[Important] UPDATE - Emergency Maintenance 2/9/2018 @ 10PM PT

Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
edited February 2018 in Official Announcements
There will be an emergency maintenance occurring tonight. It will likely be comparable in length to our regularly scheduled maintenances. We are uncertain of the start time at the moment, but it will begin once the team has finalized their preparations. We will provide updates as we obtain more information.

(Reminder: Maintenance times are subject to change.)

In the latest update, we have introduced some improved security mechanisms to help protect your account.

We have disabled the ability to login to PWI unless you are launching the game directly from Arc.

We understand this requirement will also block the ability to open multiple game clients simultaneously, which many players rely on to sell goods in their player shop. We are exploring ways to allow multi-clienting on a limited level, but we want to ensure first that this ability cannot be abused. You may discuss this change here - HERE

Since players will now be required to login to the game through Arc, they may encounter Arc Defender for the first time. This feature is an important safeguard to preventing unauthorized account access, so we highly recommend to our players that they keep it enabled. Please read this support article if you need any assistance: https://support.arcgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4597

As always, we’d like to remind our users to change their account password regularly to something secure and unique, and to never re-use the same password across multiple services. Finally, never share your password with others!

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

-The PWI Crew
Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on


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  • Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    The base now this
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Ok I've been pretty leniant with the constant polls and the general aggressiveness both here and one Facebook, but this is enough.

    This decision was not made lightly on our end We'll be working with the devs to get multiclienting back for users.
  • Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Translation no duel clienting high lv buff pocket buffer no play and catshop at same time a lot of stuff there is no security leak only those that log on and try buy gold threw bs buy gold cheap **** accounts or idiots that share account info regardless if you do this u have cheap coin account hacks use ur brain pwi
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Very bad. I do not like Arc. He regularly requires a computer confirmation.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @firstpw#2737 Other platform services such as Steam use a two step verification to protect users accounts. While it might seem to be an annoyance to go through a platform, it does add an additional layer of security with the Arc defender. Of course, we also want users to protect themselves by keeping passwords different and not going to unofficial sites, but theres only so many times we can warn users to protect themselves, especially if users are accessing the game outside of the arc ecosystem purposely.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    On mobile, so I dont have any way to correct words :( Staying out of the house so I can head back into the office in case Im needed.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    It was bugging me so I had to fix it
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    You guys.... are aware that many of your largest spenders multi-client instances, build up alts and etc?.. Pretty much based on being able to help their own characters? Many learned this through the experience of not being able to find enough people for full instances....

    Do they statistics of people being " **** " really warrant this extra measure of security or is it people giving away their passwords?
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @rawrkit As stated above or in the other thread, yes, we were fully aware of this and this point was also brought to concern from the CN side as they knew this would impact our players who multiclient for shops, to run instances etc. This was also brought up by multiple people, myself included, in the meetings we had on this (that this is essentially a feature at this point and is very important to users and the general PWI economy and ecosystem)

    As a side note I will be revisiting the maximum amount of clients being used since the current limit is 2. FW I believe allows 3. This will be important, since there needs to be a way to allow users going through Arc having the multiclienting ability as its currently not supported and it needs to be at a reasonable threshold.
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    Kalyst, if you guys are having issue, deal with your issue, don't force us into Arc, and even if you do, really? disabling dual client? You guys have finally gone mad, I'm usually on your side, but this is just madness, forced Arc and no multiclient...

    "We're working on it" isn't good enough, you're giving us extra security that we don't WANT... There's a reason most people disable the Arc defender. Plus, you really want to compare Steam to Arc? Really? Steam where you can have CS:GO skins that cost thousands of $, just as an example, not counting all the games, DLC, achievements, and so on, and Arc where you can have glorified pixels?

    This is really bad, really really bad, I always see people saying "this game is gonna die" and I always point out how many ppl still play, but now you can't even use your catshop, single client, either you play, or have a catshop...

    Meh, whatever...

    Mr. Justice
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    you should remove the tele nerf so it only uses 1 tele per world chat usage... seems that would have to be the way people sell stuff now.... rip pwi
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    i'm guessing this is in response to 6v6 abuse.....

    I get the issue with it but just remove the gear from ppl who abused it and continue on like normal, after limiting everyone to 2 accounts per computer like it always has stated in the tos, rather than punishing the whole community for it.
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    ...you've got to be kidding me. I've played PWI without that horrible travesty of a wrapper app for over nine years, and I'm expected to start now?

    Can you guarantee us that PWE will reverse the Arc policy when this is resolved? And are you telling us that whoever's responsible for this exploit could only do so because they didn't use Arc? Because if so, isn't this just going to end with PWE going "welp, this solved the exploit, right, so just keep using Arc?"
    Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
    Etherblade server
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    Damn.... and I really wanted to spend a little more $ to gear up the DB and take advantage of key suckers..... welp weekend warriorhood it is for me... seems the expansion was for naught...
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    I guess... thank you for giving us... this last minute warning... at least we can consolidate our spread out coin and shut down those accounts/characters that we can no longer help ourself..... Good Game PWI, good game....
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Just close 6 v 6 and problem will be fixed itself. This is by far the worst ever idea of PWI. Bye Bye PWI most likely.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Steam, Blizzards own client, theres other examples out there. Steam was the first thing that jumped into my head for the security processes they have in place, not necessarily for any precieved value from the platform users can gain. Steams axuilary value isnt the comparison Im making here, as Im pointing out that extra security layers is present on various other platforms.

    As far as any benefits Arc can give outside of the security layer...thats another side conversation I can have.
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    Can you guarantee us that PWE will reverse the Arc policy when this is resolved? And are you telling us that whoever's responsible for this exploit could only do so because they didn't use Arc? Because if so, isn't this just going to end with PWE going "welp, this solved the exploit, right, so just keep using Arc?"
    Please respond. I am clearly not the only one who needs this answer. I can stomach using Arc for a week or whatever if it's what's necessary to fix your platform, but you've got to meet me halfway. Otherwise I may actually have to consider leaving over this.
    Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
    Etherblade server
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    Steam, Blizzards own client, theres other examples out there. Steam was the first thing that jumped into my head for the security processes they have in place, not necessarily for any precieved value from the platform users can gain. Steams axuilary value isnt the comparison Im making here, as Im pointing out that extra security layers is present on various other platforms.

    As far as any benefits Arc can give outside of the security layer...thats another side conversation I can have.

    None gives a flying **** about security. WE wanna play the game the way it has been for 9 years. You run this game to make a business. We play this game to have fun. If we cant have fun - u wont make money. Hard to understand? U might understand the hard way in few weeks.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    Kalyst, could we have a clear precise answer on how many client we'll be able to use after this maint, even if via arc. Some of your words seem to incline for 1 client only, other incline to 2.
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    Ok I've been pretty leniant with the constant polls and the general aggressiveness both here and one Facebook, but this is enough.

    This decision was not made lightly on our end We'll be working with the devs to get multiclienting back for users.

    lol so because few guys abused the 6v6 you wanna do this ? where were u when i raged 3 months ago ? what u was waiting for ? and your support team have no damn idea how this game work had to explain for them what abusing 6v6 is.

    just going to give u an idea @kalystconquerer#0876 dont stop multi client and just remove 6v6 and dont give rewards for 6v6.
    go pull the data of the 6v6 winners and see who these guys who loged 10+ alts with the same IP and replace their gears with the gears they had before arena season if you can banned them do so they deserve it.

    stopping multi client makes me laugh.... pwi is sooo dumb as if you guys getting 100 new players everyday ? this game is dying we been asking you to merge all servers together and put double event on different timezone but you never listen i cant wait until u guys shutdown and i see it very soon..

    do u think the guys who multi client is ppl who charge 100$ ? its the huge cash shoppers who will quit if u limit them to 1 or 2 account loool

  • Posts: 758 Arc User
    She already stated its not about 6v6. Move on.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Wow this is **** Stupid, honestly never thought id see a game commit suicide. but im sure they think its a really good idea when in fact it's just another nail in the coffin. or is it the last nail? ;)
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    Steam, Blizzards own client, theres other examples out there. Steam was the first thing that jumped into my head for the security processes they have in place, not necessarily for any precieved value from the platform users can gain. Steams axuilary value isnt the comparison Im making here, as Im pointing out that extra security layers is present on various other platforms.

    As far as any benefits Arc can give outside of the security layer...thats another side conversation I can have.

    Can't really compare Steam or Blizzard to Arc or PWI due mainly to the fact that the aforementioned clients have ACTUAL client service reps who 1. play the game(s) 2. are knowledgeable about their database and are happy to share that knowledge instead of pawning it off on other people and websites and 3. actually care about the service they provide.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    Can you please private message me @kalystconquerer#0876 I am having issues with a charge pending when i need it to go through tonight so i get the charge rewards
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    draco5787 wrote: »
    Can you please private message me @kalystconquerer#0876 I am having issues with a charge pending when i need it to go through tonight so i get the charge rewards

    Lol "Oh darn... ya just missed it" is a basic response I've seen before to tickets of this nature from other GMs... Eh I'd save your money my man... if this move really does kill pwi you might as well have your money :D.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    Save your money ppl!!!!!!!!! make the GM's and support staff Starve XD
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    Guess you guys are gonna lose a TON of people by doing this... this will be the end of this game... Arc is **** and if u wanted to implement some security do it on the client level not with this arc ****
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    What if we leave multi clients open before Maint? xD


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