Arc Codes - PWI Only -



  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    A suggestion for the massive good luck pack. It currently requires a massive 20 slots free just to open and would be very helpful if it was split between two packs instead of one, say two 10 item packs instead of one massive packs. I for one had to rearrange and sell a ton of stuff just to make room for it and after it opened I had about 6 slots left just from the items in the pack that combined with others. Also it could be difficult or impossible for newer players to crack it without getting rid of stuff they might need. If I remember right, thinking starting bag was 4 rows and bank 2 rows, leaving not much room for rearranging, especially if they opened one of the other packs first. Perhaps you could put some of the stuff helpful for lower levels in one pack like the silver charm, pet egg, mystical/holy pills in one pack and the other stuff in another pack.
  • zorro#3785
    zorro#3785 Posts: 1 Arc User
    I want only event gold do mor than 50 pleas
  • misanno
    misanno Posts: 53 Arc User
    shimarra wrote: »
    The TT99 becomes stashable when you relog. Tradable when you upgrade to nirvana as long as you have not equipped.

    you sure about that? because i got the gear for my veno, didnt lvl her just yet, reloged to my dusk and logged off for the night, the next day i loged on to my veno, and all the tt99 gear wqas still non stashable
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @yoda3160 Yeah, I think another big issue with that one is that you can't tell that there's alot of items unless you check database or clicked the link in the newspost. We'll be adding some text to call out that this pack has alot of items. Unfortunately, I'd have ask the devs to create a new item with those specifications you mentioned, since we can't really edit older items with the quest granting structured this way. But nested quest grants have been done in some sort of capacity as well as the "pop up scroll" to click-check the items you want to receive (like the 9th Anniversary Party Pack or like BH rewards). I'll see if they're willing to build out packs like this one with some of those tweaks in mind!

    Also, no new codes as of yet, since I still need to make the ones for all the post Anniversary related forum activities! Once those counts are done I'll come back here with those!
  • somi1010
    somi1010 Posts: 14 Arc User
    misanno wrote: »
    shimarra wrote: »
    The TT99 becomes stashable when you relog. Tradable when you upgrade to nirvana as long as you have not equipped.

    you sure about that? because i got the gear for my veno, didnt lvl her just yet, reloged to my dusk and logged off for the night, the next day i loged on to my veno, and all the tt99 gear wqas still non stashable

    If you equip the TT99 right away, it will still not be stashable. However, if you relog after it's equipped, then the equipment will then become stashable. We tested it. It works.
  • skarthos
    skarthos Posts: 58 Arc User
    yoda3160 wrote: »
    A suggestion for the massive good luck pack. It currently requires a massive 20 slots free just to open and would be very helpful if it was split between two packs instead of one, say two 10 item packs instead of one massive packs. I for one had to rearrange and sell a ton of stuff just to make room for it and after it opened I had about 6 slots left just from the items in the pack that combined with others. Also it could be difficult or impossible for newer players to crack it without getting rid of stuff they might need. If I remember right, thinking starting bag was 4 rows and bank 2 rows, leaving not much room for rearranging, especially if they opened one of the other packs first. Perhaps you could put some of the stuff helpful for lower levels in one pack like the silver charm, pet egg, mystical/holy pills in one pack and the other stuff in another pack.

    Agree, I didn't know that since it said 8 slots in the description so I trashed the quest. Though it wasn't working or something glitched.
  • misanno
    misanno Posts: 53 Arc User
    somi1010 wrote: »
    If you equip the TT99 right away, it will still not be stashable. However, if you relog after it's equipped, then the equipment will then become stashable. We tested it. It works.

    well it didnt work for me,
    got it on my veno, got her to lvl 10 and forgot to do the fly quest
    opened the packs, got the gear
    didnt lvl to 100, switched to duskblade for 1hour,
    logged off the game, 17 hours later came back,
    got on veno, lvled to 100, gear was non stashable

  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Mine work are yours from the actual bloody gear pack or something else entirely lol cause yours sounds like something else ?

    on a few of mind i had to go to the npc turn it into gear if i wore it became bound and account stashable but it had to actually be gear noth the token the token isn't acount stashable at all.

    also same thing with out wearing it so u can account stash after you turn into gear don't wear it just says it will be bound if worn
  • misanno
    misanno Posts: 53 Arc User
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    Mine work are yours from the actual bloody gear pack or something else entirely lol cause yours sounds like something else ?

    on a few of mind i had to go to the npc turn it into gear if i wore it became bound and account stashable but it had to actually be gear noth the token the token isn't acount stashable at all.

    also same thing with out wearing it so u can account stash after you turn into gear don't wear it just says it will be bound if worn

    tt99 given to us from the code, it eventually became stashable, after logging her on and off about 23 times it finaly changed to stashable,
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    DAMN that many times
  • sgt0331
    sgt0331 Posts: 32 Arc User
    I think there will a codes galore in the next coming days with so many events pending
  • shmele
    shmele Posts: 2 Arc User
    I would like if they give some code for war avatar cards and event golds that would be nice
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    id like a gold hammer code so i can open my chest gold or at least they put it on sale for 25 silver i honestly have no clue why there five dollars real money for something that opens something in game that only gives one mill?
  • deceitsoul
    deceitsoul Posts: 94 Community Moderator
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    id like a gold hammer code so i can open my chest gold or at least they put it on sale for 25 silver i honestly have no clue why there five dollars real money for something that opens something in game that only gives one mill?

    I can give you one in game if you really want, they gave so many back during charge rewards last month. Believe we are on same server also.
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  • sgt0331
    sgt0331 Posts: 32 Arc User
    This why the pwi staff need to relook at the price of some of these boutique price, with the current gold to coins price no one would ever buy one unless they give them out for free. A lot of boutique items need a big revamp to match with current economy
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    edited October 2017
    EU Server Compensation Code

    Code : v4ItKda9

    Redeem : 1 time per account

    Expiration Date : 10/24/2017 @ 12:00 PST*
    *This means you have until 10/23/2017 11:59 PM PST to redeem.
    All codes shut off at midnight on the date of their expiration.

    Contents :
    X2 Ancient Gift
    X2 Astrobana Pearl Lv 2
    X3 Astrobana Pearl Lv 1
    X2 Astrosprira Pearl Lv 1
    X2 Absence Note
    X2 Minor Homestead Supply Bag
    X2 War Avatar Pack S
    X1 War Avatar Pack A
    X1 Maiden Chest x10 Coupon
    X1 War Front Warrior Supply Pack

    **Important Notes about this code:
    Items from this code will NOT be transferred to a different character if this code is redeemed on the wrong character, so please make sure these items are going to the character you want them on!

    This code has a total of (10) individual “mail” slots. This means that when you redeem this code, it will send (10) items to your mailbox. Make sure you clear out enough space for these items before you redeem this code!

    War Avatar Pack/Chest type items need at least (1) free bagspace when opening to redeem properly and send cards to the War Avatar Bag.

    Maiden Chest Coupons need at least (1) additional bag space and (1) free quest slot to auto complete. Maiden Kiss Chests themselves need at least (1) additional bag space when opening to redeem properly.

    War Front Warrior Supply Pack contains grand total of (11) items, so make sure you clear space for this item before opening! If you have received some of the items from this Pack in the past, they will be able to stack with the same items. Please note – Silver Guardian and Spirit charms will NOT stack!
    War Front Warrior Supply Pack will need (1) free quest slot to redeem the coupon ticket you will receive, (1) additional bag slot to receive the pack and then (11) slots for the items from the pack itself.

    Homestead related items, like the Minor Homestead Supply Bag, cannot be opened in the main maps – they must be opened in your Homestead instead.

    To ensure you will have no issues redeeming this code make sure to have the following minimum :
    1-2 free quest slots
    11 Mailbox slots
    12-13 Free Bag slots


    *Important Notes About Codes*
    • Code is only redeemable once per account.
    • All items received in codes are bound to account and cannot be traded or account stashed.
    • Please make sure you have enough space in your mailbox before redeeming your code.
    • Some items received through codes may be ticket items, which require at least one quest slot to auto redeem and at least 2 free bag spaces.
    • If you are unable to redeem a code right away, please try again in a few minutes as the volume of redeems might be high at that time.
    • Newly created characters or accounts may have issues redeeming codes, if this happens, wait a while and then try again.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    TY kalys hugs glomps
  • implode
    implode Posts: 107 Arc User
    This may sound a stupid question, but how can we know how many free mail slots we have? Quest and bag slots are obvious, but going to the mailbox doesn't tell you e.g. 15/30. I count 20 mails fitting on one page without scrolling, but no clue how far down the list can scroll.
  • bosk
    bosk Posts: 33 Arc User
    implode wrote: »
    This may sound a stupid question, but how can we know how many free mail slots we have? Quest and bag slots are obvious, but going to the mailbox doesn't tell you e.g. 15/30. I count 20 mails fitting on one page without scrolling, but no clue how far down the list can scroll.

    IIRC you have 64 Mail slots.
  • tilithium
    tilithium Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hey everybody, is there any active code for a dreamchaser pack? Just made a new alt x.x
  • sirkura#6424
    sirkura#6424 Posts: 37 Arc User
    There aren't currently active codes for one. But this website will give a free one for signing up with them. they do this giveaway all year round.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 I was noticing a lot of new players were a little frustrated with the Warfront Supply Crate code, (pill baby one.) Since at level 35 you get a Geographic map that unlocks all teleport locations. Using the pill to jump to 100 means you skip over that so new players kinda get jipped there. Can we get a code to give one? I invited a few new friends to the game with the pill baby code, so this would really help them.
  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    There aren't currently active codes for one. But this website will give a free one for signing up with them. they do this giveaway all year round.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 I was noticing a lot of new players were a little frustrated with the Warfront Supply Crate code, (pill baby one.) Since at level 35 you get a Geographic map that unlocks all teleport locations. Using the pill to jump to 100 means you skip over that so new players kinda get jipped there. Can we get a code to give one? I invited a few new friends to the game with the pill baby code, so this would really help them.

    One thing you could do is manually lvl to 35 and then use the pill. If I remember right, the pill gives you the set amount of exp that it would take to go from 1 to 100, rather than leveling you directly to 100 from whatever lvl you're at. If you are close to or above 100, it's even enough exp to get you up to 101 or 102 if you waited till then to use it. Using some of the exp gaining items from the codes, it wouldn't take too long to get to 35 either just by doing the main and side quests. Or you could try dragging them through a couple of higher lvl areas and power level them if they really don't want to bother with the quests. Either way they'll still have to do the dungeons for the cultivation stuff, otherwise they won't be able to get most of the skills.
  • sirkura#6424
    sirkura#6424 Posts: 37 Arc User
    I'm aware lol I actually hit 103 from 99 with the exp buff last time they gave the code out. Problem is they are new and read "Instant boost to 100!" and jumped the gun well before that. xD I would have run FC for them otherwise. After the second time they released the pill code they added quality of life codes to give fliers and mounts along with it due to player suggestions. Was simply asking if Geo Maps could be added to that list.
  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    I'm aware lol I actually hit 103 from 99 with the exp buff last time they gave the code out. Problem is they are new and read "Instant boost to 100!" and jumped the gun well before that. xD I would have run FC for them otherwise. After the second time they released the pill code they added quality of life codes to give fliers and mounts along with it due to player suggestions. Was simply asking if Geo Maps could be added to that list.

    I think they all say something like that, either way it wouldn't hurt to lvl them some and then try.
  • zcurz3
    zcurz3 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    ive been redeeming codes to my main char now nd im sure its mailbox is pretty full by now. I havent been able to log into the game half a year now cause of trash pc im stuck with atm :x so question: Is my char still recieving the mail codes i have been redeeming? with its pretty full mailbox?
  • zombiemaster123
    zombiemaster123 Posts: 109 Arc User
    zcurz3 wrote: »
    ive been redeeming codes to my main char now nd im sure its mailbox is pretty full by now. I havent been able to log into the game half a year now cause of trash pc im stuck with atm :x so question: Is my char still recieving the mail codes i have been redeeming? with its pretty full mailbox?

    Most likely not. If you have all 64 slots filled you can send codes but they just vanish into nirvana.
  • sgt0331
    sgt0331 Posts: 32 Arc User
    There an error message when redeem code and your mail box is full, can’t remember the specific, but it does let ya know u can’t redeem if mail box is full
  • baseaddress
    baseaddress Posts: 202 Arc User
    You wont get any error messages If you have at least 1 free spot.
  • nukkedumm
    nukkedumm Posts: 2 New User
    I do recieve a message saying code redemption is in process and can redeem afterwards but not one saying mailbox is full
  • nukkedumm
    nukkedumm Posts: 2 New User
    can repeatedly redeem the code aswell dont know if its some kinda error or what
This discussion has been closed.