" then u are intentionally insulting someoneb:sad special when u start bragging"i have a lv 70 -80 " and the one being insulted still turn around and say , gee nice going
    O.o sometimes it is really best just say nothing at all , depending on the situation at the time b:surrender
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I am level 84, and still a noob.

    Forever young <3
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • septerra0
    septerra0 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I see no problem when saying someone is a noob. It usually means that they might help you. Unless your trying to be cruel i find no problem with the word