Put An End To PK-Disable Servers



  • crimezone
    crimezone Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I love PVP in every game, it's just that it looks like u can't even play for about 10 minutes without being pk'd if it's up 2 mystic, yeehaa...you can kill players who are trying 2 understand the game and have a year or so less experience..

    I think it's a great idea, most likely i'll first try 2 lvl and figure the game out and then go ahead and play in PVP...

    Your fun isn't more important then any1 elses, different ppl have different playing styles, just accept it and let them play their game

    PS: ^^ ok I think i'm just going 2 play pvp servers, trying some stuff on other servers right now
  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    crimezone wrote: »
    I think it's a great idea, most likely i'll first try 2 lvl and figure the game out and then go ahead and play in PVP...

    No one can attack you before you'll hit level 30, isn't that enough?
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited July 2008
    PW Map is Huge, dont expect PK'ers to be everywhere to hunt you down, PK'ers will probobly travel around common places that are commonly traveled by players like the roads on the map, if you want to lvl in peace without getting PK'ed, their is always a spot you can find where no one is at, its not like your limited on area, just find a place where people rarely go so you can lvl in peace.

  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Please just leave the game the way the original developers intended it to be. Why must you butcher all their hard work?
  • scarlet
    scarlet Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    err... why alter a game that works gr8?! The 2 servers on PW-MY are PvP-PK servers too and besides some random Pkers (most of them at low lvls) the PK is almost inexistent (except for guild KoS). But I think guild KoS is fun and the ppl that play with me accepts this feature as part of the game naturally. If u dont want guild KoS, u go to a guild that is non PK.

    I don’t do PK but when I saw the thread here where the Devs said that that there would be PvE and PK servers separately, I was shocked cause it means the game wont be completed in this version.
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited July 2008
    What do you mean "PW will not be completed in this version"
    Quit scarring me D:

  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    I doubt we'll even have the need for two servers. The community is split enough as it is. Personally having pve/pvp servers kills a majority of the fun. Heck splitting the community in 2 kills it just as bad for me.

    Mystic isn't going against the potential of having two servers branded pve and pvp because his friend is torn between going through either. Like most people who have played perfect world before he can stipulate that its going to cause an awkward influx in population

    Try it out in CB and we'll see what fail it is compromised of xD. At least the Pvp server will lag less ;p

    P.S. June your threads are made of awesome. If only people reasoned with their head like you, the world would be a better place ;D

    *embarrassed* Thank you! t0yo, I really liked your posts on the MY-EN forums when I was reading the forums pre-closed and open beta. The name t0yo is very adorable! I was really sad when the guild I was in chose Oracle, and many of the forum posters went Delphi.

    Even though I would most likely play on the PVE server, I think it would be really cool if they do the next land mass expansion that was rumored, and have this super huge server that could incorporate everyone! And then we could all play together~

    (...sleeping now...)
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    As far as dividing the community into pk VS non-pk, you could think of it like this: does having two separate pk servers in PW-MY divide the community? The answer is yes, but no one is complaining. I do understand, though, that pk VS non-pk is quite different. There could possibly be heavy pk activities on the pk server that normally wouldn't exist. However, isn't that what most pk-ers like? They usually thirst for pk like it's their main reason for playing. If non-pk fans want pk simply to be able to get even with someone, then I think that's a poor reason for having it. There are many better ways of dealing with that than just going and killing them. For one, it doesn't even cost them hardly anything, unless they happen to randomly drop something valuable. For people who don't like pk, though, it is a real pain to deal with. Some people on PW-MY complain about being pked way too much. In addition, there are many situations where pk has been abused as a form of intimidation. Some powerful guilds have used pk on smaller, rival guilds to make their members want to leave. This kind of unfair behavior simply would not be possible on a non-pk server. For these reasons, I openly support PvE. I think the advantages far outweigh the possible problems.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    You guys no NUTS! All who supports the admins creation of 2 Servers are happy, because now they dont need to cry, that Mystic or the others from RQ will pk their a$$.

    In my opinion its ridiculous too, A PERFECT WORLD SERVER WHERE YOU CAN'T PK? Or where PK is optional? How to suprise some people? When they know that they will get pkD any sec and are prepared for it? -_- Man... that's the first negative point now for me in the International server. And yea it's just my opinion so i dont give a damn if the Carebears flame me for it.
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • vladvampire
    vladvampire Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Non Pk server? will be great to see ppl KS other ppl mobs and the good part is u can call him what u want because... u cant pk him.

    an how about guild kos? i think they will slap each other with flowers, let the 60's come again

    peace and love to u all (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT)
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited July 2008
    Ok this thread has lost it, I'm officially gone now with this ridiculous argument going nowhere!!

  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    sealed wrote: »
    Ok this thread has lost it, I'm officially gone now with this ridiculous argument going nowhere!!

    My posts aren't going nowhere. There just happen to be a lot of pro-pk people here.
  • siegfried
    siegfried Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    you need to think what goes through the heads of new players. this "get pk-d often by experienced players and get ready to lose items if you retaliate" is gonna scare a lot of newcomers into the pve server. maybe once they reach higher levels in their pve servers and start getting into arenas the TWs and stuff they'll begin to appreciate how much fun pvp actually is.

    but then they might not want to go to pvp server cos they cant bear to leave behind their characters after so much hard work into them. the same happened to me in wow. it wasnt until around lvl 50 on my first character did i start to really appreciate pvp realms. until then it was just an annoyance.

    imo there are two ways to address this problem:
    1) REMOVE the item drop thingy so they dont get scared of losing their hard earned items or
    2) nerf mages and archers in pvp(meaning only when fighting players). i'm new to pw, but from what i've heard archers and mages totally pwn everyone in the earlier levels. i'm talking about something like what RO does to archers and mages in WoE(half damage). not necessarily that harsh, but in the long run it'll help against the dominance archers and mages.

    i know you guys just laughed at it:(
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited July 2008

  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    siegfried wrote: »
    you need to think what goes through the heads of new players. this "get pk-d often by experienced players and get ready to lose items if you retaliate" is gonna scare a lot of newcomers into the pve server. maybe once they reach higher levels in their pve servers and start getting into arenas the TWs and stuff they'll begin to appreciate how much fun pvp actually is.
    Wrote about it already, but doesn't matter - level 30 is more than enough to get the feeling of PW...
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    sealed wrote: »


    agreed, lolz
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    sealed wrote: »


    Go and get some rest.
  • vladvampire
    vladvampire Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    siegfried wrote: »
    you need to think what goes through the heads of new players. this "get pk-d often by experienced players and get ready to lose items if you retaliate" is gonna scare a lot of newcomers into the pve server. maybe once they reach higher levels in their pve servers and start getting into arenas the TWs and stuff they'll begin to appreciate how much fun pvp actually is.

    but then they might not want to go to pvp server cos they cant bear to leave behind their characters after so much hard work into them. the same happened to me in wow. it wasnt until around lvl 50 on my first character did i start to really appreciate pvp realms. until then it was just an annoyance.

    imo there are two ways to address this problem:
    1) REMOVE the item drop thingy so they dont get scared of losing their hard earned items or
    2) nerf mages and archers in pvp(meaning only when fighting players). i'm new to pw, but from what i've heard archers and mages totally pwn everyone in the earlier levels. i'm talking about something like what RO does to archers and mages in WoE(half damage). not necessarily that harsh, but in the long run it'll help against the dominance archers and mages.

    i know you guys just laughed at it:(

    Why nerf a archer or a mage ? almost all chars can easy kill a mage and a arher! is not too dificult , i am a WF and never lost agaisnt a mage/archer bramble array reduce 75% of the dmg, my pet can stun, i can stun, look this movie:


    i finished with 90% of HP and my dodo missed the stun but for every 2000 he hits he only give me 500, so the only way a EA or Mage wins is by pk, but that way almost all chars can win dont u think? The pker is alws more high lvl and will start will full vigor if he is smart.
  • siegfried
    siegfried Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    specter wrote: »
    Wrote about it already, but doesn't matter - level 30 is more than enough to get the feeling of PW...

    but you wont be doing any significant pvp even at 30 if you're a newbie... its like unless someone kills them, they wont get the motivation to kill others:D
    thats only gonna happen in pvp server.
  • siegfried
    siegfried Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Why nerf a archer or a mage ? almost all chars can easy kill a mage and a arher? is not too dificult too, i am a WF and never lost agaisnt a mage/archer bramble array reduce 75% of the dmg, my pet can stun, i can stun, look this movie:


    i finished with 90% of HP and my dodo missed the stun but for every 2000 he hits he only give me 500, so the only way a EA or Mage wins is by pk, but that way almost all chars can win dont u tink? The pker is alws more high lvl and will start will full vigor if he is smart

    like i already said, i've never played this game and i'm only speaking based on what i've heard... and from what i've heard, mages and archers can pop in, kill someone who's busy fighting a monster, and get away without giving them a chance to retaliate. thats gonna see servers with archer/mage to other classes ratios of 2:1

    but if you think what i've read has given me the wrong impression, then ignore this post...
  • monkeybone
    monkeybone Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    crimezone wrote: »
    it's just that it looks like u can't even play for about 10 minutes without being pk'd if it's up 2 mystic, yeehaa...

    Try, if possible, not to judje someone if you don't know him. Mystic posted only once in this thread and you all missinterpret what he was writing...

    I personaly don't know him but lately i read much on PW forums all over the internet and he (Ambition) seemed to be a nice fellow who loves to pk but he seems not to be the sadistic killer who you all want to see.

    Just read his pk guide (and after that the comments) and you'll see...

  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I seriously fail to understand the mindset of a person that chooses a PvE server. You could say I'm biased (yes I do intend to focus on PvP this time around), but I'd go for a PvP server, even if I'm playing for PvE content. Why? It's simple. Instances are... instanced. The only part of PvE that offers any challenge, raid encounters, can't be disrupted even on a PvP server, except for a few outdoors quest bosses that you kill just once in your character's lifetime. I don't want to hear that people could quit their party, gank their former allies and ninja the loot once the boss is down. Yes, they could get away with it once. Then they'd enjoy not finding a group, ever. Besides, you're supposed to do instances with your guild, unless you enjoy terrible pugs that get you killed 6 times because the tank can't grasp the concept of aggro. Grinding has to be done outdoors. But you don't face potential loss. It takes 10 seconds on average to kill a mob. Having someone interrupt that process wouldn't set you back substantially (as it would if you'd get ganked in the middle of a 2 hour encounter).

    Moreso, dying in PvP as a white name has no consequences. Oh, except getting that free teleport back to town so you can empty your inventory and restock on consumables. The ganker gets a red name if you don't fight back, meaning he'll be the one to suffer more. Also, even assuming your e-peen can't handle getting killed, what kind of person would willingly rip half of the game mechanics PERMANENTLY out of his character? If you take 5 minutes to think about it, there are plenty of countermeasures you can implement as an alternative to getting to 105 and realising you just wasted your life. Do the lowbie pharmacy quest. Go out of Feather City or wherever you live. Spend 5 minutes herbing. Congrats, you just won a stack of speedpots that can be used as a first line of defense against getting ganked or zerged by 3424 mobs. They are cheap (free), renewable, and remarkably effective; for some reason few people carry them on a regular basis. And chances are, if the ganker also has speedpots, he'll want to keep the cooldown up in case he meets someone 20 levels above him.

    So in the end, chances are people that opt for a PvE server (quick-fix for their fear of e-death as opposed to thinking up a survival plan or realising they have nothing to lose anyway) are so absorbed in the act of mechanically killing trash mobs over and over that they have no ideea how to play their class even in a boss ecounter. If archers and mages that don't understand why the boss killed them when they casted the Ungodly Spell of Titanic Overdamage, priests that get your group wiped because they partyhealed when there's 3 elites nobody got a hit on, tanks that don't feel it's particularly important to hit that second archer but call you a noob for not healing, and other similar characters get their own server, I can only be happy.
  • itch
    itch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Staffs opinion on this issue would be nice here..
  • vladvampire
    vladvampire Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    siegfried wrote: »
    like i already said, i've never played this game and i'm only speaking based on what i've heard... and from what i've heard, mages and archers can pop in, kill someone who's busy fighting a monster, and get away without giving them a chance to retaliate. thats gonna see servers with archer/mage to other classes ratios of 2:1

    but if you think what i've read has given me the wrong impression, then ignore this post...

    In all games u have bad and good pvp players, the pk game is not about the char, is about surprise, i think all pppl can kill a guy who is atacking a mob, like i said the pker will alws atack only when he have adventage.

    The duel system depend of the char, a EP can put sleep, a WF have good buff/debuff and pets the WR have lots of stun, the WB lots of HP and a buff u can reduce 90% of dmg the EA have the criticals,the mage have a fast cast and a decent dmg really depends of the player in duel and not the char.

    Every combat is different against a melee i can use bramble array and even if i dont fight back he kill himself or.... i fight against a WB of my lvl and when i use my bramble he used their, my is 14 sec. his buf is 20 seconds, my reduce 75% and gives 200% of dmg to him his buff reduced 90% of the dmg, i atack him and he stay looking at me witout doing nothing, when my buff ends he start to atack was close but he wins, that is a very decent pvp player most of WB/WR will atack me and almost kill himself witout knowing.

    U need to know your enemy and his skills, i am preparing a anti-melee pet with DODO/Decelerate/Frighten and Ripping bite i tink that way i can kitte and kill a WB

    Against a WR u can simple use some potions u dont let u get stun, like i said is all about the player
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Mystic, you can never be most known english pker when you dont reach even lvl50...
    MY-EN had tons of better,more known people than you.

    And on topic, why are you complaining? There's a server for you and server for the people who dont like pk.

    Everyone is happy.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • xauss
    xauss Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    go cry more...

    the real carebears are those that want PK without risk... i.e. gang ganking lowbies then running and hiding in safe zones... the playstyle Ambition and the rest of RQ were villified, and PK'd for until they raged and quitted
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    xauss wrote: »
    go cry more...

    the real carebears are those that want PK without risk... i.e. gang ganking lowbies then running and hiding in safe zones... the playstyle Ambition and the rest of RQ were villified, and PK'd for until they raged and quitted

    Talk more ****. RQ LOVES risk, if a game doesn't have risk in PvP we won't play. Which is why still to this day, most of RQ considers Lineage 2's PvP system to be flawless.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    Why are you splitting the servers up?

    There will be two servers at start : one PvP, one Pve. You would not be able to play on both efficiently anyway. You want PvP, go on the PvP server. period.
    But this is just stupid. Splitting up the servers means that people are never going to be happy.

    No, it means YOU will not be happy to not be able to kill all those players who prefer to play a diffirent style of game than yourself.
    I just don't understand why you guys are doing this. If people don't want to be PKed, the answer is not to cater to them trying to play the game the way it wasn't meant to be played. The answer is to tell them to deal with it or find a game better suited to them.

    They prefer to see them stay and play on a PvE server than to see them go play another game.
    The reason this game is getting so much positive attention from the north american crowd is because we are a PK-frenzied continent

    PW INTERNATIONAL is to cater to the need of everyone worldwide who can understand english. Maybe some other nationalities are not so much PvP oriented as you guys from the US?
    Stop ruining the game for the players who are trying to play it how it was meant to be played.

    Are you the developper of the game? No yoiu are not. If the devs decided to put a PvP-out option, then it means the game is meant to be played that way. Not the way YOU think it should be played.

    If you are not happy, I suggest you go out and make your own game, with the rules you will want to put it in. Somehow, I doubt you will...:D
    Stop making PvE-lovers have to choose between their friends or their playstyle.

    My friends won't have to choose. They like PvE much more than PvP.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Are you the developper of the game? No yoiu are not. If the devs decided to put a PvP-out option, then it means the game is meant to be played that way. Not the way YOU think it should be played.

    You're missing the point, the original developers never intended for there to be PvE servers as the game was designed AROUND PvP.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    junk wrote: »
    I seriously fail to understand the mindset of a person that chooses a PvE server. You could say I'm biased (yes I do intend to focus on PvP this time around), but I'd go for a PvP server, even if I'm playing for PvE content. Why? It's simple. Instances are... instanced. The only part of PvE that offers any challenge, raid encounters, can't be disrupted even on a PvP server, except for a few outdoors quest bosses that you kill just once in your character's lifetime. I don't want to hear that people could quit their party, gank their former allies and ninja the loot once the boss is down. Yes, they could get away with it once. Then they'd enjoy not finding a group, ever. Besides, you're supposed to do instances with your guild, unless you enjoy terrible pugs that get you killed 6 times because the tank can't grasp the concept of aggro. Grinding has to be done outdoors. But you don't face potential loss. It takes 10 seconds on average to kill a mob. Having someone interrupt that process wouldn't set you back substantially (as it would if you'd get ganked in the middle of a 2 hour encounter).

    Moreso, dying in PvP as a white name has no consequences. Oh, except getting that free teleport back to town so you can empty your inventory and restock on consumables. The ganker gets a red name if you don't fight back, meaning he'll be the one to suffer more. Also, even assuming your e-peen can't handle getting killed, what kind of person would willingly rip half of the game mechanics PERMANENTLY out of his character? If you take 5 minutes to think about it, there are plenty of countermeasures you can implement as an alternative to getting to 105 and realising you just wasted your life. Do the lowbie pharmacy quest. Go out of Feather City or wherever you live. Spend 5 minutes herbing. Congrats, you just won a stack of speedpots that can be used as a first line of defense against getting ganked or zerged by 3424 mobs. They are cheap (free), renewable, and remarkably effective; for some reason few people carry them on a regular basis. And chances are, if the ganker also has speedpots, he'll want to keep the cooldown up in case he meets someone 20 levels above him.

    So in the end, chances are people that opt for a PvE server (quick-fix for their fear of e-death as opposed to thinking up a survival plan or realising they have nothing to lose anyway) are so absorbed in the act of mechanically killing trash mobs over and over that they have no ideea how to play their class even in a boss ecounter. If archers and mages that don't understand why the boss killed them when they casted the Ungodly Spell of Titanic Overdamage, priests that get your group wiped because they partyhealed when there's 3 elites nobody got a hit on, tanks that don't feel it's particularly important to hit that second archer but call you a noob for not healing, and other similar characters get their own server, I can only be happy.

    You are awesome.
    Its nice to see some level headed people here in PW-EU >(^_^)<
    Its actually making me want to take this server seriously ;D
    thom wrote: »
    Mystic, you can never be most known english pker when you dont reach even lvl50...
    MY-EN had tons of better,more known people than you.

    And on topic, why are you complaining? There's a server for you and server for the people who dont like pk.

    Everyone is happy.

    And you are? I think the reason Mystic is so popular is because it was in fact, the fact that he was ONLY level 50 and still got very well known. Unlike you :C
    xauss wrote: »
    go cry more...

    the real carebears are those that want PK without risk... i.e. gang ganking lowbies then running and hiding in safe zones... the playstyle Ambition and the rest of RQ were villified, and PK'd for until they raged and quitted

    I admit it already that I am a carebear. To put it in a perspective you would understand I think the freedom of having to pk is very important in a game. Its all about choice and freedom, and how the players morality comes into action. Whether it be Pkers and extensively PKKers which tend to be the people who pk people with red names.

    Referring to your comment about RQ ganking lowbies. I'm not going to deny the fact that sometimes they ganked lowbies. Then again didn't you gank them when they were several levels lower then you? Then why argue against such a clause when you in deed did it yourself.
    One might contemplate the fact that you're not bragging about it yet RQ is. It happens, I doubt every time they're going to pk someone they have a look at their equips. Granted he did it a few times in his videos just to show the fact that he was indeed pking people around his level or higher. Though when a swarm of guildies comes at you you don't think about level fairness, you just kill.

    Basically saying that if you're going to bash RQ because they brag a lot about pking do it in an effective way. Don't bring up the whole "Pking newbies only" because even you know they did pk higher levels then them. Even more so because you've done pked lower lvls, I have and everyone else at least a few times in their gaming life

    I hope you don't take it personal just criticizing the way you seem to discredit RQ. I had observed them a lot in PW-MY and they were somewhat annoying. Played with them in Rohan and the premise I saw in them was slowly blossoming. Though they bring to the table what other guilds don't. Entertainment, because at the end of the day that is what gaming is all about. Drama being the main source of entertainment whether you are a carebear pro gamer pvper or anything of the sort. The difference is instead of letting drama unfold within the guild they let it unfold within the game. Other guilds tend to avoid drama or try to ignore it. Those guilds usually end up breaking up because of drama. Its kinda ironic but every guild I've been in has fallen because of that. Instead RQ embraces such a foul and putrid thing, it acknowledges its potential instability and uses it to its advantage. Thats a first seeing someone use it in such a way, in games at least

    In my mind saying Ambition was a noob/newbieonlypker is totally ridiculous. Sure he might not be the best (even though he won several tournaments) but its all in jest of entertainment. Personally I used to laugh when people got so worked up about him ranting on the forums. If only people would take the game a little less seriously :C. I never understood though why people felt the need to call him out on the forums and epically rant that they beat him. Like lelouchi and some other memoires. Every second trying to argue with him yet ultimately failing, if I had pked him with such ease as they claimed to have done, I would just laugh and walk off ignoring him, yet people did otherwise and thats what makes him if not the best pker in PerfectWorld,the best Entertainer.

    Its the people that hated him so much that made him so popular, just like feeding a troll, on the internet its all about ones ego and he has plenty to give around
This discussion has been closed.