"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!
I'd love to see RSS/ATOM feeds for the News section of the site: Announcements, Events, Patch Notes. It'd help keep us updated without having to worry if we're checking the site often enough. b:pleased[sigpic][/sigpic]
MuSHRooMS - Lost City (currently inviting new members) b:victory
WeAreMuSHRooMS.com0 -
posting this here in hopes we can get a fix..
Pet XP needs to be looked at in regards to grouping. Pets do not get xp for their efforts, and worse, if there are multiple pets in a group maybe 1 pet will get xp (maybe) and others would not.
Bottom line, pets should get xp, flat out, just like group members, as it is now it prohibits Venomancers from actively grouping, (they need to level their pet).
Light Armor build, Support Cleric
Barbarian, feral build
Arcane Veno
Beetle Wrangler0 -
all class pet kowlin, and let the all class pets do the same a veno pets
like the halt and follow thing so the pets dont always get in the way or they dont always fall behind.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Boojangles has a fetish with brambles o.O
So troll elsewhere0 -
Updated. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Hi, I have a couple ideas concerning dueling. First of all I think that it would be cool to have a team/squad based dueling system such as 2v2, 3v3, 1v2, etc. This would be fun because you and your squad could duel rival squads for fun to see who is better without the negative effects and random high levels killing you like there is in PK mode. I also think that there should be a "stake" option. This was you can duel others for money or items. Let me know what you think.0
The squad duel was already implemented in the list so only updated "Stake option".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
There should be spaces and special characters allowed in the faction message.
There are certain rooms that are bugged in cube. There is no way to complete the PvP room. I don't think there is a non-tank mob in the Real or Fake room. The Bomb quest should automatically trash if you leave the Cube.
Chat boxes should always remember that two-character prefix for which chat you are currently on. If I am typing to squad with !! <blah blah blah> and hit escape. It should erase the message but keep the !!
This would prevent a lot of the typing-in-the-wrong-chat-mode problem.0 -
Please add 'Friends-chat feature'.
I've made a poll thread about it already. Thanx a bunches.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Tryangle - Lost City wrote: »There should be spaces and special characters allowed in the faction message.
Was already in it.There are certain rooms that are bugged in cube. There is no way to complete the PvP room. I don't think there is a non-tank mob in the Real or Fake room. The Bomb quest should automatically trash if you leave the Cube.
This is a suggestion thread it is not meant for bugs.
This one is specifically for Cube bugs:
This is the thread to report ingame bugs in general:
http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=155442Chat boxes should always remember that two-character prefix for which chat you are currently on. If I am typing to squad with !! <blah blah blah> and hit escape. It should erase the message but keep the !!
This would prevent a lot of the typing-in-the-wrong-chat-mode problem.
If you change over to the specific chat you wrote in that will stay if you write it in general chat just with "!!" in front it will of course leave as that chat is for General chat not whisper, faction, squad etc chat.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Well as I've read through most of this stuff. I can see that some of this is in the game in some way.
Or, as I've said before Some of these things may not be quite as imperative as others.
Maybe we can get a list of MUST HAVE stuff section? That's like at the top of the list. Like basic things the drive you completely nuts when normal play of the game is induced. Such as for me Click to Move has really got to go, and I REALLY NEED Tab Targeting. For me those are MUST HAVES! I could do with out some things, although I would really like to have them. I just need some things first.0 -
Ok, Now I have a couple suggestions that I don't believe are on here.
1.) [User Interface]: The ability to stop casting simply by moving. I.E. Movement Interrupts Spell Casting.
(As it is right now, you can queue up spells and you can stop casting to redo something else. ESC key is the only thing that stops spell casting. Most other games I've played...if you move while casting you stop casting. In this game..if you start casting something...you can't move. =WEIRD! ha ha
2.) [User Interface]: Show Squad Members on the Mini-Map, Regardless if show players in on/off.
(I know some people said to show guild members...eh...ok. I really don't see a use for that myself. I need not know where someone is unless they are in my squad really. I mean think about that...what if you in a guild with 200 members and 80 of them are online? You have all that junk now on you map/mini-map. Please don't kill my brain like that. If you want to know where someone is in your guild simply invite them to your squad. Problem solved.)
3.) [Animation]: Mount animation when sitting still, induced by pressing jump button.
(I think it would be neat to have the mount perform an animation, possibly with sound? While sitting still, which would happen if you press the jump button. This was the case in another game that I played...I enjoyed this a great deal)
4.) [Key bindings/Chat]: A key that you can hit to "Auto-Reply".
(When someone sends you a tell, being about to hit "Backspace" to bring their name up, so that you can reply to them. As it is now, you have to move your hand from the keyboard to grab the mouse to click on their name. And if you are getting multiple tells...this can become rather annoying. When it would be so much easier if you could just reach up with your right pinky finger and hit the backspace key to reply to someone.
***someone already said update the guild pane, to include Player levels***
5.) [User Interface/Chat]: Add slash commands, instead of Random Shift Keys for Chat commands.
(Re-Write the code from (!!)for squad chat should be(/s), (!~) for guild chat should be(/g), ($)for trade chat should be(/t), (!@) for world chat should be(/w)........and so on and so forth...you get the idea. Also, this would make it to where you could issue a command to do the emotes from the chat window. Such as: (/dance, /laugh or /lol, /shy, /cry, /attack, /defense, /charge, /victory, ....well you get the idea.)
6.) [User Interface/Chat]: Add more emotes
(Such as Men's Bow, Lady's Bow *Petite*, Clap, Golf Clap, Whistle, Poke, Slap, Kick, Train, Run, Duck, Hide, shiver, itch, etc, etc...you get the idea.)
7.) [User Interface/Chat]: Have the emotes display a message in the chat window.
(Example: Sethagorn slaps Ewolyndia, Arwen runs from Aragorn, Sethagorn ponders the meaning of life, Ewolyndia laughs at Sethagorn...You get the idea)
8.) [Avatar]: Name change scroll
(I know this could possibly have dramatic effects on people being able to get off peoples black list...but...it would still be nice, all you'd have to do is re-ignore them and they'd be wasting money. So it's a win-win really. And if they keep doing it to the point it gets on your nerves you could put a ticket in with a screen shot and have them suspended or banned for harassment. Cause I actually misspelled my name when I made it, and I'd like to change it to Eowlyndia. I know what your thinking, I'm stupid, well yeah maybe, but stupid people need help too.)
Well that is all I have for now...I'll get back to you as more things come to me.0 -
Ewolyndia I do hope you know I love you! That was so easy to update! Thank you very much! b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
More avalible actions!!!
my persoanl list:
-Sleep action
-talking action(s)
-(improved) dancing action(s) (because the current one is damn weird)
and anyothers that may improve the RPing experience.
b:mischievous0 -
Loxin that would go under more emotes which is already in the list.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Would it be possible to see your location on the map, inside of dungeons? Or at least label the Entrance.0
I would like to make too a sugestion for the game.In every game i played(pvp servers)was a rule about pking low lvl players.If could be possible to be applied here too will be awesome.That means u r not allowed to pk players with 20 lvs lower then u.I appreciate if anyone will read this.0
Updated though antuna your suggestion was already in the list.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Hi it is me again b:victory This suggestion would be really easy to update and it is a very very important one to me and a lot of other players. Reputation for Daily Quest(Crazy Stone), increasing every ten levels, 3 for lv 30-39 4 for level 40-49, 5 for level 50-59, etc. This would be very helpful seeing as how exp without rep makes it harder to achieve say 2500 reputation by level 60. Please update this as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it and can't think of anyone who wouldnt.
P.S. I would like to thank you for reading and updating this thread. It means a lot to me that you guys and gals at PW actually care about what your players think.0 -
Just to clarify this I am not a staffmember of PWI, neither are any of the other Moderators. We are normal players like all of you, who help out on the forum. We don't get paid for this or get any other advantage, all we really do get at the end of the day is a thank you and if we are lucky the right to tease some GM's. Which is really quite easy ^_^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I think we should have a kind of uniform thing going on for factions. Something as simple as a cape with an icon on it or even being able to put an icon on fashion items.[SIGPIC]http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg94/scaled.php?server=94&filename=phsycoe.png&res=medium[/SIGPIC]
Collab' sig made by Silvychar and me (FieryBlade)0 -
Updated. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Add: Allow BB code in signatures.
Thank you*************************************
Main Character: Nicolanis; 8x Venomancer - The Best No-Nix Robe User On Lost City(Not Much Competition There Though) b:victory
Faction: Harvester b:shocked
Current Reputation:- 50xx/200,000 Wearing Rank 4 Chest Armorb:dirty
*************************************0 -
Don't know if it's already been suggested, but how about a hair length slider in the character creation, or a selection of longer hair? Not sure if it's possible, but I'd like long long hair. xD0
Updated. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
another suggestion for you to add
- color names added to the clothes, makes trading easier since people experience colors differently. what is blue for me might be violet for someone else and so on.
- possibility to choose the color in the cash shop when buying clothes (i don;t like looking like a x-mas tree cause each item of a set i buy has different colors T_T )
i hope it's not in the list already.. i checked but maybe i've overseen it :S.: Being able to read and think at the same time is an advantage :.0 -
It would be a good idea that the players could try the clothes on before buying from the boutique. I'm tired of chasing other players just because I want to try their clothes. Please. It would be helpful. And why not mounts, aerocrafts (fly) and other stuff. Thanks ;-)0
Sanshiru - Lost City wrote: »- possibility to choose the color in the cash shop when buying clothes (i don;t like looking like a x-mas tree cause each item of a set i buy has different colors T_T )
I was going to suggest that too. I saw some things in the CS that I'd like to get, but it says "Random Color" so it leaves you with two options: Spam world chat about wanting to trade your color for a different one and HOPE that someone wants your color AND has the one you want; or spend MORE money on pigments and HOPE that you get the colors you want and in the amount you need. So, unless this is implemented, I probably won't get any CS clothes (with the exception of set-color items, which right now is none). It just seems like a scam to me, sort of like buying a pair of shoes at a price per shoe.0 -
Ability to set "Auto Move To Location". Using a track point marker, player will auto run/fly to the set track point.
EDIT Auto-Path has already been implemented, also usable on the world map, which I didn't know.*************************************
Main Character: Nicolanis; 8x Venomancer - The Best No-Nix Robe User On Lost City(Not Much Competition There Though) b:victory
Faction: Harvester b:shocked
Current Reputation:- 50xx/200,000 Wearing Rank 4 Chest Armorb:dirty
*************************************0 -
Updated. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I sent in as a suggestion but might as well put in here also.
-aero/aqua meditation part of a culti quest or you get as new skill later.
where you can meditate underwater or on flying mount.
-various types of flying mounts.
some suggestions:
-dragons(max lvl in game to use or at least insanely high)
-bats(happy Halloween HINT HINT
-more races. I know peps either dont know or this might not be a popular race, but since the shirinkins were once part of untame(turned when waiths came) have some who did not or turned on waiths and have new race, kinda like gnomes of WoW, short and ugly.
-ready for a tricky one programmers- if over a body of water and the player falls _ amount of Z cord. then animate him/her in a diving position(just a nice touch)
-pets can sell your items for you while you go out questing etc... This would open up a new kind of all class pet, business pets.
-if/when arena opens allow the fights to be worth rep. and have rankings for the arena.
-have a gambling NPC or GM in arena so players can place bets on who will win/lose
-I think it was an error to begin with, but switch price of ultimate bank stone(12G) and ultimate inventory stone.(9G)
-Not to sound complainy or anything but flying manta rays=cool, wings=cool flying over sized sword=kinda cool? just an extension of the more flying mounts pretty much.
-almost forgot this one. Noticed when players are making venos they have two sets of ears b:puzzled just looks kinda bad if you don't have huge hair and even then still looks weird.
-a nice touch would be if when a player dies they actually look dead. It's not a big deal but I noticed my character still was blinking his eyes. Not meaning to nitpick btw just a lol moment with that one.
-an add on to what someone said about extending the area for faction news box, have a icon next to the news box with faction icon, also maybe have icon placed on TW map for all to see(derogatory icons should have faction banned and faction leader account banned or him/her warned)
-Adensem, b:laughWe are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abondoned; struck down, but not destroyed. b:victoryb:victoryb:victory0
This discussion has been closed.
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