Choose your Destiny



  • esy
    esy Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm WIth the group stating that It needs an over all Reduction in cost For everything. But If not reducing everything The next best option is Lowering Charms and clothes.
  • glider
    glider Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Got to love that thread title too...

    "Choose your Destiny "

    Meaning like : "Here are the choice you have, take it or leave it" ???:confused:

    Oh goody. I wasn't the only one who thought that...
  • zezix
    zezix Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    glider wrote: »
    Oh goody. I wasn't the only one who thought that...

    Same here :P
  • dayzd
    dayzd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Teleport Stones should be 50 for 1 gold, and silver herios should be 1 dollar.

    I'd like to also note that I have bought gold, against my intentions, and if I'm gonna have to hull out 2.5 dollars every hour at level 60 hour heiros, you can count me as a player and customer you just lost. I only bought gold because I want to level faster for now, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with the prices and won't quit if they aren't changed.

    Btw Marriage could be lowered as well, it costs more to be married in Perfect World then in real life, rofl?
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dayzd wrote: »
    Teleport Stones should be 50 for 1 gold, and silver herios should be 1 dollar.

    I'd like to also note that I have bought gold, against my intentions, and if I'm gonna have to hull out 2.5 dollars every hour at level 60 hour heiros, you can count me as a player and customer you just lost. I only bought gold because I want to level faster for now, but that doesn't mean I'm ok with the prices and won't quit if they aren't changed.

    Btw Marriage could be lowered as well, it costs more to be married in Perfect World then in real life, rofl?

    Read this.

    Winnor of this thread.


  • vngel
    vngel Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I too will abstain from voting. I think everything has already been said up until now through multiple threads, so I won't reiterate what those before me have already made clear... but this poll is absurd as it is clearly missing the one choice that 99% of people on these forums agree with - lower zen prices. I will not spend any money until zen prices are atleast cut in half.
  • toddish2
    toddish2 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I honestly believe that the MOST IMPORTANT option (better exchange rate on the zhen itself) is the clear choice but yet not included. While for my own personal "shopping" I will only ever really go for the charms, mounts and possibly the mats, I feel that the only real option that will encourage me to shop is to change the zhen rate, not just lower individual items in certain areas.

    Please PWE, listen to your customers and heed their calls. I really do enjoy this game, but if I get to that point that I "need" the cash shop items but cannot afford your rates I will be forced to take my hard earned money elsewhere. And from reading all these threads, I can guess a lot of people feel the same way.
  • tres
    tres Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    +1 to the idea that the option cut prices across the boards is missing.
  • severan
    severan Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you can vote for all...
    i just voted everything.
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • cruelty
    cruelty Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Whoever thought releasing this to the public was a good idea, should probably be fired asap.

    Cash shops are a fragile thing, especially for a game such as PWi.
    However, when you try and stick in that "Give me a $150 dollar ZEN package, and give me a bonus $100 worth of ZEN " option you're really insulting the playerbase.
  • delux
    delux Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ragingwind wrote: »
    They can make it seem as though people want to be offered special deals and discounts instead of just lowering prices overall because they simply did not ask us that question. They've asked only those questions that meet what they want to hear from us.

    Way to give us a reach-around on the poll options. I've seen many now-failed games, like Hellgate London and Rohan, practice this kind of PR. Keep stalling, keep saying you're "giving us what we want", and keep watching the player count plummet. North American players have more money, yes, but we're not sheep.

    celes wrote: »
    All the stalling is pretty much killing PWi. A lot of my guild, RageQuit, already want to quit because the ridiculous cost of this game. There is no fun anymore.

    One of our biggest Zen buys have quit. He said Zen was just too expensive and the return was sub-par. The game is easily taking the path of YNK-Rohan with all this stalling bullcrap.

    So in all honesty, if things don't get fixed by Tuesday (That's one week since OB we've been complaining), a lot of people in my guild, including I, who are one of the people who don't mind using IRL money in the game, will just leave. This game, to play efficently like I wanted, would take more money than I could make through my job =/.

    Stop trying to pull a YNK Rohan on us.

    This has to be repeated. We have a thread on the RQ forums about it, and it is not going well.
  • kaleidoscope
    kaleidoscope Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think the obvious solution is--

    Make the zen:money ratio more then 1:1. Then we don't have to fidgit about what items we want lowered in the cash shop. Because all of it should be lowered. Marriage is insane. Clothing is insane. Heirograms are insane. Mounts are insane. Wings are insane. Teleport stones are insane. Upgrade items are insane.

    When I did my taxes last year I figured out that I spent upwards of $800 on PW-MY-EN, for the time I played it. On another server that wasn't even an official one I spent upwards of $500.

    I have spent nothing, and will continue to spend nothing, when you spend so much, and get so little in return on this server. I am a cash shop *****. If I cannot use the cash shop and enjoy it, I will not play the game.

    Increase the zen-$$$ ratio. Whoever has already bought -- Add the extra zen to their account.
    Problems solved. Everyone can continue playing the game and enjoy themselves.
    CB/ Ruin - Cleric
    OB/ Agony - Cleric
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Almost a week.

    I doubt changes are going to be made, but if it isn't done this week, I guess I'm out of this game and back to Dota.
  • seph2
    seph2 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Options all suck...

    1. Charm is NOT all people care about (then you might as well sell ONLY charm)
    2. Same thing, Mount is NOT all people care about....
    3. OMG...Same thing again...OK, here is a example:
    I want to buy some cloth so I do look ok
    I want to buy a car so I can drive
    NO ONE want to buy a "expensive" car and wear "nothing"
    NO ONE want to buy some "expensive" cloth and "walk"

    4. PWE...please I think you are thinking about "GENERAL CUSTOMERS" general customers won't spend $150. What are you thinking??? You keep on superising how this is a business. Really get a "new CEO" or a "new senior partner"
    Back to same example that many have used:
    100 People spend 1$ or
    1000 People spend 50 cents

    5. WOW...more expensive charm.....

    OK, from the looks of these options:
    You cannot do business
    You are pretty much asking same questions
    You are trying to make expensive things LOOKs not expensive
    You will be GOOD at advertizing

    Please think some more than make another poll to make a difference
  • russel
    russel Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Stop crying lah.
    I remembered how Americans laughed at Cubinet and saying Malaysia a third world country and now the game is hosted in your own country you cry because item mall isn't based upon third world country price...

    Before blaming everything and threaten to quit take a deep breathe and wonder why the prices are higher.
    - PWI is hosted in the States thus the internet connection is more expensive. Salaries is more expensive. PWI stated they will offer better service meaning bigger staff, more ppl who makes more money is a big cost.
    - PWI offers you PVE, PVE makes less money than PVP server.

    PWI has done everything a lot of ppl wanted. All the complainers from Malay laughed so hard when PWI was announced. Everything they wanted (PVE, better and more support) was available. Ofcourse these things cost money, what did you guys expect? Same price while the cost is higher and less stuff will be bought from item mall?
    Please get back to reality.

    Does these things warrant a price that is 3 times the price of Cubizone? Dunno probably not. But don't make stupid remarks that you want same price as Cubizone.
    Compare Cubizone to a price fighter and PWI to a more luxureous variant.
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    *reposted from another thread as instructed bya forum moderator, posted prior in wrong thread*

    I will give you 2 reasons to change it, and change it quickly, and SURPRISE, it's not a threat that I and my gazillion friends will go play the new MMOs coming out, I'll be here awhile even if I don't pay... others may leave, but that's not my point(s).

    FB]FIRSTLY[/b], sometimnes a business model just doesn't pan out. It's human nature when developing our success blueprint that we envision getting the most from our customers while providing the least. That's not an insult, that's business... maximization of profit margin. Since the items in question have no cost, every additional dollar is pure profit.

    It's obvious by the stalling of the company in the face of so many people who are complaining. The company is failing to understand basic human psychology. The complainer is NOT the troublemaker. The complainer is the one who is begging you to take his/her money. I know, I'm one of them. I want to buy more Zen now, but I won't.. not at the current valuation. Every person who posts reallyw ants to give you their money even if they say they never will. I seldom walk into McDonald's just to tell them I don't want any fries today. The more times someone posts, the more revenue you are losing.

    SECONDLY, you need to understand the psychology of mental ownership. Again, this is not an insult. I could be charging you big money for business advice, so take it if you see the wisdom. You have a F2P game. As long as my character is truly "free" I have very little that ties me to it except time in. That's powerful, but most of us have played other games, many games... and yet here we are at a new one.

    Every dollar you take from us from which we customize and personalize our characters, we take mental ownership. As long as I am walking around in the same armor everyone else has.. well, if I'm gone, nothing unique is gone besides the person playing it. But, when I start wearing that special outfit in just the right color, or riding that special mount... well.. now I have taken not only my time but my money to carve out a place in your world that's mine. The more i put in, the more tied to it I am and the more I am likely to continue to support it.

    These are reasons you should fix it now. You can continue to hold off thinking you'll find some trick to get a huge load of cash now before having to make changes. Yet, every day that goes by you are cheating yourself out of huge loads of cash. Time to let go of the original plan that you had and embrace a realistic one that will probably make you very cash-happy.

    Oh, while I'm at it. IF you are going to fix this, you need to fix one more thing. Stop holding back on the Cash Shop options. We know the items are there and your logic in holding them back is flawed. We are not going to buy what's there just because those are the only choices, and then by more as you open them up one at a time.

    Let me explain. I go to a cafeteria and I get to desserts and there is nothing but a bowl of jello and a piece of carrot cake. I choose the jello. As I walk away the cafeteria worker replaces the jello with a piece of chocolate cake. I don't really want jello and now I'm pissed because I was tricked into thinking there was nothing to choose from. I am unlikely to happily come back. Had all of the yummy desserts been out fro my choice I would have made my choice and then imagined what I would get next time since they all looked so yummy.

    Offering choices and variety brings people back. Trying to sell a small amount and withholding choices makes people feel cheated.

    Just my 2 cents.

    PS I know there is more available than what you show because if you search the auction it has all of the items potentially available. So.. just turn them all on. had you done so I would have already bought the "dressy dress", but I won't settle for the few choices you left me. Your loss... my money.. take it from me... really...

  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What I don't understand is why Guardian Angels are the same price, when everything else **** you in the behind?
  • axident
    axident Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I refuse to use cash shop in this game at these prices..... I've used the CS in RFO, Rohan and L2 private servers. But never have i seen a game where it cost this much do daily things. WB and BM's that use heiro's and choose to pvp are looking at a ridiculous amount of money because they don't die easy in pvp and they don't have range for pve. And this is without doing TW. I would have checked all the boxes up there but the easiest way to fix it would be just to lower the Gold prices.
  • mas
    mas Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    russel wrote: »
    Stop crying lah.
    I remembered how Americans laughed at Cubinet and saying Malaysia a third world country and now the game is hosted in your own country you cry because item mall isn't based upon third world country price...

    Before blaming everything and threaten to quit take a deep breathe and wonder why the prices are higher.
    - PWI is hosted in the States thus the internet connection is more expensive. Salaries is more expensive. PWI stated they will offer better service meaning bigger staff, more ppl who makes more money is a big cost.
    - PWI offers you PVE, PVE makes less money than PVP server.

    PWI has done everything a lot of ppl wanted. All the complainers from Malay laughed so hard when PWI was announced. Everything they wanted (PVE, better and more support) was available. Ofcourse these things cost money, what did you guys expect? Same price while the cost is higher and less stuff will be bought from item mall?
    Please get back to reality.

    Does these things warrant a price that is 3 times the price of Cubizone? Dunno probably not. But don't make stupid remarks that you want same price as Cubizone.
    Compare Cubizone to a price fighter and PWI to a more luxureous variant.

    So we all deserve to suffer because a few ignorant Americans?

    Also when the company tells us the 200%+ price increase is based on
    National GDP you have to expect there to be backlash. I bet if they polled members
    of this forum they'd find the average salary a year was more like 15,000 per person and I'm being generous with that estimate.

    They are also doing the time honored practice of bringing us a new version, but a non updated item mall. They'll release the same items available in other versions for more money as time passes. This practice is so insulting and asinine. if you're going to charge 3 times the amount then you could have tried to justify it with a more expansive item mall..

    I don't mind a slight increase in price, but this is absurd. They based it on ignorance of their customer base's gross economic situation, greed, or both. The amount of people making 40,000+ amongst this community is probably parallel to the 1% in this country that hold the majority of the nation's wealth.

    Anyway if zen prices stay at this price I may likely never use my hard earned money to buy any, but make them reasonably comparable to MY's and you'll have a weekly customer...I'm pretty sure the majority of this community share similar sentiments.
  • zydin
    zydin Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I make over 45k a year. And I still don't buy zen. While the 100$ worth of bonus zen for the 150$ package sounds appealing, I still won't vote because that's not the problem.

    It's blatantly obvious what you need to do after 8 pages of this thread, just do it and keep your player base happy, and your pocketbooks fat.
  • mojin
    mojin Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zydin wrote: »
    I make over 45k a year. And I still don't buy zen. While the 100$ worth of bonus zen for the 150$ package sounds appealing, I still won't vote because that's not the problem.

    It's blatantly obvious what you need to do after 8 pages of this thread, just do it and keep your player base happy, and your pocketbooks fat.

    Lets not forget the 33 pages and counting in the other thread :
  • poison
    poison Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mojin wrote: »

    Lets not forget the 33 pages and counting in the other thread :

    It sure looks like PWEnt is trying to forget that thread and all the people who want to give them money once they get the dollar signs out of their eyes and start looking at things realistically.
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    I choose to refrain from voting due to the fact that it's the zen to dollar ratio that we're unhappy with, not the item mall prices.
  • hxx
    hxx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I choose to refrain from voting due to the fact that it's the zen to dollar ratio that we're unhappy with, not the item mall prices.

    True, but what's the difference. Get more zen, but same IM prices. Or same zen, IM price reduced. The latter would cause less anger when it's updated.

    How would you feel if you bought zen and the next day found out you can get 2x more for the same price. Probably very angry that you missed out on half.

    Now how would you feel if you bought zen and the next day, the IM stuff were cheaper? Probably very happy considering you can buy more stuff :)
  • skar
    skar Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If forced to choose an option, I'll take the bonus $100 for a $150 dollar purchase, that at least lowers the cost per on the zen to a bit more reasonable level. But to lower just the charms and not anything else? Thats bull ****, your intentionally limiting what people can do in the game who can't afford to play the game like us rich kids.
  • poison
    poison Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hxx wrote: »
    True, but what's the difference. Get more zen, but same IM prices. Or same zen, IM price reduced. The latter would cause less anger when it's updated.

    How would you feel if you bought zen and the next day found out you can get 2x more for the same price. Probably very angry that you missed out on half.

    Now how would you feel if you bought zen and the next day, the IM stuff were cheaper? Probably very happy considering you can buy more stuff :)

    While that would be great if you bought zen and didn't use any of it, however, how would you feel if you bought zen, bought a bunch of stuff and the next day, everyone was getting it for cheaper than you just paid for?

    Scenario 1: Double zen per dollar.
    Solution 1: Give everyone who has purchased zen the same amount of zen.

    Scenario 2: Lower some cash shop items prices.
    Solution 2: Figure out who has purchased what, give refunds for the difference of the items reduced, perhaps different ratios depending upon how much one thing is dropped vs something else. Don't refund for zen not spent or items not lowered.

    From a "how to not make even more people upset at us than we already have due to being greedy" standpoint, doubling the zen is a much easier way to reimburse the early buyers.
  • jebbediah
    jebbediah Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Howdy all

    Im new to the game,me and my wife just joined 2 days ago.we like mmorpg's that give adults the option to be strong without having to be 13 and lifeless.

    I could easily afford 300usd a month for my wife and I to have a little fun to ourselves but that's not the point.

    GM'S i highly doubt your server population is made up of people like me.own thier own home,dont have much for bills,and have too much extra time to idle away the day.

    Even knowing this fact I could hardly bring myself to spend more then 50 usd a month on a video game.

    Me and my wife "level 5 and level 6 now" were about to go purchas zen for whatever prices you had up thier but then I thoght to check the forums and get feed back before I really get into this game and waste real life money on it.

    End result . We will not be purchasing Any Zen after reading through this thread.The player's have "through thier posting's" convinced us"two absolutly new player's never even heard of perfect world till 5 days ago" to not purchase Zen.

    That is what those player's have acomplished.

    Ps.We really are new to this game, If anyone wants to take us under thier wing and teach us the nitty gritty about this game"the ropes" and have 2 possible cash playing member's in thier guild.Feel free to contact me.My name is Jebbediah and we play in the pvp server I am a wizard and she is a blademaster.we are finding this game a little confusing having read through the website entirely and finding it lacking in detail it just gives general explanations.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    russel wrote: »
    Stop crying lah.
    I remembered how Americans laughed at Cubinet and saying Malaysia a third world country and now the game is hosted in your own country you cry because item mall isn't based upon third world country price...

    Before blaming everything and threaten to quit take a deep breathe and wonder why the prices are higher.
    - PWI is hosted in the States thus the internet connection is more expensive. Salaries is more expensive. PWI stated they will offer better service meaning bigger staff, more ppl who makes more money is a big cost.
    - PWI offers you PVE, PVE makes less money than PVP server.

    PWI has done everything a lot of ppl wanted. All the complainers from Malay laughed so hard when PWI was announced. Everything they wanted (PVE, better and more support) was available. Ofcourse these things cost money, what did you guys expect? Same price while the cost is higher and less stuff will be bought from item mall?
    Please get back to reality.

    Does these things warrant a price that is 3 times the price of Cubizone? Dunno probably not. But don't make stupid remarks that you want same price as Cubizone.
    Compare Cubizone to a price fighter and PWI to a more luxureous variant.

    You don't understand current pricings and incomes in the USA. I can buy a new Xbox 360 game or PS3 game for the same cost as getting married in this game. Think about that. I can get a whole new game that a major game studio worked very hard on with the expectation of making a ton of money from it for the same cost as purchasing a minor aesthetic feature in this game. What does that say about their pricing? We don't care about Malaysia. The irony is that their pricing just happened to be very fair for the USA. It's a simple coincidence. PWE needs to learn about the prices of other (competing) products in the USA before feeding us this ****.

    EDIT: Spending $60 on anything is expensive.
  • zanril
    zanril Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Really, I think the prices just need to be lowered overall, and quite a bit.
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zanril wrote: »
    Really, I think the prices just need to be lowered overall, and quite a bit.

    and soon please
This discussion has been closed.