Status of Unannounced Changes: Intended or Not?



  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Please leave the earning time limit on all maps. The only people who want this reverted are the extreme abusers multi botting 10+ chars and using 3rd party bots. Their business of selling coins outside the game has been killed, ofcourse they're going to come here and beg for it to be reverted.

    As for people complaining out it hurting their instance farming time, 8hrs of earning time would actually translate to 10+hours that you could farm solid. Resetting instances, buffing and running doesn't eat the earning time. It's mainly outside coin sellers complaining about it also, trying to trick pwe into reverting this. Take away the outside coin sellers, give us a viable coin sink and the economy will stabilize and pwe will profit. Good work so far, just waiting on a coin sink in game.

    If you could get approval, a good start would be an npc that sells war avatar catalysts, make them 1m each at an npc and the economy will be back on its way to normal in no time, pwe will keep and increase their profits.

    It's not necessary to make up things to say you don't like Bots. Fabricating "facts" just makes you look like a tool.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Lunar can still be farmed for badges - in terms of time spent for badges gained I'd say Lunar is on-par, or if you've got severe DDs, more efficient then full warsong. Calling for "Lunar multi badgeruns, my fee my eod" should get you a few responses. Provided your own char can fill one of the key roles (pull - AOE - heal). I don't think EODs will become rare items... but less available now BH lunar is gone, sure.

    Bet that instance will be spammed a lot during x2 :)

    WS for badges time spent far surpasses lunar. First open 5 instances and hold them with alts for pavs to fail. Second run rough with OP crew in like than 10 mins. Why would I want to go to lunar and do 3rd valley to get someone else the eod and only 3 badges? No thanks.
  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I just wanted to point out what a lie this was. I mean really.

    Yea, you sure proved that. The majority of the 35 people who bothered to respond to your poll said No.

    I just can't understand why they don't just send all your posts right to the developers at gunpoint.
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Low level PVs were basically dead before the hyper lock.

    They should stay quite dead till 75+(first non-soloable PV for most classes). Though Kitty understands 95% of player base can't play their classes as well as Kitty.
    Kittysama - Raging Tide in APS-barb disguise, when avatars were bugged. Now posting again as Kittysama.
    Deleted old mains on Feb. 2014, back with every viable build covered, majority of them at or above non-rb 100.b:cute
    The Greatest APS-Panda on RT! 'Cause there's too much food in tables of Imperial palace.b:surrender
    Kitty's current average lvl ~94 b:shocked
  • Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I actually think the active time thing is a good idea to help limit botting and take some heat out of gold prices.

    I'm pretty sure the disabling of hypers in frost will be reverted. My impression of sparkies posts was that he didnt seem to initially understand the history of hypers in frost for our version of PW so i've a feeling that will be fixed eventually.

    I know alot of people are strongly in favor of disabling frost hypers. I also didnt have frost back when I had to grind to level but from the perspective of players, its a radically different game now. The biggest difference is back then 90% of the community were <level90 and now 90% are >100 which is why most of the new content is aimed at that segment of players.

    I can imagine its a pretty lonely game till you reach 100+ now so we shouldnt really be too harsh on ppl that are trying to level as fast as possible and enjoy alot of the good things this game still has to offer.

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • edited August 2014
    Yea, you sure proved that. The majority of the 35 people who bothered to respond to your poll said No.

    I just can't understand why they don't just send all your posts right to the developers at gunpoint.
    How do you get 35 out of 1167?

    Edit: Also note, I didn't even start that thread.

    Lastly, I used to speak to the developers directly. I stopped primarily because of management changes at PWE, and a lack of free time of my own to spend on development.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Maybe some people have work to do that they play during the weekends or Sundays? 24/7 botting is pointless but it helps some that want to earn money while not being too plugged in the game. Maybe some bot while they are at work and when they come back they start actually playing the game being able to afford the overpriced stuff needed to continue gameplay?

    People that work and do not have time to play should either Cash,accept what they can get or quit the game.

    you either Play Hard or Pay Hard.
    People should not pay more and play more just because you are lazy or do not want to spend.

    Botting causes people that play hard or pay hard to play harder or pay more to compete.

    Yes people that pay are earning more coins now from AH but they buying a low value currency that will not allow them to buy much and will have a weaker purchasing power because now when they buy item they have to compete with farmers,Cashers,casual players and now Botters.
    Botters are the worst because not only they earn coins doing nothing they also destroy the coin currency by injecting it in the game.
    More coins in the game = less value coins have.
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    How do you get 35 out of 1167?

    Magic of statistics b:shutup
  • Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    People that work and do not have time to play should either Cash,accept what they can get or quit the game.

    you either Play Hard or Pay Hard.
    This is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen said out of this earning-time fiasco.
    I guess everyone needs to quit their jobs and dedicate that time to playing PWI. Forget the groceries and heating bill, need to step up and spend it on that MMO.
    For the love of god, do not try and enjoy an MMO to unwind a few hours a day. Play hard or GTFO!
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
    Yea, you sure proved that. The majority of the 35 people who bothered to respond to your poll said No.

    I just can't understand why they don't just send all your posts right to the developers at gunpoint.

    At the time of this posting.....254 people voted in the newest poll, much smaller sample size. The current percentage of yes/no votes is 50/50. In the first poll thread over 1000 people voted on the issue. And the majority (63.91%) vote to FC restricted in some way. The first one is a far better sample size of the population but the second one does a decent job of representing how divisive this issue still is among the community. Even if you choose to ignore the first poll because times have changed and that poll is outdated, neither side can claim the majority. If you choose to aggregate the data, most people would like to see FC restricted. Either way, claiming the definite majority opinion as polled is to have FC unrestricted is patently false. We are all entitled to are opinion, but not our own facts. The poll numbers were far larger than 35 when the last poll was conducted and did not go towards the favor of leaving FC as an unrestricted leveling instance. The newest poll, also much more than 35. And hasn't went definitely in either sides favor.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    b:chuckle al the change,s ar probally here to stay i noticed that ht is almost lag free not much players on there annymore but like i did say it wil stay sparky our gm.s and mods are just puppets who have to obey mighty china will they have no say and no power they are just usseless b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i'm going to make this quick and simple:

    If fc is restricted then pwi will die. We already have a declining user base and doing something that would make it 10x harder to level up and actually get to end game content (when the game is more enjoyable) will be a huge deterance from playing this game. As it stand if you want this game to truly be free from stractch it will take you over 8 months to get to 100 3 times, do every quest to obtain all cult/morai/primal skills, spirit, and buffs, and get r9 3rd cast with current standard refines (+7-+8 or higher). If this change is implented it will take over a year.

    BTW if i wasn't already playing this game there is no way in hell i'd ever play a game remotely like this one where it takes OVER 8 MONTHS just to be equal to veteran players.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    BTW if i wasn't already playing this game there is no way in hell i'd ever play a game remotely like this one where it takes OVER 8 MONTHS just to be equal to veteran players.
    Well, actually... that depends on the way a game is designed. If a game is designed where powerleveling does not exist, which is not a bad thing, it depends how the "way up" plays. Given good quests and such, anything considered a true mmorpg could be quite the bit of fun even if it took over a year to catch up with vet players. It all depends on how any game is implemented.

    Personally, I think all such games should have a mentoring system, allowing higher levels to level down to equal level of whoever they mentor to. If someone in a squad is over 10 levels of another player, there should be no xps or quest credit given to the lower level character. This enforces the mentoring system and guarantees even with vets in group, the dungeons would be played as intended.

    FC heads room is actually designed all wrong if you just think about it. Lets look at how it should have been designed for characters at level to needing to be there following quests.

    1. You should have had to walk into that big room with all of those mobs being there, but all should have been wandering, aggro and social to those nearby. Those creatures that you were not supposed to hit during the boss battle, should have also been mixxed into that mess. The hands that pop up, should have popped up while battling the boss as they currently do.

    2. The heads that pop up to merely be one shots for low levels that dont attack at all? They should have been triggered and appeared like the flying wraiths you see in wraith swamp and about the entrance of oht. They should have had a decent amount of hps and sweeped in from the outsides of the room through the room, actually doing a decent amount of damage to everyone that gets hit by them. The idea woulda been to stun or kill them and move out of the way, and survive the onslaught of wraiths, wave after wave...

    No lower level would be able to stand a chance in that arena. But it comes down to poor thinking on part of the people that designed that part.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen said out of this earning-time fiasco.
    I guess everyone needs to quit their jobs and dedicate that time to playing PWI. Forget the groceries and heating bill, need to step up and spend it on that MMO.
    For the love of god, do not try and enjoy an MMO to unwind a few hours a day. Play hard or GTFO!

    Thank you! and the sarcasm is DEFINITELY appreciated as well! b:victory
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I say keep FC hyper leveling off. Just think in the long run it would make better players out of a lot of people.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The fun fact is that only 100+ players want to keep FC off, it's easy to ask for it when you have already used it to get to the endgame =X
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Here is a thought seeing everyone is stating the third party bots. The developers need to get off there lazy buts and make it so third party bots can't be used. Heck Blizzard had the ability to do it a long time ago in the diablo 2 days. Obviously i can be done. As for the fc not being able to hyper i know there used to be tons of fc bigrooms for sale. Way to go to start losing players. I know all i do anymore is dailies even though i have time to play.
  • Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    leknum wrote: »
    The fun fact is that only 100+ players want to keep FC off, it's easy to ask for it when you have already used it to get to the endgame =X

    I agree with this.

    I did quests and bhs until level 78* and I recently start running FCs. I wanted to hit level 100 before the school but now it's impossible. I'm sick of bh runs, but yes, I'll keep running bhs eventually. I'm playing with my veno alt because I don't see a point in running bhs with my main atm.

    *(Forum avatar is wrong, I'm 84 level. Dunno why it shows me as level 77)
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    any possible way we can smuggle in an unfreeze of screens when dual boxing :P
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    leknum wrote: »
    The fun fact is that only 100+ players want to keep FC off, it's easy to ask for it when you have already used it to get to the endgame =X

    Exactly. It's the easier said than done case (and yes, I do know there are a lot of other options to level up, I don't need the speech). I doubt half of the people complaining about FC hypering would have the time and patience to do full RB, PV, quests etc everyday. Some people seem to still live in the old PWI time when everything was hard and cheap. Get over it, PWI changed a lot, from leveling to economy. With FC hypering people can still choose how they wanna level up, the easy way or the hard way. Some people complaining about FC sound just like those complaining on how people are supposedly so dumb for using their credit cards to buy R9. Just a comparison, I'm not trying to offend anybody.
    Well, I don't even know if they have figured it out yet (connection too crappy today, taking forever to load previous pages), if it's a sync error, intentional or whatnot but I just really wanna say that I'd like FC hypering to be restored. It's pointless to remove it now after so long just so a few can feel on the top for being level 100+ RA2 watching the others work their butts off to reach a high level (save the "they need to learn their classes" please). Not to mention you gotta level up 3 times now. It's all fun and games when it's not you. Oh my god, how I'd love to see all of you hitting level 100 and reawakening twice without FC hypering. What's next? No exp. necklaces from Dreamchaser Packs? Harder RB or no BH because lowbies don't work hard enough like ~you~ did? If it depended on these people we'd level up soloing Harpy Wraith once a week. b:chuckle
    FC should be "hyperable" again! Toodles! b:bye
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    well isn't earning time going to restrict ff plvling anyways now? as well as many other things
    f:victory Will was here! f:victory
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    well isn't earning time going to restrict ff plvling anyways now? as well as many other things

    Well it would affect fc the least IMO. Especially people that just pay big rooms. Other people can solo it in 15-20 mins. Duoing full FC in 15 mins, all bosses you get like 6m+ exp. Now your options for leveling are much less attractive. Delta is 1.5 hours at spawn points for 3m exp. You could aoe grind 3rd map, if it isn't already taken using 10 activations for another amount of exp (I forget, it's been a long time).

    Only exp really worth now is PV. But just wait until they stop the exploit of getting openers and making your token disappear upon leaving, like cube items.
  • edited August 2014
    any possible way we can smuggle in an unfreeze of screens when dual boxing :P
    We can already do this. I covered it in my Sticky thread over in the Tech forum.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I say keep FC hyper leveling off. Just think in the long run it would make better players out of a lot of people.

    b:laugh better player these days seriously?

    what is considered good "players" these days is people who cashed over 10,000$+ usd.
    They the ones people talk about.
    knowing how to play the game is useless these days all you need is to have high refined r9r3 set no need for skills anymore and you will be 1 shotting players and soloing bosses.

    The people who really affected by fc is new players.
    Old players who have over 10 accounts with alts they the ones saying that fc should not be hyper they do not care since they can just spam PV.

    If they do not bring FC back they should do the same thing with PV then and you will see how people gonna react
    Do you want PWI to fix the economy before is to late?
    please support Perfect World International Forum > Suggestion Box
    > Limit Auto Cultivation to 1 hour just like Hyper stones
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    knowing how to play the game is useless these days all you need is to have high refined r9r3 set no need for skills anymore and you will be 1 shotting players and soloing bosses.
    What if you target another r9r3 player? Who in this case is supposed to be unskilled and 1 shotting? b:question
    pw art ◊ ◊
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So many people are complaining about earning time when it realistically only affects bots. If you are running TT PV or so on the earning time only counts for when you are fighting and 20 seconds after so u spend 10minutes tops per run of your 8hrs. Almost no one who doesnt bot will reach this time I have been in TT almost all day and FF a lot since this update and have never even been warned about coming close to the earning time. And then you have people who try to argue that bots are the only way to actually pay for anything on the servers because of the insane gold prices. Well gold prices almost doubled because bots came out and caused so much coin in the economy that prices shot up to insane amounts.

    Also a side note you can still level 100+ in FF if you are fast enough because you can hyper before you go in and it shouldnt really take longer than 20-30min to run a full ff which leaves easily 1-2 FF and if your a sin you can probably get that down to 15min or so stealthing. So just run ur pvs and burn the leftover hyper time in ff running.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I dont know about on other servers but I know on HT that the people who were really raging about earning time ran 8+ bots all day every day and most were probably already full r9s3+12 just stacking up coin for whatever pwi decides to release next to blow coin on. I can easily name 20-30 people on my server w/o even logging in to look at names that have and run 8+ accounts all day plus their 2 or 3 cat shops plus whatever toons they are playing so a few more for pv openers and then their main. If pwi wanted to do anything they should actually enforce their 2 accounts per person rule which isnt easily enforced but all they would have to do is make sure no single ip address is running more than 2 clients. This allows people with multiple computers to still run more but it will drastically thin out the number of people running more than 2.
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    b:laugh better player these days seriously?

    what is considered good "players" these days is people who cashed over 10,000$+ usd.
    They the ones people talk about.
    knowing how to play the game is useless these days all you need is to have high refined r9r3 set no need for skills anymore and you will be 1 shotting players and soloing bosses.

    The people who really affected by fc is new players.
    Old players who have over 10 accounts with alts they the ones saying that fc should not be hyper they do not care since they can just spam PV.

    If they do not bring FC back they should do the same thing with PV then and you will see how people gonna react

    The VERY FACT that you insist that knowing how to play the game is useless proves my point. Here i sit with a full t3 bm and i still give r9rr a run for their money...why? Because I actually know how to play my class. I recently met an r9rr bm that is still working on his r9rr gear that FC leveled all the way...and he is so terribad he cant even get but on hit on me before dying. He dies constantly in normal bh runs his level, and in FS he apses bosses even after being told why he shouldnt. Knowing how to play your character is JUST as important as gear. I am not talking about nor do i care about the "old players" you refer to. I am merely saying in the long run that FC not being able to be hypered would benefit any new players that came to the game. I started PWI over 3 years ago and i didnt even know what fc was till i was at least 87. By level 89 i was doing full pulls in it as a bm no barb needed.
    Saying they should do the same thing to PV is stupid...FC was NEVER meant to be hyperable in the first place.
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ibdeath1 wrote: »
    So many people are complaining about earning time when it realistically only affects bots. If you are running TT PV or so on the earning time only counts for when you are fighting and 20 seconds after so u spend 10minutes tops per run of your 8hrs. Almost no one who doesnt bot will reach this time I have been in TT almost all day and FF a lot since this update and have never even been warned about coming close to the earning time. And then you have people who try to argue that bots are the only way to actually pay for anything on the servers because of the insane gold prices. Well gold prices almost doubled because bots came out and caused so much coin in the economy that prices shot up to insane amounts.

    Also a side note you can still level 100+ in FF if you are fast enough because you can hyper before you go in and it shouldnt really take longer than 20-30min to run a full ff which leaves easily 1-2 FF and if your a sin you can probably get that down to 15min or so stealthing. So just run ur pvs and burn the leftover hyper time in ff running.

    Hypers turn off once you go in FC.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    People that work and do not have time to play should either Cash,accept what they can get or quit the game.

    you either Play Hard or Pay Hard.
    People should not pay more and play more just because you are lazy or do not want to spend.

    Botting causes people that play hard or pay hard to play harder or pay more to compete.

    Yes people that pay are earning more coins now from AH but they buying a low value currency that will not allow them to buy much and will have a weaker purchasing power because now when they buy item they have to compete with farmers,Cashers,casual players and now Botters.
    Botters are the worst because not only they earn coins doing nothing they also destroy the coin currency by injecting it in the game.
    More coins in the game = less value coins have.

    Play Hard or Pay Hard? People who don't have time should either cash or quit? Then what quit my job for the game? Who's going to pay for food and my bills? You?! If you gladly pay it all then I will 'Play Hard'. A game is to relax the mind not to make people get more stress from playing it. Have some sense if you're living of you parents cash. b:angry
This discussion has been closed.