Choose your Destiny



  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I already voted although I'd still like more options
    Lost City
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    If none of the poll answers suit your needs, then do not vote. Write what you would like instead in this thread. Keep your comments civil please.

    Why did you not put a "none of the above answers" choice in the pool? That would have gave you an indication if your pool was relevant or not to begin with with the majority of the customers here.

    Every well made pool have this options, to see if they covered the main concerns of the people or not.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • odin
    odin Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This post (like many other people's) is another attempt to genuinely help this Perfect World hoster be wildly successful. We love this game. It is EXTREMELY entertaining, under certain circumstances.

    Many of us know, even when we spend $50+ dollars a month, our entertainment return is substantial. Under those circumstances, most "in game" complaints are "I can't believe I spent that much, this month" or "I want my zen now!", instead of "the cash shop item costs to much".

    I think I am getting a better picture of WHY there is such a disconnect between the PW veterans and this hoster's "front office" (price setters). btw. Those of us that are PW vets, realized right away how the current price structure interfered with the EXTREMELY entertaining experience, we have, playing PW, on other servers.

    Europe and USA players have been playing on servers, whose pricing structures were designed for the economies of the surrounding countries (language areas). FYI. Some multi-lingual PW lovers, spent their personal time developing English translation patches, before PW was released in English. Realizing the value of the "English" market, may have been at the genesis of the idea to have an official English server (MY/EN).

    Summary of "WHY the disconnect".

    Europe and USA PW players, in different income areas than the areas the PW pricing model was designed for, have learned about a level of entertainment that is acheivable, when our money values are applied in a PW pricing model designed for lower income parts of the world. The end result is, we spend upwards from $50 per month (that surprises many of us too, but it is FUN).

    I hope this helps.

    (I didn't vote).
    Is this post appropriate?

  • cerberus
    cerberus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    judging from this thread alone shows lack of professionalism i mean cmon didn't you even think about what your options are? Honestly who's ever in charge of you does not know how to run a business here in the U.S.
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    All the stalling is pretty much killing PWi. A lot of my guild, RageQuit, already want to quit because the ridiculous cost of this game. There is no fun anymore.

    One of our biggest Zen buys have quit. He said Zen was just too expensive and the return was sub-par. The game is easily taking the path of YNK-Rohan with all this stalling bullcrap.

    So in all honesty, if things don't get fixed by Tuesday (That's one week since OB we've been complaining), a lot of people in my guild, including I, who are one of the people who don't mind using IRL money in the game, will just leave. This game, to play efficently like I wanted, would take more money than I could make through my job =/.

    Stop trying to pull a YNK Rohan on us.
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wthere is:

    [ ] halve the current cs items prices & add new items like the other ver's of PW at a higer price
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • gallie
    gallie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The majority of the community seems to be together in a concept. Cash shop prices are way to high. Let's apply some logic as to why.
    Factors to consider:
    1.Not everyone who wants to play this game is in the higher percentage of incomes in the U.S.
    2.Not everyone who plays mmorpgs is a child leeching off their mother and father's income or
    one of the disgustingly rare people with large amounts of disposable income.
    3.There are many of us who would be want to purchase from the cash shop, but the current
    prices/ratio is too much of an abomination to be affordable.
    4.More people would be willing to spend money on the game if the prices were affordable to
    more people. Yes, 50 people spending $50.00 per month looks good on paper($2500.00).
    Meanwhile, 500 people spending $10.00 a month ($5000.00) makes far more sence!
    Wal-Mart became the giant company it is by using a similar concept. Sell more at prices
    people can afford makes far more sence then selling a tiny amount to an elitest few for
    large amounts.
    5.Some of us who do play are disabled or retired, thereby have very little free money to waste.

    Making them high, yes, boosts your profit margins and makes the company
    happy seeing income growth. But also, making prices high will drive those who can not
    make such a massive commitment and are unwilling to do so. Making prices too low would
    take the profit the company makes insufficient to maintain the server and allow for further
    growth. There must be some place of middle ground between the company's dream of
    massive profits to fill their wallets and what customer's want to pay. We, as consumers, will
    always push to receive the most we can for what little money is left after living expenses,
    food, and taxes drain the majority if not all of our incomes.

    I am sorry to say it, but I can not vote in the pole. As mentioned before, there is no option
    available in the list for making zen/gold/etc go futher in the entire cash shop. Personally,
    I feel that if you want to succeed you will have to have your customers behind you. At the
    current prices, the majority of people have stated that they will play for free with no intended
    contribution untill the server dies and/or a better option comes along.

    Sorry to have to be so blunt.
  • teesh
    teesh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    None of the Above.

    Lower Zen prices to be more in line with PW-MY
  • siege
    siege Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I refuse to vote as the whole price of Zen in general should be lowered.. All the prices are ridiculous period and due to this dilemma I have yet to even play the game again. I've moved on to Atlantica Online until things are changed which many of my friends have also. The game is too dependant on cash shop items late game and the prices are excessive
  • ulfrun
    ulfrun Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    siege wrote: »
    I refuse to vote as the whole price of Zen in general should be lowered.. All the prices are ridiculous period.

    i agree and im not voting eather
  • engel0
    engel0 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    gallie wrote: »
    The majority of the community seems to be together in a concept. Cash shop prices are way to high. Let's apply some logic as to why.
    Factors to consider:
    1.Not everyone who wants to play this game is in the higher percentage of incomes in the U.S.
    2.Not everyone who plays mmorpgs is a child leeching off their mother and father's income or
    one of the disgustingly rare people with large amounts of disposable income.
    3.There are many of us who would be want to purchase from the cash shop, but the current
    prices/ratio is too much of an abomination to be affordable.
    4.More people would be willing to spend money on the game if the prices were affordable to
    more people. Yes, 50 people spending $50.00 per month looks good on paper($2500.00).
    Meanwhile, 500 people spending $10.00 a month ($5000.00) makes far more sence!
    Wal-Mart became the giant company it is by using a similar concept. Sell more at prices
    people can afford makes far more sence then selling a tiny amount to an elitest few for
    large amounts.
    5.Some of us who do play are disabled or retired, thereby have very little free money to waste.

    Making them high, yes, boosts your profit margins and makes the company
    happy seeing income growth. But also, making prices high will drive those who can not
    make such a massive commitment and are unwilling to do so. Making prices too low would
    take the profit the company makes insufficient to maintain the server and allow for further
    growth. There must be some place of middle ground between the company's dream of
    massive profits to fill their wallets and what customer's want to pay. We, as consumers, will
    always push to receive the most we can for what little money is left after living expenses,
    food, and taxes drain the majority if not all of our incomes.

    I am sorry to say it, but I can not vote in the pole. As mentioned before, there is no option
    available in the list for making zen/gold/etc go futher in the entire cash shop. Personally,
    I feel that if you want to succeed you will have to have your customers behind you. At the
    current prices, the majority of people have stated that they will play for free with no intended
    contribution untill the server dies and/or a better option comes along.

    Sorry to have to be so blunt.

    I totally agree to this statement! With the current zen/gold ratio its way too expensive... you double or triple think before you buy something.
    Not everyone can spend 20$ on a mount or a flying device. Nor will they buy a piece of cloth for 5$ a piece.
    It's either you sink the prices of the items or you think about lowering the zen/gold ratio...
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    No amount of advocating the current pricing is going to change the fact that the majority of the players will not accept it as it is. That much is clear. Basing pricing on a GDP that comes nowhere close to what the average gamer makes is laughable. Those households that make $45k+ a year are made up of couples who each work, with one if not both hold a full time job. Singles and couples that make that much on their own comprise a significantly smaller percent of the population, and of those you'll reach an even smaller percentage.

    So, let's break it down (and I'll be generous). Out of those households that play this game, 30% will be in the estimated GDP. Out of those, you're looking at another 30% that can decide for themselves whether or not they'll fork up the money for the zen without consulting someone, because they are the source of income. So you're basically trying to appeal to roughly 9% of the player base, and hoping the other 91% will fall in line behind them.

    Something to consider: Surveys like the GDP are more a political statement than a true consensus. These surveys are localized. They never take census in average areas, and in fact some are required to visit specific neighborhoods, so as to receive favorable results.

    This is a direct quote from the Income, Earnings, and Poverty Data From the 2007 American Community Survey, Issued August 2008
    7 The estimates in this report (which may
    be shown in text, fi gures, and tables) are
    based on responses from a sample of the
    population and may diff er from actual values
    because of sampling variability or other factors.
    As a result, apparent diff erences between
    the estimates for two or more groups may
    not be statistically signifi cant. All comparative
    statements have undergone statistical testing
    and are signifi cant at the 90-percent confi -
    dence level unless otherwise noted.


    With that in mind, why would you base your prices on faulty information, so admitted by the very agency who collects it?

    Also, I see a lot of people asking for lower priced items. I don't see the item prices as the problem, but the amount of zen in relation to the dollar. Changing that would have the same desired effect, which is more for our money, and it will be exceedingly easier for PWE to adjust the zen, than it would to adjust prices on every item in the mall.
  • merulz
    merulz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kamina wrote: »

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Perfect World IRC:
    Channel: #pwint
  • mojin
    mojin Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    So here we are, nearly a week after Open Beta began, people have been complaining since the first day about the same thing, and now two threads, pointing out that either CS item prices need lowered or we need more zen per dollar.

    All in all this poll is very faulty, as others have pointed out it lacks the main two options, "Lower Zen prices", "Lower all cash shop prices", and also "None of the Above" to even determine if people want any of the options at all.

    The thing I hate most about polls is that a lot of people just kinda glance at the options and pick something before ever reading anything else about the topic, thus polls in general aren't accurate enough in my opinion, because there put at the top of the page before any real information is given.

    I believe that the price of zen should be changed to 250 or 300 zen per $1, then if any items have lower value than the MY-EN cash shop, those items can be raised to 5 - 10 cent higher than MY-EN price for this version. This will give people the feeling that there actually getting more for there money, more impulse buying will happen, and overall a lot more money for PWI.

    For now I can only have $15 - $30 extra for any sort of game a month. But with the right price it could like walking into Walmart hungry and coming out with $100 worth of stuff that you didn't really need. Especially if I just started a new character and want all the same nifty items my higher level has.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I will not buy Zen unless the price of purchasing it is lowered. I am deeply offended by this poll. I refuse to vote because this poll is a trick to manipulate test results in favor with what the executives want. As others have said, the poll does not have enough options to reflect what we really want. I have learned about problems with polls. The whole trick behind them is in the questions that are asked. The nature of the questions can be shaped to meet any agenda. Therefore, a poll can easily be manipulated to give a specific outcome. They can make it seem as though people want to be offered special deals and discounts instead of just lowering prices overall because they simply did not ask us that question. They've asked only those questions that meet what they want to hear from us. They're just seeking their own agendas, completely ignoring us. They claim to listen and to try to give us what we want but they are actually just trying to figure us out as if they can find a way to trick us into buying high priced Zen. People, we are not a puzzle; we are not a game. This is real life. We will not pay your prices.
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I honestly only care about heiros, but the other stuff is pretty expensive too.

    Said it in the other thread, but changing it to $1 : 2 gold would make most people happy.
  • thatsme
    thatsme Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I can't vote in a poll that doesn't have the most important option, lowering prices overall.
  • zoefox
    zoefox Posts: 225
    edited September 2008
    While I have never actually gotten to a high level in this game before, I know how important the hp and mp charms can be from my CB experience. I would wish to buy a lot of those so I could continue the play the game smoothly, however then I would not be able to afford the various fashions and mounts and many other things I have an interest in buying in the future.

    I, like many others, cannot vote in this poll because the appropriate choice is not listed. Though in reading what the other players say I would think that another possible idea is having 50 zen equal to 1 gold, while keeping everything the same.

    You can see in my sig that I have every class. There is no way I can hope to afford the upkeep on all of them as I would like to with the way things currently are.
  • finasoa
    finasoa Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I haven't even charged Zen to my account...

    I've decided not to charge any Zen until I receive my Zen from Closed Beta. After that I'll see how I can get by without the cash shop.

    I will most likely be buying ALL of my cash shop items from other players, or buying Zen at the Auction House, once my free Zen runs out.

    But if I had to vote for one of these options it would be the first one.

    I mostly only care about charms. I will probably spent a lot of gold on a faster flying sword...but that's it aside from charms.
  • yamy
    yamy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Not voting.

    Either lower prices on ZEN or lower prices on cash shop items.

    Or better, both.
    Yami - Cleric
    Testament - Barbarian
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Got to love that thread title too...

    "Choose your Destiny "

    Meaning like : "Here are the choice you have, take it or leave it" ???:confused:
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, I just uninstalled, so good luck finding the right prices GMs ^_^
  • crystalhaztazahs
    crystalhaztazahs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I hate all of these choices to be honest.

    No one wants all of the prices lowered. Everyone wants the Zen prices lowered. Otherwise hardly anyone will be buying Zen.
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Forums are kinda quiet recently
    Lost City
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    Forums are kinda quiet recently

    A lot of people have moved to the Europe servers, and are lurking in their forums waiting for CB to start
  • michaelghifari
    michaelghifari Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    LoL i'll take $150 package and $100
    really i like it ;)
  • teesh
    teesh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A lot of people have moved to the Europe servers, and are lurking in their forums waiting for CB to start


    I am going to add, that I have already signed up for the PWE closed beta and will be giving that version a hard look and checking out their Zen/Cubigold/CS prices as well as server lag to see how it stacks up here. In the end I'll play on whichever set of servers gives me more value for my money.

  • mudeater
    mudeater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well it's been a week, I still haven't bought anything in CS, tough I want to, the game's getting unplayable with such a small inventory/bank. It's hard not to get mad tough looking at CS and seeing I need to spend 50$ for a mount. I will not spend a dollar on this if all prices aren't slashed in half/zen is doubled, period. 250$ value for 150$, almost, but it just further shows your insanity to think ppl wanna spend hundreds of dollars each month. You're losing a ton of business atm and ppl are getting incresingly tired and may I say angry. Never seen such a stubborn company, pushing a bad marketing plan like this. You're completely alienating buyers from your game.

    PPl who don't buy cash shop should be jealous, and enticed to buy seeing others get GOOD deals "wow you got that for 10$ hum maybe I should buy one"

    Right now, if you buy CS you will be laughed at.

    P.S, I'n not voting on those options, and I'm not spending 150$ in 1 shot to get the GOOD deal, thats ridiculous.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Are those the only options the staff is considering? Let me know so I can go ahead an uninstall now. Those really aren't solutions, and the "$150 package with bonus" is a slap in the face.
  • harpies3
    harpies3 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Lower all items in the item shop! :(

    lower the Materials and charms..

    the materials is too very so much super duper expensive...

    imagine.. 30 pcs high grade alloy worth.. 3Golds

    30pcs of Steel Allot woth.. 2 Golds..

    waaahh... super overprice... Y___Y

    8golds = 378,600 coins.. remember at the late game.. we will need lot of coins just to continue playing.. Y__Y

    the pots is expensive.. teleporter.. everything.. we need atlist 200k just to make the daily quest alone how about the other things???

    maybe if you change the in game price it will be ok but waaahh.. this is sad..T__T :(:(:(
This discussion has been closed.