Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Relax and go back to watching Wendell the wonder weasel.b:chuckle

    What is this mysterious Pikachu so many speak of???

    I'll get help.

    SweetieBot, please show me an image of fa.......

    (just seeing if the mods are awake. b:laugh
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    SweetieBot, please show me an image of fa.......
    Sure, no problem.

    Image of fa.......
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Yup, rule that was obviously made to hide that not everyone is treat the same way and to hide that some rules are not for everyone.
    Or to be sensible when it comes to privacy of others. Wouldn't be very fair or fun if anyone could post whatever they wanted from anyone without any repercussion.

    In some cases it's a royal pain in the rear (IE: When you get useful info directly from a GM but can't post it and have to summarize it), but in many other cases (Can't give examples for obvious reason but I've seen plenty) it's been a VERY good thing to have.
    So to look good on forum they say they will punish people, so people calm down and think that for once PWI is taking actions, while in pm (tickets) they say they won't, but it's against the rules to show that in public, cause people will see they lied about saying they will be looking to punish the abusers.
    My honest opinion about that?
    OPKossy wrote: »

    So yeah. Give it til we get the news tomorrow and basically ignore the automated message you're getting from the ticket right now.

    Ticket responses about a major issue are usually so useless or backwards during and directly after one that it makes no sense to bother sending them in trying to get information. So I tend to actively encourage not bothering to avoid conflicting (and often times useless or completely wrong) information.
    I understand totally that mods do their job and remove pm (ticket) from forum, but mods often say they are players like everyone, aren't mods disgusted to need to hide the truth from other players to keep their mods position? Cause mods are not idiots, they perfectly know that if players learn that the staff say they won't punish players from any servers, but Arch, there will be a massive rage. Mods are players like us, but yet they are on PWI side more than players side. That's just sad.
    Like we were on PWI's side about the way they handled the whole DQ point removal? Or back when goons came and they absolutely screwed that one up? Or how they were being absurd and permabanning people for INI edits yet letting people who did things that were actually damaging get light bans? Those are all cases where mods at the time were certainly NOT on PWI's side and were right there among everyone else being pissed at them... and still stuck having to be reasonable and deal with the fallout of doing what they're supposed to do.

    As for the rule itself, I don't think any of us has ever even pretended we like all of them. The fact that we couldn't even name PWI's other games until Val (awesome guy that he is) was chatting with us about it and we got him our opinions and he agreed + went through whatever hurdles he needed to was something everyone found stupid.

    Long story short: We're right there with everyone else. But because of the position we're stuck in, we have to be able to keep our heads cool and see both sides of things. That's a requirement for dealing with disputes people report to us and if we weren't able to do that (which is why you'll see us defending PWI from things that are unreasonable times even when we disagree with what they've done), we likely wouldn't have been accepted as mods to begin with.

    x0rchist wrote: »
    oops my bad, sometime i forget about time diffrence. f:ouch

    but still they can manage 2 minutes of their precious time and update something like "We are still resolving the issue", can't they?
    Eh, they have lives like everyone else. And to be honest, if one of them with the authority did leave their home/family, get to the office, give that kind of update, and then leave afterwards we'd just have more pissed off people. Because everyone would be upset about the fact that the update didn't answer whatever question they had asked and that whichever staff member showed up didn't stick around for the barrage of questions, demands, and so on that would follow them showing up.

    I'm waiting to see how things go because I have faith and hope in DoD from what he's done even with how thin he's been stretched. And if it turns out he can't get us any better I'll direct my rage exactly where it belongs as seen here:
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Can you do me a favor and at least imaging shoving your bosses off a cliff for this manner of stupidity?
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh look, another s**tstorm that PWE got themselves into while I was away working my *** off.

    Big surprise.

    Seriously people, move on. These people can't do anything right.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sorry I started the SweetieBot thing in this thread... b:shutup

    I'm a bad, bad boy!

    Now on topic, DoD should be in the office in 11hours 20mins. Hope he comes through for us.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ty OPKossy. f:cute
    i'll wait and see what happens, i have waited so far and it won't hurt to wait little longer.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    @People with weasels and sweetiebot: You guys are horrible.

    I'm going to start a campaign to get you banned for not letting me finish eating my orange. b:cry

    No, random people down the road who see this and want to scream mod abuse or whatever, this is not to be taken seriously.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    @People with weasels and sweetiebot: You guys are horrible.

    I'm going to start a campaign to get you banned for not letting me finish eating my orange. b:cry

    No, random people down the road who see this and want to scream mod abuse or whatever, this is not to be taken seriously.

    I appologize Kossy. I will not post again, until you are done eating that disgusting piece of fruit.
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    I appologize Kossy. I will not post again, until you are done eating that disgusting piece of fruit.

    I'd say not to insult my orange, but I finished and it was delicious. b:angry
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    I'd say not to insult my orange, but I finished and it was delicious. b:angry

    Eww, just eww.

    I hate those things as much as I hate PWI making a mistake that gives players an unfair advantage.b:chuckle
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So taking my pet;

    to bed before Kossy tries to burn them! b:angry

    Look on the bright side, DoD will be in office in less than 11 hours. Saving all my ranting til then. Niters. b:bye
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    have a nice dayb:pleasedb:byeb:laugh
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    still no orbs for 2 accounts, put in tickets for both
  • Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So taking my pet;

    to bed before Kossy tries to burn them! b:angry

    Look on the bright side, DoD will be in office in less than 11 hours. Saving all my ranting til then. Niters. b:bye

    Remember to bring your rage! Off for the night too! Brooklyn rage for everyone! b:bye
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »

    Like we were on PWI's side about the way they handled the whole DQ point removal? Or back when goons came and they absolutely screwed that one up? Or how they were being absurd and permabanning people for INI edits yet letting people who did things that were actually damaging get light bans? Those are all cases where mods at the time were certainly NOT on PWI's side and were right there among everyone else being pissed at them... and still stuck having to be reasonable and deal with the fallout of doing what they're supposed to do.

    More in the way that you said that on that one (Orb glitch) people needed to stop blame and trash on PWI and you said it was players's fault for abusing the system.

    But let's be honest the dreamchaser packs glitch did happen the SAME exact way, since the dreamchaser packs they didn't took time to fix that?

    They had months they could have work on secure the system or find a new one.

    Do abusers are not to blame? Of course not, but PWI is pretty dumb and didn't work to fix that issue, in my opinion a issue where people can abuse and get a **** tone of free stuffs should be on top of their priority.

    I was for a rollback, I was disappointed that they decided to don't do one, but they said hey will work on punished the abusers, than I see MORE than one ticket saying they don't plan to ban people from other servers than Arch.

    I'm just disappointed on how they treat the community.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    More in the way that you said that on that one (Orb glitch) people needed to stop blame and trash on PWI and you said it was players's fault for abusing the system.
    Please don't misrepresent my words. At no point have I said PWI is guilt free.

    My initial rant was directed at the people who abused PWI doing us a favor because they screwed EVERYONE over and made it unlikely for PWI to ever do something like this for us again... and it's completely legitimate.

    Do you blame the banks when someone robs them? Nope. Do you steal items from stores just because the store doesn't have them bolted down? I'd certainly hope not.

    Trying to act as though me calling out people who abused the page displaying it was under stress is the same as me suddenly declaring PWI to be completely guilt free is rather misguiding on your end and I'm saddened to see you do so when you know better. Other people who are new to the forums and can't even tell the difference between a mod, a CM, a dev, and a tech support agent, fine. I expect that kind of stuff from them, even if it gets irritating having to explain over and over only to be ignored. Someone who's been here a while, however, and should rightfully know the difference, as well as has been around long enough to have seen plenty of my posts both before and after I was a mod... knows I don't hesitate to tell PWI when they **** up... but I also don't hesitate to tell other people when they're being unreasonable.

    I was for a rollback, I was disappointed that they decided to don't do one, but they said hey will work on punished the abusers, than I see MORE than one ticket saying they don't plan to ban people from other servers than Arch.
    I hold a very low regard for what tickets say during times like this. But that's already been stated in the post you read, so I'm not going to repeat the whole thing again.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Please don't misrepresent my words. At no point have I said PWI is guilt free.

    My initial rant was directed at the people who abused PWI doing us a favor because they screwed EVERYONE over and made it unlikely for PWI to ever do something like this for us again... and it's completely legitimate.

    What's so completely legitimate? That everyone has to suffer for a few rotten apples?

    Tell me... My gears refines which I payed out of pocket with my real money through out the course of my time playing in pwi.. Is that money going to be refunded back to me?

    Cause right now what I achieved in two years and the investment put into this game on refines alone( ocean orbs) money wise, a few people got in one night with a lousy glitch.

    Are you gonna assure me that anyone who got more than three orbs are going to be punished?

    5 orbs on sale is 100 gold right? We'll imagine spending 200 gold each sale.. Do the math.. Am I gonna get refunded that money? Because I sure feel like this is a slap in the face to me and everyone else who put hard earned money into this game with just orbs alone not to mention getting rank 9.

    So don't tell me people screwed this up for everyone by making pwi not thinking about us and not doing this again. And I really hope your response to me is nothing other than YES everyone who had got more than three orbs will be punished.

    I'm entitled to this code so after investigation and EVERYONE who got more than three orbs is punished pwi better reactivate it. Or all bells gonna break lose.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »

    Do you blame the banks when someone robs them? Nope.

    One time, no, but if after a few months/years they get rob the same exact way than the first time than the bank was neglecting for not trying to upgrade their security and the bank would lose the thrust of the customers, people would not want to stay with a bank that get rob over and over again the same way.

    And pretty sure the cops would try to find the robbers and would put them in jail. (or w/e punishment)

    Do I steal in stores? No cause I know that I would get punish if I do it. (Even if I knew I would not get caught I would not do it cause I'm honest (maybe too much sometime) and have ethic)

    But people steal PWI cause they know they don't get punish and the sad thing it's that they are right about it.

    I know people that did abused ALL the past glitches, the MOG glitches, the FC glitches, the Dreamchaser packs and didn't got punish for any of that.

    PWI keep rewarding abusers, keep showing that in PWI's world honesty worth nothing.

    The part of honest people in PWI's community don't stop to be slap in the face over and over again while abusers keep being rewarded.

    You can't really compare PWI to real stuff, do you think in real life a robber would be able to keep the stolen stuff like in PWI?? Do you think the cops would let it go cause there was more than one robber? I doubt so.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not sure why some players are climbing down OPKossy's throat....

    He is not the bad one here - Remember who the enemy is........

    Guys yes, its unfair, and completely wrong what happened. I am one of those very very unlucky players that did not even get a single orb...b:cry

    It grinds me to my bones to still see in world chat people redeeming their e-mails and getting orbs. Even today there was a player that got 6 orbs and not 3 !!!

    However NOT ALL PLAYERS that got more than 3 orbs abused the system. Some got 6 or 9orbs by mistake and NOT by abusing the "glitch"
    Yes some players got 30 or more orbs.....BAD PLAYERS BAD !!!

    There is a fine line between abusing on purpose and accidental. The problem that, in my opinion, PWI is facing is rooting out who abused it intentional and who got more than 3 orbs by accident.

    No use in punishing some-one if it was an accident......dont you agree?

    GM's said they are investigating what has happened, why dont we give them time and see what they do. Maybe they will surprise us...maybe not. but as a previuos poster said, we should stop assuming cause it makes a A$$ out of U and ME.

    I know we all angry and want revenge, justice, compensation etc but I think every-one will agree that there is very little use to QQ 4000+ posts about it.

    i can just see in my minds eye masses rising up to the PWI offices with flame torches and pitchforks ( LOL )

    Just my opinion - lets wait and see what happens...


    Tried to sleep last night when my A.D.D kicked in :
    1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, cow, donkey, pig, Old McDonald had a farm YEAH.... Macarena !
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Please don't misrepresent my words. At no point have I said PWI is guilt free.

    My initial rant was directed at the people who abused PWI doing us a favor because they screwed EVERYONE over and made it unlikely for PWI to ever do something like this for us again... and it's completely legitimate.

    Do you blame the banks when someone robs them? Nope. Do you steal items from stores just because the store doesn't have them bolted down? I'd certainly hope not.

    Trying to act as though me calling out people who abused the page displaying it was under stress is the same as me suddenly declaring PWI to be completely guilt free is rather misguiding on your end and I'm saddened to see you do so when you know better. Other people who are new to the forums and can't even tell the difference between a mod, a CM, a dev, and a tech support agent, fine. I expect that kind of stuff from them, even if it gets irritating having to explain over and over only to be ignored. Someone who's been here a while, however, and should rightfully know the difference, as well as has been around long enough to have seen plenty of my posts both before and after I was a mod... knows I don't hesitate to tell PWI when they **** up... but I also don't hesitate to tell other people when they're being unreasonable.

    I hold a very low regard for what tickets say during times like this. But that's already been stated in the post you read, so I'm not going to repeat the whole thing again.

    Seriously you really dont know how the real life works or what? if a Bank is been robbed the customers will get there money back no matter what , the association between customers and the Bank is a Contract where the customer is paying for the banks service if bank gets robbed their security fault and they will refund the money stolen to the people thats how it works in real life then in this if you say the bank is to blame? Yes ofc because the bank is incharge of the security not the customers x.x
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    What's so completely legitimate? That everyone has to suffer for a few rotten apples?
    I'm going to stop right there and ask if you actually read before jumping in. I rather distinctly said,
    OPKossy wrote: »
    My initial rant was directed at the people who abused PWI doing us a favor because they screwed EVERYONE over and made it unlikely for PWI to ever do something like this for us again... and it's completely legitimate.
    As for the rest of your post, way to go acting as a prime example of.
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Other people who are new to the forums and can't even tell the difference between a mod, a CM, a dev, and a tech support agent, fine. I expect that kind of stuff from them, even if it gets irritating having to explain over and over only to be ignored.
    Seriously, is it that hard to read and make sure you understand an entire post before jumping in?

    One time, no, but if after a few months/years they get rob the same exact way than the first time than the bank was neglecting for not trying to upgrade their security and the bank would lose the thrust of the customers, people would not want to stay with a bank that get rob over and over again the same way.

    And pretty sure the cops would try to find the robbers and would put them in jail. (or w/e punishment)

    Do I steal in stores? No cause I know that I would get punish if I do it. (Even if I knew I would not get caught I would not do it cause I'm honest (maybe too much sometime) and have ethic)

    But people steal PWI cause they know they don't get punish and the sad thing it's that they are right about it.

    I know people that did abused ALL the past glitches, the MOG glitches, the FC glitches, the Dreamchaser packs and didn't got punish for any of that.

    PWI keep rewarding abusers, keep showing that in PWI's world honesty worth nothing.

    The part of honest people in PWI's community don't stop to be slap in the face over and over again while abusers keep being rewarded.

    You can't really compare PWI to real stuff, do you think in real life a robber would be able to keep the stolen stuff like in PWI?? Do you think the cops would let it go cause there was more than one robber? I doubt so.
    It's an analogy and your post further proves the point I was making as well as supports my initial rant. Those who abused the code and caused EVERYONE to get screwed over shouldn't be given a free pass and we should be just as pissed at them for causing the rest of us to have to suffer.

    As for the rest, you're judging without taking into account that it's not the same people as back then and without even considering that this new guy, even with everything else piled on him, has been busting his butt to get us the best he can as fast as he can. Yeah his bosses suck hard, but that wasn't helped by having a CM at the time who... was pretty freaking detached overall truth be told. You were here for Val, were you not? You experienced firsthand the difference that a dedicated CM can make even with all the **** they have to go through. So you should at least have the sensibility to be able to think to give this guy a chance on his own merits instead of the past that he wasn't even around for.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    One time, no, but if after a few months/years they get rob the same exact way than the first time than the bank was neglecting for not trying to upgrade their security and the bank would lose the thrust of the customers, people would not want to stay with a bank that get rob over and over again the same way.

    And pretty sure the cops would try to find the robbers and would put them in jail. (or w/e punishment)

    Do I steal in stores? No cause I know that I would get punish if I do it. (Even if I knew I would not get caught I would not do it cause I'm honest (maybe too much sometime) and have ethic)

    But people steal PWI cause they know they don't get punish and the sad thing it's that they are right about it.

    I know people that did abused ALL the past glitches, the MOG glitches, the FC glitches, the Dreamchaser packs and didn't got punish for any of that.

    PWI keep rewarding abusers, keep showing that in PWI's world honesty worth nothing.

    The part of honest people in PWI's community don't stop to be slap in the face over and over again while abusers keep being rewarded.

    You can't really compare PWI to real stuff, do you think in real life a robber would be able to keep the stolen stuff like in PWI?? Do you think the cops would let it go cause there was more than one robber? I doubt so.

    Well sayd.
    The difference between Real Life and Game is , in RL u get punished for REAL, in game u get what? Ban'ed? So what u get ban'ed then move on, on another game but in the end u dont get punish'ed like in RL...So cant compare RL with Game.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    abuse or no? and he is so proud when he can +10

    i don't know why he is too proud because he's not got banned and GM can't do anything right?
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    swapneelk wrote: »
    They're called examples. It's a method of comparing various things that do not necessarily need to be the exact same. Merely close enough to show a given point.

    If you're going to argue over technicalities instead of addressing the points being made, then please just stop. It's a waste of time on both sides if you're going to refuse to acknowledge the points and will choose to spend your time picking at the details instead. Why? Because you won't have been paying any attention to my points so I cannot convince you... and your arguments will drift further and further away from the original point being made leaving me defending against wholly unrelated issues where you'd have no ability to convince me.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    They're called examples. It's a method of comparing various things that do not necessarily need to be the exact same. Merely close enough to show a given point.

    If you're going to argue over technicalities instead of addressing the points being made, then please just stop. It's a waste of time on both sides if you're going to refuse to acknowledge the points and will choose to spend your time picking at the details instead. Why? Because you won't have been paying any attention to my points so I cannot convince you... and your arguments will drift further and further away from the original point being made leaving me defending against wholly unrelated issues where you'd have no ability to convince me.

    I know is call'ed exemples but like some1 sayd If a bank get's robb'ed they refund ppl money back , but in pwi u get what?

    And why am i *snip*ing? >.>
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It grinds me to my bones to still see in world chat people redeeming their e-mails and getting orbs. Even today there was a player that got 6 orbs and not 3 !!

    However NOT ALL PLAYERS that got more than 3 orbs abused the system. Some got 6 or 9orbs by mistake and NOT by abusing the "glitch"
    Yes some players got 30 or more orbs.....BAD PLAYERS BAD !!!

    Then they either take away the excess orbs from those who accidentally got more or reactivate the code by at least giving 6 orbs minimum instead of three. >.<

    Again.. It all reverts back to this being A slap in the face to people who actually spent money buying ocean orbs supporting pwi.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    I know is call'ed exemples but like some1 sayd If a bank get's robb'ed they refund ppl money back , but in pwi u get what?

    And why am i *snip*ing? >.>

    Because I've already posted walls of text via full quotes and the quotes themselves link to the post being quoted, so I just quoted you to have the links and avoid confusion but removed the content in my own post so it wouldn't take up extra space.

    This is a pretty common thing on most forums.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    They're called examples. It's a method of comparing various things that do not necessarily need to be the exact same. Merely close enough to show a given point.

    If you're going to argue over technicalities instead of addressing the points being made, then please just stop. It's a waste of time on both sides if you're going to refuse to acknowledge the points and will choose to spend your time picking at the details instead. Why? Because you won't have been paying any attention to my points so I cannot convince you... and your arguments will drift further and further away from the original point being made leaving me defending against wholly unrelated issues where you'd have no ability to convince me.

    ^ agreed/well said, I might have to apply that to something I deal with in the future. :$

    It isn't meant to offend you of that I am sure, it is just merely to shorten the length of her post/the specific post, posts can get REAL lenghty if you quote every post word for word.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Because I've already posted walls of text via full quotes and the quotes themselves link to the post being quoted, so I just quoted you to have the links and avoid confusion but removed the content in my own post so it wouldn't take up extra space.

    This is a pretty common thing on most forums.

    Your a mod, yet you can't even validate if anyone who got more than three orbs is going to be punished.

    So if your not in this thread to answer questions then why even post babbling about things you have no idea about?

    And I wasn't jumping in on ya I was simply letting my frustration known, yet you telling me pwi will most likely never give back to the community because of a few rotten apples is not helping the situation.. Especially when your talking to paying players who invests money in the company that pays your paycheck.

    I say this once more this is a slap in the face.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Please don't misrepresent my words. At no point have I said PWI is guilt free.

    My initial rant was directed at the people who abused PWI doing us a favor because they screwed EVERYONE over and made it unlikely for PWI to ever do something like this for us again... and it's completely legitimate.

    Do you blame the banks when someone robs them? Nope. Do you steal items from stores just because the store doesn't have them bolted down? I'd certainly hope not.

    I completely understand your point. However I implore you to consider some other things too.

    For example, I am sure there are lots of players that are using pirated softwares (pirated OS even maybe). Does that mean a thief that comes to a gas-pump in a stolen car has the right to get gas from the pump?

    Thing is, when misdeeds are tolerated, they turn into norms. For example, around the streets in my university, because of rush pedestrians does not always follow signals. Others see that, and see they are not being punished for that, and start imitating soon.

    What I am saying is, I don't want to see bunch of people getting away with ****load of free *10 orb (after which I will quit most prolly), neither do I want to see some good friends who happened to use this glitch get banned permanently.

    Is it too hard to conduct a toon-based rollback, instead of banning?

    Just my one-cent. GL.
This discussion has been closed.