Server Roll Back?



  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I hate greed with a vengeance, I've seen games fall, the real world fall, because of it. Greed needs to be bannable in all mmos, and real life if the world is ever going to work properly.

    YEAH, we should just ban human nature while we're at it.

    Oh wait...
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i dont think u get what i mean i bought zhen=gold 106 gold to be spot on and spent it all today on charms to sell that 70 gbp of my hard earned cash if i loose all my charms i want my 106 gold back straight away

    I'm with you.. I spent the same today for clothes and charms and such but I am assuming they will restcoky your account with purchased zen. If they don't just call your credit card company and dispute the charge.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Fancyman - Heavens Tear
    Fancyman - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i just wanna get my Helmsley Coat dyed black first try again :{
    other than that I don't really care about rollbacks...

    .....but really if its a PvE server then whats all the ruckus?
    Just lemme play
    I gotta work in a couple hours
  • Ryanwolf - Heavens Tear
    Ryanwolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    YEAH, we should just ban human nature while we're at it.

    Oh wait...

    i used paypal not a credit card to buy my gold
  • Kahrina - Sanctuary
    Kahrina - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    .....but really if its a PvE server then whats all the ruckus?
    Just lemme play
    I gotta work in a couple hours

    do you by that mean that a PvE server is inferior to, or worth less than, a PvP one? just out of curiosity...
    and if so, i wonder how u come to that conclusion
    It's not like he's hard to spot. A giant, purple, electric dragon? I mean, C'mon, people!
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i dont think u get what i mean i bought zhen=gold 106 gold to be spot on and spent it all today on charms to sell that 70 gbp of my hard earned cash if i loose all my charms i want my 106 gold back straight away

    Thats the point of a rollback genius...
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i just wanna get my Helmsley Coat dyed black first try again :{
    other than that I don't really care about rollbacks...

    .....but really if its a PvE server then whats all the ruckus?
    Just lemme play
    I gotta work in a couple hours

    K gimme 200m++ then, lets see how many molds and mats are in arch ?
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    PWE Devs are working to fix the issues from last night's patch.

    No ETA yet on when the servers will be back up.

    We like to be in the game too b:victory

    Please keep assumptions and rumors as just that, do not take those as truths.

    Please look for official posts from Admins here on the forums in regards to the emergency server maintenance.
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  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thats the point of a rollback genius...

    I think the point is that he, like me, bought zen today.. a rollback to pre-patch does not restore paid for zen purchased after.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    PWE Devs are working to fix the issues from last night's patch.

    No ETA yet on when the servers will be back up.

    We like to be in the game too b:victory

    Please keep assumptions and rumors as just that, do not take those as truths.

    Please look for official posts from Admins here on the forums in regards to the emergency server maintenance.

    Moderator posted saying CASHOP ITEMS WAS A EXPLOIT.. But editted it, So do we go by your original posts or the lieing editted ones? Also Xarfox voted NO on a rollback..That kind of shows alot? And why is a GM voting on a ingame PLAYERS poll..It all points to him saying no there will not be one. So unless I see another GM voting anytime soon, then its obvious that its one sided.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pretty sure the zen transactions are kept separate. In any case though, you would either get your money refunded or your zen/gold returned to you.
  • DeOso - Lost City
    DeOso - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm sorry, but wtf is going on????
  • Lycorys - Heavens Tear
    Lycorys - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have to say I kinda find this all amusing. I just started last night cause of a friend, I play plenty of other MMO's, including WoW, and have been for some time. If something like this happens, where the economy takes a huge hit, it's an automatic rollback... You just got that super cool item from that uber hard boss to beat? Too bad, the worlds greater good is more important then the single solitary person.

    Cash in games is allways easy to spread around, and how do you punish those who got the cash, along with those who had it spent on their items without a rollback? The scammer makes millions, and then starts to buy stuff from players, all those players sold items to the exploiters are innocent of any crime, but if there is no rollback and they find someway to delete all the gold, well guess what, they're now out an item and the money because of someone elses crime.

    The only way to sort out everything at once imo is a rollback to when the problem started, 15 hours ago, otherwise we're talking days of downtime, going through every transaction, sorting out every little money transfer to make sure each and every single coin of misbegotten money is taken from the economy, wich in turn is going to tear down a lotta players.

    So wich is better... 15 hours of your grinding time lost, wich can be made up in another 15 hours.. or the next few days of investigation and digging and tearing up of everything that happened, and if you sold something, did you get exploited gold in exchange for it? are you sure? watch your bank account... heh

    Well said b:thanks . A roll-back gets the servers back to normal now and gets them online somewhat quickly. This way the GMs can review the logs later and we get the game back to semi-normal in the meantime.
    Also, again if we don't it lets the glitchers/hackers know we're lax and that they can get away with this sort of ****, and we slide down the scale a bit. Above all things I don't want this to become another ghost server, populated only by useless greedy people.
    We may lose items, events, or exp gained in the 15 hours being rolled-back, but the real prize is still ours. The excitement of having found a tauren cape mold drop, or the comradery of doing fb's is still ours to keep even if the numeric side is wiped out.

    I say this even though I myself will lose around 4mil in profit I made by leaving my catshop open last night, but I'd rather have a server worth playing on then lots of coins to use on a server thats only going down hill. Actually I'll lose far more then the 4 mil, as that would have let me achieve my goal of affording the discounted marriage before the 14th so I can marry meh Wolfie as planned and in style (something far more valuable then any items), and I still vote for a roll-back.
    "Let not your outrage for injustice end where your selfishness begins"
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well said b:thanks . A roll-back gets the servers back to normal now and gets them online somewhat quickly. This way the GMs can review the logs later and we get the game back to semi-normal in the meantime.
    Also, again if we don't it lets the glitchers/hackers know we're lax and that they can get away with this sort of ****, and we slide down the scale a bit. Above all things I don't want this to become another ghost server, populated only by useless greedy people.
    We may lose items, events, or exp gained in the 15 hours being rolled-back, but the real prize is still ours. The excitement of having found a tauren cape mold drop, or the comradery of doing fb's is still ours to keep even if the numeric side is wiped out.

    I say this even though I myself will lose around 4mil in profit I made by leaving my catshop open last night, but I'd rather have a server worth playing on then lots of coins to use on a server thats only going down hill. Actually I'll lose far more then the 4 mil, as that would have let me achieve my goal of affording the discounted marriage before the 14th so I can marry meh Wolfie as planned and in style (something far more valuable then any items), and I still vote for a roll-back.

    Im pretty sure 15 hours of grinding at your level is a major loss aswell, yet you still say yes to rollback. This goes to show PWI still has some smart n good hearted people, Hopefully your marriage gets done soon :) Pre Gratz.
  • __Longshot__ - Sanctuary
    __Longshot__ - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    15 hours of grinding? MY gosh, time to log off and enjoy the real world.
  • Zaphael - Heavens Tear
    Zaphael - Heavens Tear Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i just wanna get my Helmsley Coat dyed black first try again :{
    other than that I don't really care about rollbacks...

    You know...this is what makes me sad. I bought the new dress and boots...and got random dyes...and got lucky. I was okay with the color of dress...and then I found a girl with the color I wanted who wanted MY we traded. Then my boots got dyed black on the first try.

    Lucky! I was really, really thrilled with my new clothes.

    With a rollback, I'm probably going to get stuck with brown and yellow...

    To be perfectly honest, it sucks...and I think anybody who bought the cash shop item and exploited the bug should be perma-banned, their entire account...for all the trouble a rollback will cause.

    In spite of all of this, I think a rollback HAS to be done. Luckily, this seems to only have affected Sanctuary maybe they can only roll back THAT server...wishful thinking, I know.

    Even though it means I'm going to have to start all over again getting my clothes how I want....even though it means people will lose XP...the only fair thing to do is a rollback. It was an exploit, and Terms of Service say that using an exploit is bannable.

    Would you rather lose XP that you can get again...or would you rather pay millions of coins for a single HP/MP charm until (and if) the economy settles? Would you like to have those who exploited this glitch walking around in the best gear with enough coins to keep buying while you can't or would you prefer to have to try again to dye your clothes?

    The choice doesn't seem that hard to make, no matter how much it sucks.

    However, anybody who bought those cash shop items and exploited this BETTER get a perma-ban...they should have to pay a high price by losing any accounts they involved in this even if that's a major TW guild leader or a level 90+ character. Instead of being a decent person and reporting it to avoid this very situation, they ran off and spread it around and made it worse. And GMs CAN see where you sent money and stuff, because I've had problems with catshop sales and mail errors that GMs have looked into and fixed. There is a log of activity they can view for each character or account. It won't be hard to see who did it, and trace any illicit funds they may have tried to spread around.

    Swift punishment is the only way to go...because next time, people might think twice about exploiting a glitch if they know they could lose a character in which they've invested a lot of time and money. If they get away with it now, people will know nothing happens...and ANY exploit they can find, they will use.
    "there is a majority of people I can't here stand anymore. The skill level in TW has decreased dramatically. Frankly I am tired leading a TW of a bunch of idiots and morons. I outlasted my patience for them. I just can't waste anymore time here." ~Ehmi's leaving post.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    15 hours of grinding? MY gosh, time to log off and enjoy the real world.

    No one actually plays 15 hours but as an example its a huge loss to someone of that level, So ROLL BACKK ALREADY I WANNA PLAY AGAIN SO I CAN MAKE UP WUT WE LOST YOU.;.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You know...this is what makes me sad. I bought the new dress and boots...and got random dyes...and got lucky. I was okay with the color of dress...and then I found a girl with the color I wanted who wanted MY we traded. Then my boots got dyed black on the first try.

    Lucky! I was really, really thrilled with my new clothes.

    With a rollback, I'm probably going to get stuck with brown and yellow...

    To be perfectly honest, it sucks...and I think anybody who bought the cash shop item and exploited the bug should be perma-banned, their entire account...for all the trouble a rollback will cause.

    In spite of all of this, I think a rollback HAS to be done. Luckily, this seems to only have affected Sanctuary maybe they can only roll back THAT server...wishful thinking, I know.

    Even though it means I'm going to have to start all over again getting my clothes how I want....even though it means people will lose XP...the only fair thing to do is a rollback. It was an exploit, and Terms of Service say that using an exploit is bannable.

    Would you rather lose XP that you can get again...or would you rather pay millions of coins for a single HP/MP charm until (and if) the economy settles? Would you like to have those who exploited this glitch walking around in the best gear with enough coins to keep buying while you can't or would you prefer to have to try again to dye your clothes?

    The choice doesn't seem that hard to make, no matter how much it sucks.

    However, anybody who bought those cash shop items and exploited this BETTER get a perma-ban...they should have to pay a high price by losing any accounts they involved in this even if that's a major TW guild leader or a level 90+ character. Instead of being a decent person and reporting it to avoid this very situation, they ran off and spread it around and made it worse. And GMs CAN see where you sent money and stuff, because I've had problems with catshop sales and mail errors that GMs have looked into and fixed. There is a log of activity they can view for each character or account. It won't be hard to see who did it, and trace any illicit funds they may have tried to spread around.

    Swift punishment is the only way to go...because next time, people might think twice about exploiting a glitch if they know they could lose a character in which they've invested a lot of time and money. If they get away with it now, people will know nothing happens...and ANY exploit they can find, they will use.

    HT WAS pretty affected, Sanctuary more then HT..LC who cares they CS like mad anyways rofl.

    But please GMs just give us a rollback so we can go make up our loses......................................... honestly stop wasting MORE of our time
  • Xenesis - Lost City
    Xenesis - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    QQ carebears
  • Lycorys - Heavens Tear
    Lycorys - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No one actually plays 15 hours but as an example its a huge loss to someone of that level, So ROLL BACKK ALREADY I WANNA PLAY AGAIN SO I CAN MAKE UP WUT WE LOST YOU.;.

    Actually . . b:quiet I have been known to grind for 15 hours on a Saterday if teh weather is poor and the game manages to hold my interest that long lol. But I see your point, 15 hours of grind is a big loss but a worthwhile one in the interest of doing this right the first time. And a roll-back might get things going again the quickest, however please consider that the GMs have to isolate the problem and make sure it is not repeatable before they bring the servers back up so we should try to be patient until then. I for one would rather the server be down for a while, then risk the same thing happening again as soon as it comes up. Remember, saying review the logs makes it sound easy, but its a massive undertaking that is not going to be finished in a couple of minutes. We need to give them time and try to be patient, rather then pressuring them into making a move before they have the situation fully figured out.

    They have to first make sure its safe to bring the servers up first, and then review the information collected in the past 15 hours to see Who to punish before they can act on that side too. I do believe people should be punished for this and I know some might slip through the net, but I would much rather be confident that the Right people are caught and punished then to just see lots of heads roll now.
    "Let not your outrage for injustice end where your selfishness begins"
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i used paypal not a credit card to buy my gold

    And that has what to do with banning human nature, greed or anything else?

    *pauses to consider the ramifications of irrelevant responses to sarcastic posts*
  • YagamiChan - Heavens Tear
    YagamiChan - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'd like to know if really rollback is happening, or some player thought of it and everybody believed.. I'm waiting with impatience for official info about solution of this problem.. Will there be a rollback, or not? Is there any GM who can confirm it? ^^
    But althought this situation is amusing me. b:chuckle
  • __Longshot__ - Sanctuary
    __Longshot__ - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Does anyone know for sure 100% there was a glitch or someone taking advantage of a flaw? Maybe a Millionaire bought tons of gold and is having fun wrecking havoc on the PW community.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There was a glitch with a cash shop item. People were talking about it, a mod confirmed it, then edited the post shortly afterwards. Go figure.
  • xscoobx
    xscoobx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well I think if a rollback is needed then roll away :D

    Sad that I'll probably have to start back at nothing since I just started and all.. *sigh* some people...b:angry
  • Lycorys - Heavens Tear
    Lycorys - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Does anyone know for sure 100% there was a glitch or someone taking advantage of a flaw? Maybe a Millionaire bought tons of gold and is having fun wrecking havoc on the PW community.

    True it could be as you suggest but it really doesn't change the situation at hand right now, although I admit I am curious to find that out as well.

    Even if this an engineered market crash of sorts, its still destructive to the game as a whole, and PWI has a right and responsibility to look after its reputation. . . i.e. counteracting and punishing such pranks. I for one don't blame PWI for this event either way. I have worked on and modded a number of games myself and know much work it is to try and make a glitch free product. Mistakes happen, and we don't even know if its PWI's mistake exclusively either, as it could have been something sent over from PWChina to be included in the current patch. In the end no good will come of looking for people to blame right now. Something has happened and the important matter right now is to decide what we are going to do right now. There will plenty of time to look for who's at fault later. Either way, to wait is all we can do right now. I'd rather the GMs be to busy working on the situation then hanging on our every word here and feeding us trivial updates about every tiny step of the process
    "Let not your outrage for injustice end where your selfishness begins"
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Does anyone know for sure 100% there was a glitch or someone taking advantage of a flaw? Maybe a Millionaire bought tons of gold and is having fun wrecking havoc on the PW community.

    There was a glitch that players found and took advantage of. The AH gold inflation was a side-effect of players abusing the glitch. In this case, the millionaire buying tons of gold to wreck the in-game economy didn't happen, although if there isn't a roll-back, for the simple reason it's the simplest and most effective plan to implement due to inherent flaws and problems with any other idea, the economy would suffer from massive inflation of the player run economy. I've seen it happen in another game when the player run economy was flooded with a lot of gold with no gold-sink in place to remove it fast enough.

    Edit :: On that note, everytime I see my character's name I have this urge to yell OMG LAZERZ, and wonder if anyone actually takes me seriously (I have trouble doing so)
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Can only purchase 100 gold per 24 hrs Kty
  • Tazuki - Lost City
    Tazuki - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    already got my HH90 full set with +6, just need 1 more lvl b:dirty b:victory thx to this glitch
  • schexie
    schexie Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Be prepared that much people leaving PW if u rollback i came back here 3 days ago i switched ig gold i had PWI europ to ig here so i spend my last 5 million to have 5 million here if u rollback everythingh i had gone ! i bought me my whole stuff on PWI US and leveld my new venomancer up 42 levels here m,ade all production skills to lvl 3 and they can be upgrade at 50 only blacksmith missing u will fu ck up my last hope to finaly make a lvl 100 here after the PWI europe server just have been messed up and i did 86 level there for nth which made me come back here im really upset if u roll back all my work for nth ?? then i completly leave PW b:bye i hope u wont rollback