So Zen prices are ridiculous.



  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    No such "No IP ban" contracts exist with this kind of game anyhow. Wishful thinking does not equal well thought out and honest thinking.

    By default, every license contract Bejing PW Co sign with a licensor does include IP ban to everyone outside the country the servers will be used for.

    Cubinet paid extra to sign a contract without IP bans.

    If they did not, only malaysian could play on their servers. Which is not the case.

    Anyway, nothing we will say here will make you change your mind. Let's copntinue this discussion a year from now and see who was right.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    The contract is with them themselves. They can break and do whatever it is to keep themselves safe. Any developer is smarter then what you are trying to give them credit for. No such "No IP ban" contracts exist with this kind of game anyhow. Wishful thinking does not equal well thought out and honest thinking.

    shut up.

    this thread is about zen pricing not friggin contracts and IP blocks.

    ffs just stfu.


  • vem0m
    vem0m Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    By default, every license contract Bejing PW Co sign with a licensor does include IP ban to everyone outside the country the servers will be used for.

    Cubinet paid extra to sign a contract without IP bans.

    If they did not, only malaysian could play on their servers. Which is not the case.

    Anyway, nothing we will say here will make you change your mind. Let's copntinue this discussion a year from now and see who was right.

    Look child they didn't pay extra for anything.You seem to talk without knowing and I will make an example out of you right here right now. PW developers requires licensors to lock out other regions that have a game in their region. There was no PWI when PW-EN-MY was made thus they were not required to lock us out. Now that there is then they will ahve to add the locks. Please for the love of god stop trying to prove me wrong and instead just keep proving yourselves wrong. This is how these games work no company will change that as they would lose money. and this is a business that wants money.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    Look child they didn't pay extra for anything.You seem to talk without knowing and I will make an example out of you right here right now. PW developers requires licensors to lock out other regions that have a game in their region. There was no PWI when PW-EN-MY was made thus they were not required to lock us out. Now that there is then they will ahve to add the locks. Please for the love of god stop trying to prove me wrong and instead just keep proving yourselves wrong. This is how these games work no company will change that as they would lose money. and this is a business that wants money.

    didn't i just say shut up.
  • vem0m
    vem0m Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    troll wrote: »
    didn't i just say shut up.

    I don't listen to **** children that name themselves what they act like. Sorry.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    I don't listen to **** children that name themselves what they act like. Sorry.

    aww i'm butthurt.

    shut up.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Whoa, how did this turn into a thread about IP bans lol.
  • enigma32
    enigma32 Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    GG It must've taken like 30 min to read that whole thing lol. Anywho, I just had a simple suggestion. -Sales

    I used to play Last Chaos, and in their item mall, they would have sales, making different items cheaper each week- on average like 10-15 different items each week. The entire item mall had only a certain amount of items for each sale item, with a displayed counter. The sales were generally a VERY good price, (sometimes being at about 25% of original price) and the items FLEW out of the mall. If the item was a very popular one, and there were about 500 units up for sale, they could go sometimes in 30 minutes, or even less.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    enigma32 wrote: »
    Anywho, I just had a simple suggestion. -Sales

    I like that idea.

    Wondering if it can be implemented here. Can they change the prices in the cash shop wihtout restarting the server? I doubt it...

    That would not be very well received if for exemple to put 500 hieros on sale for 30 minutes they have to restart the server to begin the sale, and restart it again to reinstall the normal selling price once the sale is finished.

    And I don't think they can limit the number of items on sale in the cash shop either.

    So if they do it, they will likely have to make the sale over a longer period of time. Like 24 hours.

    But I really like that idea.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    I like that idea.

    Wondering if it can be implemented here. Can they change the prices in the cash shop wihtout restarting the server? I doubt it...

    I like the idea too! I think you're right in that their item mall seems like a hard coded dialog that could only be changed with a patched update.

    Other games where I've seen a sales system, is where they use a web based service, and the in game button launches a pop up web dialog, or website. (Aeriagames and Gpotato seems to have this for their games.)

    The nicest would be for them to integrate updating prices and item description and quantity in the client, causing a slight delay when loading or browsing through the item mall, in order to refresh the latest quantities sales. (Though, I imagine this would only be implemented if they decided to do this in Perfect World China.)
  • yahooelite
    yahooelite Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lol, if you think these prices are cheap then check the CS prices for sword of the new world. now thats a decent price to pay. in any case, i was looking forward to the CS items when we were able to get them. but as i read a notice this morning when i woke up, when the game goes public they will be data wiping and thus everyone will have to start from scratch. i personally dont plan on coming back if that happens, same goes for a few people i play with. imo its not worth the time spent, and at lvl 17 sure thats not all that high, but for the stats and gear my cleric has if i had to start over theres a very very low chance id be able to get the gear back that i have that gives my cleric its high stats.

    i played the beta for Sotnw, and when they went public they data wiped it and made it P2P and put a level cap on the free players, and cuz of all that i stopped playing it and didnt want anything to do with it cuz it pyssed me off. it took me about 6 months to go back to it, only because i was bored and because they removed all the **** they added and instead replaced it with a sweet cash shop.

    Well, had i known that they were going to go public with this game and data wipe it sooner then normal, i would have WAITED until it went public so i wouldnt lose a dang thing and have to start over. But Naturally, there was no heads up about that possibility. so imo we got screwed, especially those people that are in their late 20s early 30s and higher levels and have spent way more time on this game then i have.

    So with that said, data wipe = bye bye for me.

    sorry for those that read all this but thats just my opinion.
  • ganja
    ganja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I only read the firts page, but 40$ for a mount isnt worth it, GM's should really think twice about giving this outrageous prices.
    Rohan failed because it was basicly a carebear game and the CS prices.
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yahooelite wrote: »
    lol, if you think these prices are cheap then check the CS prices for sword of the new world. now thats a decent price to pay. in any case, i was looking forward to the CS items when we were able to get them. but as i read a notice this morning when i woke up, when the game goes public they will be data wiping and thus everyone will have to start from scratch. i personally dont plan on coming back if that happens, same goes for a few people i play with. imo its not worth the time spent, and at lvl 17 sure thats not all that high, but for the stats and gear my cleric has if i had to start over theres a very very low chance id be able to get the gear back that i have that gives my cleric its high stats.

    i played the beta for Sotnw, and when they went public they data wiped it and made it P2P and put a level cap on the free players, and cuz of all that i stopped playing it and didnt want anything to do with it cuz it pyssed me off. it took me about 6 months to go back to it, only because i was bored and because they removed all the **** they added and instead replaced it with a sweet cash shop.

    Well, had i known that they were going to go public with this game and data wipe it sooner then normal, i would have WAITED until it went public so i wouldnt lose a dang thing and have to start over. But Naturally, there was no heads up about that possibility. so imo we got screwed, especially those people that are in their late 20s early 30s and higher levels and have spent way more time on this game then i have.

    So with that said, data wipe = bye bye for me.

    sorry for those that read all this but thats just my opinion.

    Well, for starters, maybe you should read the forums bit more on the games which are on Closed Beta...
    Because server wipe is a common procedure in them.

    Its also said here on the forums, on one of the stickies,that characters will be wiped,a long,long long long time before you even could log in. By reading you would have known this even before playing this game on these servers.

    Reading and staying in touch with what the game is going through or is planned to happen helps and you wont be disappointed so easily. Also lvl17 here is nothing, the gear you are using changes completely in around -+5 lvls and getting lvl17 takes a day, not even that.

    Oh yeah, if you worry about getting your gear back,its easy. At lvl17 you dont even have first 3 star items, unless from some uberlucky craft and still you will be using that item max 10lvls... Everything else you have is easily replaced and doesnt even take time.

    most of the equips you are using probably are quest rewards anyway.

    With that pace you will soon run out of games to play but hope you the best at next game you try.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yahooelite wrote: »
    So with that said, data wipe = bye bye for me.

    sorry for those that read all this but thats just my opinion.

    Or you could just wait until September 2nd, in less than two weeks, when open beta starts and data will not be wiped.

  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yahooelite wrote: »
    So with that said, data wipe = bye bye for me.

    Ever since CB has been announced it has been repeatedly stated CB will wipe, OB will not. Not to mention CB is only lasting a week.
    Stop whining already. It's your own fault if you played cb (it's only been a day ffs, i dont see why you care so much) without checking whether or not it will wipe.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    LMAO! I have plenty this is a business meaning this edition would lose money if there was none put in place. MY-EN will have no choice they will be forced to and they said that waaaay before a US(INT) version was announced for the last time learn how the licensing system works before posting and thinking you are smart!

    Proxies suck MY-EN is already too laggy to begin with add a proxy to the mix and up your ping another 200-400ms.

    I am tired of the dumb, ignorant and misinformed people replying to my replys. If you are not smart enough to read or look at how games operate then please for the love of god stop responding. All you seek to do is get a flame war with me which I will not give you the pleasure of having.
    Haha, you fail at comebacks, not being able to make a combeback without insulting somebody. LMAO at you. :p That whole reply to me was a flame as much as you claim to deny it. Stop flamebaiting.

    Your info is based on no facts, and yet you insist on it just because it's business sence. I took a class on business, thanks, and I know all of this, so when you assume I don't know anything, you make an **** of you and me.

    Now as to t he rest of your post, a company can do what they want if they bought their rights to a product. Two companies with the same licence cannot force the other into inything, only Beijing PW can do it, which is the one that licences the game.

    Until Beijing PW forces MY to IP block the regions serviced by PWI, it won't happen. Fin.

    EDIT: Wow, hadn't realized the thread grew 7 pages since I last checked. Oh well.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    puppetsoul wrote: »
    PERIODS. Not just for girls.

    as far as i know you are not a grammar teacher stfu unless you have something to say related to the topic from now on im reporting you to an administrator everytime you spam a topic
  • enigma32
    enigma32 Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    unless you have something to say related to the topic from now on im reporting you to an administrator everytime you spam a topic

    Looks like someone hasn't read the entire topic. >.> Unless you plan on reporting the other 100people who did this also. And I reccomend not threatening people, won't get you very far here. ^^
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    enigma32 wrote: »
    Looks like someone hasn't read the entire topic. >.> Unless you plan on reporting the other 100people who did this also. And I reccomend not threatening people, won't get you very far here. ^^

    lol your doing it to dont go on a topic to flame people like now you are not a mod and never will be so stop trying
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You gotta take your own advice lol.
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    You gotta take your own advice lol.

    i am replying to comments directed towards me that is not spam get a dictionary and look up a word before you post something stupid
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    f4ding wrote: »
    i am replying to comments directed towards me that is not spam get a dictionary and look up a word before you post something stupid

    When did I say you spammed :confused:? But it is off topic like this, I just had to reply though lol.

    By when I said take your own advice I meant this ;)
    f4ding wrote: »
    lol your doing it to dont go on a topic to flame people like now you are not a mod and never will be so stop trying

    Now I only have this to say.
    f4ding wrote: »
    stfu unless you have something to say related to the topic
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yahooelite wrote: »
    Well, had i known that they were going to go public with this game and data wipe it sooner then normal, i would have WAITED until it went public so i wouldnt lose a dang thing and have to start over. But Naturally, there was no heads up about that possibility. so imo we got screwed, especially those people that are in their late 20s early 30s and higher levels and have spent way more time on this game then i have.

    Where were you these past few days?

    There has been a few hundred threads asking "Will there be a wipe at the end of closed beta?"
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • palidore
    palidore Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Where were you these past few days?

    There has been a few hundred threads asking "Will there be a wipe at the end of closed beta?"

    Very true, although an official statement from the PW team on the matter before beta began would have been nice.

    In the same regard, everyone except a complete mmo newbie should know that any time an mmo goes into closed beta specifically, characters or stats are ALWAYS wiped before release.
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Could I kindly ask you guys please stay on topic? =)

    My opinion regarding the topic: I think it would be better to discuss about the zen prices and such when they officially announce the official ' rate / prices ' of item mall goodies.

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    roxy wrote: »
    Could I kindly ask you guys please stay on topic? =)

    My opinion regarding the topic: I think it would be better to discuss about the zen prices and such when they officially announce the official ' rate / prices ' of item mall goodies.

    If we wait till they OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE ZEN PRICES, then it will be too late to talk about it wouldnt it >.>

    So better talk about it now while we are able to make the PWI company think about it before officially announcing the prices.

  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sealed wrote: »
    If we wait till they OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE ZEN PRICES, then it will be too late to talk about it wouldnt it >.>

    So better talk about it now while we are able to make the PWI company think about it before officially announcing the prices.


    Like I said hun, it was my opinion. I'm sure they're doing their best to make the item mall prices affordable.

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • evrilysis
    evrilysis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I smell Rohan.