Emergency Maintenance Complete - Please Read



  • avidgamer
    avidgamer Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zuleica wrote: »
    The majority of responses here do not represent the majority of players of PW. MMO forums are not generally representative of the typical player. So polls here are not an indicator of the acceptance of an action taken by PW.

    We have very little knowledge of all of the factors that they weighed when they made this decision...including their estimation of how much of the exploit they cleaned up.

    Arm-chair quarterbacking is easy...especially in retrospect.

    While it may be true that the majority of responses in the forum do not represent the majority of the players of PW(I'd have to take your word on that), I can only go by what is presented to me. And going by what I know, a majority of the people on this forum advocate a rollback. The posts on this forum are a sampling of the opinions of the respective PW community, and these opinions overwhelmingly and vehemently favor the action of a rollback.

    The sole reason for my previous post was to shed some perspective on the situation and offer my opinions regarding what course of action I think would be best. I, in no way, assume to know everything regarding this issue. However, given the scope and complexity of the problems created by the bug, which directly and indirectly affect every PW player(ill-gotten items, coins, etc given to alts, friends, etc, the consequences on the ingame economy, the unfair advantage that abusers of the bug have gained), I suggest a rollback as the most appropriate course of action. I know the power ultimately lies with the GM's, I am simply voicing my opinions and hoping they do not fall on a deaf ear.
  • Yunmi - Heavens Tear
    Yunmi - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, you won't get them all. You weigh the estimated effect of each course of action and choose the one you feel is less disruptive. PW did that and they have access to information we do not.

    If I were standing on the outside and had to choose who's risk assessment and management plan to go with I'd take the group that had the most information to work with. That is NOT the people here on this forum. It IS the entire PW staff, GMs, QA testers, developers and their business management team.

    You can second-guess till the cows come home but you simply don't have enough relevant information to make a decision that is optimal for the larger picture.

    Less disruptive ? I don't know . Well , lets see what happens with a bit of time !

    I think things are a bit different here . How can you take action on something like this game and pratically ignore the community's opinion on a critical situation like this ? If the opinions from people in this forum have no use , then why keep it up at all ?
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Less disruptive ? I don't know . Well , lets see what happens with a bit of time !

    I think things are a bit different here . How can you take action on something like this game and pratically ignore the community's opinion on a critical situation like this ? If the opinions from people in this forum have no use , then why keep it up at all ?

    I don't imagine they ignored them at all. I'm relatively certain they took them into account along with a LOT of other information we don't have access to.

    But then why would you simply ONLY listen to an MMOs forum majority when making a business decision? I certainly wouldn't and no MMO I've ever seen based all their business decisions on the forum's vocal community.
  • Untamedfury - Lost City
    Untamedfury - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Just so you know xarfox, there are 2 more friday the 13Ths this year so you better ask in advance ^_^b:sad
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Just so you know xarfox, there are 2 more friday the 13Ths this year so you better ask in advance ^_^b:sad

  • Evenixus - Heavens Tear
    Evenixus - Heavens Tear Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I noticed on the update this thread was personally suggested by the GM’s to submit our reviews about this whole mess, yet throughout this ENTIRE thread not one GM has responded to any of us. Why do I get the feeling we are talking amongst ourselves.

    Because the GMs obviously didn’t read the more Important posts concerning TW I will repost my comment (which got a lot of support back in the first few pages) maybe this time they will show us some manors and actually reply to there own support thread.

    This is BS you can’t simply say you’ll “reimburse” the guild it doesn’t work that way, we’ve lost out on what would be a new land for 10m aweek, a new direction in tw and maintaining the 1 win 1 loss record we’ve had in RoC. You can’t simply refund the 501337 coins then expect us to lose a land to Rad (10m loss ._.weekly)

    The ONLY Way this can be settled is by rescheduling the TW time for RoC’s Attack on Evolution. We was the ONLY TW Affected by the downtime and its very unfair to expect us just to lose a land this week for a error that wasn’t our fault.

    PLEASE reschedule the TW Time.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ill agree again. I only play this game on the Weekends for TWs now and now your **** them up too.

    Offering us 500k in reimbursement to cover the 10 million a week from the land we would have won is just stupid.

    You only get 1 CHANCE to attack in TW each week and gain land. Our chance was taken away by YOU. Yet some other guilds remain uneffected. Its things like this that create more and more unbalance in the game.

    You either need to reschedule the friday TWs or cancel ALL of the TWs.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Only some coins were deleted from the economy. There are still many players that have bought items/gems/skills with this bugged and illegal money. Why do they get to keep these? Some people are running around with godlike armor and maxed skills. Good job, you deleted the coins, but what about the items and other valuables bought with the coins? Why do they get to keep it? This is just BS on behalf of the PWI team.

    For the people that are complaining because of losing items/exp/time if there was a rollback. Would you rather lose a few hundred thousand and 10 hours or play a game where some people have insanely godlike armor and skills because of a glitch? You simply cannot complete with these people that have got items with the worth of $300 real life dollar for FREE. Some people actually use real life money that help keep the game FTP for all. Is this really fair to them?

    If a simple rollback was done and a 2x drop + exp event was given after wards, it would be much easier and faster to get the problem solved. Now, you think, glitch gone, problem fixed, but it isn't. Also, only 70 people suspended/banned? thousands of people used the bug and were not banned/suspended. Just pure BS if you ask me.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Advice - Lost City
    Advice - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yea its bs, but what can you do about it
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Only some coins were deleted from the economy. There are still many players that have bought items/gems/skills with this bugged and illegal money. Why do they get to keep these? Some people are running around with godlike armor and maxed skills. Good job, you deleted the coins, but what about the items and other valuables bought with the coins? Why do they get to keep it? This is just BS on behalf of the PWI team.

    For the people that are complaining because of losing items/exp/time if there was a rollback. Would you rather lose a few hundred thousand and 10 hours or play a game where some people have insanely godlike armor and skills because of a glitch? You simply cannot complete with these people that have got items with the worth of $300 real life dollar for FREE. Some people actually use real life money that help keep the game FTP for all. Is this really fair to them?

    If a simple rollback was done and a 2x drop + exp event was given after wards, it would be much easier and faster to get the problem solved. Now, you think, glitch gone, problem fixed, but it isn't. Also, only 70 people suspended/banned? thousands of people used the bug and were not banned/suspended. Just pure BS if you ask me.

    The only reward for playing fair is frustration.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ill agree again. I only play this game on the Weekends for TWs now and now your **** them up too.

    Offering us 500k in reimbursement to cover the 10 million a week from the land we would have won is just stupid.

    You only get 1 CHANCE to attack in TW each week and gain land. Our chance was taken away by YOU. Yet some other guilds remain uneffected. Its things like this that create more and more unbalance in the game.

    You either need to reschedule the friday TWs or cancel ALL of the TWs.

    How about the opportunity was taken away very directly by those that exploited the bug. Have you done your own house-cleaning and hunted out those in your own faction that might have exploited and brought about this course of action?

    I'd be interested in a RoC list of exploiters kicked from the faction...certainly not ALL RoC is innocent of this exploit?
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    How about the opportunity was taken away very directly by those that exploited the bug. Have you done your own house-cleaning and hunted out those in your own faction that might have exploited and brought about this course of action?

    I'd be interested in a RoC list of exploiters kicked from the faction...certainly not ALL RoC is innocent of this exploit?

    What part of I only play on the weekends for TWs dont you understand? The rest of this game was screwed up ages ago and I have moved on to better things. However I still find TWs fun.

    I have no idea who does what in the guild and I dont care. I ONLY care about coming on when its TW time and doing TWs.

    Im not the leader or even an officer in RoC thats their job not mine.

    Once again what I care about it the TWs, and my chance to attack in the TW this week was taken away. Thats what I care about and thats what I want something done about.

    You want to go on a RoC witch hunt be my guest thats how you choose to spend your time. My time I would rather spend trying to get a fair TW weekend, and all my opportunities to attack in TW back to us and the other guilds that got screwed over on Friday.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • lunarqueen
    lunarqueen Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    YAY GM'S!!!

    Thank you sooo much for catching this bug!! I work very hard, and put in a lot of time and effort to make my coins on here and when I heard of ppl just flat out taking total advantage of this, it mad me sad and a little mad. Not only did it take time out of your night (time you could have been preparing for your honey's Valentine's day with you), but it robbed us out of ours!!! I play hard for my money and work hard to sell my items...just remember ppl who just flat out scammed for pure greeeeeed, what goes around comes around, and if you were banned, the time was yours..and YOU EARNED IT!!!!!!!! I'm finally getting over my withdrawls from not being able to play b:chuckle and ready to get it on now this weekend!!!

    *hugs and pats-on-backs*


    (btw, first time posting on this site so I so hope I hit reply on the right post and put it in right order!! b:cute)
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What part of I only play on the weekends for TWs dont you understand? The rest of this game was screwed up ages ago and I have moved on to better things. However I still find TWs fun.

    I have no idea who does what in the guild and I dont care. I ONLY care about coming on when its TW time and doing TWs.

    Im not the leader or even an officer in RoC thats their job not mine.

    Once again what I care about it the TWs, and my chance to attack in the TW this week was taken away. Thats what I care about and thats what I want something done about.

    You want to go on a RoC witch hunt be my guest thats how you choose to spend your time. My time I would rather spend trying to get a fair TW weekend, and all my opportunities to attack in TW back to us and the other guilds that got screwed over on Friday.

    I am trying very hard to point out to you that it was PLAYERS that screwed you over. Mostly likely some VERY players you stand next to on weekends in TWs. If you want to hold anyone responsible then, when you come across them, hold THEM responsible...EVEN if they are your own faction members.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am trying very hard to point out to you that it was PLAYERS that screwed you over. Mostly likely some VERY players you stand next to on weekends in TWs. If you want to hold anyone responsible then, when you come across them, hold THEM responsible...EVEN if they are your own faction members.

    lol players didnt **** me over. If the GMs have in their power to cancel the TWs or reschedule them and they are ignoring the issues then its them **** everyone over.

    The players who did this have nothing to do with the fact that the servers were held offline till the TWs were over and the only consolation the GMs want to provide is "reimburse a 500k fee". Those were all decisions made by the GMs that could have been made differently.

    I hold the players responsible for abusing the bug, I hold the GMs responsible for the desicions they make about the game after the bug has been found and fixed.

    And I still want the TWs either rescheduled or all canceled.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    "reimburse a 500k fee"
    Thats all? lol
    How much is worth a land after months owning it?
    The land we lost on sanctuary was worth 40m a month, and its one land im certain nobody would reach it for many months.
  • Wolvesfury - Lost City
    Wolvesfury - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Disappointing.. to say the least just saw some obvious NooB pass my lvl 29 Archer with 2 pieces of legendary gear (lvl 21Bow /lvl 9Necklace and wearing armor of the dawn gear) + riding a bear..not the worst part ..the worst part was seeing lvl 1 soulstones in his gear..kinda my tip off he's a noob if he can't bother to find the jewel craftsman's.. just need to Vent this out..think PWI is an awesome game compared to the last MMORPG i played which incidentally was pay to play and when the RMT's destroyed that economy i left MMO's So finding PWI by random chance was nice ,to play free even nicer , and too EARN my turns (so to speak) Priceless -.^ i understand glitches happen, i understand GM does not = GOD, and roll backs adversely impact the game..with that said tho i would like to vent some more on the attitudes i have seen displayed on the forums .. 90% of the high LvL's responded with the Mantra "Damn the Adverse Impact ROLL BACK THE GAME".. and not many people agreed with them.. i get it tho.. plain simple English they have been ROBBED .. i mean we all agree what happened was a Crime Correct? so by being a CRIME there are Victims ( not the best word but only one that fits) and their HARD EARNED EFFORTS are the Victims those that exploited the bug The Perpetrators.. now the peanut gallery and sideline Law Students start in by saying that their efforts are worth more and things will straighten themselves out "etc" that roll backs are punishing the innocent.. that kinda logic makes no sense to me.. i only obtained a grade 7 education and I am Native American so i kind of view things from way outside before speaking up.. but what i basically hear is it's PWI fault It's a Bug and therefore not OUR fault ( Sideliners) why should we suffer!! well we do suffer even if it's not as tangible as we'd assume. When the cheaters profit and by proxy those who FARMED the cheaters profit what suffers is credibility and truth. People are going to be tarnished GOOD people who worked hard will be viewed NEGATIVELY, look your self in the mirror and tell your self you won't question the guy wearing Great gear as a cheater..Suspicion and Doubt are the legacy of this, as for the Peanut Gallery Their Logic is That "In Order to Improve Morale The Beating's have to continue" worked fine on The Bounty >.> not much more to really say.. those that Earned your Rewards you are my Mentors those that FARMED the exploiters and now Strut around like you got game..the toes you step on today will be in the boot that crushes your throat one day..
    Mad props to Techs/GM'S and their Works to balance this out, there was (as in Real Life) no quick simple fixes and for that you have my gratitude and Many Many Thanks another Thank you for providing me a way to stay close to Her even when i am 5000 KM's away.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thats all? lol
    How much is worth a land after months owning it?
    The land we lost on sanctuary was worth 40m a month, and its one land im certain nobody would reach it for many months.

    Exactly, 500k one time vs 10m a week is hardly a re-imbursement.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Pwntmasta - Heavens Tear
    Pwntmasta - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Disappointing.. to say the least just saw some obvious NooB pass my lvl 29 Archer with 2 pieces of legendary gear (lvl 21Bow /lvl 9Necklace and wearing armor of the dawn gear) + riding a bear..not the worst part ..the worst part was seeing lvl 1 soulstones in his gear..kinda my tip off he's a noob if he can't bother to find the jewel craftsman's.. just need to Vent this out..think PWI is an awesome game compared to the last MMORPG i played which incidentally was pay to play and when the RMT's destroyed that economy i left MMO's So finding PWI by random chance was nice ,to play free even nicer , and too EARN my turns (so to speak) Priceless -.^ i understand glitches happen, i understand GM does not = GOD, and roll backs adversely impact the game..with that said tho i would like to vent some more on the attitudes i have seen displayed on the forums .. 90% of the high LvL's responded with the Mantra "Damn the Adverse Impact ROLL BACK THE GAME".. and not many people agreed with them.. i get it tho.. plain simple English they have been ROBBED .. i mean we all agree what happened was a Crime Correct? so by being a CRIME there are Victims ( not the best word but only one that fits) and their HARD EARNED EFFORTS are the Victims those that exploited the bug The Perpetrators.. now the peanut gallery and sideline Law Students start in by saying that their efforts are worth more and things will straighten themselves out "etc" that roll backs are punishing the innocent.. that kinda logic makes no sense to me.. i only obtained a grade 7 education and I am Native American so i kind of view things from way outside before speaking up.. but what i basically hear is it's PWI fault It's a Bug and therefore not OUR fault ( Sideliners) why should we suffer!! well we do suffer even if it's not as tangible as we'd assume. When the cheaters profit and by proxy those who FARMED the cheaters profit what suffers is credibility and truth. People are going to be tarnished GOOD people who worked hard will be viewed NEGATIVELY, look your self in the mirror and tell your self you won't question the guy wearing Great gear as a cheater..Suspicion and Doubt are the legacy of this, as for the Peanut Gallery Their Logic is That "In Order to Improve Morale The Beating's have to continue" worked fine on The Bounty >.> not much more to really say.. those that Earned your Rewards you are my Mentors those that FARMED the exploiters and now Strut around like you got game..the toes you step on today will be in the boot that crushes your throat one day..
    Mad props to Techs/GM'S and their Works to balance this out, there was (as in Real Life) no quick simple fixes and for that you have my gratitude and Many Many Thanks another Thank you for providing me a way to stay close to Her even when i am 5000 KM's away.

    95% of the community is about to suffer from it in the near futur but again that's only my opinion. All these bilions who came out of nowhere and that these gold seller got where do you think that Its going to be drained ?
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If GMs actually consider our posts and feelings, They would have clearly rolled back. To late now, You guys didn't see the voting poll? Over 700 votes and most were to yes.. 65% voted yes atleast .. But instead you guys ignored it and posted pointless posts as seen by kanto 'I like turtles', Same with shazzbots pointless posts.. Sure they could be funny and GMs having a laugh with players is cool, But in a serious time like yesterday found it pretty disappointing that GMs rather mess around rather then answer our questions. Now theres no roll back, Im sure the level 30s and people that grinded for 15 hours are happy.. But you can't honestly tell me theres not exploited money and items bought with that money running around? You did a good job but.. 70 accounts SUSPENDED, Ok thats weak..PERM BANNED would have been justified. The money you took out of game isn't even close to how much was running around, as players in sanctuary saw people with way more then 200m each.. You guys showed us a big thing yesterday, YOU don't care about the community. You lock threads, Edit YOUR own posts to cover up stuff.. Just like the charm pack issue, You guys editted posts saying the packs would be PERMANENT.. GG on keeping the community happy. Darthpanda says GMs play as players with no special powers and cannot use the cashshop, He says you guys pick up botters and what not.. Well tell me why I was standing infront of frankie n kanto with glitched gloves on, Whispered them both and shouted it out.. Neither said a word, Instead they were talking about duels.. Hmm pretty funny once again, Not paying attention to the important stuff.

    GMs do a good job around here I admit, But ya'll really need to start paying attention to your members. Im aware they wouldn't have seen my whisper due to 100000 noobs spamming them, But when its server clear and west Arch has like 5 people.. Pretty sure they seen my shout. I've used the ticketing system, I've used the /GM thing in whisper 'IM STUCK' ok then ya Im really stuck...Im not stuck..I found a glitch/Botter..So Im going to keep doing /GM thing until I get an actual response..It took 2 weeks to get a a GM to handle an auto talker, Yes reported atleast 5 times a day for 2 weeks.. Took a GM that long, IN A COMMON AND POPULATED SPOT..Im sure GMs play as real members...(Sarcastic).. Cuz if they do then they would have seen it easly..

    Just my feelings and hopefully GMs will pay attention to this post, Once again nothing to offend GMs yall do SOME good work.. Just thats my feelings and opinions on this kind of stuff.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    if Gms Actually Consider Our Posts And Feelings, They Would Have Clearly Rolled Back. To Late Now, You Guys Didn't See The Voting Poll? Over 700 Votes And Most Were To Yes.. 65% Voted Yes Atleast .. But Instead You Guys Ignored It And Posted Pointless Posts As Seen By Kanto 'i Like Turtles', Same With Shazzbots Pointless Posts.. Sure They Could Be Funny And Gms Having A Laugh With Players Is Cool, But in A Serious Time Like Yesterday Found It Pretty Disappointing That Gms Rather Mess Around Rather Then Answer Our Questions. Now Theres No Roll Back, Im Sure The Level 30s And People That Grinded For 15 Hours Are Happy.. But You Can't Honestly Tell Me Theres Not Exploited Money And Items Bought With That Money Running Around? You Did A Good Job But.. 70 Accounts Suspended, Ok Thats Weak..perm Banned Would Have Been Justified. The Money You Took Out Of Game Isn't Even Close To How Much Was Running Around, As Players In Sanctuary Saw People With Way More Then 200m Each.. You Guys Showed Us A Big Thing Yesterday, You Don't Care About The Community. You Lock Threads, Edit Your Own Posts To Cover Up Stuff.. Just Like The Charm Pack Issue, You Guys Editted Posts Saying The Packs Would Be Permanent.. Gg On Keeping The Community Happy. Darthpanda Says Gms Play As Players With No Special Powers And Cannot Use The Cashshop, He Says You Guys Pick Up Botters And What Not.. Well Tell Me Why I Was Standing Infront Of Frankie N Kanto With Glitched Gloves On, Whispered Them Both And Shouted It Out.. Neither Said A Word, Instead They Were Talking About Duels.. Hmm Pretty Funny Once Again, Not Paying Attention To The Important Stuff.

    Gms Do A Good Job Around Here I Admit, But Ya'll Really Need To Start Paying Attention To Your Members. Im Aware They Wouldn't Have Seen My Whisper Due To 100000 Noobs Spamming Them, But When Its Server Clear And West Arch Has Like 5 People.. Pretty Sure They Seen My Shout. I've Used The Ticketing System, I've Used The /gm Thing In Whisper 'im Stuck' Ok Then Ya Im Really Stuck...im Not Stuck..i Found A Glitch/botter..so Im Going To Keep Doing /gm Thing Until I Get An Actual Response..it Took 2 Weeks To Get A A Gm To Handle An Auto Talker, Yes Reported Atleast 5 Times A Day For 2 Weeks.. Took A Gm That Long, In A Common And Populated Spot..im Sure Gms Play As Real Members...(sarcastic).. Cuz If They Do Then They Would Have Seen It Easly..

    Just My Feelings And Hopefully Gms Will Pay Attention To This Post, Once Again Nothing To Offend Gms Yall Do Some Good Work.. Just Thats My Feelings And Opinions On This Kind Of Stuff.

    Games R Srs Bizness!!1!
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Games R Srs Bizness!!1!

    Fully spell your words 'Games Are Serious Buisiness(I hate spelling that word prob wrong)'

    Yesterday was a major issue, It's still an issue today but the GMs aren't going to listen to anyone now. They do what they want, and what benefits there pockets.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What part of I only play on the weekends for TWs dont you understand? The rest of this game was screwed up ages ago and I have moved on to better things. However I still find TWs fun.

    I have no idea who does what in the guild and I dont care. I ONLY care about coming on when its TW time and doing TWs.

    Im not the leader or even an officer in RoC thats their job not mine.

    Once again what I care about it the TWs, and my chance to attack in the TW this week was taken away. Thats what I care about and thats what I want something done about.

    You want to go on a RoC witch hunt be my guest thats how you choose to spend your time. My time I would rather spend trying to get a fair TW weekend, and all my opportunities to attack in TW back to us and the other guilds that got screwed over on Friday.

    You're the less hated version of RageQuit in the HT server. Some bs maintenance pops up because they screwed up in a patch and it never fails to be us that get screwed over with TW's.

    However this brings up a new topic, if it's that easy to fix bugs like these, why is it they didn't just go and fix all the bugs people complained about before [veno flying pet for tanking bosses, bugged bleed skill, etc.]? And why is it that veno's get banned for bugging bosses but don't get banned for bugging in PvP with the bleed skill? The Mods in this game do what they want, when they want, and how they want to do it, with no concern to the gaming community.
  • Quarka - Heavens Tear
    Quarka - Heavens Tear Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The players who did this have nothing to do with the fact that the servers were held offline till the TWs were over and the only consolation the GMs want to provide is "reimburse a 500k fee". Those were all decisions made by the GMs that could have been made differently.

    I hold the players responsible for abusing the bug, I hold the GMs responsible for the desicions they make about the game after the bug has been found and fixed.

    And I still want the TWs either rescheduled or all canceled.

    I highly agree with TWs reschedule (for next week maybe?) or all cancelled.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Stacks$ - Sanctuary
    Stacks$ - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i just want to know wat was going on i was hearing things but nothing happend
  • dsonophorus
    dsonophorus Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Rollback and cancel TW's this week. Any rl purchases should be converted back to zhen. If not enjoy the consequences. I'm out and many are leaving with me.

    The programmers/staff have a high error rate judging by this and past bugs. It was compounded by not rolling back. The staff is paid their solution was weak. Time to fire the staff responsible for the update process and integrity and time to fire the person responsible for not rolling back.

    But no reason to do it just because someone says it. The consequences of this disaster will probably force downsizing.
  • Mic - Heavens Tear
    Mic - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Now let us be reminded This is a game. It is supossed to be for fun.So TW got messed up & you loose out on 10m coins & now you have to actually fight to keep a Teritory.OMG this is just a game. Get a life. If you complain like this about a game then i feel sorry for you......really. The gm's worked hard to corect a problem & they did. there is more at steak then there pockets, That is there jobs. If you only care about your pockets being hurt then quit. there are plenty of ppl that still play for the fun of the game.....because it is a game not life. Thank you for reading.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am sure most people want a reply from PWI to whats going to happen next. soon
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Now let us be reminded This is a game. It is supossed to be for fun.So TW got messed up & you loose out on 10m coins & now you have to actually fight to keep a Teritory.OMG this is just a game. Get a life. If you complain like this about a game then i feel sorry for you......really. The gm's worked hard to corect a problem & they did. there is more at steak then there pockets, That is there jobs. If you only care about your pockets being hurt then quit. there are plenty of ppl that still play for the fun of the game.....because it is a game not life. Thank you for reading.

    Thanks for the reminder that it is a game and not serious business. Unfortunately, you completely gloss over the fact that many like myself spend real life money and time on trying to have fun playing this game, and getting cheated like we did yesterday is the exact opposite of fun. Once again unfair games (especially those slanted against you) are not fun, there are very few people who would disagree with that. Would you play poker with 3 cards against someone with a full hand? I seriously doubt it. Furthermore, try not to make assumptions as to why people play, their reasons are their own, and many of them like PvP, and TW (and fairness in the competition).
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