Cleric Training: A guide for clerics from a clerics perspective.
Future Goals: (Kind of a reminder to myself so that I don't forget.)
-When I run UCH more, I will include that in the guide.
-I will also update the Warsong Section more to add how to solo pavilions as a cleric for Fire, Metal, Earth, and Wood. (I can solo all 4, and I will challenge water soon.) If I find myself able to solo water, I will include that in this section as well. I also did this without barb/bm buffs, relying strictly on cleric/archer buffs (as I was helping an archer learn to solo.) So I will add this section to anyone that wants to know.
-I will add a section for autocultivating as a cleric. (I'm not particularly elated about it, but it is a part of the game now, so learning how to autocultivate as a cleric should be included.) (REMINDER TO SELF: Remember to remind people of the advantages and disadvantages of autocultivating as a cleric, and to not autocultivate on quest mobs.)
-Still planning on adding pictures, or picture links of skills. Don't know how to add videos, and some reviews on some of the video sites, I don't particularly trust. LOL.
-Review guide for any corrections or updates that I may need to do."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
UCH Included in the guide now. Vague description of it, but enough to help any clerics function.
Updated Warsong, and soloing pavilions as a cleric.
Edited some parts of the guide. (Minor things, like rephrasing a few words, or adding more information here and there.)
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Hello, you got a very nice guide made here, a lot of information, although I do have a few questions.
Do you also happen to have the exact names of the equipment around lvl 100 (give or take 5 lvls below or higher)?
Same for the weapon's name.
Also, I heard this before in a party, but what do they mean with wine/wined with fb?0 -
Wining an instance refers to using two wines depending on the instance at the npc at the beginning of an instance to kill most mobs for you.
Wines are made by tokens. 10 tokens per wine. You exchange the tokens for the wine then you must talk to the marriage quest npc. (The name is on the tip of my tongue x.x). He will exchange the generic wine into the required for the instance.
Wined: most mobs already cleared for you
Unwined: all mobs are in the instance0 -
Also, regarding wines and some other things, this link is posted on the guide under the apoth section. I suppose I'll alter it's location so that it can be seen more readily....
Regarding Gear, they are mentioned in the that level, you should be looking into endgame/semi-endgame gear.
Morai: 3 types....
Level 95 Gear - Quest Gear.
Level 100 Gear - Got randomly in AEU. (Advanced Endless Universe)
Level 101 - Purchased from the 3 orders. (Corona sells Arcane Armor. Shroud sells Magic Weapons.)
Lunar Gold: Tradeable gear that can be upgraded to Nirvana Variants. (Level 95+)
TT99 Gold: Untradeable gear that can be upgraded to Nirvana Variants. (Level 99+)
TT99 Green: Tradeable Gear that CANNOT be upgraded to Nirvana Variants. (Level 99+)
Nirvana: This gear keeps its properties of tradeable or untradeable depending on whether it is lunar gear or TT gear. All 3 nirvana variants require level 100+.
Nirvana G13>>>Nirvana G15>>>>Nirvana G16.
Nirvana G16 gear is the second best gear in the game and the most frequent.
NOTE: If you are going along the Nirvana Path, DO NOT equip this gear at either the bound TT99 stage, nor the Nirvana G13 stage. Equip it only once you reach the nirvana G15 and Nirvana G16 stage. The exception is if your blacksmith/tailor level is level 7.
Rank 8 >>> Rank 8 recast >>>>Whatever the new Rank 8 is (Rank 8 rr)
This gear requires you to be level 100, and have the proper amount of reputation.
Rank 9 >>> Rank 9r >>> Rank 9rr
This is the most elite gearpath in the game, and the most expensive. You must be level 101+ to use this gear.
Warsong: Only a weapon path. Must be level 100 to use.
Warsong is a very costly path. The gear is dominant, and while being slightly inferior to R9rr due to the weapon procs, it is superior to Nirvana G16. Again, this weapon path is costly, so it's up to you if they're worth it or not."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Okay and where do you obtain those tokens from? In game, dungeons, the Boutique?
As for the armor and weapon, they do not have any specific names? Lets say I want to try and buy those gear, is that possible? How would you shout for it?0 -
Tokens: Found at some catshops. On Dreamweaver, most often by the PW Botique agent in west arch. That varies server to server, so you have to search and compare prices.
For gear names: I don't remember them all off of the top of my head.
Morai gear - Name i do not remember. I can tell you that if you want to see the Morai 101 gear, you should check the advanced supply stash of each of the three orders.
TT gear: check the forges near general summer in Archosaur or the forges in Twilight temple. That will show you the name of each of the TT weapons/armor/ornaments, and what is required to make them. Remember that TT99 gold is the only one that turns into Nirvana.
Nirvana: check the forges by palace of nirvana, near raging tides. Gold TT99 gear and Lunar gear are the only ones that can be turned into Nirvana gear.
Lunar: Check the forges in Lunar Glade to see the requirements for lunar gear.
Nirvana G16: Check the forges in Lunar glade and warsong to see the requirements for nirvana G16
Warsoul: Check the requirements with the warsoul spirit in the center of arch. Check by the nation wars forges to see the recast options.(Recast is currently disabled.)
Rank 9rr: check the nation wars forges in archosaur to see what the recast for R9rr looks like. As its rank gear, I know no other way to see its stats beforehand...especially not for normal nirvana.
Rank8rr: check the rank 8 forges in east arch to see the recast version. As its rank gear, I know no other way to see the normal version.
General/Legendary gear: check the forges by general summer in archosaur.
Frostcovered Gear: Check the forges inside of general summer to see the names of the gear you want.
That should give you the location of most of the forges. From there, check to see the name of the gear you're after.
Buying gear: WTB (insert desired gear) and price offered (or ask them to pm you prices.)
**Note: Twilight temple gear, also known as TT goes by level and color. Most people hear TT99 and they think of the TT99 golds, but there are TT99 greens too. The greens can't be turned into nirvana gear.
So TT 70 is level 70 twilight temple gear.
TT99 gold is level 99 twilight temple bound gear.
(All gold gear in twilight temple are bound.)
Nirvana gear....well all gear, but especially nirvana...goes by the grade of the gear. Nirvana has 3 stages....13, 15, and 16. The higher the grade, the better. **"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
What's generally the best way to advance forward in armours, late game? Obviously if you get one that's better than what you're wearing, use it, but like...I'm currently level 101 (thanks illu-stones from bumping me up from 86), and got all the Morai armour. One piece has been exchanged for the TT70 boots, because they have better overall stats. Will be working on getting the full set slowly.
But yeah, is that the kinda thing I should be doing? Or should I dump that idea, and go straight for Corona's armour until I make the TT90/99 stuff? And where do you generally go from there?
How to work out the levelling of armour and weapons confuses me all the time @_@ I can never tell what I should be aiming for.0 -
Molniya - Dreamweaver wrote: »What's generally the best way to advance forward in armours, late game? Obviously if you get one that's better than what you're wearing, use it, but like...I'm currently level 101 (thanks illu-stones from bumping me up from 86), and got all the Morai armour. One piece has been exchanged for the TT70 boots, because they have better overall stats. Will be working on getting the full set slowly.
But yeah, is that the kinda thing I should be doing? Or should I dump that idea, and go straight for Corona's armour until I make the TT90/99 stuff? And where do you generally go from there?
How to work out the levelling of armour and weapons confuses me all the time @_@ I can never tell what I should be aiming for.
Ideally, you want to save up for Nirvana G16 gear. If you're full magic, that means the Awakened Archangel armor set, Awakened Hat of Infinite Power, and Awakened Demon Spell Robe as armor. It's up to you which of the four weapon types you want.
When I mentioned Morai, I did so because it's cheap and good enough to get you by. What I would do is to shard it, and refine it. I'll be honest, I never wore my Morai gear. I NPC'ed it for two reasons. The first reason is I didn't know it's worth at the time. The second reason is because I was full TT90, decently sharded with a TT99 green weapon.
I'm going to give you my personal advice, as that's the best that I can do. Keep your Morai gear for now, due to it's slaying levels and warding levels. If you can earn some Morai 100 pieces along the way, cool....if you earn some Morai 101 pieces along the way,...also cool. However, the best overall gear. (Not including the Rank 9 path is Nirvana G16.)
(Note: There may be a set bonus for having all of your morai gear equipped. Don't quote me on this, but I may try to look around and see if I can find out if it does have one or not.)
While, I'm saying all of this, I had actually created a guide for anyone new to endgame levels, due to the illusionary stone, so this might be able to help you some....
I tried to cover some coin making tips, and some gear tips. So hopefully you will find this useful. b:victory
>>>CLICK ME!!!!!<<<"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
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Thank-you! And yeah, the Morai gear set gives you like...5 warding levels at 3 pieces and 5 slaying levels at 5, if I remember right.0
You're Welcome, and thanks for the information on Warding/Slaying levels."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Okay. Bad News. I updated the UCH section and made a few other edits. PWI's forums cut off all I wrote and most of the guide.
Good news: I knew better than to trust PWI, so I copied and pasted the guide to a microsoft page before I edited it. This said, I will attempt to place the guide back together, as soon as I rewrite the UCH section again. I'm sorry that this happened, for anyone reading it, and I will do my best to have the guide up quickly and in a timely fasion. (I can't guarantee that it'll be today, because it's new years, but I will do my best to have it reestablished as it was, if not better.Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Edit: Just realized the guide was 58 pages. QQ
Scratch that, on another document, it's showing up as 69 pages...."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
For the armor section.
You'd recommend the armor over the weapon (talking about r9 gear) for the defense. What if you solo a lot or doing quests on your own? Would you still suggest getting the defense instead of the increase of your magic attack, so that you can kill faster?0 -
For the armor section.
You'd recommend the armor over the weapon (talking about r9 gear) for the defense. What if you solo a lot or doing quests on your own? Would you still suggest getting the defense instead of the increase of your magic attack, so that you can kill faster?
I suggest defense first. I'm G16 and have more of a solo playstyle for everything outside of dungeons. The increased survivability that R9rr provides would really be a boon. Then just save up for the weapon. That's my feeling on the matter though. The more damage you can take, the easier it is to get things done, and to AOE large groups...since you can handle the aggro.
Personally, I sacrificed some of my magic attack for increased physical defense, as I swapped my G16 robe out for wings of cloudcharger, and lost a few points of magic (Not many) from my previous rings to equip two lunar rings. I do believe that being able to take a hit is more important than necessarily being able to kill quicker...and even so, I don't have any problems killing anything. For my primal quests, I basically just do them in large pulls, cast tempest and one shot them. For R9rr, things are made even easier.
Also, if you do go into a DD mode in an instance, you want to be able to handle any and all aggro that you might get, so it's worth it to get your defense up first as a pose to your offense. Some people may disagree, but that's my opinion on it."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
PvE wise, I don't think any quest mobs will pose a threat to a cleric, or even dungeon mobs. I'm more incline to damage, I'll even choose to shard my cleric's r9 with full deity stones for that matter.
Imo PV100 is still the hardest/most challenging PvE instance that's soloable, with primal passives I guess full deity cleric can also do it.0 -
PvE wise, I don't think any quest mobs will pose a threat to a cleric, or even dungeon mobs. I'm more incline to damage, I'll even choose to shard my cleric's r9 with full deity stones for that matter.
Imo PV100 is still the hardest/most challenging PvE instance that's soloable, with primal passives I guess full deity cleric can also do it.
PvE wise, it's still dependent upon gear. Admittingly, I don't have any problems with mobs now considering my current gear. However, there are many clerics that do have difficulty, even with mobs.
With R9 gear, you're pretty much good to go, and I don't blame you for choosing to use deity stones. R9 offers sufficient defense already, but that's the best all around gear path in the game, bar none. Personally, I'm more inclined for defense, and if I had R9rr and the coin to do so, I'd go with a mix of JOSD and Drakeflame stones for defensive sharding, and 2 Icebourne shards for Offense....but that's my playstyle. Different strokes for different folks.
PvE, Full deity cleric should be able to solo it, considering you're talking about R9 gear. I'm Nirvana G16 with no kind of purify weapon to speak of, and I can solo it, so I'm certain that with that gear, and that sharding, you wouldn't have much issue soloing it.
Not sure which dungeon is the most challenging to solo. I just like to gradually advance my cleric, strengthen her, test her limits, and break through them, so I don't really have a take on which dungeon is the deadliest."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
My cleric is only Rr8 set, warsoul weapon with r9.3 ornies (belt and ring), sharded with vits and a bit of Garnet stones. I have no problem in surviving against anything pve anywhere and I hardly equip any charms, I only use autopot with lv.100 hp mp pot.
Never tried solo PV with cleric only because it needs charms for doing that and for me using charms in pve is a waste, I have my barb for doing the luring if I really need exp.
I agree it's different playstyle for everyone, just want to point out that pve wise we don't need survivability that high . I'm a bit disappointed with cleric's dps, even with primal great cyclone a psychic with much lesser gear can out-dps a cleric.
Btw could you post your char stat, unbuffed or buffed with what buffs , just want to see the difference between cleric with Nirvana G16 and rr8, and how much -channelingtime is your cleric ?0 -
Any thoughts about sockets?
Would you go for Physical defense or HP? And why? PvE wise only, rank 9 gear.0 -
General rule of thumb is 4 pieces garnet, 2 pieces cit. But with primal passives should maybe shard more hp instead. PVE only, obv.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Is there any chance of updating this to include the lost parts of the guide? Just started a cleric a few weeks ago and I'm loving it! This guide has been really helpful.0
Kitty didn't read through this thread, but in case this hasn't been addressed any earlier.
"HA refines for more hp than LA. LA refines for more hp than AA, AA alternatively, refines for more mp."
AA-gears DO NOT refine for MP at all, but for HP. AA-helm does have MP-add by default but it gets HP-add when you refine. Refining doesn't affect MP-add.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Hello all. SerenityCNB here. This is notoriously late, but to answer your question Castien (as well as anyone else who may be wondering), I've been out of game for a while, due to a variety of reasons. The guide however is still fully intact on my laptop. I had tried to.update the guide, and the old forums decided to clip it instead. I do intend to return to the game soon however, and when I do, I'll try to send the mods my guide if I can so that it can be fully posted, and so that I can still edit it as need be.
(I'm typing this from my phone, and arc isn't exactly being nice to it, which is why I'm not properly updating it at the moment.)
I'm glad to see my guide is still helping people, and unless something drastic happens, I will be returning, and I'll try to post the guide close to when I do.
This past year has just been busier for me.
But rest assured, that from the ashes (unless something drastic happens), old SerenityCNB will once more rise. My return will be at hand soon enough.~SerenityCNB~
May you all live long and prosper.0 -
Hello all. It's been a long time. I'm not sure who the mods are anymore, but I would like to update my old guide. It'll still be out of date to some degree, as it's been years since I've played. (Duskblades and Stormbringers were just coming out around then.) To my understanding, there's some new glyph thing with skills and additional cultivation levels. I haven't looked into it much since I was unsure if I would return to this game during my hiatus. If any mod wants to add the parts of the guide that were cut during one of my updates to it, please reply. It'll be a few hours until I respond due to real life, work, responsibilities, etc, but I will try to get back to you, as I still have the saved copy on my computer.
Well, take care in the meantime all.
SerenityCNB returning...~ Assuming PWI client lets SerenityCNB back from the grave and into the game once again....Login issues....They seemed to have shut her coffin pretty tight.~SerenityCNB~
May you all live long and prosper.0 -
What clerics have happened to the Cleric for PC still the same and is the leveling much faster .I see they changed a lot on mobile .They for nice starter wings better than PC?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
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