OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • Tailpuff - Heavens Tear
    Tailpuff - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A problem to me just occured and it happened to all my squad members.

    We were 5 squad members and all the sudden all the mobs disappeared (this was in wolfs den fb19) and i couldn't see anyone except myself even my squadmates.. so i presumed that something was wrong with my computer and i tried to restart the game but it didnt let me log out.. i had to quit forcely.
    So after i closed the game i relogged in and when i'm in the character selection my character is gone i cant even make a new one.. whats happening?

    Ok now it shows up but when i click in the "start" button it goes gray and nothing happens.. it stays at the char selection :s
  • liz56187
    liz56187 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    :confused:Ok what's going on? I had to force shut down the game because i couldnt log off. Then i tried logging on and it wont let me. But before all that everybody vanished no merchants no people. Any News on what's going on?:confused:
  • technobuddha
    technobuddha Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've had this problem since last night 9/15/08. I run the game fine uintil I get to the character selection screen. My main character seems to lag my computer to the point where it shuts down. The screen starts lagging and blinking on and off until the 8th blink, which shuts it down. It's only this Character because I can click on my Untamed before the blinking starts and it stops lagging! It seems to be a problem with that charcter...Why? I don't know....:confused:
  • hamchukles
    hamchukles Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok so i dont know if this is a bug or not but at one point in the game i could see every ones modifications like hair,eyes,hair color ex.. now well i cant and every one looks the same except me so if u could reply that would be cool or u could pm me on acc or email me XD ..
    server - Heavens Tear
    lev - ???
    Name - Hamchukles
    class- Barbarian


    -Never forget the strobe lights for a party-
  • saindrake
    saindrake Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    there is a setting in game responsible for displaying "individuality" on other peoples characters, sometimes it seems to be turning off, find it and no problem.

    -the "show/hide players outside range" option seems not to be working, stood on one end of archosaur and could see people on the other end with this on AND off the same. Instead - sometimes people become invisible in dungeons, the "show/hide" option changes only that much that "hidden" peoples guild signs appear above where they should be, characters still invisible though.

    -it was so on my and it is so here - monsters can still attack through walls, and even walk through some. Especially there are some fake walls in hero tomb secret passage that anyone can walk through.

    -with the price of gold in real money being much higher than on PW-MY ingame prices of consumables should be lower, such as rides are, so good idea with lowering charm prices but it being temporary is a bug right? ;)

    oh oh yes - some preview pictures of clothes in the boutique are faulty too (so far only noticed two kinds of male pants having the same preview picture)
    by order of the inquisition you are NOT allowed to die in my vicinity, ill make sure to that
  • Zeldadiablo - Heavens Tear
    Zeldadiablo - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello -

    So I've been playing in Heaven's Tear the past 5 hours or so, did about 5-6 quests (and leveled a couple of times too) from Archesour, and after returning to the quest givers, I'd get a message saying I received a celestone fragment.

    And the weirdest thing is - I don't have them in my inventory! Heh - I'd like them back, please. ;)
  • paulie
    paulie Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Flourish Orbs from the apothecary last 10 minutes(it says they last 20)
  • cheechee
    cheechee Posts: 14
    edited September 2008
    the quest named "the help collecting" asks you to collect

    20 teeth from Guardian wolves near sumor - ok
    20 teeth from Neolithic wolves Nth East of dragons end - incorrect

    the neolithic wolves are infact Nth East of Dragon Wilderness, near town of arrivals

  • X_livia_x - Heavens Tear
    X_livia_x - Heavens Tear Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Last night I was helping my fiancee do Untamed fb19 on my Cleric (he was on his Barbarian). Whenever someone died and I revived them, I could no longer see them! I could select them but they were completely invisible for the rest of the dungeon, or unless they died and mapped back to town then came back (even their face in the circle at the top of the screen was gone).

    Also, i was riding back to the dungeon on his Barbarian with my Cleric after we both had gotten killed, and right before the entrance i hopped off and ran in. Well, on his screen I was still riding him, even after he re-entered the dungeon! He was permanently stuck in white tiger form with me on his back and could not attack or anything because the game still thought I was on him, and the only thing that fixed it was when I died again -.-.
  • kingnemesis
    kingnemesis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey is it possible that the toilor skill ain't working at the moment?
    I tried to manufacture a armour I had all the mats but i couldn't click the start button!
    I have the basic skill 1 but still I can't do it!
  • Zakozay - Heavens Tear
    Zakozay - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Everytime i start playing it works for a minute then it exits off and going to the report a bug thing how do i fix this
  • lady0mystery
    lady0mystery Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It seems that there's a glitch in the game which disables everyone's invidal looks. it even made my friend white instead of being his usual black self:

  • Barri - Lost City
    Barri - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My hay keeps dissappearing!! I had AT LEAST 6 in the bank, and then I got 2 at the auction house, and when I got back the the bank, I only had 2! Wtf?! I need this stuff!
  • dragonguard
    dragonguard Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey is it possible that the toilor skill ain't working at the moment?
    I tried to manufacture a armour I had all the mats but i couldn't click the start button!
    I have the basic skill 1 but still I can't do it!

    What armor were you trying to make? because if it is higher than "lv. 1 Armor", (not req level that's diferent) you can't, if that's the case then you need to level your taloring higher to make it. If it's "Lv. 1 Armor" that your making then it's a bug.
  • Celena - Lost City
    Celena - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Flourish Orb (Level 3 Apotechary manufactured item)
    Description: "Increases HP and MP recovery rate by 50 per second for the next 20 minutes"

    The orb only lasts for 10 minutes, even though it promises to last for 20.
  • ghsstevie
    ghsstevie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I dont know if this has been reported or not ( i'm not reading 47 pages ).


    I am leader of the party. I get dced or log out and lead switches to the next person in line.

    I log back in and the new leader can not invite me. They have also switched the lead to another in the group and they were not able to invite me either.

    So, the group was disbanded and I was able to invite both of them into the group again.

    Why were they not able to invite me?
  • Adacanavar - Lost City
    Adacanavar - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Not sure if i should post this here. But anyway i was running the human FB19 and completed it however when i returned to the elder to turn in the quest it screwed up and gave me the go kill this boss mob without giving me the means (the questing item) in order to do that so i can't complete this quest which upsets me because it means I don't get the nice weapon nor the xp for the quest.
    Whys the rum always gone:eek:
  • Ajvaras - Heavens Tear
    Ajvaras - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I found a little bug.

    Then you do any skill/meditate and quikly jump, u flight in air .
  • astarael
    astarael Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i'm not sure if this counts as a bug, but i got this after the last maintenance. at least one of the npc names is in chinese.

    screenshot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v446/ReiKoko/2008-09-2308-33-46.jpg
    All my sigs are made in Paint, so if you don't like them, tough cookies.
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It seems that there's a glitch in the game which disables everyone's invidal looks. it even made my friend white instead of being his usual black self:


    That doesn't sound like a bug, just an option in the game settings. Under "UI", make sure "customizations" is checked, otherwise you will have the problem you're seeing.
  • sunkist
    sunkist Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have been playing for about four or five days now, I've spent a lot of time on this game. I randomly crash about 1~3 times an hour. Pretty often. I run on window mode, and I'm not sure why it crashes so often. Please, let me know if I missed something in this thread and there's a way I can fix this. :cool:
  • ruie
    ruie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    After this latest update that I had done, all my icons are screwed up.
    They no longer show what they were supposedly be.
    A necklace (with correct name and stats) showing a sword's icon etc.

    Is anyone else encountering this issue?

    Please advise!

  • necropolitan88
    necropolitan88 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It seems that when you log off when you have the optimization mode active, it gets stuck that way. When you log back in, the mode won't be active, but all your video settings will be at their lowest setting, and everyone's characters look the same, except the armor they are wearing. The settings you can turn back up, but I haven't figured out how to fix the clone issue. This bug seems to be permanent, relogging, turning the optimization mode on and off, etc doesn't work. Is this a known issue? I can't imagine I'm the only one that's done this. (It has happened to my girlfriend too, so I know it's not just my computer).
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2008
    Make sure that the Customizations box in the UI tab of the System Settings menu is checked.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • bulldog
    bulldog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    After the patch I'm seeing some mobs as big red letters "ERR".

    I'll post a screen shot when I get home, but basically the mob is capital letters "ERR". I don't mean above it's name I mean it actually shows as just letters! :rolleyes:
  • muaka
    muaka Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    After the latest update, many of my items have the wrong bitmaps now. Here's a screenshot, look at the armor and charm panel.
  • mookie08
    mookie08 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've been having the same problem with NPC's and mobs showing up as big red 3-d ERR's along with missing graphics and other problems. The other graphic issues I've been having have been buildings showing up as simple white constructs and terrain with only color variations minus the textures. I also tried to purchase an item from another players shop and instantly DC'd..when I logged back in and tried to purchase the item again it took my money but the item did not show up in my inventory...... I also noticed that my computer has been acting geeky ever since. I ran a few scans and nothing showed up as far as virus's...I'm hoping this is just a game bug....
  • maulik
    maulik Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    often it happens with me that whenever i am in town or near any npc, i cudnt click on those npc. i mean to say tht clickable items is not appearing when i move my cursor to npc nor it shows the attack icon on any creeps outside town. i saw smtimes this msg "character in evasion mode".
    also, smtimes i cant even logout or reconnect..may be because of the internet connnection , u will say, but my conn are working fine.
    if thats bug then i wud like to make it in this thread...
    thank you
  • matthis
    matthis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    After patching game to version 13 I cant log in anymore. I enter my username and password but after pressing start, the game just exits.What to do?
  • sheet
    sheet Posts: 5
    edited September 2008
    This isn't really a forum or registration issue, but someone might know what's up...

    Me and my friend go out and catch a pet like a heartless wolf, and when she hatches it it looks blocky and fugly; we sat and messed with the detail for at least an hour. He Bitter Wolf doesn't look like something that fell out of a children's game even with the detail on super low, and neither does her darkbreed. So we have no idea what's wrong with these new ones to make them look like a lego... Any tips?
    They don't look like **** in the wild, they get like this after we hatch them only. (or we wouldn't have tried to catch it) XD
This discussion has been closed.