Cleric Training: A guide for clerics from a clerics perspective.

SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
Posts: 1,225 Arc User
A Cleric’s Guide: Told From the Perspective of Several cleric’s. *Updated Again*
General Overview
-Pure Arcane
-Purish/Vitality Arcane
-Light Armor
Gear Progression
Cleric Skills
Mobs that you Encounter
Knowing your Buffs/Debuffs Icons. (Link Included)
-Squadplay Outside of Instances
-Squadplay Inside of Instances
-Heal Aggro
-Buffing and Rebuffing the Party
-Standing up for yourself
-Getting Unwanted Aggro-What to do
-Be Prepared
Instance Runs
Grinding Potential
-Advise on Grinding from other players.
Genie Skills for Clerics
Healing difficulties
-Heavy Armor/Tanks
-Light Armor Class
-Arcane Armor Class
Keeping up as a cleric
Healing with other clerics
Clerics in PVP/TW
Apoth for Clerics (Including a link to help find herbs, and other farming materials.)
Meditating as a Cleric
Certain Cleric Bugs/Glitches
Hello. This is a guide to give players who may have questions or uncertainties a few answers that they may be looking for. Several other cleric players have contributed to this guide, and offered their insight as well. Theirs may not necessarily be the same as mines, but it is valuable information, and may be worth considering, which is why I have noted them in the guide. These players have been quoted, and are giving their insight to also give you, the player a better insight into playing the role of a cleric. To all experienced clerics...If you have something that you would like to add, please feel free to do it, but please do so in a respective manner. I'd appreciate it this thread was a troll free one. That said, I'll begin.
I am a cleric that is speaking from a PVE aspect, and not a PVP one. I also have not engaged in TW, so I cannot speak from that standpoint. This is my guide from the sight of a PVE cleric, so please understand if I did not answer any questions that you may have about PVP or TW. (I did try to add a pvp section with links to it, as well as useful information from other clerics that have engaged in it, but note that I do not specialize in either of those two categories, so therefore I personally cannot speak on it.
Clerics are a healing/support class with DD capabilities. Clerics are fairly good levelers, and if played right, they can be a fun class. They are typically the primary healer in a squad, and are often the backbone of the squad. Normally if a squad loses its cleric, the entire squad is known to wipe.
Adv. of a cleric:
High Magic attack. (Not as high as a wizard, psy, or mystic, but still pretty hard hitting.)
High Magic defense.
High MP regen.
Best Heals in the game.
The ability to purify negative statuses. (Most Reliable Purify in the game.)
Flight from level 1.
Does not require epic gear later on.
Easy to get into squads throughout the game (mostly).
Well liked and wanted in parties.
Easy to make friends.
Easy to get into factions.
Best overall buffs in the game.
Lots of pdef shields.
High Mp regen.
Fast Channeling Rate.
Has physical and magical attacks.
Strong AOE grinding potential on wood poison mobs.
Of course, every class comes with its set of disadvantages, and clerics are no exception.
Disadv. of clerics.
Low HP.
Low Pdef.
Low Running speed.
No Anti-Stun.
Difficult to get enough hp to not be a one shot for certain attacks later on.
Low HP regen.
Heavy Responsiblity in the squad. (They can easily tell when and if you **** up.)
Dealing with cleric bashers.
Ok, so we've established what a cleric is, and what their advantages and disadvantages are. So the next thing that we're going to discuss is stats.
Clerics have a somewhat linear path to go with stats. (Note that for these builds, you will already have a normal 5 points in each one. That is fine. If you should not add any stats to it, I'll put a N/A for it.)
Pure Arcane: Very High Kill Speed, Very Strong Heals, Lowest HP.
N/A vit,
N/A dex,
54 str. (55 if you want to get R9), (56 if you plan to use a G16 pataka)
as much magic as you can muster.
Vit Arcane/Purish Arcane: High kill speed, strong heals, Fairly low hp.
Variable amount of vitality. (I recommend capping at 50.)
Dex: N/A
Str.: 54 (55 if you plan on getting R9) (56 if you plan on using a G16 Pataka)
Magic: As much as possible.
Light Armor: Low kill speed, Weaker heals, stronger pdef., weaker magic def.,
Vit: None. Your defenses come from your armor,refines and shards in this scenario.
Dex: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA. (104 for G16)
Str.: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA. (104 for G16)
Magic.: As much as you can muster.
Heavy Armor: Low Kill speed, Weaker heals, strongest pdef, weaker mdef
Vit: None. Your defenses come from your armor, shards, and refines in this scenario.
Dex: As much as required to wear the latest piece of HA. (54 for G16 HA.)
Str: As much as required to wear the latest piece of HA. (252 for G16 HA.)
Magic: As much as you can muster.
I'm also going to note this here, as I didn't note it before. HA refines for more hp than LA. LA refines for more hp than AA, AA alternatively, refines for more mp. So for those clerics that have chosen the HA path, this is one of the incentives to your build.
Quoted and fixed from Kyreal:
Only thing I have to say that's critical of the guide is the LA cleric section; you shouldn't be statting vit. c: LA requires 1 str 1 dex per level, and a magic weapon requires 3 mag. So, that leaves no room for vit unless you hunt down armor with adds or -req. HP should be gotten through shards (LA can forsake garnets for citrines) and refines.
UPDATE: I've included the Str/Dex requirements for G16 Heavy Armor and Light Armor for those interested. I've spoke with a few different HA clerics about their build as well. One recommendation of a few of them is to get a decent magic tome to help offset the lack of magic, due to the requirement of their gear. Also note that at the time I wrote this, REBIRTH was not part of the game. Due to these extra stat points, a rebirth cleric can afford to toy around with their stats a little more. (Particularly beneficial to those with HA and LA gear.)
I will recommend playing with whatever style you want to. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one player may not work for another. These disadvantages can be mitigated some by sharding, refines, and proper use of skills later on. However, these are their innate stregnths and weaknesses, as well as how the stats should be.
Str: I recommend adding str. as needed for your weapons and armor. (You want to always keep them up to date.) Personally, I added my str. at a faster rate than others, so I got to 54 str. fairly quickly...but I never let my magic slack. (Average is 1-2 str per level)
Dex., I do not recommend adding unless you are a LA or HA cleric. It does nothing for us clerics, but it is required for a LA cleric to wear it, and for a HA cleric to wear it. Only thing that I will note about dex is that every 20 dex is equal to 1% crit rate. But its not worth it to slack 20 points of magic for an additional 1% chance of crit, if you're not going down the LA/HA path.
Vit: Add it as you feel that you need to, and don't feel bad about it if you do. Originally, I had 20 base vitality before I rebirthed, and that vitality had been the difference between life and death for me several times before. Others have more. Others have less. Add it as YOU FEEL THAT YOU NEED TO. Remember that a dead cleric heals no one.
Magic.: Your most important stat. Never let this slack for it affects all of your moves. Add as much as you can muster while still keeping your armor and weapon up to date, and still having as much vit as you need to stay alive. No point having a high magic attack if you die.
That said, ALL BUILDS ARE GOOD. ITS UP TO YOU HOW YOU PLAY. When I first wrote this guide, I spoke from a purish arcane build. Now I am speaking from a pure arcane build. What you are getting from me is coming from my own perspective and experience. All builds are good, and I'm not bashing a single one. Play how you want to, and in a way that is most enjoyable to your playstyle.
Ok. So we've covered stats. I assume that you've gotten past the starting village at this point, and now they're telling you that its time for you to leave and go the City of the Plume. Along the way you'll see that there are different types of armor, weapons, and ornaments for you to choose. Now, what do you do?
The reason is because your skills do not work with any other type of weapon. That said, there are four types of magic weapons. Those magic weapons are:
Wand: Lowest base damage, lowest range of attack...highest consistency.
Magic Sword: Average base damage, average range of attack,...average consistency.
Pakatas: Typically, you don't go for these, (though there are exceptions to this rule.) They normally have a huge range of attack, and poor consistency, Spike damage...for better or for worse.
Glaive: Good damage, High range of attack, unreliable consistency, spikes for better.
Note: Wands should be used for clerics who want to use mostly a healing role. They are VERY reliable.
Magic Sword and Glaive: Useful for a cleric who wants to both heal and have good attack power as well.
Patakas: Useful for for spike damage. They DO have the highest damage potential if they spike at max. However, they can also spike at min., which gives them the lowest attack potential as well. Its due to this reason that they are not generally recommended.
Note:VenusArmani pointed out the Silverrain pataka as a notable exception, so there are exceptions to this rule. (Thank you for pointing this out Venus.)
Pick whatever weapon you want, and go for it.
Pick whatever weapon suits you, and go for it...even if its the pataka. Lol.
UPDATE: I've decided to include the stat requirements for G16 for those interested. This is being included because it DOES affect HA and LA wearers to great degree, due to the difference in magic stat requirements.
Wand: (47 Str, 289 magic)
Pataka: (56 str, 280 magic)
Magic Sword: (52 str, 285 magic)
Glaive: (54 Str, 297 magic)
Now, for those with builds that are different from the usual AA set, this will help you know the stat requirements for the best gear (that isn't R9rr) in the game.
AA (Arcane Armor): High magic defense. low physical defense.
LA (Light Armor): Average physical defense, average magic defense.
HA (Heavy Armor): Low magic defense: High Physical defense.
Its possible to do it with all three builds. So its up to you. However, Arcane armor is what is recommended. (It does not require wasted points in Dexterity or stregnth like LA, and HA do.) However, if you've chosen to be a LA cleric, or a HA cleric, then go right ahead and be my guest. Its your character and there is nothing wrong with that decision at all...however I RECOMMEND THAT YOU CHOOSE ARCANE ARMOR.
Pick your armor, and lets go to the craftsman and get our...
Necklace, belt, and rings.
Pdef.: Grants pdef bonuses.
Mdef.: Grants mdef bonuses.
Evasion: Grants Evasion bonuses.
Clerics have a naturally low hp, and naturally low physical defense. Ornaments allow you to boost those stats some. Your armor already grants you a high magic defense. Ornaments require no particular stat allocation...just for you to reach the appropriate level for them to be equipped. That said, I have found that physical defense ones really help.
Note about some magic ornaments however that they grant decreased channeling speed, affording you faster spells. If you see one, and you like it, then get it as well...but make sure that you have the pdef one. YOU NEED PHYSICAL DEFENSE IN CASE YOU GET AGGRO.
Evasion ones don't help. Just leave it alone.
Also, equip magic rings. Don't get str. rings to help your plume shot. Your plume shot is physical based, but it is A MAGIC ATTACK, so it requires magic rings to stregnthen all of your skills do. Ok?
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Edit: Giving Credit to VenusArmani for her insight on a few of the physical rings.
Another exception to the physical rings is the Sky Cover rings, because physical rings refine for p.def. I actually saw a Ring of the Defeated level 88 npc type ring that was 1 blue star, that had as it's add HP+105, Magic +5, and Dex+5 (the dex is meh) the big thing was that i threw into the calc to see what it refined for, and it was 116 extra p.def at an easy to get +4. That's certainly enough p.def to allow yourself to get a channeling necklace instead of a physical one if you can't afford to keep two sets of ornaments. So if you're wearing 3 star rings because you can't afford the legendary ones, its a good idea to compare. If you can find a p.attack ring with a good set of magic addons, it might be worth it to play around on the calc and see which one will offer you the best defense without sacrificing attack. The answer may surprise you. OFC if you can use legendary ornaments, stick with the magic attack rings unless they are sky covers. Sky Cover rings are for really high levels, btw.______________________________________________ _______________________________
Credit due to Decus as well for his useful post:
Be careful about pattk rings. I know that you can rarely find truly good (for arcane) pattk rings out there (with stats that are crappy for melee classes), but make a calculated decision on them. You do lose mattk too, and that is a factor. Find out how much of a pdef red % you get with a certain refined pattk ring and compare it to how much of a % hit you take on mattk.
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The rings may confuse a lot of people who are new and starting out, but let me say this. If you're unsure, then go with magic attack rings. You WILL get a set amount of magic attack from them. I posted both of them, and credited both of them so that players could understand both points of view here. To lower, mid, and even somewhat unsure high leveled players, MY PERSONAL ADVICE is to go with the magic attack rings. That's what I have equipped myself. I posted her advise on the physical ring because her point had some merit to it. That said, go with magic rings if you're confused. Trust me, you can't really go wrong with having a magic ring on a cleric. Sure some are better, but you are still granted some magic attack power. Analyze the rings, judge for yourself, and pick the best ring and ring type that works for you.
Oh, and for Robes, I also recommend PHYSICAL DEFENSE. YOU NEED ALL THE PDEF THAT YOU CAN GET IN THAT CATEGORY, plus they don't require a specific amount of stats. Get it, wear it, love it.
VenusArmani recommended that I add a gear progression section to this, and considering that we both ironically answered a question about gear progression to someone on the forums last night...though she ninja'ed me. QQ, I've decided to add a section to this guide that you all helped me do.
So, without further delay...
For levels 1-29, if you can use this new elders blessing gear, then use that, as it has ridiculously good stats to be low leveled/starting gear. If for whatever reason, you don't want to use them...perhaps you like the challenge, then use the quest gear that we get for visiting the npc inhabitants at plume to start off with.
For those people who chose to go with the new elders blessing gear, it will serve you until level 30's.
For those people who chose not to, then what you will do is to compare dropped items to npc armor, and what you already have to determine whether you should get the next piece. You will do this until level 30's.
Regarding your weapon, you will decide for yourself in the same mindset whether you should or shouldn't switch by comparing its stats, and add ons if applicable.
Level 30: If you are level 30, and have the appropriate amount of reputation, then talk to the commander in chief, and he will award you rank 1. This is good armor, and will serve you for quite a bit. After you've received your rank 1 ring, then talk to the npc next to him, and buy the armor from her.
Level 30-70: Gear begins to drop in dungeons instead of molds. These are good pieces, that will help you in your journey. You can also go to the forges, and create legendary gear if you have the coin to do so. I typically don't prescribe legendary gear at this level, due to the lack of coin, and how quickly one can progress through these stages, but if you have the means, then legendary is a good path.
Now, for your weapon, you will compare stats to one another, and choose the best one. You will do this until level 60 for weapons, and level 70 for armor, then you can get TT gear.
Level 60: Remember seeing those other players with their shiny glowing green weapons? Now, its your turn to join their ranks. Your TT60 weapon, ancient arbor is the one that you'll be starting with.
You'll notice different weapon paths too, when you reach the appropriate level. What you chose is up to you, however if you plan on going to nirvana for your endgame gear as a pose to rank 8, then it should be noted that certain my current one, (Mirage TT99), cannot be turned into a nirvana weapon, and you'll also notice that the weapons that you choose influence what the next weapon is down the line. I'll touch more on this later on in this section.
Level 70. You get the option of TT70 weapons, armor, and ornaments this time around, so now you'll really start to see the difference.
From here on, I'll tell you that many of us will start to branch off as we reach certain levels and see weapons that we like. Therefore, I will advise you to check the forges to get an idea of the different types of weapons that you will soon encounter. Its more than just the TT (Twilight temple), and legendary path, so here is a quick overview
Twilight Temple
Frosctocovered city
Lunar Glade
Higher rank equipment (R7, R8, R8r, R9, R9rr to name a few.)
Nirvana (G13, G15)
Nirvana G16
OHT (Old Heaven's Tear)
NPC (Don't choose this one anymore)
You will run into these weapons and armor at different times. Not all around level 70. However, you need to know your options, and they are it. It should be noted however that the chances of aquiring a warsoul weapon are slim to none, so that's a weapon path that I strongly recommend that you ignore, despite its great power.
You will go on, continuing to advance with this type of gear, perhaps even going from one path to another until level 100. Now its time to start aquiring endgame gear. You've come far. You've finally made it to the triple digits, and now have access to all of the dungeons. You're running endgame dungeons now. To make things easier, you're going to want to try to obtain endgame gear.
These are your options for lowest acceptable gear typically. (Modifications can be made to it. Up to you.)
TT90 (This is the gear that is still in decent price range for many of us, and it was my gear when I first wrote this guide. I will tell you that its hardly endgame gear. However, it can get the job done, but you should strive to achieve better gear than this when you can. Now lets look at its counterpart:)
TT99 (This gear binds to you. However, this gear (the gold version) can be turned into nirvana gear. It is tougher than TT90 gear, aside from maybe the boots. Still, although its a step up, this isn't endgame gear yet.)
Lunar glade (Its stats are comparable to TT gear. Unlike TT99, it does not bind, and Lunar Gold can be turned into nirvana as well. It can be worn at level 95, and refines better than TT99. The disadvantage? Its not as easy to make. Also good gear, but still not endgame yet.
Morai 95: You have access to Morai, and its quests now. You've come a long ways, and can now complete some of its quests. You'll get some quest 95 gear for certain quests. These are good pieces, and if you're still clanking around in some random blue gear that you found when you shot that spider a while back, please equip this now. Let me clarify, because I'm not giving this gear its full credit. This is very usable gear, but there is much better gear out there, including better Morai gear as you level up. If you're missing good slots on your gear. (You have a few pieces of gear that are random drops)...This gear WILL see you through. DO NOT USE a morai weapon in a squad where you are assuming the role as the healer though. Your heals are not benefited from it's main aspect...slaying levels. Thus, it is recommended to use a different weapon during that time, or to have an alternate weapon that you can switch to, depending upon circumstances.
Credit to kirasin for this information that they have about Morai weapons...
I just wanted to point something out about Morai weapons used by Clerics.
It is PERFECTLY FINE for a cleric to use a Morai weapon in PVE when they are in a squad as a DD only or while doing quests solo. The Morai weapons deal a GREAT amount of damage in PVE due to the high Slaying Lvl. From my own personal testing, the lvl95 Morai sword deals SEVERAL THOUSAND more damage then my TT99 Godspeed Glaive. For a Cleric that is huge, since having low defense, a Cleric should kill mobs ASAP before they get to them and get a chance to do much damage. I would encourage Clerics to do their own test to see just how powerful the Morai weapon actually is before they NPC it and how useful it can be to Clerics to kill that mob running at you before it even gets a chance to hit you.
I'm gong to comment on this as well, and I've updated the morai weapons part of this guide, due to what he/she said. Morai weapons DO a great deal of damage. However, at this level, you will likely be doing a lot various instance runs...ranging from TT, FC, and BH's...all in preperation of endgame. It is advised that if you have a morai weapon, that you have an alternate weapon that you can switch to, in order to better heal your squad...during the time that you are involved in instance play.
If you find yourself having issues surviving in general due to clerics innately low hp and pdef, it is advised that you kite the mob, with a method of cyclone>>>Run backwards>>>Cyclone>>>Run backwards>>>repeat until dead, as well as using your CC skills...Chromatic Seal and Silent Seal to your advantage.
So what is endgame?
Nirvana: (Bet you didn't see this coming? Lol.) It has cast one, cast two, and cast three. Its quite powerful gear. It can be made from TT99 gold gear (bound), or Lunar gold gear (unbound). It is considered to be endgame gear. Obtaining this gear has also become simpler, due to the introduction of nation wars, and the ability to easily farm uncannies and raptures for making this gear. At one time, any type of nirvana gear was difficult to obtain for classes that were not apps based. Now, this gear is much easier to obtain and it IS the recommended path. G16 gear IS on par with Normal R9 gear.
For those interested, the gear progression path goes like this....
Lunar Gold -->Lunar Nirvana G13 --> Lunar Nirvana G15 ---> G16 Nirvana (Unbound)
TT90 Green --> TT99 Gold--> TT Nirvana G13 --> TT Nirvana G15 --> G16 Nirvana (Bound)
YOUR GEAR DOES BIND, STARTING WITH GOLD TT99. NIRVANA G13 AND NIRVANA G15 BINDS. For this reason, if your tailor and blacksmith levels are NOT up to date, I DO NOT RECOMMEND EQUIPPING THIS GEAR UNTIL it has become G15. The reason for this is because G16 gear only has a level 1 blacksmith/tailor requirement. Its really sad to farm all the gear for G16, but yet be unable to wear it yet, due to not being able to forge the G13/G15 requirements. So what can you wear in the meantime?
Morai 100, and 101: As hinted earlier, this gear has 3 levels which can be found. They are Morai 95, 100, and 101. This IS the cheapest path of endgame gear available. Its great PVE gear due to its slaying levels (Attack levels on monsters), and warding levels. (Defense levels against monsters.) Some may choose to make this gear their endgame gear, and there is nothing wrong with that. The weakness of this gear is PvP. You'll be chewed up and spat out, because the power of this gear is found in its warding/slaying levels. That means nothing in PvP. This is good gear to equip if you're still farming your Nirvana gear however, and is capable of carrying you far. Note that as a cleric, you DO NOT want to equip a Morai weapon during instance runs where you are the healer. This is because your heals are not benefited from this weapon's main's slaying levels. It is recommended that you equip a different weapon in the meantime to use if you use a morai weapon due to its strong attack power. That way you can switch back to it at your leisure, and thus maximize your playing style.
Rank 8: This gear itself is cheap. Yes, obtaining that enormous amount of rep will be a pain, but its through proper usage of coins, you will be able to afford it without using real money. An advantage that it has over nirvana is that even if doesn't come fully socketed, you can return it for a chance for it to be fully socketed. This an option that nirvana wearers do not have.
Like Nirvana, it has to forms. The only way to get the second form is to do trials with your faction, and farm the necessary parts. If you're like me however, and don't have a faction, and don't choose to be in one, that second option is unavailable to you, but even at its first form, its still good gear. (R8r has a third stage which is done in Quicksilver Maze. I have not run it yet, but if I do, I will update this.)
Warsoul: Its hard to obtain. You can obtain some parts through NW, and the gear itself has great power. That's the most I can say. All I'll say to you for advice if you choose this path is good luck. It has an upgraded form which can also be upgraded at the NW forge. Warsoul is only for weapons though. It is stronger than a Nirvana G16 weapon, though not quite as strong as R9rr due to the procs that R9rr has.
Rank 9: The most expensive and powerful gear. Its obtainable at level 101, and requires an ENORMOUS sum of coin. It is farmable, but that will take a LONG time. However, if you have the money, this is the best gear available in the game. I don't so, this is gear I will NEVER least not at its price. Still, it is the best gear in the game if you still wish to obtain the best.
(Credit to my in game friend hiyouri for filling me in on the requirements for rank 9 for anyone interested.)
Note that Rank 9 has 3 steps, just like Nirvana does...
Rank 9 >>>Rank 9r >>>Rank 9rr .
Note that you cannot purchase Rank 9 gear without first obtaining the rank 9 ring. From here, as a cleric, it is advised that you get the R9 armor first. and then the weapon...due to the defenses that R9 gear provides.
To get this gear, you need 300,000 reputation as a prerequisite.
For regular rank 9:
Ring: 3 medals of glory (MOGS), and 32 General Summer's Tokens. (GST's.)
Belt: 3 medals of glory and 32 General Summer's Tokens.
Armor: 2 medals of glory each and 14 GST's each.
Weapon: 5 medals of glory and 85 GST's.
For Rank 9r:
You need 1 Summer Wind Token for each armor piece, including your ring and belt. (1200 uncannies and 300 rapture crystals make 1 summer wind token.) + Coin Fee.
You need 4 Summer Wind Token's for the weapon + Coin Fee.
Rank 9rr
For Rank 9rr: Just like Nirvana G16, Rank 9rr drops in Warsong and Lunar, from Vile Bosses. You MUST have the Rank 9r version to upgrade it.
Armor: CORRECT armor mold, 4 EOD's (Essence of defense), 30 basic badges, 3 mil coin fee (per armor piece).
Weapon: CORRECT weapon mold, 4 EoO's (Essence of offense), 60 basic badges, 8 mil coin fee.
Those in a nutshell are pretty much your gear choices. Compare them to one another and choose the one that is best for you. I also want to point out something that I left out intentionally, because most low levels will not have the coin for it, and will get confused and lost trying to reach it, but if for whatever reason you are playing a cleric, and do have coin for it, then remember that you can obtain legendary gear early on, either through the forges in archosaur, the auction house, or catshops. If you've got the coin for this gear, then its worth refining a little, and sharding a little. Still, it definately is NOT required to perform well at early levels. (The level 50'ish one is nice though.)
(Thank you to John_Smith and Jacerai for your notifications on lunar.)
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Now we go onto skills. You'll notice something called a Cleric Trainer. Guess what she does? That's right. Once you reach the appropriate level, she will teach you new skills...for a fee of course, and you will also have the ability to upgrade certain skills as well. (Also for a fee.)
Fee is paid in coin, AND in spirit points, so earn that coin, and that spirit.
Note that in level 80's, we'll all have virtually the same skills, and roughly equally leveled. However in the beginning, and middle levels, is where there is a differnce. Therefore, I will encourage you to choose skills that suit your playstyle.
*(Squad play, solo play, combination of both.)
*(Fairly quick to DD, not so quick to heal OR Vis Versa.)
That said, there are guides covering this already, but I will give a rundown of them. I encourage you to check those guides too. They are useful. Still, some skills ARE VIRTUALLY MANDATORY regardless of what your playstyle is. So here goes. Lets cover attacks first. Some moves, I will tell you to prioritize. Others are up to you, but I will say what I recommend as well. Note that all skills require their prior skill to be learned first, so even skills that I DO NOT RECOMMEND, YOU NEED TO STILL GET THEIR LEVEL ONE VERSION TO LEARN AND UPGRADE THE NEXT SKILL. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEVEL IT, BUT YOU DO NEED TO LEARN IT. That said, here goes.
Great Cyclone. (GC): This is a metal based skill, and has a useful debuff that causes a slow status, and is the move which allows clerics to kite opponents. (More into that later). Later on this skill will become even stronger than your plume shot is.
Prioritize (I don't care what your playstyle is. Level it....unless you never plan to hit anything.)
Plume Shot (PS): Physical based magic attack. It does PHYSICAL DAMAGE, so this skill is a keeper. Level it.
Prioritize (I don't care what your playstyle is. Level it....unless you never plan to hit anything.)
Razor Feathers (RF): Physical AOE. This is plume shot in an AOE version. Get it, but don't bother leveling it now. (It'll see more uses MUCH later on.)
Save for Later.
Thunderball (TB): Slow casting time, channeling time, and cooldown, plus lack of weapon damage make thiss skill subpar. Get it to level 1, and keep it there. Its only advantage is that due to being a DOT (Damage over time) attack, its damage is not nerfed by certain defenses. I also understand that the DOT can go through our SOG move.
Siren's Kiss (SK): AOE skill that centers around you. It costs one spark, and has a fairly long cooldown. Its not worth leveling at lower levels, but it is worth getting.
Save for later.
Wield Thunder (WT): Your best single target, non chi attack. It has a slow startup, so its a good opener. Its a powerful spell, and once you have it, clerics are going to start to become easier for you to deal with. (At least for me it did.)
Tempest: It costs 2 sparks, is an AOE, and is your HARDEST HITTING ATTACK. However, you play as a cleric, so it won't see as many uses in instancs as you would like. Still it is good to have.
Blessings of the purehearted (BOP): Your starting heal. DO NOT LEVEL IT. Leave it at one.
PRIORITIZE. (Do I really have to say it.)
Wellspring Surge (WS): This move allows for a quick rapid heal. Useful for yourself, and for quickly healing others...especially if they take aggro while you are healing the tank, and IH will not save them in time.
CHROMATIC HEALING BEAM (CHB): [/COLOR] This is your AOE heal. It is slow, and useful for emergenices, AOE's, and the situation is getting chaotic. Either that, or if for whatever reason, you cannot use BB at that time. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THIS MOVE FOR NO REASON. People will think that you are a noob if you do.
RECOMMENDED/HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ( Quite a few bosses AOE around that level...Rankar, Wyvern, Nob and Pole to name a few,)
Stream of Rejuvenation (SOR): YOUR NUKE OF SINGLE TARGET HEALS. Its useful if the tank is losing a lot of life, and IH cannot stabilize in time. This heal grants tons of hp, plus has an IH effect after the single target heal, so it is useful.
REGENERATION AURA (BB): It costs 2 sparks, plants you in place, and drains your mp...but what it does is to cut all damage taken by your party by 50%, and heals them simulataneously as long as they are in a 15 meter radius. You can still use your genie, and skill use potions as well. The move continues until you either cancel it, die, or run out of mp to sustain it.
PRIORITIZE: Its a must later on.
BUFFS: Prioritze all buffs, and although you don't need to prioritize celestial guardian's seal, I'd recommend that you do get it leveled up as soon as you can. Also, get your AOE buff versions as well. They'll help, and they'll also reassure your squad that your buffs are leveled.
DEBUFFS: They can be saved for later. Venos are better debuffers anyways, so I wouldn't concentrate so hard on them. They are useful, do help the squad and do help to control the situation, but I personally would worry about them later. One important thing to note though is that the negative status effects that these debuffs place on us can be purified by us.
REVIVE: GET IT, Learn it. However, level it at your own pace. By the time that you start reaching bh51, or at least bh59, it should start to see some levels on it.
Purify: Learn it. Its a good skill, but don't really worry about leveling it a lot yet until you start to go into bh69. It should be nicely leveled by the time that you go in there.
Heaven's Wrath. (RB): It grants an increase in overall squad damage. Its useful, but most people will no longer want to see it after reaching level 89. The reason is because it overwrites the demon spark of aps characters...causing less damage to be dealt by them.
RECOMMENDED/Save for later...namely fc runs.
Plume Shell: This is the skill that will save you when you get aggro. It casts a shield that will absorb a certain amount of the damage inflicted, and inflict in on your mp instead. Note, that at low levels, it eats through more mana, and has less of a reduction. It may still save you, but its okay to hold off on leveling it much at first. But this IS a skill that should start to see heavy leveling as you continue to level up.
Wings of Protection: Level 79 skill that will be useful to yourself and to the puller. It casts instantly, so that's a plus. Its downside is its cooldown...which thankfully has been fixed some. It does not take the place of plume shell, but a second shield helps a lot. Something to note about Wings of Protection is the way that it functions as a shield. It can reduce even huge hits that would have otherwise been fatal to small amounts of damage, so long as the shield is up. This, of course will break the shield, but that otherwise fatal blow won't be the death of you.
Guardian's light.: Level 79 skill that will save you if you get into trouble. Its instant cast, so thats a plus. Poor cooldown though, and doesn't last for long.
Metal Mastery: Increases damage of all metal based attacks. Get it and level it as you please. This is the passive skill that ultimately makes your metal attacks like cyclone more powerful than your physical attacks like plume shell. (Provided there is no metal/magic resistance.) It also boosts each and every one of your metal attacks, ranging from cyclone to tempest.
Flight Mastery.: It only affects your natural elvish wings. Its up to you how to level it.
Level at your own pace.
MORAI SKILLS: NOTE: I included Ultraviolet Dance and Magical Shackle in this section, though they drop in AEU. (A dungeon in Morai.)
All skills in the Morai section, aside from the passive Ancestor's Blessing require Violet Dance/Ultraviolet Dance to be active. For this reason, it is advised that you join the Luminesce Order of Morai first, as its the order that you can acquire the Violet Dance in. (The exception is if you chose to purchase it from a catshop. Please be aware that only Violet Dance, Aurora Blast, and Aurora Burst are tradeable. For this reason, it is advised that you look at what skills are being offered at each order before you join them. You can join Morai Order's from level 95+.)
Violet Dance: This skill increases your attack power based upon your soulforce (refines and level). It costs chi to cast, but it does give access to new skills. This skill is used to increase a clerics overall Damage dealing capabilities. However, if you're in a squad that requires healing, and you're the only cleric, PLEASE don't use this mode. (Luminesce) (Note that the only moves that you can do to restore hp to yourself in this mode are sage celestial guardian seal, elven boon, aurora blast, and aurora burst.
Ultraviolet Dance: This is the advanced version of Violet Dance. It costs no chi to cast, gives you more damage dealing power, gives you a hp boost, and restores 10% hp after casting. (AEU Dungeon) (Not that the only moves that can you do to restore hp to yourself in this mode are sage celestial guardian seal, elven boon, aurora blast, and aurora burst.
Aurora Blast: This skill can help you bypass a charm, and it stacks. It also absorbs any and all heals up to its limit. Each cast restores your hp by 8% of your soulforce. (It does not affect enemies that are 5 levels above you.) (Luminesce)
Aurora Burst: The AOE version of Aurora Blast. It restores your hp by 15% of your soulforce. Note, that this skill has a range of 10 meters, so it IS your shortest ranged skill. (It does affect on enemies that are 5 levels above you.) (Luminesce)
Ancestor's Blessing: This skill is useful. When you die, you no longer lose xp. That sums it up. Very useful. (This is a passive ability, so once you have it, it's always in use.) (Luminesce)
Mark of Weakness: This skill makes Ultraviolet mode more useful. It is a fairly strong attack, that debuffs the target for 20 seconds, allowing the target to be 15% more likely to receive a critical hit. It can be used every ten seconds, so that allows you to keep this debuff on a target. It should be noted that this moves hits for full damage through SOG, and it can hit a sleeping target without waking them. This skill increases in strength with your soulforce, and it has twice the chance of your critical hit rate to deal 1.5 damage. A useful attack/debuff combination. However, this skill requires ultraviolet mode to be cast in order to use it.(Corona)
Pious Blessing: This skill is basically a second chance move. It save you, or your ally from a killing blow, restore hp, and remove all negative effects. It works like an assassin's version of Deaden Nerves. However, this skill only takes place when in VD/UVD mode, so it is a useful skill when you're attacking, soloing, or when you're assuming the role of a DD. This skill can be a difference maker.
Example, if you're not the primary healing cleric, but the one that is happens to not be meeting up to expectations and is letting the tank/DD die, then you can through this move onto them, get out of VD mode and turn your heals back on, a useful move considering VD's cooldown, cast, and channel time. (Shroud)
Magical Shackles: This is cleric version of psychic's soulburn. It has a 30% chance to proc any time your opponent does anything aside from using a genie and running. It cannot be purified either. It is amplified by sage/demon spark. It also deals physical based damage. It is more of a pvp skill, but its a useful skill to have. It should be noted that it there is some way to make one of random AEU choices easier by using this skill. Note that a psy's soulburn will overwrite your magical shackles, and vice versa, so if a psy/other cleric throughs theirs out, wait until afterwards to use yours. The psy's soulburn is a guaranteed attack, however, ours lasts much longer. (AEU dungeon)
Primal Regeneration: This is the advanced version of BB (Regeneration Aura). It heals for greater, and shows the range. I recommend that you get this skill as soon as you are able to.
Primal Heaven's Wrath. It increases the attack rate of allies (Not enough to overwrite triple spark). The distance it affects is shorter than its normal counterpart. It also shows its range.
Pathegon's Blessing: It's a group skill that puts all 4 buffs on your target at once. This once has its advantages and disadvantages. It is a useful skill, but is lacking the hp regeneration aspect. As a plus, the mp regeneration aspect is doubled. It has a 30 second cooldown, and restores 50 chi. (The 4 skills combined restored 60 and only have a 5 second cooldown each.) Still, it has its uses. You can still use normal guardian's seal for the hp regeneration aspect, and then use this skill. (Don't use it first, or you'll overwrite its more powerful mp regeneration.)
(Note that you lose all AOE versions of your buffs to learn this skill.)
Primal Cyclone: While in Ultraviolet Dance, great cyclone will have no cooldown. This shoots your dps (Damage per second) through the roof, making you a much more capable 1v1 mage.
Soothing Pulse: This skill combines wellspring surge with blessings of the purehearted to make wellspring surge more powerful. It will heal for greater, and not be interrupted by normal attacks.
-You will lose normal wellspring, and normal blessings of the purehearted by combining these skills.
-Note. For cyclone, and wellspring, there are sage/demon versions of the primals. Be sure to choose the correct one.
-All of these skills require primodorial blood.
-You can also get all class passives here.
-You MUST have the sage/demon version of both skills (depending on your cultivation) before you can learn the primal versions.
ALL CLASS PASSIVES You must purchase the corresponding book each time you level a passive, as well as meet its Arcane Sky Level/Mirage Sky Level requirements.
Attack Passive: 2 bloods for 2% damage per level.
Defense Passive: 20 bloods for 8% physical defense and 8% magical defense per level.
Crit Passive: 8 bloods for 1% critical chance percent per level.
Level 100 Skills:'ve come this far, and are a celestial sage and demon? Congratulations!!!!! You have access to these.
Seal of God: This skill is a true fixed seal that locks an opponent in place for 15 seconds, and renders them helpless. They cannot do anything in this state. Of course, they also get a 90% damage reduction on them, so you can't do much to them either. Of course, mark of weakness ignores this factor, and hits for full damage. Thunderball's DOT ignores this as well. Whether you have mark of weakness or not, this skill is a useful skill. Its just circumstantial.
Elven Boon: This skill hits from 30 meters, making it your greatest range, aside from SoG. It hits about as hard as cyclone, and is near instant cast. It has a 35% chance to do a 2 second seal. It heals you by 10% of your base magic attack each cast, making it work in a somewhat similar way to an assassin's bloodpaint skill. It however, gives no chi when cast, and it does have a 5 second cooldown. Worthy to be called a level 100 skill.
I found this video on youtube. I do not own this video. Credit to the user for her video. It shows all cleric lvl 1- 59 skills, and a few others. The level 79 skills, level 100 skills, and demon base skills are not included though. Still. It is a nice video, so enjoy…
Found this too. Level 79 skills. I do not own this video. Credit to the user for their video.
Sage/Demon and level 100 clerics will appreciate this beautiful guide by Paramedic too:
I also thought that it would be a good idea to give the player an idea of what their skills, and skill trees will look like, so I've posted a link to it. On this page you can check the levels 1-10 version of each skill. You can also check the sage and demon versions of the skills, and the sage/demon spark/chi moves. This is to give you an idea of what moves are available to you, what they do, what they will cost in terms of mana and chi, and how your skill tree will look.
That link is HERE. CLICK ME!! .
Special note about your level 79 skills, sage/demon skills, and level 100 skills. This information is general knowledge, but I may as well post it here for those of you who are curious. That way when you reach these levels, you're not running around in a panic wondering where your skills are.
Level 79 skills: You will need 20 apocalypse pages, and 10 medium inks for these skills. The pages drop in eden and brim, and sometimes are found in OHT map 4. You can also buy them in catshops, and Auction House. The inks are bought from one of the forges in Thousand Streams.
Level 89/92/99 sage/demon skills can ONLY be learned at the sage/demon trainer in Heaven/Hell respective realms. A sage cannot learn their skills at a demon trainer, and vice versa. Also, your sage/demon versions cannot be learned at normal cleric trainers.
Morai Skills are learned at Normal Skill trainers. Celestial Skill trainers cannot teach you these.
Level 100 skills: Require 20 chrono pages, and 10 medium inks. These pages are aquired in auction house, catshops, and for killing world bosses, plus card bosses in OHT map 4. The inks are bought from one of the forges in Thousand Streams.
Note: Both of your level 79 skills are instant cast, and can be used while running. (Wings of Protection and Guardian's Light.)
One final note on your level 79 skills, Morai skills, Primal Skills, and your level 100 skills, (as well as both of your aura skills, until you rebirth...RB, and BB). They only have one veersion, so there is no level 10 version, or sage/demon version. They have 1 version, and that is it. Hopefully that information helps some of you.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Whew. So we've covered skills. Now we'll take it a step further. I'll tell you this. Until you get Wield thunder, then open with cyclone...or plume shot...and cycle the two as you need to. They are a good combo.
Cyclone, run, cyclone, run...until dead. (This is called kiting.)
Once you get WT, open with it, and then use cyclone next for its slow effect, and then cycle between cyclone and plume shot until the mob is dead.
You can add more skills, or change your attack setup as you acquire more skills, but this is the tried and true method.
Also, if a monster is tough, then stack IH on yourself a few times BEFORE YOU ATTACK to help things out. It will ease the blows. Don't think that this is going to work on everything, but it will save you a lot.
This might seem obvious, but to too many clerics that I’ve seen and heard of its not. So I’m going to add this to the guide. DO NOT attack mobs melee style with your weapon. This tactic may work at earlier levels where mobs die easily, and even bad tactics work, but at later levels, this IS NOT an advisable tactic. The reason behind it is this. Clerics are a magic based class. Thus, we deal damage from MAGIC ATTACKS. (Again. Plume shot and Razor Feathers are based off of magic, so they are categorized under magic attacks as well.) Also, clerics have low dex. Dex raises accuracy, and magic doesn’t miss, so we don’t need it. What does that mean? It means that if you try to hit a melee mob with your weapon later on, you’ll do nothing but miss it, and I can almost guarantee you that it won’t miss you with its physical attacks, and given our inherently low hp and pdef, that’s not what we want. It may work for a few mobs at lower levels, but don’t rely on it at mid to high levels to finish a mob off. It will get you killed instead.
Credit due to VenusArmani for her useful post an exception that rule?
The exception to the whacking things with a wand thing is the hands in FC if they can get the squad to huddle up and be close to the boss, it goes a lot faster than pulling a perfectly good DD away from the fight.
MOBS that you encounter:
All mobs come in different types:
Melee (only)
Magic (only)
Magic/Melee combination. (Magic at range, and melee up close.)
Mobs also have certain affinities that they are associated with as well. These affinities are:
Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire, Water, and Non Elemental.
As a cleric, we have a combination of metal and physical attacks. With that said, you need to know instances in which our attack power may be increased, or decreased due to certain circumstances.
Wood element monsters are weak to metal, so our metal attacks due a good deal more damage to them than to mobs of other categories.
Metal element monsters however are RESISTANT to metal attacks, so our METAL attack power is decreased when we are fighting these mobs.
Mobs also spawn upgrades…or downgrades too:
Normal: No particular upgrade or downgrade. A normal mob.
Increased Magic Resistance: Our magic attacks will be decreased against this type of monster. (It does not affect plume shot or razor feathers.)
Increased Physical Resistance: Our physical attacks will be decreased against this type of monster. (It DOES affect plume shot and razor feathers.)
Increased Physical Attack: These monsters will deal a good deal more physical damage than usual. (This applies to archer/physical ranged mobs too).
Increased Magic Attack: These monsters will deal a good deal more magic damage than usual.
Increased Life: The hp of this monster is doubled.
Weak: All stats including hp seem to be slashed in half for this monster. Its weaker than all of its counterparts.
Sacrificial assault: It has the same amount of hp as a weak monster, but if it attacks, it deals even more damage than increased damage mobs. (Roughly 4x the damage.)
Increased Movement Speed: This monster can close the gap faster to deal damage to you, or run out of range quicker. (Not a terribly threatening ability, but its a bit nastier than it sounds, especially dealing with low levels against archer mobs.)
Immune to all damage: You can’t hurt it at all.
Elemental Immunity: Immune to elemental damage. (Plume Shot and Razor feathers still work however.)
Physical immunity: Immune to physical damage.
“Fire/Metal/Water/Wood.Earth” immunity: Immune to a certain type of element.
Now, I know that this might sound boring or tedious, but it will help things go by smoother for you, help you to kill faster, and to die less.
There are certain mobs that clerics need to look out for. The reason is because of the difficulty that they can give.
Ranged enemies: One of the mobs that most clerics can agree that they HATE. The reason that this mob tends to be a problem for clerics is because you cannot kite them due to them using ranged attacks, their attacks are physical, so thus hit us harder, and and they can get in range faster than melee classes can since they have range on their side. They can also keep attacking for a bit as you’re running or flying away, so be mindful of this too. All in all, this usually means more damage being done to you.
Sacrificial Assault and increased damage on Melee and Ranged classes: Simply put, these means that they can deal more damage using the affinity that clerics are naturally weak to…physical damage.
Metal type physical resistant mobs: The reason? Its resistant to every one of our attacks, so we suffer a complete nerf of attacks on these mobs. It sucks even more if the enemy is ranged, or melee.
Magic Resistant: This means that our most powerful attacks (Metal damage) will suffer a damage reduction, so that’s no fun. (It’ll really be poor damage if you use a metal attack on one of these when they have a metal affinity too.)
As you play more and more, you're going to encounter situations where you'll notice more or different buffs, as well as noticing more and different debuffs.
It's important to know what these are, and just what they can do. Granted, I don't expect for you to know every single buff and debuff in the game, but the more that you do know, the more of an edge you have.
For buffs, the importance of knowing what buffs do what is because that makes your job that much easier as a cleric. For example, a player that's missing the magic shell buff is a player that's more vulnerable to magic and thus will likely need additional heals in situations where monsters and bosses use magic attacks. Another example is a player missing aura of the golden bell is that more vulnerable to physical attacks, so it helps to keep an eye on everyone's buffs, to ensure they're fully buffed...because ultimately, it has a direct effect on your healing.
For debuffs, there are many in this game, but recognizing them, and reacting will be what can make the difference. As clerics, we have the most consistent and reliable purify in the game. Therefore, as clerics, we need to be able to maximize this skill's potential...whether you're pve playstyle or pvp playstyle...this WILL help you. It will also help to notice which buffs and debuffs do what so that you don't overwrite a stronger one with a weaker one.
I'm going to mention the most frequent debuffs that you will encounter in throughout playing, which should be purified:
Weaken (Pdef Debuff.)
Distract (Mdef Debuff.)
Curse (Damage Amplifier.)
Poison/Fire/Metal/Water/Earth Dot (Damage over Time)
Here, I have also include a link detailing each of the debuffs and buffs, as well as showing their icons. This link is NOT the most up to date link, so I'm going to inform you of two skills which should be remedied as soon as possible:
Earth One shot attack: Toad boss in FSP does this, and its done in EU/AEU dungeons as well. The color of this skill looks similar to the psychic soulburn skill. It MUST be purified, or it will kill the person that has this debuff.
Ice Prison: It looks like a blue crystal icon: This move is done by Azoth Drake in FSP dungeon. I'm not sure if it can be purified, rather you need to kill the mob that is applying this move.
Outside of instances:
Questing Squads: You can concentrate harder on DD if you’re questing. Heal your teammates as needed, and revive as needed too. Use flight to your advantage when trying to heal, or when you need to make a quick escape from a particular mob. Remember to buff your squad as well. Focus primarily on DD’ing to complete the quest faster. Questing squads usually break up after the shared quest is complete, and you still want to kill the mobs that you need, because even if the person says that they’ll help you, I’ve seen several say it, and do otherwise, so look after yourself too.
Versus Bosses on the world map Squads: Examples include Farng, Krixxix, Jewelscalem, Eyes of the Krimson Beyond.
I won’t give you a rundown of every boss, but I will give you the basics that apply to pretty much every world boss fight. Unless your tank is significantly higher leveled/more powerful and does not require healing, then your job here is to heal. If the boss AOE’s, aoe heal your team. If the boss does a debuff, then you need to purify. Jewewlscalem, and Krimson eyes have debuffs, and that’s the secret to beating them. Slitt has a mana drain that should be purified. IH your tank, keep your squad alive, and look out for any debuffs that the boss may throw. It’ll make your life much easier. (It helps if you do this in instances some too.)
Squad play inside of Instances:
Now for squad play in instances. However, as a cleric, you need to know a few things about other characters and their mechanics before you go in. I know that you want to rush in, but you don't want to die do you?...or be called a noob right? Then take the time to listen to this cleric.
BARBARIAN: This is the tanking class. They have aggro holding skills, TONS of HP, HIGH PHYSICAL DEFENSE. In tiger form these skills go up even more. They are also fast. However, one thing to note about them is that they are more of a defensive class. They don't have the greatest damage output, so while they are a great tank, they can't always hold aggro against others, and its not always their fault either. Note that they should be using flesh ream to maintain aggro, and roaring to reset aggro if things get out of hand. Also note that a barb can physically debuff an opponent. If the barb uses devour (pdef debuff used in tiger form), then do not overwrite it with your pdef debuff as devour is the better debuff in terms of damage capability. (50% maxed.)
BLADEMASTER: Good sub tank. Good defenses, good hp, and good speed. Good stuns, and good AOE's as well. These are good tanks if you cannot find a barb, or good sub tanks if things get out of hand and the barb dies. They may steal aggro if they are using fists, so watch for it. Also, do not overwrite a blademaster's glacial spike if they use it. It lowers the oppenents elemental and physical resistance by 50% for 10 seconds, which is more than our debuffs are. Its ok to debuff with Heaven's Flame (HF), but try to avoid debuffing the oppent if the blademaster decided to use glacial spike. (Its a polearm skill, so its not something that's normally seen, thus isn't too big of a worry.)
SEEKER: GOOD AOE, good speed, good defenses. Seekers are also good tanks if needed. They may steal aggro, but I haven't seen it happen very frequently. They are also AOE specialists, so they should easily aggro mobs when they get them.
VENOMANCER: Venos will likely be pulling, debuffing, and DD'ing as needed. They are a support/DD hybrid. They can tank as well with the right pet. They're not really known to steal aggro, and a veno is a clerics friend. Lol. Also, if the veno's pet has ESTABLISHED aggro, don't try to heal the veno, or the tank who does not have aggro. Moreso, don't try to overwrite a venos debuffs with yours. Venos are the better debuffers. Throw yours out if the veno HAS NOT thrown their debuff out. The most well known debuff of theirs in ironwood scarab. Also, try not to overwrite lucky scarab either. (This is the real one that you don't want to overwrite.) If they land an armor or mind break with it, it will debuff the target by 100%. That said, I'll reiterate it... Don't overwrite their debuffs with yours. Also, ask for chi if you find yourself BB'ing a lot. She is however, NOT A CHI slave, so don't abuse it. You should have some means of acquiring chi on your own. If the squad is moving to fast, ask them to hold for a moment to gather chi. (I recommend getting yourself up to full spark when you do this though, so you're not stopping every few seconds.) Remember, that just as you don't want to be a buff slave, or a heal slave, the veno doesn't want to be a chi slave, so be mindful of that.
PSYCHIC: These are powerful mages, and have good AOE's. They may steal aggro, so if they start doing so, and causing wipes...whisper them and recommend that they use white voodoo. Some may get the picture. (Part of the reason is that psys and other mages tend to be pretty close to clerics. Guess where the boss is going once he finishes eating the psy.)
Wizard: Even more powerful mages. They are also common aggro thieves because of their enormous power. They also tend to be pretty close to clerics, so if squad wipes keep happening do to it,
General Overview
-Pure Arcane
-Purish/Vitality Arcane
-Light Armor
Gear Progression
Cleric Skills
Mobs that you Encounter
Knowing your Buffs/Debuffs Icons. (Link Included)
-Squadplay Outside of Instances
-Squadplay Inside of Instances
-Heal Aggro
-Buffing and Rebuffing the Party
-Standing up for yourself
-Getting Unwanted Aggro-What to do
-Be Prepared
Instance Runs
Grinding Potential
-Advise on Grinding from other players.
Genie Skills for Clerics
Healing difficulties
-Heavy Armor/Tanks
-Light Armor Class
-Arcane Armor Class
Keeping up as a cleric
Healing with other clerics
Clerics in PVP/TW
Apoth for Clerics (Including a link to help find herbs, and other farming materials.)
Meditating as a Cleric
Certain Cleric Bugs/Glitches
Hello. This is a guide to give players who may have questions or uncertainties a few answers that they may be looking for. Several other cleric players have contributed to this guide, and offered their insight as well. Theirs may not necessarily be the same as mines, but it is valuable information, and may be worth considering, which is why I have noted them in the guide. These players have been quoted, and are giving their insight to also give you, the player a better insight into playing the role of a cleric. To all experienced clerics...If you have something that you would like to add, please feel free to do it, but please do so in a respective manner. I'd appreciate it this thread was a troll free one. That said, I'll begin.
I am a cleric that is speaking from a PVE aspect, and not a PVP one. I also have not engaged in TW, so I cannot speak from that standpoint. This is my guide from the sight of a PVE cleric, so please understand if I did not answer any questions that you may have about PVP or TW. (I did try to add a pvp section with links to it, as well as useful information from other clerics that have engaged in it, but note that I do not specialize in either of those two categories, so therefore I personally cannot speak on it.
Clerics are a healing/support class with DD capabilities. Clerics are fairly good levelers, and if played right, they can be a fun class. They are typically the primary healer in a squad, and are often the backbone of the squad. Normally if a squad loses its cleric, the entire squad is known to wipe.
Adv. of a cleric:
High Magic attack. (Not as high as a wizard, psy, or mystic, but still pretty hard hitting.)
High Magic defense.
High MP regen.
Best Heals in the game.
The ability to purify negative statuses. (Most Reliable Purify in the game.)
Flight from level 1.
Does not require epic gear later on.
Easy to get into squads throughout the game (mostly).
Well liked and wanted in parties.
Easy to make friends.
Easy to get into factions.
Best overall buffs in the game.
Lots of pdef shields.
High Mp regen.
Fast Channeling Rate.
Has physical and magical attacks.
Strong AOE grinding potential on wood poison mobs.
Of course, every class comes with its set of disadvantages, and clerics are no exception.
Disadv. of clerics.
Low HP.
Low Pdef.
Low Running speed.
No Anti-Stun.
Difficult to get enough hp to not be a one shot for certain attacks later on.
Low HP regen.
Heavy Responsiblity in the squad. (They can easily tell when and if you **** up.)
Dealing with cleric bashers.
Ok, so we've established what a cleric is, and what their advantages and disadvantages are. So the next thing that we're going to discuss is stats.
Clerics have a somewhat linear path to go with stats. (Note that for these builds, you will already have a normal 5 points in each one. That is fine. If you should not add any stats to it, I'll put a N/A for it.)
Pure Arcane: Very High Kill Speed, Very Strong Heals, Lowest HP.
N/A vit,
N/A dex,
54 str. (55 if you want to get R9), (56 if you plan to use a G16 pataka)
as much magic as you can muster.
Vit Arcane/Purish Arcane: High kill speed, strong heals, Fairly low hp.
Variable amount of vitality. (I recommend capping at 50.)
Dex: N/A
Str.: 54 (55 if you plan on getting R9) (56 if you plan on using a G16 Pataka)
Magic: As much as possible.
Light Armor: Low kill speed, Weaker heals, stronger pdef., weaker magic def.,
Vit: None. Your defenses come from your armor,refines and shards in this scenario.
Dex: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA. (104 for G16)
Str.: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA. (104 for G16)
Magic.: As much as you can muster.
Heavy Armor: Low Kill speed, Weaker heals, strongest pdef, weaker mdef
Vit: None. Your defenses come from your armor, shards, and refines in this scenario.
Dex: As much as required to wear the latest piece of HA. (54 for G16 HA.)
Str: As much as required to wear the latest piece of HA. (252 for G16 HA.)
Magic: As much as you can muster.
I'm also going to note this here, as I didn't note it before. HA refines for more hp than LA. LA refines for more hp than AA, AA alternatively, refines for more mp. So for those clerics that have chosen the HA path, this is one of the incentives to your build.
Quoted and fixed from Kyreal:
Only thing I have to say that's critical of the guide is the LA cleric section; you shouldn't be statting vit. c: LA requires 1 str 1 dex per level, and a magic weapon requires 3 mag. So, that leaves no room for vit unless you hunt down armor with adds or -req. HP should be gotten through shards (LA can forsake garnets for citrines) and refines.
UPDATE: I've included the Str/Dex requirements for G16 Heavy Armor and Light Armor for those interested. I've spoke with a few different HA clerics about their build as well. One recommendation of a few of them is to get a decent magic tome to help offset the lack of magic, due to the requirement of their gear. Also note that at the time I wrote this, REBIRTH was not part of the game. Due to these extra stat points, a rebirth cleric can afford to toy around with their stats a little more. (Particularly beneficial to those with HA and LA gear.)
I will recommend playing with whatever style you want to. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one player may not work for another. These disadvantages can be mitigated some by sharding, refines, and proper use of skills later on. However, these are their innate stregnths and weaknesses, as well as how the stats should be.
Str: I recommend adding str. as needed for your weapons and armor. (You want to always keep them up to date.) Personally, I added my str. at a faster rate than others, so I got to 54 str. fairly quickly...but I never let my magic slack. (Average is 1-2 str per level)
Dex., I do not recommend adding unless you are a LA or HA cleric. It does nothing for us clerics, but it is required for a LA cleric to wear it, and for a HA cleric to wear it. Only thing that I will note about dex is that every 20 dex is equal to 1% crit rate. But its not worth it to slack 20 points of magic for an additional 1% chance of crit, if you're not going down the LA/HA path.
Vit: Add it as you feel that you need to, and don't feel bad about it if you do. Originally, I had 20 base vitality before I rebirthed, and that vitality had been the difference between life and death for me several times before. Others have more. Others have less. Add it as YOU FEEL THAT YOU NEED TO. Remember that a dead cleric heals no one.
Magic.: Your most important stat. Never let this slack for it affects all of your moves. Add as much as you can muster while still keeping your armor and weapon up to date, and still having as much vit as you need to stay alive. No point having a high magic attack if you die.
That said, ALL BUILDS ARE GOOD. ITS UP TO YOU HOW YOU PLAY. When I first wrote this guide, I spoke from a purish arcane build. Now I am speaking from a pure arcane build. What you are getting from me is coming from my own perspective and experience. All builds are good, and I'm not bashing a single one. Play how you want to, and in a way that is most enjoyable to your playstyle.
Ok. So we've covered stats. I assume that you've gotten past the starting village at this point, and now they're telling you that its time for you to leave and go the City of the Plume. Along the way you'll see that there are different types of armor, weapons, and ornaments for you to choose. Now, what do you do?
The reason is because your skills do not work with any other type of weapon. That said, there are four types of magic weapons. Those magic weapons are:
Wand: Lowest base damage, lowest range of attack...highest consistency.
Magic Sword: Average base damage, average range of attack,...average consistency.
Pakatas: Typically, you don't go for these, (though there are exceptions to this rule.) They normally have a huge range of attack, and poor consistency, Spike damage...for better or for worse.
Glaive: Good damage, High range of attack, unreliable consistency, spikes for better.
Note: Wands should be used for clerics who want to use mostly a healing role. They are VERY reliable.
Magic Sword and Glaive: Useful for a cleric who wants to both heal and have good attack power as well.
Patakas: Useful for for spike damage. They DO have the highest damage potential if they spike at max. However, they can also spike at min., which gives them the lowest attack potential as well. Its due to this reason that they are not generally recommended.
Note:VenusArmani pointed out the Silverrain pataka as a notable exception, so there are exceptions to this rule. (Thank you for pointing this out Venus.)
Pick whatever weapon you want, and go for it.
Pick whatever weapon suits you, and go for it...even if its the pataka. Lol.
UPDATE: I've decided to include the stat requirements for G16 for those interested. This is being included because it DOES affect HA and LA wearers to great degree, due to the difference in magic stat requirements.
Wand: (47 Str, 289 magic)
Pataka: (56 str, 280 magic)
Magic Sword: (52 str, 285 magic)
Glaive: (54 Str, 297 magic)
Now, for those with builds that are different from the usual AA set, this will help you know the stat requirements for the best gear (that isn't R9rr) in the game.
AA (Arcane Armor): High magic defense. low physical defense.
LA (Light Armor): Average physical defense, average magic defense.
HA (Heavy Armor): Low magic defense: High Physical defense.
Its possible to do it with all three builds. So its up to you. However, Arcane armor is what is recommended. (It does not require wasted points in Dexterity or stregnth like LA, and HA do.) However, if you've chosen to be a LA cleric, or a HA cleric, then go right ahead and be my guest. Its your character and there is nothing wrong with that decision at all...however I RECOMMEND THAT YOU CHOOSE ARCANE ARMOR.
Pick your armor, and lets go to the craftsman and get our...
Necklace, belt, and rings.
Pdef.: Grants pdef bonuses.
Mdef.: Grants mdef bonuses.
Evasion: Grants Evasion bonuses.
Clerics have a naturally low hp, and naturally low physical defense. Ornaments allow you to boost those stats some. Your armor already grants you a high magic defense. Ornaments require no particular stat allocation...just for you to reach the appropriate level for them to be equipped. That said, I have found that physical defense ones really help.
Note about some magic ornaments however that they grant decreased channeling speed, affording you faster spells. If you see one, and you like it, then get it as well...but make sure that you have the pdef one. YOU NEED PHYSICAL DEFENSE IN CASE YOU GET AGGRO.
Evasion ones don't help. Just leave it alone.
Also, equip magic rings. Don't get str. rings to help your plume shot. Your plume shot is physical based, but it is A MAGIC ATTACK, so it requires magic rings to stregnthen all of your skills do. Ok?
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Edit: Giving Credit to VenusArmani for her insight on a few of the physical rings.
Another exception to the physical rings is the Sky Cover rings, because physical rings refine for p.def. I actually saw a Ring of the Defeated level 88 npc type ring that was 1 blue star, that had as it's add HP+105, Magic +5, and Dex+5 (the dex is meh) the big thing was that i threw into the calc to see what it refined for, and it was 116 extra p.def at an easy to get +4. That's certainly enough p.def to allow yourself to get a channeling necklace instead of a physical one if you can't afford to keep two sets of ornaments. So if you're wearing 3 star rings because you can't afford the legendary ones, its a good idea to compare. If you can find a p.attack ring with a good set of magic addons, it might be worth it to play around on the calc and see which one will offer you the best defense without sacrificing attack. The answer may surprise you. OFC if you can use legendary ornaments, stick with the magic attack rings unless they are sky covers. Sky Cover rings are for really high levels, btw.______________________________________________ _______________________________
Credit due to Decus as well for his useful post:
Be careful about pattk rings. I know that you can rarely find truly good (for arcane) pattk rings out there (with stats that are crappy for melee classes), but make a calculated decision on them. You do lose mattk too, and that is a factor. Find out how much of a pdef red % you get with a certain refined pattk ring and compare it to how much of a % hit you take on mattk.
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The rings may confuse a lot of people who are new and starting out, but let me say this. If you're unsure, then go with magic attack rings. You WILL get a set amount of magic attack from them. I posted both of them, and credited both of them so that players could understand both points of view here. To lower, mid, and even somewhat unsure high leveled players, MY PERSONAL ADVICE is to go with the magic attack rings. That's what I have equipped myself. I posted her advise on the physical ring because her point had some merit to it. That said, go with magic rings if you're confused. Trust me, you can't really go wrong with having a magic ring on a cleric. Sure some are better, but you are still granted some magic attack power. Analyze the rings, judge for yourself, and pick the best ring and ring type that works for you.
Oh, and for Robes, I also recommend PHYSICAL DEFENSE. YOU NEED ALL THE PDEF THAT YOU CAN GET IN THAT CATEGORY, plus they don't require a specific amount of stats. Get it, wear it, love it.
VenusArmani recommended that I add a gear progression section to this, and considering that we both ironically answered a question about gear progression to someone on the forums last night...though she ninja'ed me. QQ, I've decided to add a section to this guide that you all helped me do.
So, without further delay...
For levels 1-29, if you can use this new elders blessing gear, then use that, as it has ridiculously good stats to be low leveled/starting gear. If for whatever reason, you don't want to use them...perhaps you like the challenge, then use the quest gear that we get for visiting the npc inhabitants at plume to start off with.
For those people who chose to go with the new elders blessing gear, it will serve you until level 30's.
For those people who chose not to, then what you will do is to compare dropped items to npc armor, and what you already have to determine whether you should get the next piece. You will do this until level 30's.
Regarding your weapon, you will decide for yourself in the same mindset whether you should or shouldn't switch by comparing its stats, and add ons if applicable.
Level 30: If you are level 30, and have the appropriate amount of reputation, then talk to the commander in chief, and he will award you rank 1. This is good armor, and will serve you for quite a bit. After you've received your rank 1 ring, then talk to the npc next to him, and buy the armor from her.
Level 30-70: Gear begins to drop in dungeons instead of molds. These are good pieces, that will help you in your journey. You can also go to the forges, and create legendary gear if you have the coin to do so. I typically don't prescribe legendary gear at this level, due to the lack of coin, and how quickly one can progress through these stages, but if you have the means, then legendary is a good path.
Now, for your weapon, you will compare stats to one another, and choose the best one. You will do this until level 60 for weapons, and level 70 for armor, then you can get TT gear.
Level 60: Remember seeing those other players with their shiny glowing green weapons? Now, its your turn to join their ranks. Your TT60 weapon, ancient arbor is the one that you'll be starting with.
You'll notice different weapon paths too, when you reach the appropriate level. What you chose is up to you, however if you plan on going to nirvana for your endgame gear as a pose to rank 8, then it should be noted that certain my current one, (Mirage TT99), cannot be turned into a nirvana weapon, and you'll also notice that the weapons that you choose influence what the next weapon is down the line. I'll touch more on this later on in this section.
Level 70. You get the option of TT70 weapons, armor, and ornaments this time around, so now you'll really start to see the difference.
From here on, I'll tell you that many of us will start to branch off as we reach certain levels and see weapons that we like. Therefore, I will advise you to check the forges to get an idea of the different types of weapons that you will soon encounter. Its more than just the TT (Twilight temple), and legendary path, so here is a quick overview
Twilight Temple
Frosctocovered city
Lunar Glade
Higher rank equipment (R7, R8, R8r, R9, R9rr to name a few.)
Nirvana (G13, G15)
Nirvana G16
OHT (Old Heaven's Tear)
NPC (Don't choose this one anymore)
You will run into these weapons and armor at different times. Not all around level 70. However, you need to know your options, and they are it. It should be noted however that the chances of aquiring a warsoul weapon are slim to none, so that's a weapon path that I strongly recommend that you ignore, despite its great power.
You will go on, continuing to advance with this type of gear, perhaps even going from one path to another until level 100. Now its time to start aquiring endgame gear. You've come far. You've finally made it to the triple digits, and now have access to all of the dungeons. You're running endgame dungeons now. To make things easier, you're going to want to try to obtain endgame gear.
These are your options for lowest acceptable gear typically. (Modifications can be made to it. Up to you.)
TT90 (This is the gear that is still in decent price range for many of us, and it was my gear when I first wrote this guide. I will tell you that its hardly endgame gear. However, it can get the job done, but you should strive to achieve better gear than this when you can. Now lets look at its counterpart:)
TT99 (This gear binds to you. However, this gear (the gold version) can be turned into nirvana gear. It is tougher than TT90 gear, aside from maybe the boots. Still, although its a step up, this isn't endgame gear yet.)
Lunar glade (Its stats are comparable to TT gear. Unlike TT99, it does not bind, and Lunar Gold can be turned into nirvana as well. It can be worn at level 95, and refines better than TT99. The disadvantage? Its not as easy to make. Also good gear, but still not endgame yet.
Morai 95: You have access to Morai, and its quests now. You've come a long ways, and can now complete some of its quests. You'll get some quest 95 gear for certain quests. These are good pieces, and if you're still clanking around in some random blue gear that you found when you shot that spider a while back, please equip this now. Let me clarify, because I'm not giving this gear its full credit. This is very usable gear, but there is much better gear out there, including better Morai gear as you level up. If you're missing good slots on your gear. (You have a few pieces of gear that are random drops)...This gear WILL see you through. DO NOT USE a morai weapon in a squad where you are assuming the role as the healer though. Your heals are not benefited from it's main aspect...slaying levels. Thus, it is recommended to use a different weapon during that time, or to have an alternate weapon that you can switch to, depending upon circumstances.
Credit to kirasin for this information that they have about Morai weapons...
I just wanted to point something out about Morai weapons used by Clerics.
It is PERFECTLY FINE for a cleric to use a Morai weapon in PVE when they are in a squad as a DD only or while doing quests solo. The Morai weapons deal a GREAT amount of damage in PVE due to the high Slaying Lvl. From my own personal testing, the lvl95 Morai sword deals SEVERAL THOUSAND more damage then my TT99 Godspeed Glaive. For a Cleric that is huge, since having low defense, a Cleric should kill mobs ASAP before they get to them and get a chance to do much damage. I would encourage Clerics to do their own test to see just how powerful the Morai weapon actually is before they NPC it and how useful it can be to Clerics to kill that mob running at you before it even gets a chance to hit you.
I'm gong to comment on this as well, and I've updated the morai weapons part of this guide, due to what he/she said. Morai weapons DO a great deal of damage. However, at this level, you will likely be doing a lot various instance runs...ranging from TT, FC, and BH's...all in preperation of endgame. It is advised that if you have a morai weapon, that you have an alternate weapon that you can switch to, in order to better heal your squad...during the time that you are involved in instance play.
If you find yourself having issues surviving in general due to clerics innately low hp and pdef, it is advised that you kite the mob, with a method of cyclone>>>Run backwards>>>Cyclone>>>Run backwards>>>repeat until dead, as well as using your CC skills...Chromatic Seal and Silent Seal to your advantage.
So what is endgame?
Nirvana: (Bet you didn't see this coming? Lol.) It has cast one, cast two, and cast three. Its quite powerful gear. It can be made from TT99 gold gear (bound), or Lunar gold gear (unbound). It is considered to be endgame gear. Obtaining this gear has also become simpler, due to the introduction of nation wars, and the ability to easily farm uncannies and raptures for making this gear. At one time, any type of nirvana gear was difficult to obtain for classes that were not apps based. Now, this gear is much easier to obtain and it IS the recommended path. G16 gear IS on par with Normal R9 gear.
For those interested, the gear progression path goes like this....
Lunar Gold -->Lunar Nirvana G13 --> Lunar Nirvana G15 ---> G16 Nirvana (Unbound)
TT90 Green --> TT99 Gold--> TT Nirvana G13 --> TT Nirvana G15 --> G16 Nirvana (Bound)
YOUR GEAR DOES BIND, STARTING WITH GOLD TT99. NIRVANA G13 AND NIRVANA G15 BINDS. For this reason, if your tailor and blacksmith levels are NOT up to date, I DO NOT RECOMMEND EQUIPPING THIS GEAR UNTIL it has become G15. The reason for this is because G16 gear only has a level 1 blacksmith/tailor requirement. Its really sad to farm all the gear for G16, but yet be unable to wear it yet, due to not being able to forge the G13/G15 requirements. So what can you wear in the meantime?
Morai 100, and 101: As hinted earlier, this gear has 3 levels which can be found. They are Morai 95, 100, and 101. This IS the cheapest path of endgame gear available. Its great PVE gear due to its slaying levels (Attack levels on monsters), and warding levels. (Defense levels against monsters.) Some may choose to make this gear their endgame gear, and there is nothing wrong with that. The weakness of this gear is PvP. You'll be chewed up and spat out, because the power of this gear is found in its warding/slaying levels. That means nothing in PvP. This is good gear to equip if you're still farming your Nirvana gear however, and is capable of carrying you far. Note that as a cleric, you DO NOT want to equip a Morai weapon during instance runs where you are the healer. This is because your heals are not benefited from this weapon's main's slaying levels. It is recommended that you equip a different weapon in the meantime to use if you use a morai weapon due to its strong attack power. That way you can switch back to it at your leisure, and thus maximize your playing style.
Rank 8: This gear itself is cheap. Yes, obtaining that enormous amount of rep will be a pain, but its through proper usage of coins, you will be able to afford it without using real money. An advantage that it has over nirvana is that even if doesn't come fully socketed, you can return it for a chance for it to be fully socketed. This an option that nirvana wearers do not have.

Warsoul: Its hard to obtain. You can obtain some parts through NW, and the gear itself has great power. That's the most I can say. All I'll say to you for advice if you choose this path is good luck. It has an upgraded form which can also be upgraded at the NW forge. Warsoul is only for weapons though. It is stronger than a Nirvana G16 weapon, though not quite as strong as R9rr due to the procs that R9rr has.
Rank 9: The most expensive and powerful gear. Its obtainable at level 101, and requires an ENORMOUS sum of coin. It is farmable, but that will take a LONG time. However, if you have the money, this is the best gear available in the game. I don't so, this is gear I will NEVER least not at its price. Still, it is the best gear in the game if you still wish to obtain the best.
(Credit to my in game friend hiyouri for filling me in on the requirements for rank 9 for anyone interested.)
Note that Rank 9 has 3 steps, just like Nirvana does...
Rank 9 >>>Rank 9r >>>Rank 9rr .
Note that you cannot purchase Rank 9 gear without first obtaining the rank 9 ring. From here, as a cleric, it is advised that you get the R9 armor first. and then the weapon...due to the defenses that R9 gear provides.
To get this gear, you need 300,000 reputation as a prerequisite.
For regular rank 9:
Ring: 3 medals of glory (MOGS), and 32 General Summer's Tokens. (GST's.)
Belt: 3 medals of glory and 32 General Summer's Tokens.
Armor: 2 medals of glory each and 14 GST's each.
Weapon: 5 medals of glory and 85 GST's.
For Rank 9r:
You need 1 Summer Wind Token for each armor piece, including your ring and belt. (1200 uncannies and 300 rapture crystals make 1 summer wind token.) + Coin Fee.
You need 4 Summer Wind Token's for the weapon + Coin Fee.
Rank 9rr
For Rank 9rr: Just like Nirvana G16, Rank 9rr drops in Warsong and Lunar, from Vile Bosses. You MUST have the Rank 9r version to upgrade it.
Armor: CORRECT armor mold, 4 EOD's (Essence of defense), 30 basic badges, 3 mil coin fee (per armor piece).
Weapon: CORRECT weapon mold, 4 EoO's (Essence of offense), 60 basic badges, 8 mil coin fee.
Those in a nutshell are pretty much your gear choices. Compare them to one another and choose the one that is best for you. I also want to point out something that I left out intentionally, because most low levels will not have the coin for it, and will get confused and lost trying to reach it, but if for whatever reason you are playing a cleric, and do have coin for it, then remember that you can obtain legendary gear early on, either through the forges in archosaur, the auction house, or catshops. If you've got the coin for this gear, then its worth refining a little, and sharding a little. Still, it definately is NOT required to perform well at early levels. (The level 50'ish one is nice though.)
(Thank you to John_Smith and Jacerai for your notifications on lunar.)
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Now we go onto skills. You'll notice something called a Cleric Trainer. Guess what she does? That's right. Once you reach the appropriate level, she will teach you new skills...for a fee of course, and you will also have the ability to upgrade certain skills as well. (Also for a fee.)
Fee is paid in coin, AND in spirit points, so earn that coin, and that spirit.
Note that in level 80's, we'll all have virtually the same skills, and roughly equally leveled. However in the beginning, and middle levels, is where there is a differnce. Therefore, I will encourage you to choose skills that suit your playstyle.
*(Squad play, solo play, combination of both.)
*(Fairly quick to DD, not so quick to heal OR Vis Versa.)
That said, there are guides covering this already, but I will give a rundown of them. I encourage you to check those guides too. They are useful. Still, some skills ARE VIRTUALLY MANDATORY regardless of what your playstyle is. So here goes. Lets cover attacks first. Some moves, I will tell you to prioritize. Others are up to you, but I will say what I recommend as well. Note that all skills require their prior skill to be learned first, so even skills that I DO NOT RECOMMEND, YOU NEED TO STILL GET THEIR LEVEL ONE VERSION TO LEARN AND UPGRADE THE NEXT SKILL. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEVEL IT, BUT YOU DO NEED TO LEARN IT. That said, here goes.
Great Cyclone. (GC): This is a metal based skill, and has a useful debuff that causes a slow status, and is the move which allows clerics to kite opponents. (More into that later). Later on this skill will become even stronger than your plume shot is.
Prioritize (I don't care what your playstyle is. Level it....unless you never plan to hit anything.)
Plume Shot (PS): Physical based magic attack. It does PHYSICAL DAMAGE, so this skill is a keeper. Level it.
Prioritize (I don't care what your playstyle is. Level it....unless you never plan to hit anything.)
Razor Feathers (RF): Physical AOE. This is plume shot in an AOE version. Get it, but don't bother leveling it now. (It'll see more uses MUCH later on.)
Save for Later.
Thunderball (TB): Slow casting time, channeling time, and cooldown, plus lack of weapon damage make thiss skill subpar. Get it to level 1, and keep it there. Its only advantage is that due to being a DOT (Damage over time) attack, its damage is not nerfed by certain defenses. I also understand that the DOT can go through our SOG move.
Siren's Kiss (SK): AOE skill that centers around you. It costs one spark, and has a fairly long cooldown. Its not worth leveling at lower levels, but it is worth getting.
Save for later.
Wield Thunder (WT): Your best single target, non chi attack. It has a slow startup, so its a good opener. Its a powerful spell, and once you have it, clerics are going to start to become easier for you to deal with. (At least for me it did.)
Tempest: It costs 2 sparks, is an AOE, and is your HARDEST HITTING ATTACK. However, you play as a cleric, so it won't see as many uses in instancs as you would like. Still it is good to have.
Blessings of the purehearted (BOP): Your starting heal. DO NOT LEVEL IT. Leave it at one.
PRIORITIZE. (Do I really have to say it.)
Wellspring Surge (WS): This move allows for a quick rapid heal. Useful for yourself, and for quickly healing others...especially if they take aggro while you are healing the tank, and IH will not save them in time.
CHROMATIC HEALING BEAM (CHB): [/COLOR] This is your AOE heal. It is slow, and useful for emergenices, AOE's, and the situation is getting chaotic. Either that, or if for whatever reason, you cannot use BB at that time. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THIS MOVE FOR NO REASON. People will think that you are a noob if you do.
RECOMMENDED/HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ( Quite a few bosses AOE around that level...Rankar, Wyvern, Nob and Pole to name a few,)
Stream of Rejuvenation (SOR): YOUR NUKE OF SINGLE TARGET HEALS. Its useful if the tank is losing a lot of life, and IH cannot stabilize in time. This heal grants tons of hp, plus has an IH effect after the single target heal, so it is useful.
REGENERATION AURA (BB): It costs 2 sparks, plants you in place, and drains your mp...but what it does is to cut all damage taken by your party by 50%, and heals them simulataneously as long as they are in a 15 meter radius. You can still use your genie, and skill use potions as well. The move continues until you either cancel it, die, or run out of mp to sustain it.
PRIORITIZE: Its a must later on.
BUFFS: Prioritze all buffs, and although you don't need to prioritize celestial guardian's seal, I'd recommend that you do get it leveled up as soon as you can. Also, get your AOE buff versions as well. They'll help, and they'll also reassure your squad that your buffs are leveled.
DEBUFFS: They can be saved for later. Venos are better debuffers anyways, so I wouldn't concentrate so hard on them. They are useful, do help the squad and do help to control the situation, but I personally would worry about them later. One important thing to note though is that the negative status effects that these debuffs place on us can be purified by us.
REVIVE: GET IT, Learn it. However, level it at your own pace. By the time that you start reaching bh51, or at least bh59, it should start to see some levels on it.
Purify: Learn it. Its a good skill, but don't really worry about leveling it a lot yet until you start to go into bh69. It should be nicely leveled by the time that you go in there.
Heaven's Wrath. (RB): It grants an increase in overall squad damage. Its useful, but most people will no longer want to see it after reaching level 89. The reason is because it overwrites the demon spark of aps characters...causing less damage to be dealt by them.
RECOMMENDED/Save for later...namely fc runs.
Plume Shell: This is the skill that will save you when you get aggro. It casts a shield that will absorb a certain amount of the damage inflicted, and inflict in on your mp instead. Note, that at low levels, it eats through more mana, and has less of a reduction. It may still save you, but its okay to hold off on leveling it much at first. But this IS a skill that should start to see heavy leveling as you continue to level up.
Wings of Protection: Level 79 skill that will be useful to yourself and to the puller. It casts instantly, so that's a plus. Its downside is its cooldown...which thankfully has been fixed some. It does not take the place of plume shell, but a second shield helps a lot. Something to note about Wings of Protection is the way that it functions as a shield. It can reduce even huge hits that would have otherwise been fatal to small amounts of damage, so long as the shield is up. This, of course will break the shield, but that otherwise fatal blow won't be the death of you.
Guardian's light.: Level 79 skill that will save you if you get into trouble. Its instant cast, so thats a plus. Poor cooldown though, and doesn't last for long.
Metal Mastery: Increases damage of all metal based attacks. Get it and level it as you please. This is the passive skill that ultimately makes your metal attacks like cyclone more powerful than your physical attacks like plume shell. (Provided there is no metal/magic resistance.) It also boosts each and every one of your metal attacks, ranging from cyclone to tempest.
Flight Mastery.: It only affects your natural elvish wings. Its up to you how to level it.
Level at your own pace.
MORAI SKILLS: NOTE: I included Ultraviolet Dance and Magical Shackle in this section, though they drop in AEU. (A dungeon in Morai.)
All skills in the Morai section, aside from the passive Ancestor's Blessing require Violet Dance/Ultraviolet Dance to be active. For this reason, it is advised that you join the Luminesce Order of Morai first, as its the order that you can acquire the Violet Dance in. (The exception is if you chose to purchase it from a catshop. Please be aware that only Violet Dance, Aurora Blast, and Aurora Burst are tradeable. For this reason, it is advised that you look at what skills are being offered at each order before you join them. You can join Morai Order's from level 95+.)
Violet Dance: This skill increases your attack power based upon your soulforce (refines and level). It costs chi to cast, but it does give access to new skills. This skill is used to increase a clerics overall Damage dealing capabilities. However, if you're in a squad that requires healing, and you're the only cleric, PLEASE don't use this mode. (Luminesce) (Note that the only moves that you can do to restore hp to yourself in this mode are sage celestial guardian seal, elven boon, aurora blast, and aurora burst.
Ultraviolet Dance: This is the advanced version of Violet Dance. It costs no chi to cast, gives you more damage dealing power, gives you a hp boost, and restores 10% hp after casting. (AEU Dungeon) (Not that the only moves that can you do to restore hp to yourself in this mode are sage celestial guardian seal, elven boon, aurora blast, and aurora burst.
Aurora Blast: This skill can help you bypass a charm, and it stacks. It also absorbs any and all heals up to its limit. Each cast restores your hp by 8% of your soulforce. (It does not affect enemies that are 5 levels above you.) (Luminesce)
Aurora Burst: The AOE version of Aurora Blast. It restores your hp by 15% of your soulforce. Note, that this skill has a range of 10 meters, so it IS your shortest ranged skill. (It does affect on enemies that are 5 levels above you.) (Luminesce)
Ancestor's Blessing: This skill is useful. When you die, you no longer lose xp. That sums it up. Very useful. (This is a passive ability, so once you have it, it's always in use.) (Luminesce)
Mark of Weakness: This skill makes Ultraviolet mode more useful. It is a fairly strong attack, that debuffs the target for 20 seconds, allowing the target to be 15% more likely to receive a critical hit. It can be used every ten seconds, so that allows you to keep this debuff on a target. It should be noted that this moves hits for full damage through SOG, and it can hit a sleeping target without waking them. This skill increases in strength with your soulforce, and it has twice the chance of your critical hit rate to deal 1.5 damage. A useful attack/debuff combination. However, this skill requires ultraviolet mode to be cast in order to use it.(Corona)
Pious Blessing: This skill is basically a second chance move. It save you, or your ally from a killing blow, restore hp, and remove all negative effects. It works like an assassin's version of Deaden Nerves. However, this skill only takes place when in VD/UVD mode, so it is a useful skill when you're attacking, soloing, or when you're assuming the role of a DD. This skill can be a difference maker.
Example, if you're not the primary healing cleric, but the one that is happens to not be meeting up to expectations and is letting the tank/DD die, then you can through this move onto them, get out of VD mode and turn your heals back on, a useful move considering VD's cooldown, cast, and channel time. (Shroud)
Magical Shackles: This is cleric version of psychic's soulburn. It has a 30% chance to proc any time your opponent does anything aside from using a genie and running. It cannot be purified either. It is amplified by sage/demon spark. It also deals physical based damage. It is more of a pvp skill, but its a useful skill to have. It should be noted that it there is some way to make one of random AEU choices easier by using this skill. Note that a psy's soulburn will overwrite your magical shackles, and vice versa, so if a psy/other cleric throughs theirs out, wait until afterwards to use yours. The psy's soulburn is a guaranteed attack, however, ours lasts much longer. (AEU dungeon)
Primal Regeneration: This is the advanced version of BB (Regeneration Aura). It heals for greater, and shows the range. I recommend that you get this skill as soon as you are able to.
Primal Heaven's Wrath. It increases the attack rate of allies (Not enough to overwrite triple spark). The distance it affects is shorter than its normal counterpart. It also shows its range.
Pathegon's Blessing: It's a group skill that puts all 4 buffs on your target at once. This once has its advantages and disadvantages. It is a useful skill, but is lacking the hp regeneration aspect. As a plus, the mp regeneration aspect is doubled. It has a 30 second cooldown, and restores 50 chi. (The 4 skills combined restored 60 and only have a 5 second cooldown each.) Still, it has its uses. You can still use normal guardian's seal for the hp regeneration aspect, and then use this skill. (Don't use it first, or you'll overwrite its more powerful mp regeneration.)
(Note that you lose all AOE versions of your buffs to learn this skill.)
Primal Cyclone: While in Ultraviolet Dance, great cyclone will have no cooldown. This shoots your dps (Damage per second) through the roof, making you a much more capable 1v1 mage.
Soothing Pulse: This skill combines wellspring surge with blessings of the purehearted to make wellspring surge more powerful. It will heal for greater, and not be interrupted by normal attacks.
-You will lose normal wellspring, and normal blessings of the purehearted by combining these skills.
-Note. For cyclone, and wellspring, there are sage/demon versions of the primals. Be sure to choose the correct one.
-All of these skills require primodorial blood.
-You can also get all class passives here.
-You MUST have the sage/demon version of both skills (depending on your cultivation) before you can learn the primal versions.
ALL CLASS PASSIVES You must purchase the corresponding book each time you level a passive, as well as meet its Arcane Sky Level/Mirage Sky Level requirements.
Attack Passive: 2 bloods for 2% damage per level.
Defense Passive: 20 bloods for 8% physical defense and 8% magical defense per level.
Crit Passive: 8 bloods for 1% critical chance percent per level.
Level 100 Skills:'ve come this far, and are a celestial sage and demon? Congratulations!!!!! You have access to these.
Seal of God: This skill is a true fixed seal that locks an opponent in place for 15 seconds, and renders them helpless. They cannot do anything in this state. Of course, they also get a 90% damage reduction on them, so you can't do much to them either. Of course, mark of weakness ignores this factor, and hits for full damage. Thunderball's DOT ignores this as well. Whether you have mark of weakness or not, this skill is a useful skill. Its just circumstantial.
Elven Boon: This skill hits from 30 meters, making it your greatest range, aside from SoG. It hits about as hard as cyclone, and is near instant cast. It has a 35% chance to do a 2 second seal. It heals you by 10% of your base magic attack each cast, making it work in a somewhat similar way to an assassin's bloodpaint skill. It however, gives no chi when cast, and it does have a 5 second cooldown. Worthy to be called a level 100 skill.
I found this video on youtube. I do not own this video. Credit to the user for her video. It shows all cleric lvl 1- 59 skills, and a few others. The level 79 skills, level 100 skills, and demon base skills are not included though. Still. It is a nice video, so enjoy…
Found this too. Level 79 skills. I do not own this video. Credit to the user for their video.
Sage/Demon and level 100 clerics will appreciate this beautiful guide by Paramedic too:
I also thought that it would be a good idea to give the player an idea of what their skills, and skill trees will look like, so I've posted a link to it. On this page you can check the levels 1-10 version of each skill. You can also check the sage and demon versions of the skills, and the sage/demon spark/chi moves. This is to give you an idea of what moves are available to you, what they do, what they will cost in terms of mana and chi, and how your skill tree will look.
That link is HERE. CLICK ME!! .
Special note about your level 79 skills, sage/demon skills, and level 100 skills. This information is general knowledge, but I may as well post it here for those of you who are curious. That way when you reach these levels, you're not running around in a panic wondering where your skills are.
Level 79 skills: You will need 20 apocalypse pages, and 10 medium inks for these skills. The pages drop in eden and brim, and sometimes are found in OHT map 4. You can also buy them in catshops, and Auction House. The inks are bought from one of the forges in Thousand Streams.
Level 89/92/99 sage/demon skills can ONLY be learned at the sage/demon trainer in Heaven/Hell respective realms. A sage cannot learn their skills at a demon trainer, and vice versa. Also, your sage/demon versions cannot be learned at normal cleric trainers.
Morai Skills are learned at Normal Skill trainers. Celestial Skill trainers cannot teach you these.
Level 100 skills: Require 20 chrono pages, and 10 medium inks. These pages are aquired in auction house, catshops, and for killing world bosses, plus card bosses in OHT map 4. The inks are bought from one of the forges in Thousand Streams.
Note: Both of your level 79 skills are instant cast, and can be used while running. (Wings of Protection and Guardian's Light.)
One final note on your level 79 skills, Morai skills, Primal Skills, and your level 100 skills, (as well as both of your aura skills, until you rebirth...RB, and BB). They only have one veersion, so there is no level 10 version, or sage/demon version. They have 1 version, and that is it. Hopefully that information helps some of you.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Whew. So we've covered skills. Now we'll take it a step further. I'll tell you this. Until you get Wield thunder, then open with cyclone...or plume shot...and cycle the two as you need to. They are a good combo.
Cyclone, run, cyclone, run...until dead. (This is called kiting.)
Once you get WT, open with it, and then use cyclone next for its slow effect, and then cycle between cyclone and plume shot until the mob is dead.
You can add more skills, or change your attack setup as you acquire more skills, but this is the tried and true method.
Also, if a monster is tough, then stack IH on yourself a few times BEFORE YOU ATTACK to help things out. It will ease the blows. Don't think that this is going to work on everything, but it will save you a lot.
This might seem obvious, but to too many clerics that I’ve seen and heard of its not. So I’m going to add this to the guide. DO NOT attack mobs melee style with your weapon. This tactic may work at earlier levels where mobs die easily, and even bad tactics work, but at later levels, this IS NOT an advisable tactic. The reason behind it is this. Clerics are a magic based class. Thus, we deal damage from MAGIC ATTACKS. (Again. Plume shot and Razor Feathers are based off of magic, so they are categorized under magic attacks as well.) Also, clerics have low dex. Dex raises accuracy, and magic doesn’t miss, so we don’t need it. What does that mean? It means that if you try to hit a melee mob with your weapon later on, you’ll do nothing but miss it, and I can almost guarantee you that it won’t miss you with its physical attacks, and given our inherently low hp and pdef, that’s not what we want. It may work for a few mobs at lower levels, but don’t rely on it at mid to high levels to finish a mob off. It will get you killed instead.
Credit due to VenusArmani for her useful post an exception that rule?
The exception to the whacking things with a wand thing is the hands in FC if they can get the squad to huddle up and be close to the boss, it goes a lot faster than pulling a perfectly good DD away from the fight.
MOBS that you encounter:
All mobs come in different types:
Melee (only)
Magic (only)
Magic/Melee combination. (Magic at range, and melee up close.)
Mobs also have certain affinities that they are associated with as well. These affinities are:
Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire, Water, and Non Elemental.
As a cleric, we have a combination of metal and physical attacks. With that said, you need to know instances in which our attack power may be increased, or decreased due to certain circumstances.
Wood element monsters are weak to metal, so our metal attacks due a good deal more damage to them than to mobs of other categories.
Metal element monsters however are RESISTANT to metal attacks, so our METAL attack power is decreased when we are fighting these mobs.
Mobs also spawn upgrades…or downgrades too:
Normal: No particular upgrade or downgrade. A normal mob.
Increased Magic Resistance: Our magic attacks will be decreased against this type of monster. (It does not affect plume shot or razor feathers.)
Increased Physical Resistance: Our physical attacks will be decreased against this type of monster. (It DOES affect plume shot and razor feathers.)
Increased Physical Attack: These monsters will deal a good deal more physical damage than usual. (This applies to archer/physical ranged mobs too).
Increased Magic Attack: These monsters will deal a good deal more magic damage than usual.
Increased Life: The hp of this monster is doubled.
Weak: All stats including hp seem to be slashed in half for this monster. Its weaker than all of its counterparts.
Sacrificial assault: It has the same amount of hp as a weak monster, but if it attacks, it deals even more damage than increased damage mobs. (Roughly 4x the damage.)
Increased Movement Speed: This monster can close the gap faster to deal damage to you, or run out of range quicker. (Not a terribly threatening ability, but its a bit nastier than it sounds, especially dealing with low levels against archer mobs.)
Immune to all damage: You can’t hurt it at all.
Elemental Immunity: Immune to elemental damage. (Plume Shot and Razor feathers still work however.)
Physical immunity: Immune to physical damage.
“Fire/Metal/Water/Wood.Earth” immunity: Immune to a certain type of element.
Now, I know that this might sound boring or tedious, but it will help things go by smoother for you, help you to kill faster, and to die less.
There are certain mobs that clerics need to look out for. The reason is because of the difficulty that they can give.
Ranged enemies: One of the mobs that most clerics can agree that they HATE. The reason that this mob tends to be a problem for clerics is because you cannot kite them due to them using ranged attacks, their attacks are physical, so thus hit us harder, and and they can get in range faster than melee classes can since they have range on their side. They can also keep attacking for a bit as you’re running or flying away, so be mindful of this too. All in all, this usually means more damage being done to you.
Sacrificial Assault and increased damage on Melee and Ranged classes: Simply put, these means that they can deal more damage using the affinity that clerics are naturally weak to…physical damage.
Metal type physical resistant mobs: The reason? Its resistant to every one of our attacks, so we suffer a complete nerf of attacks on these mobs. It sucks even more if the enemy is ranged, or melee.
Magic Resistant: This means that our most powerful attacks (Metal damage) will suffer a damage reduction, so that’s no fun. (It’ll really be poor damage if you use a metal attack on one of these when they have a metal affinity too.)
As you play more and more, you're going to encounter situations where you'll notice more or different buffs, as well as noticing more and different debuffs.
It's important to know what these are, and just what they can do. Granted, I don't expect for you to know every single buff and debuff in the game, but the more that you do know, the more of an edge you have.
For buffs, the importance of knowing what buffs do what is because that makes your job that much easier as a cleric. For example, a player that's missing the magic shell buff is a player that's more vulnerable to magic and thus will likely need additional heals in situations where monsters and bosses use magic attacks. Another example is a player missing aura of the golden bell is that more vulnerable to physical attacks, so it helps to keep an eye on everyone's buffs, to ensure they're fully buffed...because ultimately, it has a direct effect on your healing.
For debuffs, there are many in this game, but recognizing them, and reacting will be what can make the difference. As clerics, we have the most consistent and reliable purify in the game. Therefore, as clerics, we need to be able to maximize this skill's potential...whether you're pve playstyle or pvp playstyle...this WILL help you. It will also help to notice which buffs and debuffs do what so that you don't overwrite a stronger one with a weaker one.
I'm going to mention the most frequent debuffs that you will encounter in throughout playing, which should be purified:
Weaken (Pdef Debuff.)
Distract (Mdef Debuff.)
Curse (Damage Amplifier.)
Poison/Fire/Metal/Water/Earth Dot (Damage over Time)
Here, I have also include a link detailing each of the debuffs and buffs, as well as showing their icons. This link is NOT the most up to date link, so I'm going to inform you of two skills which should be remedied as soon as possible:
Earth One shot attack: Toad boss in FSP does this, and its done in EU/AEU dungeons as well. The color of this skill looks similar to the psychic soulburn skill. It MUST be purified, or it will kill the person that has this debuff.
Ice Prison: It looks like a blue crystal icon: This move is done by Azoth Drake in FSP dungeon. I'm not sure if it can be purified, rather you need to kill the mob that is applying this move.
Outside of instances:
Questing Squads: You can concentrate harder on DD if you’re questing. Heal your teammates as needed, and revive as needed too. Use flight to your advantage when trying to heal, or when you need to make a quick escape from a particular mob. Remember to buff your squad as well. Focus primarily on DD’ing to complete the quest faster. Questing squads usually break up after the shared quest is complete, and you still want to kill the mobs that you need, because even if the person says that they’ll help you, I’ve seen several say it, and do otherwise, so look after yourself too.
Versus Bosses on the world map Squads: Examples include Farng, Krixxix, Jewelscalem, Eyes of the Krimson Beyond.
I won’t give you a rundown of every boss, but I will give you the basics that apply to pretty much every world boss fight. Unless your tank is significantly higher leveled/more powerful and does not require healing, then your job here is to heal. If the boss AOE’s, aoe heal your team. If the boss does a debuff, then you need to purify. Jewewlscalem, and Krimson eyes have debuffs, and that’s the secret to beating them. Slitt has a mana drain that should be purified. IH your tank, keep your squad alive, and look out for any debuffs that the boss may throw. It’ll make your life much easier. (It helps if you do this in instances some too.)
Squad play inside of Instances:
Now for squad play in instances. However, as a cleric, you need to know a few things about other characters and their mechanics before you go in. I know that you want to rush in, but you don't want to die do you?...or be called a noob right? Then take the time to listen to this cleric.
BARBARIAN: This is the tanking class. They have aggro holding skills, TONS of HP, HIGH PHYSICAL DEFENSE. In tiger form these skills go up even more. They are also fast. However, one thing to note about them is that they are more of a defensive class. They don't have the greatest damage output, so while they are a great tank, they can't always hold aggro against others, and its not always their fault either. Note that they should be using flesh ream to maintain aggro, and roaring to reset aggro if things get out of hand. Also note that a barb can physically debuff an opponent. If the barb uses devour (pdef debuff used in tiger form), then do not overwrite it with your pdef debuff as devour is the better debuff in terms of damage capability. (50% maxed.)
BLADEMASTER: Good sub tank. Good defenses, good hp, and good speed. Good stuns, and good AOE's as well. These are good tanks if you cannot find a barb, or good sub tanks if things get out of hand and the barb dies. They may steal aggro if they are using fists, so watch for it. Also, do not overwrite a blademaster's glacial spike if they use it. It lowers the oppenents elemental and physical resistance by 50% for 10 seconds, which is more than our debuffs are. Its ok to debuff with Heaven's Flame (HF), but try to avoid debuffing the oppent if the blademaster decided to use glacial spike. (Its a polearm skill, so its not something that's normally seen, thus isn't too big of a worry.)
SEEKER: GOOD AOE, good speed, good defenses. Seekers are also good tanks if needed. They may steal aggro, but I haven't seen it happen very frequently. They are also AOE specialists, so they should easily aggro mobs when they get them.
VENOMANCER: Venos will likely be pulling, debuffing, and DD'ing as needed. They are a support/DD hybrid. They can tank as well with the right pet. They're not really known to steal aggro, and a veno is a clerics friend. Lol. Also, if the veno's pet has ESTABLISHED aggro, don't try to heal the veno, or the tank who does not have aggro. Moreso, don't try to overwrite a venos debuffs with yours. Venos are the better debuffers. Throw yours out if the veno HAS NOT thrown their debuff out. The most well known debuff of theirs in ironwood scarab. Also, try not to overwrite lucky scarab either. (This is the real one that you don't want to overwrite.) If they land an armor or mind break with it, it will debuff the target by 100%. That said, I'll reiterate it... Don't overwrite their debuffs with yours. Also, ask for chi if you find yourself BB'ing a lot. She is however, NOT A CHI slave, so don't abuse it. You should have some means of acquiring chi on your own. If the squad is moving to fast, ask them to hold for a moment to gather chi. (I recommend getting yourself up to full spark when you do this though, so you're not stopping every few seconds.) Remember, that just as you don't want to be a buff slave, or a heal slave, the veno doesn't want to be a chi slave, so be mindful of that.
PSYCHIC: These are powerful mages, and have good AOE's. They may steal aggro, so if they start doing so, and causing wipes...whisper them and recommend that they use white voodoo. Some may get the picture. (Part of the reason is that psys and other mages tend to be pretty close to clerics. Guess where the boss is going once he finishes eating the psy.)
Wizard: Even more powerful mages. They are also common aggro thieves because of their enormous power. They also tend to be pretty close to clerics, so if squad wipes keep happening do to it,
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
Post edited by SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver on
The colors make it a bit hard to read.
Um, and I would definitely like to add that the thing about aoe grinding isn't true at all, it's really easy income for a cleric. In fact, we're some of the best aoe grinders in the game since it's also pretty darn low cost thanks to low repair fees. You just have to note WHAT to grind. Namely wood mobs that do poison damage.
There is also one big exception to the Patakas, and that is Silverrain. Now, Aquadash is superior to Silverrain, but considering the reality of levelling speed nowadays, you realy aren't getting much bang for your buck. Silverrain costs less than 1/3rd of what Aquadash does on some of the servers. I got my Aquadash for 6 mil when Aquadash was going for 24 mil on DreamWeaver. Why compare the two? Because they have exact same addons, the only difference between the two is that one is a glavie and the other is a pataka. I wouldn't recommend paying 24 million for a weapon for range alone.
Another exception to the physical rings is the Sky Cover rings, because physical rings refine for p.def. I actually saw a Ring of the Defeated level 88 npc type ring that was 1 blue star, that had as it's add HP+105, Magic +5, and Dex+5 (the dex is meh) the big thing was that i threw into the calc to see what it refined for, and it was 116 extra p.def at an easy to get +4. That's certainly enough p.def to allow yourself to get a channeling necklace instead of a physical one if you can't afford to keep two sets of ornaments. So if you're wearing 3 star rings because you can't afford the legendary ones, its a good idea to compare. If you can find a p.attack ring with a good set of magic addons, it might be worth it to play around on the calc and see which one will offer you the best defense without sacrificing attack. The answer may surprise you. OFC if you can use legendary ornaments, stick with the magic attack rings unless they are sky covers. Sky Cover rings are for really high levels, btw.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »The colors make it a bit hard to read.
Um, and I would definitely like to add that the thing about aoe grinding isn't true at all, it's really easy income for a cleric. In fact, we're some of the best aoe grinders in the game since it's also pretty darn low cost thanks to low repair fees. You just have to note WHAT to grind. Namely wood mobs that do poison damage.
There is also one big exception to the Patakas, and that is Silverrain. Now, Aquadash is superior to Silverrain, but considering the reality of levelling speed nowadays, you realy aren't getting much bang for your buck. Silverrain costs less than 1/3rd of what Aquadash does on some of the servers. I got my Aquadash for 6 mil when Aquadash was going for 24 mil on DreamWeaver. Why compare the two? Because they have exact same addons, the only difference between the two is that one is a glavie and the other is a pataka. I wouldn't recommend paying 24 million for a weapon for range alone.
Thanks for your input Venus. I do agree that AOE grinding is very good income for clerics. I didn't note it at higher levels. (I was getting a little tired of typing. Lol.) I'll try to get around to adding that to it.
Thanks also for the input about Silverrain. If you have any more suggestions, ideas, or anything, please feel free to add it. b:thanks
Edit: I see where you're talking about now. Let me correct that."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »Thanks for your input Venus. I do agree that AOE grinding is very good income for clerics. I didn't note it at higher levels. (I was getting a little tired of typing. Lol.) I'll try to get around to adding that to it.
Thanks also for the input about Silverrain. If you have any more suggestions, ideas, or anything, please feel free to add it. b:thanks
Edit: I see where you're talking about now. Let me correct that.
Clerics can start Aoe grinding at some point in mid-late 50s, early 60s on the Petalis. Use whatever Petalis is appropriate for your level until level until level 75 or so, then switch over to Mothran Dazzlewings. Grind on those until late 80s or so and then see how well you do against spiders.
Also I edited my post a bit to add info about the might rings.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Wonderful! Finally an up to date guide about what being a cleric is all about now a days. Amazing job, sir.
One thing to note about your Vit section, you put that you have 20 base "Dex" instead of vit. =P Simple typo, just thought I'd point it out so new clerics didn't get the wrong idea.
I love that you listed small things like the max amount of strength needed for magic items, and all the variable builds like LA, whereas other guides would say not to, you encourage playing how they want to play. You explained heal aggro, instance and boss mechanics, and how each class effects the way clerics have to heal.
One thing I'd note to people reading this guide later on, solo grinding, for me, is some of the best practice in PvE I've ever gotten. It's honestly helped me hone my healing skills to the point where I can make split second decisions in squad to save a DD while keeping the tank healed, keep myself alive if I don't slip past a mob unscathed, even tank multiple physical mobs at once with my meager 2.2k hp. (which I'm slowly increasing). Not to mention solo grinding makes good coin. So don't be afraid to grind every once in a while. Vipions are your friends~
Good guide, Serenity[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
Jeremied - Sanctuary wrote: »Wonderful! Finally an up to date guide about what being a cleric is all about now a days. Amazing job, sir.
One thing to note about your Vit section, you put that you have 20 base "Dex" instead of vit. =P Simple typo, just thought I'd point it out so new clerics didn't get the wrong idea.
I love that you listed small things like the max amount of strength needed for magic items, and all the variable builds like LA, whereas other guides would say not to, you encourage playing how they want to play. You explained heal aggro, instance and boss mechanics, and how each class effects the way clerics have to heal.
One thing I'd note to people reading this guide later on, solo grinding, for me, is some of the best practice in PvE I've ever gotten. It's honestly helped me hone my healing skills to the point where I can make split second decisions in squad to save a DD while keeping the tank healed, keep myself alive if I don't slip past a mob unscathed, even tank multiple physical mobs at once with my meager 2.2k hp. (which I'm slowly increasing). Not to mention solo grinding makes good coin. So don't be afraid to grind every once in a while. Vipions are your friends~
Good guide, Serenity
Thank you Jeremeid. I appreciate the advise on the typo. I'll go find it, and fix it. I'll also add the vipions that you mentioned to the Grinding section that I just added. Thanks for the input and the praise. b:thanks"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
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Just checked your post Venus. I'll add that to it. Feel free to add any and all advise. Thanks again.
Edit: Sorry. Mistyped. Fixed now.
Edit #2: Fixed it to 20 vit., added the vipions to grinding, added the mothran's, and the other petalis to grinding as well, copied and pasted parts of both of your stats...including the one about the might rings Venus, plus credited you both with the ideas that you posted. Added advise on shards their as well, and gave it its own section.
Edit # 3: Added Unwanted Aggro section to the guide.
Edit # 4: Guide has been updated with new sections added.
Thanks again, and keep any ideas coming."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Oh, and btw. To all who are reading this... I don't care if you've never posted on the forums before, If you have advise, please say it. If its not covered, and doesn't fall under something already posted, please say it. I'm not going to flame you for it. (Well, unless you flame me with something like "U R NOOB. U NOT NO HOW TO PLAY BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. UR CLERIC PUNY. I THINK UR CLERIC SUCK!!!")
Just don't flame me, give me respectful advise, and I'll do my best to incorporate it if I have not already. I can't guarantee everything will go in here, but I'll do my best to see that it does, so please...if you have any helpful inputs, don't hesitate to say them."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Be careful about pattk rings. I know that you can rarely find truly good (for arcane) pattk rings out there (with stats that are crappy for melee classes), but make a calculated decision on them. You do lose mattk too, and that is a factor. Find out how much of a pdef red % you get with a certain refined pattk ring and compare it to how much of a % hit you take on mattk.
I know Venus mentioned to check it on PWCalc, but I am doubly stressing that b:shutupProving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »Be careful about pattk rings. I know that you can rarely find truly good (for arcane) pattk rings out there (with stats that are crappy for melee classes), but make a calculated decision on them. You do lose mattk too, and that is a factor. Find out how much of a pdef red % you get with a certain refined pattk ring and compare it to how much of a % hit you take on mattk.
I know Venus mentioned to check it on PWCalc, but I am doubly stressing that b:shutup
Sure. I'm going to add that to it as well, because I do feel that players need to hear both viewpoints on it. I also agree with the magic points loss, and how it does become a factor.
Thanks for your input. Its appreciated.b:laughb:thanks
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »
Thanks for your input. Its appreciated.b:laughb:thanks
My pleasure. I will read through it in more detail when I can physically keep my eyes open.Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
Current math challenge:
"Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »My pleasure. I will read through it in more detail when I can physically keep my eyes open.
Lol. Sure. Take your time. Any input is welcome.
Your post has been added to the guide as well. Thanks again for the input. b:victory"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
I just thought of another tip for the bubble boss in FC for squads that have 89+ members in it. When you hit the 80-85 range you usually get a mix of of people, some who have triple spark and are hurt by RB and some who do need it to do the kind of damage needed to kill the elementals. If there is a triple sparking member of the squad, have them go to the right side (side of the platform opposite the ramp you first come in) with maybe one helper. On the other side of the platform, the one closest to the ramp, have your non-triple sparking squad mates take the other elemental. Then you RB AWAY from the platform. About 10ft or so. This way the squad members who need RB get it, and the squad members who triple spark get it. This maybe where you'll need to take a leadership position, but most of the time if there is just like one or two 89+ in the squad they'll automatically split themselves up.
An illustration of what I mean is here:
Now if you have a lot of 89+ in your squad, it's much better to just debuff. But if you only have like one or two (most common in the 80-90 squads) this is probably a more efficient split of your squad and can allow you to split up so that the boss is weakened.
In the 59 instance try to stay away from the squad. These bosses are one of the few you can tank if the boss decides to come for you at BH levels, so there shouldn't be any reason for a squad wipe. Also make sure you see what bosses everyone needs before you squad with them. You don't need to BB at every boss, unless your tank doesn't have up to date gear. Don't let them bully you around, pre-crabmeat BB is a very expensive skill so use it at YOUR discretion.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »I just thought of another tip for the bubble boss in FC for squads that have 89+ members in it. When you hit the 80-85 range you usually get a mix of of people, some who have triple spark and are hurt by RB and some who do need it to do the kind of damage needed to kill the elementals.
Triple spark aren't hurt by Heaven's Wrath (RB/HW); they're just too stupid to use their chi elsewhere (heaven's flame, subsea strike, etc). Eruption is dependent on timing, and timing is going to be skewed while HW is always right on time and boosts everyone.0 -
Triple spark aren't hurt by Heaven's Wrath (RB/HW); they're just too stupid to use their chi elsewhere (heaven's flame, subsea strike, etc). Eruption is dependent on timing, and timing is going to be skewed while HW is always right on time and boosts everyone.
HW overties the 500% weapon damage with a 100% one. It's like being permanently two-sparked. I agree that RB can be better in certain situations, but often these elemental dies before the cooldown is even finished on those skills. Besides they can chi up on the frozen boss in the center, so they usually have triple sparks back up before the next one spawns where as the CD on subsea usually pops up somewhere in the middle. The way described benefits all the members of the squad who need RB, if the others can do fine without it, then that's fine too. Like the guide already says, ask before you do anything. No reason to start an argument over it when it's one of the few times you can please all of the people in the squad.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »I just thought of another tip for the bubble boss in FC for squads that have 89+ members in it. When you hit the 80-85 range you usually get a mix of of people, some who have triple spark and are hurt by RB and some who do need it to do the kind of damage needed to kill the elementals. If there is a triple sparking member of the squad, have them go to the right side (side of the platform opposite the ramp you first come in) with maybe one helper. On the other side of the platform, the one closest to the ramp, have your non-triple sparking squad mates take the other elemental. Then you RB AWAY from the platform. About 10ft or so. This way the squad members who need RB get it, and the squad members who triple spark get it. This maybe where you'll need to take a leadership position, but most of the time if there is just like one or two 89+ in the squad they'll automatically split themselves up.
An illustration of what I mean is here:
Now if you have a lot of 89+ in your squad, it's much better to just debuff. But if you only have like one or two (most common in the 80-90 squads) this is probably a more efficient split of your squad and can allow you to split up so that the boss is weakened.
In the 59 instance try to stay away from the squad. These bosses are one of the few you can tank if the boss decides to come for you at BH levels, so there shouldn't be any reason for a squad wipe. Also make sure you see what bosses everyone needs before you squad with them. You don't need to BB at every boss, unless your tank doesn't have up to date gear. Don't let them bully you around, pre-crabmeat BB is a very expensive skill so use it at YOUR discretion.[/QUOTE]
True. I've done the RB split and had helpers one side many times, so I agree with that.
I'll don't remember putting anything about BB for bosses in 59, but I'll check in case I did. I figured that people would check with each other for the needed bosses, so I didn't include that.
Thanks for your input though Venus. Let me check back and see if I made an error, and revamp it if I need to. Feel free to give input in areas that I may have left out."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »
True. I've done the RB split and had helpers one side many times, so I agree with that.
I'll don't remember putting anything about BB for bosses in 59, but I'll check in case I did. I figured that people would check with each other for the needed bosses, so I didn't include that.
Thanks for your input though Venus. Let me check back and see if I made an error, and revamp it if I need to. Feel free to give input in areas that I may have left out.
Ah, that one isn't a deficiency in your guide, more like a tip to go along with the don't get pushed around section of the guide. It's a shame you have to mention it, but this instance is particular seems to bring out the rudeness and misinformation in squads.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
VenusArmani - Dreamweaver wrote: »Ah, that one isn't a deficiency in your guide, more like a tip to go along with the don't get pushed around section of the guide. It's a shame you have to mention it, but this instance is particular seems to bring out the rudeness and misinformation in squads.
Thanks. I've added the advise that you gave about the third boss under it, and will likely add this to the fb59 part. That way the do don't get pushed around part can be reiterated.
Keep the good advise coming all. b:laughb:thanks"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Great up-to-date guide. Well done!
When you get time, you may want to touch more on Cleric genies.
I have 5 genies all with different skill sets for different situations. (yes, I'm a PVPer. lol)
For PVE situations, I use
Holy Path (cause we are really slow)
Absolute Domain (for when someone goofs - NOTE: in the new expansion, it is said that AbDom will no longer be a squad skill but a self skill...)
Chi Siphon (drain a boss or mob's chi and fill yours while in BB so you can re-BB right way)
Tangling Mire, Bramble Rage and (can't remember the other poison one) works good while in BB or when you need to kill something faster. ( will draw agro so be careful)
While doing heads in FC, most of us are in RB to speed the bows. I like having Pheonix Dance to get the mobs around me while in RB.
and, Rainbow Blessing for higher crits (plus chance for mag and phys adds)... you can use this on your tanks while you are in the bubbles.
For PVP, I really like mana and chi drain skills as well as some anti-sleep skills... but this is a PVE guide so I'll leave it be. lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
SkogDyr - Lost City wrote: »Great up-to-date guide. Well done!
When you get time, you may want to touch more on Cleric genies.
I have 5 genies all with different skill sets for different situations. (yes, I'm a PVPer. lol)
For PVE situations, I use
Holy Path (cause we are really slow)
Absolute Domain (for when someone goofs - NOTE: in the new expansion, it is said that AbDom will no longer be a squad skill but a self skill...)
Chi Siphon (drain a boss or mob's chi and fill yours while in BB so you can re-BB right way)
Tangling Mire, Bramble Rage and (can't remember the other poison one) works good while in BB or when you need to kill something faster. ( will draw agro so be careful)
While doing heads in FC, most of us are in RB to speed the bows. I like having Pheonix Dance to get the mobs around me while in RB.
and, Rainbow Blessing for higher crits (plus chance for mag and phys adds)... you can use this on your tanks while you are in the bubbles.
For PVP, I really like mana and chi drain skills as well as some anti-sleep skills... but this is a PVE guide so I'll leave it be. lol
Thanks. I meant to get to genies for clerics. I'll do it tomorrow likely. If you or anyone else wants to add any info for cleric PVP, or cleric TW, I'll include it in the guide and give it its own section. I, myself can't really talk about it as I've never pvp'ed, but any info that you are willing to give, I'll post and give credit for it. Thanks on the compliment for the guide. I've been meaning to write it for some time.b:thanks
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »Patakas: Useful for for spike damage. They DO have the highest damage potential if they spike at max. However, they can also spike at min., which gives them the lowest attack potential as well. Its due to this reason that they are not generally recommended.
/depressed r8 veno b:surrender
Pretty nice guide overall, I like that you also cover the FB bits, haven't seen that done before. But, for the love of colourful things, it's a little.... colourful? x_x And dark blue seems to be one of the less readable colours on those forums. Or maybe it's just me xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Asgardeus - Sanctuary wrote: »/depressed r8 veno b:surrender
Pretty nice guide overall, I like that you also cover the FB bits, haven't seen that done before. But, for the love of colourful things, it's a little.... colourful? x_x And dark blue seems to be one of the less readable colours on those forums. Or maybe it's just me xD
Thanks. I had actually tried to keep it as colorful as possible so that it didn't become dull on the eyes, and grabbed the readers attention. Thanks also for the input on the blue. (Its royal blue). I thought that it was readable, but on my computer it might be coming up lighter than it is on others. If there were any other colors that were coming up as dark, please let me know so that I change them too. Thanks. b:laughb:victoryb:thanks"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
I'm probably going to try to add:
*a table of contents to this guide
*Cleric Genie Skills.
*Cleric PVP (If enough people are willing to comment on it, and give me information on it. I will give you your due credit for doing so if you do.)
*Clerics in TW. (I need people's advise for TW, and PVP since these are subjects that I don't have any experience with.)
*Possible change to font color because I have noticed that its getting some complaints.
*Minor change to fc section.
*Advise to help deal with cleric's slow speed.
*Healing those in a hurry will be added (May have a different name though.)
*Healing the ignorant. (May also have different name.)
*Coping with language barriers. (This is meant with no offense to anyone, but communication is key to a good squad, and it can become a major problem if there is a lack of it. Clerics need to have some idea of how to deal with this issue if it arises.)
I'll let you all know if I've added new parts yet/edited old ones. If its not written here, then it may be written in my edit post on the first page.
*Hopefully, with all of your help, this guide can be stickied.*
"Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
Note : Snakefist is metal path, where you can easily BB as long as you have a smart puller . Canonfist is fire path, impossible to BB at the mobs it will be interrupted or pull the same way as metal path it would be squad wipe .
Edit : you're missing the TT instance . It's PVE instance also .0 -
Kanmi - Sanctuary wrote: »Note : Snakefist is metal path, where you can easily BB as long as you have a smart puller . Canonfist is fire path, impossible to BB at the mobs it will be interrupted or pull the same way as metal path it would be squad wipe .
Edit : you're missing the TT instance . It's PVE instance also .
Thanks for the input. I know that I'm missing TT. To be honest, I have no frequented it enough to give proper detail on it, so I left it out for that reason. I've been there quite a few times, but not really enough to speak on it. If you have anything that you want to add in relation to TT, Canonfist, or anything else that I may have left out, please do. I'll quote it, and it to the guide."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
You should put the cleric nirvana guide in there that the other poster wrote as a link, with due credit unless they are willing to allow you to just incorporate it into the guide. Also if you're open to fixing the coloring, might I suggest using colored headings instead? It makes it more like there are jolts of color to wake people up, without making it hard to read. Also divide things into main headers, sub headings, and then just the actual guide.
Let me show you what I mean with by doing the Stats section. Again this is just a suggestion, take it or leave it. Its YOUR guide and I mean no disrespect.SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »PART II: STATS
Clerics have a somewhat linear path to go with stats. (Note that for these builds, you will already have a normal 5 points in each one. That is fine. If you should not add any stats to it, I'll put a N/A for it.)
Pure Arcane:
Very High Kill Speed, Very Strong Heals, Lowest HP.
Vitality N/A,
Dexterity N/A
Strength: 54 (55 if you want to get R9),
Magic as much as you can muster.
Vit Arcane/Purish Arcane:
High kill speed, strong heals, Fairly low hp.
Vit.Variable amount (I recommend capping at 50.)
Dex: N/A
Str. 54 (55 if you plan on getting R9)
Mag As much as possible.
Light Armor:
Low kill speed, Weaker heals, stronger pdef., weaker magic def.,
Vit: As much as you want:
Dex: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA.
Str.: As much as required to wear the latest piece of LA.
Mag. As much as you can muster.
I will recommend playing with whatever style you want to. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one player may not work for another. These disadvantages can be mitigated some by sharding, refines, and proper use of skills later on. However, these are their innate stregnths and weaknesses, as well as how the stats should be.
I recommend adding str. as needed for your weapons and armor. (You want to always keep them up to date.) Personally, I added my str. at a faster rate than others, so I got to 54 str. fairly quickly...but I never let my magic slack.
I do not recommend adding unless you are a LA cleric. It does nothing for us clerics, but it is required for a LA cleric to wear it.
Add it as you feel that you need to, and don't feel bad about it if you do. Personally I have 20 base vit, and that's been the difference between life and death for me several times before. Others have more. Others have less. Add it as YOU FEEL THAT YOU NEED TO. Remember that a dead cleric heals no one. [/COLOR]
Your most important stat. Never let this slack for it affects all of your moves. Add as much as you can muster while still keeping your armor and weapon up to date, and still having as much vit as you need to stay alive. No point having a high magic attack if you die.
That said, ALL BUILDS ARE GOOD. ITS UP TO YOU HOW YOU PLAY. I speak from a purish arcane build, and this is coming from my own perspective and experience. All builds are good, and I'm not bashing a single one. Play how you want to.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Well for fire path, (i don't like it at all , it's a pain for cleric), bugs have fire resistance debuffs which are the reason of most squad wipe .
As i said before, BB will get interrupted so you will likely only relay on IH, WS, CHB, puri if possible . Mobs are not immunite to stun like in metal path, but unless you have a really tanky BM/Barb i wouldnt recommand to get a all group at once . 90% of the time you will have 2-3 people dying by doing this . Alien first then small bugs . Keep in mind we are weak to fire attack...
Cannonfist you can BB but if you're not MP charmed, i recommand to spam MP food since he drains mp and might interrupt the BB .
As for TT, maybe bosses needed for chrono is enough as a start xD . Since bosses doesnt change that much anyway0 -
woah rly nicely done! this is sure very detailed thought i haven't read it till the end ill finish it later ,sure did seem to have taken some time to write b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The greatest danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it
but that it's too low and
we reach it.
-Michelangelo0 -
NinnaXXX - Sanctuary wrote: »woah rly nicely done! this is sure very detailed thought i haven't read it till the end ill finish it later ,sure did seem to have taken some time to write b:chuckle
Thanks, and yes it took quite a few hours to write, and edit before the initial post.
@Venus: I was thinking about doing the headers similiar to that this morning. Thanks for the visual example. It looks nice. I'll probably do something similiar to that, pretty soon. I wish that I could change all of the font size back to normal and change it from scratch."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
congrats to me for reading the full post x.X couldnt really see anything worth pointing out on top of that + forgotten the basics of most lower level dungeons ><SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »So for example, if the bm rushes in, and pulls 5, but does not AOE...hits only one, and you heal him...guess where the other 4 mobs are going. If he AOE's and misses one, and then you heal...guess where that one is going. If you heal before he even attacks, guess where they are all going.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver wrote: »Thanks, and yes it took quite a few hours to write, and edit before the initial post.
@Venus: I was thinking about doing the headers similiar to that this morning. Thanks for the visual example. It looks nice. I'll probably do something similiar to that, pretty soon. I wish that I could change all of the font size back to normal and change it from scratch.
Copy the whole thing into Microsoft word hit control F and just delete the previous formatting. Happy to be of service.
Meh, I just removed the formatting for you so you can do it however you want. Just tell me when you get the file so I can delete this super duper long qoute XD
edit: long post removed, glad you got the formatting done[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0
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