OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Not going to read the 40+ pages of this thread to see if it's been reported yet, so i'm just throwing these in. A couple missed translations in the same spot pretty much. Photobucket links included

  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You don't have to read all of the threads anywhere on the forums. There is a nice little Search feature at the top of the forum page :D
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • selari
    selari Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    How good are the servers anyways....? I've noticed rubber banding happening when 1, its late at night (7PM pst ish) and 2, I am far away from the city, the farther the worse it gets. Seriously, what IS this problem? would a corrupted or missing file havethis effect? was there a patch for this that I missed? HELP ME HERE!
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Check your antivirus, security, or firewall settings and see if they are restricting access to your computer.

    Where in the world are you, who is your ISP, and what kind of broadband connection are you on?

    Are you on a university campus or in a university owned dorm?
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • selari
    selari Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    home, using Cable,ISP is comcast, I have no antivirus (I just got avast and havent set it up but I've had this problem before I got avast) I'm in america, and the funny thing is when I turn down the graphics it gets worse, when I turn them up it gets better, I also have a huge load of free space on my HD. I'll check my firewall settings.
  • selari
    selari Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I changed the firewall settings so it wouldnt block you but that didnt help at all.
  • cheechee
    cheechee Posts: 14
    edited September 2008
    this daily quest is being offered to me in archosaur, but when I go to accept it, this error box pops up. I have tried relogging into the game but with no success.



    EDIT.... the quest seems to be offered to us before midnight PST server time, but I came back at 1210am PST and was able to take the quest now.
  • kurom
    kurom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I get to the login screen but i can type or do anything.

    everything is verified and checked out. don't know what's wrong.:(
  • mono124
    mono124 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but when i started the spiritual cultivation quest for level 19 (humans) it never told me to kill the wolfkin for fungoid. I couldn't harvest the sprite, so i looked the quest up on many different websites and they tell me to kill the wolfkin. I then killed 50+ wolfkins, and the only drop was coins and fur. So right now i'm stuck with level 16 spells. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  • kyri
    kyri Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Um, i tamed a forest waspkin from lake of no worries.. and i have worries =o.... turns out the wasp very often... IF not on completely flat ground... will fly into the ground and cannot hit a mob. It literally gets stuck half underground and usually too far away from the mob for it do anything, i have to move to level ground in order to fight properly with it =(
  • jeejee
    jeejee Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've had this problem since closed beta..
    So, I log in to the game and start figting or just use buffs or pot myself and then the skills/pots just stay darkened. I can attack normally and also I don't lag at all... This won't happen everytime I log in to the game, but most of the time and its quite annoying =]
    Sometimes the skills become available again(after 10-30mins) and I can use them, but just once and then they become unavailable again..
  • smartielion
    smartielion Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Stuck on the Fence at the entrance of the untamed FB19, will town tele in a bit, when it recharges, but, just an FYI
  • zkuxen
    zkuxen Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    occassionally, when I click to go back the character selection screen, I get a message saying "username does not exist" then one saying I was disconnected from the server.
  • zkuxen
    zkuxen Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    for the venomancer standard presets, you cannot change skin color, only face color changes. I have already reported this as a bug, and nothing has been done about it. I want to change my character's skin color, and I would like this bug fixed in time for me to change my character's skin color without having pale skin and a different colored face.
  • deidei
    deidei Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm speaking in the name of many players on PWI. We would like to know the exact time of every event. As far as i know the territorial war will be mainly about 3-4AM, the arena events will be 2AM according to eastern Europe time zone.
    Please PWI team, could you make this a little better for us? We would really appreciate it. The most of the players are from Europe and i'm sure you can matc the times to be good for the europeans and americans too.
    I'm expecting for your anwser.
  • need4speed8190
    need4speed8190 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok..right now...I have an HP a6244n Dekptop PC with the following specs:

    -Intel Core 2 Duo E4500, 2.2Ghz

    -3Gigs DDR2 PC-5300

    -Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit

    -ATI 4870 512MB GDDR5 (this is a mod, I put it in myself, and all drivers up to date)

    now, these specs can run laps around even the recommended specs. for the game. In some areas, I get smooth frame rates...but in towns and big cities, the FPS are still "smooth" to an extent...but they get kind of laggy. I even have the Tree effect setting turned off/all the way down, along with the Clouds effect turned off/all the way down because they really dont have a huge factor on the way the sky or trees look.

    so...I would just like to know what I could to improve my FPS to where is it all smooth. I dont know if its on my end, or on your end.

    IF it is you your end...could you please take a closer look at this matter? maybe look at the coding in the game and see if there is a way to tweak it or something? Cause can almost guarentee that there is a person with a computer was costed them $3,000 with this same issue, when theyc an get 50+ in a game like Age Of Conan.

    I know that this is a FREE game to play and download, minus the Cash Shop to get Zen, and that the Perfect World Team probably doesnt have millions of dollars (dont take that offensively please, I dont know the money this game makes you) to sink into working out all of the little tweaks, but this is a GREAT game with outstanding potential. I am really considering the option of quitting World Of Warcraft to just play this game. This is one of THE BEST free MMOs out ther if you ask me, and I just dont want players who, like I stated above, own $3,000 gaming computers to stop playing the game becuase they think the game sucks due to the FPS they get on their "ultimate" PC.

    Like I just said PW Team, this is an AWESOME game, keep up the great work! But please, just think about the issue I have just adressed, and possibly think of a way to fix it.

    But what ever you guys decide to do, i'll still be hooked to Perfect World International either way!

    thank you for you time,

    -Terry w. Smith-
  • p0rt1r
    p0rt1r Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Whenever i try to alt tab back into the game after going to the desktop for various reasons i cant alt tab back in. when i click on the element client task on the taskbar the game goes full screen again but the mouse still stays on the desktop so whenever you click, your clicking on the desktop instead of ingame.
    this causes you to go back to the desktop.
    this also makes it difficult to exit the game aswell.
    The same thing happens with pw malaysa client. i dont have this problem with any other game ive played.

    my gfx card is an ATI radeon hd 2900 pro 512mb and i have the lastest drivers.
    im running xp sp3
    need4speed8190 if you think this is bad, dont play rappelz :)
  • kyria
    kyria Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The biggest problem that I've had and apparently so have quite a few others, is the hyperspeed-rubberband effect. The game will speed up super fast, then shoot me back where I was. I have:
    uninstalled, re-installed, updated drivers for everything, made sure my firewall is letting PW thru, made sure my processor speed and power supply are all to the correct settings, made sure my graphics card is set to the correct settings, made sure that i had no cookings, spyware, adware, malware, viruses etc.., did disk clean up, did defrag, changed the options on the game to everything imaginable. I can get it to stop up raising the options settings for graphics either in game or on log in screen, but then I get super lag, where even saying hi to someone takes a decade.
    My PC meets or exceeds all of the games requirements, so I don't know why it does this. Any suggestions that I havent thought of?
  • mozinwrath
    mozinwrath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've just started playing recently, and aside from the massive lag at times ( leading to a "rubberband loop") , one of the problems I'm having is the the WASD layout. At unknown times and for no related reasons, either the A or D buttons on my keyboard don't respond in-game at all. It's either one or the other, never both. The only solution might be to relog (which I've been doing), but it could happen again immediately upon moving.

    I don't want to be terribly critical this early on, but this is a major issue to me and could severly affect my future playability of said game. And after reading almost 30 pages of posts stating many of the same issues..I may be better off elsewhere.
  • unholyjedi
    unholyjedi Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the first day I played the game seemed like it froze up. however i was still able to move my character freely,but i was unable to talk to anyone. I had to force it to shut down. and that didnt work. so i rebooted my pc. I Tried to log in but it kept saying i was already there. even when i clicked the security icon to log off all other instances of me being logged in.

    I have no idea what happened on that day but it has NOT happened since either.
  • deidei
    deidei Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Dear Administrators!
    i guess my thread worth an anwser. The events -and mainly- the war is coming but we dont have an idea when...
    Please annouce it here.
    And if its possible please take the event to the european time zone for the most of the players playing PWI.

    Thank you again.
    -Erdei Zsolt-
  • unknownly
    unknownly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi administrators,

    There is a bug with horse race event going off on the wrong time. The wolf and the person next to it had the race mission in there but it turns out a "invalid mission". On the correct time of the race (PST), i cant get in b/c there is no quest to start the mission for the race.

    I think u might need to align the quest events either EST to change bak or make the events mission show up at the proper PST.
  • hondacl350
    hondacl350 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Why is it that no matter what server that i am on i keep getting sent to places across the map when i use that town teleportation. And i cant leave none of the cities with any of my characters no matter what server that i am useing. Do the GM have a problem with me or what. I thought that it might be a patch or somethin like that so i made a 2nd account and all characters work like there supposed to on it. But not my original i need a GM to talk to me but they ignore all requests but answer from my 2nd one.
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Level 34 quests - Matchmaker (Young Man Lei)

    Impossible to finish. After receiveing it, inquiring about it to a tailor and talking to Winged Elf Hsi, going back to Lei doesn't result in anything and that should be the next step.

    Traveling (forgot the NPC name, he's in Orchid Village)

    It says that you're supposed to look for the Travel Diary "south from Orchid Valley". First of all, there's no "Orchid Valley" on the map. Second, the item is NORTHWEST of the Orchid Village, near Archosaur.

    Scarletnob Arachnoids (collecting eggs)

    Description is invalid. It says to look for them "South from the village".
    What village is that? Also, who to bring them to when you're done?
  • Unreal - Lost City
    Unreal - Lost City Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This should help :)

    Level 34 Quests

    Travel Journal

    Start NPC: Hsu Hsiako
    Location: Hidden Orchid (586, 566)
    Mission #1: Kill Araneid Webmaster To Collect Tour Journal (1)
    Monster Locale: South Of Hidden Orchid (582,598)
    Reward: EXP (5100), SP (1200), R (4), Celestial Fragment Stone

    Another Favor

    Start NPC: Hsu Hsiako
    Location: Hidden Orchid (586, 566)
    Mission #1: Scarlet Diplopod Eggs (30)
    Monster Locale: The little Village" (South Of Hidden Orchid (579, 525)
    Reward: Gold (12400), EXP (12800), SP (3000), R (4), Celestial Fragment Stone


    Start NPC: Su the Jock
    Location:Archosaur West (532, 657)
    Mission #1: Celestial Ancient (470, 570)
    Mission #2: Visit Drunk warrior (443, 891)
    Mission #3: Visit The Pet Store (427, 893) To Buy Plain Water (10)
    Mission #4: Visit Ichthyologist (571, 656)
    Mission #5: Visit Celestial Ancient (470, 570)
    Mission #6: Wait 10 Minutes
    Mission #7: Visit Su the Jock
    Mission #8: Visit Miss Ju Of City of the Lost (246, 651)
    Mission #7: Visit Su the Jock
    Reward: Gold (6100), EXP (10200), SP (2450), Heaven Celestial Stone


    Start NPC: Young Man Lei
    Location: Allles Camp (622, 722)
    Mission #1: Visit Tailor Chen (545, 686)
    Mission #2: Visit Winged Elf Hsi (563, 637)
    Mission #3: Visit Young Man Lei (545, 686) and pay him 10,000 gold.
    Reward: EXP (7200), SP (1700), R (3) and your choice of:
    Reward Choice #1: Grade 3 Fire-Red Soulstone
    Reward Choice #2: Grade 3 WhiteBrume Soulstone
    Reward Choice #3: Grade 3 Jargoon Soulstone
    Reward Choice #4: Grade 3 Lazuli Soulstone

    for the bugged quest describtion, you should send a mail to customerservice@perfectworldinc.com
    €dit as much as you want. You cant Change the Truth!
    So dont think you are save. I am watching YOU!

    Faction: ReaL
    Old Factions: UnLimited, Heartless
    Server: Lost City - Its the way online mmorpg's should be.
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Update: Young Man Lei's quest is possible to finish if you have 10,000 coins in your pocket.
    However, there's no way to know that.
  • Negative - Lost City
    Negative - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Here's a rather long report that I also emailed due to its nature. Apologies in advance if it sounds a little aggressive/offensive as it is a rather serious post about an issue.

    Anyway the bug/problem involves how the PWI client installs itself and uninstalls itself. I run Windows Vista 64-bit (fully updated) and it may be the reason as to why the PWI client installs itself this way. Basically when I first downloaded the installer for the client back in Closed Beta (the downloadable version was still version 3) when I finally ran the installer it gave me a weird directory for where it should be installed. I have always noticed that in every scenario where I install a game, whether it partially or fully supports 64-bit or not, it is in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)" [the 32 bit directory] and not "C:\Program Files" [the 64-bit directory], however PWI insisted it install itself in the 64-bit directory as if my computer were running on a 32-bit outdated system. Now this is fine given that a game FULLY supports 64 bit as I've had some games with a version completely designed for 64-bit systems, BUT I have not seen PWI officially state that it 100% supports 64-bit but rather is simply compatible. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it seems like the installation directory is improper which can potentially affect how the Vista 64-bit operating system handles the program (but I don't know for sure). This may also tie in with part 2 of the bug I'm reporting.

    The second problem I've noticed resembles a game that is outdated and completely incompatible with Vista altogether (to a degree of course). I'm not sure if it's because of the directory the PWI client installed itself in or not since this is a 64-bit system I'm running, but there is absolutely no trace of an uninstaller located in the "Add/Remove Programs" area in Windows' Control Panel. The only way of making sure I can uninstall the program is by going to the start menu and finding the Perfect World directory where the uninstall tool is so cleverly hidden. It seems that the installer has either completely neglected to add an entry or just broke entirely when attempting to add it. How so? Well I have several other programs to detect what's registered in the Windows Control Panel as installed and ready to be uninstalled and they found nothing, not even a registry entry of any sort relevant to PWI.

    Now this may seem rather minor, but to me it shows that this game--albeit fun--is nowhere near polished yet and shouldn't even be making claims that it's compatible with Vista. These little things can add up to be a lot sometimes and also affect the playerbase who may not have the computer know-how all the time to navigate around and properly uninstall/install things (sometimes they just want to game in peace). It of course can also impact how an operating system handles a game and can leave great potential for odd occurences when one is simply trying to uninstall, reinstall, install or simply play the game. I highly suggest you update the installer soon to fix these issues if this was not intended and update your download sources so that people won't have to run into such messes or have to patch-up for an incredibly long amount of time.

    I know you do have your priorities, but when basic system management is not done properly, disastrous consequences can crop up. You have to expect that a majority of players will have Vista and possibly 64-bit systems because it IS the new standard that is eventually taking in the North American market. Rather than making it more complicated for players to have to adapt to this game, I think it would be significantly smarter for you to modify the game to adapt to the systems. But with that being said, I thank you for your time in reading this though and look forward to seeing some kind of improvement on this issue in the near future.
  • cheechee
    cheechee Posts: 14
    edited September 2008
    not sure how many go in here yet but there is a synch error somewhere by the looks of it


    "Map data out of phase with the servers"

  • datel
    datel Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Bug report for quest "Light as a Feather"

    I was able to acquire the quest from the NPC 'Apothecary An' in Etherblade and I believe I am supposed to get the quest from the NPC 'Drunken Warrior' in Etherblade.
  • missycats
    missycats Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    unholyjedi wrote: »
    the first day I played the game seemed like it froze up. however i was still able to move my character freely,but i was unable to talk to anyone. I had to force it to shut down. and that didnt work. so i rebooted my pc. I Tried to log in but it kept saying i was already there. even when i clicked the security icon to log off all other instances of me being logged in.

    I have no idea what happened on that day but it has NOT happened since either.

    Something similar happend to me: I was playing and after a while everything froze only my char was able to walk around. After a force shut down i wasn't able to log in saying i was already logged in, i tried again like a dozen times(also rebooted my pc). After finaly being able to log in on my account i couldn't log in on my char saying it was already in game. I tried logging of and then try logging in again but it said my account was already logged in AGAIN.This happend to me yesterday and it also happend just a moment ago.
This discussion has been closed.