Northern Realms Expansion 06/10/20 - Bugs, Broken, Bad & Good!



  • yohanna1
    yohanna1 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    BUG: People get kicked out from the Altar of Souls instance after they die and press return to city. It kicks people out of instance, please fix this bug.​​
    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • datsang
    datsang Posts: 163 Arc User
    yohanna1 wrote: »
    People get kicked out from the Altar of Souls instance after they die and press return to city. It kicks people out of instance, please fix this bug.

    You only get kicked out if you die in the lobby. Its still a bug I would say but releasing in the "battle" room is safe, you need a ress in lobby if you happen to die there however.
  • memegirl2
    memegirl2 Posts: 114 Arc User
    Mystic skills are not all working and when call pet only stays on 20-28 seconds!! When will this be repaired can play.???????????
  • lax
    lax Posts: 96 Arc User

    your private server doesnt have enough $ to pay for the updated content. maybe thats why they're lack of employee/devs to run this game properly. but hey! heres the new content that will come to your private server in 3years! look at PWBr they have a proper playerbase and doesnt even have new classes.

    You really have no idea what you are talking about. Pservers never have and never will pay pwe, they rely on leaked source codes to make the server and get updates. I was saying pw private servers change event times easily, they do it for tw,xtw,xnw etc. It's not that hard to do, pwe just doesn't have the programmers to do it or just wont do it.
  • parnold
    parnold Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Venos pet heals is messed up since maint. I'm giving her up until they give me control of her heals again
    Post edited by parnold on
  • fededomino
    fededomino Posts: 255 Arc User
    i try ask again , how to do Mathilda BOSS , so far i almost lost a HP Charm and failed every attempt , mabye game is over for me , dont ignore your play mate`s on server
  • padautz17
    padautz17 Posts: 66 Arc User
    fededomino wrote: »
    i try ask again , how to do Mathilda BOSS , so far i almost lost a HP Charm and failed every attempt , mabye game is over for me , dont ignore your play mate`s on server

    1st of all this isnt a solo dungeon. 3 people in a squad can do this dungeon. So if you need help then just ask for friends etc. to help you out. The content is new. I assume many people still need it and cant kill this boss alone as well. But now to the boss mechanics.

    My observations:
    This boss has 3 different attacks:
    -a fire circle:
    A red circle will spawn on 1 player. This player will also get immobilized. Fire will move from the center of the circle to the outside. You have to move outside of this circle or use pots/genie/sparks to be invincible when this happens to avoid it to die. Otherwise you will get 1-shot. (Tip what i did: attacking from max range [i have a weapon with +2 range] and jumping to boss, to move outside of the ring didnt see much of an option for me because of the immobilize status thats why i used jumps - having someone with a skill to purify such as psy or cleric might be very helpfull here)

    -a desert/sand circle
    A brown circle will spawn on the boss for a few seconds. Either move outside of it or use items/genie/sparks to be invincible. (Moving outside seems to be the easiest solution and this attack is one of the easiest to avoid)

    -an arrow
    A red arrow will be pointed in the direction of 1 player. This person (and i assume everyone in this direction) will get very high damage and get purged aka loose all buffs. Using items/genie/sparks seem to be the only option for the targeted person for me so far. (Using skills with interrupt to cancel this attack didnt work for me) The rest of the squad can just move to the opposite to avoid the damage/purge.

    The Pattern:
    1) fire circle
    2) either: sand circle OR arrow
    3) Back to 1)

    Also this boss has a very rare special skill. I assume it will be triggered by reaching a certain amount of HP. First time should be somewhere around 80% HP. Boss will be invincible for 15 seconds. He will not use any attacks besides auto attack in that time. At the end it will start with the usual fire circle again and everyone in squad will get a debuff which reduces the HP (and the rest of the stats? didnt pay attention). A message on the screen will appear (something with "crystal" if i remember right). One squad member has to run to a like a flame looking thing to remove the debuff. The boss will use this special skill once in a while without the invincible part (Boss should only be invincible the 1st time he is using this attack aka around 80% HP).

    I hope this helps.
  • damasticator
    damasticator Posts: 10 Arc User
    nunuator wrote: »
    Edgerunner (Provided by skarthos confirmed/clarified by Prespire)

    Heavenly Arbitration - Green Glyph
    Deals damage to a single target within 20 meters
    Your next attack within 5 sec will have the Shattered Scream effect (will not take effect if you are in previous teleportation status)
    Cooldown decreased to 35/30/25/20 secs
    ***Shattered Scream effect teleports you to your target same way as if you had used other skill

    Shield of Monstrosity (New NF Skill)
    Within the next 10 sec, reflects all negative effects from 4 skills that enemies cast at you
    Gold Glyph: Number of skills reflected increase to 5/6/7/8
    Green Glyph: Effect changed to immune to movement impairment effect for 4/6/8/10 sec?
    Blue Glyph: Cooldown decreased by 15/20/25/30 sec
    Red Glyph: Shield energy usage decreased by 10/15/20/25 points
    Silver Glyph: Duration increased to 11/12/13/14 sec

    Howling Collapse - Green Glyph
    Stun duration increased by 3/4/5/6 sec

    Shield of Cataclysm
    Damage negated 40% ---> 80%
    Gold Glyph: Damage negated increased to 90%/100%/110%/120%
    Silver Glyph: Duration increased to 12/13/14/15 sec

    New Buff Skill
    Gives yourself and your allies 5% crit rate and 100% accuracy for 30 mins, gain 20 chi, cooldown 3 sec
    **Note: 100% accuracy does not mean everything will not miss it works the same way as old accuracy buffs, 5% crit chance is also not over ridden by demon spark

    Sage: 25% chance to recover a little mana
    Demon: increases Attack Level by 15 for 15 sec

    New Buff Skill
    Gives yourself and your allies 5% crit rate and 100% accuracy for 30 mins, gain 20 chi, cooldown 3 sec
    **Note: 100% accuracy does not mean everything will not miss it works the same way as old accuracy buffs, 5% crit chance is also not over ridden by demon spark

    It doesn't give +100% accuracy. It's more like 50%...which is lame. We all got excited over it and turns out it's just half-a$$ed(literally). Not sure if they actually wanted to give +100% or they messed up the text...
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    @damasticator You probably already have 2 +50% accuracy rings on. It's additive with that.

    +50% +50% +100% = +200%

    going from (base + 100%) to (base + 200%) is only 50% more.
  • sassytoo
    sassytoo Posts: 35 Arc User
    Mystic (Provided by skarthos)

    Summons General Upgrade
    Summons Hp, Attack, Defense and other attributes are 100% inherited from master
    Summons skills do not use mana
    Summons interface is removed and will be AI controlled
    Summons will use skills according to the targets status. largely decreasing the difficulty

    Heal Summon (Buff/Nerf)
    Restores Summon to full HP
    Casting interval 180 sec???

    Transference (Change)
    Change to passive ability
    Duration of Summon Increased by 10 sec

    Devil Chihyu (Buff/Nerf)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Skull Slap - (Folding Strike - Boost)?
    - Skull Slap: Used when target is not stunned or immune

    Storm Mistress (Buff/Nerf)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Moonshade - (Luna Blade - Hush)?
    - Moonshade: Used when target is not silenced or immune

    Salvation (Buff/Nerf/Change)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Aegis Shield - Martydom - Warp Shield
    - Martydom: Heal all allies within 12 meters, cooldown 3 sec
    - Warp Shield: Can only be used on master, increases masters evasion to negative effects, used with master's HP is lower then 50%
    Does not start by using an ability?
    Always follow master

    Cragglord (Buff/Nerf/Change)
    All attribute increase
    Cooldown 60 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Cometfall - Eruption
    - Cometfall: Additional effect of lowering enemy's physical and magical defenses by 50%

    1. Basically they didn't give the mystics any new skills. Yes they raised the attributes on the pets(summons) but then they took control away and gave it to AI and the worst part of all is the duration/cooldown. The developers might as well just taken the summons away.
    2. Also I dont know if other mystics have notices, but my attack skills on mobs/players have seemed to be lower than before. I went into Lunar yesterday to farm mats/EODs and had as much damage as if I had run a much higher instance.
    3. I have also notices that the vitae requirement for Pious Sky are higher but the number of quest I can do to gain vitae are down to FSJ/AOS/1 In Nico/ and vitae mobs....
    4. And finally, no story line to go to when you reach the new level.

    Overall, this is making me decide on whether or not to play the mystic anymore. My mystic is R93, but I feel like I am just wasting my time on her. Any other thoughts on this?

  • yohanna1
    yohanna1 Posts: 4 Arc User
  • yohanna1
    yohanna1 Posts: 4 Arc User
  • damasticator
    damasticator Posts: 10 Arc User
    asterelle wrote: »
    @damasticator You probably already have 2 +50% accuracy rings on. It's additive with that.

    +50% +50% +100% = +200%

    going from (base + 100%) to (base + 200%) is only 50% more.

    I see, that makes more sense. That it uses my base. I think I was assuming it stacks on the current accuracy...not on the base.
  • affinityjjl
    affinityjjl Posts: 23 Arc User
    This probably isn't the best place to say this but it would be so soo soooooooo very veryy verryyyyyy helpful to have more vitae mobs clusters.. So very super helpful. like up to 15, 20 clusters even. Thank you, Amen.
  • babyhas2legs
    babyhas2legs Posts: 39 Arc User
    6/17/2020 PWI.......Now after maintenance. My Mystic's fighting pets are still broken! they still disappears after 20 seconds. You didn't fix our pets!! Please fix this problem so we can continue to play our games.
  • lax
    lax Posts: 96 Arc User
    6/17/2020 PWI.......Now after maintenance. My Mystic's fighting pets are still broken! they still disappears after 20 seconds. You didn't fix our pets!! Please fix this problem so we can continue to play our games.

    That's not broken LMFAO that is the skill update, don't people read what the patch notes and skill changes are?
  • kaalindraa
    kaalindraa Posts: 28 Arc User
    Can someone guide me. I'm with Goodhill in Warmspring in the Pyous Sky quest. He is just walking here, time past and nothing. And ask what should i do to complete the quest?
    Thanks for the possible help
  • affinityjjl
    affinityjjl Posts: 23 Arc User
    The title quest for Island of broken dreams isn't able to be started. Tells you that you're not the required level. Have tried logging out and back in, using lower level toons etc. nothing works.

    Anyone know why this happens and how to do it yet please? Thanks
  • zoey4u12
    zoey4u12 Posts: 30 Arc User
    sassytoo wrote: »

    Overall, this is making me decide on whether or not to play the mystic anymore. My mystic is R93, but I feel like I am just wasting my time on her. Any other thoughts on this?

    same here also myst main, i saw others speek same about to stop playing mystic after this update.
  • zoey4u12
    zoey4u12 Posts: 30 Arc User
    memegirl2 wrote: »
    Mystic skills are not all working and when call pet only stays on 20-28 seconds!! When will this be repaired can play.???????????

    This isnt a bug, its new skill setting from this class.
  • obielle
    obielle Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    Thought I'd put this here too. They updated the Legend of Treasures clues from Chinese to English but they made some of the clues incorrect (this is true 400 IQ).

    The wiki page has been updated with the new images so you can still find the answers there:
    Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
    Official PWI WikiPWI Wiki UpdatesSupport Ticket

    Support Email:
  • lucassinpwiii#5455
    lucassinpwiii#5455 Posts: 4 Arc User
    If I leave the faction automatically will I leave the allegiance too?
  • maumaud
    maumaud Posts: 1 New User
    Hello why did you change mystics skills?you are killing our gameplay with no pets.No more stunt skill not enough chi while fighting pvp. and no defense versus physic classe.when you see all new classes so's not normal.You are improving all classes skill and mystic became so bad? No pleasure at all to play anymore it's like you take off hf to bm.i really don't understand!i play my char since 10 years and i feel so weak now.I loose fight vs players i was holding should at least give us back a stunt skill. demon chihyu to important for us.So please do something .even heal pet we can't choose anymore the player we want to protect with bubble it's really silly!you killed this classe!
  • meow101
    meow101 Posts: 72 Arc User
    I don't know if this was mentioned or not but aeu balance is broken. Light side doesn't spawn (or is delayed) compared to the dark side.

    Also, is anyone else randomly go into combat mode for about 5 minutes despite standing in a safe zone prior to that? For me, it usually happens after i finish the pious daily in the new town and it prohibits me from accepting summons and using my lightening teleport stone. It also happened in arch as well.
  • teitei#3165
    teitei#3165 Posts: 18 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »

    Servers are in different locations and time zones across the world because of this its proven hard for a system only coded to deal with one timezone.

    If they are not careful with this it can cause data loss and big problems unless its on the same data center.

    Before XTW / XNW people say anything the instance only runs during set times and will not overlap any times that will cause issues. Having an open 24/7 instance at the moment for all servers is not possible.


    At least a system to remove the box stacked to 10 after 20min inactive could help, there are more afker than warriors xDD

  • datsang
    datsang Posts: 163 Arc User
    meow101 wrote: »
    I don't know if this was mentioned or not but aeu balance is broken. Light side doesn't spawn (or is delayed) compared to the dark side.

    I havent had the chance to test this, got twins on my cape run today. But does the light not spawn at all or is it just delayed as in it starts say 10s later than dark but then spawns on same interval? Or is it completely busted and spawns whenever it wants and only then? Cause if its the one where it still spawns on same interval, just at different times, you can do the instance. You simply move everybody to middle islands, afk 8mins, kill both sides at the same time. This requires some gear but with what ppl running nowdays it shouldnt be too difficult to come by.

    Ps. I understand the solution isnt ideal but if it works, better than restarting the instance.
  • gelgamesh
    gelgamesh Posts: 10 Arc User
    nunuator wrote: »
    Mystic (Provided by skarthos)

    Summons General Upgrade
    Summons Hp, Attack, Defense and other attributes are 100% inherited from master
    Summons skills do not use mana
    Summons interface is removed and will be AI controlled
    Summons will use skills according to the targets status. largely decreasing the difficulty

    Heal Summon (Buff/Nerf)
    Restores Summon to full HP
    Casting interval 180 sec???

    Transference (Change)
    Change to passive ability
    Duration of Summon Increased by 10 sec

    Devil Chihyu (Buff/Nerf)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Skull Slap - (Folding Strike - Boost)?
    - Skull Slap: Used when target is not stunned or immune

    Storm Mistress (Buff/Nerf)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Moonshade - (Luna Blade - Hush)?
    - Moonshade: Used when target is not silenced or immune

    Salvation (Buff/Nerf/Change)
    All attribute increase
    Duration None ---> 20 sec
    Cooldown 8 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Aegis Shield - Martydom - Warp Shield
    - Martydom: Heal all allies within 12 meters, cooldown 3 sec
    - Warp Shield: Can only be used on master, increases masters evasion to negative effects, used with master's HP is lower then 50%
    Does not start by using an ability?
    Always follow master

    Cragglord (Buff/Nerf/Change)
    All attribute increase
    Cooldown 60 sec ---> 120 sec
    Move Priority: Cometfall - Eruption
    - Cometfall: Additional effect of lowering enemy's physical and magical defenses by 50%

    The Devil pet no longer lasts and is almost useless it was meant to be a protector, a tank Summon that I geared for and if it is stronger it is not strong enough to make any difference. The heal pet is now useless, Energy Leech that I spent millions on is now useless as the Devil summon no longer lasts long enough as well as the Vitle Herbs no longer heal enough to matter. All summons are weaker, Just to name a few things. She is geared for a protection pet I can not afford to re gear her. I have spent a lot of in game time in game money and real money as she is RB2 and have played her since you introduced mystics ^_^ She is no longer anything like a Veno or a cleric I dont know what she is but she is broken :( Could you please, please fix the mystic I loved playing her.
  • babyhas2legs
    babyhas2legs Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Same here gelgamesh, and describes , whats happening to my Mystic also. Please PWI its been at least 2 weeks fix our Mystics and pets ect. so we can come back and play our Mystics and won't miss out on the new instances! Thank you. FYI players are asking for Mystics in world chat and its very frustrating not to be able to go and help.
  • choasdriver
    choasdriver Posts: 68 Arc User
    Wizard skill magical ice shield the upgrade we got in march indeed doesnt freeze friendly players anymore but now it doesnt freeze mobs it seems to only work on pvp enemys now.
  • meow101
    meow101 Posts: 72 Arc User
    datsang wrote: »

    I havent had the chance to test this, got twins on my cape run today. But does the light not spawn at all or is it just delayed as in it starts say 10s later than dark but then spawns on same interval? Or is it completely busted and spawns whenever it wants and only then? Cause if its the one where it still spawns on same interval, just at different times, you can do the instance. You simply move everybody to middle islands, afk 8mins, kill both sides at the same time. This requires some gear but with what ppl running nowdays it shouldnt be too difficult to come by.

    Ps. I understand the solution isnt ideal but if it works, better than restarting the instance.

    Light spawns irregularly, and doesnt send enough to maintain balance. It still sends mobs, but about 2/3 of the amount of dark. Nuking after 10 mins sometimes works (assuming there is someone strong enough to nuke), but sometimes not enough mobs spawned to get enough points so we gotta wait again.