Love in PW??



  • Carlos_lgn - Heavens Tear
    Carlos_lgn - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, after reading some posts I guess there are cases with a few exceptions, where a relationship can take off online, but.. In the greater part of it all, online relationships, friends or more are mostly just an illusion, built on little or no common interest. These kinda things mostly end with a bitter taste or some silly quarrel,after 1 year even,regardless of how long you've known each other. You better believe your better half here can and will use you for their own interest with any opportunity they get. After that's done the interest goes and you're the last one to know you've been just a tool. Real life or online, people are people..irresponsible all around, online though you're just asking to be played :P
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh I am DEFINITELY trolling this thread. *Ctrl+B*
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Love can't be forged over an online game. While great loving feelings can be felt, real love can only exist if people are together in the real world for a god amount of time(depending on the people and experiences they share in said time).
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • Fauxfeng - Sanctuary
    Fauxfeng - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    This may sound cold, but love is a physiological reaction that develops psychological bonds between two people over time. If you're confusing a puerile attraction to a collection of 1s and 0s whose banal AIM-speak leaves you swooning, then you're suffering from a severe case of emotional deficiency and should seek help. No, seriously. The real world is so much more vibrant than mechanized, blase interactions between two digital fakes, and since you obviously have no idea what love is it's high time you crawl out from the butt-shaped impression in your computer chair and discover life again.

    Until you meet said person in real life you have zero perspective on your attraction towards them beyond a thin, sickly facade created from the same ilk as sappy, boring, cyanide-laced romantic comedies that Hollywood spews out for an easy buck.

    It's not romantic, it's sociopathic and perturbing...
  • kooshdin
    kooshdin Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Are you trying to tell me that those sexy girl avatars running around are nothing but 1s and 0s ? They dont look like 1s and 0s to me

  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Over the years I guess I can say I had found myself to the point where love could have blossomed with another. True affection and deep friendships have developed a couple times. Nothing ever went further than that for me. But I do know many couples who are now happily married who met in these games. So yes I believe it is quite possible.
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PWE typo'd the name. It's Pervert World, not Perfect World. Silly PWE.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Unless one is willing to let themselves get involved on a personal level with someone else on an online game it isn't possible.

    I'd really suggest not hitting on the girls though...they might turn out to be guys RPing girls.
  • crackerchad
    crackerchad Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Eh.. love is love, the ones objecting to it probly got deceived on a game and cant find it in rl, the ones agreeing that you can probly have someone on a game they love or loved once, so really these opinions are biased.. i met my gf off of game and we just decided to play it... cause... well its fun xD

    reminds me of anime shows we watch >:)

    ~X_Chad_X and FoxySarah~ We rulez xD
  • kooshdin
    kooshdin Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lets just put our differences aside and be **** in game b:chuckle

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Eh.. love is love, the ones objecting to it probly got deceived on a game and cant find it in rl, the ones agreeing that you can probly have someone on a game they love or loved once, so really these opinions are biased.. i met my gf off of game and we just decided to play it... cause... well its fun xD

    reminds me of anime shows we watch >:)

    ~X_Chad_X and FoxySarah~ We rulez xD

    Next time, try to not make generalizations that have no basis on anything but your opinion; actually, don't bother generalizing at all when it's just going to be flame-bait.
  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PWE typo'd the name. It's Pervert World, not Perfect World. Silly PWE.

    Pure win. b:laugh
    Non-mule alts:

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  • Darksky - Heavens Tear
    Darksky - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i think this post was made by some1 pissed cause other kicked her/him out ....

    anyways, i find my true love in game actually, not this game, but some other... i didnt fall inlove online, i just got a date with her and from that time on we created a good and healthy relationship.

    So i realy do not see why some people r so shocked about that ...

    have some one here heard about "Platonic Love"? b:laughb:laugh
    Oh avatar is bald b:shockedb:shocked <
    WTF b:laughb:laugh
  • ghost1823
    ghost1823 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Can you find love over a game or the internet, sure... People say you need help because you bring up the idea or perhaps you have found someone you liked.

    Scientist have done studies over and over on the male and female hormones as far as "romance" goes. Females, if you have the light dimmed with candles going, hormones are higher then they are for lights on, or lights off. Males hormones are on the other hand different, were normal. Keep the lights on or off, either way it doesn't matter both are the same. But they will turn the lights down and it will make there lady happy which psychologically makes them happy. Theres so many different factors that play into "romance". So if one person finds embracing a sexy pixel character and getting a kiss from it, which actually is animated well, there hormones for "romance" might go up. Like watching a romantic movie or maybe even a... you get the idea on that one.
    The real world is so much more vibrant than mechanized, blase interactions between two digital fakes, and since you obviously have no idea what love is it's high time you crawl out from the butt-shaped impression in your computer chair and discover life again.

    What is different between the real world interactions and the computer? Words are the same, specially when using voice conferencing programs such as ventrilo. There is only two major difference's, one, nonverbal communication and two, being able to see the physical features of ones person. Non-verbal communication, yes plays a big part of "romance" but it does not make it everything. If one person speaks to another via computer and falls head over heels for them it means they enjoy there personality, the true inner beauty of that one person, and doesnt fall head over heels for there looks. Its like for example, my best friend in high school she wasn't the sexiest person in the world, not one I would walk up to and try to hook up with. But over the course of time she became the sexiest person in the world to me at the time. It wasn't her physical features that did it, it was her mind.

    My fiance now... I met her once in high school, had good conversation with her at one point, but never talked to her more after that. Hell, I moved schools never saw her again. But she knew a friend of mine. I shipped away for the military and my buddy had said look, I got an excellent girl you might like Imma have her write you she even went to the same school as you. Next thing I know I get a letter from her. We start writting eachother back and forth for the 7 months I was gone, I fell for this girl that I have never met other then through a pen and paper, because as far as I could read and my occasional phone conversation with her that last about 10mins every two weeks. She had a great personality. Came home, turned out it was the same girl from high school, now shes my fiance...

    So can it be found via internet... Yep...

    Are you crazy/need psychological help for it... No...
  • Nyhia - Heavens Tear
    Nyhia - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    rexington wrote: »
    I usually assume most females are guys i rarely flirt..

    My first week here a venomancer whispers to me, "You are much of sexy you like to love for me long time for sum gold?"

    after taking 5 minutes to decipher that I replied, "Sure hun, lets go to my personal bank."

    followed by me picking her up and flying her over a nearby lake..

    "where we am to going, much farther?"

    "Just a little further"

    and dropped her in the middle of the lake from highest altitude.

    1 extra note*

    I have nothing against a guy playing a female character, it is there right..but come on...stop hitting on other guys and ACTING like your really a female.

    I LOL'd really hard, thanks you made my day b:chuckle
  • Semyezza - Heavens Tear
    Semyezza - Heavens Tear Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm not sure. But I definitely consider the people of my level in guild as my close friends and the leader and one of the Marshals as my best friends... We've been in a guild with each other for nearly six months, so it's allowed, I suppose.

    But I don't know... "The one", "romance", "true love"... I'm not sure. "Dating", perhaps, but it's hard when people are miles and miles away and crazy timezones... But I think you can start to feel affection for the people you talk to daily and maybe even out of game relationships (romantic as well as friendly) have happened before.

    It's fun. But I'm not going to think about a white picket fence and sixty children when it comes to guys and girls I may or may not "date" that I met in a game. -shrug-

    - Richard the Warlock, LFG.

    visit my gallery on !! !!
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well i concider myself a fly guy in the PWI world and address a plenty of women in my PWI time.I know wich ones to be a good boy too and wich to be a bad one as well..and you got those who want it both waysb:chuckle To be honest i like to have a good companion to flirt with and quest with or help them in quest or just to have some one to talk to because to me it makes the game interesting.I think if i didnt have the blessing of such women in this game i wouldnt be playing it still.

    Thanks gals!

    Im a person who uses the vegas theory in this game."What happens in PWI stays in PWI"
    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • Yanjing - Heavens Tear
    Yanjing - Heavens Tear Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I ~met someone~ on Livejournal and we were buddies for a few years. Then we met up and really liked each other so we got married. I know it's not gaming but it is the Internet. Now we play PWI together. He's a good guy, I love him, blah blah blah and all that. I think however you meet someone is fine. It's not all that much different from meeting someone in a bar or what have you.
  • Diogeneskyon - Lost City
    Diogeneskyon - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ghost1823 wrote: »
    What is different between the real world interactions and the computer?

    Physical interaction
    I ~met someone~ on Livejournal and we were buddies for a few years. Then we met up and really liked each other so we got married.

    Right, but you met each other. Which is a key component of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It's not a complete relationship without physical interaction, and I don't just mean sex, and so you can't call it "love".

    You can like someone just from talking with them. You can even be attracted to their personnality. I'm a relentless flirt everywhere, real-life, online, on the phone, hell text messages, whatever. But don't confuse basic attraction, even meaningful conversation, with "love". Anyone who classifies such a narrow relationship as one that exists strictly online as "love" is either lying to themselves or has never been anywhere near the real thing.
  • RaineXvii - Sanctuary
    RaineXvii - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Im a person who uses the vegas theory in this game."What happens in PWI stays in PWI"

    What could possibly happen... you get drunk off some Osmanthus wine and you suddenly find yourself bankrupt and a label atop your head saying your blah-blah's wife/husband? Hahaha.

    But honestly, we shouldn't be putting such a limited definition on love. It's subjective. If people can say they've fallen in love with someone in game, then fine, congrats to you. I don't see the point in trying to illegitimize anyone's love just because it's not physical or what have you.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What could possibly happen... you get drunk off some Osmanthus wine and you suddenly find yourself bankrupt and a label atop your head saying your blah-blah's wife/husband? Hahaha.

    But honestly, we shouldn't be putting such a limited definition on love. It's subjective. If people can say they've fallen in love with someone in game, then fine, congrats to you. I don't see the point in trying to illegitimize anyone's love just because it's not physical or what have you.

    They might have been drunk IRL at the never know...

    I know people who play games while drunk. It could happen...maybe... <.<
  • Neferiti - Sanctuary
    Neferiti - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It can happen yes, even for those who would never expect, like me. I've fallen in love and had a 4 years relationship with a guy I met on a MMORPG. ( yes I'm a female IRL playing a female avit too) Even when it ended, we became best friends for life and if you ask me, it was a very stable relationship, open as when we met personally it was like we had spoken and known a lot of each other before hand. The virtual game was a nice set, as its something we did on our spare times and always very relaxed. Would I do it again? if it happens,I don't see why not.
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    For those that meet on the net then follow up by meeting irl be careful :O Theres online predators! That guy that said hes Brad Pitt..More then likley its not Brad Pitt sorry.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • Semrarose - Sanctuary
    Semrarose - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I've known some people that met and fell in love during a game then in real life...after meeting of course. Was so epic they were a couple for years and are still friends. As for myself, no...don't think so. Such things are not meant for me, so I'll just play the game and hope I at least meet some nice people I can do quests with.
  • Shyraen - Sanctuary
    Shyraen - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Can you find love in a game

    I have to agree with the others out there that say it’s just one level of social interaction, similar to any other stranger you meet passing by - be it in a store, on the street, at work, in a chat room, or on a game. Sometimes something ‘clicks’ and you decide to take an extra minute to speak with them before going on your way; at the time you may not even know why. In the end it’s just passing strangers that decided to say more than a passing hello and noticed they had something in common along the way; humor, interests, or even boredom as some say. Whatever the reason, they decided to get to know each other better.

    The philosophical reasons that lay behind human nature, I’ll cheerfully leave for the shrinks of the world to dissect, so they can have the thrill of finding some random ideological box for each and every nuisance; and just say I’m glad human nature is as it is. I’ve met some amazing friends across the world because of it and my husband of 18 years as well. And I can honestly say, he’s still the only man in the world that catches and holds my interest. With our oldest at 17 now and our youngest 11, I do believe that shows you can meet someone online and have a wonderful and lasting relationship. I’m very thankful for all the time I’ve been able to share with him and all the things we can do together; gaming is just one of many. I still cherish every moment like I did when I first met him, although I love him even more as time passes. Whatever the reason was that both of us took that extra moment to speak in the beginning, I don’t know, but I know I’m even more thankful for it now years later. If that moment hadn’t happen, I would’ve not only lost out on the best mate for me, but also the best friend I have ever or will ever have; and he still laughs as I chase after him with all my alts.

    Does that help in answering the original posters curiosity, not sure, but I’ll add my two cents in along with the others.
    b:victory Success: depends solely on the level of creativity of the person attempting the task.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I met my husband in real life on a mmorpg almost 5 years ago now. I was a GM and he was a player. We were friends for about a year then got serious after I got divorced from my first husband.

    He lived in England and I live in the USA, he moved over here to be with me, and we have been married for 2 years now and still love each other as much as ever.

    We are hoping to have a baby in the next year or 2 as well b:victory
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ohh florafang...when will florafang stop rejecting my advances with vicious poison?
  • Jack_Nel - Sanctuary
    Jack_Nel - Sanctuary Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I met my husband in real life on a mmorpg almost 5 years ago now. I was a GM and he was a player. We were friends for about a year then got serious after I got divorced from my first husband.

    He lived in England and I live in the USA, he moved over here to be with me, and we have been married for 2 years now and still love each other as much as ever.

    We are hoping to have a baby in the next year or 2 as well b:victory

    b:dirty so sweet i got goose bumps b:surrender

    But i only think of one disadvantage wen meating a real nice person in game, its the urge of wanthing to see him and know what alse is there other than crappy pixels... and the problem with this is that sometimes you would take this urge to a higher lvl and make mistakes, cuz of the main reason that wen you meat someone it always has to be over the fking ocean... i think you 2 were lucky, dispise the fact that him to had to go across the ocen to find you, sometimes is not easy!!!
    But one thing i'll say meating new people is always fun, not talking just about "love" here just the simple fact of heaving found a good friend an advisor someone you have somthing in comon to, to chat and enjoy... so i say dont be scared of making new friends even if you know it maight me dificult later, just be happy you found him...

    i'm happy

    "Many left many will leave but what keeps us happy is the time we spend and the way we leave.. for me the best good bye was of Magnate and Jack_Nel both got married and then left the game.. making each other the immortal couple of this game." by Herne_Hunter
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This actually is affecting one of my good real life friends ingame.

    I really totally, do not GET whats up with the pixel love for someone 1bagillion miles away.....

    I been watching and laughing, but it actually getting bad to a point where my friend doesn't log in as much, to avoid all this KIDDY NONSENSE.

    If it becomes TOO MUCH. Then............we will see what i can do when the time comes.I aint about to let my bro be driven off by some SCHOOL GIRLS 1 MILLION MILES AWAY!

    Really i aint hatin on the E-love stuff. To me, thats your BE IT. But when you are bothering someone who is mature enough to know that you're a KID, and this whole E LOVE stuff is WHACK..........Then it gets BAD.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow. I'm more amazed at how complicated hitting Shift that many times is, as opposed to how ridiculous you sound, talking about seeing what you can do when the time comes. I lol @ you, good sir!