Does this game have any playability left?

nomzoarashi Posts: 5 Arc User
edited December 2014 in General Discussion
Before everyone starts trolling me and bashing everything I say here, I've been playing this game since beta. I've seen this game go from good to great and then to bad. Lately it seems the game just keeps getting worse though and this is why I feel it is.

Greed in this game is rediculous. People want to just push the gold prices higher and higher for their gain which in turn makes everything more expensive because people like bragging about their deep pockets. Not to mention now everyone thinks their skill books are worth hundreds of millions. That in turn really screws up for those who are F2P since the recent update to loot gain limiting which coin drops never were that great to begin with. 8 hours of grinding usually nets me about 1 depending on if I stay connected the entire time, due to really bad server connections lately, or some ***** decides they need the coin more and forms an entire team of 4-8 people to just demolish everything in the area while I'm sleeping. So then I spend nearly a month grinding 30m just to obtain one piece of armor and start the process over again.

Now here's where the fun starts. Most of you will say I'm doing it wrong, that I should be farming TT or merching or w/e it is that rich people do. I've tried though, merching I get maybe 400-500k per day because there is just so many people merching that it doesn't really go anywhere. TT sure, but now with the new loot gain if I spent my night auto grinding for that 1m coin and 5% odd exp, I'm out of luck cause nothing will drop. If I spend 8 hours farming TT and helping faction members with their bh/culties and whatnot, I'm stuck with no way to gain any exp other than a couple hours in RoR which doesn't really help me gear myself out. The cycle just keeps going and I feel like I'm in an endless rut.

Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.

I really love playing this game, has been my go-to-game these past years whenever I needed something to do. I know I'm ranting, and not everyone has the same problems I do but I'm getting to the point where I feel this game is dying off and no one wants to admit it but me.

tl;dr version

Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out.
Worth playing still or no?
Post edited by nomzoarashi on


  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out. Worth playing still or no?

    mmm.. idk on what server you play but if you are on RT I'll be happy to help anytime.


    p.s. lol, downloading/installing PWI so if your answer is 'yes' wait a few hours.
  • XXxICExXx - Morai
    XXxICExXx - Morai Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Only you can answer the question - a game afterall is something you do for amusment, entertainment, diversion/distraction or as a competetive activity. If its not pushing any of those buttons for you anymore then u r only killing time better served doing something else. Ive always said once the game becomes boring to me i'd quit. Thankfully im in a fantastic faction and we do tons of runs togther, and always at least 30+ ppl on most times chatting and having a laugh. I think alot of that depends on the servers ur on.
  • nomzoarashi
    nomzoarashi Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sjampie wrote: »
    mmm.. idk on what server you play but if you are on RT I'll be happy to help anytime.


    p.s. lol, downloading/installing PWI so if your answer is 'yes' wait a few hours.

    Actually on Archosaur, was on Santuary before that. I'd hate to make my wife switch servers again for me b:surrender
  • VitoryXXX - Archosaur
    VitoryXXX - Archosaur Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Can't say much about economy but i am pretty sure people would be happier with reawakened in BH squad because well...honestly who wants to do anything when someone reawakened can solo for them. World chat mostly the same full of morons,drama,spammers. Then we have....well without swearing ''rude people'' that always try to kill steal and so on.. But even with those people there are bright side ofc you can find friendly and sensible people who would help you and there's plenty of factions and if you don't like the one you are in or it's dead simply change because those who leave join other.
    Mystic's Never Die~ Y☯utube---
    First 105-105-105 Mystic in Archosaur Server// 100-XX-XX Sage Mystic//102-102-102 Demon Assassin And 100-XX-XX Sage// 101-100-102 Sage Seeker//100-100-102 Demon Blademaster
    100-100-102 Demon Psychic
    100-100-100 Sage Cleric//100-100-101 Sage Stormbringer//100 Demon Duskblade
    And other alt's i don't play~
  • mechabeastmc666
    mechabeastmc666 Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Enough to warrant a expansion sometime next year.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Before everyone starts trolling me and bashing everything I say here, I've been playing this game since beta. I've seen this game go from good to great and then to bad. Lately it seems the game just keeps getting worse though and this is why I feel it is.

    Greed in this game is rediculous. People want to just push the gold prices higher and higher for their gain which in turn makes everything more expensive because people like bragging about their deep pockets. Not to mention now everyone thinks their skill books are worth hundreds of millions. That in turn really screws up for those who are F2P since the recent update to loot gain limiting which coin drops never were that great to begin with. 8 hours of grinding usually nets me about 1 depending on if I stay connected the entire time, due to really bad server connections lately, or some ***** decides they need the coin more and forms an entire team of 4-8 people to just demolish everything in the area while I'm sleeping. So then I spend nearly a month grinding 30m just to obtain one piece of armor and start the process over again.

    There is something really wrong with your game play if all you can manage to make is 30 mil in a month. That's just 1 mil a day. I have no idea of what your level, cultivation, if you are reborn or not, etc. but making in game coin is not hard. In fact it's gotten way too easy to farm coin right out of the environment. that's why coin has been so devalued and prices have been high. I'm reborn and just from selling grade C card packs from a daily FS run gets me a minimum of 2 mil a day or double what you claim to be grinding out. Then I'm in the Luminance order with enough prestige to get a CoF letter which allows me 2 cube runs a day. With 2 cogs and after cube expenses I get another 4 mil a day. Both of these is less than 2 hours of game time for 6 mil. I get another 2.2 mil from botting 7 hours a day. This is over 8 mil a day (240 mil a month) playing the game solo. No catshopping or hustling BS in world chat. At least it's this way on my server. I also catshop so I do more than this but farming from the environment is easy.

    If you've been playing since Beta with coin issues then there is something really wrong with your game play.

    Now here's where the fun starts. Most of you will say I'm doing it wrong, that I should be farming TT or merching or w/e it is that rich people do. I've tried though, merching I get maybe 400-500k per day because there is just so many people merching that it doesn't really go anywhere. TT sure, but now with the new loot gain if I spent my night auto grinding for that 1m coin and 5% odd exp, I'm out of luck cause nothing will drop. If I spend 8 hours farming TT and helping faction members with their bh/culties and whatnot, I'm stuck with no way to gain any exp other than a couple hours in RoR which doesn't really help me gear myself out. The cycle just keeps going and I feel like I'm in an endless rut.

    Again, not sure what you are auto grinding on because a level 4x to 6x bot can do a whole lot better than that. Mats that people use for manufacturing skills sell well if the price is reasonable and auto grinding is a real easy way to get them. Glazes, glues, oils, furs/leather, etc. People need this **** to level manufacturing skills and they don't want to wast gold in the boutique to get them.

    As for experience there are numerous dailies starting at 3x which gives plenty of experience. And experience after rebirth is even easier.

    As far as gear goes Morai gear which is 100% farmable , decently sharded with 100% farmable Morai exclusive shards and with some effort to refine to at least +5 which is easy these days is comparable to 1st cast r9 PvE wise. That gear is pretty decent for farming and running instances and is so F2P player friendly. The game is not designed to just give it to you on a silver platter. You have to work hard for it.

    You are in an endless rut because your goals are undefined and you have not set a personal agenda for achieving them. I know. I felt the same way about farming r9. All I have is the ring and looking at the long road to get it it seemed like an endless journey. But everything is incremental and if one focuses on parts and pieces at a time the it will accumulate until you finally reach your goal. Set some milestones to reach instead of trying to go for the entire destination all at once. That way you feel less overwhelmed.

    Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.

    So you are 100+ reawakened. On my server even members of the largest factions sometimes have trouble finding people to fill their squads for whatever. I'm always the random in some of their parties. If you know what you are doing and can accomplish your part in the mission then I can't see why you would have a such a problem here. My faction is really inactive and small. I'll be honest I'm not that great of a player and really suck at pvp but I have had no problem finding and staying in parties for instances because I do my part. When I was 6x I was the queen of party wipes for BH 59 LOL! But I still found a party to be in.

    As far as finding a really social faction make one if you can't get into one of your liking.

    I really love playing this game, has been my go-to-game these past years whenever I needed something to do. I know I'm ranting, and not everyone has the same problems I do but I'm getting to the point where I feel this game is dying off and no one wants to admit it but me.

    I think it is you having trouble convincing yourself of that. I've left the game and came back several times feeling completely lost and like I'm so far behind on my char that it isn't funny. I have to work hard to relearn my character and catch up on new game content including skills, gear, et al but I always find the way to do it.

    tl;dr version

    Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out.
    Worth playing still or no?

    The economy sucks for those who are unable or unwilling to learn how to adapt and take advantage of it when it changes. It also requires a lot of observation and even some perception. Such as knowing the frequency and intervals certain item in the boutique go on sale. Some items go on sale once every 2, 3 or even 4 and 6 months. And when some items go on sale then one knows another item is going to go on sale the following week. Like if MoGs go on sale then chip packs, reputation items are going to be going on sale the following week or so or vice versa. Merchanting can be done if one is motivated to do it. I know of at least 3 people who play this game never ever quest, kill mobs, or leave arch. Their entire game is to vend. That is their style of game play and that is all they are happy to do. Their conquest is to make in game money instead of taking down bosses or PvPing the **** out of others to see who has the biggest e-peen. That can make one just as powerful as the highest geared r9rrr +12 JSOD yadda, yadda player out there because they can actually control the economy and they have ways to get and sell what people want. They build their in-game connections and supply networks. It's kind of mind numbing yet fascinating to say the least.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The economy sucks for those who are unable or unwilling to learn how to adapt and take advantage of it when it changes. It also requires a lot of observation and even some perception. Such as knowing the frequency and intervals certain item in the boutique go on sale. Some items go on sale once every 2, 3 or even 4 and 6 months. And when some items go on sale then one knows another item is going to go on sale the following week. Like if MoGs go on sale then chip packs, reputation items are going to be going on sale the following week or so or vice versa. Merchanting can be done if one is motivated to do it. I know of at least 3 people who play this game never ever quest, kill mobs, or leave arch. Their entire game is to vend. That is their style of game play and that is all they are happy to do. Their conquest is to make in game money instead of taking down bosses or PvPing the **** out of others to see who has the biggest e-peen. That can make one just as powerful as the highest geared r9rrr +12 JSOD yadda, yadda player out there because they can actually control the economy and they have ways to get and sell what people want. They build their in-game connections and supply networks. It's kind of mind numbing yet fascinating to say the least.

    It might save this long reply if you would just call the OP a lazy shiftless b@stard right off and get it over with.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • deathbytuna
    deathbytuna Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    To the OP,you and your wife need to work together more to combine coin.

    I don't know how many toons you have but if you have a few then try running cube for cog runs and sell cogs,you wil lmake your coin back and then me you make some freakin coin from cube.

    All this **** about grinding this and grinding that man is for the birds..just do bh's,and cube..thats all I do,If the BH is a AEU or something then ill just do cube on all my toons..probally a good 14 cogs a day.

    Also for more coin run a fsp or 2 or more (depending on your alts)..2.5-3+ mills a run depending on if you sell to a catshop or in your own a day.

    1 lvl 100 RA toon just running a single cube,fsp alone is about 7-8 mill a day.

    the money is there man you just blind,but maybe my post will help.b:bye
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    To the OP,you and your wife need to work together more to combine coin.

    I don't know how many toons you have but if you have a few then try running cube for cog runs and sell cogs,you wil lmake your coin back and then me you make some freakin coin from cube.

    All this **** about grinding this and grinding that man is for the birds..just do bh's,and cube..thats all I do,If the BH is a AEU or something then ill just do cube on all my toons..probally a good 14 cogs a day.

    Also for more coin run a fsp or 2 or more (depending on your alts)..2.5-3+ mills a run depending on if you sell to a catshop or in your own a day.

    1 lvl 100 RA toon just running a single cube,fsp alone is about 7-8 mill a day.

    the money is there man you just blind,but maybe my post will help.b:bye

    Good reply. Something I would have recommended. I would just ad that if they tried merching and could only turn a profit of about 500k per day, they were in the wrong market. Do some more research on hot market items and try that. There are markets with plenty room left in them to get into. When I came back it took me a good 2-3 weeks to get my merching groove back, and I had to build coin to be more successful. So start slow on items of great demand. If in the first week you can only build a small profit but it is only because lack of coin, keep at it. Build and grow your coins. Markets shift as well, don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Before everyone starts trolling me and bashing everything I say here, I've been playing this game since beta. I've seen this game go from good to great and then to bad. Lately it seems the game just keeps getting worse though and this is why I feel it is.

    Greed in this game is rediculous. People want to just push the gold prices higher and higher for their gain which in turn makes everything more expensive because people like bragging about their deep pockets. Not to mention now everyone thinks their skill books are worth hundreds of millions. That in turn really screws up for those who are F2P since the recent update to loot gain limiting which coin drops never were that great to begin with. 8 hours of grinding usually nets me about 1 depending on if I stay connected the entire time, due to really bad server connections lately, or some ***** decides they need the coin more and forms an entire team of 4-8 people to just demolish everything in the area while I'm sleeping. So then I spend nearly a month grinding 30m just to obtain one piece of armor and start the process over again.

    Now here's where the fun starts. Most of you will say I'm doing it wrong, that I should be farming TT or merching or w/e it is that rich people do. I've tried though, merching I get maybe 400-500k per day because there is just so many people merching that it doesn't really go anywhere. TT sure, but now with the new loot gain if I spent my night auto grinding for that 1m coin and 5% odd exp, I'm out of luck cause nothing will drop. If I spend 8 hours farming TT and helping faction members with their bh/culties and whatnot, I'm stuck with no way to gain any exp other than a couple hours in RoR which doesn't really help me gear myself out. The cycle just keeps going and I feel like I'm in an endless rut.

    Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.

    I really love playing this game, has been my go-to-game these past years whenever I needed something to do. I know I'm ranting, and not everyone has the same problems I do but I'm getting to the point where I feel this game is dying off and no one wants to admit it but me.

    tl;dr version

    Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out.
    Worth playing still or no?

    Im not sure if you know about jolie old jones but I can tell you is good option if merchanting is not your thing.
    Dont get me wrong, im not saying that you are going to get rich in a month or something, but if you have about an hour of free time and 1 level 71 toon on your main account and another on your alt account you can make more than 30 mill per month, if we add to that the money you do by farming on main map (autoculti or whatever) and farming events like nw, tigers, etc you can get a bit more.

    Jolie goes something like this:
    at level 71 to 80: you get 88000 per quest and you can do 7 per day, thats 616000

    so 616000 x 7 days = 4.312.000
    and 4.312.000 x 4(a month) = 17.248.000

    If you have 2 accounts and in your alt account you have another lv 71 you can multiply that:

    17.248.000 x 2 = 34.496.000

    Also every day when you take the seven items on jolie he gives you like 150.000 coin or so, but I did not put that value since you have to pay repairs, potions and maybe teleports.

    And if you have more low level alts, lets say level 70 or lower you can also do jolies with those, or at least take the seven bounty order (cose is boring to do and time consuming b:laugh )

    NW: I dont know if you like nw, but if you have the patience to get spawm killed and 1 shoted by rrr9 omen pleople you can do it.
    An average player can get 1 to 10 millions in 2 hours, this of course depends on your gear, refines, abilities and of course luck. I said one to ten millions because Im thinking on the average player (from the level 80 one to the 100+ with average gear) not the rrr9+12 people.

    Tigers, If you are able to do this event, and manage to get 2000+ contribution (I suggest minimum 5000) you can get chests, those chest after you open gives exp + 100k coins + an item.

    so 10 chest * 100.000 coins = 1 million per week.

    There are other ways that gives more coin like merchanting or TT farming, but I know that not everyone is good at merchanting or have the patience or a stable connexion to keep the catshop on all day. Also I know that not everyone like or can Farm TT or other instances thats why the first thing that came to my mind was jolie.

  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It might save this long reply if you would just call the OP a lazy shiftless b@stard right off and get it over with.


    This was totally uncalled for. Why don't you just call the OP that yourself and **** off.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • maestro121
    maestro121 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It might save this long reply if you would just call the OP a lazy shiftless b@stard right off and get it over with.


    These forums have now sunk so low that it's just about guaranteed that in every thread where posters give informative and polite answers to an OP's questions/complaints about the game, there is bound to be that one ***hat who trolls just because he can.

    Hey Mods, didn't the CM give you guys expanded powers or something to deal with this sort of nonsense ?

    Or is trolling considered "OK" once it goes after those who happen to bring negative posts against PWI ? b:bye
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Before everyone starts trolling me and bashing everything I say here, I've been playing this game since beta. I've seen this game go from good to great and then to bad. Lately it seems the game just keeps getting worse though and this is why I feel it is.

    Greed in this game is rediculous. People want to just push the gold prices higher and higher for their gain which in turn makes everything more expensive because people like bragging about their deep pockets. Not to mention now everyone thinks their skill books are worth hundreds of millions. That in turn really screws up for those who are F2P since the recent update to loot gain limiting which coin drops never were that great to begin with. 8 hours of grinding usually nets me about 1 depending on if I stay connected the entire time, due to really bad server connections lately, or some ***** decides they need the coin more and forms an entire team of 4-8 people to just demolish everything in the area while I'm sleeping. So then I spend nearly a month grinding 30m just to obtain one piece of armor and start the process over again.

    Now here's where the fun starts. Most of you will say I'm doing it wrong, that I should be farming TT or merching or w/e it is that rich people do. I've tried though, merching I get maybe 400-500k per day because there is just so many people merching that it doesn't really go anywhere. TT sure, but now with the new loot gain if I spent my night auto grinding for that 1m coin and 5% odd exp, I'm out of luck cause nothing will drop. If I spend 8 hours farming TT and helping faction members with their bh/culties and whatnot, I'm stuck with no way to gain any exp other than a couple hours in RoR which doesn't really help me gear myself out. The cycle just keeps going and I feel like I'm in an endless rut.

    Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.

    I really love playing this game, has been my go-to-game these past years whenever I needed something to do. I know I'm ranting, and not everyone has the same problems I do but I'm getting to the point where I feel this game is dying off and no one wants to admit it but me.

    tl;dr version

    Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out.
    Worth playing still or no?

    The game imo is worth playing if you can find something that you work towards, good friend in-game, or something to do each day. The in-game economy might be tanked pretty bad, but surprisingly that isn't nearly as bad as you might think. If gold costs ~4m per, by completing FSP and selling the coins or cards after + the extra 2 flowsilver coins from dailies + BH, you can make about 1-2 gold per day on my server (Heaven's Tear). Of course, that's if you want to transfer your coins to gold. Let's say you want to refine things; if you do NW both times each week + complete the above dailies, you can get about ~40-50m per week. If you save up the coin and add in 1 set of JJ quests per day, you should be able to purchase a 10* orb every 2-3 weeks. That's really not all that bad considering how a 10* orb costs quite a bit of REAL LIFE money if you wanted to purchase it with your credit card.

    The point I'm making is that it is pretty easy to make decent coin in-game, and you can use that coin for cosmetic items (fashion, mounts, flyers, pets, wep fash), gamble items like packs, gear, refining, apoth, etc etc. If you did the above to get coin, in a few months you would have enough for r999 or Warsoul weps. I recently acquired my 2nd stage Warsoul axes and immediately got them to +7 right off the bat; all from saving up coin and such. I haven't put a dollar into PWI since 2009; and when I did that, it was for a mount and some now out-dated claws for my other character (deicides).
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This was totally uncalled for. Why don't you just call the OP that yourself and **** off.

    Actually the OP had some valid questions, and *some* people gave very good answers. I'm not that good at making money in game, so I decided to wait for those who are to explain.

    But an explanation of how to finance yourself in-game that uses phrases like "if you are willing" or "if one is motivated to do it" is unnecessary and counterproductive.

    It was that attitude I was objecting to. The guy asked a question. That to me was proof he *wanted* some help.

    Apparently I didn't express myself properly.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Actually the OP had some valid questions, and *some* people gave very good answers. I'm not that good at making money in game, so I decided to wait for those who are to explain.

    But an explanation of how to finance yourself in-game that uses phrases like "if you are willing" or "if one is motivated to do it" is unnecessary and counterproductive.

    It was that attitude I was objecting to. The guy asked a question. That to me was proof he *wanted* some help.

    Apparently I didn't express myself properly.

    The reason I use those phrases is because I encounter those kinds of players in game and on the forums all the time. They want coin but they don't want to do what it takes to earn it in game. They are always broke and when someone gives them advice to get more on their own they complain about the effort that goes into the task and make excuses for why it's just so much of a burden to do even simple things to make in game money.

    In my 1st reply to the OP I stated an easy non competitive method to making 6 to 8 mil a day playing less than 2 hours. In a few posts which followed others suggested the very same thing. On my server one can go full r9rrr in the past 6 months or so doing these just these 2 things. You can object to my attitude all you want but I am accurately describing some of those I see complaining about always being broke in the game. I went through this same "There's no way to make money in the game' **** QQ in the forum last year and I totally blew that nonsense out of the water when I set up my very 1st dedicated vending catshop with only a few dozen raps and turned it into 600+ million coin 5 to 6 weeks later with no previous vending experience in the game. I've always farmed instances for my coin and never really vended. I'm not the brightest bulb on my server and it was not a fluke because I started over from scratch and did it again. If I can do that then anyone can. It takes someone willing and someone motivated to 1st figure out how to do it then to just do it. Without those as a prerequisite they won't gain anything.

    The OP stated he can only make 30 mil a month or 1 mil a day. There is something seriously wrong with that considering any rebirth person can do FS and make double that in less than a half hour per day.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The reason I use those phrases is because I encounter those kinds of players in game and on the forums all the time. They want coin but they don't want to do what it takes to earn it in game. They are always broke and when someone gives them advice to get more on their own they complain about the effort that goes into the task and make excuses for why it's just so much of a burden to do even simple things to make in game money.

    In my 1st reply to the OP I stated an easy non competitive method to making 6 to 8 mil a day playing less than 2 hours. In a few posts which followed others suggested the very same thing. On my server one can go full r9rrr in the past 6 months or so doing these just these 2 things. You can object to my attitude all you want but I am accurately describing some of those I see complaining about always being broke in the game. I went through this same "There's no way to make money in the game' **** QQ in the forum last year and I totally blew that nonsense out of the water when I set up my very 1st dedicated vending catshop with only a few dozen raps and turned it into 600+ million coin 5 to 6 weeks later with no previous vending experience in the game. I've always farmed instances for my coin and never really vended. I'm not the brightest bulb on my server and it was not a fluke because I started over from scratch and did it again. If I can do that then anyone can. It takes someone willing and someone motivated to 1st figure out how to do it then to just do it. Without those as a prerequisite they won't gain anything.

    The OP stated he can only make 30 mil a month or 1 mil a day. There is something seriously wrong with that considering any rebirth person can do FS and make double that in less than a half hour per day.

    It's been said before, and I shall say it again.

    I do not dispute some people are able to make large amounts of coin in game using many methods. Not everyone has that talent. It *is* a talent, and not everyone has it. Not having that talent is not evidence of sloth, or stupidity. Some people just don't have the knack.

    Just lay out your methods please, and omit the editorializing. That's how you help.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The problem with using FSP as a wealth tool, having only 1 or 2 toons to do it, is that those cards are something you NEED for yourself to progress. Yes it is good coin, but if you are working cards, which is the most cost effective way to strengthen your toon, then you choose profits over advancement.

    Yes that could be said for a few other things like running cube for cogs. Personally I would do cube over fsp. A cards are as free as you get for advancement. Cube costs and you are better off making your profits there.

    Strategy to make coins:

    Bot the whole 8 hours, or farm tt. Things like chins plate sell very well at 300k each on my server. It's the first boss in 1-3 and will take not long at all. Once you have coins built up for that, run cube. You can turn approx 3m coins into 8m after selling cogs. Make sure to do 2 runs by using the cof letter. My cleric was in Lumi so I got the free one, costs 20 infl. Run 1-50 get cog, go back to room 1 and run to 60. That way you save coins running 51-60 by combining.

    Build enough coin that way and start merching. This is exactly how it took me 3 weeks to get my merching groove back.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's been said before, and I shall say it again.

    I do not dispute some people are able to make large amounts of coin in game using many methods. Not everyone has that talent. It *is* a talent, and not everyone has it. Not having that talent is not evidence of sloth, or stupidity. Some people just don't have the knack.

    Just lay out your methods please, and omit the editorializing. That's how you help.

    I don't buy into the 'not everyone >insert lame task here<' excuse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a college doctorate to figure out how to find **** to sell or how to buy low and sell high or how to farm the **** others need. I don't consider myself to be a talented merchant but I've done well with it. Yes it takes someone willing to learn how to do it and someone determined to do it. Excuses are for those who know what they want but are not willing to do what it takes to get it themselves. Most often the barriers that those people face are placed there by themselves and only they can control that. I see it all the time.
    The problem with using FSP as a wealth tool, having only 1 or 2 toons to do it, is that those cards are something you NEED for yourself to progress. Yes it is good coin, but if you are working cards, which is the most cost effective way to strengthen your toon, then you choose profits over advancement.

    Yes that could be said for a few other things like running cube for cogs. Personally I would do cube over fsp. A cards are as free as you get for advancement. Cube costs and you are better off making your profits there.

    Strategy to make coins:

    Bot the whole 8 hours, or farm tt. Things like chins plate sell very well at 300k each on my server. It's the first boss in 1-3 and will take not long at all. Once you have coins built up for that, run cube. You can turn approx 3m coins into 8m after selling cogs. Make sure to do 2 runs by using the cof letter. My cleric was in Lumi so I got the free one, costs 20 infl. Run 1-50 get cog, go back to room 1 and run to 60. That way you save coins running 51-60 by combining.

    Build enough coin that way and start merching. This is exactly how it took me 3 weeks to get my merching groove back.

    People need to search until they find their niche in the whole scheme. Some people love fashion and deal only with it. Others like me started out farming and dealing HH (Ok TT) mats and selling through the AH so I wouldn't have to be online 24/7 with a catshop. Others sell services like refine, PV, culti, etc.

    The real trick is to pay attention to the game and watch for what people need. Then find a way to get it to them while undercutting the competition.

    When I started dealing in raps I got really cut throat wheeling and dealing with it to a point other catshops were sending me very angry PMs for always undercutting them. One even put their catshop right on top of mine so I moved over a little and started selling raps for 1 coin more than was buying them for so I can force them out of business. It worked for awhile and was as funny as hell. I left the game and came back months later to find the rap market crashed.

    It really helps to find 2 or 3 niches and pay attention because dynamics of the game changes and the markets and economies change too. Also it really doesn't matter if it is a good economy or a really bad economy because people are still going to need things and with that there's always some way to buy and sell to make a profit.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The problem with using FSP as a wealth tool, having only 1 or 2 toons to do it, is that those cards are something you NEED for yourself to progress. Yes it is good coin, but if you are working cards, which is the most cost effective way to strengthen your toon, then you choose profits over advancement.

    Yes that could be said for a few other things like running cube for cogs. Personally I would do cube over fsp. A cards are as free as you get for advancement. Cube costs and you are better off making your profits there.

    Strategy to make coins:

    Bot the whole 8 hours, or farm tt. Things like chins plate sell very well at 300k each on my server. It's the first boss in 1-3 and will take not long at all. Once you have coins built up for that, run cube. You can turn approx 3m coins into 8m after selling cogs. Make sure to do 2 runs by using the cof letter. My cleric was in Lumi so I got the free one, costs 20 infl. Run 1-50 get cog, go back to room 1 and run to 60. That way you save coins running 51-60 by combining.

    Build enough coin that way and start merching. This is exactly how it took me 3 weeks to get my merching groove back.

    You don't *need* to merchant in order to be successful at making coin in-game. I agree that when you farm something that has an intended purpose, but instead sell that, you are loosing out on potential rewards in a different form. Cube's cogs would provide cube necks over time, if one didn't sell them off. The FSP rewards can be redeemed for A card packs for potential A cards. Etc, etc.

    However, some other ways to make coin can work, too.
    -Farming mats/herbs provides some decent coin
    -Farming TT 3-x and gold mats can provide decent coin
    -Farming Lunar and splitting the final EoD for coin + getting badges and making gear for other's = coin
    -NW gives good coin, too
    -Crafting high-level apoth and selling can provide coin
    -Even farming AEU and selling the chests or farming PV and selling the apoth, etc all adds up
    -Doing weekly events (tiger, jungle ruins, dragon templar, coa) can provide coin or reward + BH reward
    -BHs each day provide potential coin
    -Farming cube for skill books via pof can provide coin

    Merchanting absolutely can and often will be profitable. The thing is, when you throw a cat shop up, you aren't really playing the game; merely playing the market while afk. A lot of people prefer it this way, because you can then use the coin that has been earned while you were afk on goodies while you are actually playing the game. I, however, much prefer to farm for the coin. The way I see it is I shouldn't have to leave my computer on or spend a lot of time selling stuff in world chat or a shop. For me, it tarnishes the idea of playing a video game. I could leave my shop up 24/7, but I wouldn't be actively participating in squadding with people, farming things for the server, and actively progressing myself.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.
    wow wtf b:shocked
    ive never seen such action like that at least on sanctuary.... every now and then some might link their weapons and such but yeah...
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't buy into the 'not everyone >insert lame task here<' excuse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a college doctorate to figure out how to find **** to sell or how to buy low and sell high or how to farm the **** others need. I don't consider myself to be a talented merchant but I've done well with it. Yes it takes someone willing to learn how to do it and someone determined to do it. Excuses are for those who know what they want but are not willing to do what it takes to get it themselves. Most often the barriers that those people face are placed there by themselves and only they can control that. I see it all the time.

    Thanks for spelling that out. That puts all your suggestions and ideas in a completely different light.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You don't *need* to merchant in order to be successful at making coin in-game. I agree that when you farm something that has an intended purpose, but instead sell that, you are loosing out on potential rewards in a different form. Cube's cogs would provide cube necks over time, if one didn't sell them off. The FSP rewards can be redeemed for A card packs for potential A cards. Etc, etc.

    However, some other ways to make coin can work, too.
    -Farming mats/herbs provides some decent coin
    -Farming TT 3-x and gold mats can provide decent coin
    -Farming Lunar and splitting the final EoD for coin + getting badges and making gear for other's = coin
    -NW gives good coin, too
    -Crafting high-level apoth and selling can provide coin
    -Even farming AEU and selling the chests or farming PV and selling the apoth, etc all adds up
    -Doing weekly events (tiger, jungle ruins, dragon templar, coa) can provide coin or reward + BH reward
    -BHs each day provide potential coin
    -Farming cube for skill books via pof can provide coin

    Merchanting absolutely can and often will be profitable. The thing is, when you throw a cat shop up, you aren't really playing the game; merely playing the market while afk. A lot of people prefer it this way, because you can then use the coin that has been earned while you were afk on goodies while you are actually playing the game. I, however, much prefer to farm for the coin. The way I see it is I shouldn't have to leave my computer on or spend a lot of time selling stuff in world chat or a shop. For me, it tarnishes the idea of playing a video game. I could leave my shop up 24/7, but I wouldn't be actively participating in squadding with people, farming things for the server, and actively progressing myself.

    I never said my way was the one and only way. I never said to merch and do nothing else either. Merching plus actively playing is how people are more successful than others.

    That said, cogs can be used to make the neck, yes but not as cost efficient as a way to upgrade your toon. Also never said anyone NEEDED to merch. I merch, I farm. I don't do any just 1 thing. My cube neck is the last piece of my NW gear. I can farm cube with lumi cof on 5 toons per day. When I am ready I'll have that neck done in 27 days. And when that day comes, I also have all orbs ready to +10 it or better.

    Farming cube for skill books is just so completely a waste of time. If you are doing cube you need to do it for cogs. You don't get pages on cog runs, you get book clips. You can only do it once a day for free or you need cof from lumi. 2. You are better off jumping in every fsp you see in wc to farm those pages. Walk away with up to 2 pages in 30 mins, and it's repeatable.

    I know some people who farmed herbs back in the day. I can also tell you it's peasants work. It's for people who truly cannot do anything else. There are only a couple valuable herbs then it's junk coin.

    Making money farming badges is also very inefficient.

    I could debunk a few other things you said but honestly I'm not putting all my secrets in forums. You keep farming that lunar and splitting the EoD. No wonder so many people are so poor.
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not a highly geared cleric, but it's pretty easy to farm more than 1 mil per day...depending on your level.

    *Go to Nation Wars...Yes, you will get slaughtered, but you'll get paid for it. Turn the supply tokens to what you want to sell...and that's coin right there. (Sell to catshops, or establish your own catshop.)

    *Run FSP. Sell the pages to catshops, get more pages or C packs, depending on which you can make the greatest profit off of...Sell. Or catshop sell the pages yourself.

    *Run Full Warsong. Become a Badge/Mold Salesman, or a Weapon/Armor Salesman.

    *If you're going to grind, grind on mobs that are easy for your class to AOE, or choose areas that most people aren't around.

    *Do your BH100's.

    Others have already listed better and more profitable ways. I don't have as much time to play as I would like to, but even so, I can net a pretty decent profit, and I'm not known for merchanting or heavy grinding.

    Not sure why you can't get a squad. What is your gear, level, and class?
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • LuckingFoco - Raging Tide
    LuckingFoco - Raging Tide Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If you know how to merchant you can work the market to the tune of a billion coins profit in a week. You just have to know when to buy/sell
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • hoover69
    hoover69 Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Before everyone starts trolling me and bashing everything I say here, I've been playing this game since beta. I've seen this game go from good to great and then to bad. Lately it seems the game just keeps getting worse though and this is why I feel it is.

    Greed in this game is rediculous. People want to just push the gold prices higher and higher for their gain which in turn makes everything more expensive because people like bragging about their deep pockets. Not to mention now everyone thinks their skill books are worth hundreds of millions. That in turn really screws up for those who are F2P since the recent update to loot gain limiting which coin drops never were that great to begin with. 8 hours of grinding usually nets me about 1 depending on if I stay connected the entire time, due to really bad server connections lately, or some ***** decides they need the coin more and forms an entire team of 4-8 people to just demolish everything in the area while I'm sleeping. So then I spend nearly a month grinding 30m just to obtain one piece of armor and start the process over again.

    Now here's where the fun starts. Most of you will say I'm doing it wrong, that I should be farming TT or merching or w/e it is that rich people do. I've tried though, merching I get maybe 400-500k per day because there is just so many people merching that it doesn't really go anywhere. TT sure, but now with the new loot gain if I spent my night auto grinding for that 1m coin and 5% odd exp, I'm out of luck cause nothing will drop. If I spend 8 hours farming TT and helping faction members with their bh/culties and whatnot, I'm stuck with no way to gain any exp other than a couple hours in RoR which doesn't really help me gear myself out. The cycle just keeps going and I feel like I'm in an endless rut.

    Best of all, people don't want to run instances with me. At first it was bad enough not being able to afford rrr9/g16+10, now I'm being kicked from squads for being reawakened. Every faction I've ever been in has been completely dead, some activity at the time of joining but then no one talks, no one does anything, and things just get worse as each day I see more and more new factions and not enough players to actually fill those.

    I really love playing this game, has been my go-to-game these past years whenever I needed something to do. I know I'm ranting, and not everyone has the same problems I do but I'm getting to the point where I feel this game is dying off and no one wants to admit it but me.

    tl;dr version

    Economy sucks and just getting worse, people aren't friendly anymore and help each other out.
    Worth playing still or no?

    yup i don't do merching cause its a waste of time too many people doing it, i rather set the auto bot for 8 hours and make also 1m or so a day but thats not including the damn repiars so i'm really making less then a 1m haha yea and thats if i don't get dc or some ******* goes leading my toon to a wall or rocks and it gets stuck all those hours which has happen so many times.

    getting teams lol that's like winning the lottery best to go do the dailies and get active points to finish your bh's that's what i do better then waiting all day hoping someone inv you when you pm them which is once in a blue moon.. cube? wow yeah never doing that.

    don't wanna deal with the pricks waiting around there ready to pk you or getting stuck in one of those rooms with 100 cards and whatnot, fsp is same **** if you don't got high refine endgame gears no one adds you and since my main only got aps thats enough less likely lol i never been able to set foot in that instance.

    never got to finish my primal quest in that one. warsong lol never done that either or lunar and for my bm's 99cuilti i had to solo that too after a year of waiting but thats all good now i only come on to pass the time i don't take this game too seriously like you said its dead lol
    I'm not a highly geared cleric, but it's pretty easy to farm more than 1 mil per day...depending on your level.

    *Go to Nation Wars...Yes, you will get slaughtered, but you'll get paid for it. Turn the supply tokens to what you want to sell...and that's coin right there. (Sell to catshops, or establish your own catshop.)

    *Run FSP. Sell the pages to catshops, get more pages or C packs, depending on which you can make the greatest profit off of...Sell. Or catshop sell the pages yourself.

    *Run Full Warsong. Become a Badge/Mold Salesman, or a Weapon/Armor Salesman.

    *If you're going to grind, grind on mobs that are easy for your class to AOE, or choose areas that most people aren't around.

    *Do your BH100's.

    Others have already listed better and more profitable ways. I don't have as much time to play as I would like to, but even so, I can net a pretty decent profit, and I'm not known for merchanting or heavy grinding.

    Not sure why you can't get a squad. What is your gear, level, and class?

    nw is for op people, i used to go there and all that happen was me getting one shot or a group of people gangbanging me to hell wasting potions and charms and getting little to no tokens not worth it well for me its not worth it
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hoover69 wrote: »
    yup i don't do merching cause its a waste of time too many people doing it, i rather set the auto bot for 8 hours and make also 1m or so a day but thats not including the damn repiars so i'm really making less then a 1m haha yea and thats if i don't get dc or some ******* goes leading my toon to a wall or rocks and it gets stuck all those hours which has happen so many times.

    getting teams lol that's like winning the lottery best to go do the dailies and get active points to finish your bh's that's what i do better then waiting all day hoping someone inv you when you pm them which is once in a blue moon.. cube? wow yeah never doing that.

    don't wanna deal with the pricks waiting around there ready to pk you or getting stuck in one of those rooms with 100 cards and whatnot, fsp is same **** if you don't got high refine endgame gears no one adds you and since my main only got aps thats enough less likely lol i never been able to set foot in that instance.

    never got to finish my primal quest in that one. warsong lol never done that either or lunar and for my bm's 99cuilti i had to solo that too after a year of waiting but thats all good now i only come on to pass the time i don't take this game too seriously like you said its dead lol

    How come you make just 1 milion per day botting 8 hours.? I make 2-2.5 mil( without costing repairs which are aprox 200k) per day in jsut 6 hours of auto farming. Add 3 lvl71 jolly alts and I make another 1-1,5 milion per day. ( I skip the killing mobs quests so depends on how many time I get the quest if I can make 1mil or 1,5 mil per day from all 3 chars. or in between) So thats about 3mil per day. Thats 90 mil easy money in a month.

    Maybe you should change your style of gameplay if yu ddint finish your primal quest in FSP . You can do it even with aps sin. You just need to learn not to aps in there.
    for warsong you need to get help from someone to open it and go practice. or get a sqaud that doesnt care if they fail pavs and not getting last boss.

  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2014
    hoover69 wrote: »
    yup i don't do merching cause its a waste of time too many people doing it,
    Someone mentioned the mentality earlier... This is a perfect case. If it were a waste of time, loads of us wouldn't be making any coin from it. I have a shop that sits and sells blems for 5k. It's only a small profit sure, but it makes a nice seed for other ventures.
    hoover69 wrote: »
    i rather set the auto bot for 8 hours and make also 1m or so a day but thats not including the damn repiars so i'm really making less then a 1m haha yea and thats if i don't get dc or some ******* goes leading my toon to a wall or rocks and it gets stuck all those hours which has happen so many times.

    You're doing something wrong then. Botting in the wrong areas, on the wrong mobs, or you don't have your macros set effectively.
    hoover69 wrote: »
    getting teams lol that's like winning the lottery best to go do the dailies and get active points to finish your bh's that's what i do better then waiting all day hoping someone inv you when you pm them which is once in a blue moon.. cube? wow yeah never doing that.
    You must not have any friends or an active faction. You can also start your own squads.
    hoover69 wrote: »
    don't wanna deal with the pricks waiting around there ready to pk you or getting stuck in one of those rooms with 100 cards and whatnot, fsp is same **** if you don't got high refine endgame gears no one adds you and since my main only got aps thats enough less likely lol i never been able to set foot in that instance.
    Once again, we're seeing that you're really short of having people available to assist you. Based on your statements so far, that's likely either because of your negative attitude, because you truly suck as a player, or because you simply aren't motivated to put any real effort into it. I don't mean to insult you by saying that, but take a serious look at what you're saying. So far the solutions to the issues you mention meet this description perfectly.
    hoover69 wrote: »
    never got to finish my primal quest in that one. warsong lol never done that either or lunar and for my bm's 99cuilti i had to solo that too after a year of waiting but thats all good now i only come on to pass the time i don't take this game too seriously like you said its dead lol
    Once more you show that you really either don't put any effort into the game, or are just clueless about having friends and faction to assist you. (oh, and there's the effort of initiating your own squads for that as well.)

    I find it hard to believe that the community on your server really sucks as bad as you're implying.
  • jwillson123
    jwillson123 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's been said before, and I shall say it again.

    I do not dispute some people are able to make large amounts of coin in game using many methods. Not everyone has that talent. It *is* a talent, and not everyone has it. Not having that talent is not evidence of sloth, or stupidity. Some people just don't have the knack.

    Just lay out your methods please, and omit the editorializing. That's how you help.

    There is no such thing as talent.
    Unless you call patience and self control a talent.

    The point is this game not worth it and everything too expensive.

    I used to make 500 million to a 1 billion a month but it was never enough...

    Been a merchant is not so easy.At first is exiting but latter it becomes a chore.
    Checking prices every day and watching your competition and checking if your catshop went offline.
    Having a catshop running 24 hours and having to maintain multiple times a day really??? This is a game but in this game we are going too far and treating this game as serious as real life just for virtual currency.
    Its pure madness and I am slowly waking up from it.
    Lets be serious we do not play to have fun anymore we now play it to just fulfill a goal.
    I sometimes feels like a ****** spending so much effort in this game when If used that effort in a real life business I could make enough money in a month to buy fully "End game gear in a month or 2"

    PWI likes to **** merchants really hard.
    Making 500 million a month is not that hard but is not enough at all.
    If you know how to merchant you can work the market to the tune of a billion coins profit in a week. You just have to know when to buy/sell

    Of course you can as long as you are "cash shopping" the goods you are selling.

    Making a billion coins a week of "Pure Profit" is impossible if you do it only f2p by investing coins.
    pure profit means you are making a billion after you subtract the coins you invested.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    For NW, you can just land hopping, I dunno how exactly the scoring works but going in and out of battles still earns you point, but you still need to be engaged in battle for like 5 minutes if I remember correctly reading about it somewhere in the forum. Best way for your character to be in battle state for 5 minutes is by entering a map with towers, you'll be in battle state without facing OP players by hitting a tower.

    Either that, or you have to be in a winning map twice, not quite sure which one is the exact requirement for your points to be counted for getting token.
  • LuckingFoco - Raging Tide
    LuckingFoco - Raging Tide Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Interesting idea that it can't be done and while yes I am a cash shopper for my gear, I did turn around and make 300 mill into 1.3 bill in a week. It's not impossible at all. I undercut the rest of the merchants and took everything I made when my catshop was empty and refilled it with even more...rinse and repeat, until the cat shop could hold no more and I was tired of merchanting.

    Know your market and what has a great investment return. I will say this...its not big ticket items.
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides