So Zen prices are ridiculous.



  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The fact that the prices have not been announced suggests we will not like it when we hear it. Bad news tends to be withheld but good news is rushed out.
    Looking at the item shop prices, many of them are about half what they were on MY. So if they charged 66c per zen it would work out the same for those items. Of course some are the same as MY, so they would be rather overpriced at 66c.

    I guess Ill wait and see. I was playing the CB, but I got fed up with lack of inventory space and Im not going to bother with it now. A few zen in everyones accounts to start with for a bit of bank and inventory space would have been helpful, but I guess its too late for that.

    Ill just carry on with my other game (eve) for the moment, and see whats on offer when the OB starts. I think if the prices were much higher than PW-MY I wont be bothering with the server. I spent more than I should have while I was there on mounts, clothes, flyers and inventory stones. Going back to PW-MY isnt going to be an option either, as Im sick of the lag there. Ill just carry on with Eve and wait for D3 rather than be extorted again. When "f2p" games start costing over twice what p2p games cost, its time to reevaluate things.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    To be honest, I think the CS prices will be more than MY-EN is. Why do I say that? Well for 3 reasons. Server cost is higher, cost of living and higher salaries. I will be happy if the CS prices are equal to MY-EN but anything higher, I won't play.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    We don't know if they are that high, yet, we will when they announce.

    People who played on the MY server, and spent money, better see the same or less amount for zen, otherwise there is NO reason to stay besides the lag. And those of us who are thinking of being paying customers who haven't payed on a game (at least me in this catagory, probably more) before, and other paying people may, and most likely will either not buy anything or probably quit, be smart, set the price between 20-30 cents... CENTS per Zen, remember, smaller cost = more paying customers = more $$$$ in the bank in the long run. Higher cost = less paying customers = less $ in the bank.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    just so we can be clear i don't believe that the GMs suffer from mental retardation. There is no way they could possibly charge 1$ per zen,unless there only intent is losing there entire player base.
  • Posts: 3
    edited August 2008
    This reminds me of country farm and bunch of grandmas who have nothing to do, just sit and chit-chat. Then one other grandma passes near by in panic yelling the world is coming to an end, and keep going. Then the bunch of grandmas start to speculate on what they just heard, like bunch of chickens in a farm house. Same issue is here, someone blurbed something out, and everyone like Homer Simpson with his first new born is trying to pull his hair out. Why cant you wait until the official word from the admins, there is no point making a 7 page thread based on speculation someone made, he heard something that he doesnt know what it is and then everyone speculates on it.I am quite surprised by the way that the admins did not say anything. But my only guess is that they will introduce a certain price rate and then adjust based and game economy /demand. So that the prices would be applicable for majority of players and not too cheap to ruin game economy. And plus you just need to wait a period less than 2 weeks for find out.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    LOL @ everyone saying they will quit because they cant handle the game without hierograms... So lame

    Yesterday I saw the game as it should be, everyone on a fair environment without hieros, which made them actually be careful about their playing
  • Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I can handle the game without Hierograms. Without the Item Mall as a whole even. I just can't stand farming for gold. I just hope and pray that the ZEN will be very reasonable but I like the no skill delay thing but I also like to ride my two-headed dragon and raptor =S
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Just completely eliminate cash shop currency and put everything in USD and Canadian dollars. (what are those?)

    That way we can see exactly how much it will cost to buy the item instead of trying to decide "Ohk if it's .33 per zen and this is 45 zen..."


    Or eliminate the cash shop and make the game p2p.

    I like p2p. Generally gets rid of the stupid population.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kaeriin wrote: »
    LOL @ everyone saying they will quit because they cant handle the game without hierograms... So lame

    Yesterday I saw the game as it should be, everyone on a fair environment without hieros, which made them actually be careful about their playing

    Hierograms have become one of the central points of the game. Zhen leveling is done with Hierograms. Warriors couldn't PK without Hierograms because by the time they even got half-way close to an Archer, they'd be dead. They need that Hierogram tick to get in their face and get off their stuns.

    Melee would be hugely disadvantaged in any PK situation because they'd drop before they reached their target.

    Hierograms have become a necessary part of the game to an extent. Potions in this game are abysmal and only a viable idea at low levels, and even then you have to constantly spam them.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I am still amazed at how many people think they will have choices as to what region to play. You will not be able to choose the other ones will IP block US and related areas. Otherwise this place would lose money. Stop living a fairytale. This is how these free MMOs work due to them being licensed by different companies all looking to make some money.. Grow up I am sure the pricing will be acceptable based on the US economy. With everything else rising in the world what makes you think this won't even just a little? There are too many people with varied ideas not looking into the facts before speaking. There has been no talk of price however there are several factors to consider.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Speculation is fun. Based on poor 2Q results, PWI is probably under heavy pressure to start producing revenue soon. I'm guessing this is one of the main reasons they decided to launch the game to OB so soon, even with so many people having issues with the patcher and the lack of a manual patch or the zip file issues numerous users have been having.

    Once they set the price of Zen, it's pretty much fixed for a long period of time. Otherwise, there would be an uproar either way they moved the price.

    Long term, most people who play the game aren't going to be familiar with the pricing of the MY version since they'll be brand new users. I doubt a new person will download both versions and compare prices across the board and then decide to play one version over another. A person in the US will just play the US version, so threats to leave for the MY version generally won't have much effect. We just see more former MY people here since they're more likely to know about this game and post on the forums.

    I can't access the MY site right now but last I checked, they were paying some of their full time people the equivalent of ~3 dollars per hour based on the job listings. There's no way the US version can compete with that type of fixed cost structure. The MY's server costs are probably a bit lower too. Granted, they'll have lower marginal costs from the direct sale but the fixed costs for this version will be significantly higher since the US requires all the other costs associated with labor like worker's comp and other insurance.

    That translates into higher prices. They're in the business to make the most money, not sell the most Zen. Slightly different since sales is price * quantity. Yeah, they could price things at 10 cents, but they probably won't get 5x more Zen sales than if the price was at 50 cents.

    Others have mentioned that the company tends to keep quiet on "unpleasant" matters and announce good news as soon as possible, which is standard practice. (See the CB PvE "surprise.")

    Summary: I'm guessing we'll see around 40-50 cents per, with a small chance of a slight discount for bulk purchases. Something like 10 Zen for 5 dollars base for the smallest package and multiples of it for higher ones.

    Obviously, none of us outside the company know yet but that's just my guess.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seawolf wrote: »
    Speculation is fun. Based on poor 2Q results, PWI is probably under heavy pressure to start producing revenue soon. I'm guessing this is one of the main reasons they decided to launch the game to OB so soon, even with so many people having issues with the patcher and the lack of a manual patch or the zip file issues numerous users have been having.

    Once they set the price of Zen, it's pretty much fixed for a long period of time. Otherwise, there would be an uproar either way they moved the price.

    Long term, most people who play the game aren't going to be familiar with the pricing of the MY version since they'll be brand new users. I doubt a new person will download both versions and compare prices across the board and then decide to play one version over another. A person in the US will just play the US version, so threats to leave for the MY version generally won't have much effect. We just see more former MY people here since they're more likely to know about this game and post on the forums.

    I can't access the MY site right now but last I checked, they were paying some of their full time people the equivalent of ~3 dollars per hour based on the job listings. There's no way the US version can compete with that type of fixed cost structure. The MY's server costs are probably a bit lower too. Granted, they'll have lower marginal costs from the direct sale but the fixed costs for this version will be significantly higher since the US requires all the other costs associated with labor like worker's comp and other insurance.

    That translates into higher prices. They're in the business to make the most money, not sell the most Zen. Slightly different since sales is price * quantity. Yeah, they could price things at 10 cents, but they probably won't get 5x more Zen sales than if the price was at 50 cents.

    Others have mentioned that the company tends to keep quiet on "unpleasant" matters and announce good news as soon as possible, which is standard practice. (See the CB PvE "surprise.")

    Summary: I'm guessing we'll see around 40-50 cents per, with a small chance of a slight discount for bulk purchases. Something like 10 Zen for 5 dollars base for the smallest package and multiples of it for higher ones.

    Obviously, none of us outside the company know yet but that's just my guess.

    Well if it does turn out to be this way Requiem will be getting a very large influx of players soon. The games play style is almost identical, the quests and leveling style, Only difference is Requiem is bloody and not a aesthetic world. But a bloody mess, Still good graphics...just not pretty.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    I am still amazed at how many people think they will have choices as to what region to play. You will not be able to choose the other ones will IP block US and related areas. Otherwise this place would lose money. Stop living a fairytale. This is how these free MMOs work due to them being licensed by different companies all looking to make some money.. Grow up I am sure the pricing will be acceptable based on the US economy. With everything else rising in the world what makes you think this won't even just a little? There are too many people with varied ideas not looking into the facts before speaking. There has been no talk of price however there are several factors to consider.

    I doubt you are Michael Chi so future plans of any of the companies involved is uncertain. There's a whole range of options they have, from all inclusive IP block to grandfathering already existing (paying) members to doing nothing.

    Claiming to "know" their future plans before they do is just pure speculation anyway.
  • Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    More speculation. If you can't prove it don't post it.
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Why.. why would you spend real life dollars to buy virtual items? Virtual items aren't worth tiddly..

    I don't understand. I fail to comprehend. Does not compute. Need more input.

    My mind is going to implode.

    I..I guess.. to be lazy? So you don't have to mindlessly grind the mats for crafting? I... *implodes*
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    griffpad wrote: »
    Why.. why would you spend real life dollars to buy virtual items? Virtual items aren't worth tiddly..

    I don't understand. I fail to comprehend. Does not compute. Need more input.

    My mind is going to implode.

    I..I guess.. to be lazy? So you don't have to mindlessly grind the mats for crafting? I... *implodes*

    Many reasons man. Lots of people do it to increase their online ego. Lots of people do it in order to level up faster so that they don't have to spend much time online, Time is money afterall. But to be honest most do it because other people do it. I bet if no one used the cash shop and it was something that was in a way shunned if you used it, Kinda like buying Virtual currency off 3rd party sites. Most people would not use it. Its to stay on par with so many who do use it, and most people who ever make it to the top of the ladder are cash shop users. People obsessed with being the best and people who need a online ego boost as well. Those are a few reasons why people use it. But the majority do not use it until they need to, By that time you are usually a higher level so you also use it so that all that time you spent leveling would not be wasted. Personally if its overpriced like its sounding I don't care if I am level 50-60 id still quit this game on the spot and go back to Requiem if they try to rip players off with cash shop Id do the only thing I can do to not help them which is not play their game (Because if i were to stay and try to play for free 100% it would be more hell than it is fun later levels).
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    WOW that price is ridiculous,:eek:
    Ohhhh well I need that money for gas anyway :rolleyes:
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    WOW that price is ridiculous,:eek:
    Ohhhh well I need that money for gas anyway :rolleyes:

    Agreed I have more than 1 Video game for a hobby. So I honestly couldn't or wouldn't spend lots of cash on the cash shop unless it was really low price, Then Id prob blow 100 bucks in 1 go to hold me for a year or so.
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Patience kids!

    Feel free to discuss what you think the item prices should be in US $$. You never know, some of your suggestions may be considered :D

    Prices Higher - People will go to other version

    Prices Lower - People will 'probably' come from other version

    Prices Same - Without going into detail, the 'other' had major drama and much of it comes due to protocal of suspected behavior. It seems some behavior is almost encouraged by in-action, while other suspected behavior is acted upon with the word 'entrapment' being fairly close to a definition. With a GM joining a guild in addition - tipping their hand in TW. So in the end, PWi will most likely be more successful - if prices are the same - if protocal relating to suspected illegal behavior is handled better. Innocent until proven guilty, not snagged out of a game - embarassed/humiliated - because someone tattled, and in the end - it was nonfounded. (Yet people still are whispering). This is not the only incident - where GM's have jumped the gun based solely upon gossip - showing that if their is enough whining.. I mean pressure, they will bend.

    In my opinion - they should stay the same. Going lower would compromise needed resources to keep the game running. But I would recommend rolling out items a bit faster, since we can only sit and drool - wishing for items on other servers.

    PWi - we, members of 'the other' are here to try to find a better place to ..... play, be, and make friends. We are comparing...

    Peace out

    Yestermoon - SB | Dawnglory
  • Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    If 1 Zen will cost a dollar or more, then the CS Economy prices will be F'ed up dontcha think:(

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seawolf wrote: »
    I doubt you are Michael Chi so future plans of any of the companies involved is uncertain. There's a whole range of options they have, from all inclusive IP block to grandfathering already existing (paying) members to doing nothing.

    Claiming to "know" their future plans before they do is just pure speculation anyway.

    Its people like you trying to act smart that make everyone else on the forum thankful they are not your parents. It is not speculation each company is a licensor of the game meaning separate. They HAVE to lock other regions out its not optional otherwise they would steal business and seeing the developers of PW cannot afford to lose money by licensors going under then they make the licensors lock the IPs to other regions. Common sense would tell you that. it is a company int he end they are out to make a profit there cannot and will not be a competition of pricing among the regions and licensors grow up and think for once instead of hiding behind disbelief and denial.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ...Perfect World International is a subsidary of the actual Perfect World company who created the game.
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    Its people like you trying to act smart that make everyone else on the forum thankful they are not your parents. It is not speculation each company is a licensor of the game meaning separate. They HAVE to lock other regions out its not optional otherwise they would steal business and seeing the developers of PW cannot afford to lose money by licensors going under then they make the licensors lock the IPs to other regions. Common sense would tell you that. it is a company int he end they are out to make a profit there cannot and will not be a competition of pricing among the regions and licensors grow up and think for once instead of hiding behind disbelief and denial.

    "Hello players,

    Thank you for your concerns and we have already stated that American IP will not be block from our server. Server will operate as usual and will be better with more new updates.

    Thank you for supporting Perfect World.
    Happy Gaming

    -PW-MY mod"

    Ok, you can stop with the accusations that pw-my will block american IP's. If you read the pw-my forums you would already know this is not the case, and would be a silly move for pw-my.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    It is not speculation each company is a licensor of the game meaning separate. They HAVE to lock other regions out its not optional otherwise they would steal business and seeing the developers of PW cannot afford to lose money by licensors going under then they make the licensors lock the IPs to other regions.

    The problem is that one of the licensor of one engrish version (Cubinet) signed a contract so as to NOT have to put IP ban. With such a contract, there is no way someone can force them to IP ban anyone. And since half or more their player base is outside Malaysia, they will never do it.

    So the competitors, if they want to remain compatitive, cannot put too wide IP bans on their servers, otherwise Cubinet would be at an advantages over them. Simple business common sense.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    The problem is that one of the licensor of one engrish version (Cubinet) signed a contract so as to NOT have to put IP ban. With such a contract, there is no way someone can force them to IP ban anyone. And since half or more their player base is outside Malaysia, they will never do it.

    So the competitors, if they want to remain compatitive, cannot put too wide IP bans on their servers, otherwise Cubinet would be at an advantages over them. Simple business common sense.

    I don't think the locked IP is going to be the biggest issue here. I think the prices will be. There are plenty of other games people here can to go that play very similar to this game. (Except no flying) Controls the same quest style the same, Graphics similar. I guess if you are really into the character customization and thats the main reason you are here then prob it would affect those people. But I think the majority of the people who are not happy will not move to another version of the same game but move to another game all together. \

    With so many free2play grind fests out on the market today its hard to compete for any company. They really gotta add more to this game than just the best customization because customizing a characters look does nothing about the core game play and the money going out of your wallets.

    the prices in the cash shop will determine this games future imo.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    alazar wrote: »
    he prices in the cash shop will determine this games future imo.

    I think alike. They cannot aford to be over their main competitor (PW-MY at the moment).

    From what I saw in the cash shop, most items are either same price or lower price than in MY-EN. So if the value of ZEN per dollar is better, they are in good position to win.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    matthew wrote: »
    "Hello players,

    Thank you for your concerns and we have already stated that American IP will not be block from our server. Server will operate as usual and will be better with more new updates.

    Thank you for supporting Perfect World.
    Happy Gaming

    -PW-MY mod"

    Ok, you can stop with the accusations that pw-my will block american IP's. If you read the pw-my forums you would already know this is not the case, and would be a silly move for pw-my.

    That was posted before PWI sorry to tell ya that.
    karmelia wrote: »
    The problem is that one of the licensor of one engrish version (Cubinet) signed a contract so as to NOT have to put IP ban. With such a contract, there is no way someone can force them to IP ban anyone. And since half or more their player base is outside Malaysia, they will never do it.

    So the competitors, if they want to remain compatitive, cannot put too wide IP bans on their servers, otherwise Cubinet would be at an advantages over them. Simple business common sense.

    They will be forced tyo i am sorry to tell ya this is how things work with free MMOs i am getting tired of repeating myself to a bunch of ignorant people. Go study how the gaming industry works before mouthing me or trying to correct me. I am done you all had your warning and will see soon enough. The developers own the game not the licesnsor and like i said it will not be Cubinet's decision and thus it will be done.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    The developers own the game not the licesnsor and like i said it will not be Cubinet's decision and thus it will be done.

    The developpers (Bejing PW co) signed a contract with the licensor (Cubnet).

    The contract say "No IP bans"

    I guess they signed the same kind of contract with the guys from PW-MS in Europe.

    A contract have more power than anything Bejing PW co may decide. They cannot go against what a contract say. Breakling a contract = big trouble for Bejing PW Co.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    The developpers (Bejing PW co) signed a contract with the licensor (Cubnet).

    The contract say "No IP bans"

    I guess they signed the same kind of contract with the guys from PW-MS in Europe.

    A contract have more power than anything Bejing PW co may decide. They cannot go against what a contract say. Breakling a contract = big trouble for Bejing PW Co.

    The contract is with them themselves. They can break and do whatever it is to keep themselves safe. Any developer is smarter then what you are trying to give them credit for. No such "No IP ban" contracts exist with this kind of game anyhow. Wishful thinking does not equal well thought out and honest thinking.
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vem0m wrote: »
    That was posted before PWI sorry to tell ya that.

    There you go, hardhead.

    For people with no pw-my forum says american IP's will not be banned. This was in answer to pw-int being released.


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