Choose your Destiny



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This poll is an insult to my intelligence.
    It excludes the things that people really wants, do you actually think we're a bunch of 12 year old kids that's so easily fooled?
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    By the way, to everyone who said they needed to buy stuff from the shop to level up, you really don' least yet.

    My friend and I both reached level 30 in about 36 hours by power questing together. We were both mages...not even Venomancers.

    When we got to archosaur we saw maybe 2 or 3 venomancers for several hours.

    Want to level fast? Find a questing partner. If you get 240 exp alone you get about 150 each if you duo.

    Quests go by twice and fast, and if you're grinding you get exp 1.5x as fast if u solo...since you kill stuff twice as quickly.

    Okay, that's kind of a rough estimate, but let's just say the two of us power quested to get to level 30 as quickly as possible. Neither of us used any cash shop items...neither of us were venomancers, which seems to be the fastest leveling I saw a venomancer over level 60 two days ago.

    I have had no problem storing items in the bank or expanding my bank size without a cash shop item.

    Maybe later on I will NEED hiero, but that seems pretty cheap to me.

    So to everyone who says they can't level fast because they need the cash shop, I don't know what you are talking about as I am managing to do it just fine without using it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think that inherently the problem is this. Gaming companies hear about the few die-hard F2P players who happily fork out hundreds a month for CS and instantly hear 'ching' sounds and not much else. The few successful CS games I have seen price themselves very moderately and gain a steady and stable flow from a much larger pool of players. Granted this might not be the huge wet-dream of income that was expected, but over-all it provides a much larger total gain than over-pricing for just the few richer than the gods types who throw bucks around like leaves in autumn.
    I have no problem spending around 15-20 a month in a F2P CS if what I am getting feel worth the price paid. In PW-MY version I felt satisfied in that regard and spent often and happily. Given the occasional special deals or sales they might have I could even spend more up to maybe 30 a month. (considering that is roughly the cost of 2 fully supported and all content included subscription games, that's saying quite a bit about a game) An MMO has to be real amazing to be worth paying more than you would for the content and support offered by two P2P games for the same cost.
    I won't even go into what it would take for a game to get me paying 150 bucks all at once. I don't even do that for games guaranteed to be freely playable forever after, such as Guild Wars as one example. PW is a great game and having one local is awesome. But to be honest I never had any real problem playing the MY version and considering the price difference would just deal with the Engrish and play there instead knowing I am getting a good deal for my money.

    I hope staff actually reads all these. Pay attention to your competition and players and you will do great. Otherwise you will go the same route as the other failing F2Ps released lately. Currently you need to adjust a fair degree down to compete with the MY prices which I believe offer a far more up to date CS as well. They have things over there that you don't offer presently at cheaper prices to boot. I hope you plan to update CS with more item and lower the prices to at least a competative rate. Honestly I think a majority of us coming over from MY version will end up going back to our long established characters there if the prices here do not improve within a short period of time.
    Thus far the staff seems very friendly, active, and reasonable. Your actions on this issue will show if our continued patronage is warranted.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think the level of anger from the few players who care to try to help has nearly reached a breaking point. I think that, whatever your ultimate decision might be, you're going to want to do it soon before it falls on deaf ears and locked wallets.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    "We will adjust our prices based on the MY-Version. The reason is simple. A lot of you played the MY-Version before. So said it is not a new product for you. From a view of a customer: Why paying more for a product when you can have it cheaper somewhere else?" - Posted By GM Kru


    You should follow his example, I'm not saying its the only solution, but he has provided a valid point, and is making me really want the European Server to start now..
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    That's what they said here too, that the prices aren't going to be higher than MY-EN. Reality was different.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kick123 wrote: »
    This poll is an insult to my intelligence.
    It excludes the things that people really wants, do you actually think we're a bunch of 12 year old kids that's so easily fooled?

    I do have to agree here, this poll does seem a bit like a bait & switch tactic. I have seen similar things done by other MMOs in an effort to appease their customers without actually making the changes that were asked for. And in every case that I have witnessed, this tactic has epically failed, leading to even more dissent among the customers. Not only does it not resolve the situation, it foments distrust and suspicion from the playerbase towards the game company, GMs, mods ect. Usually leading to them (the company) being called liars, greedy and a few even worse things I won't repeat here.

    So I would urge caution from the powers that be. Not only will you be making a change to the pricing, whatever you do, but you will also be setting a tone with the majority of your players who are aware of this situation -- Burn them here at your peril, because once trust is lost, its very difficult to regain. More to the point a bad reputation will spread across the internet, affecting the opinions of other would be players not to mention their wallets. If you doubt this take a look at SoE, many MMO players simply won't give Sony MMOs the time of day because they have such a bad reputation as a MMO company (deserved or not).
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Just posted this in the other thread, but I'll post it here as well for those not watching the other one.

    Well its been a week, I haven't even been playing for a few days simply because why should I waste my time leveling a character if I'm just going to move here : and start all over again?

    Like so many others, I too will be leaving PWI for PW-EU, I recommend others to do the same. Simply because if they cannot listen to us on a subject like this, (that pays their bills), and make changes within a week, what happens in the future when something else comes up that isn't in regard to money at all?

    I would suggest all mad at the prices go rent a game or something and stop playing PWI to show them how much of a population drop there could be once the other version is released / no changes are made.

    I'll continue to watch this thread, and if they use there one chance to fix there huge mistake and do it properly I will return.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if we can't have a 'lower zen price' option. can we atleast get a 'none of the above/other' x_o
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    balthazar wrote: »
    "We will adjust our prices based on the MY-Version. The reason is simple. A lot of you played the MY-Version before. So said it is not a new product for you. From a view of a customer: Why paying more for a product when you can have it cheaper somewhere else?" - Posted By GM Kru


    You should follow his example, I'm not saying its the only solution, but he has provided a valid point, and is making me really want the European Server to start now..

    Didn't PWI made promises they didn't keep?
    Really wait till PW MS goes live before you judge.....
    PWI promised 4 servers and now there are 2. PW MS promises competitive prices, wait till it get released before you jump in the air out of excitement.
    It is easy to promise something, keeping a promise is harder....
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    russel wrote: »
    Didn't PWI made promises they didn't keep?
    Really wait till PW MS goes live before you judge.....
    PWI promised 4 servers and now there are 2. PW MS promises competitive prices, wait till it get released before you jump in the air out of excitement.
    It is easy to promise something, keeping a promise is harder....

    Based on the angry responses here and how many I have seen on the PW-MS forums who have jumped ship from PWI (here). I seriously doubt PW-MS would lie, or not follow through as they realize they are pulling players from PWI left and right and those same players would be just as angry (if not more so) if they did with the cash shop, what is being done here.

    Also to hazard a guess, and its only that. We may not see any changes here until PW-MS reveals their pricing structure, because they are the place most North American players will flee too who are dissatisfied here. Once PWI sees their (PW-MS) prices they match match them, or go lower to pull players back.
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    teesh wrote: »
    Based on the angry responses here and how many I have seen on the PW-MS forums who have jumped ship from PWI (here). I seriously doubt PW-MS would lie, or not follow through as they realize they are pulling players from PWI left and right and those same players would be just as angry (if not more so) if they did with the cash shop, what is being done here.

    Also to hazard a guess, and its only that. We may not see any changes here until PW-MS reveals their pricing structure, because they are the place most North American players will flee too who are dissatisfied here. Once PWI sees their (PW-MS) prices they match match them, or go lower to pull players back.

    I'm not exactly sure, but I recall that before OB admins here stated they were aware of PW MY pricing and that they will be competitive. Competitive is a relative understanding, apparently 3 times the price of Cubi is in PWI's eyes competitive.

    PW MS states that some stuff will be cheaper and other stuff more expensive. What if Hiero's will be 3 times the price and mats 3 times as cheap?
    Until PW MS releases the pricing we're still uncertain if they are indeed competitors of PW MY regarding the prices.
    Personally I think they will be between PW MY and PWI. But that's just a wild guess.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    PWI, you have it backwards. It's Choose your destiny. Do you want to stay in business and competition with other games? Or do you want to dry up like a leaf that's fallen from a tree?
    It's your choice and your destiny, not ours. WE have plenty of options.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    EDIT: I was wrong
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Useless Thread~
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    If none of the poll answers suit your needs, then do not vote. Write what you would like instead in this thread. Keep your comments civil please.

    Thanks for replying. I hate important threads that have a 1000:1 ratio of Players to GM responses.

    I for one have bought Zen once. I regret buying it as it went away as I bought just a few items. I would really like the cost of Zen to go down. Or like many have been saying to "get more for my buck." I'm not going to lie, from the responses in this thread it looks like you guys would be getting a lot more customers buying Zen each month (including me :D) if the prices were lower. Thanks for reading my posts :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This thread reminds me of this song: Smashing Pumpkins - Rat in a Cage. Thanks, PW, for the endless months of nothingness that I've spent wanting you to provide a good service. First, you shafted Cubinet by not giving them updates... ever. Now, you've shafted your players. Nice job.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No vote from me. Need all prices to come down. Everything is WAY too expensive.
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Time for me to put my money where my mouth is... er... time for me to put my money back in my purse.

    I love the game, but I need more Zen. I'm level 43 and love to solo and I need MP heiro's, but not again. I did purchase Zen the day the game came out and I have regretted it. I have pretty butterfly wings, so that makes me happy. I even played the Malaysia version of the game, but I really didn't pay attention to the difference in zen per dollar. That was my error.

    See, you people inc harge just don't get it because you think these are just words. I have been fighting with myself all day because I want more Zen, but I just won the battle. I'm not going to do it. If you want more OF my money I want more FOR my money, and a little bonus for what I already spent.

    I'm just glad you only gave us a partial Cash Shop or I'd have been tmepted by clothes and shoes!

    So, I am not leaving, I'm just going to hang around and play for free.. I'll just have to play less as the slowness of recouping mana makes it less fun to grind.

    You have stuff I want, but not at those prices

    I have money.. do you want it?

    Take it.. I dare ya!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    High prices are not the answer. Interesting article PWI should read: MicroPayment Options
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There is nothing here about the issue you guys are hearing about. So, i take it you don't care what we are saying. You are just pretending to do something here to get more useless statistics to throw at us like "20,000 of you players said this so........" USELESS
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    All I can say is there must be a **** load of people still paying for Zen at these prices for them to continue to turn down our money.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dagny wrote: »
    All I can say is there must be a **** load of people still paying for Zen at these prices for them to continue to turn down our money.

    From what I've seen some of the big spenders are leaving too though, they'll either change at some point or go out of business, hopefully it's the first before PW Europe steals us away.
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If prices would have been lower this whole time, I would have probably spent close to 400-600 dollars already.

    That probably doesn't sound like alot of money to PWI since they have so many checks to fill, but guys.. Thats only from ONE player, imagine how much more money you would get from EVERYONE if you lowered your prices. Even if you're skeptical why not give it a try? Who is it gonna hurt to lower your zen prices for ONE day, maybe even TWO. I GUARENTEE you that you will see a HUGE increase of profit if you do so.
  • Posts: 781
    edited September 2008
    What if my Destiny is not in this Poll:(

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i'm most likely going to be switching over to pw-e when it starts due to the prices. it's ridiculous that they are polling us on everything except what everyone really wants.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    beachlover I won't be supprised when you are banned. That is against the rules. Please go read them.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This is getting stupid. Dozens of players are leaving the game every day, and every day the GMs don't take action more players are deciding that they don't care about the community. This game is about to die just like Rohan did, because GMs aren't taking action on the cash shop based on player response.

    This is EXACTLY what happened to Rohan, I warned them it was happening, they ignored me. Within a week, they lost 60% of their playerbase.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    balthazar wrote: »
    Where is the Equal or Near-to price range of MY Option

    These options are too vague....


  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think President Bush runs this company... Too high prices for the little wages we make. We ask for a change and get ignored by it. Maybe once in awhile we will get an answer or an option that is completly irrelevant to what we asked for but thats it.

    This game is starting to remind me of real life! I come here to get away from that!!
This discussion has been closed.