Choose your Destiny

xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
We are trying to collect as much information from you guys as possible and constantly gauging your feedback. Please answer the above poll, feel free to select more than one option if it applies. Remember to take your time, and read each and every option before committing. :)

We value everyone's opinion, so please, give us yours.
Post edited by xarfox on


  • koma
    koma Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am unclear on the last poll. It says just give me packs of charms at an increased price, but better individual value. I would have voted for this one, but how good will the individual value be? and for the first one of lower the charm pricing, how much will that differ??
  • balthazar
    balthazar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Where is the Equal or Near-to price range of MY Option

    These options are too vague....
  • kamina
    kamina Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    balthazar wrote: »
    Where is the Equal or Near-to price range of MY Option

    These options are too vague....

    IGN: Kamina
    Class: Lv. 58 EA
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: UnLimited
  • raxcal
    raxcal Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This poll is missing the most relevant option IMO, "Lower the price on ZEN", period. I want to buy everything for all my 3 characters. Is it too much too ask? I want to spend money, but with the current ZEN prices I will continue buying Cubi, and freeloading here.

    I want rides (yes rides, aviation, clothing (with Dyes of course), storage/inventory extensions, pet cages, CHARMS, equipment upgrades, MATERIALS. So please don't give us such limited options, we just want ZEN to be cheaper.
  • catica
    catica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    raxcal wrote: »
    This poll is missing the most relevant option IMO, "Lower the price on ZEN", period. I want to buy everything for all my 3 characters. Is it too much too ask? I want to spend money, but with the current ZEN prices I will continue buying Cubi, and freeloading here.

    I want rides (yes rides, aviation, clothing (with Dyes of course), storage/inventory extensions, pet cages, CHARMS, equipment upgrades, MATERIALS. So please don't give us such limited options, we just want ZEN to be cheaper.

    I agree with this. There isnt just 1 thing I want the price lowered on if it still means Im getting jacked on the rest of the stuff still. YOU NEED TO LOWER ALL OF THE ZEN PRICES, OR MAKE IT SO WE GET MORE ZEN FOR OUR MONEY.

    Im really starting to get fed up with this. Everytime I come read these forums and see that NO valid solution is being given, I dont even want to play till I get higher lvl anymore. All the options listed above still involve the customer paying your insanely high prices in some other way, or require us to spend lots of money to get a break from the prices.

    This poll is pointless since it doesnt cover all the options.
  • code
    code Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I refuse to vote on a poll that dose not have a option that covers the lower zen cost all together. Nice try though I guess. Maybe update the poll or reset it with the added option?
  • mojin
    mojin Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    These options don't cover enough so I won't be voting on any of the current ones, hopefully , "More Zen per $1" option will become available.

    Sure the $100 bonus zen is nice but i never have $150 to spare in any given month, I don't make that lovely $45k a year or anywhere near it. I may have $15 - $30 extra a month I'd be willing to spend on this game IF I'm getting a good deal on that money, with current prices, it just looks like a ripoff to me.
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    raxcal and catica hit the nail on the head. No point in an incomplete poll. In fact, the poll, and this thread isn't needed. What's needed is for PWE to listen to us, and increase the zen to dollar ratio, and they can keep the item costs as is.
  • ruve
    ruve Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Really need to add more options to the poll.
    Add lower zen/gold cost rate as an option and then I'll vote.
    IGN ~ Ruve ~ 2x Wizard
    Server ~ Lost City
  • zezix
    zezix Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This poll is stupid, you people are totally ignoring what we are trying to say.

    The price of ZEN is too much, We did NOT say the in game mall items were too much, now did we? NO, we said the USD price of ZEN was too much.

    We want you to LOWER the ZEN prices not the ITEM MALL prices

    I hope I was clear here..
  • code
    code Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know you all were 'reading' all the posts from the forum, but I think you need to work on your poll skills a little >.> i see alot of options missing, alot of main ones at that. And alot of people plus myself already brought up you forgot the whole main huge issue of lower zen prices all together. ( add the option it'll save you a headache ^^ )
  • xwickedx
    xwickedx Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm not voting for any of the options, you already know what has to be done.
  • glider
    glider Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What everyone else in this thread said.
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Sorry Xarfox, love you but the poll is an obcious attempt to not hear us as the choices are incomplete.
  • hanno
    hanno Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if they lower the price of items in items mall... then wudn that mean u get more with your zen... so isnt like lowering the price of zen

    lowering price on zen let u buy more zen... but items still at that price

    lowering price on items... give u more zen to spend on others items

    whaaaa im not really sure if im getting this...but thats what in my head right now lol but then you guys might see something else cuz u guys been on this subject longer...
  • xauss
    xauss Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    This poll is stupid, you people are totally ignoring what we are trying to say.

    The price of ZEN is too much, We did NOT say the in game mall items were too much, now did we? NO, we said the USD price of ZEN was too much.

    We want you to LOWER the ZEN prices not the ITEM MALL prices

    I hope I was clear here..

    actually it makes NO DIFFERENCE whether the lower the price of zen, or lower the zen price of the cash shop items

    keeping $1US:1 gold is a perfectly good idea, we just want that 1 gold to buy a lot more in-game than it does currently

    BTW: didnt vote because i didnt like any of the options... and the options suggest to me that PWE has NO INTENTION to do anything more than make a small 'token' adjustment in the hopes that that will appease many
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hanno wrote: »
    if they lower the price of items in items mall... then wudn that mean u get more with your zen... so isnt like lowering the price of zen

    lowering price on zen let u buy more zen... but items still at that price

    lowering price on items... give u more zen to spend on others items

    whaaaa im not really sure if im getting this...but thats what in my head right now lol but then you guys might see something else cuz u guys been on this subject longer...

    What youa re missing is that theya re trying to get us to commit to buy if they lower prices on certain things, but not everything.

    The real kicker is the $150 package wheer they give you $100 free Zen.

    personally I find that offensive and short-sighted. This company is obviously unaware that the number of customers who can afford $15-20 per month exceeds dramatically those who can plunk down $150 in one shot.

    It seems that this compamny would rather have an empty server only inhabited by the rich.
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Another stall tactic.

    "We are waiting for feedback from our ENTIRE community".

    I see it coming.
  • hanno
    hanno Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ohh i see thanks you dagny

    well since i like the idea of lowering the price of items in item mall better

    ill vote for that option since its not in the poll... ill make my own vote for the fifth option

    [x] Lower the price of charms(heiro?), mounts, and fashions in item mall because i care about all three!
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If none of the poll answers suit your needs, then do not vote. Write what you would like instead in this thread. Keep your comments civil please.
  • poison
    poison Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree on lower everything, I would love to give you money to buy charms/mounts/mats/expansion stones/cages/clothes/dyes/reset scrolls/makeover scrolls and pretty much everything except fireworks, "mood flowers" and marriage. I know some people like the last three so everything needs to be cheaper.

    I'll give you credit though, you are trying to let me give you my money like I would like to. Just not hard enough yet.
  • buny
    buny Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree the whole item mall needs to be lowered. I can live with 1dollar=1gold. BUT I need to get more for my money.
    Sinful Leader
  • shadowxtar
    shadowxtar Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i did vote but i agree with the posters before me. the overall cost of zen should be changed.
  • da1ca
    da1ca Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Looks like I will still be holding on to my money till REAL changes happen. I'm not sure why PWI choose to give us these choices, do they think their customers are a bunch of idiots? I really want to spend about $15-$20 a month on this game which is a reasonable rate, and a bit more on occasion, I just don't see this as a viable service to spend anymore then that. But the way its going I think there will just be 2 groups of people, 1 the people who don't care about money and two the people who play for free.

    I hope others will follow suit and show the company what you want with your wallet. If you are going to spend money, it shows them they can still keep these inflated prices, or boycott them till they lower the prices. This thread is really a slap in the face.
  • mas
    mas Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kamina wrote: »
    poison wrote: »
    I agree on lower everything, I would love to give you money to buy charms/mounts/mats/expansion stones/cages/clothes/dyes/reset scrolls/makeover scrolls and pretty much everything except fireworks, "mood flowers" and marriage. I know some people like the last three so everything needs to be cheaper.

    I'll give you credit though, you are trying to let me give you my money like I would like to. Just not hard enough yet.

    Totally agree.

    In other news what I do find extremely hilarious is that PWE/PWI are acting like these items are real and have a production value. It's all code and in essence it's free to make lol. Other than the overall operational cost (which includes employees, facilities, utilities, etc) the actual items for sale cost nothing to produce. THE SUPPLY OF ITEMS IN THE MALL ARE UNLIMITED! So why are we paying oil rates for them?
    Stop being clueless and lower the cost for items and you can keep the usd to zen rate the same. You'd have tons more people buying zen at a greater rate. It's a win for everyone.

    I too would like to spend money, but between me not getting my reward zen and the inflation of usd to zen rate I just wont atm.

    *Oh and on the topic on the poll I won't vote either. It's incomplete and doesn't seemed based off the concerns of the players at all...
  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I voted to lower the prices on charm, and clothing. The reason for this is I feel the rest of the prices of the Cash Shop, other than the wedding packs (those really need to be cut in half), are a decent price. I believe with cheaper charms it will alow people to exp as they wish and enjoy the game to the fullest extent in that sense, and the lower prices on clothing will allow people who want to buy multiple outfits to be able to do so, and make a character with the looks they desire. I believe most of the one time purchase items are at a decent price, I wouldn't want every person to be able to get every mount and flight item without working for them atleast a little, althought I don't believe there should be any item in the cash shop over 30 gold.
  • zezix
    zezix Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    How about this.

    Since you guys obviously don't wanna lower the prices of zen, how about you lower EVERYTHING in the cash shop to 1/3 of what it is now.

    It would be exactly the same as in MY version, but you would still lose money in the end.. Sure this would help our needs of lower items, but then people would only buy 50zen for every 6 months, rather then 20-40 every month.

    So you basically have two options, lower the prize of the item mall and lose money still. Or you can lower the price of Zen and gain a $&!% ton of money.

    You decide.
  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    How about this.

    Since you guys obviously don't wanna lower the prices of zen, how about you lower EVERYTHING in the cash shop to 1/3 of what it is now.

    It would be exactly the same as in MY version, but you would still lose money in the end.. Sure this would help our needs of lower items, but then people would only buy 50zen for every 6 months, rather then 20-40 every month.

    So you basically have two options, lower the prize of the item mall and lose money still. Or you can lower the price of Zen and gain a $&!% ton of money.

    You decide.

    I don't see how these options are any different, most people would see them as giving you the exact same result at the end of your transaction. Either way you would get 3x as much for the same amount of money... Feel free to explain if you'd like, but if they lower the prices on Zen, increase the amount of Zen you gain for the set prices, or lower the prices in the cash shop, they all turn out to be the same exact thing in the end. It is obvious the prices need to be adjusted, but the method they chose to do so in will most likely not detour any customers further than what they have now, unless they don't give some sort of compensation to the people who have already purchased Zen.
  • sensational
    sensational Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wheres the lower the price for zen option?!?!?!
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    *shakes his head* Xarfox, while I respect you for even making a poll in the first place, I must shake my head at the slight ignorance it seems you have (I'm not meaning to insult, so if you do take offense to that I apologize). If you've been paying attention to this forum like you've said, you would have seen the collection of signatures, all 200 of them (now at 200) who have said they want the cash shop items cheaper (I know it says at or around MY-EN, but close to that is the main goal, keyword: CLOSE), all being people who would pay for zen if it were cheaper, I'll post it again, in hopes the message will get across to you, have a nice day :)
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

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