[Important] UPDATE - Emergency Maintenance 2/9/2018 @ 10PM PT



  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    Welp. Guess I'll get my popcorn stand ready now...
    Our survival requires bold, decisive, visionary leadership.

    So basically, we're all screwed.
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    This is the last straw for me.

    P.S. Feel free to remove me from the PW Moderators group.​​

    Considering how much Sylen has helped the community over the years, this is really saying something and it definitely isn't saying something positive AT ALL about this Arc debacle.

    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    My worry is honestly, a very old account I have with my best chars on it was built with a very old email I created specifically for this game, never used it Never, I have moved a couple times spilt coffee on the sheet info was on ect.. and well have not even accessed the email in like Years. If there is a code sent to it.. I am sol and that is going to really suck.. just trying to be honest:) Oh, had to turn off defender cuz verification:(.. sends to a email I have no access too:(. Can't they verify IP, I hope so:P.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    Steam, Blizzards own client, theres other examples out there. Steam was the first thing that jumped into my head for the security processes they have in place, not necessarily for any precieved value from the platform users can gain. Steams axuilary value isnt the comparison Im making here, as Im pointing out that extra security layers is present on various other platforms.

    As far as any benefits Arc can give outside of the security layer...thats another side conversation I can have.

    North Korea and China are communist countries....So by your logic... The USA should be as well....I see a lot of radical doublespeak and lots being typed with NOTHING being said. I feel like I am not alone in this feeling. Just admit it...PWE could care LESS if this game dies. That or they purposefully want it to. There is NO POSSIBLE exploit that could effect the game anywhere NEAR as negatively as this will. RIP PWI, It was a fun 8 years (would have been 9 this year) !
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    Simple fix no one log in for among see how well this gonna cont
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    Funny 3 pages of replies, so far not even 1 comment supporting ur decision... It does speak loud how good is ur idea...

    I will agree on the fact this is not emergency situation, it had to be planned. I'm niot saying the Devs should always listen to the community, but we play this game on daily basis, we understand a lot more than u could think of. Also talking about this being not ur department, etc makes it sound like there is zilion of ppl working for PWI - do u really think we are that stupid?

    For the ppl who are worried about their info get leaked - better stop using google, facebook, etc it "steals" a lot more infos about u then a game could ever do, yet u still do it. Honestly is meaningless.
  • Posts: 77 Arc User
    Dear PWE/Arc/PW CN,

    I was about to congratulate you for the 9 years we went through together, in good and bad moments alike.
    You survived rivalries and beyond terrible choices, there was still some fun to get.

    But now? Faction bases of the past fully annihilated? Arc-only launching?
    You managed to destroy the game in less than two weeks.
    That is quite something.

    I wanted to play a bit less per day, but that is forcing my hand. I never would ask for this.
    There is I guess no way to resolve it properly.
    Congratulations on sabotaging yourselves. Even spies would not do such a clean job.

    It was a fun ride. I guess we reached quite the dead-end.

    Yours Truly,
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    If they do a revamp on how the auction house work and make it ALOT MORE user friendly not having a catshop alt logged in at the time will not be as bad. now for the people that multi box to do run its going to hurt a bit more.
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    What was the new expansion going to be called? Wonderland? Might want to change that to Wonderwheretheyallwentland instead
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    What was the new expansion going to be called? Wonderland? Might want to change that to Wonderwheretheyallwentland instead

    More like "Whateverdecisionsherewegoland".
    Edit: Actually, Wonderpland is better.
    Post edited by lestaroth on
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    What about just signing out of one account into another just to check if you might have something you need. Now we will have to log out of game. Then log out of Arc and then back into the other accounts Arc just to log on to check out something. I'm not even talking about multi clienting. I don't know what security issues you guys are having but those ppl who abuse the system will find away to do it and this just hurts the everyday player.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    They don't have a ton of people anymore, so they're just chasing off the few they do have. I was on NW last week and a total of 131 people, I remember when each nation had 130+. So if those numbers dropped that drastically over the 2 years i was afg, what will the numbers look like next week after this b.s.?
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    The most telling thing for me....2 years ago, a situation like this, with the bases, and then this kind of arbitrary "forced security" would have generated an outcry that would have multiple threads and hundreds of posts from the user base. This user base is shrinking so fast that the issue is barely a ripple in the forums. That's sad and clearly points to the demise of Perfect World as a viable game.
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    arahkat wrote: »
    The most telling thing for me....2 years ago, a situation like this, with the bases, and then this kind of arbitrary "forced security" would have generated an outcry that would have multiple threads and hundreds of posts from the user base. This user base is shrinking so fast that the issue is barely a ripple in the forums. That's sad and clearly points to the demise of Perfect World as a viable game.
    Well with the Arc/multiclient issue tonight... considering a lot of players are east coast US like myself and don't feel like staying up til 2:30 AM, I can pretty much guarantee you that these two threads are gonna be the calm before tomorrow's storm. That's the worst part. I'll no doubt check in here tomorrow, but a large part of me really, really doesn't want to see the carnage.
    Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
    Etherblade server
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    Okay, I have seen A LOT of bashing to our CM when clearly it isnt her fault!

    THE ABSOLUTE best thing to do is..... vote with your wallet. Everyone wants to complain about different things but they keep cashing in. If enough people stop cashing in after tonight, they will be FORCED to reverse this change so they can keep the doors open.

    There is absolute no advantage to sitting here and blaming our CM who BTW is ONLY responsable for dilivering our news and taking our opinion on to the higher ups. She is NOT responsable to translating the hate speaches to the devs.

    If you want to blame someone, look in her origonal message where she CLEARLY STATES that she is working to reverse this and so are a few others. ALSO to all those who are complaining about using are to play while ON ARC weither it be web or app, your opinion is legit tossed aside. Your complaining that you NEVER use this platform yet your commenting with it? GGWP there!!!!

    I beleive her claimed 3 client will be MORE THAN ENOUGH. This may actually fix our flooded markets and constant price goudging because now you will have to stick to ONE or TWO shops while you still play.

    ALSO TO THE CM!!!!! please consider adding new items to the bidding hall.... can we get some talk about that going with higher ups? the old skill books that you can get for free now basically flood the system and there never really was very good items in there. I beleive things like the following would be a nice change.

    +12 bound ORB
    +10 bound ORB
    +11 bound ORB
    bound soulgem packs that give bound gems
    devil stones
    serenity stones
    Level 10 homestead statue box (as a rare find with high starting bid)
    bound ruby HP charms
    keep fashion, mounts, and other items but remove the skills.

    Even if it is not these items, it would be nice to get a refresh to an old system that has become outdated with current updates.

    thank you!
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    I will say this, with this Arc change, PWI you have gotten a ****-ton of my money in the past which I didn't mind spending then, but until I see the effect of these recent changes the past couple of weeks have had on the game including this newest Titanic Arc-ship today...it feels as though the company is sinking quick and you are trying to bail it out with a colander with terrible decisions. I will not be spending another dime on it in the near future if ever until I feel it is within my best interests to do so.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Ok I've been pretty leniant with the constant polls and the general aggressiveness both here and one Facebook, but this is enough.

    This decision was not made lightly on our end We'll be working with the devs to get multiclienting back for users.

    It's not just multi-clienting. I have accounts with emails I no longer have. So tonight I am reading I've lost two accounts, possibly more, forever, with no warning to save my stuff? #NotHappy
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    bomerrang wrote: »
    What will the numbers look like next week after this b.s.?

    They'll be dismal, I'd assume. Really, they'd quell a lot of the "rumors" they're trying to dispel if they'd just be open and honest with us for once. If you just talk to your damn player-base and communicate with us like we've been begging you to, you'd find that a lot of the people complaining right now would be a lot more willing to have a reasonable conversation. But it's the literal years of near-zero communication and consistent ****-over of your players that has put you into this situation.

    Again, I understand that you're only the go-between for us right now. I'm not necessarily trying to yell at you for this. But surely you, as a player yourself, can understand why we're so thoroughly annoyed right now. The only one that PWE can blame for being in this kind of scenario is PWE themselves.
    Our survival requires bold, decisive, visionary leadership.

    So basically, we're all screwed.
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    On a positive note....xNW and normal NW we won't have as many do-nothing alts clogging the various nations making nations filled with alts lose so badly lol.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • Posts: 631 Arc User
    lol foco, people would spend some money to buy another computer. :D
  • Posts: 59 Arc User
    kalyst i starting to get all this so there was a issue with arc loging cuz ppl abusing of multiclient? . i wanna arc devs make it like before no arc log required since u can double click the element client from deskop but no with launcher so. no matters arc loging anyway . asking a diff thing. i saw littlefoot there , we will have that event back permanent? since isnt no easy to reach to 400 unleast u be very active and geared to go through all the stages if its so i apreciate im still with 390 jades on my bank ready to continue with the past event
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    Look at the good side. All those hours we spend working on virtual toons for PWI's gain can be used for something we might actually good for us like studying or working.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    LOL! completely LAUGHABLE!!!!!!

    i mean, i thought the past week of faction base as bad. You guys at PWE have completely gone insane!

    i quickly noted also, how many more people are enraged at this.... mostly ppl who were very nonchalant about the base issues.... *whistles*

    anyhoooooo...... PWE, yall really want to kill this game (that bears the company's name). this is yet one more in a startlingly rapid series of REALLY obnoxious and irritating moves that really highlight that there doesnt seem to be a single person with a working brain making decisions at this company.

    now kalyst, i fully understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to make any comment that goes against the company line here. your function is to represent the company and its interest. what you say about safety and correcting things that have been allowed to go unchecked for so long was also something that WOULD have been taken in good faith... if ya'll displayed any ability to plan/execute/implement anything other than cash shop updates then these events would see mixed results.

    but no.... you quickly cut off the ability to multi-client, something YOUR COMPANY'S INEPTITUDE has forced the playerbase to learn to accept as a rule of life, and then try to defend forcing people to use a platform that was proven since it's inception to be probably to least quality checked mechanism in this company besides PWI expansions.....

    i mean really, do you actually expect players to stay given this rapid succession of literal "eff ya'll" moves??

    well i stated with the base problem that players need to stop spending money with your company since you all just give ZERO thought to what ya'll do. I started this game right after tideborn and i left just before neverfall.... but i NEVER wanted to leave, its just your company has made playing this highly enjoyable game a LIVING HELL expansion after expansion..... with your greed and inability to empathize with ALL your customers.

    so when you are just left with the top 10% (actually not because they are the people who multi-client the most and account share the most) cash shoppers and they leave because there are no noobs to abuse with their OP toons.... ya'll gonna be looking at some layoffs.

    i was even contemplating star trek or neverwinter, but at this point i REFUSE completely to patronize your companies products and everyone should too.

    i hope yall lose sleep over this, or stub your toe on every corner you come into contact with, because all of ya'll are some really cold heartless people.
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    Watch, there will be work arounds, just like any other time and people will find them. However, I don't have a problem accessing my accounts emails so that will be no issue for me, otherwise I'd be hella pissed. Myself, personally, I just prefer to play the game alone and do my own thing most of the time. That being said, multi-clienting is a must for me, with any game that I play. This is something that's been in the ToS for years, that we are allowed 2 clients at any given time, to be on together. There is no reason that should be changing now and without plenty of warning. (A few hours isn't enough warning especially when there are people out there that sleep at normal times. Now they'll have to wake up to this ****. ) On another note, till this is fixed and multi-clienting restored, I won't be spending another cent on this game and also will be actively looking for another game to replace this one. It's sad that it's come to this, but seriously, over the last two weeks it's just gone from bad to worse for so many people.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User

    where i work, in IT, we are not allowed to implement any fix for any problem without ensuring that additional problems will not be created. we TEST solutions and give clear timelines for fixes and down-times.

    even if we have to give vague explanations for the reasoning behind decisions we have to make, we at least make sure that our clients get what they are paying for.

    just stop serving every one of the players you still have this giant bucket of nonsense you call a response.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    *Cross posted from the other thread*

    I'm going to be monitoring the progress of the maintenance now and then checking when the fix goes live. I'll come back tomorrow to address any replies I missed during this time and then (plus, I'll have to be on tomorrow anyways to run Scholarly Challenge). As always, be sure to be respectful of each other and keep the criticisms constructive and meaningful. We'll be collecting all this feedback and seeing what actionables are available for us to take, not just for now but in the future.

    Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
    1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
    2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*

    * Please note on Arc Platform Improvements these will mostly be things like - making items/packs/content to give for being in the Arc ecosystem and seeing what sorts of features are in CN's platform. I am aware there are very extensive programs and scripts that will most likely NOT be in Arc, which includes things like the "Perfect Helper".

    This is a very harrowing and difficult situation for everyone involved and I hope we can not only come to a speedy resolution, but turn the overall Arc experience into something positive for users going forward.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    *Cross posted from the other thread*

    This is a very harrowing and difficult situation for everyone involved and I hope we can not only come to a speedy resolution, but turn the overall Arc experience into something positive for users going forward.

  • Posts: 29 Arc User

    I wish I could vote up posts. I wish I could vote up posts so badly.
    Our survival requires bold, decisive, visionary leadership.

    So basically, we're all screwed.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    We wont be able to trade stuff to ourselves now either. your gonna have to make bigger bags or double bags or thriple bags. most of my other accts are bank toons. as far as how many to allow when u get it fixed, i vote for at least 6. cant even get ppl to help open tt anymore without paying them so u need four for that


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