Attention Full Attack Clerics



  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The difference between FAC and hybrid is pretty unclear. Having Purify skilled high is needed on any FAC who does AoE soloing, so FACs need purify. Ironheart is maxed as well. That's pretty much your fb healing skills in a nutshell right there. If you have a crappy team, blue bubble might be needed. But any decent team can survive off of just those two as healer.

    So not sure how purify would technically make a FAC into a hybrid, the only way I can see is if it means building to vit as well. And for TW, if I had skilled into vit, my cleric would have sucked like many others.

    Two of the 3 major guilds on Sanctuary did war with eachother. My cleric was min str with 5 vit, boosted to about 27 from eq. I was able to singlehandedly hold down 8 enemies at their fort, 60s+, until I needed to suicide to base spawn for defense. Anytime they grouped up, they were fodder for AoE. Any barbarian who was high level and needed to be soloed, would either be dropped to 60% health for a lvl 8 tempest strike, or thunderballed to break their charm and use the DoT to add dmg to kill them before the charm recharged. Ordinarily Thunderball sucks, but for that barbarian you just need a bit more dmg to kill in between charm ticks it is very much needed.

    In short, this worthless build was repeatedly referred to as imbalanced, got many pms of compliments, and had world chats crediting it with the reason the defense was successful. Unless they sent a couple high lvls just to hunt me down, I would take out 20+ of them easy, and would only die on lucky crits from archers when plumeshell was down, or when distracting them from another battle was worth dieing for.

    It took on 15+ attackers for a minute before plumeshotting a grouping of them and then taking off. It lasted 2 minutes as a test with 10+ people lvl 70+ beating on it before finally dieing when my last pot got used up. All this together makes me wonder just how accurate your assesment is. I've soloed lvl 74 barbarians and killed them regularly, also killed them when they had another tag teaming me. That is one thing I know a vit build is incapable of. So not sure where all the attack cleric hate is coming from.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The difference between FAC and hybrid is pretty unclear. Having Purify skilled high is needed on any FAC who does AoE soloing, so FACs need purify. Ironheart is maxed as well. That's pretty much your fb healing skills in a nutshell right there. If you have a crappy team, blue bubble might be needed. But any decent team can survive off of just those two as healer.

    So not sure how purify would technically make a FAC into a hybrid, the only way I can see is if it means building to vit as well. And for TW, if I had skilled into vit, my cleric would have sucked like many others.

    Two of the 3 major guilds on Sanctuary did war with eachother. My cleric was min str with 5 vit, boosted to about 27 from eq. I was able to singlehandedly hold down 8 enemies at their fort, 60s+, until I needed to suicide to base spawn for defense. Anytime they grouped up, they were fodder for AoE. Any barbarian who was high level and needed to be soloed, would either be dropped to 60% health for a lvl 8 tempest strike, or thunderballed to break their charm and use the DoT to add dmg to kill them before the charm recharged. Ordinarily Thunderball sucks, but for that barbarian you just need a bit more dmg to kill in between charm ticks it is very much needed.

    In short, this worthless build was repeatedly referred to as imbalanced, got many pms of compliments, and had world chats crediting it with the reason the defense was successful. Unless they sent a couple high lvls just to hunt me down, I would take out 20+ of them easy, and would only die on lucky crits from archers when plumeshell was down, or when distracting them from another battle was worth dieing for.

    It took on 15+ attackers for a minute before plumeshotting a grouping of them and then taking off. It lasted 2 minutes as a test with 10+ people lvl 70+ beating on it before finally dieing when my last pot got used up. All this together makes me wonder just how accurate your assesment is. I've soloed lvl 74 barbarians and killed them regularly, also killed them when they had another tag teaming me. That is one thing I know a vit build is incapable of. So not sure where all the attack cleric hate is coming from.

    You were an important part of the TW because you're on a nonfactor server where 83 is considered a high level and you're the fifth highest on the server.

    In a real server like Lost City, where 83 is only considered average, where the guilds are more organized and we had taken territories 3 weeks before you guys did, the skill of a guild and the builds involved shines through a lot more.

    Basically, tactics that work in the little leages are a joke in the major league.

    If your server was panicing about you, the moment they saw Lorelai or Deadbone they'd **** bricks.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    every ****ing class and their grandmas can deal damage but who can heal? who can res? who can buff?
    So why aren't you a Support Cleric then? Don't we have as much right to be a DD as you?

    For me personally, the choice was not Attack Cleric or Support Cleric. It was Attack Cleric, Wizard or Archer. Support Cleric has no appeal for me. As I expect that holds true for most (if not all) FAC's out there.

    So with that in mind ... isn't it better to have some FAC's that can backup your Support Clerics, rather than more of some other DD class?

    That said - if a FAC isn't willing to be a backup healer, then I completely agree that they don't belong in a guild - that's selfish behaviour, and you need to work as a team. But if they don't want to be a primary healer, that's another story.

    I rolled a FAC because it sounded like fun (and I was right). I'm finding it much more effective in PvE then either a Wizard or Archer (both of which I had tried before reading about a FAC). Only level 40 of course - maybe it'll be different when I get higher. Will I regret it when I hit 70? No. I'm having fun, and that's the whole point. If at 70, I find it's no longer fun, I'll reroll another character ... not a problem. I certainly won't regret the fun I've already had.

    As for effectiveness in PvP - I don't do it, don't care about that, so can't comment on it.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    so Why Aren't You A Support Cleric Then?

    HE IS. That's the point. Also, notice, that he's level 87 and a total beast in PVP as you can see on my PVP/TW videos.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    HE IS

    10 Chars
    Sorry, guess I got his post mixed up with yours (I just remembered reading some comment about being a light armour wizard)

    Point is still valid though - if someone wants to be a DD, they're unlikely to go Support Cleric. So if your choice is a FAC or some other DD class, which would you rather have? (And I actually intend that as an honest question - as a said, I don't PvP, so wouldn't know - but it seems to me a FAC who's willing to be a backup healer would be more useful if you already have so many DD's)
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    no one is saying you should not skill any attack spells
    the problem with FACs is that they think they are good damage dealers
    but they are NOT
    they are decent, i give u that
    but an Archer or a Mage will outdamage u badly

    most FACs tend to do damage instead of keeping their party alive, that goes for FBs, HHs, PvP and to the point where its really annoying: TW

    healing in TW is especially important as u cant have success versus an equal leveld and numbered enemy without EPs that went with full vit and healing the pushing WB/defending Archers/mages/WR cause u get sealed for like 30-60 sec after u died so its ESSENTIAL to keep the party alive

    priests that thinks they are Archers and are only dealing damage are therefore useless
  • cryucry
    cryucry Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I really wish these low levels and carebear PVE players would stop commenting on a thread that clearly deals with the viability of FACs in a PVP guild.

    He isn't saying you don't have a right to play as FAC. He's saying that serious guilds won't take you. And he's right.

    Just like how no one can stop you from driving a corolla but don't expect to be in any street races.
  • monikery
    monikery Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's much easier to whine and rant about someone else, then blame yourself, right? : )

    Screen recruits bettar?
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    you claim full attack clerics are useless in tw. what do you expect a normal support cleric to do in TW? turn on blue ball? do their 2 sec cast squad heal? spam ironheart? as mentioned before, all clerics even full attack have max ironhearts. purify your cata pullers?

    at lv87, there isnt much difference skill wise between a full attack cleric and a regular cleric. by that level you'd have enough skill points to learn most if not all your skills. so what is the difference between a full attack cleric and a regular cleric then?

    die in 3 hits from an archer? i'd sleep you, elemental seal, plume shell, thunderwield+cyclone and you are gone.

    and whats this about everyone beefing up their metal resists hence making FAC useless? you mean people actually sacrifice wearing +hp/+vit gear just to wear metal resists gear? you mean they are that scared of FACs that they have to this? doesn't that mean something?
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    Try readnig the thread. I wasn't pwned by a cleric, I kicked the attack clerics out of my guild (such as _Tina_, xdeathx, etc) because they are useless in PVP.

    Your loss and some other faction's gain. Congratulations on pointing out to every cleric on this board that your faction is worthless.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    andyboi wrote: »
    you claim full attack clerics are useless in tw. what do you expect a normal support cleric to do in TW? turn on blue ball? do their 2 sec cast squad heal? spam ironheart? as mentioned before, all clerics even full attack have max ironhearts. purify your cata pullers?

    at lv87, there isnt much difference skill wise between a full attack cleric and a regular cleric. by that level you'd have enough skill points to learn most if not all your skills. so what is the difference between a full attack cleric and a regular cleric then?

    die in 3 hits from an archer? i'd sleep you, elemental seal, plume shell, thunderwield+cyclone and you are gone.

    and whats this about everyone beefing up their metal resists hence making FAC useless? you mean people actually sacrifice wearing +hp/+vit gear just to wear metal resists gear? you mean they are that scared of FACs that they have to this? doesn't that mean something?

    what u do in TW is keep your party alive, that includes spamming Ironheart as u allready figured out yourself
    purify the Catapuller is true to, when he has amp damage on him or other debuffs that make him die quickly

    and good lucky doing that combo in TW when there are >3 guys hitting u
    on top of that u cant kill ANYBODY with just a element seal -> thunder -> cyclone combo unless u crit on the thunder and then the cyclone is useless anyways cause it was a oneshot. Do u know why? EVERYONE has charms, mb not on your carebear server but real players do have them.
  • Tiament - Heavens Tear
    Tiament - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Wow.....I come back to check the forums after a long break,and see this.

    This my friends,is just sad and even worse then that "get rid of the pvp server" thread. This is a game people, it is not life or death. A game is meant to be something FUN. You hate FACs?Fine,no one really cares. You like FACs? Fine,no one really cares. All I see for most of this thread is proof against intelligence. It's become nothing more then monkeys throwing their fecal matter at each other. People have the right to play a game the way they want, just as they have the right to agree or disagree with you. Want to flame me? Fine,PM me then as flaming me in this thread will be fruitless as I won't even be checking this again. Now then, it is my hope this thread will either die or be locked.
  • Xtonyx - Heavens Tear
    Xtonyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ok i can agree FAC's aren't so amazing, but god does there have to be a thread war over it? i think this is a little overboard. elitists screaming at a minority for being something they want to be pretty much in my eyes. Its understandable if you dont want a certain type of cleric in your guild, but do you have to bash everyone? I love being hybrid and think being FAC in any server is a bad idea. Just not my cup of tea. Doesn't mean im gonna scream at everyone. Its not going to change opinions at all really. I do agree with pan on certain points, but not so bluntly. And i disagree on how elite pvp server is and sanctuary is a ant on the floor to stomp. TW is as serious in any server period. Just because people are higher level in another server doesnt mean they are better or it makes their TW any more serious or important. Sure i dont like FACs either but get over yourself...ego much? b:bye
    ~sig by Saitada, a total badass b:laugh
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's fine if you don't want an FAC in your own guild, but you don't have to ruin their reputations. Plus, not everyone PvPs like you.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    It is THEIR CHOICE to play as whatever build they wanted.

    It is a GUILD MASTER'S CHOICE not to keep them in his guild.

    It is THEIR CHOICE not to learn more skills and then rejoin.

    Yes, their play style is up to them, but also keep in mind that it is a guild master's decision who he wants in his guild or not. Just because you stumbled across some kind of "unique" build doesn't mean you should be given special treatment. Learn to work with what your leader wants.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    senovit wrote: »

    Yes, their play style is up to them, but also keep in mind that it is a guild master's decision who he wants in his guild or not. Just because you stumbled across some kind of "unique" build doesn't mean you should be given special treatment. Learn to work with what your leader wants.

    The mark of a good leader is listening and working with those below him or her. Goes the same from the bottom up. Play style is not dependent on this. The minute any "guildmaster" attempts to tell me how I should build, or play, my toon is the minute I find a new guild. Mind you I respect the guild masters and if they have good ideas I'll go along. But it's my time and it's my toon.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The mark of a good leader is listening and working with those below him or her. Goes the same from the bottom up. Play style is not dependent on this. The minute any "guildmaster" attempts to tell me how I should build, or play, my toon is the minute I find a new guild. Mind you I respect the guild masters and if they have good ideas I'll go along. But it's my time and it's my toon.

    I have lead this guild for 5 years and have been called, many times, the best guildleader that many people have ever seen.

    The problem with full attack clerics rises in the fact that your damage is a joke after 70, and that you are not able (or, more accurately, not willing) to fufill your main job as a cleric, or not as well as you should.

    So if you don't support, and your damage sucks, why should I let you take up one of my 80 territory war slots? By letting you in, you are hindering the guild by preventing a member who is more useful than you from joining the war.

    I'm sorry that you are understandably disgruntled by the useless nature of your build, but for the good of the guild as a whole, full attack clerics should be removed.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Kaenor - Heavens Tear
    Kaenor - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Learn to work with what your leader wants.
    This is absurd in any situations. I make my cleric not to serve selfish peoples, only help my friends. Btw, im not FA cleric, but a simple person, who stormed to clerics forums, and only want to serve his/her sefish "will", just i can laughing. And i dont care, you will be any "crybear" lostcity guildleader, you cant change the peoples. If anyone want to try this build, do it, but i play support type (i think, any server you cant find real support clerics, because they die in the first steps of tranquility riverside questline, and started over with archer, and dont speak for me level 90ish situation, its not the main question), i found more fun with party, than solo.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Just a quick heads up : be polite and courteous, and do not use profanity in your posts. These are the rules, and while I value and respect interesting debate on the difficult choice of selecting gameplay design, there's not so much value in throwing profanity around or dismissing other people's viewpoints.
  • _tina_ - Lost City
    _tina_ - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    b:laugh Hilarius thread

    so i guess this is Pandoras big " i want healing slaves" plan eh?
    Full attacks damage is useless over 70

    this sentance srsly makes me laugh....
    becouse its comming from a Wizz with a carebear HH sword
    not the dmg dealing sword
    meh....sure you can 1 hit a person with a any other build cant
    *a wizz from RQ Vent* STOP ATTACKING THEM PEOPLE
    my skills take too long to cast so i cant hit them

    i heard this is every single TW ive been it....hilarius

    so wanna hit a target...*charm kicks in*
    then wait 35 min *or however long your sucky skills are channeling*
    and hit them again?

    hope for a crit pandora cuz you cant kill a person otherwise
    since the charm 5 sec cooling time is wayyyy to short of a time for you

    Sure.... my attacks dont hit as hard as yours do
    but in the time frame that it takes you to acualy execute 1 attack
    i already attacked 2-3 times

    Your a wizz
    your healing : BAD
    your damage: BAD *considered on time frames not single hit*

    stop crying like a little child and go back to your misreble cave b:bye

    *sees Pandora going to general forums making a thread:
    Make charm cooldown 15 sec or more*

    this discution is over....You fail deal with it
    Cuz theyll Kick your **** before you spot them
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is absurd in any situations. I make my cleric not to serve selfish peoples, only help my friends. Btw, im not FA cleric, but a simple person, who stormed to clerics forums, and only want to serve his/her sefish "will", just i can laughing. And i dont care, you will be any "crybear" lostcity guildleader, you cant change the peoples. If anyone want to try this build, do it, but i play support type (i think, any server you cant find real support clerics, because they die in the first steps of tranquility riverside questline, and started over with archer, and dont speak for me level 90ish situation, its not the main question), i found more fun with party, than solo.

    I don't think you quite understand my point. You made a cleric to support heal, fine. That's cool, and you can help out your friends. Person B made a cleric to attack, fine. That's cool, and he can solo as well as he likes. Person B decides to join a guild looking for clerics. The guild in question wanted support clerics. Person B isn't going to be accepted. The end. Person B can go join another guild or continue solo'ing, there's no reason why the guild in question HAS to accept them just because they play a different style.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Ah but making such threads as this and leading a big PK guild makes you feel special? Does it not.

    No FAC I have ever come across has regretted their character, they love it and I don't make a target for myself, I play the game minding my own business.

    And my character is around level 60. Haven't been playing much from it. But now that you know that your only going to think more highly of yourself. Level does not matter, experience within the game does.
    Think what you want b:victory

    Go ahead flame becuase I insulted your ego. Never gets you anywhere. Seems to be your only good quality in your life
    And I still could care less about your guild, only thing I have against it is its full of ego-maniacs and *******s.

    I think the way RQ talks is what makes most players hate your guys. Yes, I am one of the player hate RQs, not because I got PKed by RQ, it is because the way your guys behave (talk ****, PK while other player fighting mobs …). Even In the bottom of my heart, I do respect most of RQs, because your guys are still fighting while most players (if not all) hate you, if I am in RQ, I may not be able to take the pressure.

    But any way, I do agree FAC is useless in a guild. When we talk about a guild, it is a group, all members work together as a team, so different player play different rule. A cleric play a rule of DD, just like a caster playing a tank (maybe wrong example, heavy fox is a tank). when you cannot do better job than the player who is playing the rule you are trying to play, and you cannot doing what you supposes to do, you are out. A player has every right to choice what to play and how to play the game, but position yourself before it is too late is also very important, if you want to play a important rule in a team, remember every one is expecting you to heal and rez. You can play FAC, but do not expect you are treated as first class player unless you can out damage Mega, Archer or at least match their damage when you cannot do what a cleric supposes to do.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    FAC's are only worthless in the guild your running because you want to be the strongest, fastest, and most feared guild in LC.

    I do not think so, FAC is only good when solo. personally I would not team with a FAC. I want a cleric in the team to heal and rez not dealing damage.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is absurd in any situations. I make my cleric not to serve selfish peoples, only help my friends. Btw, im not FA cleric, but a simple person, who stormed to clerics forums, and only want to serve his/her sefish "will", just i can laughing. And i dont care, you will be any "crybear" lostcity guildleader, you cant change the peoples. If anyone want to try this build, do it, but i play support type (i think, any server you cant find real support clerics, because they die in the first steps of tranquility riverside questline, and started over with archer, and dont speak for me level 90ish situation, its not the main question), i found more fun with party, than solo.

    Do not get me wrong, I do not like Pandora, and will never join his guild. But when you are a leader of a guild, especially a guild like RQ, you have to be tough. You think what is the best for the guild, not what is the best for every individual in the guild. Sure, as a leader, you need to consider what’s your member’s personal need and interest, but when there is a conflict, and you cannot satisfy both, what guild need takes priority. sacrifice individual's need to give the guild a advantage is actually what’s needed to build a strong guild. Individual in the guild should also put guild’s need on top of their own need. You do not need to agree, most people will never agree with me (both in game and in RL). but it is what needed to make a strong guild. It is also true in the real world, it is what made Japan ‘s fast rebuild happened after WWII.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    swgs wrote: »
    I do not think so, FAC is only good when solo. personally I would not team with a FAC. I want a cleric in the team to heal and rez not dealing damage.

    Actually we are quite good both solo and in a team. The FAC is versitile. Healing on one hand and nuking on the other. Your loss.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Actually we are quite good both solo and in a team. The FAC is versitile. Healing on one hand and nuking on the other. Your loss.

    That's the truth, these people are only greedy in their quests for healing slaves and world domination in TW's ~sigh

    Don't plan on joining a mainstream guild, never have, never willb:victory.
    So the fact as to getting kicked out is still opinionized in the few guilds that do it.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    swgs wrote: »
    Do not get me wrong, I do not like Pandora, and will never join his guild. But when you are a leader of a guild, especially a guild like RQ, you have to be tough. You think what is the best for the guild, not what is the best for every individual in the guild. Sure, as a leader, you need to consider what...

    Swgs understands, I wish the rest of you would.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Swgs understands, I wish the rest of you would.

    Should have just made the title "*WARNING* FAC stay out of mainstream guilds", and then continued on with your rantb:bye
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Should have just made the title "*WARNING* FAC stay out of mainstream guilds", and then continued on with your rantb:bye

    The point was that people like you keep posting in these threads saying that clerics are great damage dealers and everyone loves them and they're NOT. I'm tired of low levels on carebear servers talking like they know what goes on in every guild on every server.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The point was that people like you keep posting in these threads saying that clerics are great damage dealers and everyone loves them and they're NOT. I'm tired of low levels on carebear servers talking like they know what goes on in every guild on every server.

    I have never once said that FAC are massive damage dealers. Your mistaking me for one of the mass's of ignorant people who do not know what they are shouting about. You can check through all the posts I made

    Go on check, those words have never been written out by me.
This discussion has been closed.