Official "I have a Suggestion" Thread



  • jacobbs
    jacobbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I've been playing on the Malaysian version. I like the game so far except for one thing.

    The chat channel symbols needs to be fixed imo. A lot of other MMOs use a psuedo-standard for chat channel symbols. Most commonly:
    ! shout
    # party
    @ Guild
    "name privs

    The trade channel is sometimes $ or % (depending on if the game has guild alliances, sometimes % is alliance)

    While I know PW is its own game and should be distinct, making the client more accessible to people that have spent a lot of time on other MMO's can only serve to make the PW experience more enjoyable.

    Just my 2 cents. Thanks!
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    @ has always made more sense to me as a PM command, since it's as if it's directing a comment at the user.

    @jacobbs hi.

    ^-- Like that.
  • pefecti0n
    pefecti0n Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I've been playng the malaysian version to and well this may be a bit weird of a suggestion but there should be a little more classes and races.
  • tofu
    tofu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i personally like the commands based off ffxi=)) where as you would put a '/' and then a command... to me.. the shift number keys are hard to reach and i always get them confused T-T i didn't even memorized them yet!! haha

    i like
    whisper -> /tell hi how are you
    party -> /p hi thanks for party invite
    shout -> /sh i like to shout
    chat -> none or /s hihihih
    guild -> /g sup guildies!

    but this is just me :)
    but most of all i want a feature where i can customize my own hotkeys... idk of PW-MY has that yet, but it helps if PWI will have your own hotkeys
  • jacobbs
    jacobbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tofu wrote: »
    i personally like the commands based off ffxi=)) where as you would put a '/' and then a command... to me.. the shift number keys are hard to reach and i always get them confused T-T i didn't even memorized them yet!! haha

    i like
    whisper -> /tell hi how are you
    party -> /p hi thanks for party invite
    shout -> /sh i like to shout
    chat -> none or /s hihihih
    guild -> /g sup guildies!

    but this is just me :)
    but most of all i want a feature where i can customize my own hotkeys... idk of PW-MY has that yet, but it helps if PWI will have your own hotkeys

    This I would not mind either. The ones that I'm most used to come from playing WoW, L2 and GW, where the ones I have listed are pretty standard across all three. In anycase, the point that I'm trying to make is that the commands right now are so non-standard and just odd that it takes a lot of getting used to, it may turn people off from the game, I know I was like "huh?" until my friend started playing, and she liked it cause of the graphics, so meh.
  • arten
    arten Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    One thing that annoyed me about MY-PW was the system for making 'combos' of skills. It only worked half the time and you couldn't tie items into the chain. I would like to make a 'combo' to fast-equip items, or to add potion usage into a chain of skills.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    MAke a female werebeast (sorry cant remember the new names)
    marriage system should be up and running
  • arten
    arten Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    MAke a female werebeast (sorry cant remember the new names)
    marriage system should be up and running

    Good luck on female WB and male WF. It doesn't appear to be 'doable' for now. Yet people keep asking.

    - Arten the Magus
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Make the signature sizes bigger. Honestly. 160 pixils height is average.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So far I only have two qualms with the game so far, everything seems to be great besides this.

    1. From what I hear dungeons lack unique drops and drop just a few rare materials but thats it. One of my favorite things about most MMO are the dungeons. IMO what makes a good dungeon is unique loot, something completely exclusive to the dungeon you can only get there. Doesnt even have to be gear, just something unique that adds to the motivation of doing dungeons. I want something I cant get grinding normally ^^

    2. One of the main reason I looked into this game was the whole own your own plot of land and have a house thing. That what initially pulled me in and I was bummed when I heard that feature is not available anymore. I think it be great if you could somehow bring back that feature.
  • miles
    miles Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    not sure if this is going to be a bug in this pw but i noticed in the pw-my you cant Alt+tab out of the game and Alt+tab back into it. if you could fix that it would be nice cause i normally use that so i can check the quest guides. the problem that happens is when i go to alt+tab back into the game it brings up the window but when i click on it it just drops the game window and puts me back onto my desktop as i said not sure if thats going to be fixed in this version of pw but i hope it is.

    Agree with rena 100% <<(*o*) (*o*)>>

  • wingedsaint
    wingedsaint Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    As a suggestion i would like to have a male venomancer. that would help alot more players enjoy this game please consider this:D
  • wingedsaint
    wingedsaint Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    as a suggestion it would be very great to have a male venomancer players would enjoy this game more:D
  • rena
    rena Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    miles wrote: »
    not sure if this is going to be a bug in this pw but i noticed in the pw-my you cant Alt+tab out of the game and Alt+tab back into it. if you could fix that it would be nice cause i normally use that so i can check the quest guides. the problem that happens is when i go to alt+tab back into the game it brings up the window but when i click on it it just drops the game window and puts me back onto my desktop as i said not sure if thats going to be fixed in this version of pw but i hope it is.

    Agree with rena 100% <<(*o*) (*o*)>>


    Thank you for agreeing with me ^^

    I notice alot of people saying male venom but what about poor foxxy restained to a single class. I personally would love a Foxxy Mage
  • satanus12
    satanus12 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i hope this version fixes wit the xp and grinding. not tht i want it 2 b super easy or anything but playing the Malaysia english version was really boring cause of the grinding. i spent a week getting 2 lvl 20 when in other games it would take a week to lvl 20. just dont make it so we have 2 b on 24/7 2 lvl alot. but other than that perfect world is the perfect mmorpg. i love the mount and flying stuff :D
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    miles wrote: »
    not sure if this is going to be a bug in this pw but i noticed in the pw-my you cant Alt+tab out of the game and Alt+tab back into it. if you could fix that it would be nice cause i normally use that so i can check the quest guides. the problem that happens is when i go to alt+tab back into the game it brings up the window but when i click on it it just drops the game window and puts me back onto my desktop as i said not sure if thats going to be fixed in this version of pw but i hope it is.

    Agree with rena 100% <<(*o*) (*o*)>>


    That's an issue with the client that involves your computer being unable to read the Chinese code that executes when you alt tab - or something like that is what I heard, anyway. Not sure if it'll be a problem here, but if it is all you need to do is pop in your windows CD and check "install asian fonts" in the regional settings at your control panel.
  • mtblade
    mtblade Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well, this isn't suggestions about the game and game play, but whatever!
    #1; can't you add a direct link from the account info page AND the main forum page to the User CP? Just for some smooth layout and time.

    there was supposed to be a #2 but i forgot it lol! xD
  • tofu
    tofu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    it would be really cool when open beta starts, that all the closedbeta people get a small portion of zen. im not talking drowning urself in fashion and overstocking on dolls, but enough to get 1or2 fashion item or a basic heiro, :) but makes this zen special, that whatever u buy cant be traded, dropped, mailed, and is exclusive to you, (to prevent those people who made like 500 million accounts ;) )
  • loktoris
    loktoris Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I have not seen any of these mentioned before in any previous posts, but here are a few things I would like to see implemented in this game, that I've seen in other games that seems to have worked fairly well.

    - Ability to create alliances with other guilds
    - Guild finances (IE. wallet, storage) with the ability to control access/permissions.
    - Ability to hostile/war declare other guilds, allowing them to be attacked without penalty/flagging of the aggressor. This could be limited by charging a war fee for an allotted amount of time.
    - Ability to set personal/guild standings to a person or guild.
    - Improved search functionality of the Auction House, with ability to sort by name/price.
    - Networked player-shops, with the ability to access/search it via a menu or NPC.
    - Expanded inventory/storage space.
    - and last but not least, an auto-loot function.

    I hope PW staff will take the time to consider any of these options. If not all. They may potentially, improve the PW gaming experience for players.

    Thank you.
  • syenda
    syenda Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Like what many other people said before, try to make female/male option availeble for all classes.
    UnLiMiTeD - Syenda
    Never care from where the blood flows, all that matters is that it flows.
    Impossible is nothing, believe in yourself!
  • greystok
    greystok Posts: 62
    edited August 2008
    Only two suggestions.
    1:Autoloot.At the least autoloot while in party.This is my main complaint with pw.There is no reason not to have it as it only slows the leveling process considerably having to stop after every kill to loot.Please for the love of god put in AUTOLOOT.

    2:Game Controller Use:I played Pw-MY since CB and have never heard of anyone being able to configure a Game Controller to work with it or any other server.Many players prefer to use them and not having the option drives away some of the players.

    Fixing these two issues would really make perfect world international my "perfect world"
  • moonbeam
    moonbeam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i agree with loktoris and grey about autoloot is a must .....................plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • prosper
    prosper Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tofu wrote: »
    it would be really cool when open beta starts, that all the closedbeta people get a small portion of zen. im not talking drowning urself in fashion and overstocking on dolls, but enough to get 1or2 fashion item or a basic heiro, :) but makes this zen special, that whatever u buy cant be traded, dropped, mailed, and is exclusive to you, (to prevent those people who made like 500 million accounts ;) )

    I like this idea. :D
  • hype
    hype Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I want to be able to type more, can hardly type anything at all...:rolleyes: (in the interests/hobbies section)
  • jamsan
    jamsan Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It would be sort of cool for PvP kills to be displayable somehow. For example, in shadowbane, a short message was sent to chat saying who was killed, by whom and what guild they were both in. This message could be a separate chat type and/or be displayed as guild chat (only being sent to the people in the respective guilds). Perhaps even all kills in the immediate area could be sent to chat to warn/announce nearby skirmishes. Of course, an option to turn this off would be useful.

    This would help keep track of the numerous guild rivalries that will occur and could always be replaced later by a more comprehensive pvp log allowing you to have KoS lists etc. This would also act as a nice substitute to more definite pvp rewards.
    Surprise Bear says: "Look for the prize with every surprise!"
    Approximately 13% of all forum pages mention RQ, as confirmed by Google.
  • drizzt
    drizzt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Some Quest In My Version Sucks Like At Lvl 45 I Need To Kill Lvl 51 Mobs To Colect 15 Items Needing Kill 10 Mobs To Get 1 Item Also The Drop Rate Of Some Of The Crafting Mats The Male Chars **** Dance:d
  • kaeriin
    kaeriin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I think most people are missing the point of this thread o_O the game still comes from the original asian developers, and any big changes will be made by them and ported over... All they can do now is small changes, like the name stuff, the better translation etc

    They cant change the core of the game, stop asking for male werebeast and female werefox, its not gonna happen until beijing decides so

    Also the "Anti pk" suggestions are moot since you just need to play in a PvE server and chose not to be pked, which is a great bonus for people like me who want to enjoy cooperative and friendly gameplay, no pking ****

    I dont really have any suggestions, but I think its lame you need a cash shop item to speak in the world chat... lots of times I wanted to speak there to ask for FB help for example, and because Im not spending money in the game I cant get a bear speaker (and no one sells them in stalls either)

    Hieros are another thing, they should be removed from the item mall and "buyable" from npcs or something... The idea of an item mall is to provide luxury items to players... Fashion, cool mounts, cool stuff in general, but an item like the hiero completely changes gameplay

    The game basically rewards those with no skill, because playing with a hiero is childs playground... The REAL players that go through the game the hard way without hieros, actually get left behind because no one wants them, horrible
  • koz
    koz Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I like your hiero idea o.0

    But I don't think it will happen.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kaeriin wrote: »
    Hieros are another thing, they should be removed from the item mall and "buyable" from npcs or something...

    Hieros are probably their best selling cash shop item, so it's unlikely to happen.

    But if what I saw in MY-EN is any indication, there will be plenty of players selling them in their cat shops anyway, so you don't need to buy them in cash shop either in a way.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • kaeriin
    kaeriin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Hieros are probably their best selling cash shop item, so it's unlikely to happen.

    But if what I saw in MY-EN is any indication, there will be plenty of players selling them in their cat shops anyway, so you don't need to buy them in cash shop either in a way.

    Easy to see why! If it werent for international being released now a golden vital hiero would have been my next "purchase" (from cat shops of course)

    But I hope prices dont get too inflated here, because 350K for 1 cubi is ridiculous... Hieros in my-en go for 1.7 mil, and STILL, its the only item that is totally worth the money, since if you are a careful player and never let your health reach half, it will serve its true purpose for a long time - helping you with extreme situations where you would normally die
This discussion has been closed.