Attention Full Attack Clerics



  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Of course blade tempest only hits less than a priest 59 aoe on you. It's half physical. Tell them to water dragon you :|
  • rikako
    rikako Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It is not only Btempest, any spell does lesser, water dragon (same skill level as tempest) does same **** damage against marrow magical, somehow cleric deals more (non crit).
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is more of what ive seen and how i belive people should go about things but here i go

    First off it seems kinda harsh to kick them from ur guild just becouse they have gone ATK cleric style its there own choice and if they get bored with it tuff for them

    Secondly i have observed that Full atk clerics appear to do more single target dmg than mages which makes them pretty good for Fb runs although i do agree that mage AOE is insanly cool

    Thirdly although i do realise that we are on a high lvl server the clerics u r kicking are still pretty good at support even though there a high lvl

    4th point is that i can see why pandora would kick them if they wernt team players espechially seeing shes in the most disliked guild (and leader of) in lost city history espechially if they dont inform u of there build to begin with

    5th point is that i do agree that clerics are brilliant support choices and even better so if they are buff/heal support instead of atk i myself am FS cleric(Full support) and i havnt invest sp in atks yet to a point that i can get killed by lvl 20 mobs. This is both a win and a lose becouse it makes my buff/heal support match or better that of most lvl 70 clerics while if i get atked i die ^^
    It does however mean i am very popular so i always get help and im always being asked to help others which is my origernal goal (i never joined the server for the pvp but to play with my freinds already on the server)

    6th point is that hybrid is the best choice becouse it gives u a bit of fighting power to defend urself and some support power to help your squad/guild

    7th point is that FS clerics are rare and unopular (becouse there always getting killed) and requires both skill and a particular mindset

    Therefore i conclude that hybrid is the best style of cleric for TW and PVP and that u dont actully want FS or Atk clerics becouse they get killed to much or annoy people

    sry that kinda ... carried on abit i hope it all makes sence to u ^^

    ps pandora u hurt like ...alot ^^ as i siad im not into pvp and u killed me in 1 shot hehe ^^ must be having only 1000hp unbuffed and 600def when buffed...
    anyway im starting to think ur nicer than people make out... u just enjoy a good mass murder or 2?
    just outa curosity pm me sometime i would like to no what ur like
    (also i dont intend to join RQ as much as some of ur guildes may want me to)
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Envy let me point something out to you. and with all due respect, please do listen to what I am going to say.

    I and many others play this game for our own enjoyment. We play it and do things with our characters because we want to play in that manner. Your OPINION is that FAC's are bad. That is fine, your entitled to your opinion. I don't even have any problem with you guys voicing your opinions on that.. the problem I have is HOW your doing it.

    Let me explain something to you, and i'm doing this as a friend not an enemy. I don't waste my time with any character I play. They each do what I designed them to do with their skill sets. My choices. For My Play style. If i'm enjoying what I am doing, then I am not wasting my time. Therefore it's not pointless.

    Your opinion seems to be that your play style is the only possible way to go when realistically, the mere fact that Full Attack Clerics even exist, is proof that it isn't. It's just not YOUR idea of what a cleric should be.

    So we all get it. You don't like FACs. YOUR Opinion is that they suck. MY Opinion is that people have the right to do whatever they want with their characters and you have no right at all to scream and yell at them for doing it.


    This isnt the kind of game where you can do that and expect to get far.

    Play elderscrolls.
    rikako wrote: »
    lets put a example, bm vs wiz/cleric (EQUAL gear.)

    wiz at 75 does around 1k ~ 2.5k (depends on stats)

    cleric at 75 does 2.5k+

    And i got more metal resistance than earth, wheres the logical error?

    Wizard is just a good aoer nothing but that, where tempest does 6k, blade tempest does 4k.

    But thats about PK, not TW.

    in PK, you will never kill a good cleric, a wiz you can, if you can show me a video where you can demonstrate that a wiz kills a bm faster than a cleric (EQUAL gear), then you got my voice changed.

    EDIT: Both were buffed.


    Focus all of your energy to cast down countless thunder bolts at the target and enemies within a 12.0 meter radius around it, inflicting Metal damage equal to your base magic damage plus 400% of weapon damage plus 9337.1. Has a 95% chance to cause a 8.0 second reduction in speed of 60%.

    Black Ice Dragon Strike

    Focus one's energy to summon a Water dragon that soars up to the sky and smashes onto the target and all surrounding enemies. Target and enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around target suffer Water damage equal to base magic damage plus 500% of weapon damage plus 9648.9. Has a 95% chance to slow enemies by 60% for 8.0 seconds.

    Mountain's Seize

    Use all of one's energy to invoke the spirit of the Mountain. Slams the target and all enemies 12.0 meters around the target dealing Earth damage equal to base magic attack plus 500% of weapon damage plus 8400.4. Has a 95% chance to stun all enemies for 6.0 seconds.

    Blade Tempest

    Focus all of one's vigor to create countless flames that fly towards the enemy, causing the target and all enemies 12.0 meters around the target to suffer both physical and Fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 3860.4.

  • Azerandus - Sanctuary
    Azerandus - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    Focus all of your energy to cast down countless thunder bolts at the target and enemies within a 12.0 meter radius around it, inflicting Metal damage equal to your base magic damage plus 400% of weapon damage plus 9337.1. Has a 95% chance to cause a 8.0 second reduction in speed of 60%.

    Black Ice Dragon Strike

    Focus one's energy to summon a Water dragon that soars up to the sky and smashes onto the target and all surrounding enemies. Target and enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around target suffer Water damage equal to base magic damage plus 500% of weapon damage plus 9648.9. Has a 95% chance to slow enemies by 60% for 8.0 seconds.

    Mountain's Seize

    Use all of one's energy to invoke the spirit of the Mountain. Slams the target and all enemies 12.0 meters around the target dealing Earth damage equal to base magic attack plus 500% of weapon damage plus 8400.4. Has a 95% chance to stun all enemies for 6.0 seconds.

    Blade Tempest

    Focus all of one's vigor to create countless flames that fly towards the enemy, causing the target and all enemies 12.0 meters around the target to suffer both physical and Fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 3860.4.


    Purely out of curiosity, what's the channeling time and casting time of those skills that you're talking about?

    Because while the numbers right now look really impressive (particularly the ice dragon strike), I'm just wondering what the damage per second is against 1 target.
  • lacedcandy
    lacedcandy Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Admin please ban Pandora for being so rude and stupid!

    We (Full Attack Clerics) are independent, maybe it is what she hates so much! [I love my character!!! I'm not selfish but it's so good to feel so independent, appreciated and important wherever we go!!! =D]
    We can be tanks and heal ourselves, we are not interested in squad healing a.k.a. boring skills!

    CAYEON you're the best!!!

    We do what Blademasters/Barbarians do and what they can't do [we tank, heal, freeze, improve all ress, etc]
    We do what Wizards do and what wizards can't do [i.e. Plume Shell, Celestial Guardian's Seal, etc]

    We do what the common clerics do but we are independent! We are full attack! And common clerics can't be significant if we talk about DAMAGE

    That's all folks!

    Sharing love with all Full Attack Clerics around *HUGS* (L)
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lacedcandy wrote: »
    We do what the common clerics do but we are independent! We are full attack! And common clerics can't be significant if we talk about DAMAGE

    And neither can full attack clerics, because your damage sucks after 70 compared to mages and archers.

    I don't understand why you guys don't listen to Isowen. He was a full attack cleric that has since restatted and reskilled to support and loves it. As he said; your damage doesn't compare to a real DD, and your support ability doesn't compare to a support-focused cleric, which means you are good at nothing. And soloing is useless past mid 70s because you'll never level that way.
    Secondly i have observed that Full atk clerics appear to do more single target dmg than mages which makes them pretty good for Fb runs although i do agree that mage AOE is insanly cool

    What the hell are you basing that off of? You're not even close to right. Mages do ridiculous single target damage, considerably more than priests, and if they have Undine Strike (level 79 skill) then they do an ADDITIONAL 25-30% more.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Kaenor - Heavens Tear
    Kaenor - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lacedcandy wrote: »
    We can be tanks and heal ourselves, we are not interested in squad healing a.k.a. boring skills!
    I thing to defend yourselves, and one thing to blame others playing style. If you dont heal your squad in any dungeon, they are allready walking deads after entering fbs. As me, a support type cleric, i can tank too some bosses at fb29, chin, etc. Its not a unique FA ability, any player can do that, dont depends on builds.
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lacedcandy wrote: »
    We can be tanks and heal ourselves, we are not interested in squad healing a.k.a. boring skills!

    CAYEON you're the best!!!
    I suggest you re-read Cayeon's guide ... in particular section 5 - in fact, I'll save you some time, and give you a quote from it:
    Cayeon wrote:
    In FB/HH parties, a Full Attack Cleric’s role is very versatile and needs to be adapted to each situation. Since there is mostly only 1 other cleric in your squad, your task will be to watch over him and protect him at all costs. Use your sleeping or paralyze debuff in case he takes aggro, and help him out by tossing in some Ironheart Blessing whenever his heals can’t keep up with the damage taken. Especially at bosses, you can act as a secondary supporter, while attacking and debuffing during Ironheart Blessing’s effective HoT (Heal over Time). Debuffs will be adjusted according to the layout of your squad: Elemental Seal if there are more magic classes, Dimensional Seal if there are more physical classes.
    Cayeon even says a FAC's role is backup healer! So if you're refusing to heal, you're not following Cayeon's guide ...

    Now, Cayeon was a bit militant about never getting purely support skills ... I don't agree with that myself, but understand that at the time (FAC's being so rare) it may've been necessary to avoid being forced into a purely support role.

    Personally, I consider myself a FAC ... but without the attitude. Certainly I have the build, and DD is my primary focus. But I will also help heal in a squad, especially against bosses - I've even got lvl 2 Revive (fact is, at level 40, lvl 2 Revive is cheap!). I will continue to get/level support skills ... just slowly (attack skills are my priority).

    As for damage compared to a Wizard ... I don't know and don't care. I didn't take a FAC to be the best DD out there - I took it because it's versatile - I can do Physical and Metal damage, and yes - I can heal. I enjoy healing/buffing my squad-mates, I just don't want to do it full-time. Bottom line, is I find the FAC fun to play - and after all, that is the most important thing.

    Regarding VIT - I enjoy the challenge of staying alive with so little HP, and I'm quite happy with my survival rate. It should be noted though that the FAC build actually calls for loading your armour with +HP soulgems ... at level 80 (lvl 9 soulgems) that would provide up to 1240 HP - equivalent to 124 VIT! Of course it would also require a TON of coin ...

    I'm not so fixated on the build though that I'll never add VIT - it's the mark of good player to adapt as necessary. I'm also purely a PvE player, so PvP arguments don't concern me.
  • tmjemorris
    tmjemorris Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i agree... you are being quite harsh on the FAC's and in a way you sound a bit racist against FAC's. personally if you want to insult my english go ahead becaause after my 8th grade english class i thought i was speaking considerablly well in contrast to other 8th graders! so go ahead and take your best shot. FAC's have there own independant roles and some will stick with you doing what i think is boreing...(but is not boreing to all so dont take offense those reading this)...healing you arrogant jerks while you fight and take the glory... the FACS have there own rights, they can do what they want... you also have your rights to speak freely which is stated in the first amendment. but we have our rights ever heard of "sacrifices for the common good???" it would be GOOD if you would stop all this bologna ranting! we have heard your opinion and now we are going to tell you ours... STOP and SHUT UPb:chucklewe dont care about your opinion and we dont want to hear it any more. if thats the way you run your guild, then i feel really sorry for all the people in there with you. i even SLIGHTLY feel bad for you because you are so blind through all that ego of yours. give up you have lost. for those who agree with me, high five! lol. this forum would be better without all this bullcrap ranting you have goin on.
    so just SHUT UP and STOP IT. i have learned in a book that i read that you dont start to mature MENTALLY until you start taking responsibility and become more considerate. did you ever CONSIDER that we have feelings? did you ever CONSIDER that some of us may want to join your guild? i highly doubt that. im pretty sure i have some people to back me up when i say STOP THIS BOLOGNA RANTING, YOU HAVE LOST THIS ARGUMENT. if you would like a song to clear things up further, go listen to WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT by TWISTED SISTER. peace out.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    gattsuru wrote: »
    Just a quick heads up : be polite and courteous, and do not use profanity in your posts. These are the rules, and while I value and respect interesting debate on the difficult choice of selecting gameplay design, there's not so much value in throwing profanity around or dismissing other people's viewpoints.

    This has gone on long enough. Please threat others as you would like to be treated (with respect)!

This discussion has been closed.