New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh, one more suggestion would be to add supply tokens there. It would satisfy those who don't like/can't attend to NW (and those who QQ they joined a PvE server to avoid any kind of PvP whatsoever), and wouldn't break the game's economy as long as the points required to get one of them still meant more farming than required in NW, and maybe if there's, say, a limit of 100 tokens/week too.

    Not too sure about this. That would mean that those who are able to attend will be getting an additional 100 tokens as well, unless their token acquisition from NW is also factored into this limit.
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  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Instead of Supply Tokens, for which the market has already almost dried up, how about pack Tokens instead? Those have a steady floor price of 10k/token, and some controls which push the price down towards that mark would probably be welcome to a number of players (myself included). I've said for awhile now that standard PVE activities such as grinding/questing should offer small quantities of tokens/packs as a reward.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Fryvorg - Sanctuary
    Fryvorg - Sanctuary Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Thanks for your response!

    In the DQ Shop I'd like to see:
    Random Dyes
    Demon/Sage Event Card
    Old, yet unreleased fashion (there's a thread that used to keep all of them)
    And maybe reintroduce Medals of Glory, as an antradable, unstashable (so you gotta farm the medals with the toon you want r9 on) version. Not sure about the impact, though.
    Supply Tokens sound good, too.

    And I support the idea of making the untradable stuff like Reflection Shards, Nirvana Keys and Fairy Box Keys give DQ points.
    World is full of illusions.

    What if I played a Cleric?

    All Joy In Keeping Us Medically Energetic.
  • defenderofdreams
    defenderofdreams Posts: 78
    edited October 2013
    Just want to let you all know that we love the responses and are taking note. We'd really like this US specific feature to be as good as it can possibly be.

    I will be collecting the data from this thread and passing it on, so please keep them coming.
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Instead of Supply Tokens, for which the market has already almost dried up, how about pack Tokens instead? Those have a steady floor price of 10k/token, and some controls which push the price down towards that mark would probably be welcome to a number of players (myself included). I've said for awhile now that standard PVE activities such as grinding/questing should offer small quantities of tokens/packs as a reward.

    Token prices in the raging tides has been around 18k, and putting in pack tokens in the DQ rewards is silly in my opinion. Also it would probably make some people mad seeing as how they like to merch using tokens.
    Just want to let you all know that we love the responses and are taking note. We'd really like this US specific feature to be as good as it can possibly be.

    I will be collecting the data from this thread and passing it on, so please keep them coming.

    So still no response as to WHEN the old DQ is gone or why we werent informed ahead of time. Its great to know we are being listened to but we also wanna know things like this arent going to happen again.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Token prices in the raging tides has been around 18k, and putting in pack tokens in the DQ rewards is silly in my opinion. Also it would probably make some people mad seeing as how they like to merch using tokens.
    Could you elaborate on what would be silly about it?

    Every APS farmer was similarly mad when NW came out and killed the rap/canny market. Anyone who merches Chrono Pages wasn't too thrilled about the new Sage/Demon Bible quest. Hell, waaay back in 2008/9 you'd have people who were mad every time PWE put something in the cash shop that was previously rare or virtually unobtainable (e.g. Midnight horse).

    Every economy does undergo external change. In the case of a virtual one like PWI, the responsibility of PWE is to ensure that the changes aren't too extreme all at once. They haven't always done this properly, for sure, but they can't just never re-release anything again.

    Another example, which I'd really like to see in the new system: Flyer Tokens. By that I mean things like Fancy Feathers, Nimbus Emblem, etc... the things that you trade for pack flyers. Pack mounts are usually a reasonable price (maybe 40-50m for a recent one), but pack flyers are stupidly rare and fetch prices of over 100-150mil in many cases depending on the flyer. Would those flyer merchants be mad if these items were placed in the new system? Probably. Should we not do that just because of those few people? No.

    It's worth remembering that there are no sacred cows in MMORPGs. :P
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lbr, they're not gonna put major pack items like tokens/expensive 3.3 flyers in there because it will kill their revenue horribly.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    finally a halfway decent response. i can at the very least respect that.

    as for suggestions:

    i would like to preface by saying that the items should be actually usable and not just items nobody wants like pets and crappy fashion.

    - duty badges, although at a pretty high cost. re-rolling requires sooooo many damned badges and getting squads together is so time-consuming. that is, unless duty badges will be made available through some other type of play.

    - i think pack tokens are a bad idea also, instead choice items from that list (both reg tokens and best luck) should be directly available as a reward. why make a system for another system?

    - herbs. not sure i fully want this as it would harm yet another market.

    - bound dragon orbs 1-5, they can not be combined. it would probably be a better idea to add this to the event shop though instead.

    - perfect grade shards, that are still ale to be combined.

    DQ, which could directly be farmed and converted to gold or just plain buy items, was nerfed and replaced by DQ points, which are not able to be converted into coin but can be converted to event gold..... which is vastly more limited than either regular gold or coins.

    if you guys want to do it right you need make sure that players can actually farm towards real goals. we don't have a real issue with bots on our side of the pond and i think it is unfair to penalize a person for spending their time grinding DQ's as opposed to running BH on 34234234523 toons, or living in TT/LUNAR/WS, or any other outlet for consuming time there is in the game.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lbr, they're not gonna put major pack items like tokens/expensive 3.3 flyers in there because it will kill their revenue horribly.
    Not if they're entered at a high enough value. The idea isn't to kill the value of those flyers, but rather to achieve a certain equivalence between their coin value and their point value. 150m is way, way too much for any flyer, especially when multiple 3.2 or 3.3 flyers exist.

    Now I'll be the first to admit that I just want these flyers for the aesthetics. Hurricane, Brush of Gaia and Ancient Gazer look great IMO, and all would be on my wish list even if they came in 3.0/5.0 (or even less) versions. If PWE is so concerned about profiting off those flyers, they'd probably get more of a profit by putting them all up for sale at 30 gold for one week (*pokes DefenderOfDreams* hint hint). Packs will still sell as long as there's SoTs and similar gear-based items in them.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • FistToDeath - Dreamweaver
    FistToDeath - Dreamweaver Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    - duty badges, although at a pretty high cost. re-rolling requires sooooo many damned badges and getting squads together is so time-consuming. that is, unless duty badges will be made available through some other type of play.

    You mean basic badges. Yeah, would be a nice thing too.
  • Aroral - Sanctuary
    Aroral - Sanctuary Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I definitely love the idea of having new items put into the DQ redemption list. The items in there are very outdated, besides the demon/sage event card, makeover scrolls, and random pigments. I am also open to the possibility regarding if the the DQ points were taken away to have the actual value of the DQ go back to where they used to be, as many of us know, farming for coins is getting harder and harder. At least with the botting system that is going ot be put into place (?) farming for coins will not be as hard as it is now. ALSO! LOVED the idea someone had about putting basic badges into the DQ system!! It just takes so long to farm up the badges to make items and to reroll them! b:laugh
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary
    Asterelle - Sanctuary Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.

    I say add things that can't be farmed at all.

    I mentioned Crown of Madness because it's effectively not in any pack and isn't really in the game yet. Other pack-only items like Matchless Wings and Vit Stones have a working market but there is no such functional market for Crown of Madness.

    Other options are to add in some of the older Fliers / Mounts as not many people are opening those old packs these days.
    PWI Calculators -
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Could you elaborate on what would be silly about it?

    Every APS farmer was similarly mad when NW came out and killed the rap/canny market. Anyone who merches Chrono Pages wasn't too thrilled about the new Sage/Demon Bible quest. Hell, waaay back in 2008/9 you'd have people who were mad every time PWE put something in the cash shop that was previously rare or virtually unobtainable (e.g. Midnight horse).

    Every economy does undergo external change. In the case of a virtual one like PWI, the responsibility of PWE is to ensure that the changes aren't too extreme all at once. They haven't always done this properly, for sure, but they can't just never re-release anything again.

    Another example, which I'd really like to see in the new system: Flyer Tokens. By that I mean things like Fancy Feathers, Nimbus Emblem, etc... the things that you trade for pack flyers. Pack mounts are usually a reasonable price (maybe 40-50m for a recent one), but pack flyers are stupidly rare and fetch prices of over 100-150mil in many cases depending on the flyer. Would those flyer merchants be mad if these items were placed in the new system? Probably. Should we not do that just because of those few people? No.

    It's worth remembering that there are no sacred cows in MMORPGs. :P

    I believe it would be silly of them to do because as we all know pwi likes to make money and even though tokens arent THAT hard to get im sure it would effect the in game economy somehow, and lets face it this is just one thing i can almost guarantee they WONT give us as a DQ reward. Think of all the previous things PWI has given us as rewards, and think of the fact that they clearly have NEVER really given us anything THAT good or usable except for Demon Sage event cards for DQ. Even for that you had to grind DQ like mad to get it. Things like tokens, tt mats, Crown of madness, we will never see as DQ rewards so asking is just a waste of time. They gotta make their money too
  • FallenEvWolf - Dreamweaver
    FallenEvWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'd say it would definitely be a good idea to continue with the rewards most people made use of, such as:

    -Random Pigments
    -Do-All Cards
    -Demon/Sage Event Card
    -Makeover Scrolls
    -Perfect Stones

    Everything else wasn't very useful but still nice for some people to save up for (except the horse, that's too many points for a **** mount). You should put these sorts of things in the new system but more updated like wings, mounts, dragon orbs and maybe some decent ornaments. Oh, and please update the Event Boutique if Event Cards are going to be included. :)
  • Nana_PL - Raging Tide
    Nana_PL - Raging Tide Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would like the following items to stay on the rewards list:
    Random pigments <3333333
    Perfect stones - but more than 1cuz buying just 1 was a huge waste of points I doubt anyone have ever did that...
    Do-all cards - I don't use them personally but many of my friends Do
    Demon/Sage Event Cards ofc
    Maybe the fash... But no pets, those were useless. There are way too many baby pets to choose from already anyway @,@ and a free ones too.

    Additionally I would love to see things like mirages in bigger quantities like 50 or something and same with ultimate substances.
    You could also add some items that give u a order prestige + influence
    Some exp and rep badges maybe...
    Hmm... Fairy box keys!!!! Yes I wanna open more than just 6 a day qq
    And idk... I'll come back here when I think of something extra

    "You know, they say when you fall, it's best to fall straight to the bottom. And the further you have to crawl back up, the stronger and greater you will become as a result."
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.

    I agree with you on the badges. People can farm them eawsily and we need the molds for the gear anyway.

    But supply tokens are a different thing. The time zone restriction they never bothered to fix just keeps them unachievable for some people. And yet they're used to make untradable stuff. We need another way to get them :/

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The only thing i can add is maybe keep a regular update cycle on the new dq rewards, not let it sit for months or a year and no real changes aside removing things just to put in the botique.
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • FistToDeath - Dreamweaver
    FistToDeath - Dreamweaver Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.

    I say add things that can't be farmed at all.

    I mentioned Crown of Madness because it's effectively not in any pack and isn't really in the game yet. Other pack-only items like Matchless Wings and Vit Stones have a working market but there is no such functional market for Crown of Madness.

    Other options are to add in some of the older Fliers / Mounts as not many people are opening those old packs these days.

    There are at least 2 crowns of madness in DW already. So yeah, it's in the game already.
  • Kijinka - Dreamweaver
    Kijinka - Dreamweaver Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In addition to the rewards posted I'd like to suggest a new system entirely.

    My suggestion is that when you pick up a DQ item, it disappears and you are given the event silver straight away. The amount of event silver should be increased a tad to compensate the coins we miss out on; but this will also combat the botting problem as DQ items wont be able to be stockpiled. I can also see this leading to more 2x DQ events.

    What about quests needing DQ items such as bank quest? I suggest that if you have a quest requiring a DQ item they should not disappear and converted to event silver until the quest is complete.

    This allows the system to stay completely within game, not needing outside systems to calculate your points etc. With this the event boutique should be updated (Possibly with sales on event items every now and then?) b:victory

    I hope you like my idea b:dirty
  • Aroral - Sanctuary
    Aroral - Sanctuary Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.

    I say add things that can't be farmed at all.

    I mentioned Crown of Madness because it's effectively not in any pack and isn't really in the game yet. Other pack-only items like Matchless Wings and Vit Stones have a working market but there is no such functional market for Crown of Madness.

    Other options are to add in some of the older Fliers / Mounts as not many people are opening those old packs these days.

    You would still have to farm the molds, so it wouldnt necessarily kill off the instance. And people still ws to make the belts as well, since the inscriptions are now bound.
  • Aroral - Sanctuary
    Aroral - Sanctuary Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    I agree with you on the badges. People can farm them eawsily and we need the molds for the gear anyway.

    But supply tokens are a different thing. The time zone restriction they never bothered to fix just keeps them unachievable for some people. And yet they're used to make untradable stuff. We need another way to get them :/

    Supply tokens are an amazing idea! Takes so long to get so many to make the nw orns with nw only being twice a week.b:victory
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    add supply tokens. It would satisfy those who don't like/can't attend to NW (and those who QQ they joined a PvE server to avoid any kind of PvP whatsoever), and wouldn't break the game's economy as long as the points required to get one of them still meant more farming than required in NW, and maybe if there's, say, a limit of 100 tokens/week too.
    This should be done. Not that I personally would use Supply Tokens out of any kind of new DQ system or equivalent (I happen to enjoy NW, and get more than 100 Supply Tokens any night I actually attend), but having seen how many people actually just can not attend NW, this would be proper to implement...
    I don't like putting in things that can already be farmed fairly like Basic Badges and Supply Tokens because that would kill off perfectly good instances.
    Basic Badges should not be placed in this new/equivalent DQ system thing (Basic Badges can be farmed out of both FWS and Lunar without schedule limitations with time spent... AND are the key materials to most players's choice of end game gears)... Supply Tokens however should be placed in this new DQ system, as mentioned in my reply just above this. The question then is, "How can Supply Tokens be implemented in a new DQ system, in such a way that :
    a. Limits one from attending NW based on having obtained DQ Supply Tokens.
    b. Limits DQ Supply Tokens based on having attended NW.
    If this could be done, it would not kill the market AND it would become available to those whom outright need Supply Tokens. There are many NW forge items that do outright need Supply Tokens themselves, no matter how many SoW's you can afford.
    I'd much rather they revamp Nirvana [...] in there than put them in DQ points, ijs.
    I absolutely agree with them revamping Nirvana and Casters Nirvana... but that is another topic, although worth stating here as we know "they" are reading this stuff b:shocked b:avoid
  • almaris
    almaris Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I liked DQ system.. Most of ppl like it) I mean the ability to get "free" stuff. And Im sure - 70% (even more) ppl will miss this system since PWI gonna make it ingame system. Would be nice to create new nps (shop) who ll exchange dq points for the stuff. And make dq poins smth similar to coins (who ever played forsaken world - do u remember those soul leaves).
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Supply tokens are an amazing idea! Takes so long to get so many to make the nw orns with nw only being twice a week.b:victory

    No, that's a terrible idea. What has been killing this game is when PW hands in a silver plate everything players need. It shouldn't be like that. Fortunately, I think PW finally learned the lesson...

    Things that should NOT be in in the dq points page is stuff that is obtained from instances.

    This means no to basic badges, and no to supply tokens.

  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    No supply tokens. NW is two nights a week and plenty of Europeans make the effort to wake up to attend (I even do so when I am staying abroad).

    If you're going to do that, why not add mirages and other items that can be converted to coin? Oh, because it's a bad idea.
  • Mufussa - Raging Tide
    Mufussa - Raging Tide Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The DQ system while it's gone for the moment it would have been nice if the lower lvl DQ's had their $$ value restored ! putting NW tokens into DQ rewards just means that the increase of people out farming in the good area's or botting them will increase and cause problems, running NW in 2 different time slots maybe an idea ? to get the people in different time Zones into NW, but the format needs to change, the current map change back to fewer zones is a pain in the butt to say the least.

    At least with the increased ( previous ) map lower level's and non R9R3+10+++ had a chance to get tokens, afk alts and duel clienter's make this unfair in any map format, so duel clienting maybe should be disallowed or looked at ? would fix a lot of the NW issues and so called Bot farmers running around servers.

    I would like to see the badges from WarSong and Lunar in the boutique agent so they can be made with tokens, or in the NW forges to be made with NW tokens,( as the Raps and Canny's are from Nivy ) and as people have mentioned the molds...MAKE THEM TRADEABLE as well as the Badges !! Farming them is as you say easy provided you get on the FWS/ Lunar squads again..think about the non CS'r that play and have to buy charms/pots etc or that are not in T1/2/3 or R9 someone that just hit 100 for the first time and is trying to get TT99/Lunar to go T3 isn't going to be the OP one's you all WC for to run FWS/ Lunar / FWS mobless , and yes i know not everyone wants OP's but it does happen. Again one's time limit on playing is also needed to be taken into concideration, job's & family life means alot of people don't play as much as the minority.

    If you want to revive the game and get new people to play..they are going to need to be able to farm their gears ( after dreamchaser ) and if they have to do it over 12 months + most wont stay, as they get bored,,don't forget not everyone that plays game on the internut ( yes i said inter nut ) can afford to spend money on playing, having a healthy balance of both will revive PWI.

    sorry went off track there for a bit, but when & if the DQ rewards system comes back and is revamped make it user friendly and achievable by all levels and put some decent gear in there.

  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    yes i meant basic badges ( i havent played in a while, which would also account me not knowing the current trends in being able to farm badges easily)

    i would think basic badges would be a better (and more fairly implemented) choice than supply tokens.

    if you take into account that some people have terrible luck rerolling stats (as well as people who dont/cant cash shop working on multiple sets of gear) , the merit of allowing for a slightly faster farming of badges. not everyone can do those IG runs you know.

    i only think it will effect people selling rerolls and mold making i think. otherwise i dont see this being that much abused, of course permitting that they are priced reasonably.

    on another note, i think somebody else mentioned it but it might work nicely if we had a shorter static list of redeemable items (including all the favorite things from our current system) and have special short-term offerings or special items on top of that.

    also, what about including those apoth that you dont make with herbs like the ones you get out the maiden chests (unless those maiden chests are going to make the cut)


    just allow us to redeem our pts for straight up coin equivalent to what the prices used to be before they got nerfed!!!!
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In addition to the rewards posted I'd like to suggest a new system entirely.

    My suggestion is that when you pick up a DQ item, it disappears and you are given the event silver straight away. The amount of event silver should be increased a tad to compensate the coins we miss out on; but this will also combat the botting problem as DQ items wont be able to be stockpiled. I can also see this leading to more 2x DQ events.

    What about quests needing DQ items such as bank quest? I suggest that if you have a quest requiring a DQ item they should not disappear and converted to event silver until the quest is complete.

    This allows the system to stay completely within game, not needing outside systems to calculate your points etc. With this the event boutique should be updated (Possibly with sales on event items every now and then?) b:victory

    I hope you like my idea b:dirty

    I like the idea of it being converted straight into event silver... I mean everything in Event is already 3x the Botique price. So silver event isn't such a bad idea I guess. Might have to be a special NPC for this.

    Kind of like opening chip packs; one walks up to a certain NPC, and exchanges 10 Geinseng Fruit, in return the player gets lets say, 2 event silver?

    Since there are different levels of DQ I suppose it would have to be balanced out in some fashion. b:bye

    And what about botting? People don't need a big reason to use bots.... They're Bots! What's to stop me from spamming bots to farm event fashion until I get it in the right color? Saving me the money from buying dyes from shops/botique
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • demonicdarshadow
    demonicdarshadow Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have a question too ... Yesterday at JoJ I bought some DQ points. It says that they will be displayed in within an hour. Even today they didn't appear. I spent quite a lot because I wanted a makeover scroll to change my chara's appearance. I didn't know how else to procure so ,,, yeah. So ... I wanna ask if I definitely lost my coins for nothing or somth will eventually change.

    I think if you gonna remove the DQ points system you should change that thing at JoJ too. Is quite expensive and not fair for people to spent their coins to find out that nothing will happen.

    Thank you
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have a question too ... Yesterday at JoJ I bought some DQ points. It says that they will be displayed in within an hour. Even today they didn't appear. I spent quite a lot because I wanted a makeover scroll to change my chara's appearance. I didn't know how else to procure so ,,, yeah. So ... I wanna ask if I definitely lost my coins for nothing or somth will eventually change...

    Please, open your DQ Rewards page, click on Items Vendored tab of the page and read:
    DQ Points from items will appear within 24-48 hours after being vendored.